Exemplo n.º 1
def site_exposure(raw_aspect, raw_slope, exposure_output):
    Description: calculates 32-bit float site exposure
    Inputs: 'raw_aspect' -- an input raw aspect raster
            'raw_slope' -- an input raster digital elevation model
            'exposure_output' -- an output exposure raster
    Returned Value: Returns a raster dataset on disk
    Preconditions: requires an input aspect and slope raster

    # Import packages
    import arcpy
    from arcpy.sa import Cos
    from arcpy.sa import Divide
    from arcpy.sa import Minus
    from arcpy.sa import Raster
    from arcpy.sa import Times

    # Set overwrite option
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    # Calculate cosine of modified aspect
    print('\t\tCalculating cosine of modified aspect...')
    cosine = Cos(Divide(Times(3.142, Minus(Raster(raw_aspect), 180)), 180))

    # Calculate site exposure index and save output
    print('\t\tCalculating site exposure index...')
    out_raster = Times(Raster(raw_slope), cosine)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(bpi_raster=None, out_raster=None):
    arcpy.env.compression = "LZW"
        # Get raster properties
        message = ("Calculating properties of the Bathymetric "
                   "Position Index (BPI) raster...")
        utils.msg("  input raster: {}\n   output: {}".format(
            bpi_raster, out_raster))
        # convert to a path
        desc = arcpy.Describe(bpi_raster)
        bpi_raster_path = desc.catalogPath

        bpi_mean = utils.raster_properties(bpi_raster_path, "MEAN")
        utils.msg("BPI raster mean: {}.".format(bpi_mean))
        bpi_std_dev = utils.raster_properties(bpi_raster_path, "STD")
        utils.msg("BPI raster standard deviation: {}.".format(bpi_std_dev))

        # Create the standardized Bathymetric Position Index (BPI) raster
        std_msg = "Standardizing the Bathymetric Position Index (BPI) raster..."
        arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS"
        outRaster = Int(Plus(Times(Divide(
            Minus(bpi_raster_path, bpi_mean), bpi_std_dev), 100), 0.5))
        out_raster = utils.validate_path(out_raster)
        arcpy.CopyRaster_management(outRaster, out_raster)

    except Exception as e:
        utils.msg(e, mtype='error')
def compound_topographic(elevation_input, flow_accumulation, raw_slope,
    Description: calculates 32-bit float compound topographic index
    Inputs: 'elevation_input' -- an input raster digital elevation model
            'flow_accumulation' -- an input flow accumulation raster with the same spatial reference as the elevation raster
            'raw_slope' -- an input raw slope raster in degrees with the same spatial reference as the elevation raster
            'cti_output' -- an output compound topographic index raster
    Returned Value: Returns a raster dataset on disk
    Preconditions: requires input elevation, flow accumulation, and raw slope raster

    # Import packages
    import arcpy
    from arcpy.sa import Con
    from arcpy.sa import Divide
    from arcpy.sa import Ln
    from arcpy.sa import Plus
    from arcpy.sa import Raster
    from arcpy.sa import Times
    from arcpy.sa import Tan

    # Set overwrite option
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    # Get spatial properties for the input elevation raster
    description = arcpy.Describe(elevation_input)
    cell_size = description.meanCellHeight

    # Convert degree slope to radian slope
    print('\t\tConverting degree slope to radians...')
    slope_radian = Divide(Times(Raster(raw_slope), 1.570796), 90)

    # Calculate slope tangent
    print('\t\tCalculating slope tangent...')
    slope_tangent = Con(slope_radian > 0, Tan(slope_radian), 0.001)

    # Correct flow accumulation
    print('\t\tModifying flow accumulation...')
    accumulation_corrected = Times(Plus(Raster(flow_accumulation), 1),

    # Calculate compound topographic index as natural log of corrected flow accumulation divided by slope tangent
    print('\t\tCalculating compound topographic index...')
    out_raster = Ln(Divide(accumulation_corrected, slope_tangent))
Exemplo n.º 4
def calculate_LST(source_dir):
    dir_name = os.path.dirname(source_dir)
    basename = os.path.basename(source_dir)
    print(dir_name, basename)
    workspace = create_dir(basename + ".gdb")
    print workspace
    env.workspace = workspace
    env.overwriteOutput = True
    Band4 = "{}/{}_B4.tif".format(source_dir, basename)
    Band5 = "{}/{}_B5.tif".format(source_dir, basename)
    Band10 = "{}/{}_B10.tif".format(source_dir, basename)

    Band4_R = Raster(Band4)
    Band5_R = Raster(Band5)
    Band5_R.save("{}/{}_bands".format(workspace, basename))

    Band4 = Float(Band4_R)
    Band5 = Float(Band5_R)
    Band10 = Float(Raster(Band10))

    NDVI = Divide((Band5 - Band4), (Band5 + Band4))
    NDVI_path = "{}/{}_ndvi".format(workspace, basename)
    print NDVI_path

    NDVI_max = GetRasterProperties_management(
        NDVI_path, property_type="MAXIMUM").getOutput(0)
    NDVI_min = GetRasterProperties_management(
        NDVI_path, property_type="MINIMUM").getOutput(0)
    a = Minus(NDVI, -1)
    b = float(NDVI_max) - float(NDVI_min)
    c = Divide(a, b)
    PV = Square(c)
    E = 0.004 * PV + 0.986
    E.save("{}/{}_E".format(workspace, basename))

    TOA = 0.0003342 * Band10 + 0.1
    BT = 1321.08 / Ln((774.89 / TOA) + 1) - 273.15
    d = 1 + (0.00115 * BT / 1.4388) + Ln(E)
    LST = Divide(BT, d)
    print LST, type(LST)
    LST_Path = "{}/{}_LST".format(workspace, basename)
Exemplo n.º 5
def mp_land_temperature(file):
    path_thermal = file + "\\" + file[-40:] + "_B10.tif"
    location = file[-30:-24]
    date = file[-24:-15]
    name = date + "_" + location

    arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = os.path.join(
        name)  # r'C:\Users\yourname\PSU_LiDAR\f'+raster.replace(".img","")

    if not os.path.exists(arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace):

        path_thermal = file + "\\" + file[-40:] + "_B10.tif"

    thermal_band = Raster(path_thermal)
    print thermal_band
    print "band condirmed"

    Rfloat = Float(thermal_band)
    top_temperature = Rfloat * RADIANCE_MULT_BAND + RADIANCE_ADD - Oi
    temp_tif = "temp{}.tif".format(name)

    top_temperature = Raster(temp_tif)
    top_temperature = Float(top_temperature)

    divide1 = Divide(K1_CONSTANT_BAND_10, (top_temperature + 1))
    ln1 = Ln(divide1)
    surface_temp = Divide(K2_CONSTANT_BAND_10, ln1) - 273.15

    location = file[-30:-24]
    date = file[-24:-15]
    name = date + "_" + location
    print name
    path = "surface_temp" + name + ".tif"
    print path
Exemplo n.º 6
def Calculate(self, parameters, messages):
        messages.addMessage("Starting categorical membership calculation")
        cat_evidence = parameters[0].valueAsText
        reclassification = parameters[1].valueAsText
        rescale_constant = parameters[2].value
        fmcat = parameters[3].valueAsText
        if fmcat == '#' or not fmcat:
            fmcat = "%Workspace%/FMCat"  # provide a default value if unspecified
        reclass_cat_evidence = ReclassByTable(cat_evidence, reclassification,
                                              "VALUE", "VALUE", "FMx100",
        float_reclass_cat_evidence = Float(reclass_cat_evidence)
        result_raster = Divide(float_reclass_cat_evidence, rescale_constant)
        rasterLayerName = os.path.split(fmcat)[1]
        addToDisplay(result_raster, rasterLayerName, "BOTTOM")
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        errors = traceback.format_exc()
Exemplo n.º 7
def Calculate(self, parameters, messages):
        messages.addMessage("Starting categorical reclass calculation")
        cat_evidence = parameters[0].valueAsText
        reclass_field = parameters[1].valueAsText
        reclassification = parameters[2].value
        fm_categorical = parameters[3].valueAsText
        divisor = parameters[4].value
        reclassified = Reclassify(cat_evidence, reclass_field,
                                  reclassification, "DATA")
        float_reclassified = Float(reclassified)
        result_raster = Divide(float_reclassified, divisor)
        arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(result_raster, fm_categorical)
        arcpy.SetParameterAsText(3, fm_categorical)
        rasterLayerName = os.path.split(fm_categorical)[1]
        addToDisplay(result_raster, rasterLayerName, "BOTTOM")
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        errors = traceback.format_exc()
Exemplo n.º 8
def Calculate(self, parameters, messages):
        messages.addMessage("Starting toc fuzzification calculation");
        input_raster     = parameters[0].valueAsText
        reclass_field = parameters[1].valueAsText
        remap = parameters[2].valueAsText
        classes = parameters[3].value        
        fmtoc = parameters[4].valueAsText
        if fmtoc == '#' or not fmtoc:
            fmtoc = "%Workspace%/FMTOC" # provide a default value if unspecified
        rasterLayerName = os.path.split(fmtoc)[1]
        min_class_number = 1
        reclassified = Reclassify(input_raster, reclass_field, remap, "DATA")
        float_reclass = Float(reclassified)
        minus_float1 = Minus(float_reclass, min_class_number) 
        denominator = Minus(classes, min_class_number)
        fmtoc = Divide(minus_float1, denominator)
        addToDisplay(fmtoc, rasterLayerName, "BOTTOM")
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        errors = traceback.format_exc()
Exemplo n.º 9
def Calculate(self, parameters, messages):
        messages.addMessage("Starting categorical membership calculation")
        cat_evidence = parameters[0].valueAsText
        reclassification = parameters[1].valueAsText
        rescale_constant = parameters[2].value
        fmcat = parameters[3].valueAsText
        if fmcat == '#' or not fmcat:
            fmcat = "%Workspace%/FMCat" # provide a default value if unspecified
        #Next row doesn't work with Reclassification table from Categorical & Reclass / Arto Laiho, Geological survey of Finland
        #reclass_cat_evidence = ReclassByTable(cat_evidence, reclassification, "VALUE", "VALUE", "FMx100", "NODATA")
        product = arcpy.GetInstallInfo()['ProductName']
        if "Desktop" in product:
            reclass_cat_evidence = ReclassByTable(cat_evidence, reclassification, "FROM", "TO", "OUT", "NODATA") #AL 290420
            reclass_cat_evidence = ReclassByTable(cat_evidence, reclassification, "FROM_", "TO", "OUT", "NODATA") #AL 290420
        float_reclass_cat_evidence = Float(reclass_cat_evidence)
        result_raster = Divide(float_reclass_cat_evidence, rescale_constant)
        rasterLayerName = os.path.split(fmcat)[1]
        addToDisplay(result_raster, rasterLayerName, "BOTTOM")
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        errors = traceback.format_exc()
Exemplo n.º 10
def main(in_raster=None, out_raster=None, acr_correction=True, area_raster=None):
    A calculation of rugosity, based on the difference between surface
    area and planar area, as described in Jenness, J. 2002. Surface Areas
    and Ratios from Elevation Grid (surfgrids.avx) extension for ArcView 3.x,
    v. 1.2. Jenness Enterprises.

    NOTE: the VRM method implemented in ruggeddness is generally considered
          superior to this method.

    # sanitize acr input
    if isinstance(acr_correction, unicode) and acr_correction.lower() == 'false':
        acr_correction = False

    out_workspace = os.path.dirname(out_raster)
    # make sure workspace exists

    utils.msg("Set scratch workspace to {}...".format(out_workspace))

    # force temporary stats to be computed in our output workspace
    arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = out_workspace
    arcpy.env.workspace = out_workspace
    pyramid_orig = arcpy.env.pyramid
    arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE"
    # TODO: currently set to automatically overwrite, expose this as option
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    bathy = Raster(in_raster)
    # get the cell size of the input raster; use same calculation as was
    # performed in BTM v1: (mean_x + mean_y) / 2
    cell_size = (bathy.meanCellWidth + bathy.meanCellHeight) / 2.0
    corner_dist = math.sqrt(2 * cell_size ** 2)
    flat_area = cell_size ** 2
    utils.msg("Cell size: {}\nFlat area: {}".format(cell_size, flat_area))

        # Create a set of shifted grids, with offets n from the origin X:

        #        8 | 7 | 6
        #        --|---|---
        #        5 | X | 4
        #        --|---|---
        #        3 | 2 | 1

        positions = [(1, -1), (0, -1), (-1, -1),
                     (1,  0),          (-1,  0),
                     (1,  1), (0,  1), (-1,  1)]

        corners = (1, 3, 6, 8)      # dist * sqrt(2), as set in corner_dist
        orthogonals = (2, 4, 5, 7)  # von Neumann neighbors, straight dist
        shift_rasts = [None]        # offset to align numbers
        temp_rasts = []

        for (n, pos) in enumerate(positions, start=1):
            utils.msg("Creating Shift Grid {} of 8...".format(n))
            # scale shift grid by cell size
            (x_shift, y_shift) = map(lambda(n): n * cell_size, pos)

            # set explicit path on shift rasters, otherwise suffer
            # inexplicable 999999 errors.
            shift_out = os.path.join(out_workspace, "shift_{}.tif".format(n))
            shift_out = utils.validate_path(shift_out)
            arcpy.Shift_management(bathy, shift_out, x_shift, y_shift)

        edge_rasts = [None]
        # calculate triangle length grids

        # edges 1-8: pairs of bathy:shift[n]
        for (n, shift) in enumerate(shift_rasts[1:], start=1):
            utils.msg("Calculating Triangle Edge {} of 16...".format(n))
            # adjust for corners being sqrt(2) from center
            if n in corners:
                dist = corner_dist
                dist = cell_size
            edge_out = os.path.join(out_workspace, "edge_{}.tif".format(n))
            edge_out = utils.validate_path(edge_out)
            edge = compute_edge(bathy, shift, dist)

        # edges 9-16: pairs of adjacent shift grids [see layout above]
        # in BTM_v1, these are labeled A-H
        adjacent_shift = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 4), (3, 5),
                          (6, 4), (5, 8), (6, 7), (7, 8)]
        for (n, pair) in enumerate(adjacent_shift, start=9):
            utils.msg("Calculating Triangle Edge {} of 16...".format(n))
            # the two shift rasters for this iteration
            (i, j) = pair
            edge_out = os.path.join(out_workspace, "edge_{}.tif".format(n))
            edge_out = utils.validate_path(edge_out)
            edge = compute_edge(shift_rasts[i], shift_rasts[j], cell_size)

        # areas of each triangle
        areas = []
        for (n, pair) in enumerate(adjacent_shift, start=1):
            utils.msg("Calculating Triangle Area {} of 8...".format(n))
            # the two shift rasters; n has the third side
            (i, j) = pair
            area_out = os.path.join(out_workspace, "area_{}.tif".format(n))
            area_out = utils.validate_path(area_out)

            area = triangle_area(edge_rasts[i], edge_rasts[j], edge_rasts[n+8])

        utils.msg("Summing Triangle Area...")
        arcpy.env.pyramid = pyramid_orig
        arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS"
        total_area = (areas[0] + areas[1] + areas[2] + areas[3] +
                      areas[4] + areas[5] + areas[6] + areas[7])
        if area_raster:
            save_msg = "Saving Surface Area Raster to " + \

        if not acr_correction:
            utils.msg("Calculating ratio with uncorrected planar area.")
            area_ratio = total_area / cell_size**2
            utils.msg("Calculating ratio with slope-corrected planar area.")
            slope_raster = arcpy.sa.Slope(in_raster, "DEGREE", "1")
            planar_area = Divide(float(cell_size**2),
                                 Cos(Times(slope_raster, 0.01745)))
            area_ratio = Divide(total_area, planar_area)

        out_raster = utils.validate_path(out_raster)
        save_msg = "Saving Surface Area to Planar Area ratio to " + \

    except Exception as e:
        utils.msg(e, mtype='error')

        # Delete all intermediate raster data sets
        utils.msg("Deleting intermediate data...")
        for path in temp_rasts:

    except Exception as e:
        utils.msg(e, mtype='error')
Exemplo n.º 11
def main(in_raster=None, out_raster=None, acr_correction=True, area_raster=None):
    A calculation of rugosity, based on the difference between surface
    area and planar area, as described in Jenness, J. 2002. Surface Areas
    and Ratios from Elevation Grid (surfgrids.avx) extension for ArcView 3.x,
    v. 1.2. Jenness Enterprises.

    NOTE: the VRM method implemented in ruggeddness is generally considered
          superior to this method.

    # sanitize acr input
    if isinstance(acr_correction, str) and acr_correction.lower() == 'false':
        acr_correction = False

    w = utils.Workspace()
    if w.exists:
        out_workspace = w.path
        out_workspace = os.path.dirname(out_raster)
    # make sure workspace exists

    utils.msg("Set scratch workspace to {}...".format(out_workspace))

    # force temporary stats to be computed in our output workspace
    arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = out_workspace
    arcpy.env.workspace = out_workspace
    pyramid_orig = arcpy.env.pyramid
    arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE"
    # TODO: currently set to automatically overwrite, expose this as option
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    bathy = Raster(in_raster)
    # get the cell size of the input raster; use same calculation as was
    # performed in BTM v1: (mean_x + mean_y) / 2
    cell_size = (bathy.meanCellWidth + bathy.meanCellHeight) / 2.0
    corner_dist = math.sqrt(2 * cell_size ** 2)
    flat_area = cell_size ** 2
    utils.msg("Cell size: {}\nFlat area: {}".format(cell_size, flat_area))

        # Create a set of shifted grids, with offets n from the origin X:

        #        8 | 7 | 6
        #        --|---|---
        #        5 | X | 4
        #        --|---|---
        #        3 | 2 | 1

        positions = [(1, -1), (0, -1), (-1, -1),
                     (1,  0),          (-1,  0),
                     (1,  1), (0,  1), (-1,  1)]

        corners = (1, 3, 6, 8)      # dist * sqrt(2), as set in corner_dist
        orthogonals = (2, 4, 5, 7)  # von Neumann neighbors, straight dist
        shift_rasts = [None]        # offset to align numbers
        temp_rasts = []

        for (n, pos) in enumerate(positions, start=1):
            utils.msg("Creating Shift Grid {} of 8...".format(n))
            # scale shift grid by cell size
            (x_shift, y_shift) = map(lambda n: n * cell_size, pos)

            # set explicit path on shift rasters, otherwise suffer
            # inexplicable 999999 errors.
            shift_out = os.path.join(out_workspace, "shift_{}.tif".format(n))
            shift_out = utils.validate_path(shift_out)
            arcpy.Shift_management(bathy, shift_out, x_shift, y_shift)

        edge_rasts = [None]
        # calculate triangle length grids

        # edges 1-8: pairs of bathy:shift[n]
        for (n, shift) in enumerate(shift_rasts[1:], start=1):
            utils.msg("Calculating Triangle Edge {} of 16...".format(n))
            # adjust for corners being sqrt(2) from center
            if n in corners:
                dist = corner_dist
                dist = cell_size
            edge_out = os.path.join(out_workspace, "edge_{}.tif".format(n))
            edge_out = utils.validate_path(edge_out)
            edge = compute_edge(bathy, shift, dist)

        # edges 9-16: pairs of adjacent shift grids [see layout above]
        # in BTM_v1, these are labeled A-H
        adjacent_shift = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 4), (3, 5),
                          (6, 4), (5, 8), (6, 7), (7, 8)]
        for (n, pair) in enumerate(adjacent_shift, start=9):
            utils.msg("Calculating Triangle Edge {} of 16...".format(n))
            # the two shift rasters for this iteration
            (i, j) = pair
            edge_out = os.path.join(out_workspace, "edge_{}.tif".format(n))
            edge_out = utils.validate_path(edge_out)
            edge = compute_edge(shift_rasts[i], shift_rasts[j], cell_size)

        # areas of each triangle
        areas = []
        for (n, pair) in enumerate(adjacent_shift, start=1):
            utils.msg("Calculating Triangle Area {} of 8...".format(n))
            # the two shift rasters; n has the third side
            (i, j) = pair
            area_out = os.path.join(out_workspace, "area_{}.tif".format(n))
            area_out = utils.validate_path(area_out)

            area = triangle_area(edge_rasts[i], edge_rasts[j], edge_rasts[n+8])

        utils.msg("Summing Triangle Area...")
        arcpy.env.pyramid = pyramid_orig
        arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS"
        arcpy.env.compression = "LZW"
        total_area = (areas[0] + areas[1] + areas[2] + areas[3] +
                      areas[4] + areas[5] + areas[6] + areas[7])
        if area_raster:
            save_msg = "Saving Surface Area Raster to " + \
            arcpy.CopyRaster_management(total_area, area_raster)

        if not acr_correction:
            utils.msg("Calculating ratio with uncorrected planar area.")
            area_ratio = total_area / cell_size**2
            utils.msg("Calculating ratio with slope-corrected planar area.")
            slope_raster = arcpy.sa.Slope(in_raster, "DEGREE", "1")
            planar_area = Divide(float(cell_size**2),
                                 Cos(Times(slope_raster, 0.01745)))
            area_ratio = Divide(total_area, planar_area)

        out_raster = utils.validate_path(out_raster)
        save_msg = "Saving Surface Area to Planar Area ratio to " + \
        arcpy.CopyRaster_management(area_ratio, out_raster)

    except Exception as e:
        utils.msg(e, mtype='error')

        # Delete all intermediate raster data sets
        utils.msg("Deleting intermediate data...")
        for path in temp_rasts:

    except Exception as e:
        utils.msg(e, mtype='error')