Exemplo n.º 1
    def load(self):
        self.mapCursor = [0, 0]

        loader = AssetLoader()
        self.maps = {}
        self.mapsData = {}
        areasConfig = loader.getConfig(Globals.AreasConfigPath)
        for area in areasConfig:
            self.maps[area] = loader.getMap(areasConfig[area]['inAreaMap'])
            self.mapsData[area] = {}
            roomsConfig = loader.getConfig(areasConfig[area]['roomsConfig'])
            for room in roomsConfig:
                # mapsData maps string area id * string room id ->
                # [0] string readable name of room
                # [1] string description of room
                # [2] int row number of room's tile on map
                # [3] int col number of room's tile on map
                # [4] string conditional if conditions must be fulfilled to show room, else None
                self.mapsData[area][room] = (
                    roomsConfig[room]['mapName'] if 'mapName' in roomsConfig[room] \
                        else roomsConfig[room]['name'],
                    roomsConfig[room]['showIf'] if 'showIf' in roomsConfig[room] else None,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def load(self):
        self.maps = []
        self.colorMasks = []
        self.travelMasks = []
        mapslst = Globals.MapsPaths
        loader = AssetLoader()
        for threetup in mapslst:

        self.entrances = ([], [])
        self.areaInfo = {}
        areaConfig = loader.getConfig(Globals.AreasConfigPath)
        for area in areaConfig:
            entranceList = areaConfig[area]['entrances']
            mapId = areaConfig[area]['mapId']
            for entrance in entranceList:
                roomId = entrance['roomId']
                r = entrance['r']
                c = entrance['c']
                # self.entrances has two lists, one per world, with tuples formatted as
                #  [0] int row of tile with entrance
                #  [1] int col of tile with entrance
                #  [2] string area id
                #  [3] string room id
                self.entrances[mapId].append((r, c, area, roomId))
                # self.areaInfo maps area id -> (string title, string subtitle)
                self.areaInfo[area] = (areaConfig[area]['name'], areaConfig[area]['subtitle'] \
                    if 'subtitle' in areaConfig[area] else '')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def load(self):
     artslst = Globals.InAreaPaths
     loader = AssetLoader()
     self.maps = []
     self.details = []
     self.names = []
     for element in artslst:
             loader.getConfig(os.path.join('rooms', element[1])))
     for item in self.details[0]:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def load(self):
        self.maps = []
        self.colorMasks = []
        self.travelMasks = []
        mapslst = Globals.MapsPaths
        loader = AssetLoader()
        for threetup in mapslst:

        self.entrances = ([], [])
        areaConfig = loader.getConfig(Globals.AreasConfigPath)
        for area in areaConfig:
            entranceList = areaConfig[area]['entrances']
            mapId = areaConfig[area]['mapId']
            for entrance in entranceList:
                roomId = entrance['roomId']
                r = entrance['r']
                c = entrance['c']
                self.entrances[mapId].append((r, c, area, roomId))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def refreshCommandList(self):
     """ Updates cmdMap to contain all commands player can type """
     # locate the rooms and objects configs
     loader = AssetLoader()
     area = loader.getConfig(Globals.AreasConfigPath)[self.areaId]
     items = loader.getConfig(Globals.ItemsConfigPath)
     rooms = loader.getConfig(area['roomsConfig'])
     objects = loader.getConfig(area['objectsConfig'])
     # locate the relevant scripts
     cmdMap = {}
     roomScript = loader.getScript(rooms[self.roomId]['script'])
     objectNames = []
     objectScripts = []
     for obj in rooms[self.roomId]['objects']:
     # fill out the mapping, starting with 'go to'
     cmdMap['go to'] = {}
     for neighbor in rooms[self.roomId]['neighbors']:
         neighborName = rooms[neighbor]['name']
         neighborScript = loader.getScript(rooms[neighbor]['script'])
         neighborReaction = None
         for action in neighborScript:
             if action[0] == 'go to':
                 neighborReaction = action[1]
         cmdMap['go to'][neighborName] = neighborReaction
     # go through actions to take on room
     for action in roomScript:
         # ignore 'go to' current room (not possible)
         if action[0] == 'go to':
         cmdMap[action[0]] = action[1]
     # prefill 'use <item>'
     cmdMap['use'] = {}
     inventory = self.inventory
     for item in inventory:
         if int(inventory[item]) == 0:
         itemName = items[item]['name']
         cmdMap['use'][itemName] = None
     # go through actions to take on objects
     for i in range(len(objectScripts)):
         objScript = objectScripts[i]
         objName = objectNames[i]
         for action in objScript:
             # "use .. on" needs special treatment for inventory items
             verbWords = action[0].split()
             if verbWords[0] == 'use' and verbWords[-1] == 'on':
                 itemWord = ' '.join(verbWords[1:-1])
                 itemKey = loader.reverseItemLookup(itemWord)
                 targetPhrase = 'on ' + objName
                 if itemKey == '':
                     raise Exception(
                         'script item name', itemWord,
                         'not found in items configuration file')
                 if itemKey in inventory and int(
                         inventory[itemKey]) > 0:
                     if cmdMap['use'][itemWord] is None:
                         cmdMap['use'][itemWord] = {}
                     cmdMap['use'][itemWord][targetPhrase] = action[1]
             # all other verbs are straightforward
                 if action[0] not in cmdMap:
                     cmdMap[action[0]] = {}
                 cmdMap[action[0]][objName] = action[1]
     self.cmdMap = cmdMap
Exemplo n.º 6
    def refreshCommandList(self):
        """ Updates GameState cmdMap to contain all commands player can type """
        # Helper method to see if rooms or objects are visible in game
        def isVisible(self, obj):
            # if parameter is part of config possibly containing showIf
            if isinstance(obj, dict):
                if 'showIf' in obj:
                    conditionVal = obj['showIf']
                    return self.evaluateConditionTree(conditionVal)
            # if parameter is tuple of (verb, reaction, condition)
            if isinstance(obj, tuple):
                if obj[0].startswith('_'):
                    # verbs starting with underscore are not publicly visible
                    return False
                if obj[2] is not None:
                    # evaluate the condition
                    return self.evaluateCondition(obj[2].split('_'))
            return True # visible by default

        # locate the rooms and objects configs
        loader = AssetLoader()
        gs = GameState()
        area = loader.getConfig(Globals.AreasConfigPath)[gs.areaId]
        items = loader.getConfig(Globals.ItemsConfigPath)
        rooms = loader.getConfig(area['roomsConfig'])
        objects = loader.getConfig(area['objectsConfig'])
        # locate the relevant scripts
        cmdMap = {}
        roomScript = loader.getScript(rooms[gs.roomId]['script'])
        objectNames = []
        objectScripts = []
        for obj in rooms[gs.roomId]['objects']:
            if not isVisible(self, objects[obj]):
                continue    # do not show the object if conditions not met
        # fill out the mapping, starting with 'go to'
        cmdMap['go to'] = {}
        for neighbor in rooms[gs.roomId]['neighbors']:
            if not isVisible(self, rooms[neighbor]):
                continue    # do not show the room if conditions not met
            neighborName = rooms[neighbor]['name']
            neighborScript = loader.getScript(rooms[neighbor]['script'])
            neighborReaction = None
            for action in neighborScript:
                if not isVisible(self, action):
                if action[0] == 'go to':
                    neighborReaction = action[1]
            if neighborReaction:
                cmdMap['go to'][neighborName] = neighborReaction
        # go through actions to take on room
        for action in roomScript:
            # ignore 'go to' current room (not possible)
            if action[0] == 'go to' or not isVisible(self, action):
            cmdMap[action[0]] = action[1]
        # prefill 'use <item>', 'give <item>', 'show <item>'
        itemActionPhrases = [('use', 'on'), ('give', 'to'), ('show', 'to')]
        # go through actions to take on objects
        for i in range(len(objectScripts)):
            objScript = objectScripts[i]
            objName = objectNames[i]
            for action in objScript:
                if not isVisible(self, action):
                verbWords = action[0].split()
                # "use .. on", "give ... to", "show ... to" needs special treatment for inventory items
                for prefix, suffix in itemActionPhrases:
                    if verbWords[0] == prefix and verbWords[-1] == suffix:
                        itemWord = ' '.join(verbWords[1:-1])
                        itemKey = loader.reverseItemLookup(itemWord)
                        targetPhrase = suffix + ' ' + objName
                        if itemKey == '':
                            raise Exception('script item name', itemWord ,'not found in items configuration file')
                        if itemKey in gs.inventory and int(gs.inventory[itemKey]) > 0:
                            if prefix not in cmdMap:
                                cmdMap[prefix] = {}
                            if itemWord not in cmdMap[prefix]:
                                cmdMap[prefix][itemWord] = {}
                            cmdMap[prefix][itemWord][targetPhrase] = action[1]
                # all other verbs are straightforward
                    if action[0] not in cmdMap:
                        cmdMap[action[0]] = {}
                    cmdMap[action[0]][objName] = action[1]
        gs.cmdMap = cmdMap