Exemplo n.º 1
def factory(handler, registry):
  get          = morph.pick(registry.settings, prefix=CONFIG_PREFIX).get
  conf         = aadict()
  conf.enabled = asbool(get('enabled', True))
  conf.include = [globre.compile(el, globre.EXACT)
                  for el in aslist(get('include', []))]
  conf.exclude = [globre.compile(el, globre.EXACT)
                  for el in aslist(get('exclude', []))]
  conf.reparse = aslist(get('reparse-methods', DEFAULT_REPARSE_METHODS))
  conf.name    = get('attribute-name', DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
  conf.deep    = asbool(get('combine.deep', True))
  conf.reqdict = asbool(get('require-dict', True))
  conf.failunk = asbool(get('fail-unknown', True))
  conf.ndict   = asbool(get('native-dict', False))
  conf.error   = get('error-handler', None)
  if conf.error:
    conf.error = asset.symbol(conf.error)
  conf.xfmt    = asbool(get('xml.enable', True))
  conf.jfmt    = asbool(get('json.enable', True))
  conf.yfmt    = asbool(get('yaml.enable', bool(yaml or get('yaml.parser'))))
  if conf.jfmt:
    conf.jparser = get('json.parser', None)
    if conf.jparser:
      conf.jparser = asset.symbol(conf.jparser)
  if conf.yfmt:
    conf.yparser = asset.symbol(get('yaml.parser', 'yaml.load'))
  if conf.xfmt:
    conf.xparser = asset.symbol(get('xml.parser', 'xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring'))
  def input_tween(request):
    return process(handler, request, conf)
  return input_tween
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(args=None):
  cli = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    epilog='ex: python cli.py train settings.ini -d train_set.csv')
  cli.add_argument('command', metavar='COMMAND',
                   help='{ train | test | predict | purge }',
                   choices=(TRAIN, TEST, PREDICT, PURGE))
  cli.add_argument('config', metavar='CONFIG', help='config file with settings')
  cli.add_argument('-d', '--dataset', metavar='DATASET', help='dataset file')

  options  = cli.parse_args(args=args)
  cp = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
  settings = aadict(cp.items('nlu_trainer'))

  trainer = asset.symbol(settings.driver)(settings)
  predictions = []
  if options.command in (TRAIN, TEST, PREDICT):
    with open(options.dataset, 'rb') as csv_file:
      r = csv.reader(csv_file)
      if options.command == TRAIN:
        trainer.train_set(settings.app_id, r)
      elif options.command == TEST:
        trainer.test_set(settings.app_id, r)
      elif options.command == PREDICT:
        predictions = trainer.predict_set(settings.app_id, r)
  elif options.command == PURGE:
    purge(trainer, settings)

  if options.command == PREDICT:
    w = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def execPublishingPointEngine(self, pubpnt, engconf):
   engine = engconf.engine
   engsym = str2sym(engine)
   handler_options = self.adjustConfig(pubpnt, engconf, engsym)
   # BIG TODO: there is currently a problem here. if the system
   #           configuration disables an engine, via say
   #           'engines.email.overrides.enabled = false' but the
   #           pubpoint general config (not engine-specific) adds
   #           enabled=true, then the option is incorrectly set to
   #           true for context.enabled. note that this is currently
   #           not a problem for `enabled` as that gets checked
   #           early. *BUT* other options are not controlled like
   #           that...
   if not handler_options.get('enabled', True):
     self.log.info('engine "%s" disabled - skipping', engine)
   # stopOnFail = pubobj.config.get('stopOnFail', False)
     pubname = engconf.get('engine-handler', 'svnpublish.engine.' + engsym + '.publish_' + engsym)
     self.log.info('loading engine "%s" (callable: %s)', engine, pubname)
     handler = symbol(pubname)
     if self.options.dryrun:
       pubname += '_dryrun'
         handler = symbol(pubname)
       except ImportError:
         self.log.warning('engine "%s" does not support dry-run mode - skipping', engine)
   except ImportError:
     raise api.EngineLoadError(
       'svnpublish engine "%s" does not exist or could not be loaded' % (engine,),
   context = aadict(pubpnt.config).update(handler_options).update({
     'options'    : handler_options,
     'logger'     : logging.getLogger('svnpublish.' + engine),
     # BEGIN: backward compat,
     'repository' : self.svnrev.svn.repos,
     'revision'   : self.svnrev.rev,
     'revinfo'    : pubpnt.revinfo,
     'root'       : pubpnt.root,
     # END: backward compat,
     'pubpoint'   : pubpnt,
     'svnpub'     : self,
Exemplo n.º 4
def _getOptions(context):
  if __name__ in context:
    return context[__name__]
  options = aadict.d2ar(morph.pick(context.options, prefix='access.'))
  # `options.groups` = all known groups LUT
  options.groups = {
    k : aadict({'docorator': v, 'class': list(_docorator2classes(v))[0]})
    for k, v in morph.pick(options, prefix='group.').items()
  # `options.default` = default access for endpoint, type, and attribute
  options.default = aadict({
    node : morph.tolist(options.get('default.' + node))
    for node in ('endpoint', 'type', 'attribute')
  # `options.rank.groups` = ordered list of group ranking (most-public to least-public)
  options.rank = aadict(groups=morph.tolist(options.rank))
  # `options.rank.classes` = ordered list of class ranking
  options.rank.classes = [options.groups[grp]['class'] for grp in options.rank.groups]
  # `options.rank.docorators` = ordered list of docorator ranking
  options.rank.docorators = [options.groups[grp]['docorator'] for grp in options.rank.groups]
  # `options.default[NODE].(groups|classes|docorators)`
  for node, groups in list(options.default.items()):
    options.default[node] = aadict(
      groups     = groups,
      classes    = [options.groups[grp]['class'] for grp in groups],
      docorators = [options.groups[grp]['docorator'] for grp in groups],
  # `options.classes` = all known access classes
  options.classes = [
    group['class'] for group in options.groups.values()]
  # `options.docorators` = all known access docorators
  options.docorators = [
    group['docorator'] for group in options.groups.values()]
  # `options.request` = current request information
  options.request = aadict()
  # `options.control` = request-to-group-access callback
  if not options.control:
    options.control = _defaultAccessControl
  if options.control == GLOBAL_ACCESS:
    options.request.groups = options.groups.keys()
    options.control = asset.symbol(options.control)
    options.request.groups = options.control(context.request, context=context)
  # `options.request.classes` = the classes this request has access to
  options.request.classes = [
    for group in options.request.groups
    if group in options.groups
  # `options.request.docorators` = the docorators this request has access to
  options.request.docorators = [
    for group in options.request.groups
    if group in options.groups
  context[__name__] = options
  return options
Exemplo n.º 5
def autoresolve(obj):
  if isstr(obj):
    return obj
  if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
    return [autoresolve(e) for e in obj]
  if not isinstance(obj, dict) or 'class' not in obj:
    return obj
  params = {k: autoresolve(v) for k, v in obj.items() if k != 'class'}
  return symbol(obj['class'])(**params)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def setUp(self):
        super(LuisApiTestCase, self).setUp()

        inifile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
        cp = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
        settings = aadict(cp.items('nlu_trainer'))
        self.settings = settings
        self.trainer = asset.symbol(settings.driver)(settings)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def loadExtension(self, spec):
     log.debug('loading type registry extensions from: %r', spec)
         sym = asset.symbol(spec)
         return sym(self)
     except (ImportError, AttributeError):
         return self.loadExtensionString(asset.load(spec).read(),
     except (ImportError, AttributeError, ValueError):
     return self.loadExtensionString(spec)
Exemplo n.º 8
def run_engines(params, paramkey, engtype, args=None,
                prefix=None, evals=None, env=None):
  if params.get(paramkey) is None:

  if args is None:
    args = []

  engines = asList(params.get(paramkey))

  engine_env = evalEnv(params, prefix,
                       params.get(paramkey + '-env'), params.get(paramkey + '-env+'),
                       evals, env)

  for engcfg in engines:
    if isstr(engcfg):
      engcfg = aadict(engine='shell', command=engcfg)
    engine   = engcfg.engine
    engsafe  = str2sym(engine)
    funcname = engcfg.get('engine-handler', 'svnpublish.engine.%s.%s_%s' % (engsafe, engtype, engsafe))
    params.logger.info('loading %s engine "%s" (%s)', engtype, engine, funcname)
    handler = symbol(funcname)
    if params.dryrun:
      funcname += '_dryrun'
        handler = symbol(funcname + '_dryrun')
      except ImportError:
        params.logger.debug('engine "%s" does not support dry-run mode - skipping', engine)
    engine_params = aadict(params).update(engcfg).update({
      'options' : engcfg,
      'logger'  : logging.getLogger('.'.join((params.logger.name, engtype, engine))),
      'prefix'  : prefix,
      'env'     : engine_env,
      'evals'   : evals,
    handler(engine_params, *args)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, settings=None):
   if settings is None:
     settings = dict()
   self.threshold = float(settings.get('threshold', DEFAULT_INFLECT))
   factors = settings.get('factors') or DEFAULT_FACTORS
   if asset.isstr(factors):
     factors = [s.strip() for s in factors.split(',')]
   for key in settings.keys():
     key = key.split('.')
     if len(key) >= 3 \
         and key[0] == 'factor' and key[2] == 'class' \
         and key[1] not in factors:
   self.factors   = [self._load(factor, settings) for factor in factors]
   self.logger    = asset.symbol(settings.get('logger'))
   self.pessimism = 1.0 / float(settings.get('pessimism', 10))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, settings=None):
     if settings is None:
         settings = dict()
     self.threshold = float(settings.get('threshold', DEFAULT_INFLECT))
     factors = settings.get('factors') or DEFAULT_FACTORS
     if asset.isstr(factors):
         factors = [s.strip() for s in factors.split(',')]
     for key in settings.keys():
         key = key.split('.')
         if len(key) >= 3 \
             and key[0] == 'factor' and key[2] == 'class' \
             and key[1] not in factors:
     self.factors = [self._load(factor, settings) for factor in factors]
     self.logger = asset.symbol(settings.get('logger'))
     self.pessimism = 1.0 / float(settings.get('pessimism', 10))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _load(self, factor, settings):
   predef = {
     'length'   : LengthFactor,
     'charmix'  : CharmixFactor,
     'casemix'  : CasemixFactor,
     'variety'  : VarietyFactor,
     'notword'  : NotWordFactor,
     'phrase'   : PhraseFactor,
   params = dict()
   if asset.isstr(factor):
     for key, value in settings.items():
       if key.startswith('factor.' + factor + '.'):
         params[key[len(factor) + 8:]] = value
   factor = params.pop('class', factor)
   if factor in predef:
     return predef[factor](**params)
   return asset.symbol(factor)(**params)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _load(self, factor, settings):
     predef = {
         'length': LengthFactor,
         'charmix': CharmixFactor,
         'casemix': CasemixFactor,
         'variety': VarietyFactor,
         'notword': NotWordFactor,
         'phrase': PhraseFactor,
     params = dict()
     if asset.isstr(factor):
         for key, value in settings.items():
             if key.startswith('factor.' + factor + '.'):
                 params[key[len(factor) + 8:]] = value
     factor = params.pop('class', factor)
     if factor in predef:
         return predef[factor](**params)
     return asset.symbol(factor)(**params)
Exemplo n.º 13
def publish_restsync(params):
  Configurable parameters:


  TODO: add docs...

  urlHandlers : symbol-spec
  request-filters : dict
    callable : str
    args : dict

  # steps:
  #   - get list of objects to PUT and DELETE
  #   - order the DELETEs depth-first (so that files/subdirectories get
  #     deleted before the containing directories)

  # todo: should symlinks be copied?... the problem with that is that then
  #      any changes in the target need to be propagated into the symlink...
  # todo: what about fixations?...

  base = params.get('remote-base')
  if not base.endswith('/'):
    base += '/'

  params.logger.info('synchronizing to REST server: ' + base)
  dels = []
  puts = []
  for c in params.revinfo.changes:
    if c.content in [RepositoryChange.Content.ADDED,
    if c.content in [RepositoryChange.Content.DELETED]:
      if not c.isdir:
      # TODO: replace this with the svnlook() method?...
      #      or better yet, create a RevisionInfo.changes_explicit
      dels.extend(run('svnlook', 'tree', '--full-paths',
                      '--revision', str(int(params.revision) - 1),
                      params.repository, c.path).strip().split('\n'))
    params.logger.warn('ignoring unknown change type "%s" for entry "%s"'
                       % (RepositoryChange.Content.strmap[c.content], c.path))

  def delsort(a, b):
    if len(a) != len(b):
      if a.startswith(b):
        return -1
      if b.startswith(a):
        return 1
    if a.__gt__(b):
      return 1
    if a.__lt__(b):
      return -1
    return 0

  excludes = [re.compile(expr) for expr in asList(params.excludes)]
  includes = [re.compile(expr) for expr in asList(params.includes)]

  def syncPath(path):
    if params.root == path:
      relpath = ''
      if not path.startswith(params.root + '/'):
        raise NotInContext(params.root, path)
      relpath = path[len(params.root) + 1:]
    ret = True
    for e in excludes:
      if not e.search(relpath):
      ret = False
    if ret: return relpath
    for i in includes:
      if not i.search(relpath):
      return relpath
    params.logger.debug('excluding %s%s' % (base, relpath))
    return None

  # load request decorator...
  # todo: perhaps it would be better to use the default opener...
  #      that way the unittest could just use that instead of this
  #      bogus urlHandler param...
  #opener = urllib2.OpenerDirector()
  opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler)
  for handler in asList(params.urlHandlers):

  # TODO: i should enforce HTTPS certificate verification...
  filters = [aadict(spec=s) for s in asList(params.get('request-filters'))]
  for fltr in filters:
    # TODO: convert to use asset.symbol()... i.e.:
    #   fltr.handler = asset.symbol(fltr.spec.callable)
    modname = fltr.spec.callable.split(':')[0]
    module  = __import__(modname)
    if modname.find('.') >= 0:
      for n in modname.split('.')[1:]:
        module = getattr(module, n)
    fltr.handler = getattr(module, fltr.spec.callable.split(':')[1])

  errors = []

  for entry in dels:
    path = syncPath(entry)
    if path is None:
    url = '%s%s' % (base, path)
    while url.endswith('/'):
      url = url[:-1]
    if params.dryrun:
      params.logger.info('dry-run: DELETE: %s' % (url,))
    params.logger.debug('DELETE: %s' % (url,))
      request = urllib2.Request(url)
      request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
      request.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE'
      for fltr in filters:
        request = fltr.handler(request, **(fltr.spec.args))
      resp = opener.open(request)
    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
      errors.append(RestError('DELETE', url, str(e.code) + ':' + e.msg))
    except urllib2.URLError, e:
      errors.append(RestError('DELETE', url, e.reason))
Exemplo n.º 14
def _getOptions(context):
    if __name__ in context:
        return context[__name__]
    options = aadict.d2ar(morph.pick(context.options, prefix='access.'))
    # `options.groups` = all known groups LUT
    options.groups = {
        k: aadict({
            'docorator': v,
            'class': list(_docorator2classes(v))[0]
        for k, v in morph.pick(options, prefix='group.').items()
    # `options.default` = default access for endpoint, type, and attribute
    options.default = aadict({
        node: morph.tolist(options.get('default.' + node))
        for node in ('endpoint', 'type', 'attribute')
    # `options.rank.groups` = ordered list of group ranking (most-public to least-public)
    options.rank = aadict(groups=morph.tolist(options.rank))
    # `options.rank.classes` = ordered list of class ranking
    options.rank.classes = [
        options.groups[grp]['class'] for grp in options.rank.groups
    # `options.rank.docorators` = ordered list of docorator ranking
    options.rank.docorators = [
        options.groups[grp]['docorator'] for grp in options.rank.groups
    # `options.default[NODE].(groups|classes|docorators)`
    for node, groups in list(options.default.items()):
        options.default[node] = aadict(
            classes=[options.groups[grp]['class'] for grp in groups],
            docorators=[options.groups[grp]['docorator'] for grp in groups],
    # `options.classes` = all known access classes
    options.classes = [group['class'] for group in options.groups.values()]
    # `options.docorators` = all known access docorators
    options.docorators = [
        group['docorator'] for group in options.groups.values()
    # `options.request` = current request information
    options.request = aadict()
    # `options.control` = request-to-group-access callback
    if not options.control:
        options.control = _defaultAccessControl
    if options.control == GLOBAL_ACCESS:
        options.request.groups = options.groups.keys()
        options.control = asset.symbol(options.control)
        options.request.groups = options.control(context.request,
    # `options.request.classes` = the classes this request has access to
    options.request.classes = [
        options.groups[group]['class'] for group in options.request.groups
        if group in options.groups
    # `options.request.docorators` = the docorators this request has access to
    options.request.docorators = [
        options.groups[group]['docorator'] for group in options.request.groups
        if group in options.groups
    context[__name__] = options
    return options