Exemplo n.º 1
def kn_candidates(objectId, rf_kn_vs_nonkn, rf_snia_vs_nonia,
                  snn_snia_vs_nonia, snn_sn_vs_all, drb, classtar, jdstarthist,
                  ndethist, cdsxmatch, ra, dec, cjdc, cfidc, cmagpsfc,
                  csigmapsfc, cmagnrc, csigmagnrc, cmagzpscic,
                  cisdiffposc) -> pd.Series:
    """ Pandas UDF of kn_candidates_ for Spark

    If the environment variable KNWEBHOOK is defined and match a webhook url,
    the alerts that pass the filter will be sent to the matching Slack channel.

    objectId: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the alert IDs
    rf_kn_vs_nonkn, rf_snia_vs_nonia, snn_snia_vs_nonia, snn_sn_vs_all: Spark DataFrame Columns
        Columns containing the scores for: 'Kilonova', 'Early SN Ia',
        'Ia SN vs non-Ia SN', 'SN Ia and Core-Collapse vs non-SN events'
    drb: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the Deep-Learning Real Bogus score
    classtar: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the sextractor score
    jdstarthist: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing earliest Julian dates of epoch [days]
    ndethist: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the number of prior detections (theshold of 3 sigma)
    cdsxmatch: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the cross-match values
    ra: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the right Ascension of candidate; J2000 [deg]
    dec: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the declination of candidate; J2000 [deg]
    cjdc, cfidc, cmagpsfc, csigmapsfc, cmagnrc, csigmagnrc, cmagzpscic: Spark DataFrame Columns
        Columns containing history of fid, magpsf, sigmapsf, magnr, sigmagnr,
        magzpsci, isdiffpos as arrays

    out: pandas.Series of bool
        Return a Pandas DataFrame with the appropriate flag:
        false for bad alert, and true for good alert.
    # Extract last (new) measurement from the concatenated column
    jd = cjdc.apply(lambda x: x[-1])
    fid = cfidc.apply(lambda x: x[-1])

    f_kn = kn_candidates_(rf_kn_vs_nonkn, rf_snia_vs_nonia, snn_snia_vs_nonia,
                          snn_sn_vs_all, drb, classtar, jd, jdstarthist,
                          ndethist, cdsxmatch)

    if f_kn.any():
        # Galactic latitude transformation
        b = SkyCoord(np.array(ra[f_kn], dtype=float),
                     np.array(dec[f_kn], dtype=float),

        # Simplify notations
        ra = Angle(np.array(ra.astype(float)[f_kn]) * u.degree).deg
        dec = Angle(np.array(dec.astype(float)[f_kn]) * u.degree).deg
        ra_formatted = Angle(ra * u.degree).to_string(precision=2,
                                                      sep=' ',
        dec_formatted = Angle(dec * u.degree).to_string(precision=1,
                                                        sep=' ',
        delta_jd_first = np.array(
            jd.astype(float)[f_kn] - jdstarthist.astype(float)[f_kn])
        rf_kn_vs_nonkn = np.array(rf_kn_vs_nonkn.astype(float)[f_kn])
        rf_snia_vs_nonia = np.array(rf_snia_vs_nonia.astype(float)[f_kn])
        snn_snia_vs_nonia = np.array(snn_snia_vs_nonia.astype(float)[f_kn])
        snn_sn_vs_all = np.array(snn_sn_vs_all.astype(float)[f_kn])

        # Redefine jd & fid relative to candidates
        fid = np.array(fid.astype(int)[f_kn])
        jd = np.array(jd)[f_kn]

    dict_filt = {1: 'g', 2: 'r'}
    for i, alertID in enumerate(objectId[f_kn]):
        # Careful - Spark casts None as NaN!
        maskNotNone = ~np.isnan(np.array(cmagpsfc[f_kn].values[i]))

        # Time since last detection (independently of the band)
        jd_hist_allbands = np.array(np.array(cjdc[f_kn])[i])[maskNotNone]
        delta_jd_last = jd_hist_allbands[-1] - jd_hist_allbands[-2]

        filt = fid[i]
        maskFilter = np.array(cfidc[f_kn].values[i]) == filt
        m = maskNotNone * maskFilter
        if sum(m) < 2:
        # DC mag (history + last measurement)
        mag_hist, err_hist = np.array([
            dc_mag(k[0], k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4], k[5], k[6]) for k in zip(

        # Grab the last measurement and its error estimate
        mag = mag_hist[-1]
        err_mag = err_hist[-1]

        # Compute rate only if more than 1 measurement available
        if len(mag_hist) > 1:
            jd_hist = cjdc[f_kn].values[i][m]

            # rate is between `last` and `last-1` measurements only
            dmag = mag_hist[-1] - mag_hist[-2]
            dt = jd_hist[-1] - jd_hist[-2]
            rate = dmag / dt
            error_rate = np.sqrt(err_hist[-1]**2 + err_hist[-2]**2) / dt

        # information to send
        alert_text = """
            *New kilonova candidate:* <{}|{}>
            """.format(alertID, alertID)
        knscore_text = "*Kilonova score:* {:.2f}".format(rf_kn_vs_nonkn[i])
        score_text = """
            *Other scores:*\n- Early SN Ia: {:.2f}\n- Ia SN vs non-Ia SN: {:.2f}\n- SN Ia and Core-Collapse vs non-SN: {:.2f}
            """.format(rf_snia_vs_nonia[i], snn_snia_vs_nonia[i],
        time_text = """
            *Time:*\n- {} UTC\n - Time since last detection: {:.1f} days\n - Time since first detection: {:.1f} days
            Time(jd[i], format='jd').iso, delta_jd_last, delta_jd_first[i])
        measurements_text = """
            *Measurement (band {}):*\n- Apparent magnitude: {:.2f} ± {:.2f} \n- Rate: ({:.2f} ± {:.2f}) mag/day\n
            """.format(dict_filt[fid[i]], mag, err_mag, rate, error_rate)
        radec_text = """
             *RA/Dec:*\n- [hours, deg]: {} {}\n- [deg, deg]: {:.7f} {:+.7f}
             """.format(ra_formatted[i], dec_formatted[i], ra[i], dec[i])
        galactic_position_text = """
            *Galactic latitude:*\n- [deg]: {:.7f}""".format(b[i])

        tns_text = '*TNS:* <https://www.wis-tns.org/search?ra={}&decl={}&radius=5&coords_unit=arcsec|link>'.format(
            ra[i], dec[i])
        # message formatting
        blocks = [
                "fields": [{
                    "type": "mrkdwn",
                    "text": alert_text
                }, {
                    "type": "mrkdwn",
                    "text": knscore_text
                "fields": [
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": time_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": score_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": radec_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": measurements_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": galactic_position_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": tns_text

        error_message = """
        {} is not defined as env variable
        if an alert has passed the filter,
        the message has not been sent to Slack
        for url_name in ['KNWEBHOOK', 'KNWEBHOOK_FINK']:
            if (url_name in os.environ):
                        'blocks': blocks,
                        'username': '******'
                    headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
                log = logging.Logger('Kilonova filter')

        ama_in_env = ('KNWEBHOOK_AMA_CL' in os.environ)

        # Send alerts to amateurs only on Friday
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        # Monday is 1 and Sunday is 7
        is_friday = (now.isoweekday() == 5)

        if (np.abs(b[i]) > 20) & (mag < 20) & is_friday & ama_in_env:
                    'blocks': blocks,
                    'username': '******'
                headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
            log = logging.Logger('Kilonova filter')

    return f_kn
Exemplo n.º 2
def early_kn_candidates(objectId, drb, classtar, jd, jdstarthist, ndethist,
                        cdsxmatch, fid, magpsf, sigmapsf, magnr, sigmagnr,
                        magzpsci, isdiffpos, ra, dec, roid,
                        field) -> pd.Series:
    Return alerts considered as KN candidates.

    If the environment variable KNWEBHOOK is defined and match a
    webhook url, the alerts that pass the filter will be sent to the matching
    Slack channel.

    Note the default `data/mangrove_filtered.csv` catalog is loaded.

    objectId: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the alert IDs
    drb: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the Deep-Learning Real Bogus score
    classtar: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the sextractor score
    jd: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing observation Julian dates at start of exposure [days]
    jdstarthist: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing earliest Julian dates corresponding to ndethist
    ndethist: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the number of prior detections (theshold of 3 sigma)
    cdsxmatch: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the cross-match values
    fid: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing filter, 1 for green and 2 for red
    magpsf,sigmapsf: Spark DataFrame Columns
        Columns containing magnitude from PSF-fit photometry, and 1-sigma error
    magnr,sigmagnr: Spark DataFrame Columns
        Columns containing magnitude of nearest source in reference image
        PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec and 1-sigma error
    magzpsci: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing magnitude zero point for photometry estimates
    isdiffpos: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing:
        t or 1 => candidate is from positive (sci minus ref) subtraction;
        f or 0 => candidate is from negative (ref minus sci) subtraction
    ra: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the right Ascension of candidate; J2000 [deg]
    dec: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the declination of candidate; J2000 [deg]
    magpsf: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the magnitude from PSF-fit photometry [mag]
    roid: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the Solar System label
    field: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the ZTF field numbers (int)

    out: pandas.Series of bool
        Return a Pandas DataFrame with the appropriate flag:
        false for bad alert, and true for good alert.
    # galactic plane
    gal = SkyCoord(ra.astype(float), dec.astype(float), unit='deg').galactic

    out = perform_classification(drb, classtar, jd, jdstarthist, ndethist,
                                 cdsxmatch, fid, magpsf, sigmapsf, magnr,
                                 sigmagnr, magzpsci, isdiffpos, ra, dec, roid)

    f_kn, pdf_mangrove, host_galaxies, host_alert_separation, \
        abs_mag_candidate, mag, err_mag = out

    if f_kn.any():
        # Simplify notations
        b = gal.b.degree[f_kn]
        ra = Angle(np.array(ra.astype(float)[f_kn]) * u.degree).deg
        dec = Angle(np.array(dec.astype(float)[f_kn]) * u.degree).deg
        ra_formatted = Angle(ra * u.degree).to_string(precision=2,
                                                      sep=' ',
        dec_formatted = Angle(dec * u.degree).to_string(precision=1,
                                                        sep=' ',
        delta_jd_first = np.array(
            jd.astype(float)[f_kn] - jdstarthist.astype(float)[f_kn])
        # Redefine notations relative to candidates
        fid = np.array(fid)[f_kn]
        jd = np.array(jd)[f_kn]
        mag = mag[f_kn]
        err_mag = err_mag[f_kn]
        field = field[f_kn]

    dict_filt = {1: 'g', 2: 'r'}
    for i, alertID in enumerate(objectId[f_kn]):
        # information to send
        alert_text = """
            *New kilonova candidate:* <{}|{}>
            """.format(alertID, alertID)
        time_text = """
            *Time:*\n- {} UTC\n - Time since first detection: {:.1f} hours
            """.format(Time(jd[i], format='jd').iso, delta_jd_first[i] * 24)
        measurements_text = """
            *Measurement (band {}):*\n- Apparent magnitude: {:.2f} ± {:.2f}
            """.format(dict_filt[fid[i]], mag[i], err_mag[i])
        host_text = """
            *Presumed host galaxy:*\n- HyperLEDA Name: {:s}\n- 2MASS XSC Name: {:s}\n- Luminosity distance: ({:.2f} ± {:.2f}) Mpc\n- RA/Dec: {:.7f} {:+.7f}\n- log10(Stellar mass/Ms): {:.2f}
            pdf_mangrove.loc[host_galaxies[i], 'HyperLEDA_name'][2:-1],
            pdf_mangrove.loc[host_galaxies[i], '2MASS_name'][2:-1],
            pdf_mangrove.loc[host_galaxies[i], 'lum_dist'],
            pdf_mangrove.loc[host_galaxies[i], 'dist_err'],
            pdf_mangrove.loc[host_galaxies[i], 'ra'],
            pdf_mangrove.loc[host_galaxies[i], 'dec'],
            pdf_mangrove.loc[host_galaxies[i], 'stellarmass'],
        crossmatch_text = """
        *Cross-match: *\n- Alert-host distance: {:.2f} kpc\n- Absolute magnitude: {:.2f}
            host_alert_separation[i] *
            pdf_mangrove.loc[host_galaxies[i], 'ang_dist'] * 1000,
        radec_text = """
        *RA/Dec:*\n- [hours, deg]: {} {}\n- [deg, deg]: {:.7f} {:+.7f}
        """.format(ra_formatted[i], dec_formatted[i], ra[i], dec[i])
        galactic_position_text = """
            *Galactic latitude:*\n- [deg]: {:.7f}""".format(b[i])
        tns_text = '*TNS:* <https://www.wis-tns.org/search?ra={}&decl={}&radius=5&coords_unit=arcsec|link>'.format(
            ra[i], dec[i])
        # message formatting
        blocks = [
                "type": "section",
                "fields": [
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": alert_text
                "fields": [
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": time_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": host_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": radec_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": crossmatch_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": galactic_position_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": measurements_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": tns_text

        # Standard channels
        error_message = """
        {} is not defined as env variable
        if an alert has passed the filter,
        the message has not been sent to Slack
        for url_name in ['KNWEBHOOK', 'KNWEBHOOK_FINK']:
            if (url_name in os.environ):
                        'blocks': blocks,
                        'username': '******'
                    headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
                log = logging.Logger('Kilonova filter')

        # Grandma amateur channel
        ama_in_env = ('KNWEBHOOK_AMA_GALAXIES' in os.environ)

        # Send alerts to amateurs only on Friday
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        # Monday is 1 and Sunday is 7
        is_friday = (now.isoweekday() == 5)

        if (np.abs(b[i]) > 20) & (mag[i] < 20) & is_friday & ama_in_env:
                    'blocks': blocks,
                    'username': '******'
                headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
            log = logging.Logger('Kilonova filter')

        # DWF channel and requirements
        dwf_ztf_fields = [1525, 530, 482, 1476, 388, 1433]
        dwf_in_env = ('KNWEBHOOK_DWF' in os.environ)
        if (int(field.values[i]) in dwf_ztf_fields) and dwf_in_env:
                    'blocks': blocks,
                    'username': '******'
                headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
            log = logging.Logger('Kilonova filter')

    return f_kn
Exemplo n.º 3
def rate_based_kn_candidates(objectId, rfscore, snn_snia_vs_nonia,
                             snn_sn_vs_all, drb, classtar, jdstarthist,
                             ndethist, cdsxmatch, ra, dec, ssdistnr, cjdc,
                             cfidc, cmagpsfc, csigmapsfc, cmagnrc, csigmagnrc,
                             cmagzpscic, cisdiffposc) -> pd.Series:
    Return alerts considered as KN candidates.

    The cuts are based on Andreoni et al. 2021 https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.06352

    If the environment variable KNWEBHOOK is defined and match a webhook url,
    the alerts that pass the filter will be sent to the matching Slack channel.

    objectId: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the alert IDs
    rfscore, snn_snia_vs_nonia, snn_sn_vs_all: Spark DataFrame Columns
        Columns containing the scores for: 'Early SN Ia',
        'Ia SN vs non-Ia SN', 'SN Ia and Core-Collapse vs non-SN events'
    drb: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the Deep-Learning Real Bogus score
    classtar: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the sextractor score
    jdstarthist: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing earliest Julian dates of epoch [days]
    ndethist: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the number of prior detections (theshold of 3 sigma)
    cdsxmatch: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the cross-match values
    ra: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the right Ascension of candidate; J2000 [deg]
    dec: Spark DataFrame Column
        Column containing the declination of candidate; J2000 [deg]
    ssdistnr: Spark DataFrame Column
        distance to nearest known solar system object; -999.0 if none [arcsec]
    cjdc, cfidc, cmagpsfc, csigmapsfc, cmagnrc, csigmagnrc, cmagzpscic: Spark DataFrame Columns
        Columns containing history of fid, magpsf, sigmapsf, magnr, sigmagnr,
        magzpsci, isdiffpos as arrays
    out: pandas.Series of bool
        Return a Pandas DataFrame with the appropriate flag:
        false for bad alert, and true for good alert.
    # Extract last (new) measurement from the concatenated column
    jd = cjdc.apply(lambda x: x[-1])
    fid = cfidc.apply(lambda x: x[-1])
    isdiffpos = cisdiffposc.apply(lambda x: x[-1])

    high_drb = drb.astype(float) > 0.9
    high_classtar = classtar.astype(float) > 0.4
    new_detection = jd.astype(float) - jdstarthist.astype(float) < 14
    small_detection_history = ndethist.astype(float) < 20
    appeared = isdiffpos.astype(str) == 't'
    far_from_mpc = (ssdistnr.astype(float) > 10) | (ssdistnr.astype(float) < 0)

    # galactic plane
    b = SkyCoord(ra.astype(float), dec.astype(float),
    awaw_from_galactic_plane = np.abs(b) > 10

    list_simbad_galaxies = [

    keep_cds = \
        ["Unknown", "Transient", "Fail"] + list_simbad_galaxies

    f_kn = high_drb & high_classtar & new_detection & small_detection_history
    f_kn = f_kn & cdsxmatch.isin(keep_cds) & appeared & far_from_mpc
    f_kn = f_kn & awaw_from_galactic_plane

    # Compute rate and error rate, get magnitude and its error
    rate = np.zeros(len(fid))
    sigma_rate = np.zeros(len(fid))
    mag = np.zeros(len(fid))
    err_mag = np.zeros(len(fid))
    index_mask = np.argwhere(f_kn)
    for i, alertID in enumerate(objectId[f_kn]):
        # Spark casts None as NaN
        maskNotNone = ~np.isnan(np.array(cmagpsfc[f_kn].values[i]))
        maskFilter = np.array(cfidc[f_kn].values[i]) == np.array(fid)[f_kn][i]
        m = maskNotNone * maskFilter
        if sum(m) < 2:
        # DC mag (history + last measurement)
        mag_hist, err_hist = np.array([
            dc_mag(k[0], k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4], k[5], k[6]) for k in zip(

        # remove abnormal values
        mask_outliers = mag_hist < 21
        if sum(mask_outliers) < 2:
        jd_hist = cjdc[f_kn].values[i][m][mask_outliers]

        if jd_hist[-1] - jd_hist[0] > 0.5:
            # Compute rate
            popt, pcov = curve_fit(
                lambda x, a, b: a * x + b,
            rate[index_mask[i]] = popt[0]
            sigma_rate[index_mask[i]] = pcov[0, 0]

        # Grab the last measurement and its error estimate
        mag[index_mask[i]] = mag_hist[-1]
        err_mag[index_mask[i]] = err_hist[-1]

    # filter on rate. rate is 0 where f_kn is already false.
    f_kn = pd.Series(np.array(rate) > 0.3)

    # check the nature of close objects in SDSS catalog
    if f_kn.any():
        no_star = []
        for i in range(sum(f_kn)):
            pos = SkyCoord(ra=np.array(ra[f_kn])[i] * u.degree,
                           dec=np.array(dec[f_kn])[i] * u.degree)
            # for a test on "many" objects, you may wait 1s to stay under the
            # query limit.
            table = SDSS.query_region(pos,
                                      radius=5 * u.arcsec)
            type_close_objects = []
            if table is not None:
                type_close_objects = table['type']
            # types: 0: UNKNOWN, 1: STAR, 2: GALAXY, 3: QSO, 4: HIZ_QSO,
            # 5: SKY, 6: STAR_LATE, 7: GAL_EM
            to_remove_types = [1, 3, 4, 6]
                len(np.intersect1d(type_close_objects, to_remove_types)) == 0)
        f_kn.loc[f_kn] = np.array(no_star, dtype=bool)

    # Simplify notations
    if f_kn.any():
        # coordinates
        b = np.array(b)[f_kn]
        ra = Angle(np.array(ra.astype(float)[f_kn]) * u.degree).deg
        dec = Angle(np.array(dec.astype(float)[f_kn]) * u.degree).deg
        ra_formatted = Angle(ra * u.degree).to_string(precision=2,
                                                      sep=' ',
        dec_formatted = Angle(dec * u.degree).to_string(precision=1,
                                                        sep=' ',
        delta_jd_first = np.array(
            jd.astype(float)[f_kn] - jdstarthist.astype(float)[f_kn])

        # scores
        rfscore = np.array(rfscore.astype(float)[f_kn])
        snn_snia_vs_nonia = np.array(snn_snia_vs_nonia.astype(float)[f_kn])
        snn_sn_vs_all = np.array(snn_sn_vs_all.astype(float)[f_kn])

        # time
        fid = np.array(fid.astype(int)[f_kn])
        jd = np.array(jd)[f_kn]

        # measurements
        mag = mag[f_kn]
        rate = rate[f_kn]
        err_mag = err_mag[f_kn]
        sigma_rate = sigma_rate[f_kn]

    # message for candidates
    for i, alertID in enumerate(objectId[f_kn]):

        # Time since last detection (independently of the band)
        maskNotNone = ~np.isnan(np.array(cmagpsfc[f_kn].values[i]))
        jd_hist_allbands = np.array(np.array(cjdc[f_kn])[i])[maskNotNone]
        delta_jd_last = jd_hist_allbands[-1] - jd_hist_allbands[-2]

        # information to send
        dict_filt = {1: 'g', 2: 'r'}
        alert_text = """
            *New kilonova candidate:* <{}|{}>
            """.format(alertID, alertID)
        score_text = """
            *Scores:*\n- Early SN Ia: {:.2f}\n- Ia SN vs non-Ia SN: {:.2f}\n- SN Ia and Core-Collapse vs non-SN: {:.2f}
            """.format(rfscore[i], snn_snia_vs_nonia[i], snn_sn_vs_all[i])
        time_text = """
            *Time:*\n- {} UTC\n - Time since last detection: {:.1f} days\n - Time since first detection: {:.1f} days
            Time(jd[i], format='jd').iso, delta_jd_last, delta_jd_first[i])
        measurements_text = """
            *Measurement (band {}):*\n- Apparent magnitude: {:.2f} ± {:.2f} \n- Rate: ({:.2f} ± {:.2f}) mag/day\n
            """.format(dict_filt[fid[i]], mag[i], err_mag[i], rate[i],
        radec_text = """
              *RA/Dec:*\n- [hours, deg]: {} {}\n- [deg, deg]: {:.7f} {:+.7f}
              """.format(ra_formatted[i], dec_formatted[i], ra[i], dec[i])
        galactic_position_text = """
            *Galactic latitude:*\n- [deg]: {:.7f}""".format(b[i])

        tns_text = '*TNS:* <https://www.wis-tns.org/search?ra={}&decl={}&radius=5&coords_unit=arcsec|link>'.format(
            ra[i], dec[i])
        # message formatting
        blocks = [
                "type": "section",
                "fields": [
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": alert_text
                "fields": [
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": time_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": score_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": radec_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": measurements_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": galactic_position_text
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": tns_text

        error_message = """
        {} is not defined as env variable
        if an alert has passed the filter,
        the message has not been sent to Slack
        for url_name in ['KNWEBHOOK', 'KNWEBHOOK_FINK']:
            if (url_name in os.environ):
                        'blocks': blocks,
                        'username': '******'
                    headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
                log = logging.Logger('Kilonova filter')

        ama_in_env = ('KNWEBHOOK_AMA_RATE' in os.environ)

        # Send alerts to amateurs only on Friday
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        # Monday is 1 and Sunday is 7
        is_friday = (now.isoweekday() == 5)

        if (np.abs(b[i]) > 20) & (mag[i] < 20) & is_friday & ama_in_env:
                    'blocks': blocks,
                    'username': '******'
                headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
            log = logging.Logger('Kilonova filter')

    return f_kn