Exemplo n.º 1
class FileScore(odm.Model):
    psid = odm.Optional(
        odm.UUID())  # ID of the parent submission to the associated submission
    expiry_ts = odm.Date(
        index=True)  # Expiry timestamp, used for garbage collection.
    score = odm.Integer()  # Maximum score for the associated submission
    errors = odm.Integer(
    )  # Number of errors that occurred during the previous analysis
    sid = odm.UUID()  # ID of the associated submission
    time = odm.Float()  # Epoch time at which the FileScore entry was created
Exemplo n.º 2
class FileScore(odm.Model):
    psid = odm.Optional(
        description=" Parent submission ID of the associated submission")
    expiry_ts = odm.Date(
        description="Expiry timestamp, used for garbage collection")
    score = odm.Integer(
        description="Maximum score for the associated submission")
    errors = odm.Integer(
        "Number of errors that occurred during the previous analysis")
    sid = odm.UUID(description="ID of the associated submission")
    time = odm.Float(
        description="Epoch time at which the FileScore entry was created")
Exemplo n.º 3
class Alert(odm.Model):
    alert_id = odm.Keyword(copyto="__text__")  # ID of the alert
    al = odm.Compound(ALResults)  # Assemblyline result block
    archive_ts = odm.Date(store=False)  # Archiving timestamp
    attack = odm.Compound(Attack)  # Attack result block
    classification = odm.Classification()  # Classification of the alert
    expiry_ts = odm.Optional(odm.Date(store=False))  # Expiry timestamp
    extended_scan = odm.Enum(values=EXTENDED_SCAN_VALUES,
                             store=False)  # Status of the extended scan
    file = odm.Compound(File)  # File block
    filtered = odm.Boolean(default=False)  # Are the alert result filtered
    heuristic = odm.Compound(Heuristic)  # Heuristic result block
    label = odm.List(odm.Keyword(), copyto="__text__",
                     default=[])  # List of labels applied to the alert
    metadata = odm.FlattenedObject(
        default={}, store=False)  # Metadata submitted with the file
    owner = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())  # Owner of the alert
    priority = odm.Optional(
        odm.Enum(values=PRIORITIES))  # Priority applied to the alert
    reporting_ts = odm.Date()  # Time at which the alert was created
    sid = odm.UUID(store=False)  # ID of the submission related to this alert
    status = odm.Optional(
        odm.Enum(values=STATUSES))  # Status applied to the alert
    ts = odm.Date()  # Timestamp at which the file was submitted
    type = odm.Keyword()  # Type of alert
    verdict = odm.Compound(Verdict, default={})  # Verdict timing
Exemplo n.º 4
class IngestTask(odm.Model):
    # Submission Parameters
    submission: Submission = odm.Compound(Submission)

    # Shortcut for properties of the submission
    def file_size(self) -> int:
        return sum(file.size for file in self.submission.files)

    def params(self) -> SubmissionParams:
        return self.submission.params

    def sha256(self) -> str:
        return self.submission.files[0].sha256

    # Information about the ingestion itself, parameters irrelevant
    scan_key = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())  # the filescore key
    retries = odm.Integer(default=0)

    # Fields added after a submission is complete for notification/bookkeeping processes
    failure = odm.Text(
        default='')  # If the ingestion has failed for some reason, what is it?
    score = odm.Optional(
        odm.Integer())  # Score from previous processing of this file
    extended_scan = odm.Enum(EXTENDED_SCAN_VALUES, default="skipped")
    ingest_id = odm.UUID()
    ingest_time = odm.Date(default="NOW")
Exemplo n.º 5
class Task(odm.Model):
    sid = odm.UUID()
    fileinfo: FileInfo = odm.Compound(FileInfo)          # File info block
    filename = odm.Keyword()
    service_name = odm.Keyword()
    service_config = odm.Mapping(odm.Any(), default={})  # Service specific parameters
    depth = odm.Integer(default=0)
    max_files = odm.Integer()
    ttl = odm.Integer(default=0)

    tags = odm.List(odm.Compound(TagItem), default=[])
    temporary_submission_data = odm.List(odm.Compound(DataItem), default=[])

    deep_scan = odm.Boolean(default=False)

    # Whether the service cache should be ignored during the processing of this task
    ignore_cache = odm.Boolean(default=False)

    # Priority for processing order
    priority = odm.Integer(default=0)

    def make_key(sid, service_name, sha):
        return f"{sid}_{service_name}_{sha}"

    def key(self):
        return Task.make_key(self.sid, self.service_name, self.fileinfo.sha256)
Exemplo n.º 6
class Submission(odm.Model):
    archive_ts = odm.Date(store=False)  # Archiving timestamp
    classification = odm.Classification()  # Classification of the submission
    error_count = odm.Integer()  # Total number of errors in the submission
    errors = odm.List(odm.Keyword(), store=False)  # List of error keys
    expiry_ts = odm.Optional(odm.Date(store=False))  # Expiry timestamp
    file_count = odm.Integer()  # Total number of files in the submission
    files: List[File] = odm.List(
        odm.Compound(File))  # List of files that were originally submitted
    max_score = odm.Integer()  # Maximum score of all the files in the scan
    metadata = odm.FlattenedObject(
        store=False)  # Metadata associated to the submission
    params: SubmissionParams = odm.Compound(
        SubmissionParams)  # Submission detail blocs
    results: List[str] = odm.List(odm.Keyword(),
                                  store=False)  # List of result keys
    sid = odm.UUID(copyto="__text__")  # Submission ID
    state = odm.Enum(values=SUBMISSION_STATES)  # Status of the submission
    times = odm.Compound(Times, default={})  # Timing bloc
    verdict = odm.Compound(Verdict, default={})  # Verdict timing

    def is_submit(self):
        return self.state == 'submitted'

    def is_complete(self):
        return self.state == 'completed'

    def is_initial(self):
        return self.is_submit() and not self.params.psid
Exemplo n.º 7
class Task(odm.Model):
    sid = odm.UUID()
    metadata = odm.FlattenedObject()  # Metadata associated to the submission
    min_classification = odm.Classification(
    )  # Minimum classification of the file being scanned
    fileinfo: FileInfo = odm.Compound(FileInfo)  # File info block
    filename = odm.Keyword()
    service_name = odm.Keyword()
    service_config = odm.Mapping(odm.Any(),
                                 default={})  # Service specific parameters
    depth = odm.Integer(default=0)
    max_files = odm.Integer()
    ttl = odm.Integer(default=0)

    tags = odm.List(odm.Compound(TagItem), default=[])
    temporary_submission_data = odm.List(odm.Compound(DataItem), default=[])

    deep_scan = odm.Boolean(default=False)

    # Whether the service cache should be ignored during the processing of this task
    ignore_cache = odm.Boolean(default=False)

    # Whether the service should ignore the dynamic recursion prevention or not
    ignore_dynamic_recursion_prevention = odm.Boolean(default=False)

    # Priority for processing order
    priority = odm.Integer(default=0)

    def make_key(sid, service_name, sha):
        return f"{sid}_{service_name}_{sha}"

    def key(self):
        return Task.make_key(self.sid, self.service_name, self.fileinfo.sha256)
Exemplo n.º 8
class Submission(odm.Model):
    sid = odm.UUID()                                                     # Submission ID to use
    time = odm.Date(default="NOW")
    files: List[File] = odm.List(odm.Compound(File), default=[])         # File block
    metadata: Dict[str, str] = odm.FlattenedObject(default={})           # Metadata submitted with the file
    notification: Notification = odm.Compound(Notification, default={})  # Notification queue parameters
    params: SubmissionParams = odm.Compound(SubmissionParams)            # Parameters of the submission
Exemplo n.º 9
class Task(odm.Model):
    sid = odm.UUID(description="Submission ID")
    metadata = odm.FlattenedObject(
        description="Metadata associated to the submission")
    min_classification = odm.Classification(
        description="Minimum classification of the file being scanned")
    fileinfo: FileInfo = odm.Compound(FileInfo, description="File info block")
    filename = odm.Keyword(description="File name")
    service_name = odm.Keyword(description="Service name")
    service_config = odm.Mapping(odm.Any(),
                                 description="Service specific parameters")
    depth = odm.Integer(
        description="File depth relative to initital submitted file")
    max_files = odm.Integer(
        description="Maximum number of files that submission can have")
    ttl = odm.Integer(default=0, description="Task TTL")

    tags = odm.List(odm.Compound(TagItem),
                    description="List of tags")
    temporary_submission_data = odm.List(
        description="Temporary submission data")

    deep_scan = odm.Boolean(default=False, description="Perform deep scanning")

    ignore_cache = odm.Boolean(
        "Whether the service cache should be ignored during the processing of this task"

    ignore_dynamic_recursion_prevention = odm.Boolean(
        "Whether the service should ignore the dynamic recursion prevention or not"

    ignore_filtering = odm.Boolean(
        default=False, description="Should the service filter it's output?")

    priority = odm.Integer(default=0,
                           description="Priority for processing order")
    safelist_config = odm.Compound(
        "Safelisting configuration (as defined in global configuration)",
        default={'enabled': False})

    def make_key(sid, service_name, sha):
        return f"{sid}_{service_name}_{sha}"

    def key(self):
        return Task.make_key(self.sid, self.service_name, self.fileinfo.sha256)
Exemplo n.º 10
class Submission(odm.Model):
    sid = odm.UUID(description="Submission ID to use")
    time = odm.Date(default="NOW", description="Message time")
    files: List[File] = odm.List(odm.Compound(File),
                                 description="File block")
    metadata: Dict[str, str] = odm.FlattenedObject(
        default={}, description="Metadata submitted with the file")
    notification: Notification = odm.Compound(
        Notification, default={}, description="Notification queue parameters")
    params: SubmissionParams = odm.Compound(
        SubmissionParams, description="Parameters of the submission")
    scan_key: Opt[str] = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())
Exemplo n.º 11
class Submission(odm.Model):
    archive_ts = odm.Date(store=False, description="Archiving timestamp")
    classification = odm.Classification(
        description="Classification of the submission")
    error_count = odm.Integer(
        description="Total number of errors in the submission")
    errors: list[str] = odm.List(odm.Keyword(),
                                 description="List of error keys")
    expiry_ts = odm.Optional(odm.Date(store=False),
                             description="Expiry timestamp")
    file_count = odm.Integer(
        description="Total number of files in the submission")
    files: list[File] = odm.List(
        description="List of files that were originally submitted")
    max_score = odm.Integer(
        description="Maximum score of all the files in the scan")
    metadata = odm.FlattenedObject(
        store=False, description="Metadata associated to the submission")
    params: SubmissionParams = odm.Compound(
        SubmissionParams, description="Submission parameter details")
    results: list[str] = odm.List(odm.Keyword(),
                                  description="List of result keys")
    sid = odm.UUID(copyto="__text__", description="Submission ID")
    state = odm.Enum(values=SUBMISSION_STATES,
                     description="Status of the submission")
    times = odm.Compound(Times,
                         description="Submission-specific times")
    verdict = odm.Compound(Verdict,
                           description="Malicious verdict details")

    # the filescore key, used in deduplication. This is a non-unique key, that is
    # shared by submissions that may be processed as duplicates.
    scan_key = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword(store=False, index=False))

    def is_submit(self):
        return self.state == 'submitted'

    def is_complete(self):
        return self.state == 'completed'

    def is_initial(self):
        return self.is_submit() and not self.params.psid
Exemplo n.º 12
class Workflow(odm.Model):
    classification = odm.Classification(
        default=Classification.UNRESTRICTED)  # Classification of the workflow
    creation_date = odm.Date(default="NOW")  # Creation date of the workflow
    creator = odm.Keyword()  # UID of the creator
    edited_by = odm.Keyword()  # UID of the last edit user
    hit_count = odm.Integer(default=0)  # Number of time workflow hit
    labels = odm.List(odm.Keyword(), copyto="__text__",
                      default=[])  # Labels applied by the workflow
    last_edit = odm.Date(default="NOW")  # Last edit date
    last_seen = odm.Optional(odm.Date())  # Last hit date
    name = odm.Keyword(copyto="__text__")  # Name of the workflow
    priority = odm.Optional(
                 values=PRIORITIES))  # Priority applied by the workflow
    query = odm.Keyword()  # Query that the workflow runs
    status = odm.Optional(odm.Enum(
        copyto="__text__", values=STATUSES))  # Status applied by the workflow
    workflow_id = odm.Optional(odm.UUID())  # ID of the workflow
Exemplo n.º 13
class Alert(odm.Model):
    alert_id = odm.Keyword(copyto="__text__", description="ID of the alert")
    al = odm.Compound(ALResults, description="Assemblyline Result Block")
    archive_ts = odm.Date(store=False, description="Archiving timestamp")
    attack = odm.Compound(Attack, description="ATT&CK Block")
    classification = odm.Classification(description="Classification of the alert")
    expiry_ts = odm.Optional(odm.Date(store=False), description="Expiry timestamp")
    extended_scan = odm.Enum(values=EXTENDED_SCAN_VALUES, description="Status of the extended scan")
    file = odm.Compound(File, description="File Block")
    filtered = odm.Boolean(default=False, description="Are the alert results filtered?")
    heuristic = odm.Compound(Heuristic, description="Heuristic Block")
    label = odm.List(odm.Keyword(), copyto="__text__", default=[], description="List of labels applied to the alert")
    metadata = odm.FlattenedObject(default={}, store=False, description="Metadata submitted with the file")
    owner = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword(), description="Owner of the alert")
    priority = odm.Optional(odm.Enum(values=PRIORITIES), description="Priority applied to the alert")
    reporting_ts = odm.Date(description="Alert creation timestamp")
    sid = odm.UUID(description="Submission ID related to this alert")
    status = odm.Optional(odm.Enum(values=STATUSES), description="Status applied to the alert")
    ts = odm.Date(description="File submission timestamp")
    type = odm.Keyword(description="Type of alert")
    verdict = odm.Compound(Verdict, default={}, description="Verdict Block")
    workflows_completed = odm.Boolean(default=False, description="Have all workflows ran on this alert?")
Exemplo n.º 14
class SubmissionParams(odm.Model):
    classification = odm.Classification(
        description="Original classification of the submission")
    deep_scan = odm.Boolean(default=False,
                            description="Should a deep scan be performed?")
    description = odm.Text(store=True,
                           description="Description of the submission")
    generate_alert = odm.Boolean(
        default=False, description="Should this submission generate an alert?")
    groups = odm.List(odm.Keyword(),
                      description="List of groups related to this scan")
    ignore_cache = odm.Boolean(
        default=False, description="Ignore the cached service results?")
    ignore_dynamic_recursion_prevention = odm.Boolean(
        description="Should we ignore dynamic recursion prevention?")
    ignore_filtering = odm.Boolean(
        default=False, description="Should we ignore filtering services?")
    ignore_size = odm.Boolean(default=False,
                              description="Ignore the file size limits?")
    never_drop = odm.Boolean(
        default=False, description="Exempt from being dropped by ingester?")
    malicious = odm.Boolean(
        description="Is the file submitted already known to be malicious?")
    max_extracted = odm.Integer(default=500,
                                description="Max number of extracted files")
    max_supplementary = odm.Integer(
        default=500, description="Max number of supplementary files")
    priority = odm.Integer(default=1000, description="Priority of the scan")
    profile = odm.Boolean(
        default=False, description="Should the submission do extra profiling?")
    psid = odm.Optional(odm.UUID(), description="Parent submission ID")
    quota_item = odm.Boolean(
        default=False, description="Does this submission count against quota?")
    services = odm.Compound(ServiceSelection,
                            description="Service selection")
    service_spec = odm.Mapping(odm.Mapping(odm.Any()),
                               description="Service-specific parameters")
    submitter = odm.Keyword(store=True,
                            description="User who submitted the file")
    ttl = odm.Integer(default=0,
                      description="Time, in days, to live for this submission")
    type = odm.Keyword(default="USER", description="Type of submission")
    initial_data = odm.Optional(
        description="Initialization for temporary submission data")

    def get_hashing_keys(self):
        """Get the sections of the submission parameters that should be used in result hashes."""
        data = self.as_primitives()
        return {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in _KEY_HASHED_FIELDS}

    def create_filescore_key(self, sha256, services: list = None):
        """This is the key used to store the final score of a submission for fast lookup.

        This lookup is one of the methods used to check for duplication in ingestion process,
        so this key is fairly sensitive.
        # TODO do we need this version thing still be here?
        # One up this if the cache is ever messed up and we
        # need to quickly invalidate all old cache entries.
        version = 0

        if services is None:
            services = self.services.selected

        data = self.get_hashing_keys()
        data['service_spec'] = sorted(
            (key, sorted(values.items()))
            for key, values in self.service_spec.items())
        data['sha256'] = sha256
        data['services'] = [str(x) for x in services]

        s = ', '.join([f"{k}: {data[k]}" for k in sorted(data.keys())])

        return 'v'.join(