Exemplo n.º 1
   def checkSig(self,binSig, binPubKey, txOutScript, txInTx, txInIndex, lastOpCodeSep=None):
      Generic method for checking Bitcoin tx signatures.  This needs to be used for both
      OP_CHECKSIG and OP_CHECKMULTISIG.  Step 1 is to pop signature and public key off
      the stack, which must be done outside this method and passed in through the argument
      list.  The remaining steps do not require access to the stack.

      # 2. Subscript is from latest OP_CODESEPARATOR until end... if DNE, use whole script
      subscript = txOutScript
      if lastOpCodeSep:
         subscript = subscript[lastOpCodeSep:]

      # 3. Signature is deleted from subscript
      #    I'm not sure why this line is necessary - maybe for non-standard scripts?
      lengthInBinary = int_to_binary(len(binSig))
      subscript = subscript.replace( lengthInBinary + binSig, "")

      # 4. Hashtype is popped and stored
      hashtype = binary_to_int(binSig[-1])
      justSig = binSig[:-1]

      if not hashtype == 1:
         LOGERROR('Non-unity hashtypes not implemented yet! (hashtype = %d)', hashtype)

      # 5. Make a copy of the transaction -- we will be hashing a modified version
      txCopy = PyTx().unserialize( txInTx.serialize() )

      # 6. Remove all OP_CODESEPARATORs
      subscript.replace( int_to_binary(OP_CODESEPARATOR), '')

      # 7. All the TxIn scripts in the copy are blanked (set to empty string)
      for txin in txCopy.inputs:
         txin.binScript = ''

      # 8. Script for the current input in the copy is set to subscript
      txCopy.inputs[txInIndex].binScript = subscript

      # 9. Prepare the signature and public key
      senderAddr = PyBtcAddress().createFromPublicKey(binPubKey)
      binHashCode = int_to_binary(hashtype, widthBytes=4)
      toHash = txCopy.serialize() + binHashCode

      # Hashes are computed as part of CppBlockUtils::CryptoECDSA methods
      ##hashToVerify = hash256(toHash)
      ##hashToVerify = binary_switchEndian(hashToVerify)

      # 10. Apply ECDSA signature verification
      if senderAddr.verifyDERSignature(toHash, justSig):
         return True
         return False
   def testSimpleAddress(self):
      # Execute the tests with Satoshi's public key from the Bitcoin specification page
      satoshiPubKeyHex = '04fc9702847840aaf195de8442ebecedf5b095cdbb9bc716bda9110971b28a49e0ead8564ff0db22209e0374782c093bb899692d524e9d6a6956e7c5ecbcd68284'
      addrPiece1Hex = '65a4358f4691660849d9f235eb05f11fabbd69fa'
      addrPiece1Bin = hex_to_binary(addrPiece1Hex)
      satoshiAddrStr = hash160_to_addrStr(addrPiece1Bin)

      saddr = PyBtcAddress().createFromPublicKey( hex_to_binary(satoshiPubKeyHex) )
      print '\tAddr calc from pubkey: ', saddr.calculateAddrStr()
      testAddr = PyBtcAddress().createFromPlainKeyData(PRIVATE_KEY, ADDRESS_20, publicKey65=PUBLIC_KEY)
      msg = int_to_binary(39029348428)
      theHash = hash256(msg)
      derSig = testAddr.generateDERSignature(theHash)
      # Testing ECDSA signing & verification -- arbitrary binary strings:
      self.assertTrue(testAddr.verifyDERSignature( theHash, derSig))
    def testSimpleAddress(self):
        # Execute the tests with Satoshi's public key from the Bitcoin specification page
        satoshiPubKeyHex = '04fc9702847840aaf195de8442ebecedf5b095cdbb9bc716bda9110971b28a49e0ead8564ff0db22209e0374782c093bb899692d524e9d6a6956e7c5ecbcd68284'
        addrPiece1Hex = '65a4358f4691660849d9f235eb05f11fabbd69fa'
        addrPiece1Bin = hex_to_binary(addrPiece1Hex)
        satoshiAddrStr = hash160_to_addrStr(addrPiece1Bin)

        saddr = PyBtcAddress().createFromPublicKey(
        print '\tAddr calc from pubkey: ', saddr.calculateAddrStr()

        testAddr = PyBtcAddress().createFromPlainKeyData(
            PRIVATE_KEY, ADDRESS_20, publicKey65=PUBLIC_KEY)
        msg = int_to_binary(39029348428)
        theHash = hash256(msg)
        derSig = testAddr.generateDERSignature(theHash)
        # Testing ECDSA signing & verification -- arbitrary binary strings:
        self.assertTrue(testAddr.verifyDERSignature(theHash, derSig))