Exemplo n.º 1
    def factor_perm_repn(self, nfgg=None):
        if 'artincoefs' in self._data:
            return self._data['artincoefs']
            if nfgg is not None:
                self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg
                if "nfgg" not in self._data:
                    from artin_representations.math_classes import NumberFieldGaloisGroup
                    nfgg = NumberFieldGaloisGroup(self._data['coeffs'])
                    self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg
                    nfgg = self._data["nfgg"]

            cc = nfgg.conjugacy_classes()
            # cc is list, each has methods group, size, order, representative
            ccreps = [x.representative() for x in cc]
            ccns = [int(x.size()) for x in cc]
            ccreps = [x.cycle_string() for x in ccreps]
            ccgen = '[' + ','.join(ccreps) + ']'
            ar = nfgg.artin_representations()  # list of artin reps from db
            arfull = nfgg.artin_representations_full_characters(
            )  # list of artin reps from db
                'function(a,b) if a*b=a then return 1; else return 0; fi; end;'
            g = gap.Group(ccgen)
            h = g.Stabilizer('1')
            rc = g.RightCosets(h)
            # Permutation character for our field
            permchar = [gap.Sum(rc, 'j->fixed(j,' + x + ')') for x in ccreps]
            charcoefs = [0 for x in arfull]
            # list of lists (inner are giving char values
            ar2 = [x[0] for x in arfull]
            for j in range(len(ar)):
                fieldchar = int(arfull[j][1])
                zet = CyclotomicField(fieldchar).gen()
                ar2[j] = [psum(zet, x) for x in ar2[j]]
            for j in range(len(ar)):
                charcoefs[j] = 0
                for k in range(len(ccns)):
                    charcoefs[j] += int(permchar[k]) * ccns[k] * ar2[j][k]
            charcoefs = [x / int(g.Size()) for x in charcoefs]
            self._data['artincoefs'] = charcoefs
            return charcoefs

        except AttributeError:
            return []

        return []
Exemplo n.º 2
    def factor_perm_repn(self, nfgg=None):
        if 'artincoefs' in self._data:
            return self._data['artincoefs']
            if nfgg is not None:
                    self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg
                if "nfgg" not in self._data:
                    from artin_representations.math_classes import NumberFieldGaloisGroup
                    nfgg = NumberFieldGaloisGroup(self._data['coeffs'])
                    self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg
                    nfgg = self._data["nfgg"]

            cc = nfgg.conjugacy_classes()
            # cc is list, each has methods group, size, order, representative
            ccreps = [x.representative() for x in cc]
            ccns = [int(x.size()) for x in cc]
            ccreps = [x.cycle_string() for x in ccreps]
            ccgen = '['+','.join(ccreps)+']'
            ar = nfgg.artin_representations() # list of artin reps from db
            arfull = nfgg.artin_representations_full_characters() # list of artin reps from db
            gap.set('fixed', 'function(a,b) if a*b=a then return 1; else return 0; fi; end;');
            g = gap.Group(ccgen)
            h = g.Stabilizer('1')
            rc = g.RightCosets(h)
            # Permutation character for our field
            permchar = [gap.Sum(rc, 'j->fixed(j,'+x+')') for x in ccreps]
            charcoefs = [0 for x in arfull]
            # list of lists (inner are giving char values
            ar2 = [x[0] for x in arfull]
            for j in range(len(ar)):
                fieldchar = int(arfull[j][1])
                zet = CyclotomicField(fieldchar).gen()
                ar2[j] = [psum(zet, x) for x in ar2[j]]
            for j in range(len(ar)):
                charcoefs[j] = 0
                for k in range(len(ccns)):
                    charcoefs[j] += int(permchar[k])*ccns[k]*ar2[j][k]
            charcoefs = [x/int(g.Size()) for x in charcoefs]
            self._data['artincoefs'] = charcoefs
            return charcoefs

        except AttributeError:
            return []

        return []
Exemplo n.º 3
 def artin_reps(self, nfgg=None):
     if nfgg is not None:
         self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg
         if "nfgg" not in self._data:
             from artin_representations.math_classes import NumberFieldGaloisGroup
             nfgg = NumberFieldGaloisGroup.find_one({"label": self.label})
             self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg
             nfgg = self._data["nfgg"]
     return nfgg.artin_representations()
Exemplo n.º 4
 def artin_reps(self, nfgg=None):
     if nfgg is not None:
         self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg
         if "nfgg" not in self._data:
             from artin_representations.math_classes import NumberFieldGaloisGroup
             nfgg = NumberFieldGaloisGroup.find_one({"label": self.label})
             self._data["nfgg"] = nfgg
             nfgg = self._data["nfgg"]
     return nfgg.artin_representations()