Exemplo n.º 1
def visibility(ra, dec, observatory, time):

    source = SkyCoord(ra=Angle(ra * u.deg), dec=(dec * u.deg))
    location = observatory.position

    time = Time(time)

    altaz = source.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=time, location=location))
    altaz_sun = get_sun(time).transform_to(
        AltAz(obstime=time, location=location))
    altaz_moon = get_moon(time).transform_to(
        AltAz(obstime=time, location=location))

    delta_time = np.linspace(0, 24, 200) * u.hour

    frame = AltAz(obstime=time + delta_time, location=location)
    frame_night = source.transform_to(frame)
    frame_sun_night = get_sun(time + delta_time).transform_to(frame)
    frame_moon_night = get_moon(time + delta_time).transform_to(frame)
    moon_distance = np.mean(
                get_moon(time + delta_time).ra,
                get_moon(time + delta_time).dec)))
    sun_distance = np.mean(
                get_sun(time + delta_time).ra,
                get_sun(time + delta_time).dec)))
    date = ephem.Date(time.value)
    moon_phase = (date - ephem.previous_new_moon(date)) / (
        ephem.next_new_moon(date) - ephem.previous_new_moon(date))

    return altaz, delta_time, frame_night, frame_sun_night, moon_distance, sun_distance, moon_phase
Exemplo n.º 2
    def is_visible(self,
        checks if the GRB is visible above the Earth limb
        for the given times

        :param orbit: 
        :param time: 


        horizon_angle = 90 - np.rad2deg(
            np.arccos((a_e / orbit.a).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled).value))

        # add Earth limb restraint

        if limb_angle is not None:

            horizon_angle += limb_angle  # deg

        pos = orbit.r_eci(time).to("km")

        sun_pos = None

        if sun_angle is not None:

            sun_pos = get_moon(time).cartesian.xyz.to("km").value.T

        moon_pos = None

        if moon_angle is not None:

            moon_pos = get_moon(time).cartesian.xyz.to("km").value.T

        return _is_visibile(
Exemplo n.º 3
def plot_altitude(target_list={}, observatory=None, utc_offset=0, obs_time=None, show_sun=True, show_moon=True):
    """plot the position of science target during observation
    # define the observation time
    delta_hours = np.linspace(-12, 12, 100)*u.hour
    obstimes = obs_time + delta_hours - utc_offset
    # observertory
    altaz_frames = AltAz(location=observatory, obstime=obstimes)

    target_altaz_list = {}
    for name, skcoord in target_list.items():
        target_altaz_list[name] = skcoord.transform_to(altaz_frames)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
    for name, pos in target_altaz_list.items():
        ax.scatter(delta_hours, pos.alt, label=name, s=8)
    ax.set_title("Observed on {}".format(obs_time.fits))
    # get position of sun and moon
    sun = get_sun(obstimes).transform_to(altaz_frames)
    if show_sun:
        ax.plot(delta_hours, sun.alt, 'r', label='sun')
    if show_moon:
        moon = get_moon(obstimes).transform_to(altaz_frames)
        ax.plot(delta_hours, moon.alt, 'k--', label='moon')

    ax.fill_between(delta_hours.to('hr').value, -90, 90, sun.alt < -0*u.deg, 
                     color='0.5', zorder=0, alpha=0.5)
    ax.fill_between(delta_hours.to('hr').value, -90, 90, sun.alt < -18*u.deg, 
                     color='k', zorder=0, alpha=0.5)
    ax.set_xlabel('LST offset')
    # ax.set_ylim(-10, 90)
    ax.legend(loc='upper right')
    # plt.tight_layout()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='polar')
    for name, pos in target_altaz_list.items():
        ax.plot(pos.az/180*np.pi, np.cos(pos.alt), label=name, marker='.', ms=8)
    if show_sun:
        ax.plot(sun.az/180*np.pi, np.cos(sun.alt), 'r.', label='sun')
    if show_moon:
        moon = get_moon(obstimes).transform_to(altaz_frames)
        ax.plot(moon.az/180*np.pi, np.cos(moon.alt), 'k--', label='moon')
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1)

Exemplo n.º 4
 def moon_position_icrs(self):
     :return: moon position as SkyCood object in icrs frame                                                                                                                                                                                                                
     tmp_moon = get_moon(self._time)
     #in ICRS                                                                                                                 
     return SkyCoord(tmp_moon.ra.deg, tmp_moon.dec.deg, unit='deg', frame='gcrs',obstime=self._time).icrs
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get(self, source_coord, frame):
        """Evaluate the constraint for given targets, a specific location and

        source_coord : astropy.SkyCoord
            Coordinates of the target sources.
        frame : astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.altaz.AltAz
            A coordinate or frame in the Altitude-Azimuth system.

        out : numpy.ndarray
            Array of boolean values. One entry for each input coordinate.
            The entry is True, if the source is observable according to the
            constrains, and False otherwise.

        # if frame is the same as before re-use Moon positions:
        if self._same_frame(frame):
            moon_altaz = self.moon_altaz
        # otherwise calculate new Moon positions:
            moon_altaz = get_moon(frame.obstime).transform_to(frame)
            self.moon_altaz = moon_altaz
            self.last_frame = frame

        source_altaz = source_coord.transform_to(frame)
        separation = source_altaz.separation(moon_altaz)
        observable = np.logical_or(separation <= self.limit_lo,
                                   separation >= self.limit_hi)
        #observable = np.array(observable, dtype=float)

        return observable
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_planet_info():
    planet_info = []

    with solar_system_ephemeris.set('de432s'):
        for planet_name in planets:
            planet = get_body(planet_name, current_time, location)


        sun = get_sun(current_time)
            "name": "The Sun",
            "lightMinutes": to_light_minutes(sun.distance),
            "xyz": get_xyz(sun)

        moon = get_moon(current_time)
            "name": "The Moon",
            "lightMinutes": to_light_minutes(moon.distance),
            "xyz": get_xyz(moon)

    return json.dumps(planet_info)
Exemplo n.º 7
def moon_distance(loc, t2, t3):
    # Get the distance to the moon via the umbra diameter estimate

    if isinstance(loc, type(u'')) or isinstance(loc, type('')):
        loc = EarthLocation.of_address(loc)

    # Location of Sun & Moon
    sun = get_sun(t2)
    moon = get_moon(t2, loc)

    # Umbra size, from time and location
    su = estimate_umbra(loc, t2, t3)

    # Constants in km
    re = R_earth.to(u.km).value
    ds = sun.distance.to(u.km).value
    rs = R_sun.to(u.km).value
    rm = 1738.1

    dm = (2 * rm - su) * ds / (2 * (rs - rm)) + re
        'Distance estimate: {:.7} km (Actual: {:.7}). Ratio: {:.2}. Difference: {:.7}'
        .format(dm, moon.distance, moon.distance / (dm * u.km),
                dm * u.km - moon.distance))
    # moon.distance is from surface, not center
    return dm, moon.distance.to(u.km).value + re
Exemplo n.º 8
def evaluateDay(thisDate):
    delta_midnight = np.linspace(-12, 12, 96) * u.hour
    tomorrow = thisDate + dt.timedelta(days=1)
    midnight = Time("{}-{}-{} 00:00:00".format(tomorrow.year, tomorrow.month,
                                               tomorrow.day)) - utcoffset
    moonIllum = moon_illumination(
        midnight)  # assume constant illumination throughout the day
    #    if (moonIllum > MAX_MOON_ILLUMINATION):
    #        return 0
    allDay = midnight + delta_midnight
    allDayFrame = AltAz(obstime=allDay, location=observerLocation)
    objectAltAziAllDay = objectToObserve.transform_to(allDayFrame)
    objectAltAllDay = objectAltAziAllDay.alt
    sunAltAllDay = get_sun(allDay).transform_to(allDayFrame).alt
    moonAltAziAllDay = get_moon(allDay).transform_to(allDayFrame)
    moonAltAllDay = moonAltAziAllDay.alt
    #moonIllumAllDay = moon.moon_illumination(allDay)
    objectVisible = objectAltAllDay > (OBJECT_MIN_ALT * u.deg)
    nightTime = sunAltAllDay < (MAX_SUN_ALT * u.deg)
    moonLess = moonAltAllDay < (MAX_MOON_ALT * u.deg)
    goodHours = np.sum(objectVisible & nightTime & moonLess) * 0.25
    #deltaAngles = np.rad2deg(angleBetweenPolarVectors(objectAltAziAllDay,moonAltAziAllDay)) # Great circle angle between the moon and the object
    #    fig1 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
    #    ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    #    ax1.plot(delta_midnight,objectAltAllDay,color='blue')
    #    ax1.plot(delta_midnight,sunAltAllDay,color='red')
    #    ax1.plot(delta_midnight,moonAltAllDay,color='black')
    #    ax1.plot(delta_midnight,np.rad2deg(deltaAngles),color='green')
    return goodHours
Exemplo n.º 9
    def onclick(event):
        #if not event.inaxes:
        if event.inaxes != ax1:
        xint = np.floor(event.xdata + 0.5)
        yint = np.floor(event.ydata + 0.5)
        delta_midnight = np.linspace(-12, 12, 96) * u.hour
        tomorrow = firstSunday + dt.timedelta(
            days=yint + (xint * 7)) + dt.timedelta(days=1)
        midnight = Time("{}-{}-{} 00:00:00".format(
            tomorrow.year, tomorrow.month, tomorrow.day)) - utcoffset

        allDay = midnight + delta_midnight
        allDayFrame = AltAz(obstime=allDay, location=observerLocation)
        objectAltAziAllDay = objectToObserve.transform_to(allDayFrame)
        objectAltAllDay = objectAltAziAllDay.alt
        sunAltAllDay = get_sun(allDay).transform_to(allDayFrame).alt
        moonAltAziAllDay = get_moon(allDay).transform_to(allDayFrame)
        moonAltAllDay = moonAltAziAllDay.alt
        deltaAngles = np.rad2deg(
            angleBetweenPolarVectors(objectAltAziAllDay, moonAltAziAllDay)
        )  # Great circle angle between the moon and the object
        ax3.plot(delta_midnight, objectAltAllDay, color='blue')
        ax3.plot(delta_midnight, sunAltAllDay, color='red')
        ax3.plot(delta_midnight, moonAltAllDay, color='black')
        ax3.plot(delta_midnight, deltaAngles, color='green')
            (firstSunday + dt.timedelta(days=yint +
                                        (xint * 7))).strftime("%B %d, %Y"),
        ax3.set_ylabel('degrees', fontsize=8)
        ax3.set_xlabel('hours around midnight', fontsize=8)
        ax3.set_ylim(0, np.max([90, np.max(deltaAngles)]))
Exemplo n.º 10
def moon_and_sun(time, RA, DEC):
    Input: astropy.time.Time object
    Uses astropy get_moon and get_sun for lat and lon, then transforms to AltAz frame
    moon = get_moon(time, location=APACHE)
    sun = get_sun(time)
    target = SkyCoord(RA, DEC, unit=u.deg, frame=moon.frame)

    moon_dist = moon.distance.value
    moon_sep = moon.separation(target).degree
    sun_moon_sep = moon.separation(sun.transform_to(moon.frame)).degree
    sun_elong = target.separation(sun.transform_to(moon.frame)).degree

    #geocentric latitude and longitude
    moon_lat, moon_lon = (moon.geocentrictrueecliptic.lat.value,
    sun_lat, sun_lon = (sun.geocentrictrueecliptic.lat.value,

    #change to altaz frame
    moon_altaz = moon.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=time, location=APACHE))
    sun_altaz = sun.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=time, location=APACHE))
    moon_alt, moon_az = (moon_altaz.alt.value, moon_altaz.az.value)
    sun_alt, sun_az = (sun_altaz.alt.value, sun_altaz.az.value)

    return [
        moon_lat, moon_lon, sun_lat, sun_lon, moon_alt, moon_az, sun_alt,
        sun_az, moon_dist, moon_sep, sun_moon_sep, sun_elong
Exemplo n.º 11
    def next_tile(self, date=None, ra_current=None, dec_current=None, weather=None, bright_time=False, limiting_magnitude=None):
        Find the next tile to be observed. This is what Jeeves is going to call each time.
        Add ra_current and dec_current (and weather). This is how Jeeves is going to call this method.

        # TODO: Now or in 10 minutes?
        if date:
            self.utc = Time(date, format='iso', scale='utc')
            self.utc = Time(Time.now(), format='iso', scale='utc')
        self.local_sidereal_time = self.utc.sidereal_time('mean', longitude=params.params['LON']).value

        self.moon = get_moon(self.utc)

        if bright_time:
            is_bright_time = self.check_if_moon_is_above_horizon(moon=self.moon, time=self.utc)
            if is_bright_time:
                print 'Dark time, Taipan is observing.'
                return None, None
        #~ self.weather_conditions()
        #~ if weather_data_filename:
            #~ self.weather_data=np.loadtxt(weather_data_filename) # STRING!!
        #~ else:
            #~ self.weather_data=None

        # Telescope position from Jeeves
        if ra_current is None:
        if dec_current is None:
            self.dec_current=-30.0 # TODO


        if best_tile is None:
            return None, None

        # Update list of observed tiles

        json_filename = create_obs_config_json.create_ObsConfig_json(tile=best_tile, utc=self.utc)
        #~ # PLOT
        #~ telescope_positions=[best_tile.TaipanTile.ra, best_tile.TaipanTile.dec, self.moon.ra.value, self.moon.dec.value, best_tile.angular_moon_distance]
        #~ visualization.plot_selected_tile_with_neighbourhood(moon=self.moon, lst=self.local_sidereal_time, best_tiles=self.best_tiles_to_observe_now, tiles=self.tiles, best_tile=best_tile, i=1, ra_current=self.ra_current, dec_current=self.dec_current, telescope_positions=telescope_positions, observed_tile_ids=self.observed_tiles) 
        # TODO: what should be a format for Jeeves?
        return best_tile, json_filename
Exemplo n.º 12
def check_moon(file, avoid=30. * u.degree):
    if not isinstance(avoid, u.Quantity):
        avoid = float(avoid) * u.degree
        avoid = avoid.to(u.degree)

    header = fits.getheader(file)

    mlo = EarthLocation.of_site('Keck Observatory')  # Update later
    obstime = Time(header['DATE-OBS'],
    moon = get_moon(obstime, mlo)

    if 'RA' in header.keys() and 'DEC' in header.keys():
        coord_string = '{} {}'.format(header['RA'], header['DEC'])
        target = SkyCoord(coord_string, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
        ## Assume zenith
        target = SkyCoord(obstime.sidereal_time('apparent'), mlo.latitude)

    moon_alt = moon.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=obstime,
    if moon_alt < 0 * u.degree:
        print('Moon is down')
        return True
        sep = target.separation(moon)
        print('Moon is up. Separation = {:.1f} deg'.format(
        return (sep > avoid)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _perform(self):
        Returns an Argument() with the parameters that depends on this operation.
        self.log.info(f"Running {self.__class__.__name__} action")

        lat=c.Latitude(self.action.args.kd.get('SITELAT'), unit=u.degree)
        lon=c.Longitude(self.action.args.kd.get('SITELONG'), unit=u.degree)
        height=float(self.action.args.kd.get('ALT-OBS')) * u.meter
        loc = c.EarthLocation(lon, lat, height)
        pressure=self.cfg['Telescope'].getfloat('pressure', 700)*u.mbar
        altazframe = c.AltAz(location=loc, obstime=self.action.args.kd.obstime(),
        moon = c.get_moon(Time(self.action.args.kd.obstime()), location=loc)
        sun = c.get_sun(Time(self.action.args.kd.obstime()))

        moon_alt = ((moon.transform_to(altazframe).alt).to(u.degree)).value
        moon_separation = (moon.separation(self.action.args.header_pointing).to(u.degree)).value\
                    if self.action.args.header_pointing is not None else None

        # Moon illumination formula from Meeus, ÒAstronomical 
        # Algorithms". Formulae 46.1 and 46.2 in the 1991 edition, 
        # using the approximation cos(psi) \approx -cos(i). Error 
        # should be no more than 0.0014 (p. 316). 
        moon_illum = 50*(1 - np.sin(sun.dec.radian)*np.sin(moon.dec.radian)\
                     - np.cos(sun.dec.radian)*np.cos(moon.dec.radian)\
                     * np.cos(sun.ra.radian-moon.ra.radian))

        self.action.args.moon_alt = moon_alt
        self.action.args.moon_separation = moon_separation
        self.action.args.moon_illum = moon_illum

        return self.action.args
Exemplo n.º 14
def moon_phase_angle(time, ephemeris=None):
    Calculate lunar orbital phase in radians.

    time : `~astropy.time.Time`
        Time of observation

    ephemeris : str, optional
        Ephemeris to use.  If not given, use the one set with
        `~astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris` (which is
        set to 'builtin' by default).

    i : float
        Phase angle of the moon [radians]
    # TODO: cache these sun/moon SkyCoord objects

    sun = get_sun(time)
    moon = get_moon(time, ephemeris=ephemeris)
    elongation = sun.separation(moon)
    return np.arctan2(sun.distance*np.sin(elongation),
                      moon.distance - sun.distance*np.cos(elongation))
Exemplo n.º 15
def draw_moon(ax, input_time, input_loc):
    moon = get_moon(time=input_time, location=input_loc)
    moon = SkyCoord(moon.ra, moon.dec, frame='gcrs').transform_to('icrs')
    ax.plot([moon.ra.radian], [-moon.dec.value + 45],
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_moon_separation():
    time = Time('2003-04-05 06:07:08')
    apo = Observer.at_site("APO")
    altaz_frame = apo.altaz(time)
    moon = get_moon(time, apo.location).transform_to(altaz_frame)
    one_deg_away = SkyCoord(az=moon.az,
                            alt=moon.alt + 1 * u.deg,
    five_deg_away = SkyCoord(az=moon.az + 5 * u.deg,
    twenty_deg_away = SkyCoord(az=moon.az + 20 * u.deg,

    constraint = MoonSeparationConstraint(min=2 * u.deg, max=10 * u.deg)
    is_constraint_met = constraint(
        apo, [one_deg_away, five_deg_away, twenty_deg_away], times=time)

    assert np.all(is_constraint_met == [False, True, False])

    constraint = MoonSeparationConstraint(max=10 * u.deg)
    is_constraint_met = constraint(
        apo, [one_deg_away, five_deg_away, twenty_deg_away], times=time)
    assert np.all(is_constraint_met == [True, True, False])

    constraint = MoonSeparationConstraint(min=2 * u.deg)
    is_constraint_met = constraint(
        apo, [one_deg_away, five_deg_away, twenty_deg_away], times=time)
    assert np.all(is_constraint_met == [False, True, True])
Exemplo n.º 17
    def calculate_az_el(self, name, time, alt_az_frame):
        """Calculates Azimuth and Elevation of the Specified Object at the Specified Time

        name : str
            Name of the Object being Tracked
        time : Time
            Current Time (only necessary for Sun/Moon Ephemeris)
        alt_az_frame : AltAz
            AltAz Frame Object

        (float, float)
            (az, el) Tuple
        if name == "Sun":
            alt_az = get_sun(time).transform_to(alt_az_frame)
        elif name == "Moon":
            alt_az = get_moon(time, self.location).transform_to(alt_az_frame)
            alt_az = self.sky_coords[self.sky_coord_names[name]].transform_to(
        return alt_az.az.degree, alt_az.alt.degree
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_info_of_target(target, *args, **kwargs):
    ra = target.ra
    dec = target.dec
    coords = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(u.degree, u.degree))
    hanle = EarthLocation(lat=32.77889 * u.degree,
                          lon=78.96472 * u.degree,
                          height=4500 * u.m)
    iao = Observer(location=hanle, name="GIT", timezone="Asia/Kolkata")
    twilight_prime = iao.sun_rise_time(
        horizon=sunrise_horizon * u.degree) - 12 * u.hour
    targets_rise_time = iao.target_rise_time(twilight_prime,
                                             horizon=horizon * u.degree)
    targets_set_time = iao.target_set_time(targets_rise_time,
                                           horizon=horizon * u.degree)
    rise_time_IST = (targets_rise_time + 5.5 * u.hour).isot
    set_time_IST = (targets_set_time + 5.5 * u.hour).isot
    tend = targets_set_time
    mooncoords = get_moon(tend, hanle)
    sep = mooncoords.separation(coords)
    print(target.name, rise_time_IST, set_time_IST, sep)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def moon_altaz(self, time, ephemeris=None):
        if not isinstance(time, Time):
            time = Time(time)

        moon = get_moon(time, location=self.location, ephemeris=ephemeris)
        return self.altaz(time, moon, grid=False)
Exemplo n.º 20
def _get_obs_param(ra, dec, mjd):
    ''' get observing condition given tileid and time of observation 
    from astropy.time import Time
    from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, SkyCoord, AltAz, get_sun, get_moon
    kpno = EarthLocation.of_site('kitt peak')

    # get observing conditions
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg)
    utc_time = Time(mjd, format='mjd')  # observed time (UTC)

    kpno_altaz = AltAz(obstime=utc_time, location=kpno)
    coord_altaz = coord.transform_to(kpno_altaz)

    airmass = coord_altaz.secz

    # sun
    sun = get_sun(utc_time)
    sun_altaz = sun.transform_to(kpno_altaz)
    sun_alt = sun_altaz.alt.deg
    sun_sep = sun.separation(coord).deg  # sun separation
    # moon
    moon = get_moon(utc_time)
    moon_altaz = moon.transform_to(kpno_altaz)
    moon_alt = moon_altaz.alt.deg
    moon_sep = moon.separation(coord).deg  #coord.separation(self.moon).deg

    elongation = sun.separation(moon)
    phase = np.arctan2(sun.distance * np.sin(elongation),
                       moon.distance - sun.distance * np.cos(elongation))
    moon_phase = phase.value
    moon_ill = (1. + np.cos(phase)) / 2.
    return airmass, moon_ill.value, moon_alt, moon_sep, sun_alt, sun_sep
Exemplo n.º 21
    def moonlight_veto(self, dt, debug=False):
        Check if the Moon period defined by the rise and set time correspond
        to a situation where the moon is too bright or too close from the
        If this is the case (too bright or too close), returns True
        (the veto is confirmed).

        too_bright = False
        too_close = False

        # Check moon illumination
        for t in dt:
            moonlight = moon_illumination(Df(t))
            if (moonlight >= self.moon_maxlight):
                too_bright = True
                if (debug):
                    print("Moonlight :", moonlight,
                          " too bright ! -> confirmed")

        # Check distance to source at rise and set
        for t in dt:
            moon_radec = get_moon(Df(t), self.site)
            dist = moon_radec.separation(self.target.coord)
            if dist <= self.moon_mindist:
                too_close = True
                if (debug): print(" Moon Distance : ", dist, "too close !")

        return (too_bright, too_close)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def compute_sun_moon(self, trange, which='sun', dt_min=5):
		compute the position of the sun/moon from the location of the observatory
		between the specified time interval.
		:param iterable trange: list of 2 elements specifying the time range (UTC). 
		Each of them can be either a `str` or `astropy.time.Time`.
		:param str which: celestial body to 'move'. Either 'sun' or 'moon'
		:param float dt_min: time resolution in minues.
		:returns: position of the sun/moon as observed from this location at the given time.
		:rtype astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord:
        start = time.time()

        # create the time object
        times = get_times(trange, dt_min)

        # define the observatory reference frame and move the sun
        obs_altaz = self.get_alt_az()
        if which.lower() == 'sun':
            skypos = get_sun(times).transform_to(obs_altaz)
        elif which.lower() == 'moon':
            skypos = get_moon(times).transform_to(obs_altaz)
            raise ValueError(
                "compute_sun_moon accepts either 'sun' or 'moon'. Got %s" %
        end = time.time()
            "Computing %s motion from %s to %s (res: %.2f min, %d steps). Took %.2f sec"
            % (which, times.min().iso, times.max().iso, dt_min, len(times),
               (end - start)))
        return skypos
Exemplo n.º 23
def moon_phase_angle(time, ephemeris=None):
    Calculate lunar orbital phase in radians.

    time : `~astropy.time.Time`
        Time of observation

    location : `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`
        Location of observer

    ephemeris : str, optional
        Ephemeris to use.  If not given, use the one set with
        `~astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris` (which is
        set to 'builtin' by default).

    i : float
        Phase angle of the moon [radians]
    # TODO: cache these sun/moon SkyCoord objects

    sun = get_sun(time)
    moon = get_moon(time, ephemeris=ephemeris)
    elongation = sun.separation(moon)
    return np.arctan2(sun.distance * np.sin(elongation),
                      moon.distance - sun.distance * np.cos(elongation))
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, telLat, telLon, telElv, time, steps, sig1=.11, m1=1.7, t1=800, xlen=500, ylen=500,
                 mag_range=(-3, 3), dec_range=(-20, 90), ra_range=(0,0), max_sun_alt = -15, timestep=.5):

        self.Bews = []
        self.Bnss = []
        self.Buds = []

        self.xlen = xlen
        self.ylen = ylen
        self.mag_range = mag_range
        self.dec_range = dec_range

        self.telLat = telLat * u.deg
        self.telLon = telLon * u.deg
        self.telElv = telElv * u.m
        self.tel_loc = EarthLocation(lat=telLat * u.deg, lon=telLon * u.deg, height=telElv * u.m)

        self.err_sig = sig1
        self.err_mag = m1
        self.err_t1 = t1

        self.time_info = None

        self.time_info = Time(time, location=self.tel_loc)
        self.delta_time = np.linspace(-12, 12, steps) * u.hour

        self.time_delt = self.delta_time[1]-self.delta_time[0]
        self.telFrame = AltAz(obstime=self.time_info + self.delta_time, location=self.tel_loc)

        #get indicies for when sky is dark
        self.sunaltazs = get_sun(self.delta_time+self.time_info).transform_to(self.telFrame)
        self.moonaltazs = get_moon(self.delta_time+self.time_info).transform_to(self.telFrame)
        dark_times = np.where((self.sunaltazs.alt < max_sun_alt * u.deg))
        self.dark_times = self.telFrame.obstime.sidereal_time('apparent')[dark_times]
        self.max_sun_alt = max_sun_alt

        self.int_delta_time = np.append(np.arange(-12,12,timestep),12)*u.hour
        self.intTelFrame = AltAz(obstime=self.time_info + self.int_delta_time, location=self.tel_loc)
        self.intsunaltazs = get_sun(self.int_delta_time+self.time_info).transform_to(self.intTelFrame)

        int_dark_times = np.where((self.intsunaltazs.alt < max_sun_alt * u.deg))
        self.int_dark_times = self.intTelFrame.obstime.sidereal_time('apparent')[int_dark_times]

        #the hour_correction is to shift the sky to include stars that have just barely risen
        hour_correction = 4 * u.hourangle
        #calculate the possible ra range of the telescope for the given night
        if ra_range:
            self.ra_range = ra_range
            self.ra_range = ((self.dark_times[0] - hour_correction).to('deg').value, (self.dark_times[-1] + hour_correction).to('deg').value)
        if self.ra_range[0] > self.ra_range[1]:
            self.ra_range = self.ra_range[::-1]

        self.catalogs = []
        self.cat_names = []

        self.star_dict = {}
Exemplo n.º 25
 def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets):
     Computes the observability of the moon given a minimum distance to the moon between self.min_dist (for
     illumination = 0) and self.max_dist (for illumination = 1) by interpolating an intermediate distance from those
     two values following a linear regression.
     @param times: the times to compute the constraint for
     @param observer: the observer to compute the constraint for
     @param targets: the list of targets to compute the constraint for
     @return: the positive mask for target being observable for the given times and observer given the constraint
     is matched
     # removed the location argument here, which causes small <1 deg
     # inaccuracies, but it is needed until astropy PR #5897 is released
     # which should be astropy 1.3.2
     moon = get_moon(times)
     # note to future editors - the order matters here
     # moon.separation(targets) is NOT the same as targets.separation(moon)
     # the former calculates the separation in the frame of the moon coord
     # which is GCRS, and that is what we want.
     moon_separation = moon.separation(targets)
     illumination = moon_illumination(times)
     min_dist = self.min_dist.value + (self.max_dist.value -
                                       self.min_dist.value) * illumination
     mask = min_dist <= moon_separation.degree
     return mask
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_moon_separation():
    time = Time('2003-04-05 06:07:08')
    apo = Observer.at_site("APO")
    altaz_frame = apo.altaz(time)
    moon = get_moon(time, apo.location).transform_to(altaz_frame)
    one_deg_away = SkyCoord(az=moon.az, alt=moon.alt+1*u.deg, frame=altaz_frame)
    five_deg_away = SkyCoord(az=moon.az+5*u.deg, alt=moon.alt,
    twenty_deg_away = SkyCoord(az=moon.az+20*u.deg, alt=moon.alt,

    constraint = MoonSeparationConstraint(min=2*u.deg, max=10*u.deg)
    is_constraint_met = constraint(apo, [one_deg_away, five_deg_away,
                                         twenty_deg_away], times=time)

    assert np.all(is_constraint_met == [False, True, False])

    constraint = MoonSeparationConstraint(max=10*u.deg)
    is_constraint_met = constraint(apo, [one_deg_away, five_deg_away,
                                         twenty_deg_away], times=time)
    assert np.all(is_constraint_met == [True, True, False])

    constraint = MoonSeparationConstraint(min=2*u.deg)
    is_constraint_met = constraint(apo, [one_deg_away, five_deg_away,
                                         twenty_deg_away], times=time)
    assert np.all(is_constraint_met == [False, True, True])
Exemplo n.º 27
def check_moon(file, avoid=30.*u.degree):
    if not isinstance(avoid, u.Quantity):
        avoid = float(avoid)*u.degree
        avoid = avoid.to(u.degree)

    header = fits.getheader(file)

    mlo = EarthLocation.of_site('Keck Observatory') # Update later
    obstime = Time(header['DATE-OBS'], format='isot', scale='utc', location=mlo)
    moon = get_moon(obstime, mlo)

    if 'RA' in header.keys() and 'DEC' in header.keys():
        coord_string = '{} {}'.format(header['RA'], header['DEC'])
        target = SkyCoord(coord_string, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
        ## Assume zenith
        target = SkyCoord(obstime.sidereal_time('apparent'), mlo.latitude)

    moon_alt = moon.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=mlo)).alt.to(u.deg)
    if moon_alt < 0*u.degree:
        print('Moon is down')
        return True
        sep = target.separation(moon)
        print('Moon is up. Separation = {:.1f} deg'.format(sep.to(u.degree).value))
        return (sep > avoid)
Exemplo n.º 28
def visibility_table(observer, target, obstime, dt=1 * u.hour, dt_number=24):
    """Given a target and a date for observation returns....
        observer (optional):
        dt (optional):
        dt_number (optional:
    utcoffset = observer.timezone.utcoffset(obstime.datetime).seconds * u.s
    delta_midnight = np.linspace(0, dt_number, dt_number + 1) * u.hour
    times = obstime + delta_midnight
    frame = AltAz(obstime=times, location=observer.location)
    moon_altazs = get_moon(times).transform_to(frame)
    sun_altazs = get_sun(times).transform_to(frame)
    target_altazs = target.coord.transform_to(frame)
    night = observer.is_night(times)
    up = observer.target_is_up(times, target)
    table = QTable()
    table['date'] = times
    # table['night'] = night
    table['target'] = target_altazs
    table['visible'] = up & night
    table['airmass'] = target_altazs.secz
    table['moon_separation'] = np.sqrt((target_altazs.alt -
                                        moon_altazs.alt)**2 +
                                       (target_altazs.az - moon_altazs.az)**2)
    table['moon_iluminationn'] = observer.moon_illumination(times)
    import pdb
    return (table)
Exemplo n.º 29
def moon_distance(ra=DEF__RA, dec=DEF__DEC, date=DEF__DATE, from_now=False):

    # check input(s)
    ra = DEF__RA if not isinstance(ra, float) else ra
    ra = MIN__RA if ra < MIN__RA else ra
    ra = MAX__RA if ra > MAX__RA else ra
    dec = DEF__DEC if not isinstance(dec, float) else dec
    dec = MIN__DEC if dec < MIN__DEC else dec
    dec = MAX__DEC if dec > MAX__DEC else dec
    date = DEF__DATE if (not isinstance(date, str) or date.strip() == '' or not re.search(ISO__PATTERN, date)) else date
    from_now = False if not isinstance(from_now, bool) else from_now

    # set default(s)
    _sep = None
    _time = Time(date) if from_now else Time(date.split()[0])
    _time = Time(_time.iso)
    _time = Time(_time) + (1.0 * u.day * np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, AST__5_MINUTES))

    # noinspection PyBroadException
        _moon_coord = get_moon(_time, location=KUIPER_OBSERVATORY)
        _obj_radec = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.deg, dec=dec*u.deg)
        _sep = _obj_radec.separation(_moon_coord).deg
    except Exception:
        _sep = np.linspace(math.nan, math.nan, AST__5_MINUTES)

    # return array
    return _sep
Exemplo n.º 30
def moonLC(time, loc):
    # Desc: Return ALT, AZ of the moon at utc isot time, location.  #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Imports: astropy.time.Time                                    #
    #          astropy.coordinates.(Earthlocation, AltAz, get_moon) #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Input                                                         #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # time: str time format in ISOT, UTC                            #
    #  loc: iterable floats position coordinate in [long, lat, alt] #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Output                                                        #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # ALT, AZ: float alt-az coordinate position in degree           #

    from astropy.time import Time
    from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, AltAz, get_moon

    t = Time(time, format='isot', scale='utc')
    l = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(*loc)
    eq = get_moon(t, l, 'de440')
    lc = eq.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=t, location=l))
    ALT, AZ = lc.alt.degree, lc.az.degree
    return ALT, AZ
Exemplo n.º 31
def separateap():
    for ctime in times:
        t = start + ctime
        frame = AltAz(obstime=t, location=berlin)
        sunaltaz = get_sun(t).transform_to(frame)
        if sunaltaz.alt < astronight:
            #print('Moon phase angle:', moon_phase_angle(t, berlin))
            lum = moon_illumination(t, berlin)
            #print('Moon illumination:', moon_illumination(t, berlin))

            if lum < maxillum:
                moon = get_moon(t, berlin)
                moonaltaz = moon.transform_to(frame)
                #print("Moon's Altitude = {0.alt:.2}".format(moonaltaz))
                # print(moonaltaz.alt)
                if mod == 'graph':
                elif mod == 'text' or mod == 'both':
                    if moonaltaz.alt > Latitude(minalt * u.deg):

                        dtxt.write('Date and time: ' + str(t) + '\n' +
                                   'Altitude: ' + str(moonaltaz.alt) + '\n' +
                                   'Illumination: ' + str(lum) + '\n \n')

    if mod == 'text':
    elif mod == 'graph' or mod == 'both':
        chobj(delta, illum, moonaltazs)
Exemplo n.º 32
def moonEQC(time, loc):
    # Desc: Return RA, DEC of the moon at utc isot time, location.  #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Imports: astropy.time.Time                                    #
    #          astropy.coordinates.(Earthlocation, AltAz, get_moon) #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Input                                                         #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # time: str time format in ISOT, UTC                            #
    #  loc: iterable floats position coordinate in [long, lat, alt] #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Output                                                        #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # RA, DEC: float equatorial coordinate position in degree       #

    from astropy.time import Time
    from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, AltAz, get_moon

    t = Time(time, format='isot', scale='utc')
    l = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(*loc)
    eq = get_moon(t, l, 'de440')
    aa = eq.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=t, location=l))
    RA, DEC = eq.ra.degree, eq.dec.degree
    return RA, DEC
Exemplo n.º 33
def moon_angle(obsnight, coords):

    obstime = Time(str(obsnight.obs_date).split()[0], scale='utc')

    mooncoord = get_moon(obstime)
    cs = SkyCoord('%s %s' % (coords[0], coords[1]), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
    return ('%.1f' % cs.separation(mooncoord).deg)
Exemplo n.º 34
def get_moon_j2000(epoch, line1, line2, position=None):
    Code to determine the apparent J2000 position for a given
    time and at a given position for the observatory.
    epoch needs to be a datetime or Time object.
    position is a list/tuple of X/Y/Z positions

    from astropy.time import Time
    from astropy.coordinates import get_moon, EarthLocation
    import astropy.units as u
    import sys
    from datetime import datetime

    if type(epoch) is Time:
        epoch = epoch.datetime

    if position is None:
        position = get_nustar_location(epoch, line1,
                                       line2)  # position in ECI coords

    t = Time(epoch)

    loc = eci2el(*position * u.km, t)

    moon_coords = get_moon(t, loc)

    # Get just the coordinates in degrees

    ra_moon, dec_moon = moon_coords.ra.degree * u.deg, moon_coords.dec.degree * u.deg
    return ra_moon, dec_moon
Exemplo n.º 35
def get_moon_angle(file_name, number_of_files=100):
    new_SKY = df_SKY.query('OBJTYPE=="SKY".ljust(16)')
    DEC = np.array(new_SKY['DEC'].tolist())
    FIBERID = np.array(new_SKY['FIBERID'].tolist())
    MJD = np.array(new_SKY['MJD'].tolist())
    RA = np.array(new_SKY['RA'].tolist())
    plates   = list(new_SKY['PLATE'][:number_of_files].values)
    mjds   = list(new_SKY['MJD'][:number_of_files].values)
    fiberids   = list(new_SKY['FIBERID'][:number_of_files].values)
    files = ['spec-%s-%s-%s.fits'%(plate,mjd,str(fiberid).zfill(4)) for plate,mjd,fiberid in zip(plates,mjds,fiberids)]
    fin_mean=[] #time for each moon sky observation interplate, used for moon angle
    for r in range(len(files)): #mechanization of ubiquitious exposure count
        sampling=fitsio.read_header(files[r],0) #finding number of exposures
        mean_per=[] #time for each moon sky observation intraplate
        for k in range(4, sampling['NEXP']+4): #4 is constant for everything
            h_beg.append(h['TAI-BEG']) #ONLY VARIES WITH PLATE NUMBER, different for k's
            h_end.append(h['TAI-END']) #ONLY VARIES WITH PLATE NUMBER, different for k's
    for i in range (len(time_MJD)):
        t=Time(time_MJD[i], format='mjd')
    for i in range(len(moon_coords)):
    new_sky_RA = [item[0] for item in new_sky_coords]
    new_sky_DEC = [item[1] for item in new_sky_coords]
    moon_RA = [item[0] for item in moon_coords2]
    moon_DEC = [item[1] for item in moon_coords2]
    for i in range(len(new_sky_coords)):
    return (np.array(moon_sky_angle))
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_regression_5889_5890():
    # ensure we can represent all Representations and transform to ND frames
    greenwich = EarthLocation(
        *u.Quantity([3980608.90246817, -102.47522911, 4966861.27310067],
    times = Time("2017-03-20T12:00:00") + np.linspace(-2, 2, 3)*u.hour
    moon = get_moon(times, location=greenwich)
    targets = SkyCoord([350.7*u.deg, 260.7*u.deg], [18.4*u.deg, 22.4*u.deg])
    targs2d = targets[:, np.newaxis]
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_regression_4926():
    times = Time('2010-01-1') + np.arange(20)*u.day
    green = get_builtin_sites()['greenwich']
    # this is the regression test
    moon = get_moon(times, green)

    # this is an additional test to make sure the GCRS->ICRS transform works for complex shapes

    # and some others to increase coverage of transforms
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_moon_veto(observer):
    mac = MoonAvoidance()

    time = Time('2016-08-13 10:00:00')

    moon = get_moon(time, observer.location)

    observation1 = Observation(Field('Sabik', '17h10m23s -15d43m30s'))  # Sabik

    veto1, score1 = mac.get_score(time, observer, observation1, moon=moon)

    assert veto1 is True
Exemplo n.º 39
    def __init__(self, date=None, site='sutherland', targets=None, tz=2*u.h, **options): #res
        self.sitename = site.title()
        self.siteloc = EarthLocation.of_site(self.sitename)
        #TODO from time import timezone
        self.tz = tz                         #can you get this from the site location??
        #obs = Observer(self.siteloc)
        self.targets = {}
        self.trajectories = {}
        self.plots = OrderedDict()
        if not date:
            now = datetime.now()        #current local time
            #default behaviour of this function changes depending on the time of day.
            #if calling during early morning hours (at telescope) - let midnight refer to previous midnight
            #if calling during afternoon hours - let midnight refer to coming midnight
            d = now.day# + (now.hour > 7)    #FIXME =32??
            date = datetime(now.year, now.month, d, 0, 0, 0)
            raise NotImplementedError
        self.date = date
        self.midnight = midnight = Time(date) - tz    #midnight UTC in local time
        #TODO: efficiency here.  Dont need to plot everything over 
        self.hours = h = np.linspace(-12, 12, 250) * u.h      #variable time 
        self.t = t = midnight + h
        self.tp = t.plot_date
        self.frames = AltAz(obstime=t, location=self.siteloc)
        #collect name, coordinates in dict

        if not targets is None:
        #Get sun, moon coordinates
        sun = get_sun(t)
        self.sun = sun.transform_to(self.frames)    #WARNING: slow!!!!
        #TODO: other bright stars / planets
        #get dawn / dusk times
        self.dusk, self.dawn = self.get_daylight()
        self.sunset, self.sunrise = self.dusk['sunset'], self.dawn['sunrise']
        #get moon rise/set times, phase, illumination etc...
        self.moon = get_moon(t).transform_to(self.frames)
        self.mooning = self.get_moonlight()
        self.moon_phase, self.moon_ill  = self.get_moon_phase()
        self.cid = self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self._on_first_draw)
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_moon_avoidance(observer):
    mac = MoonAvoidance()

    time = Time('2016-08-13 10:00:00')

    moon = get_moon(time, observer.location)

    observation1 = Observation(Field('HD189733', '20h00m43.7135s +22d42m39.0645s'))  # HD189733
    observation2 = Observation(Field('Hat-P-16', '00h38m17.59s +42d27m47.2s'))  # Hat-P-16

    veto1, score1 = mac.get_score(time, observer, observation1, moon=moon)
    veto2, score2 = mac.get_score(time, observer, observation2, moon=moon)

    assert veto1 is False and veto2 is False
    assert score2 > score1
Exemplo n.º 41
    def get_moon_phase(self):
        '''calculate moon phase and illumination at local midnight'''
        midnight = self.midnight
        altaz = AltAz(location=self.siteloc, obstime=midnight)

        moon = get_moon(midnight)
        moon = moon.transform_to(altaz)
        sun = get_sun(midnight)
        sun = sun.transform_to(altaz)

        elongation = sun.separation(moon)
        #phase angle at midnight 
        phase = np.arctan2(sun.distance * np.sin(elongation),
                            moon.distance - sun.distance * np.cos(elongation))

        ill = (1 + np.cos(phase)) / 2.0
        return phase.value, ill.value
Exemplo n.º 42
    def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets):
        # removed the location argument here, which causes small <1 deg
        # innacuracies, but it is needed until astropy PR #5897 is released
        # which should be astropy 1.3.2
        moon = get_moon(times,
        # note to future editors - the order matters here
        # moon.separation(targets) is NOT the same as targets.separation(moon)
        # the former calculates the separation in the frame of the moon coord
        # which is GCRS, and that is what we want.
        moon_separation = moon.separation(targets)

        if self.min is None and self.max is not None:
            mask = self.max >= moon_separation
        elif self.max is None and self.min is not None:
            mask = self.min <= moon_separation
        elif self.min is not None and self.max is not None:
            mask = ((self.min <= moon_separation) &
                    (moon_separation <= self.max))
            raise ValueError("No max and/or min specified in "
        return mask
Exemplo n.º 43
def get_moon_j2000(epoch, line1, line2, position = None):
    Code to determine the apparent J2000 position for a given
    time and at a given position for the observatory.
    epoch needs to be a datetime or Time object.
    position is a list/tuple of X/Y/Z positions
    from astropy.time import Time
    from astropy.coordinates import get_moon, EarthLocation
    import astropy.units as u
    import sys
    from datetime import datetime
    if type(epoch) is Time:
        epoch = epoch.datetime
    if position is None:
        position = get_nustar_location(epoch, line1, line2)  # position in ECI coords

    loc = eci2el(*position*u.km,t)

    moon_coords = get_moon(t,loc)
    # Get just the coordinates in degrees
    ra_moon, dec_moon = moon_coords.ra.degree * u.deg, moon_coords.dec.degree*u.deg
    return ra_moon, dec_moon
Exemplo n.º 44
    def _update_queue(self, current_state):
        """Calculate greedy weighting of requests in the Pool using current
        telescope state only"""

        # store block index for which these values were calculated
        self.queue_block = block_index(current_state['current_time'])

        # check that the pool has fields in it
        if len(self.rp.pool) == 0:
            raise QueueEmptyError("No fields in pool")

        # join with fields so we have the information we need
        # make a copy so rp.pool and self.queue are not linked
        df = self.rp.pool.join(self.fields.fields, on='field_id').copy()

        df = self._update_overhead(current_state, df=df)

        # start with conservative altitude cut;
        # airmass weighting applied naturally below
        # also make a copy because otherwise it retains knowledge of
        # (discarded) previous reference and raises SettingWithCopyWarnings
        df = df.loc[df['altitude'] > 20, :].copy()

        if len(df) == 0:
            raise QueueEmptyError("No fields in queue above altitude cut")

        # if restricting to one program per block, drop other programs
        if self.block_programs:
            current_block_program = PROGRAM_BLOCK_SEQUENCE[
                self.queue_block % LEN_BLOCK_SEQUENCE]
            df = df.loc[df['program_id'] == current_block_program, :]

        # use cadence functions to compute requests with active cadence windows
        # this is slow, so do it after our altitude cut
        in_window = {}
        for idx, row in df.iterrows():
            # this is way, way slower
            # df['in_cadence_window'].ix[idx] = \
            in_window[idx] = eval(
                '{}(row, current_state)'.format(row['cadence_func']))

        cadence_cuts = pd.Series(in_window)
        # TODO: handle if cadence cuts returns no fields
        if np.sum(cadence_cuts) == 0:
            raise QueueEmptyError("No fields with observable cadence windows")
        # also make a copy because otherwise it retains knowledge of
        # (discarded) previous reference and raises SettingWithCopyWarnings
        df = df.loc[cadence_cuts, :].copy()

        # compute airmasses by field_id
        # airmass = zenith_angle_to_airmass(90. - df_alt)
        # airmass.name = 'airmass'
        # df = pd.merge(df, pd.DataFrame(airmass),
        #              left_on='field_id', right_index=True)
        # airmass cut (or add airmass weighting to value below)
        # df = df[(df['airmass'] <= MAX_AIRMASS) & (df['airmass'] > 0)]

        # compute inputs for sky brightness
        sc = coord.SkyCoord(df['ra'], df['dec'], frame='icrs', unit='deg')
        sun = coord.get_sun(current_state['current_time'])
        sun_altaz = skycoord_to_altaz(sun, current_state['current_time'])
        moon = coord.get_moon(current_state['current_time'],
        moon_altaz = skycoord_to_altaz(moon, current_state['current_time'])
        df.loc[:, 'moonillf'] = astroplan.moon.moon_illumination(
            # Don't use P48_loc to avoid astropy bug:
            # https://github.com/astropy/astroplan/pull/213
        # current_state['current_time'], P48_loc)
        df.loc[:, 'moon_dist'] = sc.separation(moon).to(u.deg).value
        df.loc[:, 'moonalt'] = moon_altaz.alt.to(u.deg).value
        df.loc[:, 'sunalt'] = sun_altaz.alt.to(u.deg).value

        # compute sky brightness
        df.loc[:, 'sky_brightness'] = self.Sky.predict(df)
        #df = pd.merge(df, df_sky, left_on='field_id', right_index=True)

        # compute seeing at each pointing
        df.loc[:, 'seeing'] = seeing_at_pointing(current_state['current_zenith_seeing'],
        #df_seeing.name = 'seeing'
        #df = pd.merge(df, df_seeing, left_on='field_id', right_index=True)

        df.loc[:, 'limiting_mag'] = limiting_mag(EXPOSURE_TIME, df['seeing'],
                                                 altitude=df['altitude'], SNR=5.)
        #df_limmag.name = 'limiting_mag'
        #df = pd.merge(df, df_limmag, left_on='field_id', right_index=True)

        df.loc[:, 'value'] = self._metric(df)

        self.queue = df
Exemplo n.º 45
    def log_pointing(self, state, request):

        record = {}
        # don't use request_id here, but
        # let sqlite create a unique non-null key
        # record['obsHistID'] = request['request_id']
        record["sessionID"] = 0
        record["propID"] = request["target_program_id"]
        record["fieldID"] = request["target_field_id"]
        record["fieldRA"] = np.radians(request["target_ra"])
        record["fieldDec"] = np.radians(request["target_dec"])

        record["filter"] = '"' + FILTER_ID_TO_NAME[request["target_filter_id"]] + '"'
        # times are recorded at start of exposure
        exposure_start = state["current_time"] - request["target_exposure_time"]
        # see note in utils.py
        exposure_start.delta_ut1_utc = 0.0

        record["expDate"] = (exposure_start - self.survey_start_time).sec
        record["expMJD"] = exposure_start.mjd

        record["night"] = np.floor((exposure_start - self.survey_start_time).jd).astype(np.int)
        record["visitTime"] = request["target_exposure_time"].to(u.second).value
        record["visitExpTime"] = request["target_exposure_time"].to(u.second).value

        # compute some values we will need
        sc = coord.SkyCoord(record["fieldRA"] * u.radian, record["fieldDec"] * u.radian)
        altaz = skycoord_to_altaz(sc, exposure_start)

        pointing_seeing = seeing_at_pointing(state["current_zenith_seeing"].to(u.arcsec).value, altaz.alt.value)
        record["FWHMgeom"] = pointing_seeing
        record["FWHMeff"] = pointing_seeing
        # transparency

        # finRank
        record["airmass"] = altaz.secz.value
        # vSkyBright
        record["filtSkyBright"] = request["target_sky_brightness"]
        record["rotSkyPos"] = 0.0  # TODO: confirm
        record["rotTelPos"] = 0.0
        # despite the docs, it seems lst is stored as radians
        record["lst"] = np.radians(exposure_start.sidereal_time("apparent").to(u.hourangle).value / 24.0 * 360.0)
        record["altitude"] = altaz.alt.to(u.radian).value
        record["azimuth"] = altaz.az.to(u.radian).value

        sun = coord.get_sun(exposure_start)
        sun_altaz = skycoord_to_altaz(sun, exposure_start)
        moon = coord.get_moon(exposure_start, P48_loc)
        moon_altaz = skycoord_to_altaz(moon, exposure_start)
        record["dist2Moon"] = sc.separation(moon).to(u.radian).value
        record["solarElong"] = sc.separation(sun).to(u.deg).value
        record["moonRA"] = moon.ra.to(u.radian).value
        record["moonDec"] = moon.dec.to(u.radian).value
        record["moonAlt"] = moon_altaz.alt.to(u.radian).value
        record["moonAZ"] = moon_altaz.az.to(u.radian).value

        # store tonight's mjd so that we can avoid recomputing moon
        # illumination, which profiling shows is weirdly expensive
        if np.floor(exposure_start.mjd) != self.mjd_tonight:
            self.moon_illumination_tonight = (
                    # Don't use P48_loc to avoid astropy bug:
                    # https://github.com/astropy/astroplan/pull/213
                    # exposure_start, P48_loc) * 100.
                * 100.0
            self.mjd_tonight = np.floor(exposure_start.mjd)

        record["moonPhase"] = self.moon_illumination_tonight

        record["sunAlt"] = sun_altaz.alt.to(u.radian).value
        record["sunAz"] = sun_altaz.az.to(u.radian).value
        # phaseAngle, rScatter, mieScatter, moonBright, darkBright
        # rawSeeing
        # wind
        # humidity
        if self.prev_obs is not None:
            sc_prev = coord.SkyCoord(self.prev_obs["fieldRA"] * u.radian, self.prev_obs["fieldDec"] * u.radian)
            record["slewDist"] = sc.separation(sc_prev).to(u.radian).value
            record["slewTime"] = record["expDate"] - (self.prev_obs["expDate"] + self.prev_obs["visitTime"])
        record["fiveSigmaDepth"] = request["target_limiting_mag"]
        record["ditheredRA"] = 0.0
        record["ditheredDec"] = 0.0

        # ztf_sim specific keywords!
        record["requestNumberTonight"] = request["target_request_number_tonight"]
        record["totalRequestsTonight"] = request["target_total_requests_tonight"]
        record["metricValue"] = request["target_metric_value"]

        # use placeholders to create the INSERT query
        columns = ", ".join(record.keys())
        placeholders = "{" + "}, {".join(record.keys()) + "}"
        query = "INSERT INTO Summary ({}) VALUES ({})".format(columns, placeholders)
        query_filled = query.format(**record)

        # save record for next obs
        self.prev_obs = record

Exemplo n.º 46
# evenly spaced times between noon on July 12 and noon on July 13:

from astropy.coordinates import get_sun
delta_midnight = np.linspace(-12, 12, 1000)*u.hour
times_July12_to_13 = midnight + delta_midnight
frame_July12_to_13 = AltAz(obstime=times_July12_to_13, location=bear_mountain)
sunaltazs_July12_to_13 = get_sun(times_July12_to_13).transform_to(frame_July12_to_13)

# Do the same with `~astropy.coordinates.get_moon` to find when the moon is
# up. Be aware that this will need to download a 10MB file from the internet
# to get a precise location of the moon.

from astropy.coordinates import get_moon
moon_July12_to_13 = get_moon(times_July12_to_13)
moonaltazs_July12_to_13 = moon_July12_to_13.transform_to(frame_July12_to_13)

# Find the alt,az coordinates of M33 at those same times:

m33altazs_July12_to_13 = m33.transform_to(frame_July12_to_13)

# Make a beautiful figure illustrating nighttime and the altitudes of M33 and
# the Sun over that time:

plt.plot(delta_midnight, sunaltazs_July12_to_13.alt, color='r', label='Sun')
plt.plot(delta_midnight, moonaltazs_July12_to_13.alt, color=[0.75]*3, ls='--', label='Moon')
plt.scatter(delta_midnight, m33altazs_July12_to_13.alt,
            c=m33altazs_July12_to_13.az, label='M33', lw=0, s=8,
Exemplo n.º 47
def simulate_a_telescope(name, altitude, longitude, latitude, filter, time_start, time_end, sampling, event, location,
                         bad_weather_percentage=0.0, minimum_alt=20, moon_windows_avoidance=20,
    """ Simulate a telescope. More details in the telescopes module. The observations simulation are made for the
        full time windows, then limitation are applied :
            - Sun has to be below horizon : Sun< -18
            - Moon has to be more than the moon_windows_avoidance distance from the target
            - Observations altitude of the target have to be bigger than minimum_alt

        :param str name:  the name of the telescope.
        :param float altitude: the altitude in meters if the telescope
        :param float longitude: the longitude in degree of the telescope location
        :param float latitude: the latitude in degree of the telescope location
        :param str filter: the filter used for observations
        :param float time_start: the start of observations in JD
        :param float time_end: the end of observations in JD
        :param float sampling: the hour sampling.
        :param object event: the microlensing event you look at
        :param str location: the location of the telescope. If it is 'Space', then the observations are made
                             continuously given the observing windows and the sampling.
        :param float bad_weather_percentage: the percentage of bad nights
        :param float minimum_alt: the minimum altitude ini degrees that your telescope can go to.
        :param float moon_windows_avoidance: the minimum distance in degrees accepted between the target and the Moon
        :param float maximum_moon_illumination: the maximum Moon brightness you allow in percentage

        :return: a telescope object
        :rtype: object

    # fake lightcurve
    if location != 'Space':
        earth_location = EarthLocation(lon=longitude * astropy.units.deg,
                                       lat=latitude * astropy.units.deg,
                                       height=altitude * astropy.units.m)

        target = SkyCoord(event.ra, event.dec, unit='deg')

        minimum_sampling = min(4.0, sampling)
        ratio_sampling = np.round(sampling / minimum_sampling)

        time_of_observations = time_simulation(time_start, time_end, minimum_sampling,

        time_convertion = Time(time_of_observations, format='jd').isot

        telescope_altaz = target.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=time_convertion, location=earth_location))
        altazframe = AltAz(obstime=time_convertion, location=earth_location)
        Sun = get_sun(Time(time_of_observations, format='jd')).transform_to(altazframe)
        Moon = get_moon(Time(time_of_observations, format='jd')).transform_to(altazframe)
        Moon_illumination = moon_illumination(Sun, Moon)
        Moon_separation = target.separation(Moon)
        observing_windows = np.where((telescope_altaz.alt > minimum_alt * astropy.units.deg)
                                     & (Sun.alt < -18 * astropy.units.deg)
                                     & (Moon_separation > moon_windows_avoidance * astropy.units.deg)
                                     & (Moon_illumination<maximum_moon_illumination)

        time_of_observations = time_of_observations[observing_windows][::ratio_sampling]


        time_of_observations = np.arange(time_start, time_end, sampling / (24.0))

    lightcurveflux = np.ones((len(time_of_observations), 3)) * 42
    lightcurveflux[:, 0] = time_of_observations

    telescope = telescopes.Telescope(name=name, camera_filter=filter, light_curve_flux=lightcurveflux)

    return telescope
Exemplo n.º 48
def test_regression_5209():
    "check that distances are not lost on SkyCoord init"
    time = Time('2015-01-01')
    moon = get_moon(time)
    new_coord = SkyCoord([moon])
    assert_quantity_allclose(new_coord[0].distance, moon.distance)
Exemplo n.º 49
    def get_observation(self, time=None, show_all=False, reread_fields_file=False):
        """Get a valid observation

            time (astropy.time.Time, optional): Time at which scheduler applies,
                defaults to time called
            show_all (bool, optional): Return all valid observations along with
                merit value, defaults to False to only get top value
            reread_fields_file (bool, optional): If targets file should be reread
                before getting observation, default False.

            tuple or list: A tuple (or list of tuples) with name and score of ranked observations
        if reread_fields_file:
            self.logger.debug("Rereading fields file")
            # The setter method on `fields_file` will force a reread
            self.fields_file = self.fields_file

        if time is None:
            time = current_time()

        valid_obs = {obs: 1.0 for obs in self.observations}
        best_obs = []

        common_properties = {
            'end_of_night': self.observer.tonight(time=time, horizon=-18 * u.degree)[-1],
            'moon': get_moon(time, self.observer.location)

        for constraint in listify(self.constraints):
            self.logger.debug("Checking Constraint: {}".format(constraint))
            for obs_name, observation in self.observations.items():
                if obs_name in valid_obs:
                    self.logger.debug("\tObservation: {}".format(obs_name))

                    veto, score = constraint.get_score(
                        time, self.observer, observation, **common_properties)

                    self.logger.debug("\t\tScore: {}\tVeto: {}".format(score, veto))

                    if veto:
                        self.logger.debug("\t\t{} vetoed by {}".format(obs_name, constraint))
                        del valid_obs[obs_name]

                    valid_obs[obs_name] += score

        for obs_name, score in valid_obs.items():
            valid_obs[obs_name] += self.observations[obs_name].priority

        if len(valid_obs) > 0:
            # Sort the list by highest score (reverse puts in correct order)
            best_obs = sorted(valid_obs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[::-1]

            top_obs = best_obs[0]

            # Check new best against current_observation
            if self.current_observation is not None \
                    and top_obs[0] != self.current_observation.name:

                # Favor the current observation if still available
                end_of_next_set = time + self.current_observation.set_duration
                if self.observation_available(self.current_observation, end_of_next_set):

                    # If current is better or equal to top, use it
                    if self.current_observation.merit >= top_obs[1]:
                        best_obs.insert(0, self.current_observation)

            # Set the current
            self.current_observation = self.observations[top_obs[0]]
            self.current_observation.merit = top_obs[1]
            if self.current_observation is not None:
                # Favor the current observation if still available
                end_of_next_set = time + self.current_observation.set_duration
                if end_of_next_set < common_properties['end_of_night'] and \
                        self.observation_available(self.current_observation, end_of_next_set):

                    self.logger.debug("Reusing {}".format(self.current_observation))
                    best_obs = [(self.current_observation.name, self.current_observation.merit)]
                    self.logger.warning("No valid observations found")
                    self.current_observation = None

        if not show_all and len(best_obs) > 0:
            best_obs = best_obs[0]

        return best_obs