Exemplo n.º 1
    def read_results(self):
        """Reads the output file using GaussianReader"""
        from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian_out
        filename = self.label + '.log'

        self.results['energy'] = read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='energy')
        self.results['forces'] = read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='forces')
        self.results['dipole'] = read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='dipole')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def read_results(self):
        """Reads the output file using GaussianReader"""
        from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian_out
        filename = self.label + '.log'

        self.results['energy'] = read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='energy')
        self.results['forces'] = read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='forces')
        self.results['dipole'] = read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='dipole')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def read_output(self, filename, quantity):
     """Reads the output file using GaussianReader"""
     from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian_out
     if (quantity == 'energy'):
         return read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='energy')
     elif (quantity == 'forces'):
         forces = read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='forces')
         return forces
     elif (quantity == 'dipole'):
         return read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='dipole')
     elif (quantity == 'version'):
         return read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='version')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def read_results(self):
        """Reads the output file using GaussianReader"""
        from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian_out

        filename = self.label + '.log'

        quantities = ['energy', 'forces', 'dipole']
        with open(filename, 'r') as fileobj:
            for quant in quantities:
                self.results[quant] = read_gaussian_out(fileobj,

            self.results['magmom'] = read_gaussian_out(fileobj,
            self.results['magmom'] -= 1
Exemplo n.º 5
    def read_results(self):
        """Reads the output file using GaussianReader"""
        from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian_out

        filename = self.label + '.log'

        quantities = ['energy', 'forces', 'dipole']
        with open(filename, 'r') as fileobj:
            for quant in quantities:
                self.results[quant] = read_gaussian_out(fileobj,

            self.results['magmom'] = read_gaussian_out(fileobj,
            self.results['magmom'] -= 1
Exemplo n.º 6
    def read(self, label):
        """Used to read the results of a previous calculation if restarting"""
        FileIOCalculator.read(self, label)

        from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian_out
        filename = self.label + '.log'

        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise ReadError

        self.atoms = read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='atoms')
        self.parameters = Parameters.read(self.label + '.ase')
        initial_magmoms = self.parameters.pop('initial_magmoms')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def read(self, label):
        """Used to read the results of a previous calculation if restarting"""
        FileIOCalculator.read(self, label)

        from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian_out
        filename = self.label + '.log'

        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise ReadError

        self.atoms = read_gaussian_out(filename, quantity='atoms')
        self.parameters = Parameters.read(self.label + '.ase')
        initial_magmoms = self.parameters.pop('initial_magmoms')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_qmdata(self, file_path=None):
        "A helper function to fill in the qmdata using CCLib"

        parser = ccread(file_path)
        atoms = read_gaussian_out(file_path)

        self.groundStateDegeneracy = parser.mult
        self.atomNumbers = atoms.numbers
        self.atomCoords = (atoms.arrays["positions"], "angstrom")
        self.stericEnergy = None  # Need to fix this
        self.molecularMass = (parser.atommasses.sum(), "amu")
        self.energy = (atoms.get_potential_energy(), "eV/molecule")
        self.atomicNumbers = parser.atomnos
        self.rotationalConstants = ([], "cm^-1")  # Need to fix this
        self.frequencies = (parser.vibfreqs, "cm^-1")
        self.source = None
        self.method = parser.metadata["functional"]
Exemplo n.º 9
def read(filename, index=None, format=None):
    """Read Atoms object(s) from file.

    filename: str
        Name of the file to read from.
    index: int or slice
        If the file contains several configurations, the last configuration
        will be returned by default.  Use index=n to get configuration
        number n (counting from zero).
    format: str
        Used to specify the file-format.  If not given, the
        file-format will be guessed by the *filetype* function.

    Known formats:

    =========================  =============
    format                     short name
    =========================  =============
    GPAW restart-file          gpw
    Dacapo netCDF output file  dacapo
    Old ASE netCDF trajectory  nc
    Virtual Nano Lab file      vnl
    ASE pickle trajectory      traj
    ASE bundle trajectory      bundle
    GPAW text output           gpaw-text
    CUBE file                  cube
    XCrySDen Structure File    xsf
    Dacapo text output         dacapo-text
    XYZ-file                   xyz
    VASP POSCAR/CONTCAR file   vasp
    VASP OUTCAR file           vasp_out
    SIESTA STRUCT file         struct_out
    ABINIT input file          abinit
    V_Sim ascii file           v_sim
    Protein Data Bank          pdb
    CIF-file                   cif
    FHI-aims geometry file     aims
    FHI-aims output file       aims_out
    VTK XML Image Data         vti
    VTK XML Structured Grid    vts
    VTK XML Unstructured Grid  vtu
    TURBOMOLE coord file       tmol
    TURBOMOLE gradient file    tmol-gradient
    exciting input             exi
    AtomEye configuration      cfg
    WIEN2k structure file      struct
    DftbPlus input file        dftb
    CASTEP geom file           cell
    CASTEP output file         castep
    CASTEP trajectory file     geom
    ETSF format                etsf.nc
    DFTBPlus GEN format        gen
    CMR db/cmr-file            db
    CMR db/cmr-file            cmr
    LAMMPS dump file           lammps
    EON reactant.con file      eon
    Gromacs coordinates        gro
    Gaussian com (input) file  gaussian
    Gaussian output file       gaussian_out
    Quantum espresso in file   esp_in
    Quantum espresso out file  esp_out
    Extended XYZ file          extxyz
    NWChem input file          nw
    =========================  =============

    if isinstance(filename,
                  str) and ('.json@' in filename or '.db@' in filename or
                            filename.startswith('pg://') and '@' in filename):
        filename, index = filename.rsplit('@', 1)
        if index.isdigit():
            index = int(index)
        if isinstance(filename, str):
            p = filename.rfind('@')
            if p != -1:
                    index = string2index(filename[p + 1:])
                except ValueError:
                    filename = filename[:p]

        if isinstance(index, str):
            index = string2index(index)

    if format is None:
        format = filetype(filename)

    if format.startswith('gpw'):
        import gpaw
        r = gpaw.io.open(filename, 'r')
        positions = r.get('CartesianPositions') * Bohr
        numbers = r.get('AtomicNumbers')
        cell = r.get('UnitCell') * Bohr
        pbc = r.get('BoundaryConditions')
        tags = r.get('Tags')
        magmoms = r.get('MagneticMoments')
        energy = r.get('PotentialEnergy') * Hartree

        if r.has_array('CartesianForces'):
            forces = r.get('CartesianForces') * Hartree / Bohr
            forces = None

        atoms = Atoms(positions=positions, numbers=numbers, cell=cell, pbc=pbc)
        if tags.any():

        if magmoms.any():
            magmoms = None

        atoms.calc = SinglePointDFTCalculator(atoms,
        kpts = []
        if r.has_array('IBZKPoints'):
            for w, kpt, eps_n, f_n in zip(r.get('IBZKPointWeights'),
                    SinglePointKPoint(w, kpt[0], kpt[1], eps_n[0], f_n[0]))
        atoms.calc.kpts = kpts

        return atoms

    if format in ['json', 'db', 'postgresql']:
        from ase.db.core import connect, dict2atoms
        if index == slice(None, None):
            index = None
        images = [
            dict2atoms(d) for d in connect(filename, format).select(index)
        if len(images) == 1:
            return images[0]
            return images

    if index is None:
        index = -1

    if format == 'castep':
        from ase.io.castep import read_castep
        return read_castep(filename, index)

    if format == 'castep_cell':
        import ase.io.castep
        return ase.io.castep.read_cell(filename, index)

    if format == 'castep_geom':
        import ase.io.castep
        return ase.io.castep.read_geom(filename, index)

    if format == 'exi':
        from ase.io.exciting import read_exciting
        return read_exciting(filename, index)

    if format in ['xyz', 'extxyz']:
        from ase.io.extxyz import read_xyz
        return read_xyz(filename, index)

    if format == 'traj':
        from ase.io.trajectory import read_trajectory
        return read_trajectory(filename, index)

    if format == 'bundle':
        from ase.io.bundletrajectory import read_bundletrajectory
        return read_bundletrajectory(filename, index)

    if format == 'cube':
        from ase.io.cube import read_cube
        return read_cube(filename, index)

    if format == 'nc':
        from ase.io.netcdf import read_netcdf
        return read_netcdf(filename, index)

    if format == 'gpaw-text':
        from ase.io.gpawtext import read_gpaw_text
        return read_gpaw_text(filename, index)

    if format == 'dacapo-text':
        from ase.io.dacapo import read_dacapo_text
        return read_dacapo_text(filename)

    if format == 'dacapo':
        from ase.io.dacapo import read_dacapo
        return read_dacapo(filename)

    if format == 'xsf':
        from ase.io.xsf import read_xsf
        return read_xsf(filename, index)

    if format == 'vasp':
        from ase.io.vasp import read_vasp
        return read_vasp(filename)

    if format == 'vasp_out':
        from ase.io.vasp import read_vasp_out
        return read_vasp_out(filename, index)

    if format == 'abinit':
        from ase.io.abinit import read_abinit
        return read_abinit(filename)

    if format == 'v_sim':
        from ase.io.v_sim import read_v_sim
        return read_v_sim(filename)

    if format == 'mol':
        from ase.io.mol import read_mol
        return read_mol(filename)

    if format == 'pdb':
        from ase.io.pdb import read_pdb
        return read_pdb(filename, index)

    if format == 'cif':
        from ase.io.cif import read_cif
        return read_cif(filename, index)

    if format == 'struct':
        from ase.io.wien2k import read_struct
        return read_struct(filename)

    if format == 'struct_out':
        from ase.io.siesta import read_struct
        return read_struct(filename)

    if format == 'vti':
        from ase.io.vtkxml import read_vti
        return read_vti(filename)

    if format == 'vts':
        from ase.io.vtkxml import read_vts
        return read_vts(filename)

    if format == 'vtu':
        from ase.io.vtkxml import read_vtu
        return read_vtu(filename)

    if format == 'aims':
        from ase.io.aims import read_aims
        return read_aims(filename)

    if format == 'aims_out':
        from ase.io.aims import read_aims_output
        return read_aims_output(filename, index)

    if format == 'iwm':
        from ase.io.iwm import read_iwm
        return read_iwm(filename)

    if format == 'Cmdft':
        from ase.io.cmdft import read_I_info
        return read_I_info(filename)

    if format == 'tmol':
        from ase.io.turbomole import read_turbomole
        return read_turbomole(filename)

    if format == 'tmol-gradient':
        from ase.io.turbomole import read_turbomole_gradient
        return read_turbomole_gradient(filename)

    if format == 'cfg':
        from ase.io.cfg import read_cfg
        return read_cfg(filename)

    if format == 'dftb':
        from ase.io.dftb import read_dftb
        return read_dftb(filename)

    if format == 'sdf':
        from ase.io.sdf import read_sdf
        return read_sdf(filename)

    if format == 'etsf':
        from ase.io.etsf import ETSFReader
        return ETSFReader(filename).read_atoms()

    if format == 'gen':
        from ase.io.gen import read_gen
        return read_gen(filename)

    if format == 'cmr':
        from ase.io.cmr_io import read_db
        return read_db(filename, index)

    if format == 'lammps':
        from ase.io.lammpsrun import read_lammps_dump
        return read_lammps_dump(filename, index)

    if format == 'eon':
        from ase.io.eon import read_reactant_con
        return read_reactant_con(filename)

    if format == 'gromacs':
        from ase.io.gromacs import read_gromacs
        return read_gromacs(filename)

    if format == 'gaussian':
        from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian
        return read_gaussian(filename)

    if format == 'gaussian_out':
        from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian_out
        return read_gaussian_out(filename, index)

    if format == 'esp_in':
        from ase.io.espresso import read_espresso_in
        return read_espresso_in(filename)

    if format == 'esp_out':
        from ase.io.espresso import read_espresso_out
        return read_espresso_out(filename, index)

    if format == 'nw':
        from ase.io.nwchem import read_nwchem_input
        return read_nwchem_input(filename)

    raise RuntimeError('File format descriptor ' + format + ' not recognized!')
Exemplo n.º 10
def read(filename, index=None, format=None):
    """Read Atoms object(s) from file.

    filename: str
        Name of the file to read from.
    index: int or slice
        If the file contains several configurations, the last configuration
        will be returned by default.  Use index=n to get configuration
        number n (counting from zero).
    format: str
        Used to specify the file-format.  If not given, the
        file-format will be guessed by the *filetype* function.

    Known formats:

    =========================  =============
    format                     short name
    =========================  =============
    GPAW restart-file          gpw
    Dacapo netCDF output file  dacapo
    Old ASE netCDF trajectory  nc
    Virtual Nano Lab file      vnl
    ASE pickle trajectory      traj
    ASE bundle trajectory      bundle
    GPAW text output           gpaw-text
    CUBE file                  cube
    XCrySDen Structure File    xsf
    Dacapo text output         dacapo-text
    XYZ-file                   xyz
    VASP POSCAR/CONTCAR file   vasp
    VASP OUTCAR file           vasp_out
    VASP XDATCAR file          vasp_xdatcar
    SIESTA STRUCT file         struct_out
    ABINIT input file          abinit
    V_Sim ascii file           v_sim
    Protein Data Bank          pdb
    CIF-file                   cif
    FHI-aims geometry file     aims
    FHI-aims output file       aims_out
    VTK XML Image Data         vti
    VTK XML Structured Grid    vts
    VTK XML Unstructured Grid  vtu
    TURBOMOLE coord file       tmol
    TURBOMOLE gradient file    tmol-gradient
    exciting input             exi
    AtomEye configuration      cfg
    WIEN2k structure file      struct
    DftbPlus input file        dftb
    CASTEP geom file           cell
    CASTEP output file         castep
    CASTEP trajectory file     geom
    ETSF format                etsf.nc
    DFTBPlus GEN format        gen
    CMR db/cmr-file            db
    CMR db/cmr-file            cmr
    LAMMPS dump file           lammps
    EON reactant.con file      eon
    Gromacs coordinates        gro
    Gaussian com (input) file  gaussian
    Gaussian output file       gaussian_out
    Quantum espresso in file   esp_in
    Quantum espresso out file  esp_out
    Extended XYZ file          extxyz
    NWChem input file          nw
    Materials Studio file      xsd
    =========================  =============

    Many formats allow on open file-like object to be passed instead
    of ``filename``. In this case the format cannot be auto-decected,
    so the ``format`` argument should be explicitly given.
    if isinstance(filename, str) and (
        '.json@' in filename or
        '.db@' in filename or
        filename.startswith('pg://') and '@' in filename):
        filename, index = filename.rsplit('@', 1)
        if index.isdigit():
            index = int(index)
        if isinstance(filename, str):
            p = filename.rfind('@')
            if p != -1:
                    index = string2index(filename[p + 1:])
                except ValueError:
                    filename = filename[:p]

        if isinstance(index, str):
            index = string2index(index)

    if format is None:
        format = filetype(filename)

    if format.startswith('gpw'):
        import gpaw
        r = gpaw.io.open(filename, 'r')
        positions = r.get('CartesianPositions') * Bohr
        numbers = r.get('AtomicNumbers')
        cell = r.get('UnitCell') * Bohr
        pbc = r.get('BoundaryConditions')
        tags = r.get('Tags')
        magmoms = r.get('MagneticMoments')
        energy = r.get('PotentialEnergy') * Hartree

        if r.has_array('CartesianForces'):
            forces = r.get('CartesianForces') * Hartree / Bohr
            forces = None

        atoms = Atoms(positions=positions,
        if tags.any():

        if magmoms.any():
            magmoms = None

        atoms.calc = SinglePointDFTCalculator(atoms, energy=energy,
                                              forces=forces, magmoms=magmoms)
        kpts = []
        if r.has_array('IBZKPoints'):
            for w, kpt, eps_n, f_n in zip(r.get('IBZKPointWeights'),
                kpts.append(SinglePointKPoint(w, kpt[0], kpt[1],
                                              eps_n[0], f_n[0]))
        atoms.calc.kpts = kpts

        return atoms

    if format in ['json', 'db', 'postgresql']:
        if index == slice(None, None):
            index = None
        from ase.db.core import connect
        images = [row.toatoms()
                  for row in connect(filename, format).select(index)]
        if len(images) == 1:
            return images[0]
            return images

    if index is None:
        index = -1
    if format == 'castep':
        from ase.io.castep import read_castep
        return read_castep(filename, index)

    if format == 'castep_cell':
        import ase.io.castep
        return ase.io.castep.read_cell(filename, index)

    if format == 'castep_geom':
        import ase.io.castep
        return ase.io.castep.read_geom(filename, index)

    if format == 'exi':
        from ase.io.exciting import read_exciting
        return read_exciting(filename, index)

    if format in ['xyz', 'extxyz']:
        from ase.io.extxyz import read_xyz
        return read_xyz(filename, index)

    if format == 'traj':
        from ase.io.trajectory import read_trajectory
        return read_trajectory(filename, index)

    if format == 'trj':
        from ase.io.pickletrajectory import read_trajectory
        return read_trajectory(filename, index)

    if format == 'bundle':
        from ase.io.bundletrajectory import read_bundletrajectory
        return read_bundletrajectory(filename, index)

    if format == 'cube':
        from ase.io.cube import read_cube
        return read_cube(filename, index)

    if format == 'nc':
        from ase.io.netcdf import read_netcdf
        return read_netcdf(filename, index)

    if format == 'gpaw-text':
        from ase.io.gpawtext import read_gpaw_text
        return read_gpaw_text(filename, index)

    if format == 'dacapo-text':
        from ase.io.dacapo import read_dacapo_text
        return read_dacapo_text(filename)

    if format == 'dacapo':
        from ase.io.dacapo import read_dacapo
        return read_dacapo(filename)

    if format == 'xsf':
        from ase.io.xsf import read_xsf
        return read_xsf(filename, index)

    if format == 'vasp':
        from ase.io.vasp import read_vasp
        return read_vasp(filename)

    if format == 'vasp_out':
        from ase.io.vasp import read_vasp_out
        return read_vasp_out(filename, index)

    if format == 'vasp_xdatcar':
        from ase.io.vasp import read_vasp_xdatcar
        return read_vasp_xdatcar(filename, index)

    if format == 'abinit':
        from ase.io.abinit import read_abinit
        return read_abinit(filename)

    if format == 'v_sim':
        from ase.io.v_sim import read_v_sim
        return read_v_sim(filename)

    if format == 'mol':
        from ase.io.mol import read_mol
        return read_mol(filename)

    if format == 'pdb':
        from ase.io.pdb import read_pdb
        return read_pdb(filename, index)

    if format == 'cif':
        from ase.io.cif import read_cif
        return read_cif(filename, index)

    if format == 'struct':
        from ase.io.wien2k import read_struct
        return read_struct(filename)

    if format == 'struct_out':
        from ase.io.siesta import read_struct
        return read_struct(filename)

    if format == 'vti':
        from ase.io.vtkxml import read_vti
        return read_vti(filename)

    if format == 'vts':
        from ase.io.vtkxml import read_vts
        return read_vts(filename)

    if format == 'vtu':
        from ase.io.vtkxml import read_vtu
        return read_vtu(filename)

    if format == 'aims':
        from ase.io.aims import read_aims
        return read_aims(filename)

    if format == 'aims_out':
        from ase.io.aims import read_aims_output
        return read_aims_output(filename, index)

    if format == 'iwm':
        from ase.io.iwm import read_iwm
        return read_iwm(filename)

    if format == 'Cmdft':
        from ase.io.cmdft import read_I_info
        return read_I_info(filename)

    if format == 'tmol':
        from ase.io.turbomole import read_turbomole
        return read_turbomole(filename)

    if format == 'tmol-gradient':
        from ase.io.turbomole import read_turbomole_gradient
        return read_turbomole_gradient(filename)

    if format == 'cfg':
        from ase.io.cfg import read_cfg
        return read_cfg(filename)

    if format == 'dftb':
        from ase.io.dftb import read_dftb
        return read_dftb(filename)

    if format == 'sdf':
        from ase.io.sdf import read_sdf
        return read_sdf(filename)

    if format == 'etsf':
        from ase.io.etsf import ETSFReader
        return ETSFReader(filename).read_atoms()

    if format == 'gen':
        from ase.io.gen import read_gen
        return read_gen(filename)

    if format == 'cmr':
        from ase.io.cmr_io import read_db
        return read_db(filename, index)

    if format == 'lammps':
        from ase.io.lammpsrun import read_lammps_dump
        return read_lammps_dump(filename, index)

    if format == 'eon':
        from ase.io.eon import read_reactant_con
        return read_reactant_con(filename)

    if format == 'gromacs':
        from ase.io.gromacs import read_gromacs
        return read_gromacs(filename)

    if format == 'gaussian':
        from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian
        return read_gaussian(filename)

    if format == 'gaussian_out':
        from ase.io.gaussian import read_gaussian_out
        return read_gaussian_out(filename, index)

    if format == 'esp_in':
        from ase.io.espresso import read_espresso_in
        return read_espresso_in(filename)

    if format == 'esp_out':
        from ase.io.espresso import read_espresso_out
        return read_espresso_out(filename, index)

    if format == 'nw':
        from ase.io.nwchem import read_nwchem_input
        return read_nwchem_input(filename)

    if format == 'xsd':
        from ase.io.xsd import read_xsd
        return read_xsd(filename)

    raise RuntimeError('File format descriptor ' + format + ' not recognized!')
Exemplo n.º 11
    def process(self, label, root=1, nstates=5, clean=False, **kwargs):
        """Generalized process for optimization, 
           ground state, frequency and TD
        root = int(root)
        nstates = int(nstates)
        if label not in proc_params.keys():
            raise KeyError("Process parameter not correct!")

        self._set_label(label)  # Causing writing label.com file
        # Clean up then return
        if clean:
            parprint("Clean up previous calculations for {0}".format(label))
            return True

        params = proc_params[label]
        # in_atoms used to generate input
            in_file = self.base / params["input"]
            in_atoms = read(in_file)
        except Exception:

        out_files = [
            "{0}.chk".format(self.label), "{0}.log".format(self.label)
        if "output" in params.keys():
            out_struct = self.base / params["output"].format(root=root,
            out_struct = None
        # Calculation finished
        if all([Path(o_).exists() for o_ in out_files]):
            parprint("Calculation process {0} is finished".format(label))
            #TODO: add post processing functions
            return True

        # Copy chk file from previous state
        if "inchk" in params.keys():
            utils.copy_chk(self.base, params["inchk"], label)

        # Update parameters
        kw_mod = {
            k: v.format(root=root, nstates=nstates, **kwargs)
            for k, v in params["kw"].items()
        # Get environment
        nproc = utils.get_nproc()
        if nproc is None:
            nproc = 1
        mem = max(1024 * nproc, 8192)
        # Execute job now
        ec = utils.run_job(self.label)
        if ec != 0:  # Some error
            parprint("Process {0} failed, please check".format(label))
        out_atoms = read_gaussian_out("{0}.log".format(self.label),
        if out_struct is not None:
            write(out_struct, out_atoms)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def calculate(self, autotst_object, calc):
        A method to perform a calculation given a calculator and an AutoTST
        object. If the corresponding log file already exists, we will skip it

        autotst_object: (AutoTST_Molecule, AutoTST_TS, AutoTST_Reaction) an
        AutoTST object that you want to run calculations on
        calc: (ase.calculators.calculator) the calculator that you want to run

        def update_from_ase(autotst_obj, ase_object):
            A function designed to update all objects based off of their ase objects
            if isinstance(autotst_obj, autotst.molecule.AutoTST_Molecule):
                autotst_obj.ase_molecule = ase_object

            if isinstance(autotst_obj, autotst.reaction.AutoTST_Reaction):
                autotst_obj.ts.ase_ts = ase_object

            if isinstance(autotst_obj, autotst.reaction.AutoTST_TS):
                autotst_obj.ase_ts = ase_object

            return autotst_obj

        current_path = os.getcwd()
        scratch_path = os.path.expanduser(

        new_file_name = calc.label.replace(
            "left", "(").replace("right", ")") + ".log"
        old_file_name = calc.label + ".log"

        if isinstance(autotst_object, AutoTST_Molecule):
            ase_object = autotst_object.ase_molecule
        elif isinstance(autotst_object, AutoTST_Reaction):
            ase_object = autotst_object.ts.ase_ts
        elif isinstance(autotst_object, AutoTST_TS):
            ase_object = autotst_object.ase_ts


        if os.path.exists(new_file_name):
            # We found a finished file file... it should be fixed
                "Found previous file for {}, verifying it...".format(new_file_name))
            complete, success = self.verify_output_file(new_file_name)
            if success:
                logging.info("Old output file verified, reading it in...")
                ase_object = read_gaussian_out(new_file_name)
                autotst_object = update_from_ase(autotst_object, ase_object)
                return autotst_object, True

            elif complete:
                    "Output file did not converge, attempting to run one last time...")
                    ase_object = read_gaussian_out(
                    autotst_object = update_from_ase(
                        autotst_object, ase_object)
                    return autotst_object, True

                except:  # TODO: add error for seg fault
                    logging.info("{} failed... again...".format(new_file_name))
                    return autotst_object, False

            elif (new_file_name == old_file_name) and (not complete):
                # The file names are identical and the job isn't complete yet
                    "Job appears to be running for this calculation, waiting for it to complete...")
                from time import sleep

                f = open(old_file_name)
                lines = f.readlines()[:5]
                for line in lines:
                    if "Entering Link" in line:
                        num = line.split()[-1][:-1]
                scratch_file = "Gau-" + num + ".int"
                while os.path.exists(scratch_file):
                logging.info("Job complete, reading in results now by running calculate again...")

                sleep(30) # waiting a lil while to make sure that the file is fixed... just in case...
                    ase_object = read_gaussian_out(
                    autotst_object = update_from_ase(
                        autotst_object, ase_object)
                    return autotst_object, True
                except IndexError:
                    logging.info("It appears that the previous log file wasn't finished... removing the files and rerunning")
                    os.remove(old_file_name.replace(".log", ".ase"))
                    os.remove(old_file_name.replace(".log", ".com"))
                    return self.calculate(autotst_object, calc)

                    "Something went wrong... File is neither complete nor successful...")

                return autotst_object, False

        elif os.path.exists(old_file_name):
            complete, success = self.verify_output_file(old_file_name)

            if not complete:
                    "Job appears to be running already, waiting for it to complete...")
                from time import sleep

                f = open(old_file_name)
                lines = f.readlines()[:5]
                for line in lines:
                    if "Entering Link" in line:
                        num = line.split()[-1][:-1]
                scratch_file = "Gau-" + num + ".int"
                while os.path.exists(scratch_file):
                logging.info("Job complete, reading in results now by running calculate again...")

                sleep(30) # waiting a lil while to make sure that the file is fixed... just in case...

                return self.calculate(autotst_object, calc)
                    "Found previous file for {}, verifying it...".format(old_file_name))
                if success:
                    logging.info("Old output file verified, reading it in...")
                    ase_object = read_gaussian_out(old_file_name)
                    autotst_object = update_from_ase(autotst_object, ase_object)
                    return autotst_object, True
                        "Something went wrong... File is neither complete nor successful...")

                    return autotst_object, False           
        # Seeing if the file exists
            # File doesn't exist, running calculations
                "Starting calculation for {}...".format(new_file_name))
                ase_object = read_gaussian_out(old_file_name)
                autotst_object = update_from_ase(autotst_object, ase_object)
                return autotst_object, True
            except:  # TODO: add error for seg fault
                # first calc failed, trying it once more
                    "Failed first attempt for {}. Trying it once more...".format(new_file_name))
                    ase_object = read_gaussian_out(old_file_name)
                    autotst_object = update_from_ase(
                        autotst_object, ase_object)
                    return autotst_object, True
                except:  # TODO: add error for seg fault
                        "{} failed first and second attempt...".format(new_file_name))
                    return autotst_object, False
Exemplo n.º 13
    def calculate(self, conformer=None, calc=None):
        A method to perform a calculation given a calculator and an AutoTST
        object. If the corresponding log file already exists, we will skip it

        autotst_object: (Molecule, TS, Reaction) an
        AutoTST object that you want to run calculations on
        calc: (ase.calculators.calculator) the calculator that you want to run

        assert conformer, "A Conformer or TS object needs to be provided to run calculate..."
        assert calc, "An ASECalculator object must be provided to run calculate..."

        current_path = os.getcwd()
        scratch_path = os.path.expanduser(

        new_file_name = calc.label.replace(
            "left", "(").replace("right", ")") + ".log"
        old_file_name = calc.label + ".log"


        if os.path.exists(new_file_name):
            # We found a finished file file... it should be fixed
                "Found previous file for {}, verifying it...".format(new_file_name))
            complete, success = self.verify_output_file(new_file_name)
            if success:
                logging.info("Old output file verified, reading it in...")
                conformer.ase_molecule = read_gaussian_out(new_file_name)
                conformer.energy = conformer.ase_molecule.get_potential_energy()
                return conformer, True

            elif complete:
                    "Output file did not converge, attempting to run one last time...")
                    conformer.ase_molecule = read_gaussian_out(
                    conformer.energy = conformer.ase_molecule.get_potential_energy()
                    return conformer, True

                except BaseException:  # TODO: add error for seg fault
                    logging.info("{} failed... again...".format(new_file_name))
                    return conformer, False

            elif (new_file_name == old_file_name) and (not complete):
                # The file names are identical and the job isn't complete yet

                    "Job appears to be running for this calculation, waiting for it to complete...")

                from time import sleep

                f = open(old_file_name)
                lines = f.readlines()[:5]
                num = ""
                for line in lines:
                    if "Entering Link" in line:
                        num = line.split()[-1][:-1]
                scratch_file = "Gau-" + num + ".int"
                while os.path.exists(scratch_file):
                    "Job complete, reading in results now by running calculate again...")

                # waiting a lil while to make sure that the file is fixed...
                # just in case...
                    conformer.ase_molecule = read_gaussian_out(
                    conformer.energy = conformer.ase_molecule.get_potential_energy()
                    return conformer, True
                except IndexError:
                        "It appears that the previous log file wasn't finished... removing the files and rerunning")
                    os.remove(old_file_name.replace(".log", ".ase"))
                    os.remove(old_file_name.replace(".log", ".com"))
                    return self.calculate(conformer, calc)

                    "Something went wrong... File is neither complete nor successful...")

                return conformer, False

        elif os.path.exists(old_file_name):
            complete, success = self.verify_output_file(old_file_name)

            if not complete:
                    "Job appears to be running already, waiting for it to complete...")

                from time import sleep

                f = open(old_file_name)
                lines = f.readlines()[:5]
                num = None
                for line in lines:
                    if "Entering Link" in line:
                        num = line.split()[-1][:-1]

                if not num:
                        "Something is wrong... it seems this run was interupted...")
                        "deleting {} and recalculating...".format(old_file_name))
                    return self.calculate(conformer, calc)

                scratch_file = "Gau-" + num + ".int"
                while os.path.exists(scratch_file):
                    "Job complete, reading in results now by running calculate again...")

                # waiting a lil while to make sure that the file is fixed...
                # just in case...

                return self.calculate(conformer, calc)

                    "Found previous file for {}, verifying it...".format(old_file_name))
                if success:
                    logging.info("Old output file verified, reading it in...")
                    conformer.ase_molecule = read_gaussian_out(old_file_name)
                    conformer.energy = conformer.ase_molecule.get_potential_energy()
                    return conformer, True
                        "Something went wrong... File is neither complete nor successful...")

                    return conformer, False
        # Seeing if the file exists
            # File doesn't exist, running calculations
                "Starting calculation for {}...".format(new_file_name))
                conformer.ase_molecule = read_gaussian_out(old_file_name)
                conformer.energy = conformer.ase_molecule.get_potential_energy()
                return conformer, True
            except BaseException:  # TODO: add error for seg fault
                # first calc failed, trying it once more
                    "Failed first attempt for {}. Trying it once more...".format(new_file_name))
                    conformer.ase_molecule = read_gaussian_out(old_file_name)
                    conformer.energy = conformer.ase_molecule.get_potential_energy()
                    return conformer, True
                except BaseException:  # TODO: add error for seg fault
                        "{} failed first and second attempt...".format(new_file_name))
                    return conformer, False