Exemplo n.º 1
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    #Create an instance of the problem
    iter_mod = Extended_Problem() #Create the problem

    iter_sim = IDA(iter_mod) #Create the solver
    iter_sim.verbosity = 0
    iter_sim.continuous_output = True

    t, y, yd = iter_sim.simulate(10.0,1000) #Simulate 10 seconds with 1000 communications points
    #Basic test
    if with_plots:
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_example(with_plots=True):

    #Create an instance of the problem
    iter_mod = Extended_Problem()  #Create the problem

    iter_sim = IDA(iter_mod)  #Create the solver

    iter_sim.verbosity = 0
    iter_sim.continuous_output = True

    t, y, yd = iter_sim.simulate(
        10.0, 1000)  #Simulate 10 seconds with 1000 communications points

    #Basic test
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][0], 8.0)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][1], 3.0)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][2], 2.0)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y)
Exemplo n.º 3
def PostREC(plot_request,Z_initial,Z_final,step_size,number_of_particles, manual_matter_temperature, source_function,chemical_model):
	global c,kb,h_p,H0,W0,T_0,kbev,Z,cooling_function,flux,k,T_m, hev	###Global parameters defined for use throughout the function
	                                                                    ###Mianly cosmological parameter values, numerical constants etc.
	c = 2.99792458*(10**8)			#Speed of light     (SI units)
	kb = 1.38065*(10**-23)			#Boltzmann constant (SI units)
	h_p = 6.626068*(10**-34)		#Planck's constant  (SI units)
	H0 = 69.7						#100h
	W0 = 1.0						#Total matter density (flat universe)
	T_0 = 2.725						#Modern day temperature of the CMB
	kbev = 8.6173324*(10**-5)       #Boltzman constant in eV
	hev = 4.135667*(10**-15)        #Plancks constant in eV

	##################################    Program Functions    #################################################
	##Residual is the main function that the solver, IDA, uses to solve the system of equations. Each "residual"
	##(res_1, res_2 etc) corresponds to a certain chemical species. The reaction eqautions array contains the 
	##reaction equation for that particular species. Values for the rates are substituted in (k) along with the
	##matter and radiation temperatures. IDA then trys to make the value of the residual as close to 0 as possible
	##by doing so it finds the equilibrium state of the system.

	##list of chemical species and the array elements that each corresponds to
	#species_list = ["[H]","[H+]","[H-]","[H2]","[H2+]","[e-]","[hv]","[D]","[D-]","[D+]","[HD]","[HD+]","[He]","[He+]","[He++]","[HeH+]",[Li], [Li+], [Li-], [LiH], [LiH+], [H2D+], [D2]]
			      #    0     1      2      3      4       5      6      9    10     11      12      13     14     15       16      17      18     19    20      21     22  ,  23   ,   24
	def residual(t,y,yd):
		res_0 = reaction_equations[0](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) - yd[0]
		res_1 = reaction_equations[1](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) - yd[1]
		res_2 = reaction_equations[2](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) - yd[2]
		res_3 = reaction_equations[3](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) - yd[3]
		res_4 = reaction_equations[4](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) - yd[4]
		res_5 = reaction_equations[5](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) - yd[5]

		photon_density = 0.0 -yd[6]
		radiation_temp = 0.0 -yd[7]
		matter_temp = 0.0 -yd[8]

		res_9 = reaction_equations[7](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) - yd[9]
		res_10 =reaction_equations[8](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) -yd[10]
		res_11 = reaction_equations[9](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)-yd[11]
		res_12 =  reaction_equations[10](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) - yd[12]
		res_13 =  reaction_equations[11](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) -yd[13]
		res_14 = reaction_equations[12](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)-yd[14]
		res_15 =  reaction_equations[13](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) - yd[15]
		res_16 =  reaction_equations[14](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)- yd[16]
		res_17 = reaction_equations[15](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) -yd[17]
		res_18 = reaction_equations[16](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) -yd[18]
		res_19 = reaction_equations[17](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) -yd[19]
		res_20 = reaction_equations[18](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) -yd[20]
		res_21 =reaction_equations[19](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) -yd[21]
		res_22 =reaction_equations[20](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)-yd[22]
		res_23 =reaction_equations[21](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)-yd[23]
		res_24 =reaction_equations[22](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)-yd[24]
		return array([res_0,res_1,res_2,res_3,res_4,res_5,photon_density,radiation_temp,matter_temp,res_9,res_10,res_11,res_12,res_13,res_14,res_15,res_16,res_17,res_18,res_19,res_20,res_21,res_22,res_23,res_24])	
	##deriv provides a jacobian matrix for IDA so that it has apprpriate initial conditions and can solve the equations more efficiently.
	def deriv(y,t): 

		res_0 = reaction_equations[0](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_1 = reaction_equations[1](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_2 = reaction_equations[2](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_3 = reaction_equations[3](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_4 = reaction_equations[4](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_5 = reaction_equations[5](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)

		photon_density = 0.0
		radiation_temp = 0.0
		matter_temp = -cooling_function(y[8],y[7],y[0],y[3],y[12],y[5],y[1],y[4],y[14],y[15],y[16],y[21])

		res_9 = reaction_equations[7](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) 
		res_10 =reaction_equations[8](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) 
		res_11 = reaction_equations[9](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_12 =  reaction_equations[10](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) 
		res_13 =  reaction_equations[11](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_14 = reaction_equations[12](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_15 =  reaction_equations[13](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_16 =  reaction_equations[14](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_17 = reaction_equations[15](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_18 = reaction_equations[16](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_19 = reaction_equations[17](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_20 = reaction_equations[18](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_21 =reaction_equations[19](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y) 
		res_22 =reaction_equations[20](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_23 =reaction_equations[21](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		res_24 =reaction_equations[22](k,Z,y[8],y[7],y)
		return array([res_0,res_1,res_2,res_3,res_4,res_5,photon_density,radiation_temp,matter_temp,res_9,res_10,res_11,res_12,res_13,res_14,res_15,res_16,res_17,res_18,res_19,res_20,res_21,res_22,res_23,res_24])	
	##The error_checking function performs an error test on the results. It does this by comparing the final total number of particles to the initial number.
	##If there is a large discrepancy, there is a bug somewhere within the code or the solution is unstable. The user is then warned.

	def error_checking(error_test,end_line,Z_initial,Z_final):
		atoms_lost = error_test*(((1+Z_final)**3)/((1+Z_initial)**3))-(end_line[0]+end_line[1]+end_line[2]+(2*end_line[3])+(2*end_line[4])+end_line[9]+end_line[10]+end_line[11]+(2*end_line[12])+(2*end_line[13])+end_line[15]+end_line[16]+(2*end_line[17])+end_line[18]+end_line[19]+end_line[20]+(2*end_line[21])+(2*end_line[22])+(3*end_line[23])+end_line[14]+(2*end_line[24]))

	##The initial conditions function calculates the initial conditions ready for integration
	def initial_conditions(Z_initial,number_of_particles, manual_matter_temperature):		#This function returns the initial conditions of the chosen epoch ready to be passed to the numerical integrator
		no_H = number_of_particles/((2.68*(10**-5))+0.240+(10**-9.9)+1.0)           #Calculate the hydrogen fraction using the fractional abundance of other elements
		no_He = 0.240*no_H                                                          #Calculate the fractional abundances of elements using nucelosynthesis results
		no_Deu = 2.68*(10**-5)*no_H
		no_Lithium = (10**-9.9)*no_H
		recombination_data = loadtxt('data.dat', delimiter=' ', dtype = (str))		#Loads in an array giving us the recombination fraction and ratio of matter to radiation temperature
		with open('data.dat','r') as f:
			rows=[map(float,L.strip().split(' ')) for L in f]  
		free_electron_fraction = arr[8000-Z_initial][1]                             #Reads in the free electron fraction from the loaded data
		matter_radiation_temperature_ratio = arr[8000-Z_initial][2]                 #Reads the matter radiation temperature ratio from the loaded data
		radiation_temperature = (2.725)*(1+Z_initial)	                            #Calculates the initial radiation temperature using the initial redshift

		if manual_matter_temperature == 0:                                          #Calculates the matter temperature by first checking if a manual
		                                                                            #value was entered, if not then it is calculated from the ratio.
			matter_temperature = matter_radiation_temperature_ratio*radiation_temperature
			matter_temperature = manual_matter_temperature
		no_e = no_H*free_electron_fraction                                          #Calculate number of electrons from free electron fraction

		if free_electron_fraction > 1.0:                                            #Calculate the ionised fraction of elements using ionised fraction.
			no_He_plus = (free_electron_fraction - 1.0)*no_He
			no_He = no_He - no_He_plus
			no_H_plus = no_H
			no_H = 0.0
			no_Deu_plus = no_Deu
			no_Deu = 0.0
			no_He_plus = 0.0 
			no_H_plus = free_electron_fraction*no_H
			no_H = no_H - no_H_plus
			no_Deu_plus = free_electron_fraction*no_Deu
			no_Deu = no_Deu - no_Deu_plus
		photon_density = (number_of_particles*((10**10)/4.5))                       # Calculates the number density of photons using the photon to baryon ratio

		return ([no_H,no_H_plus,0,0,0,no_e,photon_density,radiation_temperature,matter_temperature,no_Deu,0.0,no_Deu_plus,0.0,0.0,no_He,no_He_plus,0.0,0.0,0.0,no_Lithium,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],(no_H+no_H_plus+no_Deu+no_Deu_plus+no_He+no_He_plus+no_Lithium))
	##It retuns the abundances of each chemical species, in accordance with the labelling below. It also returns number densities to be used by the error checking function later on.
	#species_list = ["[H]","[H+]","[H-]","[H2]","[H2+]","[e-]","[hv]","[D]","[D-]","[D+]","[HD]","[HD+]","[He]","[He+]","[He++]","[HeH+]",[Li], [Li+], [Li-], [LiH], [LiH+], [H2D+], [D2]]					
				  #    0     1      2      3      4       5      6      9    10     11      12      13     14     15       16      17      18     19    20      21     22  ,  23   ,   24
	def photo_ionisation_calculator(source_function): ##This function calculates the effect of photoionising flux on the pre-galacti gas
		##refer to reaction_and_rte_writer.py for more info and sources for these rates
		flux =  [0] * 12     ##Prepare list ready to be filled with values

		##Reaction H   + hv -> H+   + e-
		##Integrate the cross section over the required frequency range through use of the source function, repeat for other reactions
		flux[0] = quad(lambda v: ((6.30*(10**-18))*(((3.28846551*(10**15))/v)**4.0)*((exp(4-(4*atan((((v/(3.28846551*(10**15)))-1.0)**0.5))/(((v/(3.28846551*(10**15)))-1)**0.5))))/(1-exp((-2*pi)/(((v/(3.28846551*(10**15)))-1)**0.5)))))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function), (3.28846551*(10**15)), 10**20)[0]
		##Reaction He+ + hv -> He++ + e-
		flux[1] = quad(lambda v: ((6.30*(10**-18))*(((3.28846551*(10**15))/v)**4.0)*((exp(4-(4*atan((((v/(3.28846551*(10**15)))-1)**0.5))/(((v/(3.28846551*(10**15)))-1)**0.5))))/(1-exp((-2*pi)/(((v/(3.28846551*(10**15)))-1)**0.5)))))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function), (3.28846551*(10**15)), 10**20)[0]

		##Reaction He +  hv -> He+  + e-
		flux[2] = quad(lambda v: (7.42*(10**-18)*(((1.66*(v/(24.6/(4.13566*(10**-15))))**-2.05))-(0.66*((v/(24.6/(4.13566*(10**-15))))**-3.05))))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function),(5.948253*(10**15)), 10**20)[0]

		##reaction H- +  hv -> H    + e-
		flux[3] = quad(lambda v: (7.928*(10**5)*((v-(0.755/(4.13566*(10**-15))))**1.5)*(v**-3))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function),(1.8255*(10**14)), 10**20)[0]

		##reaction D + hv -> D+ + e-
		flux[4] = quad(lambda v: ((6.30*(10**-18))*(((3.28846551*(10**15))/v)**4.0)*((exp(4-(4*atan((((v/(3.28846551*(10**15)))-1.0)**0.5))/(((v/(3.28846551*(10**15)))-1)**0.5))))/(1-exp((-2*pi)/(((v/(3.28846551*(10**15)))-1)**0.5)))))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function), (3.28846551*(10**15)), 10**20)[0]

		##reaction: H2 +  hv -> H2+  + e- (predisscoaition reaction) there are 3 elements for this element, one for 
		##the effect of each frequency band

		flux[5] = quad(lambda v: (6.2*(10**-18)*((4.135667516*(10**-15))*v)-(9.4*(10**-17)))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function), (3.728539*(10**15)),(3.9896824*(10**15)))[0]
		flux[6] = quad(lambda v: (1.4*(10**-18)*((4.135667516*(10**-15))*v)-(1.48*(10**-17)))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function), (3.9896824*(10**15)), (4.2798411*(10**15)))[0]
		flux[7] = quad(lambda v: (2.5*(10**-14)*(((4.135667516*(10**-15))*v)**-2.71))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function), (4.2798411*(10**15)), 10**20)[0]
		##Reaction: H2+ + hv -> H + H+
		flux[8] = quad(lambda v: (10**((-1.6547717*(10**6))+(1.866033*(10**5)*log(v))-(7.8986431*(10**3)*(log(v)**2))+(148.73693*(log(v)**3))-(1.0513032*(log(v)**4))))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function), (6.407671772*(10**14)), 10**20)[0]
		##Reaction: H2+ + hv -> 2H+  + e-
		flux[9] = quad(lambda v: (10**((-16.926)-((4.528*(10**-2))*((4.135667516*(10**-15))*v))+(2.238*(10**-4)*(((4.135667516*(10**-15))*v)**2))+(4.425*(10**-7)*(((4.135667516*(10**-15))*v)**3))))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function), (7.253968*(10**15)), (2.176190413*(10**16)))[0]
		##reaction: H2  + hv -> H2* -> H + H"
		source_function_jw = source_function
		v = 12.87/hev
		j_w = eval(source_function)
		del v
		flux[10] = ((1.1*(10**8)*j_w))
		##reaction H2 +  hv -> H2+  + e- (Direct photodissociation into lyman warner continuum bands)
		##different cross sections need to be used fordifferent frequeny bands, these are shown below, along with the limits (in eV).
		##These are all taken from tom Abels 1996 paper "Modelling Primordial gas in Numerical Cosmology"
		##Total ionisation rate is the sum of the ionisation from each frequency band.
		sigmaL01 = lambda v: ((10**-18)*(10**(15.1289-1.05139*hev*v))) ##14.675 < hv < 16.820
		sigmaL02 = lambda v:((10**-18)*(10**(-31.41 + (1.8042*(10**-2)*((hev*v)**3)) - (4.2339*(10**-5))*((hev*v)**5))))  ##16.820 < hv < 17.6
		sigmaW0  = lambda v:((10**-18)*(10**(13.5311-(0.9182618*hev*v)))) ##14.675 < hv < 17.7
		sigmaL1 = lambda v:((10**-18)*(10**(12.0218406-(0.819429*hev*v)))) ## 14.159 < hv < 15.302
		sigmaL2 = lambda v:((10**-18)*(10**(16.04644-(1.082438*hev*v)))) ##15.302 < hv < 17.2
		sigmaW1 = lambda v:((10**-18)*(10**(12.87367-(0.85088597*hev*v)))) ##14.159 < hv < 17.2

		band1 = quad(lambda v: ((0.25*(sigmaL01(v)+sigmaW0(v))+(0.75*sigmaL1(v)+sigmaW1(v)))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function)), (3.4236*(10**15)),(3.7000*(10**15)))[0]
		band2 = quad(lambda v: ((0.25*(sigmaL01(v)+sigmaW0(v))+(0.75*sigmaL2(v)+sigmaW1(v)))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function)), (3.7000*(10**15)),(4.067*(10**15)))[0]
		band3 = quad(lambda v: ((0.25*(sigmaL02(v)+sigmaW0(v))+(0.75*sigmaL2(v)+sigmaW1(v)))*(4.0*pi*((h_p*v)**-1))*eval(source_function)), (4.067*(10**15)), (4.2798*(10**15)))[0]
		flux[11] = band1+band2+band3
		return flux
	##The age_converter gives the age of the Universe as any redshift Z in Gyrs. This 
	##is converted into seconds using the formula below.
	def range_calculator(Z_initial,Z_final):

		range = (Z_initial-Z_final)*(10**9)*365.25*24*60*60

		return range
	def file_unpacking(chemical_model):	                                            ##Performs necessary file unpacking for reaction rates and cooling rates
		pickle_file0 = open("previous_use.p","rb")                                  ##Checks to see what the previous chemical model in use was. If it is the same as the current use
		                                                                            ##then the arrays are loaded straight away - nothing needs to be recalculated
		previous_model_used = pickle.load(pickle_file0)

		if (previous_model_used == chemical_model):
			pickle_file1 =open("reactionratearray.p","rb")
			pickle_file4 = open("reaction_equations.p","rb")
		else:                                                                       ##Otherwise, the chemical equations and rates are loaded in accordance with the model chosen.
			pickle_file1 =open("reactionratearray.p","rb")
			pickle_file4 = open("reaction_equations.p","rb")

		array_size_lookup = {1:92  , 2:39 , 3 : 20, 4 : 42}                          ##Dictionary containing the size of the array for each model.
		array_size = array_size_lookup[chemical_model]                              ##Returns the size of the array for the chosen model.
		rate_array = pickle.load(pickle_file1)                                      ##Loads the reactions, cooling rates, photoionisation rates and regular rates

		reactions = pickle.load(pickle_file4)

		return (rate_array,array_size,reactions)

	###################################    end of program functions     ##############################################	

	global reaction_equations ##Define a variable ready to be filled with the reaction equations
	rate_array, array_size,reactions  = file_unpacking(chemical_model)       ##Unpack the equations
	reaction_equations = [0] * len(reactions)      ##Turn the unpacked chemical equations into something the program can use,
	                                               ##In this case each reaction is converted into a lambda function
	for i in range(0,len(reactions)):
		if (reactions[i] == ''):
			reaction_equations[i] = lambda k,Z,T_m,T_r,y : 0.0
			reaction_equations[i] = eval('lambda k,Z,T_m,T_r,y: ' + reactions[i])

	k = [0] * array_size                          ##Turn the unpacked reaction rates into something the program can use,
	                                              ##lambda functions once again.
	for i in range(0,array_size):
		k[i] = eval(rate_array[i][9]) 
	##Now we need a cooling function for the gas, each term within the function is due to a different cooling/heating process
	cooling_function = lambda T_m,T_r,n_H,n_H2,n_HD,n_e,n_Hplus,n_H2plus,n_He,n_Heplus,n_Heplusplus,n_LiH: ((-1.017*(10**-37)*(T_r**4)*(T_m-T_r)*n_e*n_H)  + \
	                                                                                                 (1.27*(10**-21)*(T_m**0.5)*((1+(T_m*10**-5)**0.5)**-1.0)*exp(-157809.1/T_m))*n_e*n_H + \
                                                                                                     (9.38*(10**-22)*(T_m**0.5)*((1+(T_m*10**-5)**0.5)**-1.0)*exp(-285335.4/T_m))*n_e*n_He + \
                                                                                                     (4.95*(10**-22)*(T_m**0.5)*((1+(T_m*10**-5)**0.5)**-1.0)*exp(-631515.0/T_m))*n_e*n_Heplus + \
	                                                                                                 (8.70*(10**-27)*(T_m**0.5)*((T_m*10**-3)**-0.2)*((1+(T_m*10**-6)**0.7)**-1.0))*n_e*n_Hplus + \
																									 (1.55*(10**-26)*(T_m**0.3647))*n_e*n_Heplus + \
																									 (3.48*(10**-26)*(T_m**0.5)*((T_m*10**-3)**-0.2)*((1+(T_m*10**-6)**0.7)**-1.0))*n_e*n_Heplusplus + \
																									 (1.24*(10**-13)*(T_m**-1.5)*exp(-47000.0/T_m)*(1+0.3*exp(-94000.0/T_m)))*n_e*n_Heplus + \
																									 (7.50*(10**-19)*((1+(T_m*10**-5)**0.5)**-1)*exp(-118348.0/T_m))*n_e*n_H +\
																									 (5.54*(10**-17)*(T_m**-0.397)*((1+(T_m*10**-5)**0.5)**-1.0)*exp(-473638.0/T_m))*n_e*(n_Heplus) + \
																									 (1.42*(10**-27)*(T_m**0.5)*(1.10+0.34*exp(-((5.50-log10(T_m))**2)/3.0)))*(n_e*(n_Hplus+n_Heplus+4*n_Heplusplus)) + \
																									 (10**(-103.0 + (97.59*log10(T_m))-(48.05*((log10(T_m))**2.0))+(10.80*((log10(T_m))**3))-(0.9032*((log10(T_m))**4))))*n_H2*n_H + \
																									 (1.1*(10**-19)*(T_m**-0.34)*exp(-3025.0/T_m))*n_H2plus*n_e + \
																									 (1.36*(10**-22)*exp(-3152.0/T_m))*n_H2plus*n_H + \
																									 (10**(-36.42+5.95*log10(T_m)-0.526*((log10(T_m))**2)))*n_Hplus*n_H + \
																									 (10**(-42.45906+(21.90083*T_m)-(10.1954*(T_m**2))+(2.19788*(T_m**3))-(0.17286*(T_m**4))))*n_H*n_HD + \
	##Determine whether or not a source function was entered, if it was, then find the relevant flux for the reactions
	if source_function != "0.0":
		flux = photo_ionisation_calculator(source_function)
		flux = [0] * 12
	#################################      BEGINNING OF INTEGRATION PROCEDURE      ###########################################################
	##Begin integration procedure
	print "\n"
	Z = Z_initial
	yinit, error_test_begin = initial_conditions(Z_initial,number_of_particles,manual_matter_temperature) ##Get the initial conditions, and get the initial values ready 
	                                                                                                      ##for the error testing function to make use of
	yd0init = deriv(yinit,0.0)                                          ##Get the jacobian for IDA to use (faster solving)      
	Z_initial_s = new_ageconverter.age_converter(Z_initial)				##Convert Z value into age of universe

	Z_final_s = new_ageconverter.age_converter(Z_initial-step_size)		##Convert Z value into age of universe

	time_range = range_calculator(Z_final_s,Z_initial_s)				##Calculate the actual time in seconds to integrate over by using the step size.

	model = Implicit_Problem(residual,yinit,yd0init,0.0)                ##Set up the problem

	sim = IDA(model)                                                 

	sim.verbosity = 50                                                  ##Set verbosity to low(not needed)
	t,y,yd = sim.simulate(time_range)                                   ##Perform the simulation for one step
	eoa = (shape(y)[0])-1 
	end_line = y[(shape(y)[0])-1,:]       

	yd0init = yd[eoa,:]                                                 ##Provide the new jacobian from the newly calculated results, ready for the next step

	plot_values = y[eoa,:]

	previous_time_range = time_range
	no_steps = (Z_initial-Z_final)/step_size						##calculate the total number of steps needed to complete the process
	count = 1                                                       ##Used to keep track of integration progress
	pcent = (100/no_steps)*count 									##Integration progress as a percentage
	for i in arange((Z_initial-step_size),Z_final-step_size,-step_size):      ##Z_final+step_size is used since it then subtracts the step size in the iteration
		##Recompute the flux for some reactions as Z has changed
		Z = i
		Z_initial_s = new_ageconverter.age_converter(i)				    ##Convert Z value into age of universe
		Z_final_s = new_ageconverter.age_converter(i-step_size)		    ##Convert Z value into age of universe
		time_range = range_calculator(Z_final_s,Z_initial_s)	        ##Calculate the actual time in seconds to integrate over

		factor = (((1.0+i)/(1.0+i+step_size))**3)                       ##Upon each step, each chemical species is multiplied by this factor to account for the expanding Universe
		pcent = (100/no_steps)*count 									##Print the progress percentage and value for the user
		count = count + 1
		sys.stdout.write("\rCurrent Value, Z = " + str(i) + "\t" + str(pcent) + "%")   
		##re-initialise the values ready for integration during the next step
		##each of the number densities is reduced by a factor of step-size**3
		##due to the expansion of the universe in this time
		##the radiation temperature and matter temperature are set according
		##to the redshift, over Z = 200 the two are coupled together, and so
		##are equal, after this the matter temperature evolves adiabtically
		##The cooling function also comes into effect at the lower Z values
		if i > 200:                                                    
			yinit = [x * factor for x in end_line[0:6]] + \
					[end_line[6]*(((1.0+i)/(1.0+i+step_size))**4)] + \
					[(T_0*(1.0+i))] + [(T_0*(1.0+i))] + \
					[x * factor for x in end_line[9:25]]
			yinit = [x * factor for x in end_line[0:6]] + \
					[end_line[6]*(((1.0+i)/(1.0+i+step_size))**4)] + \
					[(T_0*(1.0+i))] + [((T_0*((1.0+i)**2))/201.0)-cooling_function(end_line[8],end_line[7],end_line[0],end_line[3],end_line[12],end_line[5],end_line[1],end_line[4],end_line[14],end_line[15],end_line[16],end_line[21])] + \
					[x * factor for x in end_line[9:25]]

		yd0init = yd[eoa,:]                                                  ##Provide the new jacobian from the newly calculated results, ready for the next step
		model = Implicit_Problem(residual,yinit,yd0init,previous_time_range) ##Simulate again, using new step
		sim = IDA(model)
		sim.verbosity = 50
		t,y,yd = sim.simulate(time_range+previous_time_range)
		eoa = (shape(y)[0])-1                                      

		end_line = y[eoa,:]                                                  ##store plot values, alter time range and get ready for the next step.
		previous_time_range = time_range + previous_time_range
		plot_values = vstack((plot_values,y[eoa,:]))

	if (error_checking(error_test_begin,end_line,Z_initial,i) < 10**-10) :
		print("\n\nError test results: PASSED")
		print("\nError test results: FAILED")

	final_calculated_values = array(plot_values[(shape(plot_values)[0])-1][:])          ##Finds the final calculated abundacnes, ready to return to the user
	print("\nFinal calculated abundances are as follows (number densities are in cm^3) :")
	print "\n[H]:\n"
	print end_line[0]
	print "\n[H+]:\n"
	print end_line[1]
	print "\n[H-]:\n"
	print end_line[2]
	print "\n[H2]:\n"
	print end_line[3]
	print "\n[H2+]:\n"
	print end_line[4]
	print "\n[e-]:\n"
	print end_line[5]
	print "\n[photon density]:\n"
	print end_line[6]
	if plot_request == 2:																##If the user wanted to plot the results, this series of commands is run
	return (final_calculated_values) ##Return the final calculated values to the user