Exemplo n.º 1
def test_entropy():
    str_1 = "1" * 10000
    str_2 = bytes([random.randint(1, 255) for _ in range(10000)])

    e1, parts1 = calculate_partition_entropy(BytesIO(str_1.encode()), num_partitions=1)
    e2, parts2 = calculate_partition_entropy(BytesIO(str_2), num_partitions=1)
    assert e1 == 0
    assert e1 == parts1[0]
    assert e2 > 7.5
    assert e2 == parts2[0]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def execute(self, request):
        path = request.download()
        with open(path, 'rb') as fin:
            (entropy, part_entropies) = calculate_partition_entropy(fin)

        entropy_graph_data = {
            'type': 'colormap',
            'data': {
                'domain': [0, 8],
                'values': part_entropies
        section = ResultSection(SCORE.NULL,
                                'Entropy.\tEntire File: {}'.format(
                                    round(entropy, 3)),
        result = Result()
        request.result = result
Exemplo n.º 3
    def execute(self, request):
        request.result = Result()

        # 1. Calculate entropy map
        with open(request.file_path, 'rb') as fin:
            (entropy, part_entropies) = calculate_partition_entropy(fin)

        entropy_graph_data = {
            'type': 'colormap',
            'data': {
                'domain': [0, 8],
                'values': part_entropies

        ResultSection(f"File entropy: {round(entropy, 3)}",

        if request.file_type == "meta/shortcut/windows":
            # 2. Parse windows shortcuts
            self.parse_link(request.result, request.file_path)
            # 3. Get hachoir metadata
            parser = createParser(request.file_path)
            if parser is not None:
                with parser:
                    tags = parser.getParserTags()
                    parser_id = tags.get('id', 'unknown')

                    # Do basic metadata extraction
                    metadata = extractMetadata(parser, 1)

                    if metadata:
                        kv_body = {}
                        tags = []
                        for m in metadata:
                            if m.key == "comment":
                                for v in m.values:
                                    key, val = get_type_val(v.text, "comment")
                                    if not val:

                                    kv_body[key] = val

                                    tag_type = TAG_MAP.get(parser_id, {}).get(key, None) or \
                                        TAG_MAP.get(None, {}).get(key, None)
                                    if tag_type is not None:
                                        tags.append((tag_type, val))
                            elif m.key in ["mime_type"]:
                                values = [v.text for v in m.values]
                                if len(values) == 1 and values[0]:
                                    kv_body[m.key] = values[0]
                                elif values:
                                    kv_body[m.key] = values

                                for v in values:
                                    tag_type = TAG_MAP.get(parser_id, {}).get(m.key, None) or \
                                        TAG_MAP.get(None, {}).get(m.key, None)
                                    if tag_type is not None:
                                        tags.append((tag_type, v))

                        if kv_body:
                            res = ResultSection(
                                f"Metadata extracted by hachoir-metadata [Parser: {parser_id}]",

                            for t_type, t_val in tags:
                                res.add_tag(t_type, t_val)

        # 4. Get Exiftool Metadata
        exif = subprocess.run(["exiftool", "-j", request.file_path],
        if exif.stdout:
            exif_data = json.loads(exif.stdout.decode('utf-8',
            res_data = exif_data[0]
            if "Error" not in res_data:
                exif_body = {
                    build_key(k): v
                    for k, v in res_data.items() if v and k not in [
                        "SourceFile", "ExifToolVersion", "FileName",
                        "Directory", "FileSize", "FileModifyDate",
                        "FileAccessDate", "FileInodeChangeDate",
                        "FilePermissions", "FileType", "FileTypeExtension",
                if exif_body:
                    e_res = ResultSection("Metadata extracted by ExifTool",
                    for k, v in exif_body.items():
                        tag_type = TAG_MAP.get(res_data.get("FileTypeExtension", "UNK").upper(), {}).get(k, None) or \
                                   TAG_MAP.get(None, {}).get(k, None)
                        if tag_type:
                            e_res.add_tag(tag_type, v)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def execute(self, request: ServiceRequest) -> None:
        request.result = Result()

        # 1. Calculate entropy map
        with open(request.file_path, "rb") as fin:
            (entropy, part_entropies) = calculate_partition_entropy(fin)

        entropy_graph_data = {"type": "colormap", "data": {"domain": [0, 8], "values": part_entropies}}

            f"File entropy: {round(entropy, 3)}",
            body=json.dumps(entropy_graph_data, allow_nan=False),

        if request.file_type != "shortcut/windows":
            # 2. Get hachoir metadata
            parser = createParser(request.file_path)
            if parser is not None:
                with parser:
                    parser_tags = parser.getParserTags()
                    parser_id = parser_tags.get("id", "unknown")

                    # Do basic metadata extraction
                    metadata = extractMetadata(parser, 1)

                    if metadata:
                        kv_body: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]] = {}
                        tags: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
                        for m in metadata:
                            if m.key == "comment":
                                for v in m.values:
                                    key, val = get_type_val(v.text, "comment")
                                    if not val:

                                    kv_body[key] = val

                                    tag_type = TAG_MAP.get(parser_id, {}).get(key, None) or TAG_MAP.get(None, {}).get(
                                        key, None
                                    if tag_type is not None:
                                        tags.append((tag_type, val))
                            elif m.key in ["mime_type"]:
                                values = [v.text for v in m.values]
                                if len(values) == 1 and values[0]:
                                    kv_body[m.key] = values[0]
                                elif values:
                                    kv_body[m.key] = values

                                for v in values:
                                    tag_type = TAG_MAP.get(parser_id, {}).get(m.key, None) or TAG_MAP.get(None, {}).get(
                                        m.key, None
                                    if tag_type is not None:
                                        tags.append((tag_type, v))

                        if kv_body:
                            res = ResultSection(
                                f"Metadata extracted by hachoir-metadata [Parser: {parser_id}]",
                                body=json.dumps(kv_body, allow_nan=False),

                            for t_type, t_val in tags:
                                res.add_tag(t_type, t_val)

        # 3. Get Exiftool Metadata
        exif = subprocess.run(["exiftool", "-j", request.file_path], capture_output=True, check=False)
        if exif.stdout:
            exif_data = json.loads(exif.stdout.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore"))
            res_data = exif_data[0]
            if "Error" not in res_data:
                exif_body = {}
                for k, v in res_data.items():
                    if v and k not in [
                        if v in [float("inf"), -float("inf"), float("nan")]:
                            exif = subprocess.run(
                                ["exiftool", f"-{k}", "-T", request.file_path], capture_output=True, check=False
                            v = exif.stdout.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore").strip()
                        exif_body[build_key(k)] = v
                if exif_body:
                    e_res = ResultSection(
                        "Metadata extracted by ExifTool",
                        body=json.dumps(exif_body, allow_nan=False),
                    for k, v in exif_body.items():
                        tag_type = TAG_MAP.get(res_data.get("FileTypeExtension", "UNK").upper(), {}).get(
                            k, None
                        ) or TAG_MAP.get(None, {}).get(k, None)
                        if tag_type:
                            e_res.add_tag(tag_type, v)

        # 4. Lnk management.
        if request.file_type == "shortcut/windows":
            with open(request.file_path, "rb") as indata:
                lnk = LnkParse3.lnk_file(indata)

            features = lnk.get_json(get_all=True)

            lnk_result_section = ResultSection(
                "Extra metadata extracted by LnkParse3",

            heur_1_items = {}
            risky_executable = ["rundll32.exe", "powershell.exe", "cmd.exe", "mshta.exe"]

            if "command_line_arguments" in features["data"]:
                if any(x in features["data"]["command_line_arguments"].lower() for x in risky_executable):
                    heur_1_items["command_line_arguments"] = features["data"]["command_line_arguments"]
                elif " && " in features["data"]["command_line_arguments"]:
                    heur_1_items["command_line_arguments"] = features["data"]["command_line_arguments"]

            lbp = ""
            if "local_base_path" in features["link_info"]:
                lbp = features["link_info"]["local_base_path"]
                if "common_path_suffix" in features["link_info"]:
                    lbp = f"{lbp}{features['link_info']['common_path_suffix']}"
                if any(x in lbp.lower() for x in risky_executable):
                    heur_1_items["local_base_path"] = features["link_info"]["local_base_path"]

            if "relative_path" in features["data"]:
                if any(x in features["data"]["relative_path"].lower() for x in risky_executable):
                    heur_1_items["relative_path"] = features["data"]["relative_path"]

            target = ""
            if "target" in features:
                import ntpath

                if "items" in features["target"]:
                    last_item = None
                    for item in features["target"]["items"]:
                        if "primary_name" in item:
                            last_item = item
                            target = ntpath.join(target, item["primary_name"])

                    if last_item and last_item["flags"] == "Is directory":
                        target = ""

                    if any(x in target.lower() for x in risky_executable):
                        heur_1_items["target_file_dosname"] = target

            if "icon_location" in features["data"]:
                deceptive_icons = ["wordpad.exe", "shell32.dll"]

                    tag_type="file.shortcut.icon_location", value=features["data"]["icon_location"]
                if any(
                    features["data"]["icon_location"].lower().strip('"').strip("'").endswith(x) for x in deceptive_icons
                    heur = Heuristic(4)
                    heur_section = ResultKeyValueSection(heur.name, heuristic=heur, parent=lnk_result_section)
                    heur_section.set_item("icon_location", features["data"]["icon_location"])

            timestamps = []
            if features["header"]["creation_time"]:
                timestamps.append(("creation_time", features["header"]["creation_time"]))
            if features["header"]["modified_time"]:
                timestamps.append(("modified_time", features["header"]["modified_time"]))

            if request.task.depth != 0:
                heur2_earliest_ts = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) - datetime.timedelta(
                    days=self.config.get("heur2_flag_more_recent_than_days", 3)
                heur2_latest_ts = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) + datetime.timedelta(days=2)
                recent_timestamps = []
                future_timestamps = []
                for k, timestamp in timestamps:
                    if timestamp < heur2_earliest_ts:
                    if timestamp > heur2_latest_ts:
                        future_timestamps.append((k, timestamp))
                    recent_timestamps.append((k, timestamp))

                if recent_timestamps:
                    heur = Heuristic(2)
                    heur_section = ResultKeyValueSection(heur.name, heuristic=heur, parent=lnk_result_section)
                    for k, timestamp in recent_timestamps:
                        heur_section.set_item(k, timestamp.isoformat())
                if future_timestamps:
                    heur = Heuristic(3)
                    heur_section = ResultKeyValueSection(heur.name, heuristic=heur, parent=lnk_result_section)
                    for k, timestamp in future_timestamps:
                        heur_section.set_item(k, timestamp.isoformat())

            if "DISTRIBUTED_LINK_TRACKER_BLOCK" in features["extra"]:
                if "machine_identifier" in features["extra"]["DISTRIBUTED_LINK_TRACKER_BLOCK"]:
                    machine_id = features["extra"]["DISTRIBUTED_LINK_TRACKER_BLOCK"]["machine_identifier"]
                    lnk_result_section.add_tag("file.shortcut.machine_id", machine_id)
                    if machine_id.lower().startswith("desktop-"):
                        heur = Heuristic(5)
                        heur_section = ResultKeyValueSection(heur.name, heuristic=heur, parent=lnk_result_section)
                        heur_section.set_item("machine_identifier", machine_id)
                if "droid_file_identifier" in features["extra"]["DISTRIBUTED_LINK_TRACKER_BLOCK"]:
                    mac = features["extra"]["DISTRIBUTED_LINK_TRACKER_BLOCK"]["droid_file_identifier"][-12:]
                    mac = ":".join(a + b for a, b in zip(mac[::2], mac[1::2]))
                    lnk_result_section.add_tag("file.shortcut.tracker_mac", mac)
                elif "birth_droid_file_identifier" in features["extra"]["DISTRIBUTED_LINK_TRACKER_BLOCK"]:
                    mac = features["extra"]["DISTRIBUTED_LINK_TRACKER_BLOCK"]["birth_droid_file_identifier"][-12:]
                    mac = ":".join(a + b for a, b in zip(mac[::2], mac[1::2]))
                    lnk_result_section.add_tag("file.shortcut.tracker_mac", mac)

            # Adapted code from previous logic. May be best replaced by new heuristics and logic.
            bp = str(lbp).strip()
            rp = str(features["data"].get("relative_path", "")).strip()
            nn = str(features["data"].get("net_name", "")).strip()
            t = str(target).strip().rsplit("\\")[-1].strip()
            cla = str(features["data"].get("command_line_arguments", "")).strip()

            filename_extracted = (bp or rp or t or nn).rsplit("\\")[-1].strip()
            if filename_extracted:
                lnk_result_section.add_tag(tag_type="file.name.extracted", value=(bp or rp or t or nn).rsplit("\\")[-1])

            process_cmdline = f"{(rp or bp or t or nn)} {cla}".strip()
            if process_cmdline:
                lnk_result_section.add_tag(tag_type="file.shortcut.command_line", value=process_cmdline)

            cmd_code = None
            if filename_extracted in ["cmd", "cmd.exe"]:
                cmd_code = (get_cmd_command(f"{filename_extracted} {cla}".encode()), "bat")
                if "rundll32 " in cla:  # We are already checking for rundll32.exe as part of risky_executable
                    heur_1_items["command_line_arguments"] = features["data"]["command_line_arguments"]
            elif filename_extracted in ["powershell", "powershell.exe"]:
                cmd_code = (get_powershell_command(f"{filename_extracted} {cla}".encode()), "ps1")

            if heur_1_items:
                heur = Heuristic(1)
                heur_section = ResultKeyValueSection(heur.name, heuristic=heur, parent=lnk_result_section)

            if cmd_code:
                sha256hash = hashlib.sha256(cmd_code[0]).hexdigest()
                cmd_filename = f"{sha256hash[0:10]}.{cmd_code[1]}"
                cmd_file_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, cmd_filename)
                with open(cmd_file_path, "wb") as cmd_f:
                    "Extracted LNK execution code",

            def _datetime_to_str(obj):
                if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
                    return obj.isoformat()
                return obj

            temp_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "features.json")
            with open(temp_path, "w") as f:
                json.dump(features, f, default=_datetime_to_str)
            request.add_supplementary(temp_path, "features.json", "Features extracted from the LNK file")

            if lnk.appended_data:
                sha256hash = hashlib.sha256(lnk.appended_data).hexdigest()
                appended_data_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, sha256hash)
                with open(appended_data_path, "wb") as appended_data_f:
                    "Additional data at the end of the LNK file",
                heur = Heuristic(6)
                heur_section = ResultKeyValueSection(heur.name, heuristic=heur, parent=lnk_result_section)
                heur_section.set_item("Length", len(lnk.appended_data))

        # 5. URL file management
        if request.file_type == "shortcut/web":
            config = ConfigParser()

            res = ResultKeyValueSection("Metadata extracted by Ini Reader", parent=request.result)
            for k, v in config["InternetShortcut"].items():
                res.set_item(k, v)

                if k == "url":
                    if v.startswith("http://") or v.startswith("https://"):
                        res.add_tag("network.static.uri", v)
                    elif v.startswith("file:"):
                        heur = Heuristic(1)
                        heur_section = ResultKeyValueSection(heur.name, heuristic=heur, parent=res)
                        heur_section.set_item("url", v)

            config.pop("InternetShortcut", None)
            if config.sections():
                extra_res = ResultKeyValueSection("Extra sections", parent=res)
                extra_res.set_item("Names", ", ".join(config.sections()))