Exemplo n.º 1
def evaluateTableIndex(modelXbrl):
    disclosureSystem = modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem
    if disclosureSystem.EFM:
        COVER    = "1Cover"
        STMTS    = "2Financial Statements"
        NOTES    = "3Notes to Financial Statements"
        POLICIES = "4Accounting Policies"
        TABLES   = "5Notes Tables"
        DETAILS  = "6Notes Details"
        UNCATEG  = "7Uncategorized"
        roleDefinitionPattern = re.compile(r"([0-9]+) - (Statement|Disclosure|Schedule|Document) - (.+)")
        # build EFM rendering-compatible index
        definitionElrs = dict((roleType.definition, roleType)
                              for roleURI in modelXbrl.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.parentChild).linkRoleUris
                              for roleType in modelXbrl.roleTypes.get(roleURI,()))
        isRR = any(ns.startswith("http://xbrl.sec.gov/rr/") for ns in modelXbrl.namespaceDocs.keys())
        tableGroup = None
        firstTableLinkroleURI = None
        firstDocumentLinkroleURI = None
        sortedRoleTypes = sorted(definitionElrs.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])
        for roleDefinition, roleType in sortedRoleTypes:
            roleType._tableChildren = []
            match = roleDefinitionPattern.match(roleDefinition) if roleDefinition else None
            if not match: 
                roleType._tableIndex = (UNCATEG, "", roleType.roleURI)
            seq, tblType, tblName = match.groups()
            if isRR:
                tableGroup = COVER
            elif not tableGroup:
                tableGroup = ("Paren" in tblName and COVER or tblType == "Statement" and STMTS or
                              "(Polic" in tblName and NOTES or "(Table" in tblName and TABLES or
                              "(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS or COVER)
            elif tableGroup == COVER:
                tableGroup = (tblType == "Statement" and STMTS or "Paren" in tblName and COVER or
                              "(Polic" in tblName and NOTES or "(Table" in tblName and TABLES or
                              "(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS or NOTES)
            elif tableGroup == STMTS:
                tableGroup = ((tblType == "Statement" or "Paren" in tblName) and STMTS or
                              "(Polic" in tblName and NOTES or "(Table" in tblName and TABLES or
                              "(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS or NOTES)
            elif tableGroup == NOTES:
                tableGroup = ("(Polic" in tblName and POLICIES or "(Table" in tblName and TABLES or 
                              "(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS or tblType == "Disclosure" and NOTES or UNCATEG)
            elif tableGroup == POLICIES:
                tableGroup = ("(Table" in tblName and TABLES or "(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS or 
                              ("Paren" in tblName or "(Polic" in tblName) and POLICIES or UNCATEG)
            elif tableGroup == TABLES:
                tableGroup = ("(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS or 
                              ("Paren" in tblName or "(Table" in tblName) and TABLES or UNCATEG)
            elif tableGroup == DETAILS:
                tableGroup = (("Paren" in tblName or "(Detail" in tblName) and DETAILS or UNCATEG)
                tableGroup = UNCATEG
            if firstTableLinkroleURI is None and tableGroup == COVER:
                firstTableLinkroleURI = roleType.roleURI
            if tblType == "Document" and not firstDocumentLinkroleURI:
                firstDocumentLinkroleURI = roleType.roleURI
            roleType._tableIndex = (tableGroup, seq, tblName)

        # flow allocate facts to roles (SEC presentation groups)
        if not modelXbrl.qnameDimensionDefaults: # may not have run validatino yet
            from arelle import ValidateXbrlDimensions
        reportedFacts = set() # facts which were shown in a higher-numbered ELR table
        factsByQname = modelXbrl.factsByQname
        reportingPeriods = set()
        nextEnd = None
        deiFact = {}
        for conceptName in ("DocumentPeriodEndDate", "DocumentType", "CurrentFiscalPeriodEndDate"):
            for concept in modelXbrl.nameConcepts[conceptName]:
                for fact in factsByQname[concept.qname]:
                    deiFact[conceptName] = fact
                    if fact.context is not None:
                        reportingPeriods.add((None, fact.context.endDatetime)) # for instant
                        reportingPeriods.add((fact.context.startDatetime, fact.context.endDatetime)) # for startEnd
                        nextEnd = fact.context.startDatetime
                        duration = (fact.context.endDatetime - fact.context.startDatetime).days + 1
        if "DocumentType" in deiFact:
            fact = deiFact["DocumentType"]
            if "-Q" in fact.xValue:
                # need quarterly and yr to date durations
                endDatetime = fact.context.endDatetime
                # if within 2 days of end of month use last day of month
                endDatetimeMonth = endDatetime.month
                if (endDatetime + timedelta(2)).month != endDatetimeMonth:
                    # near end of month
                    endOfMonth = True
                    while endDatetime.month == endDatetimeMonth:
                        endDatetime += timedelta(1) # go forward to next month
                    endOfMonth = False
                startYr = endDatetime.year
                startMo = endDatetime.month - 3
                if startMo <= 0:
                    startMo += 12
                    startYr -= 1
                startDatetime = datetime(startYr, startMo, endDatetime.day, endDatetime.hour, endDatetime.minute, endDatetime.second)
                if endOfMonth:
                    startDatetime -= timedelta(1)
                    endDatetime -= timedelta(1)
                reportingPeriods.add((startDatetime, endDatetime))
                duration = 91
        # find preceding compatible default context periods
        while (nextEnd is not None):
            thisEnd = nextEnd
            prevMaxStart = thisEnd - timedelta(duration * .9)
            prevMinStart = thisEnd - timedelta(duration * 1.1)
            nextEnd = None
            for cntx in modelXbrl.contexts.values():
                if (cntx.isStartEndPeriod and not cntx.qnameDims and thisEnd == cntx.endDatetime and
                    prevMinStart <= cntx.startDatetime <= prevMaxStart):
                    reportingPeriods.add((None, cntx.endDatetime))
                    reportingPeriods.add((cntx.startDatetime, cntx.endDatetime))
                    nextEnd = cntx.startDatetime
                elif (cntx.isInstantPeriod and not cntx.qnameDims and thisEnd == cntx.endDatetime):
                    reportingPeriods.add((None, cntx.endDatetime))
        stmtReportingPeriods = set(reportingPeriods)       

        sortedRoleTypes.reverse() # now in descending order
        for i, roleTypes in enumerate(sortedRoleTypes):
            roleDefinition, roleType = roleTypes
            # find defined non-default axes in pre hierarchy for table
            tableFacts = set()
            tableGroup, tableSeq, tableName = roleType._tableIndex
            roleURIdims, priItemQNames = EFMlinkRoleURIstructure(modelXbrl, roleType.roleURI)
            for priItemQName in priItemQNames:
                for fact in factsByQname[priItemQName]:
                    cntx = fact.context
                    # non-explicit dims must be default
                    if (cntx is not None and
                        all(dimQn in modelXbrl.qnameDimensionDefaults
                            for dimQn in (roleURIdims.keys() - cntx.qnameDims.keys())) and
                        all(mdlDim.memberQname in roleURIdims[dimQn]
                            for dimQn, mdlDim in cntx.qnameDims.items()
                            if dimQn in roleURIdims)):
                        # the flow-up part, drop
                        cntxStartDatetime = cntx.startDatetime
                        cntxEndDatetime = cntx.endDatetime
                        if (tableGroup != STMTS or
                            (cntxStartDatetime, cntxEndDatetime) in stmtReportingPeriods and
                             (fact not in reportedFacts or
                              all(dimQn not in cntx.qnameDims # unspecified dims are all defaulted if reported elsewhere
                                  for dimQn in (cntx.qnameDims.keys() - roleURIdims.keys())))):
            roleType._tableFacts = tableFacts
            # find parent if any
            closestParentType = None
            closestParentMatchLength = 0
            for _parentRoleDefinition, parentRoleType in sortedRoleTypes[i+1:]:
                matchLen = parentNameMatchLen(tableName, parentRoleType)
                if matchLen > closestParentMatchLength:
                    closestParentMatchLength = matchLen
                    closestParentType = parentRoleType
            if closestParentType is not None:
                closestParentType._tableChildren.insert(0, roleType)
            # remove lesser-matched children if there was a parent match
            unmatchedChildRoles = set()
            longestChildMatchLen = 0
            numChildren = 0
            for childRoleType in roleType._tableChildren:
                matchLen = parentNameMatchLen(tableName, childRoleType)
                if matchLen < closestParentMatchLength:
                elif matchLen > longestChildMatchLen:
                    longestChildMatchLen = matchLen
                    numChildren += 1
            if numChildren > 1: 
                # remove children that don't have the full match pattern length to parent
                for childRoleType in roleType._tableChildren:
                    if (childRoleType not in unmatchedChildRoles and 
                        parentNameMatchLen(tableName, childRoleType) < longestChildMatchLen):

            for unmatchedChildRole in unmatchedChildRoles:

            for childRoleType in roleType._tableChildren:
                childRoleType._tableParent = roleType
            unmatchedChildRoles = None # dereference
        global UGT_TOPICS
        if UGT_TOPICS is None:
                from arelle import FileSource
                fh = FileSource.openFileStream(modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr, 
                                               os.path.join(modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.configDir, "ugt-topics.zip/ugt-topics.json"),
                                               'r', 'utf-8')
                UGT_TOPICS = json.load(fh)
                for topic in UGT_TOPICS:
                    topic[6] = set(topic[6]) # change concept abstracts list into concept abstracts set
                    topic[7] = set(topic[7]) # change concept text blocks list into concept text blocks set
                    topic[8] = set(topic[8]) # change concept names list into concept names set
            except Exception as ex:
                    UGT_TOPICS = None

        if UGT_TOPICS is not None:
            def roleUgtConcepts(roleType):
                roleConcepts = set()
                for rel in modelXbrl.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.parentChild, roleType.roleURI).modelRelationships:
                    if rel.toModelObject is not None:
                    if rel.fromModelObject is not None:
                if hasattr(roleType, "_tableChildren"):
                    for _tableChild in roleType._tableChildren:
                        roleConcepts |= roleUgtConcepts(_tableChild)
                return roleConcepts
            topicMatches = {} # topicNum: (best score, roleType)
            for roleDefinition, roleType in sortedRoleTypes:
                roleTopicType = 'S' if roleDefinition.startswith('S') else 'D'
                if getattr(roleType, "_tableParent", None) is None:                
                    # rooted tables in reverse order
                    concepts = roleUgtConcepts(roleType)
                    for i, ugtTopic in enumerate(UGT_TOPICS):
                        if ugtTopic[0] == roleTopicType:
                            countAbstracts = len(concepts & ugtTopic[6])
                            countTextBlocks = len(concepts & ugtTopic[7])
                            countLineItems = len(concepts & ugtTopic[8])
                            if countAbstracts or countTextBlocks or countLineItems:
                                _score = (10 * countAbstracts +
                                          1000 * countTextBlocks +
                                          countLineItems / len(concepts))
                                if i not in topicMatches or _score > topicMatches[i][0]:
                                    topicMatches[i] = (_score, roleType)
            for topicNum, scoredRoleType in topicMatches.items():
                _score, roleType = scoredRoleType
                if _score > getattr(roleType, "_tableTopicScore", 0):
                    ugtTopic = UGT_TOPICS[topicNum]
                    roleType._tableTopicScore = _score
                    roleType._tableTopicType = ugtTopic[0]
                    roleType._tableTopicName = ugtTopic[3]
                    roleType._tableTopicCode = ugtTopic[4]
                    # print ("Match score {:.2f} topic {} preGrp {}".format(_score, ugtTopic[3], roleType.definition))
        return firstTableLinkroleURI or firstDocumentLinkroleURI # did build _tableIndex attributes
    return None
Exemplo n.º 2
def evaluateTableIndex(modelXbrl):
    disclosureSystem = modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem
    if disclosureSystem.EFM:
        COVER = "1Cover"
        STMTS = "2Financial Statements"
        NOTES = "3Notes to Financial Statements"
        POLICIES = "4Accounting Policies"
        TABLES = "5Notes Tables"
        DETAILS = "6Notes Details"
        UNCATEG = "7Uncategorized"
        roleDefinitionPattern = re.compile(
            r"([0-9]+) - (Statement|Disclosure|Schedule|Document) - (.+)")
        # build EFM rendering-compatible index
        definitionElrs = dict(
            (roleType.definition, roleType)
            for roleURI in modelXbrl.relationshipSet(
            for roleType in modelXbrl.roleTypes.get(roleURI, ()))
        isRR = any(
            for ns in modelXbrl.namespaceDocs.keys())
        tableGroup = None
        firstTableLinkroleURI = None
        firstDocumentLinkroleURI = None
        sortedRoleTypes = sorted(definitionElrs.items(),
                                 key=lambda item: item[0])
        for roleDefinition, roleType in sortedRoleTypes:
            roleType._tableChildren = []
            match = roleDefinitionPattern.match(
                roleDefinition) if roleDefinition else None
            if not match:
                roleType._tableIndex = (UNCATEG, "", roleType.roleURI)
            seq, tblType, tblName = match.groups()
            if isRR:
                tableGroup = COVER
            elif not tableGroup:
                tableGroup = ("Paren" in tblName and COVER
                              or tblType == "Statement" and STMTS
                              or "(Polic" in tblName and NOTES
                              or "(Table" in tblName and TABLES
                              or "(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS or COVER)
            elif tableGroup == COVER:
                tableGroup = (tblType == "Statement" and STMTS
                              or "Paren" in tblName and COVER
                              or "(Polic" in tblName and NOTES
                              or "(Table" in tblName and TABLES
                              or "(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS or NOTES)
            elif tableGroup == STMTS:
                tableGroup = ((tblType == "Statement" or "Paren" in tblName)
                              and STMTS or "(Polic" in tblName and NOTES
                              or "(Table" in tblName and TABLES
                              or "(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS or NOTES)
            elif tableGroup == NOTES:
                tableGroup = ("(Polic" in tblName and POLICIES
                              or "(Table" in tblName and TABLES
                              or "(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS
                              or tblType == "Disclosure" and NOTES or UNCATEG)
            elif tableGroup == POLICIES:
                tableGroup = ("(Table" in tblName and TABLES
                              or "(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS
                              or ("Paren" in tblName or "(Polic" in tblName)
                              and POLICIES or UNCATEG)
            elif tableGroup == TABLES:
                tableGroup = ("(Detail" in tblName and DETAILS
                              or ("Paren" in tblName or "(Table" in tblName)
                              and TABLES or UNCATEG)
            elif tableGroup == DETAILS:
                tableGroup = (("Paren" in tblName or "(Detail" in tblName)
                              and DETAILS or UNCATEG)
                tableGroup = UNCATEG
            if firstTableLinkroleURI is None and tableGroup == COVER:
                firstTableLinkroleURI = roleType.roleURI
            if tblType == "Document" and not firstDocumentLinkroleURI:
                firstDocumentLinkroleURI = roleType.roleURI
            roleType._tableIndex = (tableGroup, seq, tblName)

        # flow allocate facts to roles (SEC presentation groups)
        if not modelXbrl.qnameDimensionDefaults:  # may not have run validatino yet
            from arelle import ValidateXbrlDimensions
        reportedFacts = set(
        )  # facts which were shown in a higher-numbered ELR table
        reportingPeriods = set()
        nextEnd = None
        deiFact = {}
        for conceptName in ("DocumentPeriodEndDate", "DocumentType",
            for concept in modelXbrl.nameConcepts[conceptName]:
                for fact in modelXbrl.factsByQname(concept.qname):
                    deiFact[conceptName] = fact
                    if fact.context is not None:
                            (None, fact.context.endDatetime))  # for instant
                             fact.context.endDatetime))  # for startEnd
                        nextEnd = fact.context.startDatetime
                        duration = (fact.context.endDatetime -
                                    fact.context.startDatetime).days + 1
        if "DocumentType" in deiFact:
            fact = deiFact["DocumentType"]
            if "-Q" in fact.xValue:
                # need quarterly and yr to date durations
                endDatetime = fact.context.endDatetime
                # if within 2 days of end of month use last day of month
                endDatetimeMonth = endDatetime.month
                if (endDatetime + timedelta(2)).month != endDatetimeMonth:
                    # near end of month
                    endOfMonth = True
                    while endDatetime.month == endDatetimeMonth:
                        endDatetime += timedelta(1)  # go forward to next month
                    endOfMonth = False
                startYr = endDatetime.year
                startMo = endDatetime.month - 3
                if startMo <= 0:
                    startMo += 12
                    startYr -= 1
                startDatetime = datetime(startYr, startMo, endDatetime.day,
                                         endDatetime.hour, endDatetime.minute,
                if endOfMonth:
                    startDatetime -= timedelta(1)
                    endDatetime -= timedelta(1)
                reportingPeriods.add((startDatetime, endDatetime))
                duration = 91
        # find preceding compatible default context periods
        while (nextEnd is not None):
            thisEnd = nextEnd
            prevMaxStart = thisEnd - timedelta(duration * .9)
            prevMinStart = thisEnd - timedelta(duration * 1.1)
            nextEnd = None
            for cntx in modelXbrl.contexts.values():
                if cntx is not None:
                    if (cntx.isStartEndPeriod and not cntx.qnameDims
                            and thisEnd == cntx.endDatetime and prevMinStart <=
                            cntx.startDatetime <= prevMaxStart):
                        reportingPeriods.add((None, cntx.endDatetime))
                            (cntx.startDatetime, cntx.endDatetime))
                        nextEnd = cntx.startDatetime
                    elif (cntx.isInstantPeriod and not cntx.qnameDims
                          and thisEnd == cntx.endDatetime):
                        reportingPeriods.add((None, cntx.endDatetime))
        stmtReportingPeriods = set(reportingPeriods)

        sortedRoleTypes.reverse()  # now in descending order
        for i, roleTypes in enumerate(sortedRoleTypes):
            roleDefinition, roleType = roleTypes
            # find defined non-default axes in pre hierarchy for table
            tableFacts = set()
            tableGroup, tableSeq, tableName = roleType._tableIndex
            roleURIdims, priItemQNames = EFMlinkRoleURIstructure(
                modelXbrl, roleType.roleURI)
            for priItemQName in priItemQNames:
                for fact in modelXbrl.factsByQname(priItemQName):
                    cntx = fact.context
                    # non-explicit dims must be default
                    if (cntx is not None
                            and all(dimQn in modelXbrl.qnameDimensionDefaults
                                    for dimQn in (roleURIdims.keys() -
                                                  cntx.qnameDims.keys())) and
                            all(mdlDim.memberQname in roleURIdims[dimQn]
                                for dimQn, mdlDim in cntx.qnameDims.items()
                                if dimQn in roleURIdims)):
                        # the flow-up part, drop
                        cntxStartDatetime = cntx.startDatetime
                        cntxEndDatetime = cntx.endDatetime
                        if (tableGroup != STMTS
                                or (cntxStartDatetime, cntxEndDatetime)
                                in stmtReportingPeriods and
                            (fact not in reportedFacts or all(
                                dimQn not in cntx.
                                qnameDims  # unspecified dims are all defaulted if reported elsewhere
                                for dimQn in (cntx.qnameDims.keys() -
            roleType._tableFacts = tableFacts

            # find parent if any
            closestParentType = None
            closestParentMatchLength = 0
            for _parentRoleDefinition, parentRoleType in sortedRoleTypes[i +
                matchLen = parentNameMatchLen(tableName, parentRoleType)
                if matchLen > closestParentMatchLength:
                    closestParentMatchLength = matchLen
                    closestParentType = parentRoleType
            if closestParentType is not None:
                closestParentType._tableChildren.insert(0, roleType)

            # remove lesser-matched children if there was a parent match
            unmatchedChildRoles = set()
            longestChildMatchLen = 0
            numChildren = 0
            for childRoleType in roleType._tableChildren:
                matchLen = parentNameMatchLen(tableName, childRoleType)
                if matchLen < closestParentMatchLength:
                elif matchLen > longestChildMatchLen:
                    longestChildMatchLen = matchLen
                    numChildren += 1
            if numChildren > 1:
                # remove children that don't have the full match pattern length to parent
                for childRoleType in roleType._tableChildren:
                    if (childRoleType not in unmatchedChildRoles
                            and parentNameMatchLen(tableName, childRoleType) <

            for unmatchedChildRole in unmatchedChildRoles:

            for childRoleType in roleType._tableChildren:
                childRoleType._tableParent = roleType

            unmatchedChildRoles = None  # dereference

        global UGT_TOPICS
        if UGT_TOPICS is None:
                from arelle import FileSource
                fh = FileSource.openFileStream(
                                 "ugt-topics.zip/ugt-topics.json"), 'r',
                UGT_TOPICS = json.load(fh)
                for topic in UGT_TOPICS:
                    topic[6] = set(
                    )  # change concept abstracts list into concept abstracts set
                    topic[7] = set(
                    )  # change concept text blocks list into concept text blocks set
                    topic[8] = set(
                    )  # change concept names list into concept names set
            except Exception as ex:
                UGT_TOPICS = None

        if UGT_TOPICS is not None:

            def roleUgtConcepts(roleType):
                roleConcepts = set()
                for rel in modelXbrl.relationshipSet(
                    if rel.toModelObject is not None:
                    if rel.fromModelObject is not None:
                if hasattr(roleType, "_tableChildren"):
                    for _tableChild in roleType._tableChildren:
                        roleConcepts |= roleUgtConcepts(_tableChild)
                return roleConcepts

            topicMatches = {}  # topicNum: (best score, roleType)

            for roleDefinition, roleType in sortedRoleTypes:
                roleTopicType = 'S' if roleDefinition.startswith('S') else 'D'
                if getattr(roleType, "_tableParent", None) is None:
                    # rooted tables in reverse order
                    concepts = roleUgtConcepts(roleType)
                    for i, ugtTopic in enumerate(UGT_TOPICS):
                        if ugtTopic[0] == roleTopicType:
                            countAbstracts = len(concepts & ugtTopic[6])
                            countTextBlocks = len(concepts & ugtTopic[7])
                            countLineItems = len(concepts & ugtTopic[8])
                            if countAbstracts or countTextBlocks or countLineItems:
                                _score = (10 * countAbstracts +
                                          1000 * countTextBlocks +
                                          countLineItems / len(concepts))
                                if i not in topicMatches or _score > topicMatches[
                                    topicMatches[i] = (_score, roleType)
            for topicNum, scoredRoleType in topicMatches.items():
                _score, roleType = scoredRoleType
                if _score > getattr(roleType, "_tableTopicScore", 0):
                    ugtTopic = UGT_TOPICS[topicNum]
                    roleType._tableTopicScore = _score
                    roleType._tableTopicType = ugtTopic[0]
                    roleType._tableTopicName = ugtTopic[3]
                    roleType._tableTopicCode = ugtTopic[4]
                    # print ("Match score {:.2f} topic {} preGrp {}".format(_score, ugtTopic[3], roleType.definition))
        return firstTableLinkroleURI or firstDocumentLinkroleURI  # did build _tableIndex attributes
    return None