Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_good_day16(self):

        rdict = {'date': "2000 02 29.333333"}
        except RuntimeError:
            pytest.fail("Unexpected raise of RuntimeError")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_bad_day6(self):

        rdict = {'date': "1800 01 01.333  "}
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e_info:
            data = checkDate(rdict)
        assert self.expected_message2 % (rdict['date'], rdict['date']) == str(
Exemplo n.º 3
def parse_dataline(line):
    Parse a line of MPC1992 80 column format and return a dictionary of decoded values.

    line: str
        An 80 column line in MPC1992 format

    ret: dict
        A dictionary of parsed parameters as key/value pairs.

        Raised if there is a problem parsing the line (usually too long/trailing
        whitespace) or a problem decoding one of the individual fields.

    This is a cut-down version of the `ADES_Master.mpc80coltoxml.decode80ColumnDataLine`
    that only supports the optical line format (since Astrometrica cannot produce
    radar, roving observer or satellite format lines)

    # matches optical line; also V and S and X
    # groups: first seven are for all types
    #   1: id group
    #   2: discovery
    #   3: notes -- notes can be anything; valid Notes is wrong
    #   4: codes  and RvSsVvXx
    #   5: yyyy  from obsDate
    #   6: blank or a-e for asteroid satellites (embedded in obsDat)
    #   7: rest of obsDate

    commonRegexHelp1 = ('([A-za-z0-9 ]{12})'    # id group 1-12
                        + '([ *+])'                # discovery group 13 may be ' ', '*' or '+'
                        #+ '( AaBbcDdEFfGgGgHhIiJKkMmNOoPpRrSsTtUuVWwYyCQX2345vzjeL16789])' # notes group 14
                        + '(.)'                 # notes can be anything
    commonRegexHelp2 = (r'(\d{4})'            # yyyy from obsDate 16-19
                        + '([ a-e])'            # asteroid satellite embedded in date 20
                        + '([0-9 .]{12})'       # rest of obsDate loosely checked 21-32

    # ----------- remainder depends on type.  This is for optical and SV
    #   8: Ra
    #   9: Dec
    #  10: doc says blank but stuff is here
    #  11: mag
    #  12: band
    #  13: packedref and astCode as first character
    #  14: 3-character obs stn code
    normalLineRegex = re.compile(('^'
                                  + commonRegexHelp1
                                  + '([A PeCTMcEOHNn])' # codes group --  do not include  RrSsVvXx 15
                                  + commonRegexHelp2
                                  + '([0-9 .]{12})'       # Ra loosely checked 33-44
                                  + '([-+ ][0-9 .]{11})'  # Dec loosely checked 45-56
                                  + '(.{9})'              # mpc doc says blank but not 57-65
                                  + '(.{5})'              # mag 66-70
                                  + '(.{1})'              # band 71
                                  + '(.{6})'              # packedref 72-77. 72 by itself is astCode
                                  + '(.{3})'              # obs stn 78-80
                                  + '$')

    ret = {}
    if not line:
        return ret
    if len(line) > 80:
        error80(repr(len(line)) + ' columns', line)

    ret['subFmt'] = 'M92'  # since were are MPC 80-col format
    m = normalLineRegex.match(line)  # optical, SVXx
    if m:
        #  print (m.groups())
        ret['totalid'] = m.group(1)
        ret['disc'] = m.group(2)
        ret['notes'] = m.group(3)
        ret['code'] = m.group(4)
        ret['date'] = m.group(5) + m.group(6) + m.group(7)

        ret['raSexagesimal'] = m.group(8)
        ret['decSexagesimal'] = m.group(9)
        ret['bl1'] = m.group(10)
        ret['mag'] = m.group(11)
        ret['band'] = m.group(12)
        ret['packedref'] = m.group(13)
        ret['stn'] = m.group(14)

        sexVals.checkDate(ret) # check date first
        error80("no match for line", line)

    # more value sanity checks
    sexVals.checkDate(ret) # check date always
    if ret['code'] not in packUtil.validCodes:
        error80("invalid column 14 " + ret['code']+ " in line ", line)
        ret['mode'] = packUtil.codeDict[ret['code']]

    # No mapping of program codes yet
    ret['prog'] = '  '
    if ret['notes'] not in packUtil.validNotes:
        error80("invalid note "+ ret['notes'] +" in line ", line)

    # Determine catalog code; 72 - first in packed reference. Blank for submissions
    ret['astCat'] = ret['packedref'][0]

    # compute unpacked ID fields.  This may be only a trkSub

    (permID, provID, trkSub) = packUtil.unpackPackedID(ret['totalid'])
    ret['permID'] = permID
    ret['provID'] = provID
    ret['trkSub'] = trkSub
    #print(permID, provID, trkSub)

        packtest = packUtil.packTupleID((permID, provID, trkSub))
        if packtest != ret['totalid']:
            print ("ID does not round-trip; " + packtest + " vs. " + ret['totalid'])
    except RuntimeError:
        print ("fails pack: ", permID, provID, trkSub)

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_bad_month3(self):

        rdict = {'date': "1920 13 01.3333333"}
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e_info:
            data = checkDate(rdict)
        assert self.expected_message + rdict['date'] == str(e_info.value)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_bad_day12(self):

        rdict = {'date': "2019 02 29.333333"}
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e_info:
            data = checkDate(rdict)
        assert self.expected_message3 + rdict['date'] == str(e_info.value)