Exemplo n.º 1
def _find_facts(fname, log_z_fname, fact_finders):
    Intended to be called in a separate process.

    - `fname`: the name of the source file whose logs should be
      plumbed for facts, relative to the project dir

    - `log_z_fname`: the full path to the file where the null byte
      delimited git logs for the file have been written

    - `fact_finders`: a list of strs and lists of strs, each
      describing a fact finding function to call (in the case of strs)
      or an external process to invoke (in the case of the lists of
      strs) on each entry in the log
    log.info("Findings facts for %s" % fname)

    facts = []
    finders = [_funcify_fact_finder(f) for f in fact_finders]

    with open(log_z_fname, 'rb') as fil:
        for log_entry in git_log.parse_raw_log_stream(fil):
            for finder in finders:
                facts.append(finder(fname, log_entry))

    return facts
Exemplo n.º 2
def _extract_logs(pool, fnames_to_excavate, project_dir, log_cache_dir,
    For each fname in `fnames_to_excavate` under `project_dir`,
    extract the git logs, writing them to a shadowed file hierarchy
    under `log_cache_dir`.

    The logs are extracted from git in parallel using the supplied

    Returns a list of tuples of (fname_relative_to_project_dir,
    path_to_log_file) where path_to_log_file is the path to a file
    containing a null-byte delimited series of git logs for the fname.

    rel_and_log_z_fnames = []
    log_async_results = []

    for fname in fnames_to_excavate:
        rel_name = util.rel_fname(project_dir, fname)
        log_z_fname = os.path.join(log_cache_dir, rel_name)
        rel_and_log_z_fnames.append((rel_name, log_z_fname))
        if _should_get_log(log_z_fname, use_cached_logs):
                pool.apply_async(_extract_log, (fname, project_dir)))

    for res in log_async_results:
        (rel_name, tmp_file) = res.get(REALLY_LONG_TIME)
        log_z_fname = os.path.join(log_cache_dir, rel_name)
        shutil.copyfile(tmp_file, log_z_fname)
        log.info("Wrote logs for %s" % rel_name)

    return rel_and_log_z_fnames
Exemplo n.º 3
def _find_facts(fname, log_z_fname, fact_finders):
    Intended to be called in a separate process.

    - `fname`: the name of the source file whose logs should be
      plumbed for facts, relative to the project dir

    - `log_z_fname`: the full path to the file where the null byte
      delimited git logs for the file have been written

    - `fact_finders`: a list of strs and lists of strs, each
      describing a fact finding function to call (in the case of strs)
      or an external process to invoke (in the case of the lists of
      strs) on each entry in the log
    log.info("Findings facts for %s" % fname)

    facts = []
    finders = [_funcify_fact_finder(f) for f in fact_finders]

    with open(log_z_fname, 'rb') as fil:
        for log_entry in git_log.parse_raw_log_stream(fil):
            for finder in finders:
                facts.append(finder(fname, log_entry))

    return facts
Exemplo n.º 4
def _extract_logs(pool, fnames_to_excavate, project_dir, log_cache_dir,
    For each fname in `fnames_to_excavate` under `project_dir`,
    extract the git logs, writing them to a shadowed file hierarchy
    under `log_cache_dir`.

    The logs are extracted from git in parallel using the supplied

    Returns a list of tuples of (fname_relative_to_project_dir,
    path_to_log_file) where path_to_log_file is the path to a file
    containing a null-byte delimited series of git logs for the fname.

    rel_and_log_z_fnames = []
    log_async_results = []

    for fname in fnames_to_excavate:
        rel_name = util.rel_fname(project_dir, fname)
        log_z_fname = os.path.join(log_cache_dir, rel_name)
        rel_and_log_z_fnames.append((rel_name, log_z_fname))
        if _should_get_log(log_z_fname, use_cached_logs):
                                                      (fname, project_dir)))

    for res in log_async_results:
        (rel_name, tmp_file) = res.get(REALLY_LONG_TIME)
        log_z_fname = os.path.join(log_cache_dir, rel_name)
        shutil.copyfile(tmp_file, log_z_fname)
        log.info("Wrote logs for %s" % rel_name)

    return rel_and_log_z_fnames
Exemplo n.º 5
def _interesting_fnames_in_proj(project_dir, interesting_fnames_res,
    Return a list of the interesting fnames in the project dir, using
    the logic of interesting.is_interesting_fname.
    interesting_fnames = []

    for fname in project.ls(project_dir):
        rel_fname = util.rel_fname(project_dir, fname)
        if is_interesting_fname(rel_fname, interesting_fnames_res,
            log.info("Skipping fname %s, not interesting" % fname)

    return interesting_fnames
Exemplo n.º 6
def _interesting_fnames_in_proj(project_dir, interesting_fnames_res,
    Return a list of the interesting fnames in the project dir, using
    the logic of interesting.is_interesting_fname.
    interesting_fnames = []

    for fname in project.ls(project_dir):
        rel_fname = util.rel_fname(project_dir, fname)
        if is_interesting_fname(rel_fname,
            log.info("Skipping fname %s, not interesting" % fname)

    return interesting_fnames
Exemplo n.º 7
def excavate(project_dir,
    Extract the git logs for all the interesting files in
    `project_dir`, running each file's logs through all the supplied
    `fact_finders` and passing the generated facts into the supplied

    If `summarizer` is None, the facts will be printed to standard

    - `project_dir`: the root directory of the project to excavate

    - `log_cache_dir`: the directory where the null terminated git logs
      will be written for later fact finding

    - `interesting_fnames_res`: the regular expressions that will be
      passed to is_interesting_fname to determine whether a given file
      in the project is interesting

    - `boring_fnames_res`: the regular expressions that will be passed
      to is_interesting_fname to determine whether a given file in the
      project is interesting

    - `fact_finders`: a list whose elements are either strs or lists
      of strs, each str representing a fully qualified function named
      (e.g. 'one.two.func'), which must be importable (i.e. somewhere
      in the python path), and each list of strs representing an
      external exe to invoke.

      For each log entry of each interesting file in the project dir,
      a function will be passed (fname, log_entry), where fname is the
      name of the file relative to project dir, and log_entry is a
      git_log.LogEntry named tuple.

      An external exe will receive the fname and fields of the
      log_entry on stdin, separated by null bytes.  The fields will
      appear in the same order they are declared in git_log.LogEntry.

      It is guaranteed that for a given fname, each log entry will be
      passed to the fact finders in chronological order, in the same

      The fact finders can return anything that can be serialized
      across python processes, but note that if you provide a
      `summarizer`, the summarizer must handle whatever a fact finder
      might return, and if you do not provide a summarizer, whatever
      the fact finders return must be sensibly printable to stdout.

    - `summarizer`: a callable that will be called repeatedly, once
      for each generated fact

    - `num_procs`: how many parallel processes to use when generating
      logs and facts.  Note that the logs are generated with calls to
      'git', and are relatively CPU and disk intensive.  Generally you
      can up this number until you're maxing out your disk, past which
      you won't see performance improvements.

    Returns `summarizer`.
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_procs)

    project_dir = util.real_abs_path(project_dir)

    fnames_to_excavate = _interesting_fnames_in_proj(project_dir,
    log.info("Found %d interesting fnames", len(fnames_to_excavate))
    log.debug("Interesting fnames: %s", fnames_to_excavate)

    rel_and_log_z_fnames = _extract_logs(pool, fnames_to_excavate, project_dir,
                                         log_cache_dir, use_cached_logs)

    facts_async_results = []
    for (rel_name, log_z_fname) in rel_and_log_z_fnames:
                             (rel_name, log_z_fname, fact_finders)))

    for res in facts_async_results:
        facts = res.get(REALLY_LONG_TIME)
        for fact in facts:


    return summarizer
Exemplo n.º 8
def excavate(project_dir, log_cache_dir,
             fact_finders, summarizer, num_procs=1,
    Extract the git logs for all the interesting files in
    `project_dir`, running each file's logs through all the supplied
    `fact_finders` and passing the generated facts into the supplied

    If `summarizer` is None, the facts will be printed to standard

    - `project_dir`: the root directory of the project to excavate

    - `log_cache_dir`: the directory where the null terminated git logs
      will be written for later fact finding

    - `interesting_fnames_res`: the regular expressions that will be
      passed to is_interesting_fname to determine whether a given file
      in the project is interesting

    - `boring_fnames_res`: the regular expressions that will be passed
      to is_interesting_fname to determine whether a given file in the
      project is interesting

    - `fact_finders`: a list whose elements are either strs or lists
      of strs, each str representing a fully qualified function named
      (e.g. 'one.two.func'), which must be importable (i.e. somewhere
      in the python path), and each list of strs representing an
      external exe to invoke.

      For each log entry of each interesting file in the project dir,
      a function will be passed (fname, log_entry), where fname is the
      name of the file relative to project dir, and log_entry is a
      git_log.LogEntry named tuple.

      An external exe will receive the fname and fields of the
      log_entry on stdin, separated by null bytes.  The fields will
      appear in the same order they are declared in git_log.LogEntry.

      It is guaranteed that for a given fname, each log entry will be
      passed to the fact finders in chronological order, in the same

      The fact finders can return anything that can be serialized
      across python processes, but note that if you provide a
      `summarizer`, the summarizer must handle whatever a fact finder
      might return, and if you do not provide a summarizer, whatever
      the fact finders return must be sensibly printable to stdout.

    - `summarizer`: a callable that will be called repeatedly, once
      for each generated fact

    - `num_procs`: how many parallel processes to use when generating
      logs and facts.  Note that the logs are generated with calls to
      'git', and are relatively CPU and disk intensive.  Generally you
      can up this number until you're maxing out your disk, past which
      you won't see performance improvements.

    Returns `summarizer`.
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_procs)

    project_dir = util.real_abs_path(project_dir)

    fnames_to_excavate = _interesting_fnames_in_proj(project_dir,
    log.info("Found %d interesting fnames", len(fnames_to_excavate))
    log.debug("Interesting fnames: %s", fnames_to_excavate)

    rel_and_log_z_fnames = _extract_logs(pool,

    facts_async_results = []
    for (rel_name, log_z_fname) in rel_and_log_z_fnames:

    for res in facts_async_results:
        facts = res.get(REALLY_LONG_TIME)
        for fact in facts:


    return summarizer