Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: cli.py Projeto: dowski/aspen
def main(argv=None):
        configuration = Configuration(argv)
        configuration.app = app = Application()
        website = Website(configuration)
        configuration.website = website  # to support re-handling, especially
        website = configuration.hooks.run('startup', website)

        # change current working directory

        if configuration.conf.aspen.no('changes_kill'):
            # restart for template files too;
            # TODO can't we just invalidate the simplate cache for these?
            dot_aspen = join(configuration.root, '.aspen')
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dot_aspen):
                for filename in files:
                    restarter.add(join(root, filename))


        port = configuration.address[1]
        app.add_service(Service(http.HttpServer(website), port))

        log.warn("Greetings, program! Welcome to port %d." % port)

    except KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit:
        configuration.hooks.run('shutdown', website)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setUp(self):
     website = Website([
         '--www_root', WWW_ROOT, '--project_root', PROJECT_ROOT,
         '--show_tracebacks', b'yes'
     self.client = TestClient(website)
def test_negotiated_resource_is_instantiable():
    website = Website([])
    fs = ''
    raw = '^L^L #!tornado text/plain\n'
    media_type = ''
    mtime = 0
    actual = NegotiatedResource(website, fs, raw, media_type, mtime).__class__
    assert actual is NegotiatedResource, actual
def get(**_kw):
    kw = dict(website=Website([]),
              raw='[---]\n[---] text/plain via stdlib_template\n',
    return NegotiatedResource(**kw)
def test_negotiated_resource_is_instantiable():
    website = Website([])
    fs = ''
    raw = '[---]\n[---] text/plain via stdlib_template\n'
    media_type = ''
    mtime = 0
    actual = NegotiatedResource(website, fs, raw, media_type, mtime).__class__
    assert actual is NegotiatedResource
def get(**_kw):
    kw = dict( website = Website([])
             , fs = ''
             , raw = '^L^L #!tornado text/plain\n'
             , media_type = ''
             , mtime = 0
    return NegotiatedResource(**kw)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_github_oauth_url_not_susceptible_to_injection_attack(self):
     expected = 'https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=cheese&redirect_uri=nuts?data=b3B0LWluLC9vbi90d2l0dGVyLyI+PGltZyBzcmM9eCBvbmVycm9yPXByb21wdCgxKTs+Lw=='
     website = Website([])
     website.github_client_id = 'cheese'
     website.github_callback = 'nuts'
     actual = github.oauth_url(website=website,
     assert actual == expected
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_website_doesnt_clobber_outbound(mk):
    mk( ( '.aspen/configure-aspen.py'
        , 'import random\nwebsite.hooks.outbound.append(random.choice)'

    project_root = os.path.join(FSFIX, '.aspen')
    website = Website(['--www_root='+FSFIX, '--project_root='+project_root])

    expected = 2
    actual = len(website.hooks.outbound)
    assert actual == expected
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(self, path='/', *a):
        """Given an URL path, return

        This only allows you to simulate GET requests with no querystring, so
        it's limited. But it's a something. Kind of. Almost.

        website = Website(self.argv + list(a))
        request = StubRequest(path)
        request.website = website
        response = website.handle_safely(request)
        return response
Exemplo n.º 10
 def from_fs(cls, fs, *a):
     """Takes a path under FSFIX using / as the path separator.
     fs = os.sep.join(fs.split(os.sep))
     request = Request.from_wsgi(StubWSGIRequest(fs))
     website = Website([ '--www_root', FSFIX
                       , '--project_root', '.aspen'
                        ] + list(a))
     request.www_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), FSFIX)
     request.fs = fs
     request.context = {}
     request.website = website
     request._media_type = None
     return request
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_call_wraps_wsgi_middleware():
    website = Website([])
    website.wsgi_app = TestMiddleware(website.wsgi_app)
    respond = [False, False]
    def start_response_should_404(status, headers):
        assert status.lower().strip() == '404 not found'
        respond[0] = True
    website(build_environ('/'), start_response_should_404)
    assert respond[0]
    def start_response_should_200(status, headers):
        assert status.lower().strip() == '200 ok'
        respond[1] = True
    website(build_environ('/middleware'), start_response_should_200)
    assert respond[1]
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_configuration_script_can_set_renderer_default(mk):
    CONFIG = """
    SIMPLATE = """
Greetings, {name}!
       ('.aspen/configure-aspen.py', CONFIG),
       ('index.html.spt', SIMPLATE)
    w = Website(['--www_root', FSFIX, '-p', fix('.aspen'), '--show_tracebacks=yes'])
    request = StubRequest(b'/')
    request.website = w
    response = w.handle_safely(request)
    actual = response.body.strip()
    expected = 'Greetings, program!'
    assert actual == expected
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_double_failure_still_sets_response_dot_request(mk):
    mk( '.aspen'
      , ('.aspen/foo.py', """
def bar(response):
      , ( '.aspen/configure-aspen.py'
        , 'import foo\nwebsite.hooks.outbound.append(foo.bar)'
      , ('index.html.spt', "raise heck\n[---]\n")

    # Intentionally break the website object so as to trigger a double failure.
    project_root = os.path.join(FSFIX, '.aspen')
    website = Website(['--www_root='+FSFIX, '--project_root='+project_root])
    del website.renderer_factories

    response = website.handle_safely(StubRequest())

    expected = 500
    actual = response.code
    assert actual == expected
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_basic():
    website = Website([])
    expected = os.getcwd()
    actual = website.www_root
    assert actual == expected
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_basic():
    website = Website(Configuration([]))
    expected = os.getcwd()
    actual = website.root
    assert actual == expected, actual
Exemplo n.º 16
    actual = handle('/', '--unavailable=10').headers['Retry-After']
    expected = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y')
    assert actual.startswith(expected), actual
    assert actual.endswith(' +0000'), actual

def test_double_failure_still_sets_response_dot_request():
    mk( '.aspen'
      , ('.aspen/foo.py', """
def bar(response):
      , ( '.aspen/configure-aspen.py'
        , 'import foo\nwebsite.hooks.outbound_late.register(foo.bar)'
      , ('index.html', "raise heck")

    # Intentionally break the website object so as to trigger a double failure.
    website = Website(['--www_root='+FSFIX, '--project_root=.aspen'])
    del website.renderer_factories

    response = website.handle_safely(StubRequest())

    expected = 500
    actual = response.code
    assert actual == expected, actual

Exemplo n.º 17
def handle(path):
    website = Website(Configuration(['fsfix']))
    return website.handle(Request.from_diesel(DieselReq(path)))
Exemplo n.º 18
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import os
from aspen.website import Website

project_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
www_root = os.path.join(project_root, 'www')
website = Website(project_root=project_root, www_root=www_root)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_configuration_script_ignores_blank_indexfilenames():
    w = Website(['--indices', 'index.html,, ,default.html'])
    assert w.indices[0] == 'index.html'
    assert w.indices[1] == 'default.html'
    assert len(w.indices) == 2, "Too many indexfile entries"
Exemplo n.º 20
def _main(argv):

    # Do imports.
    # ===========
    # These are in here so that if you Ctrl-C during an import, the
    # KeyboardInterrupt is caught and ignored. Yes, that's how much I care.
    # No, I don't care enough to put aspen/__init__.py in here too.

    import os
    import signal
    import socket
    import sys
    import traceback

    import aspen
    from aspen import execution
    from aspen.website import Website

    # Set up signal handling.
    # =======================

    def SIGHUP(signum, frame):
        aspen.log_dammit("Received HUP, re-executing.")
    if not aspen.WINDOWS:
        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, SIGHUP)

    def SIGINT(signum, frame):
        aspen.log_dammit("Received INT, exiting.")
        raise SystemExit
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, SIGINT)

    def SIGQUIT(signum, frame):
        aspen.log_dammit("Received QUIT, exiting.")
        raise SystemExit
    if not aspen.WINDOWS:
        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, SIGQUIT)

    # Website
    # =======
    # User-developers get this website object inside of their resources and
    # hooks. It provides access to configuration information in addition to
    # being a WSGI callable and holding the request/response handling
    # logic. See aspen/website.py

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
    website = Website(argv)

    # Start serving the website.
    # ==========================
    # This amounts to binding the requested socket, with logging and
    # restarting as needed. Wrap the whole thing in a try/except to
    # do some cleanup on shutdown.

        if hasattr(socket, 'AF_UNIX'):
            if website.network_sockfam == socket.AF_UNIX:
                if os.path.exists(website.network_address):
                    aspen.log("Removing stale socket.")
        if website.network_port is not None:
            welcome = "port %d" % website.network_port
            welcome = website.network_address
        aspen.log("Starting %s engine." % website.network_engine.name)
        aspen.log_dammit("Greetings, program! Welcome to %s." % welcome)
        if website.changes_reload:
            aspen.log("Aspen will restart when configuration scripts or "
                      "Python modules change.")

    except socket.error:

        # Be friendly about port conflicts.
        # =================================

        # The traceback one gets from a port conflict or permission error
        # is not that friendly. Here's a helper to let the user know (in
        # color?!) that a port conflict or a permission error is probably
        # the problem. But in case it isn't (website.start fires the start
        # hook, and maybe the user tries to connect to a network service in
        # there?), don't fully swallow the exception. Also, be explicit
        # about the port number. What if they have logging turned off? Then
        # they won't see the port number in the "Greetings, program!" line.
        # They definitely won't see it if using an engine like eventlet
        # that binds to the port early.

        if website.network_port is not None:
            msg = "Is something already running on port %s? Because ..."
            if not aspen.WINDOWS:
                if website.network_port < 1024:
                    if os.geteuid() > 0:
                        msg = ("Do you have permission to bind to port %s?"
                               " Because ...")
            msg %= website.network_port
            if not aspen.WINDOWS:
                # Assume we can use ANSI color escapes if not on Windows.
                # XXX Maybe a bad assumption if this is going into a log
                # file? See also: colorama
                msg = '\033[01;33m%s\033[00m' % msg
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        raise  # Don't bother logging these.
        if hasattr(socket, 'AF_UNIX'):
            if website.network_sockfam == socket.AF_UNIX:
                if os.path.exists(website.network_address):
Exemplo n.º 21
import base64

import gratipay
import gratipay.wireup
from gratipay import utils, security
from gratipay.cron import Cron
from gratipay.models.participant import Participant
from gratipay.security import authentication, csrf
from gratipay.utils import erase_cookie, http_caching, i18n, set_cookie, timer
from gratipay.version import get_version
from gratipay.renderers import csv_dump, jinja2_htmlescaped, eval_, scss

import aspen
from aspen.website import Website

website = Website()

# Configure renderers
# ===================

website.renderer_default = 'unspecified'  # require explicit renderer, to avoid escaping bugs

website.renderer_factories['csv_dump'] = csv_dump.Factory(website)
website.renderer_factories['eval'] = eval_.Factory(website)
website.renderer_factories['jinja2_htmlescaped'] = jinja2_htmlescaped.Factory(
website.renderer_factories['scss'] = scss.Factory(website)
website.default_renderers_by_media_type['text/html'] = 'jinja2_htmlescaped'
    'text/plain'] = 'jinja2'  # unescaped is fine here
website.default_renderers_by_media_type['text/css'] = 'scss'
Exemplo n.º 22
import base64

import gratipay
import gratipay.wireup
from gratipay import canonize, utils
from gratipay.cron import Cron
from gratipay.models.participant import Participant
from gratipay.security import authentication, csrf, x_frame_options
from gratipay.utils import erase_cookie, http_caching, i18n, set_cookie, timer
from gratipay.version import get_version
from gratipay.renderers import csv_dump, jinja2_htmlescaped

import aspen
from aspen.website import Website

website = Website([])

# Configure renderers
# ===================

website.renderer_default = 'unspecified'  # require explicit renderer, to avoid escaping bugs

website.renderer_factories['csv_dump'] = csv_dump.Factory(website)
website.renderer_factories['jinja2_htmlescaped'] = jinja2_htmlescaped.Factory(
website.default_renderers_by_media_type['text/html'] = 'jinja2_htmlescaped'
    'text/plain'] = 'jinja2'  # unescaped is fine here

website.renderer_factories['jinja2'].Renderer.global_context = {
    # This is shared via class inheritance with jinja2_htmlescaped.
Exemplo n.º 23
def make_request(filename='echo.sock'):
    request = Request(uri='/echo.sock')
    request.website = Website([])
    request.fs = fix(filename)
    return request
Exemplo n.º 24
def check():
    website = Website(Configuration(['fsfix']))
    response = website.handle(Request.from_diesel(DieselReq()))
    return response