Exemplo n.º 1
def invert_with_raster_iterator(vis, im, dopsf=False,
                                normalize=True, invert_function=invert_2d_base, facets=1,
                                **kwargs) -> (Image, numpy.ndarray):
    """ Predict using image partitions, calling specified predict function

    :param vis: Visibility to be inverted
    :param im: image template (not changed)
    :param image_iterator: Iterator to use for partitioning
    :param dopsf: Make the psf instead of the dirty image
    :param normalize: Normalize by the sum of weights (True)
    :return: resulting image[nchan, npol, ny, nx], sum of weights[nchan, npol]
    log.info("invert_with_image_iterator: Inverting by image partitions")
    i = 0
    nchan, npol, _, _ = im.shape
    totalwt = numpy.zeros([nchan, npol])
    for dpatch in   image_raster_iter(im, facets=facets):
        result, sumwt = invert_function(vis, dpatch, dopsf, normalize=False, **kwargs)
        totalwt = sumwt
        # Ensure that we fill in the elements of dpatch instead of creating a new numpy arrray
        dpatch.data[...] = result.data[...]
        assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(dpatch.data)), "Partition image %d appears to be empty" % i
        i += 1
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(im.data)), "Output image appears to be empty"
    if normalize:
        im = normalize_sumwt(im, totalwt)
    return im, totalwt
Exemplo n.º 2
def image_gather_facets(image_list: List[Image], im: Image, facets=1) -> Image:
    """Gather a list of subimages back into an image using the  image_raster_iterator

    :param image_list: List of subimages
    :param im: Output image
    :param facets: Number of image partitions on each axis (2)
    :return: list of subimages
    for i, facet in enumerate(image_raster_iter(im, facets=facets)):
        facet.data[...] = image_list[i].data[...]

    return im
Exemplo n.º 3
def image_scatter_facets(im: Image, facets=1) -> List[Image]:
    """Scatter an image into a list of subimages using the  image_raster_iterator

    :param im: Image
    :param facets: Number of image partitions on each axis (2)
    :return: list of subimages
    image_list = list()
    for facet in image_raster_iter(im, facets=facets):

    return image_list
Exemplo n.º 4
def predict_with_raster_iterator(vis: Visibility, model: Image,
                                 predict_function=predict_2d_base, facets=1,
                                 **kwargs) -> Visibility:
    """ Predict using image partitions, calling specified predict function

    :param vis: Visibility to be predicted
    :param model: model image
    :param image_iterator: Image iterator used to access the image
    :param predict_function: Function to be used for prediction (allows nesting)
    :return: resulting visibility (in place works)
    log.info("predict_with_image_iterator: Predicting by image partitions")
    result = copy_visibility(vis)
    for dpatch in   image_raster_iter(model, facets=facets):
        result.data['vis'][...] = 0.0
        result = predict_function(result, dpatch, **kwargs)
        vis.data['vis'] += result.data['vis']
    return vis
 def test_rasterise(self):
     m31original = create_test_image(polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))
     assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(m31original.data)), "Original is empty"
     for nraster in [2, 4, 8]:
         m31model = create_test_image(polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))
         for patch in   image_raster_iter(m31model, facets=nraster):
             assert patch.data.shape[3] == (m31model.data.shape[3] // nraster), \
                 "Number of pixels in each patch: %d not as expected: %d" % (patch.data.shape[3],
                                                                             (m31model.data.shape[3] // nraster))
             assert patch.data.shape[2] == (m31model.data.shape[2] // nraster), \
                 "Number of pixels in each patch: %d not as expected: %d" % (patch.data.shape[2],
                                                                             (m31model.data.shape[2] // nraster))
             patch.data *= 2.0
         diff = m31model.data - 2.0 * m31original.data
         assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(m31model.data)), "Raster is empty for %d" % nraster
         assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(diff)) == 0.0, "Raster set failed for %d" % nraster