Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_help_doc_generated(self):
        app_svc = mock.MagicMock()
        route_svc = RouteService(app_svc, debug=False)
        routes = [("/route0", TestHandler), ("/route1", TestHandler)]
        base_url = "http://self"
        help = route_svc.get_help(base_url).get("doc")
        self.assertEqual(len(help), len(routes))

        for index, entry in enumerate(help):
            self.assertEqual(help[index]["route"], "{base_url}/route{index}".format(base_url=base_url, index=index))
            methods = entry["methods"]
            self.assertEqual(len(methods), 2)
            actual = set([(key, value.split(":")[0] == "True") for key, value in methods.items()])
            expected = set([("get", True), ("delete", True)])
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, config_svc, debug, port, logger=None):
        """Sets up the admin service and configures logging"""
        self.config_svc = config_svc
        self.route_svc = RouteService(self, debug)
        self._debug = debug

        if not port or (not type(port) is int):
            raise InvalidPortError("Invalid port: '{port}'".format(port=port))
        self._port = port

        # Initialize the logger configuration:
        self._logger_config = config_svc.get_logger_config()

        self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._logger.info("Logger initialized by AppService")
        self._tornado = None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, config_svc, debug, port, logger=None):
        """Sets up the admin service and configures logging"""
        self.config_svc = config_svc
        self.route_svc = RouteService(self, debug)
        self._debug = debug

            self._port = int(port)
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidPortError("Invalid port: '{port}'. Could not be cast to int.".format(port=port))

        # Initialize the logger configuration:
        self._logger_config = config_svc.get_logger_config()

        self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._logger.info("Logger initialized by AppService")
        self._tornado = None
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_help_doc_generated(self):
        app_svc = mock.MagicMock()
        route_svc = RouteService(app_svc, debug=False)
        routes = [("/route0", TestHandler), ("/route1", TestHandler)]
        base_url = "http://self"
        help = route_svc.get_help(base_url)
        self.assertEqual(len(help), len(routes))

        for index, entry in enumerate(help):
            methods = entry["methods"]
            self.assertEqual(len(methods), 2)
            actual = set([(key, value.split(':')[0] == "True")
                          for key, value in methods.items()])
            expected = set([("get", True), ("delete", True)])
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, config_svc, debug, port, logger=None):
        """Sets up the admin service and configures logging"""
        self.config_svc = config_svc
        self.route_svc = RouteService(self, debug)
        self._debug = debug

        if not port or (not type(port) is int):
            raise InvalidPortError("Invalid port: '{port}'".format(port=port))
        self._port = port

        # Initialize the logger configuration:
        self._logger_config = config_svc.get_logger_config()

        self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._logger.info("Logger initialized by AppService")
        self._tornado = None
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, config_svc, debug, port, logger=None):
        """Sets up the admin service and configures logging"""
        self.config_svc = config_svc
        self.route_svc = RouteService(self, debug)
        self._debug = debug

            self._port = int(port)
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidPortError("Invalid port: '{port}'. Could not be cast to int.".format(port=port))

        # Initialize the logger configuration:
        self._logger_config = config_svc.get_logger_config()

        self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._logger.info("Logger initialized by AppService")
        self._tornado = None
Exemplo n.º 7
class AppService:
    Core functionality for the application.

    Automatically sets up logging, given a config_svc that serves a logging config

    Usage example:
        def start():
            # The following sets up a default AppService, reading
            # default arguments from the command line, in particular
            # --port and --product:
            app_svc = AppService.create()

            # The service is now set up to read config files from:
            #  - /opt/product_name/etc/app.config
            #  - /opt/product_name/etc/logger.config

            # Now set up Tornado routes
            args = dict(service1=Service1(), service2=Service2())
            routes = [
                (r"/api/1.0/endpoint1", Handler1, args),
                (r"/api/1.0/endpoint2", Handler2, args)

            # Now start the service.
            # The port will come from the command line argument --port
    def __init__(self, config_svc, debug, port, logger=None):
        """Sets up the admin service and configures logging"""
        self.config_svc = config_svc
        self.route_svc = RouteService(self, debug)
        self._debug = debug

            self._port = int(port)
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidPortError(
                "Invalid port: '{port}'. Could not be cast to int.".format(

        # Initialize the logger configuration:
        self._logger_config = config_svc.get_logger_config()

        self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._logger.info("Logger initialized by AppService")
        self._tornado = None

    def create(product_name=None):
        Creates the default app service based on arguments sent from the command line
        and related services with defaults based on the product_name.

        If the product_name is specified via the command line, it will override
        the argument.

        Command line usage: <program>
                               --port <port>
                               [--product <product name>]
                               [--configroot path]

        These config files should be accessible:
            - /etc/arteria/<product_name>/app.config
            - /etc/arteria/<product_name>/logger.config

        You can override this by supplying config_root, in which case they should be
        found at <config_root>/*.config

        :param product_name: Should by convention be __package__. This value can be overriden
                             by supplying the --product parameter on the command line.

        parser = OptionParser()
        parser.add_option("--product", dest="product", metavar="PRODUCT")
        parser.add_option("--port", dest="port", metavar="PORT")
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        if options.product:
            product_name = options.product

        if not options.port:
            parser.error("You have to specify a port.")

        if not product_name:
            raise ProductNameError(
                "No product name was supplied via the command line or as an argument to create"

        config_root = options.configroot or os.path.join(
            "/etc", "arteria", product_name)
        logger_config_path = os.path.join(config_root, "logger.config")
        app_config_path = os.path.join(config_root, "app.config")
        config_svc = ConfigurationService(
        app_svc = AppService(config_svc, options.debug, options.port)
        return app_svc

    def start(self, routes):
        # Add the default routes, such as the API handler
        self._tornado = tornado.web.Application(self.route_svc.get_routes(),
        self._logger.info("Starting the service on {0} (debug={1})".format(
            self._port, self._debug))

    def set_log_level(self, log_level):
        # TODO: Directly change via logging module if possible
        self._logger_config["handlers"]["file_handler"]["level"] = log_level

    def get_log_level(self):
        return self._logger_config["handlers"]["file_handler"]["level"]

    def _get_default_routes(self):
        Gets the default endpoints for a web service in the Arteria project
        return [(r"/api", ApiHelpHandler, dict(route_svc=self.route_svc)),
                (r"/api/1.0/admin/log_level", LogLevelHandler,
Exemplo n.º 8
class AppService:
    Core functionality for the application.

    Automatically sets up logging, given a config_svc that serves a logging config

    Usage example:
        def start():
            # The following sets up a default AppService, reading
            # default arguments from the command line, in particular
            # --port and --product:
            app_svc = AppService.create()

            # The service is now set up to read config files from:
            #  - /opt/product_name/etc/app.config
            #  - /opt/product_name/etc/logger.config

            # Now set up Tornado routes
            args = dict(service1=Service1(), service2=Service2())
            routes = [
                (r"/api/1.0/endpoint1", Handler1, args),
                (r"/api/1.0/endpoint2", Handler2, args)

            # Now start the service.
            # The port will come from the command line argument --port

    def __init__(self, config_svc, debug, port, logger=None):
        """Sets up the admin service and configures logging"""
        self.config_svc = config_svc
        self.route_svc = RouteService(self, debug)
        self._debug = debug

        if not port or (not type(port) is int):
            raise InvalidPortError("Invalid port: '{port}'".format(port=port))
        self._port = port

        # Initialize the logger configuration:
        self._logger_config = config_svc.get_logger_config()

        self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._logger.info("Logger initialized by AppService")
        self._tornado = None

    def create(product_name=None):
        Creates the default app service based on arguments sent from the command line
        and related services with defaults based on the product_name.

        If the product_name is specified via the command line, it will override
        the argument.

        Command line usage: <program>
                               --port <port>
                               [--product <product name>]
                               [--configroot path]

        These config files should be accessible:
            - /opt/<product_name>/app.config
            - /opt/<product_name>/logger.config

        You can override this by supplying config_root, in which case they should be
        found at <config_root>/*.config

        :param product_name: Should by convention be __package__. This value can be overriden
                             by supplying the --product parameter on the command line.

        parser = OptionParser()
        parser.add_option("--product", dest="product", metavar="PRODUCT")
        parser.add_option("--port", dest="port", metavar="PORT")
        parser.add_option("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False)
        parser.add_option("--configroot", dest="configroot", metavar="CONFIGROOT")
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        if options.product:
            product_name = options.product

        if not product_name:
            raise ProductNameError(
                "No product name was supplied via the command line or as an argument to create")

        config_root = options.configroot or os.path.join("/opt", product_name, "etc")
        logger_config_path = os.path.join(config_root, "logger.config")
        app_config_path = os.path.join(config_root, "app.config")
        config_svc = ConfigurationService(logger_config_path=logger_config_path,
        app_svc = AppService(config_svc, options.debug, int(options.port))
        return app_svc

    def start(self, routes):
        # Add the default routes, such as the API handler
        self._tornado = tornado.web.Application(self.route_svc.get_routes(), debug=self._debug)
        self._logger.info("Starting the service on {0} (debug={1})"
                          .format(self._port, self._debug))

    def set_log_level(self, log_level):
        # TODO: Directly change via logging module if possible
        self._logger_config["handlers"]["file_handler"]["level"] = log_level

    def get_log_level(self):
        return self._logger_config["handlers"]["file_handler"]["level"]

    def _get_default_routes(self):
        Gets the default endpoints for a web service in the Arteria project
        return [
            (r"/api", ApiHelpHandler, dict(route_svc=self.route_svc)),
            (r"/api/1.0/admin/log_level", LogLevelHandler, dict(app_svc=self))