def manage(self): survey_manage.need() manage_css.need() post = self.request.POST if 'cancel' in self.request.POST: self.flash_messages.add(_("Canceled")) url = self.request.resource_url(self.context) return HTTPFound(location = url) if 'save' in post: self.process_question_ids() self.flash_messages.add(_("Saved")) url = self.request.resource_url(self.context, 'manage') return HTTPFound(location = url) response = {} picked_questions = set() survey_sections = [] for section in self.context.values(): if not ISurveySection.providedBy(section): continue picked_questions.update(section.question_ids) survey_sections.append(section) response['survey_sections'] = survey_sections if not survey_sections: msg = _(u"no_sections_added_notice", default = u"You need to add a Survey section " "and then use this view to manage the questions.") self.flash_messages.add(msg, auto_destruct = False) #Load all question objects that haven't been picked response['available_questions'] = self.get_questions(exclude = picked_questions) return response
def __call__(self, form, value): root = find_root(self.context) parent = find_resource(root, value['new_parent']) slug = generate_slug(parent, value['new_name']) if slug != value['new_name']: exc = colander.Invalid(form, _("Check name")) exc['new_name'] = _("bad_name_error", default = "Name isn't valid. This would work: '${name}'", mapping = {'name': slug}) raise exc
def new_parent_widget(node, kw): choices = [('', _("<Pick>"))] root = find_root(kw['context']) request = kw['request'] if request.has_permission(ADD_SURVEY, root): choices.append(('/', _("Root"))) view = kw['view'] for obj in view.catalog_query("type_name == 'Organisation'", resolve = True): if request.has_permission(ADD_SURVEY, obj): choices.append((resource_path(obj), obj.title)) return deform.widget.SelectWidget(values = choices)
def __call__(self): output = StringIO() lang_name = self.request.locale_name writer = csv.writer(output, delimiter=';', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, dialect = csv.excel) writer.writerow([self.context.title.encode('utf-8')]) writer.writerow([_('Export using language:'), lang_name]) langs = self.context.languages lrow = [_("Survey languages").encode('utf-8')] for lang in langs: lrow.append(lang) writer.writerow(lrow) writer.writerow([]) for section in self.get_sections(): writer.writerow([]) writer.writerow([_('Section:'), section.title.encode('utf-8')]) writer.writerow([_('Responses:'), len(section.responses)]) writer.writerow([]) for (choices, questions) in self.get_choice_sorted_questions(section).items(): write_header = True for question in questions: question_widget = self.request.get_question_widget(question) choice_objects = self.get_choices(question) if write_header: row = [''] for choice in choice_objects: row.append(choice.title.encode('utf-8')) writer.writerow(row) write_header = False response = question_widget.responses(section, question) if isinstance(response, dict): results = dict([(x, 0) for x in choices]) results.update(response) out = [question.title.encode('utf-8')] for choice in choice_objects: out.append(results.get(choice.cluster)) writer.writerow(out) else: writer.writerow([]) writer.writerow([question.title.encode('utf-8')]) for x in response: if x: if isinstance(x, unicode): writer.writerow([x.encode('utf-8')]) else: writer.writerow([x]) contents = output.getvalue() output.close() return Response(content_type = 'text/csv', body = contents)
def choice_language_guard(context, event): parent_lang = getattr(context.__parent__, 'language', None) if parent_lang and parent_lang != context.language: raise HTTPForbidden(_("It's not possible to add choices with language " "'${choice_lang}' to a parent with the language '${parent_lang}'.", mapping = {'choice_lang': context.language, 'parent_lang': parent_lang}))
def deferred_translations_node(nodes, kw): """ Use translate and translate_missing properties on a schema to generate translation subnodes. """ _marker = object() request = kw['request'] languages = request.registry.settings.get('m2m.languages', 'en').split() default_lang = request.registry.settings.get('pyramid.default_locale_name', 'en') if default_lang in languages: languages.remove(default_lang) if not languages: return #find translatables translatables = [] for node in nodes: if getattr(node, 'translate', False): translatables.append( if not translatables: return schema = colander.Schema() schema.title = _("Translations") for lang in languages: schema[lang] = colander.Schema() schema[lang].title = lang for trans in translatables: clone = nodes[trans].clone() missing = getattr(nodes[trans], 'translate_missing', _marker) if missing is not _marker: clone.missing = missing schema[lang].add(clone) nodes['translations'] = schema
def get_schema(self): locale_name = self.request.locale_name title = self.context.translate('title', locale_name) description = self.context.translate('body', locale_name) schema = colander.Schema(title = title, description = description) for qid in self.context.question_ids: docids = self.catalog_search(cluster = qid, language = self.request.locale_name) if docids: question = None for question in self.resolve_docids(docids, perm = None): #Only one or none pass question_type = self.resolve_uid(question.question_type, perm = None) question_widget = self.request.registry.queryAdapter(question_type, IQuestionWidget, name = getattr(question_type, 'input_widget', '')) if question_widget: title = question.title if self.organisation: title = self.organisation.variants.get(question.uid, title) schema.add(question_widget.node(question.cluster, lang = self.request.locale_name, question = question, title = title)) else: schema.add(colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), widget = deform.widget.TextInputWidget(readonly = True), title = _("<Missing question>"),)) return schema
def get_schema(self): schema = colander.Schema(title = _("Preview")) if self.question_widget: schema.add(self.question_widget.node(self.context.__name__, lang = self.context.language, question = self.context, title = self.context.title)) return schema
def send_success(self, appstruct): """ Performed when send button is clicked, and schema validates correctly. """ #FIXME: It might be smarter to create a schema type that splits rows into a list emails = set() for email in appstruct['emails'].splitlines(): emails.add(email.strip()) appstruct['emails'] = emails self.send_invitations(**appstruct) self.flash_messages.add(_("Invitations sent")) return HTTPFound(location = self.request.resource_url(self.context))
def multiple_email_validator(node, value): """ Checks that each line of value is a correct email """ validator = colander.Email() invalid = [] for email in value.splitlines(): email = email.strip() if not email: continue try: validator(node, email) except colander.Invalid: invalid.append(email) if invalid: emails = ", ".join(invalid) raise colander.Invalid(node, _(u"The following addresses is invalid: ${emails}", mapping={'emails': emails}))
from arche.models.workflow import Workflow from arche.models.workflow import Transition from arche import security from arche_m2m import _ from arche_m2m import permissions _closed_to_open = \ Transition(from_state = 'closed', to_state = 'open', permission = security.PERM_EDIT, title = _("Open"), message = _("Survey opened for participants")) _open_to_closed = \ Transition(from_state = 'open', to_state = 'closed', permission = security.PERM_EDIT, title = _("Closed"), message = _("Now closed for new participants")) class SurveyWorkflow(Workflow): """ To manage states for surveys""" name = 'survey_workflow' title = _("Survey workflow") states = {'open': _("Open"), 'closed': _("Closed")} transitions = { _closed_to_open, _open_to_closed}
def get_schema(self): schema = colander.Schema(title = _("Preview")) if self.question_widget: schema.add(self.question_widget.node(self.context.__name__)) return schema
def check_success(self, appstruct): self.flash_messages.add(_('Success, captured: ${appstruct}', mapping = {'appstruct': appstruct})) return HTTPFound(location = self.request.resource_url(self.context))