Exemplo n.º 1
 def __setattr__(self, experiment_name, experiment):
     assert isinstance(experiment, Experiment), "Your experiment must be an experiment!"
     if experiment.name is None:
         experiment.name = experiment_name
     assert experiment_name not in get_global_experiment_library(), "Experiment %s is already in the library" % (experiment_name, )
     self.__dict__[experiment_name] = experiment
     get_global_experiment_library()[experiment_name] = experiment
def deprefix_experiment_ids(experiment_ids):
    Given a list of experiment ids, removed the common root experiments from the list.
    :param experiment_ids: A list of experiment ids.
    :return: A list of experiment ids with the root prefix removed.

    # First build dict mapping experiment_ids to their parents experiment_ids
    glib = get_global_experiment_library()
    exp_to_parent = {}
    for eid in glib.keys():
        ex = glib[eid]
        for var in ex.get_variants():
            exp_to_parent[var.get_id()] = ex.get_id()

    def get_experiment_tuple(exp_id):
        if exp_id in exp_to_parent:
            parent_id = exp_to_parent[exp_id]
            parent_tuple = get_experiment_tuple(parent_id)
            return parent_tuple + (exp_id[len(parent_id) + 1:], )
            return (exp_id, )

    # Then for each experiment in the list,
    tuples = [get_experiment_tuple(eid) for eid in experiment_ids]
    de_prefixed_tuples = remove_common_prefix(tuples, keep_base=False)
    start_with = '' if len(de_prefixed_tuples[0]) == len(tuples[0]) else '.'
    new_strings = [
        start_with + '.'.join(ex_tup) for ex_tup in de_prefixed_tuples
    return new_strings
Exemplo n.º 3
def _filter_experiment_record_list(user_range, experiment_record_ids):
    if user_range=='all':
        return [True]*len(experiment_record_ids)
    elif user_range=='new':
        return detect_duplicates(experiment_record_ids, key=record_id_to_experiment_id, keep_last=True)
        # return [n for n, is_old in izip_equal(get_record_ids(), old) if not old]
    elif user_range=='old':
        return [not x for x in _filter_records(user_range, 'new')]
    elif user_range=='orphans':
        orphans = []
        global_lib = get_global_experiment_library()
        for i, record_id in enumerate(experiment_record_ids):
            info = load_experiment_record(record_id).info
            if 'Module' in info:
                    if not record_id_to_experiment_id(record_id) in global_lib:
                except ImportError:
            else:  # They must be old... lets kill them!
        return orphans
    # elif user_range
        which_ones = interpret_numbers(user_range)
        if which_ones is None:
            raise Exception('Could not interpret user range: "{}"'.format(user_range))
        filters = [False]*len(experiment_record_ids)
        for i in which_ones:
            filters[i] = True
        return filters
Exemplo n.º 4
def deprefix_experiment_ids(experiment_ids):
    Given a list of experiment ids, removed the common root experiments from the list.
    :param experiment_ids: A list of experiment ids.
    :return: A list of experiment ids with the root prefix removed.

    # First build dict mapping experiment_ids to their parents experiment_ids
    glib = get_global_experiment_library()
    exp_to_parent = {}
    for eid in glib.keys():
        ex = glib[eid]
        for var in ex.get_variants():
            exp_to_parent[var.get_id()] = ex.get_id()

    def get_experiment_tuple(exp_id):
        if exp_id in exp_to_parent:
            parent_id = exp_to_parent[exp_id]
            parent_tuple = get_experiment_tuple(parent_id)
            return parent_tuple + (exp_id[len(parent_id)+1:], )
            return (exp_id, )

    # Then for each experiment in the list,
    tuples = [get_experiment_tuple(eid) for eid in experiment_ids]
    de_prefixed_tuples = remove_common_prefix(tuples, keep_base=False)
    start_with = '' if len(de_prefixed_tuples[0])==len(tuples[0]) else '.'
    new_strings = [start_with+'.'.join(ex_tup) for ex_tup in de_prefixed_tuples]
    return new_strings
Exemplo n.º 5
def _filter_experiment_record_list(user_range, experiment_record_ids):
    if user_range=='all':
        return [True]*len(experiment_record_ids)
    elif user_range=='new':
        return detect_duplicates(experiment_record_ids, key=record_id_to_experiment_id, keep_last=True)
        # return [n for n, is_old in izip_equal(get_record_ids(), old) if not old]
    elif user_range=='old':
        return [not x for x in _filter_records(user_range, 'new')]
    elif user_range=='orphans':
        orphans = []
        global_lib = get_global_experiment_library()
        for i, record_id in enumerate(experiment_record_ids):
            info = load_experiment_record(record_id).info
            if 'Module' in info:
                    if not record_id_to_experiment_id(record_id) in global_lib:
                except ImportError:
            else:  # They must be old... lets kill them!
        return orphans
        which_ones = interpret_numbers(user_range)
        if which_ones is None:
            raise Exception('Could not interpret user range: "{}"'.format(user_range))
        filters = [False]*len(experiment_record_ids)
        for i in which_ones:
            filters[i] = True
        return filters
Exemplo n.º 6
    def reload_record_dict(self):
        names = get_global_experiment_library().keys()
        if self.root_experiment is not None:
            # We could just go [ex.name for ex in self.root_experiment.get_all_variants(include_self=True)]
            # but we want to preserve the order in which experiments were created
            descendents_of_root = set(
                ex.name for ex in self.root_experiment.get_all_variants(
            names = [name for name in names if name in descendents_of_root]

        d = get_experient_to_record_dict(names)
        return d
Exemplo n.º 7
def find_experiment(*search_terms):
    Find an experiment.  Invoke
    :param search_term: A term that will be used to search for an experiment.
    global_lib = get_global_experiment_library()
    found_experiments = OrderedDict((name, ex) for name, ex in global_lib.items() if all(re.search(term, name) for term in search_terms))
    if len(found_experiments)==0:
        raise Exception("None of the {} experiments matched the search: '{}'".format(len(global_lib), search_terms))
    elif len(found_experiments)>1:
        raise Exception("More than one experiment matched the search '{}', you need to be more specific.  Found: {}".format(search_terms, found_experiments.keys()))
        return found_experiments.values()[0]
Exemplo n.º 8
def find_experiment(*search_terms):
    Find an experiment.  Invoke
    :param search_term: A term that will be used to search for an experiment.
    global_lib = get_global_experiment_library()
    found_experiments = OrderedDict((name, ex) for name, ex in global_lib.iteritems() if all(re.search(term, name) for term in search_terms))
    if len(found_experiments)==0:
        raise Exception("None of the {} experiments matched the search: '{}'".format(len(global_lib), search_terms))
    elif len(found_experiments)>1:
        raise Exception("More than one experiment matched the search '{}', you need to be more specific.  Found: {}".format(search_terms, found_experiments.keys()))
        return found_experiments.values()[0]
Exemplo n.º 9
def register_experiment(name, function, description = None, conclusion = None, versions = None, current_version = None, **kwargs):
    This is the old interface to experiments.  We keep it, for now, for the sake of

    In the future, use the @experiment_function decorator instead.
    info = OrderedDict()
    if description is not None:
        info['Description'] = description
    if conclusion is not None:
        info['Conclusion'] = conclusion

    if versions is not None:
        if current_version is None:
            assert len(versions)==1
            current_version = versions.keys()[0]
        assert current_version is not None
        function = partial(function, **versions[current_version])

    assert name not in get_global_experiment_library(), 'An experiment with name "%s" has already been registered!' % (name, )
    experiment = Experiment(name = name, function=function, info=info, **kwargs)
    get_global_experiment_library()[name] = experiment
    return experiment
Exemplo n.º 10
def run_experiment(name, exp_dict='global', **experiment_record_kwargs):
    Run an experiment and save the results.  Return a string which uniquely identifies the experiment.
    You can run the experiment agin later by calling show_experiment(location_string):

    :param name: The name for the experiment (must reference something in exp_dict)
    :param exp_dict: A dict<str:func> where funcs is a function with no arguments that run the experiment.
    :param experiment_record_kwargs: Passed to ExperimentRecord.

    :return: A location_string, uniquely identifying the experiment.
    if exp_dict == 'global':
        exp_dict = get_global_experiment_library()
    experiment = exp_dict[name]
    return experiment.run(**experiment_record_kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def reload_record_dict(self):
        names = get_global_experiment_library().keys()
        if self.root_experiment is not None:
            # We could just go [ex.name for ex in self.root_experiment.get_all_variants(include_self=True)]
            # but we want to preserve the order in which experiments were created
            descendents_of_root = set(
                ex.name for ex in self.root_experiment.get_all_variants(
            names = [name for name in names if name in descendents_of_root]

        d = OrderedDict(
            (name, experiment_id_to_record_ids(name)) for name in names)
        if self.just_last_record:
            for k in d.keys():
                d[k] = [d[k][-1]] if len(d[k]) > 0 else []
        return d
def get_experient_to_record_dict(experiment_ids=None):
    Given a list of experiment ids, return an OrderedDict whose keys are the experiment ids and whose values
    are lists of experiment record ids.

    :param experiment_ids: A list of experiment ids.  (Defaults to all imported experiments)
    :return: A dict<experiment_id -> list<experiment_record_id>
    if experiment_ids is None:
        experiment_ids = get_global_experiment_library().keys()
    record_ids = get_all_record_ids(experiment_ids)
    exp_rec_dict = OrderedDict((exp_id, []) for exp_id in experiment_ids)
    for rid in record_ids:
        rec = load_experiment_record(rid)
        exp_id = rec.get_experiment_id()
    return exp_rec_dict
Exemplo n.º 13
def run_experiment_by_name(name, exp_dict='global', slurm_job=False, experiment_path=None, **experiment_record_kwargs):
    Run an experiment and save the results.  Return a string which uniquely identifies the experiment.
    You can run the experiment again later by calling show_experiment(location_string):

    :param name: The name for the experiment (must reference something in exp_dict)
    :param exp_dict: A dict<str:func> where funcs is a function with no arguments that run the experiment.
    :param slurm_job: It True, this function is interpreted as being run from within a SLURM call.
    :param experiment_path: If not None, the 'experiment_directory' option in the 'experiments' section of the .artemisrc file will be temporarily set to this value
    :param experiment_record_kwargs: Passed to ExperimentRecord.

    :return: A location_string, uniquely identifying the experiment.
    if exp_dict == 'global':
        exp_dict = get_global_experiment_library()
    experiment = exp_dict[name]
    return run_experiment(experiment,slurm_job, experiment_path, **experiment_record_kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_experient_to_record_dict(experiment_ids = None):
    Given a list of experiment ids, return an OrderedDict whose keys are the experiment ids and whose values
    are lists of experiment record ids.

    :param experiment_ids: A list of experiment ids.  (Defaults to all imported experiments)
    :return: A dict<experiment_id -> list<experiment_record_id>
    if experiment_ids is None:
        experiment_ids = get_global_experiment_library().keys()
    record_ids = get_all_record_ids(experiment_ids)
    exp_rec_dict = OrderedDict((exp_id, []) for exp_id in experiment_ids)
    for rid in record_ids:
        rec = load_experiment_record(rid)
        exp_id = rec.get_experiment_id()
    return exp_rec_dict
Exemplo n.º 15
def run_experiment_by_name(name, exp_dict='global', slurm_job=False, experiment_path=None, **experiment_record_kwargs):
    Run an experiment and save the results.  Return a string which uniquely identifies the experiment.
    You can run the experiment again later by calling show_experiment(location_string):

    :param name: The name for the experiment (must reference something in exp_dict)
    :param exp_dict: A dict<str:func> where funcs is a function with no arguments that run the experiment.
    :param slurm_job: It True, this function is interpreted as being run from within a SLURM call.
    :param experiment_path: If not None, the 'experiment_directory' option in the 'experiments' section of the .artemisrc file will be temporarily set to this value
    :param experiment_record_kwargs: Passed to ExperimentRecord.

    :return: A location_string, uniquely identifying the experiment.
    if exp_dict == 'global':
        exp_dict = get_global_experiment_library()
    experiment = exp_dict[name]
    return run_experiment(experiment,slurm_job, experiment_path, **experiment_record_kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __getattr__(self, name):
     if name in get_global_experiment_library():
         return get_global_experiment_library()[name]
         return _ExperimentConstructor(name)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def __call__(self, **kwargs):
     if self.name in get_global_experiment_library():
         raise Exception("You tried to run create experiment '%s', but it already exists in the library.  Give it another name!" % (self.name, ))
     return register_experiment(name = self.name, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def get_experiments(self):
     return get_global_experiment_library()