Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_from_subclass_complete_info(self, instance, format_type):
        Test transforming an instance and parsing from that class, when there's
        full information available.
        format, objtype = format_type
        cosmo = getattr(cosmology.realizations, instance)

        # test to_format
        obj = cosmo.to_format(format)
        assert isinstance(obj, objtype)

        # read with the same class that wrote.
        got = cosmo.__class__.from_format(obj, format=format)
        got2 = Cosmology.from_format(obj)  # and autodetect

        assert got2 == got  # internal consistency
        assert got == cosmo  # external consistency
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta

        # this should be equivalent to
        got = Cosmology.from_format(obj,
        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta

        # and also
        got = Cosmology.from_format(obj,
        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_fromformat_subclass_partial_info_mapping(self, cosmo):
        Test writing from an instance and reading from that class.
        This works with missing information.
        m = cosmo.to_format("mapping")

        # partial information
        m.pop("cosmology", None)
        m.pop("Tcmb0", None)

        # read with the same class that wrote fills in the missing info with
        # the default value
        got = cosmo.__class__.from_format(m, format="mapping")
        got2 = Cosmology.from_format(m,
        got3 = Cosmology.from_format(m,

        assert (got == got2) and (got2 == got3)  # internal consistency

        # not equal, because Tcmb0 is changed, which also changes m_nu
        assert got != cosmo
        assert got.Tcmb0 == cosmo.__class__._init_signature.parameters[
        assert got.clone(name=cosmo.name, Tcmb0=cosmo.Tcmb0,
                         m_nu=cosmo.m_nu) == cosmo
        # but the metadata is the same
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_fromformat_subclass_complete_info(self, cosmo_cls, cosmo, format,
        Test transforming an instance and parsing from that class, when there's
        full information available.
        Partial information tests are handled in the Mixin super classes.
        # test to_format
        obj = cosmo.to_format(format)
        assert isinstance(obj, objtype)

        # read with the same class that wrote.
        got = cosmo_cls.from_format(obj, format=format)
        got2 = Cosmology.from_format(obj)  # and autodetect
        assert got2 == got  # internal consistency

        assert got == cosmo  # external consistency
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta

        # this should be equivalent to
        got = Cosmology.from_format(obj, format=format, cosmology=cosmo_cls)
        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta

        # and also
        got = Cosmology.from_format(obj,
        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_tofromformat_complete_info(self, cosmo, format, objtype):
        """Read tests happen later."""
        # test to_format
        obj = cosmo.to_format(format)
        assert isinstance(obj, objtype)

        # test from_format
        got = Cosmology.from_format(obj, format=format)
        # and autodetect
        got2 = Cosmology.from_format(obj)
        assert got2 == got  # internal consistency

        assert got == cosmo  # external consistency
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_fromformat_class_mismatch(self, cosmo, format_type):
        format, objtype = format_type

        # test to_format
        obj = cosmo.to_format(format)
        assert isinstance(obj, objtype)

        # class mismatch
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            w0wzCDM.from_format(obj, format=format)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Cosmology.from_format(obj, format=format, cosmology=w0wzCDM)

        # when specifying the class
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`cosmology` must be either"):
            w0wzCDM.from_format(obj, format=format, cosmology="FlatLambdaCDM")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_tofromformat_complete_info(self, cosmo, format, totype,
        """Read tests happen later."""
        # test to_format
        obj = cosmo.to_format(format)
        assert isinstance(obj, totype)

        # test from_format
        got = Cosmology.from_format(obj, format=format)

        # Test autodetect, if enabled
        if self.can_autodentify(format):
            got2 = Cosmology.from_format(obj)
            assert got2 == got  # internal consistency

        assert got == cosmo  # external consistency
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_fromformat_class_mismatch(self, instance, format_type):
        cosmo = getattr(cosmology.realizations, instance)
        format, objtype = format_type

        # test to_format
        obj = cosmo.to_format(format)
        assert isinstance(obj, objtype)

        # class mismatch
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="missing 1 required"):
            w0wzCDM.from_format(obj, format=format)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="missing 1 required"):
            Cosmology.from_format(obj, format=format, cosmology=w0wzCDM)

        # when specifying the class
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`cosmology` must be either"):
            w0wzCDM.from_format(obj, format=format, cosmology="FlatLambdaCDM")
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_roundtrip_from_astropy(self, expected):
        # convert to ``mypackage``
        mycosmo = expected.to_format("mypackage")

        # Read back
        got = Cosmology.from_format(mycosmo, format="mypackage")

        # test round-tripped as expected
        assert got == expected  # tests immutable parameters, e.g. H0
Exemplo n.º 9
def read_myformat(filename, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(filename, (str, bytes, os.PathLike)):
        with open(filename, "r") as file:
            data = file.read()
    else:  # file-like : this also handles errors in dumping
        data = filename.read()

    mapping = {}
    ...  # process `data`, adding to `mapping`

    return Cosmology.from_format(mapping, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_roundtrip_from_mypackage(self, expected):
        # convert to Astropy
        acosmo = Cosmology.from_format(expected, format="mypackage")

        # convert back to ``mypackage```
        got = acosmo.to_format("mypackage")

        # test round-tripped as expected
        assert isinstance(got, MyCosmology)
        assert got == expected  # assuming ``MyCosmology`` has an __eq__ method

        ...  # more equality tests
Exemplo n.º 11
def read_json(filename, **kwargs):
    with open(filename, "r") as file:
        data = file.read()
    mapping = json.loads(data)  # parse json mappable to dict
    # deserialize Quantity
    for k, v in mapping.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict) and "value" in v and "unit" in v:
            mapping[k] = u.Quantity(v["value"], v["unit"])
    for k, v in mapping.get("meta", {}).items():  # also the metadata
        if isinstance(v, dict) and "value" in v and "unit" in v:
            mapping["meta"][k] = u.Quantity(v["value"], v["unit"])
    return Cosmology.from_format(mapping, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 12
def from_mypackage(mycosmo):
    """Load `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` from ``mypackage`` object."""
    # Cosmology provides a nice method "mapping", so all that needs to
    # be done here is create a dictionary of the parameters
    mapping = {}
    mapping["H0"] = mycosmo.hubble_parameter
    mapping["Om0"] = mycosmo.Omega_matter_initial
    ...  # keep building mapping

    return Cosmology.from_format(
        mapping, format="mapping", move_to_meta=True
    )  # extra info -> meta
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_from_subclass_partial_info(self, instance):
        Test writing from an instance and reading from that class.
        This requires partial information.

        .. todo::

            generalize over all formats for this test.
        format, objtype = ("mapping", dict)
        cosmo = getattr(cosmology.realizations, instance)

        # test to_format
        obj = cosmo.to_format(format)
        assert isinstance(obj, objtype)

        # partial information
        tempobj = copy.deepcopy(obj)
        del tempobj["cosmology"]
        del tempobj["Tcmb0"]

        # read with the same class that wrote fills in the missing info with
        # the default value
        got = cosmo.__class__.from_format(tempobj, format=format)
        got2 = Cosmology.from_format(tempobj,
        got3 = Cosmology.from_format(tempobj,

        assert (got == got2) and (got2 == got3)  # internal consistency

        # not equal, because Tcmb0 is changed
        assert got != cosmo
        assert got.Tcmb0 == cosmo.__class__._init_signature.parameters[
        assert got.clone(name=cosmo.name, Tcmb0=cosmo.Tcmb0) == cosmo
        # but the metadata is the same
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
Exemplo n.º 14
def read_myformat(filename, **kwargs):
    """Read files in format 'myformat'.

    filename : str
        Keyword arguments into `astropy.cosmology.Cosmology.from_format`
        with ``format="mypackage"``.

    `~mypackage.cosmology.MyCosmology` instance
    mycosmo = file_reader(filename)  # ← read file  ↓ build Cosmology
    return Cosmology.from_format(mycosmo, format="mypackage", **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_to_from_mapping_instance(expected):
    # ------------
    # To Mapping
    params = expected.to_format('mapping')

    assert isinstance(params, dict)
    assert params["cosmology"] is expected.__class__
    assert params["name"] == expected.name

    # ------------
    # From Mapping
    params["mismatching"] = "will error"

    # tests are different if the last argument is a **kwarg
    if tuple(expected._init_signature.parameters.values())[-1].kind == 4:
        got = Cosmology.from_format(params, format="mapping")

        assert got.__class__ == expected.__class__
        assert got.name == expected.name
        assert "mismatching" not in got.meta

        return  # don't continue testing

    # read with mismatching parameters errors
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="there are unused parameters"):
        Cosmology.from_format(params, format="mapping")

    # unless mismatched are moved to meta
    got = Cosmology.from_format(params, format="mapping", move_to_meta=True)
    assert got.__class__ == expected.__class__
    assert got == expected
    assert got.meta["mismatching"] == "will error"

    # it won't error if everything matches up
    got = Cosmology.from_format(params, format="mapping")
    assert got.__class__ == expected.__class__
    assert got == expected

    # and it will also work if the cosmology is a string
    params["cosmology"] = params["cosmology"].__name__
    got = Cosmology.from_format(params, format="mapping")
    assert got == expected

    # also it auto-identifies 'format'
    got = Cosmology.from_format(params)
    assert got == expected
Exemplo n.º 16
def from_mypackage(mycosmo):
    """Load `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` from ``mypackage`` object.

    mycosmo : `~mypackage.cosmology.MyCosmology`

    m = dict(mycosmo)
    m["name"] = mycosmo.name

    # ----------------
    # remap Parameters
    m["H0"] = m.pop("hubble_parameter") * (u.km / u.s / u.Mpc)
    m["Om0"] = m.pop("initial_matter_density")
    m["Tcmb0"] = m.pop("initial_temperature") * u.K
    # m["Neff"] = m.pop("Neff")  # skip b/c unchanged
    m["m_nu"] = m.pop("neutrino_masses") * u.eV
    m["Ob0"] = m.pop("initial_baryon_density")

    # ----------------
    # remap metadata
    m["t0"] = m.pop("current_age") * u.Gyr

    # optional
    if "reionization_redshift" in m:
        m["z_reion"] = m.pop("reionization_redshift")

    # ...  # keep building `m`

    # ----------------
    # Detect which type of Astropy cosmology to build.
    # Here we just force FlatLambdaCDM, but if your package allows for
    # non-flat cosmologies...
    m["cosmology"] = FlatLambdaCDM

    # build cosmology
    return Cosmology.from_format(m, format="mapping", move_to_meta=True)