def assets_done(): if state.proc_build == None: return result = state.proc_build.poll() if result == 0: # Connect to the compilation server os.chdir(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/debug/') cmd = [ arm.utils.get_haxe_path(), '--connect', '6000', 'project-krom.hxml' ] state.proc_build = run_proc(cmd, compilation_server_done) else: state.proc_build = None state.redraw_ui = True log.print_info('Build failed, check console')
def watch_compile(mode): state.compileproc.wait() log.print_progress(100) if state.compileproc == None: ## return result = state.compileproc.poll() state.compileproc = None state.compileproc_finished = True if result == 0:['Arm'].arm_recompile = False state.compileproc_success = True on_compiled(mode) else: state.compileproc_success = False log.print_info('Build failed, check console')
def check_projectpath(self): s = get_fp() if check_path(s) == False: msg = "Project path '{0}' contains special characters, build process may fail.".format(s){"ERROR"}, msg) if self != None else log.print_info(msg) return False else: return True
def check_sdkpath(self): s = get_sdk_path() if check_path(s) == False: msg = "SDK path '{0}' contains special characters. Please move SDK to different path for now.".format(s){"ERROR"}, msg) if self != None else log.print_info(msg) return False else: return True
def check_engine(self): if bpy.context == None or bpy.context.scene == None: return False engine = bpy.context.scene.render.engine if engine != 'CYCLES' and engine != 'BLENDER_EEVEE' and engine != 'ARMORY': msg = "Switch to Armory, Cycles or Eevee engine first"{"ERROR"}, msg) if self != None else log.print_info(msg) return False return True
def check_saved(self): if == "": msg = "Save blend file first"{"ERROR"}, msg) if self != None else log.print_info(msg) return False return True