Exemplo n.º 1
    def surface(self,
                derivative=(0, ),
                resolution=(100, 100),
        Plot the surface of a function defined on the finite element mesh
            ax: axis (don't forget to initialize it using projection='3d')
            f: Function, function to be plotted
            mesh: Mesh, on which to plot the function 
            *derivatives [(0,)]: int, tuple specifying what derivatives to
                plot (see Function.eval for details).
            *shading [True]: bool, shade surface or use wire plot? 
            *grid [False]: bool, display grid? 
            *resolution [(100,100)]: int, tuple (nx,ny) number of points 
                in the x- and y directions. 
            *edge_resolution: int, number of points along each each edge
            *flag [None]: str/int marker for submesh TODO: Not implemented
            ax: Axis, containing plot.
        # Check if input is a Function object
        assert isinstance(f, Map), 'Can only plot Map objects.'

        if mesh is None:
            if f.mesh is not None:
                mesh = f.mesh
                mesh_error = 'Mesh must be specified, either explicitly, '+\
                    'or as part of the Function.'
                raise Exception(mesh_error)

        x0, x1, y0, y1 = mesh.bounding_box()
        system = Assembler()
        if shading:
            # Colormap

            # Define Grid
            nx, ny = resolution
            x, y = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx), np.linspace(y0, y1, ny)
            xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
            xy = np.array([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]).transpose()

            # Evaluate function
            zz = f.eval(xy, derivative=derivative)
            z_min, z_max = zz.min(), zz.max()

            if grid:
                alpha = 0.5
                alpha = 1
            axis.plot_surface(xx,yy,zz.reshape(xx.shape),cmap='viridis', \
                              linewidth=1, antialiased=True, alpha=alpha)


        if grid:
            # Wirefunction
            ne = edge_resolution
            lines = []
            node_count = 0
            initialize_min_max = True
            for node in mesh.root_node().get_leaves():
                # Function type
                if callable(f):
                    # Explicit function
                    assert derivative==(0,),\
                        'Discretize before plotting derivatives.'
                    f_loc = f
                elif isinstance(f, Map):
                    # Function object
                    f_loc = f
                elif len(f) == system.n_dofs():
                    # Nodal function
                    f_loc = f[system.get_global_dofs(node)]

                elif len(f) == mesh.n_nodes():
                    # Mesh function
                    f_loc = f[node_count]

                cell = node.cell()
                for edge in cell.get_edges():
                    # Points on edges
                    v = edge.vertex_coordinates()
                    x0, y0 = v[0]
                    x1, y1 = v[1]
                    t = np.linspace(0, 1, ne)
                    xx = (1 - t) * x0 + t * x1
                    yy = (1 - t) * y0 + t * y1

                    # Evaluate function at edge points
                    zz = system.f_eval_loc(f_loc, node, x=np.array([xx,yy]).T, \
                    if initialize_min_max:
                        z_min = zz.min()
                        z_max = zz.max()
                        initialize_min_max = False
                        z_max = max(zz.max(), z_max)
                        z_min = min(zz.min(), z_min)

                    for i in range(ne - 1):
                        lines.append([(xx[i], yy[i], zz[i]),
                                      (xx[i + 1], yy[i + 1], zz[i + 1])])
                node_count += 1
                Line3DCollection(lines, colors='k', linewidth=0.5))

        x0, x1, y0, y1 = mesh.box()
        hx = x1 - x0
        hy = y1 - y0
        hz = z_max - z_min
        spc = 0.1
        axis.set_xlim(x0 - spc * hx, x1 + spc * hx)
        axis.set_ylim(y0 - spc * hy, y1 + spc * hy)
        axis.set_zlim(z_min - spc * hz, z_max + spc * hz)

        return axis