Exemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
     self.conf = {
         'language_mode': askbot.get_lang_mode(),
         'language_code': django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE,
         'languages': django_settings.LANGUAGES
     django_settings.ASKBOT_LANGUAGE_MODE = 'url-lang'
     django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en'
     django_settings.LANGUAGES = (('en', 'English'), ('de', 'German'))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setUp(self):
     self.conf = {
         'language_mode': askbot.get_lang_mode(),
         'language_code': django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE,
         'languages': django_settings.LANGUAGES
     django_settings.ASKBOT_LANGUAGE_MODE = 'url-lang'
     django_settings.LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en'
     django_settings.LANGUAGES = (('en', 'English'), ('de', 'German'))
Exemplo n.º 3
def question(request, id):#refactor - long subroutine. display question body, answers and comments
    """view that displays body of the question and
    all answers to it

    todo: convert this view into class
    #process url parameters
    #todo: fix inheritance of sort method from questions
    #before = timezone.now()
    form = ShowQuestionForm(request.REQUEST)
    form.full_clean()#always valid
    show_answer = form.cleaned_data['show_answer']
    show_comment = form.cleaned_data['show_comment']
    show_page = form.cleaned_data['show_page']
    answer_sort_method = form.cleaned_data['answer_sort_method']

    #load question and maybe refuse showing deleted question
    #if the question does not exist - try mapping to old questions
    #and and if it is not found again - then give up
        question_post = models.Post.objects.filter(
                                post_type = 'question',
                                id = id
    except IndexError:
    # Handle URL mapping - from old Q/A/C/ URLs to the new one
            question_post = models.Post.objects.filter(
                                    old_question_id = id
        except IndexError:
            raise Http404

        if show_answer:
                old_answer = models.Post.objects.get_answers().get(old_answer_id=show_answer)
            except models.Post.DoesNotExist:
                return HttpResponseRedirect(old_answer.get_absolute_url())

        elif show_comment:
                old_comment = models.Post.objects.get_comments().get(old_comment_id=show_comment)
            except models.Post.DoesNotExist:
                return HttpResponseRedirect(old_comment.get_absolute_url())

    if show_comment or show_answer:
            show_post = models.Post.objects.get(pk=(show_comment or show_answer))
        except models.Post.DoesNotExist:
            #missing target post will be handled later
            if (show_comment and not show_post.is_comment()) \
                or (show_answer and not show_post.is_answer()):
                return HttpResponseRedirect(show_post.get_absolute_url())

    except exceptions.QuestionHidden as error:
        request.user.message_set.create(message = unicode(error))
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index'))

    #redirect if slug in the url is wrong
    if request.path.split('/')[-2] != question_post.slug:
        logging.debug('no slug match!')
        lang = translation.get_language()
        question_url = question_post.get_absolute_url(language=lang)
        if request.GET:
            question_url += u'?' + urllib.urlencode(request.GET)
        return HttpResponseRedirect(question_url)

    #resolve comment and answer permalinks
    #they go first because in theory both can be moved to another question
    #this block "returns" show_post and assigns actual comment and answer
    #to show_comment and show_answer variables
    #in the case if the permalinked items or their parents are gone - redirect
    #redirect also happens if id of the object's origin post != requested id
    show_post = None #used for permalinks
    if show_comment:
        #if url calls for display of a specific comment,
        #check that comment exists, that it belongs to
        #the current question
        #if it is an answer comment and the answer is hidden -
        #redirect to the default view of the question
        #if the question is hidden - redirect to the main page
        #in addition - if url points to a comment and the comment
        #is for the answer - we need the answer object
            show_comment = models.Post.objects.get_comments().get(id=show_comment)
        except models.Post.DoesNotExist:
            error_message = _(
                'Sorry, the comment you are looking for has been '
                'deleted and is no longer accessible'
            request.user.message_set.create(message = error_message)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(question_post.thread.get_absolute_url())

        if str(show_comment.thread._question_post().id) != str(id):
            return HttpResponseRedirect(show_comment.get_absolute_url())
        show_post = show_comment.parent

        except exceptions.AnswerHidden as error:
            request.user.message_set.create(message = unicode(error))
            #use reverse function here because question is not yet loaded
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('question', kwargs = {'id': id}))
        except exceptions.QuestionHidden as error:
            request.user.message_set.create(message = unicode(error))
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index'))

    elif show_answer:
        #if the url calls to view a particular answer to
        #question - we must check whether the question exists
        #whether answer is actually corresponding to the current question
        #and that the visitor is allowed to see it
        show_post = get_object_or_404(models.Post, post_type='answer', id=show_answer)
        if str(show_post.thread._question_post().id) != str(id):
            return HttpResponseRedirect(show_post.get_absolute_url())

        except django_exceptions.PermissionDenied as error:
            request.user.message_set.create(message = unicode(error))
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('question', kwargs = {'id': id}))

    thread = question_post.thread

    if askbot.get_lang_mode() == 'url-lang':
        request_lang = translation.get_language()
        if request_lang != thread.language_code:
            template = get_template('question/lang_switch_message.html')
            message = template.render(Context({
                'post_lang': get_language_name(thread.language_code),
                'request_lang': get_language_name(request_lang),
                'home_url': reverse_i18n(request_lang, 'questions')
            return HttpResponseRedirect(thread.get_absolute_url())

    logging.debug('answer_sort_method=' + unicode(answer_sort_method))

    #load answers and post id's->athor_id mapping
    #posts are pre-stuffed with the correctly ordered comments
    question_post, answers, post_to_author, published_answer_ids = thread.get_post_data_for_question_view(
    user_votes = {}
    user_post_id_list = list()
    #todo: cache this query set, but again takes only 3ms!
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        user_votes = Vote.objects.filter(
                            voted_post__id__in = post_to_author.keys()
                        ).values_list('voted_post_id', 'vote')
        user_votes = dict(user_votes)
        #we can avoid making this query by iterating through
        #already loaded posts
        user_post_id_list = [
            post_id for post_id in post_to_author if post_to_author[post_id] == request.user.id

    #resolve page number and comment number for permalinks
    show_comment_position = None
    if show_comment:
        show_page = show_comment.get_page_number(answer_posts=answers)
        show_comment_position = show_comment.get_order_number()
    elif show_answer:
        show_page = show_post.get_page_number(answer_posts=answers)

    objects_list = Paginator(answers, const.ANSWERS_PAGE_SIZE)
    if show_page > objects_list.num_pages:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(question_post.get_absolute_url())
    page_objects = objects_list.page(show_page)

    #count visits

    paginator_data = {
        'is_paginated' : (objects_list.count > const.ANSWERS_PAGE_SIZE),
        'pages': objects_list.num_pages,
        'current_page_number': show_page,
        'page_object': page_objects,
        'base_url' : request.path + '?sort=%s&' % answer_sort_method,
    paginator_context = functions.setup_paginator(paginator_data)

    #todo: maybe consolidate all activity in the thread
    #for the user into just one query?
    favorited = thread.has_favorite_by_user(request.user)

    is_cacheable = True
    if show_page != 1:
        is_cacheable = False
    elif show_comment_position > askbot_settings.MAX_COMMENTS_TO_SHOW:
        is_cacheable = False

    #maybe load draft
    initial = {}
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        #todo: refactor into methor on thread
        drafts = models.DraftAnswer.objects.filter(
        if drafts.count() > 0:
            initial['text'] = drafts[0].get_text()

    custom_answer_form_path = django_settings.ASKBOT_NEW_ANSWER_FORM
    if custom_answer_form_path:
        answer_form_class = load_module(custom_answer_form_path)
        answer_form_class = AnswerForm

    answer_form = answer_form_class(initial=initial, user=request.user)

    user_can_post_comment = (
        request.user.is_authenticated() \
        and request.user.can_post_comment(question_post)

    new_answer_allowed = True
    previous_answer = None
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        if askbot_settings.LIMIT_ONE_ANSWER_PER_USER:
            for answer in answers:
                if answer.author_id == request.user.pk:
                    new_answer_allowed = False
                    previous_answer = answer

    if request.user.is_authenticated() and askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED:
        group_read_only = request.user.is_read_only()
        group_read_only = False

    #session variable added so that the session is
    #not empty and is not autodeleted, otherwise anonymous
    #answer posting is impossible
    request.session['askbot_write_intent'] = True

    data = {
        'active_tab': 'questions',
        'answer' : answer_form,
        'answers' : page_objects.object_list,
        'answer_count': thread.get_answer_count(request.user),
        'blank_comment': MockPost(post_type='comment', author=request.user),#data for the js comment template
        'category_tree_data': askbot_settings.CATEGORY_TREE,
        'favorited' : favorited,
        'group_read_only': group_read_only,
        'is_cacheable': False,#is_cacheable, #temporary, until invalidation fix
        'language_code': translation.get_language(),
        'long_time': const.LONG_TIME,#"forever" caching
        'new_answer_allowed': new_answer_allowed,
        'oldest_answer_id': thread.get_oldest_answer_id(request.user),
        'page_class': 'question-page',
        'paginator_context' : paginator_context,
        'previous_answer': previous_answer,
        'published_answer_ids': published_answer_ids,
        'question' : question_post,
        'show_comment': show_comment,
        'show_comment_position': show_comment_position,
        'show_post': show_post,
        'similar_threads' : thread.get_similar_threads(),
        'tab_id' : answer_sort_method,
        'thread': thread,
        'thread_is_moderated': thread.is_moderated(),
        'user_is_thread_moderator': thread.has_moderator(request.user),
        'user_votes': user_votes,
        'user_post_id_list': user_post_id_list,
        'user_can_post_comment': user_can_post_comment,#in general
    #shared with ...
    if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED:
        data['sharing_info'] = thread.get_sharing_info()


    extra = context.get_extra('ASKBOT_QUESTION_PAGE_EXTRA_CONTEXT', request, data)

    return render(request, 'question.html', data)
Exemplo n.º 4
def application_settings(request):
    """The context processor function"""
    #if not request.path.startswith('/' + settings.ASKBOT_URL):
    #    #todo: this is a really ugly hack, will only work
    #    #when askbot is installed not at the home page.
    #    #this will not work for the
    #    #heavy modders of askbot, because their custom pages
    #    #will not receive the askbot settings in the context
    #    #to solve this properly we should probably explicitly
    #    #add settings to the context per page
    #    return {}
    my_settings = askbot_settings.as_dict()
    my_settings['LANGUAGE_CODE'] = getattr(request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE',
    my_settings['LANGUAGE_MODE'] = askbot.get_lang_mode()
    my_settings['MULTILINGUAL'] = askbot.is_multilingual()
    my_settings['LANGUAGES_DICT'] = dict(getattr(settings, 'LANGUAGES', []))
    my_settings['ALLOWED_UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES'] = \
    my_settings['ASKBOT_URL'] = settings.ASKBOT_URL
    my_settings['STATIC_URL'] = settings.STATIC_URL
    my_settings['IP_MODERATION_ENABLED'] = getattr(
        settings, 'ASKBOT_IP_MODERATION_ENABLED', False)
    my_settings['USE_LOCAL_FONTS'] = getattr(settings,
                                             'ASKBOT_USE_LOCAL_FONTS', False)
    my_settings['CSRF_COOKIE_NAME'] = settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME
    my_settings['DEBUG'] = settings.DEBUG
    my_settings['USING_RUNSERVER'] = 'runserver' in sys.argv
    my_settings['ASKBOT_VERSION'] = askbot.get_version()
    my_settings['LOGIN_URL'] = url_utils.get_login_url()
    my_settings['LOGOUT_URL'] = url_utils.get_logout_url()

    if my_settings['EDITOR_TYPE'] == 'tinymce':
        tinymce_plugins = settings.TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG.get('plugins',
        my_settings['TINYMCE_PLUGINS'] = map(lambda v: v.strip(),
        my_settings['TINYMCE_PLUGINS'] = []

    my_settings['LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL'] = url_utils.get_logout_redirect_url()

    current_language = get_language()

    #for some languages we will start searching for shorter words
    if current_language == 'ja':
        #we need to open the search box and show info message about
        #the japanese lang search
        min_search_word_length = 1
        min_search_word_length = my_settings['MIN_SEARCH_WORD_LENGTH']

    need_scope_links = askbot_settings.ALL_SCOPE_ENABLED or \
                    askbot_settings.UNANSWERED_SCOPE_ENABLED or \
                    (request.user.is_authenticated() and askbot_settings.FOLLOWED_SCOPE_ENABLED)

    context = {
        'base_url': site_url(''),
        'csrf_token': get_or_create_csrf_token(request),
        'empty_search_state': SearchState.get_empty(),
        'min_search_word_length': min_search_word_length,
        'current_language_code': current_language,
        'settings': my_settings,
        'moderation_items': api.get_info_on_moderation_items(request.user),
        'need_scope_links': need_scope_links,
        'noscript_url': const.DEPENDENCY_URLS['noscript'],

    use_askbot_login = '******' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS
    my_settings['USE_ASKBOT_LOGIN_SYSTEM'] = use_askbot_login
    if use_askbot_login and request.user.is_anonymous():
        from askbot.deps.django_authopenid import context as login_context

    if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED:
        #calculate context needed to list all the groups
        def _get_group_url(group):
            """calculates url to the group based on its id and name"""
            group_slug = slugify(group['name'])
            return reverse('users_by_group',
                               'group_id': group['id'],
                               'group_slug': group_slug

        #load id's and names of all groups
        global_group = models.Group.objects.get_global_group()
        groups = models.Group.objects.exclude_personal()
        groups = groups.exclude(id=global_group.id)
        groups_data = list(groups.values('id', 'name'))

        #sort groups_data alphanumerically, but case-insensitive
        groups_data = sorted(
            lambda x, y: cmp(x['name'].lower(), y['name'].lower()))

        #insert data for the global group at the first position
        groups_data.insert(0, {
            'id': global_group.id,
            'name': global_group.name

        #build group_list for the context
        group_list = list()
        for group in groups_data:
            link = _get_group_url(group)
            group_list.append({'name': group['name'], 'link': link})
        context['group_list'] = simplejson.dumps(group_list)

    return context
Exemplo n.º 5
def application_settings(request):
    """The context processor function"""
    # if not request.path.startswith('/' + settings.ASKBOT_URL):
    #     #todo: this is a really ugly hack, will only work
    #     #when askbot is installed not at the home page.
    #     #this will not work for the
    #     #heavy modders of askbot, because their custom pages
    #     #will not receive the askbot settings in the context
    #     #to solve this properly we should probably explicitly
    #     #add settings to the context per page
    #     return {}
    my_settings = askbot_settings.as_dict()
    my_settings['LANGUAGE_CODE'] = getattr(request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE',
    my_settings['LANGUAGE_MODE'] = askbot.get_lang_mode()
    my_settings['MULTILINGUAL'] = askbot.is_multilingual()
    my_settings['LANGUAGES_DICT'] = dict(getattr(settings, 'LANGUAGES', []))
    my_settings['ASKBOT_URL'] = settings.ASKBOT_URL
    my_settings['STATIC_URL'] = settings.STATIC_URL
    my_settings['IP_MODERATION_ENABLED'] = getattr(
        settings, 'ASKBOT_IP_MODERATION_ENABLED', False)
    my_settings['USE_LOCAL_FONTS'] = getattr(settings,
                                             'ASKBOT_USE_LOCAL_FONTS', False)
    my_settings['CSRF_COOKIE_NAME'] = settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME
    my_settings['DEBUG'] = settings.DEBUG
    my_settings['USING_RUNSERVER'] = 'runserver' in sys.argv
    my_settings['ASKBOT_VERSION'] = askbot.get_version()
    my_settings['LOGIN_URL'] = url_utils.get_login_url()
    my_settings['LOGOUT_URL'] = url_utils.get_logout_url()

    if my_settings['EDITOR_TYPE'] == 'tinymce':
        tinymce_plugins = settings.TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG.get('plugins',
        my_settings['TINYMCE_PLUGINS'] = [v.strip() for v in tinymce_plugins]
        my_settings['TINYMCE_CONFIG_JSON'] = json.dumps(
        my_settings['TINYMCE_PLUGINS'] = []
        my_settings['TINYMCE_EDITOR_DESELECTOR'] = ''

    my_settings['LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL'] = url_utils.get_logout_redirect_url()

    current_language = get_language()

    # for some languages we will start searching for shorter words
    if current_language == 'ja':
        # we need to open the search box and show info message about
        # the japanese lang search
        min_search_word_length = 1
        min_search_word_length = my_settings['MIN_SEARCH_WORD_LENGTH']

    need_scope_links = askbot_settings.ALL_SCOPE_ENABLED or \
        askbot_settings.UNANSWERED_SCOPE_ENABLED or \
        (request.user.is_authenticated and askbot_settings.FOLLOWED_SCOPE_ENABLED)

    context = {
        'base_url': site_url(''),
        'csrf_token': csrf.get_token(request),
        'empty_search_state': SearchState.get_empty(),
        'min_search_word_length': min_search_word_length,
        'current_language_code': current_language,
        'settings': my_settings,
        'moderation_items': api.get_info_on_moderation_items(request.user),
        'need_scope_links': need_scope_links,
        'noscript_url': const.DEPENDENCY_URLS['noscript'],

    use_askbot_login = '******' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS
    my_settings['USE_ASKBOT_LOGIN_SYSTEM'] = use_askbot_login
    if use_askbot_login and request.user.is_anonymous:
        from askbot.deps.django_authopenid import context as login_context

    context['group_list'] = json.dumps(make_group_list())

    if askbot_settings.EDITOR_TYPE == 'tinymce':
        from tinymce.widgets import TinyMCE
        context['tinymce'] = TinyMCE()

    return context
Exemplo n.º 6
        #question - we must check whether the question exists
        #whether answer is actually corresponding to the current question
        #and that the visitor is allowed to see it
        show_post = get_object_or_404(models.Post, post_type='answer', id=show_answer)
        if str(show_post.thread._question_post().id) != str(id):
            return HttpResponseRedirect(show_post.get_absolute_url())

        except django_exceptions.PermissionDenied, error:
            request.user.message_set.create(message = unicode(error))
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('question', kwargs = {'id': id}))

    thread = question_post.thread

    if askbot.get_lang_mode() == 'url-lang':
        request_lang = translation.get_language()
        if request_lang != thread.language_code:
            template = get_template('question/lang_switch_message.html')
            message = template.render(Context({
                'post_lang': get_language_name(thread.language_code),
                'request_lang': get_language_name(request_lang),
                'home_url': reverse_i18n(request_lang, 'questions')
            return HttpResponseRedirect(thread.get_absolute_url())

    logging.debug('answer_sort_method=' + unicode(answer_sort_method))

    #load answers and post id's->athor_id mapping
    #posts are pre-stuffed with the correctly ordered comments
Exemplo n.º 7
def application_settings(request):
    """The context processor function"""
    #if not request.path.startswith('/' + settings.ASKBOT_URL):
    #    #todo: this is a really ugly hack, will only work
    #    #when askbot is installed not at the home page.
    #    #this will not work for the
    #    #heavy modders of askbot, because their custom pages
    #    #will not receive the askbot settings in the context
    #    #to solve this properly we should probably explicitly
    #    #add settings to the context per page
    #    return {}
    my_settings = askbot_settings.as_dict()
    my_settings['LANGUAGE_CODE'] = getattr(request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE', settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
    my_settings['LANGUAGE_MODE'] = askbot.get_lang_mode()
    my_settings['MULTILINGUAL'] = askbot.is_multilingual()
    my_settings['LANGUAGES_DICT'] = dict(getattr(settings, 'LANGUAGES', []))
    my_settings['ALLOWED_UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES'] = \
    my_settings['ASKBOT_URL'] = settings.ASKBOT_URL
    my_settings['STATIC_URL'] = settings.STATIC_URL
    my_settings['IP_MODERATION_ENABLED'] = getattr(settings, 'ASKBOT_IP_MODERATION_ENABLED', False)
    my_settings['USE_LOCAL_FONTS'] = getattr(
    my_settings['CSRF_COOKIE_NAME'] = settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME
    my_settings['DEBUG'] = settings.DEBUG
    my_settings['USING_RUNSERVER'] = 'runserver' in sys.argv
    my_settings['ASKBOT_VERSION'] = askbot.get_version()
    my_settings['LOGIN_URL'] = url_utils.get_login_url()
    my_settings['LOGOUT_URL'] = url_utils.get_logout_url()

    if my_settings['EDITOR_TYPE'] == 'tinymce':
        tinymce_plugins = settings.TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG.get('plugins', '').split(',')
        my_settings['TINYMCE_PLUGINS'] = map(lambda v: v.strip(), tinymce_plugins)
        my_settings['TINYMCE_EDITOR_DESELECTOR'] = settings.TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG['editor_deselector']
        my_settings['TINYMCE_CONFIG_JSON'] = json.dumps(settings.TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG)
        my_settings['TINYMCE_PLUGINS'] = []
        my_settings['TINYMCE_EDITOR_DESELECTOR'] = ''

    my_settings['LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL'] = url_utils.get_logout_redirect_url()

    current_language = get_language()

    #for some languages we will start searching for shorter words
    if current_language == 'ja':
        #we need to open the search box and show info message about
        #the japanese lang search
        min_search_word_length = 1
        min_search_word_length = my_settings['MIN_SEARCH_WORD_LENGTH']

    need_scope_links = askbot_settings.ALL_SCOPE_ENABLED or \
                    askbot_settings.UNANSWERED_SCOPE_ENABLED or \
                    (request.user.is_authenticated() and askbot_settings.FOLLOWED_SCOPE_ENABLED)

    context = {
        'base_url': site_url(''),
        'csrf_token': get_or_create_csrf_token(request),
        'empty_search_state': SearchState.get_empty(),
        'min_search_word_length': min_search_word_length,
        'current_language_code': current_language,
        'settings': my_settings,
        'moderation_items': api.get_info_on_moderation_items(request.user),
        'need_scope_links': need_scope_links,
        'noscript_url': const.DEPENDENCY_URLS['noscript'],

    use_askbot_login = '******' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS
    my_settings['USE_ASKBOT_LOGIN_SYSTEM'] = use_askbot_login
    if use_askbot_login and request.user.is_anonymous():
        from askbot.deps.django_authopenid import context as login_context

    if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED:
        #calculate context needed to list all the groups
        def _get_group_url(group):
            """calculates url to the group based on its id and name"""
            group_slug = slugify(group['name'])
            return reverse(
                kwargs={'group_id': group['id'], 'group_slug': group_slug}

        #load id's and names of all groups
        global_group = models.Group.objects.get_global_group()
        groups = models.Group.objects.exclude_personal()
        groups = groups.exclude(id=global_group.id)
        groups_data = list(groups.values('id', 'name'))

        #sort groups_data alphanumerically, but case-insensitive
        groups_data = sorted(
                        lambda x, y: cmp(x['name'].lower(), y['name'].lower())

        #insert data for the global group at the first position
        groups_data.insert(0, {'id': global_group.id, 'name': global_group.name})

        #build group_list for the context
        group_list = list()
        for group in groups_data:
            link = _get_group_url(group)
            group_list.append({'name': group['name'], 'link': link})
        context['group_list'] = simplejson.dumps(group_list)

    if askbot_settings.EDITOR_TYPE == 'tinymce':
        from tinymce.widgets import TinyMCE
        context['tinymce'] = TinyMCE()

    return context
Exemplo n.º 8
def question(request, id):#refactor - long subroutine. display question body, answers and comments
    """view that displays body of the question and
    all answers to it

    todo: convert this view into class
    #process url parameters
    #todo: fix inheritance of sort method from questions
    #before = timezone.now()
    form = ShowQuestionForm(request.REQUEST)
    form.full_clean()#always valid
    show_answer = form.cleaned_data['show_answer']
    show_comment = form.cleaned_data['show_comment']
    show_page = form.cleaned_data['show_page']
    answer_sort_method = form.cleaned_data['answer_sort_method']

    #load question and maybe refuse showing deleted question
    #if the question does not exist - try mapping to old questions
    #and and if it is not found again - then give up
        question_post = models.Post.objects.filter(
                                post_type = 'question',
                                id = id
    except IndexError:
    # Handle URL mapping - from old Q/A/C/ URLs to the new one
            question_post = models.Post.objects.filter(
                                    old_question_id = id
        except IndexError:
            raise Http404

        if show_answer:
                old_answer = models.Post.objects.get_answers().get(old_answer_id=show_answer)
            except models.Post.DoesNotExist:
                return HttpResponseRedirect(old_answer.get_absolute_url())

        elif show_comment:
                old_comment = models.Post.objects.get_comments().get(old_comment_id=show_comment)
            except models.Post.DoesNotExist:
                return HttpResponseRedirect(old_comment.get_absolute_url())

    if show_comment or show_answer:
            show_post = models.Post.objects.get(pk=(show_comment or show_answer))
        except models.Post.DoesNotExist:
            #missing target post will be handled later
            if (show_comment and not show_post.is_comment()) \
                or (show_answer and not show_post.is_answer()):
                return HttpResponseRedirect(show_post.get_absolute_url())

    except exceptions.QuestionHidden as error:
        request.user.message_set.create(message = unicode(error))
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index'))

    #redirect if slug in the url is wrong
    if request.path.split('/')[-2] != question_post.slug:
        logging.debug('no slug match!')
        lang = translation.get_language()
        question_url = question_post.get_absolute_url(language=lang)
        if request.GET:
            question_url += u'?' + urllib.urlencode(request.GET)
        return HttpResponseRedirect(question_url)

    #resolve comment and answer permalinks
    #they go first because in theory both can be moved to another question
    #this block "returns" show_post and assigns actual comment and answer
    #to show_comment and show_answer variables
    #in the case if the permalinked items or their parents are gone - redirect
    #redirect also happens if id of the object's origin post != requested id
    show_post = None #used for permalinks
    if show_comment:
        #if url calls for display of a specific comment,
        #check that comment exists, that it belongs to
        #the current question
        #if it is an answer comment and the answer is hidden -
        #redirect to the default view of the question
        #if the question is hidden - redirect to the main page
        #in addition - if url points to a comment and the comment
        #is for the answer - we need the answer object
            show_comment = models.Post.objects.get_comments().get(id=show_comment)
        except models.Post.DoesNotExist:
            error_message = _(
                'Sorry, the comment you are looking for has been '
                'deleted and is no longer accessible'
            request.user.message_set.create(message = error_message)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(question_post.thread.get_absolute_url())

        if str(show_comment.thread._question_post().id) != str(id):
            return HttpResponseRedirect(show_comment.get_absolute_url())
        show_post = show_comment.parent

        except exceptions.AnswerHidden as error:
            request.user.message_set.create(message = unicode(error))
            #use reverse function here because question is not yet loaded
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('question', kwargs = {'id': id}))
        except exceptions.QuestionHidden as error:
            request.user.message_set.create(message = unicode(error))
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index'))

    elif show_answer:
        #if the url calls to view a particular answer to
        #question - we must check whether the question exists
        #whether answer is actually corresponding to the current question
        #and that the visitor is allowed to see it
        show_post = get_object_or_404(models.Post, post_type='answer', id=show_answer)
        if str(show_post.thread._question_post().id) != str(id):
            return HttpResponseRedirect(show_post.get_absolute_url())

        except django_exceptions.PermissionDenied as error:
            request.user.message_set.create(message = unicode(error))
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('question', kwargs = {'id': id}))

    thread = question_post.thread

    if askbot.get_lang_mode() == 'url-lang':
        request_lang = translation.get_language()
        if request_lang != thread.language_code:
            template = get_template('question/lang_switch_message.html')
            message = template.render(Context({
                'post_lang': get_language_name(thread.language_code),
                'request_lang': get_language_name(request_lang),
                'home_url': reverse_i18n(request_lang, 'questions')
            return HttpResponseRedirect(thread.get_absolute_url())

    logging.debug('answer_sort_method=' + unicode(answer_sort_method))

    #load answers and post id's->athor_id mapping
    #posts are pre-stuffed with the correctly ordered comments
    question_post, answers, post_to_author, published_answer_ids = thread.get_post_data_for_question_view(
    user_votes = {}
    user_post_id_list = list()
    #todo: cache this query set, but again takes only 3ms!
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        user_votes = Vote.objects.filter(
                            voted_post__id__in = post_to_author.keys()
                        ).values_list('voted_post_id', 'vote')
        user_votes = dict(user_votes)
        #we can avoid making this query by iterating through
        #already loaded posts
        user_post_id_list = [
            post_id for post_id in post_to_author if post_to_author[post_id] == request.user.id

    #resolve page number and comment number for permalinks
    show_comment_position = None
    if show_comment:
        show_page = show_comment.get_page_number(answer_posts=answers)
        show_comment_position = show_comment.get_order_number()
    elif show_answer:
        show_page = show_post.get_page_number(answer_posts=answers)

    objects_list = Paginator(answers, const.ANSWERS_PAGE_SIZE)
    if show_page > objects_list.num_pages:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(question_post.get_absolute_url())
    page_objects = objects_list.page(show_page)

    #count visits

    paginator_data = {
        'is_paginated' : (objects_list.count > const.ANSWERS_PAGE_SIZE),
        'pages': objects_list.num_pages,
        'current_page_number': show_page,
        'page_object': page_objects,
        'base_url' : request.path + '?sort=%s&' % answer_sort_method,
    paginator_context = functions.setup_paginator(paginator_data)

    #todo: maybe consolidate all activity in the thread
    #for the user into just one query?
    favorited = thread.has_favorite_by_user(request.user)

    is_cacheable = True
    if show_page != 1:
        is_cacheable = False
    elif show_comment_position > askbot_settings.MAX_COMMENTS_TO_SHOW:
        is_cacheable = False

    #maybe load draft
    initial = {}
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        #todo: refactor into methor on thread
        drafts = models.DraftAnswer.objects.filter(
        if drafts.count() > 0:
            initial['text'] = drafts[0].get_text()

    custom_answer_form_path = django_settings.ASKBOT_NEW_ANSWER_FORM
    if custom_answer_form_path:
        answer_form_class = load_module(custom_answer_form_path)
        answer_form_class = AnswerForm

    answer_form = answer_form_class(initial=initial, user=request.user)

    user_can_post_comment = (
        request.user.is_authenticated() \
        and request.user.can_post_comment(question_post)

    new_answer_allowed = True
    previous_answer = None
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        if askbot_settings.LIMIT_ONE_ANSWER_PER_USER:
            for answer in answers:
                if answer.author_id == request.user.pk:
                    new_answer_allowed = False
                    previous_answer = answer

    if request.user.is_authenticated() and askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED:
        group_read_only = request.user.is_read_only()
        group_read_only = False

    #session variable added so that the session is
    #not empty and is not autodeleted, otherwise anonymous
    #answer posting is impossible
    request.session['askbot_write_intent'] = True

    data = {
        'active_tab': 'questions',
        'answer' : answer_form,
        'answers' : page_objects.object_list,
        'answer_count': thread.get_answer_count(request.user),
        'blank_comment': MockPost(post_type='comment', author=request.user),#data for the js comment template
        'category_tree_data': askbot_settings.CATEGORY_TREE,
        'favorited' : favorited,
        'group_read_only': group_read_only,
        'is_cacheable': False,#is_cacheable, #temporary, until invalidation fix
        'language_code': translation.get_language(),
        'long_time': const.LONG_TIME,#"forever" caching
        'new_answer_allowed': new_answer_allowed,
        'oldest_answer_id': thread.get_oldest_answer_id(request.user),
        'page_class': 'question-page',
        'paginator_context' : paginator_context,
        'previous_answer': previous_answer,
        'published_answer_ids': published_answer_ids,
        'question' : question_post,
        'show_comment': show_comment,
        'show_comment_position': show_comment_position,
        'show_post': show_post,
        'similar_threads' : thread.get_similar_threads(),
        'tab_id' : answer_sort_method,
        'thread': thread,
        'thread_is_moderated': thread.is_moderated(),
        'user_is_thread_moderator': thread.has_moderator(request.user),
        'user_votes': user_votes,
        'user_post_id_list': user_post_id_list,
        'user_can_post_comment': user_can_post_comment,#in general
    #shared with ...
    if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED:
        data['sharing_info'] = thread.get_sharing_info()


    extra = context.get_extra('ASKBOT_QUESTION_PAGE_EXTRA_CONTEXT', request, data)

    return render(request, 'question.html', data)