Exemplo n.º 1
def step5(request, action_id, form_class=ActionStep5Form, template_name="actions/step5.html"):
    action = get_object_or_404(Action, pk=action_id)
    if not has_perm(request.user,'actions.add_action'): raise Http403
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = form_class(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            add_article = form.cleaned_data['add_article']
            if add_article:
                # add an article
                from articles.models import Article
                from categories.models import Category
                from perms.object_perms import ObjectPermission
                from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
                # article slug is a unique field, if the slug already exists,
                # what should we do? let append the action id to it to keep it unique
                slug = slugify(action.email.subject + '-' + str(action.id))
                    art = Article.objects.get(slug=slug)
                except Article.DoesNotExist:
                    art = Article()
                    art.headline = action.email.subject
                    art.slug = slug
                    art.summary = ""
                    art.body = action.email.body
                    art.sourct = request.user.get_full_name()
                    art.first_name = request.user.first_name
                    art.last_name = request.user.last_name
                    profile = request.user.get_profile()
                    art.phone = profile.phone
                    art.fax = profile.fax
                    art.email = profile.email
                    art.website = get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl')
                    art.release_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
                    if action.member_only:
                        art.allow_anonymous_view = 1
                        art.allow_user_view = 1
                    art.allow_member_view = 1
                    art.allow_anonymous_edit = 0
                    art.allow_user_edit = 0
                    art.allow_member_edit = 0
                    art.status = 1
                    art.status_detail = 'active'
                    art.creator = request.user
                    art.creator_username = request.user.username
                    art.owner = request.user
                    art.owner_username = request.user.username
                    # user group - assign the permission to view this article
                    if action.group:
                        ObjectPermission.objects.assign_group(action.group, art)
                    # update category
                    category = Category.objects.update(art, 'Newsletter', 'category')
                action.article = art
            #if action.group.members.count() < LIMIT:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('action.send', args=[action.id]))
            #    # return to confirmation page    
            #    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('action.confirm', args=[action.id]))
        form = form_class()
    return render_to_response(template_name, {'form':form, 'action':action}, 
Exemplo n.º 2
                            data = conn.read()
                            path     = SimpleUploadedFile(path_str, data)
                            img      = ArticleImage(
                                image   = path,
                                caption = clean_text(photo['caption']),
                                byline  = photo['photographer'],
                                article = article
                    status +=  '-- Imported images for new story %s<br>' % article.headline
                if article.headline != story['headline']:
                    article.headline  = story['headline']
                if article.summary  != story['summary']:
                    article.summary   = story['summary']
                if article.body     != story['body']:
                    article.body      = story['body']
                    status += 'updating story: %s <br>' % article.headline
                if article.dateline  != story['dateline']:
                    article.dateline = story['dateline']
                if article.overline  != story['overline']:
                    article.overline = story['overline']

                if article.id and story.has_key('images'):
                    img_count = 0
                    for photo_id, photo in story['images'].items():
                        dupe = False
                        filename = photo['source_url'].rsplit('/', 1)[1]
                        path_str = get_image_path(filename, pub_date)
                        shortname = path_str.split('.')[0] # get file name before the first period. Ex: /img/articles/mypic