Exemplo n.º 1
 def modify_get(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1):
     if not acl.is_allowed('article', article_id, current_uid, 'modify'):
         return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error')
     board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id)
     board_desc = board_info.bDescription
     article_ = article.get_article(board_id, article_id)
     uploads = attachment.get_attachment(article_id)
     return util.render().article_edit(
             title = _('Modify - /%s')% board_name,
             stylesheet = board_info.stylesheet,
             action='modify/%s' % article_id, 
             action_name = _('Modify article'),
             board_path = board_name, board_desc = board_desc,
             article_title = article_.aTitle, body = article_.aContent,
             attachment = uploads, help_context = 'article_edit')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def read_get(self, board_name, board_id, article_id):
        board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id)
        board_desc = board_info.bDescription
        a = article.get_article(board_id, article_id)
        comment = article.get_comment(article_id)

        #새글읽기 처리
        if web.ctx.session.has_key('uid'):
            uSerial = web.ctx.session.uid
            user.read_article(uSerial, article_id) 

        read_articles = web.cookies().get('read_articles')
        if read_articles:
                read_articles = [int(i) for i in read_articles.split(';')]
                if article_id not in read_articles:
            except ValueError:
                read_articles = []
            read_articles = [article_id]
        read_articles = ';'.join(['%s' % i for i in read_articles])
        web.setcookie('read_articles', read_articles, 3600)

        prev_id = -1
        next_id = -1

        if not a:
            raise web.notfound(util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_SUCH_ARTICLE'), help_context='error'))
        if a.aIndex > 1:
            prev_id = article.get_article_id_by_index(board_id, a.aIndex - 1)
        if a.aIndex < article._get_article_count(board_id):
            next_id = article.get_article_id_by_index(board_id, a.aIndex + 1)
        page_no = article.get_page_by_article_id(board_id, article_id, config.page_size)
        uploads = attachment.get_attachment(article_id)
        thumbs = attachment.get_thumbnail(article_id, web.config.theme)

        return util.render().article(article = a,
            title = u"%s - %s" % (a.aIndex, a.aTitle),
            stylesheet = board_info.stylesheet,
            board_path = board_name, board_desc = board_desc,
            comments = comment, page_no = page_no,
            prev_id = prev_id, next_id = next_id, feed = True,
            attachment = uploads, thumbnail = thumbs,
            help_context = 'read_article')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def reply_get(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1):
     if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'write'):
         return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error')
     board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id)
     board_desc = board_info.bDescription
     user_info = user.get_user(current_uid)[1]
     article_ = article.get_article(board_id, article_id)
     quote_text = _('From %s\'s Article %s:') % (user._get_username_from_uid(article_.uSerial), util.remove_bracket(article_.aTitle))
     body = '\n\n\n[quote=%s]%s\n[/quote]\n\n%s' % (quote_text, article_.aContent, user_info.uSig)
     return util.render().article_edit(
             title = _('Reply - /%s') % board_name,
             stylesheet = board_info.stylesheet,
             action='reply/%s' % article_id, 
             action_name = _('Reply to the article'),
             board_path = board_name, board_desc = board_desc,
             body = body, article_title = article_.aTitle,
             help_context = 'article_edit')