Exemplo n.º 1
def make_cosmic_sfr(CSP_dir):
    SFHs_fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join(CSP_dir, 'SFHs_*.fits'))
    nsubpersfh = fits.getval(SFHs_fnames[0], ext=0, keyword='NSUBPER')
    SFHs = np.row_stack(
        [fits.getdata(fn_, 'allsfhs') / fits.getdata(fn_, 'mformed')[::nsubpersfh, None]
         for fn_ in SFHs_fnames])
    ts = fits.getdata(SFHs_fnames[0], 'allts')
    zs, zmasks = zip(*[masked_z_at_value(WMAP9.age, t_ * u.Gyr) for t_ in ts])
    zs = np.ma.array(zs, mask=zmasks)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

    SFRDmean = SFHs.mean(axis=0) / WMAP9.scale_factor(zs)**3.

    ax.plot(1. / WMAP9.scale_factor(zs), SFRDmean / SFRDmean.max())
    ax.set_xlim([1., 1. / WMAP9.scale_factor(10.)])
    ax.set_ylim([.009, 1.05])
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$\frac{1}{a}$', size='x-small')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$\log{\psi}$', size='x-small')
    ax.tick_params(labelsize='x-small', which='both')

    ax_ = ax.twiny()
    zticks = np.linspace(0., 10., 11)
    inv_sf_ticks = 1. / WMAP9.scale_factor(zticks)
    ax_.set_xticks(inv_sf_ticks, minor=False)
    ax_.set_xlabel(r'$z$', size='x-small')

    fig.suptitle('``Cosmic" SFR', size='small')

    savefig(fig, 'CosmicSFR.png', CSP_dir, close=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
def plot_cosmology(zs, mu_mcmc, mu_minuit, std_mcmc, std_minuit, n):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import gridspec
    from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 5.5))
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[2, 1], hspace=0.0, wspace=0.0)
    ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax0)
    axes = [ax0, ax1]
    zsort = sorted(zs)
    distmod = WMAP9.distmod(zsort).value - 19.3
    distmod2 = WMAP9.distmod(zs).value - 19.3
    ms = 2
    alpha = 0.4
    axes[0].errorbar(zs, mu_minuit, yerr=np.sqrt(std_minuit*std_minuit + 0.1*0.1),
                     ms=ms, fmt='o', label=r"Max. Likelihood", color="r", alpha=alpha)
    axes[0].errorbar(zs, mu_mcmc, yerr=np.sqrt(std_mcmc*std_mcmc + 0.1*0.1), fmt='o',
                     ms=ms, label=r"MCMC", color="b", alpha=alpha)
    axes[1].errorbar(zs, mu_minuit - distmod2, yerr=np.sqrt(std_minuit*std_minuit + 0.1*0.1),
                     ms=ms, fmt='o', label=r"Max. Likelihood", color="r", alpha=alpha)
    axes[1].errorbar(zs, mu_mcmc - distmod2, yerr=np.sqrt(std_mcmc*std_mcmc + 0.1*0.1), fmt='o',
                     ms=ms, label=r"MCMC", color="b", alpha=alpha)
    axes[0].plot(zsort, distmod, 'k')
    axes[1].axhline(0, color='k')
    axes[1].set_ylabel(r"$\mu_{\rm obs} - \mu(\mathcal{C})$")
    axes[0].legend(loc=2, frameon=False)
    plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    ax0.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(7, prune="lower"))

    fig.savefig("output/obs_cosmology_%s.png" % n, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300, transparent=True)
    fig.savefig("output/obs_cosmology_%s.pdf" % n, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300, transparent=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
def update(val):
      zL,zS = slzL.val,slzS.val
      xL,yL = slxL.val, slyL.val
      ML,eL,PAL = slML.val,sleL.val,slPAL.val
      sh,sha = slss.val,slsa.val
      xs,ys = slxs.val, slys.val
      Fs,ws = slFs.val, slws.val
      ns,ars,pas = slns.val,slars.val,slPAs.val
      newDd = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zL).value
      newDs = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zS).value
      newDds= cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(zL,zS).value
      newLens = vl.SIELens(zLens,xL,yL,10**ML,eL,PAL)
      newShear = vl.ExternalShear(sh,sha)
      newSource = vl.SersicSource(zS,True,xs,ys,Fs,ws,ns,ars,pas)
      xs,ys = vl.LensRayTrace(xim,yim,[newLens,newShear],newDd,newDs,newDds)
      imbg = vl.SourceProfile(xim,yim,newSource,[newLens,newShear])
      imlensed = vl.SourceProfile(xs,ys,newSource,[newLens,newShear])
      caustics = vl.CausticsSIE(newLens,newDd,newDs,newDds,newShear)


      mu = imlensed.sum()*(xim[0,1]-xim[0,0])**2 / newSource.flux['value']
      ax.text(0.9,1.05,'$\\mu$ = {0:.2f}'.format(mu),transform=ax.transAxes)

      for i in range(caustics.shape[0]):

Exemplo n.º 4
def create_modelimage(lens,source,xmap,ymap,xemit,yemit,indices,
      Creates a model lensed image given the objects and map
      coordinates specified.  Supposed to be common for both
      image fitting and visibility fitting, so we don't need
      any data here.

            A 2D array representing the field evaluated at
            xmap,ymap with all sources included.
            A numpy array of length N_sources containing the
            magnifications of each source (1 if unlensed).
      lens = list(np.array([lens]).flatten()) # Ensure lens(es) are a list
      source = list(np.array([source]).flatten()) # Ensure source(s) are a list
      mus = np.zeros(len(source))
      immap, imsrc = np.zeros(xmap.shape), np.zeros(xemit.shape)

      # If we didn't get pre-calculated distances, figure them here assuming WMAP9
      if np.any((Dd is None,Ds is None, Dds is None)):
            from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
            Dd = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(lens[0].z).value
            Ds = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(source[0].z).value
            Dds= cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(lens[0].z,source[0].z).value

      # Do the raytracing for this set of lens & shear params
      xsrc,ysrc = LensRayTrace(xemit,yemit,lens,Dd,Ds,Dds)

      if sourcedatamap is not None: # ... then particular source(s) are specified for this map
            for jsrc in sourcedatamap:
                  if source[jsrc].lensed: 
                        ims = SourceProfile(xsrc,ysrc,source[jsrc],lens)
                        imsrc += ims
                        mus[jsrc] = ims.sum()*(xemit[0,1]-xemit[0,0])**2./source[jsrc].flux['value']
                  else: immap += SourceProfile(xmap,ymap,source[jsrc],lens); mus[jsrc] = 1.
      else: # Assume we put all sources in this map/field
            for j,src in enumerate(source):
                  if src.lensed: 
                        ims = SourceProfile(xsrc,ysrc,src,lens)
                        imsrc += ims
                        mus[j] = ims.sum()*(xemit[0,1]-xemit[0,0])**2./src.flux['value']
                  else: immap += SourceProfile(xmap,ymap,src,lens); mus[j] = 1.

      # Try to reproduce matlab's antialiasing thing; this uses a 3lobe lanczos low-pass filter
      imsrc = Image.fromarray(imsrc)
      resize = np.array(imsrc.resize((int(indices[1]-indices[0]),int(indices[3]-indices[2])),Image.ANTIALIAS))
      immap[indices[2]:indices[3],indices[0]:indices[1]] += resize

      # Flip image to match sky coords (so coordinate convention is +y = N, +x = W, angle is deg E of N)
      immap = immap[::-1,:]

      # last, correct for pixel size.
      immap *= (xmap[0,1]-xmap[0,0])**2.

      return immap,mus
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: LCSbase.py Projeto: rfinn/LCS
 def get_size_flag(self):
     #self.DA[self.membflag] = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(self.s.CLUSTER_REDSHIFT[self.membflag]).value*Mpcrad_kpcarcsec)
     for i in range(len(self.DA)):
         if self.membflag[i]:
             self.DA[i] = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(self.s.CLUSTER_REDSHIFT[i]).value*Mpcrad_kpcarcsec
             self.DA[i] = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(self.s.ZDIST[i]).value*Mpcrad_kpcarcsec
     self.sizeflag=(self.s.SERSIC_TH50*self.DA > minsize_kpc) #& (self.s.SERSIC_TH50 < 20.)
def build_light_cone(fileglob, zs=np.array([6, 6.5, 7]), boxtype='delta_T'):
    zs = np.array(zs)
    files = glob(fileglob)
    zind = {'delta_T': 5, 'Ts_z': 1, 'xH_': 2, 'deltax': 3}
    zsim = []
    dims = []
    lengths = []
    files_keep = []
    for f in files:
        if not os.path.basename(f).startswith(boxtype):
            if not 'updated_smoothed_' +  boxtype in os.path.basename(f):
        parms = os.path.basename(f).split('_')
        zsim.append(np.float(parms[zind[boxtype]][1:]))  # redshifts
        dims.append(np.int(parms[-2]))  # dim of box
        lengths.append(np.float(parms[-1][0:-3]))  # length in Mpc
    files = files_keep
    if (np.max(np.diff(dims)) > 0) or (np.max(np.diff(lengths)) > 0):
        raise(ValueError('Boxes are not all the same size'))
    if (np.max(zs) > np.max(zsim)) or (np.min(zs) < np.min(zsim)):
        raise(ValueError('Requested redshifts outside range of sim.'))
    order = np.argsort(zsim)
    files = [files[i] for i in order]
    zsim = np.array([zsim[i] for i in order])
    zsim0 = zsim[0]
    dim = dims[0]
    length = lengths[0]
    dx = length / dim

    lightcube = np.zeros((dim, dim, len(zs)), dtype=np.float32)
    Ds = cosmo.comoving_distance(zs).value - cosmo.comoving_distance(zsim0).value
    pix1 = map(int, np.floor(Ds / dx) % dim)
    wp1 = Ds / dx - np.floor(Ds / dx)
    pix2 = map(int, np.ceil(Ds / dx) % dim)
    wp2 = 1 - wp1
    box1 = [np.argmax(zsim[zsim <= z]) for z in zs]
    box2 = [i + 1 for i in box1]
    wb2 = (zs - zsim[box1]) / (zsim[box2] - zsim[box1])
    wb1 = (zsim[box2] - zs) / (zsim[box2] - zsim[box1])

    for i, z in enumerate(zs):
        data = np.fromfile(files[box1[i]], dtype=np.float32)
        data = data.reshape((dim, dim, dim))
        slice11 = data[:, :, pix1[i]]
        slice12 = data[:, :, pix2[i]]
        data = np.fromfile(files[box2[i]], dtype=np.float32)
        data = data.reshape((dim, dim, dim))
        slice21 = data[:, :, pix1[i]]
        slice22 = data[:, :, pix2[i]]
        lightcube[:, :, i] = (slice11 * wb1[i] * wp1[i] + slice12 * wb1[i] * wp2[i] +
                              slice21 * wb2[i] * wp1[i] + slice21 * wb2[i] * wp2[i])
    return lightcube
Exemplo n.º 7
def cal_beta(z_los):

	beta = np.zeros(len(z_los))
	for i in range(len(z_los)):

		zi = np.array([zl,z_los[i]])
		z1,z2 = np.min(zi),np.max(zi)

		D1,D2 = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z1),cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z2)

		beta[i] = (D2-D1)*Ds/D2/(Ds-D1)
	return beta
Exemplo n.º 8
def me(theta_Es, e_theta_Es, zlenses, zsources):

    ntarg = theta_Es.size
    M_E = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
    e_M_E = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
    vdisp = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
    e_vdisp = numpy.zeros(ntarg)

    for targ in numpy.arange(ntarg):

        zsource = zsources[targ]
        zlens = zlenses[targ]
        theta_E = theta_Es[targ]
        e_theta_E = e_theta_Es[targ]

        # luminosity distances
        d_LS = cosmo.luminosity_distance(zsource).value * 3.08e24
        d_LL = cosmo.luminosity_distance(zlens).value * 3.08e24

        # comoving distances
        d_MS = d_LS / (1 + zsource)
        d_ML = d_LL / (1 + zlens)

        # angular diameter distances
        d_ALS = 1 / (1 + zsource) * ( d_MS - d_ML )
        d_AL = d_LL / (1 + zlens)**2
        d_AS = d_LS / (1 + zsource)**2

        # einstein radius in cm (7.1 kpc/" at z=0.7)
        theta_E_cm = theta_E / 206265. * d_AL
        e_theta_E_cm = e_theta_E / 206265. * d_AL

        # get a distribution of Einstein radii
        niters = 1e3
        theta_E_iters = numpy.random.normal(loc = theta_E_cm, \
                scale = e_theta_E_cm, size = niters)

        # compute the mass enclosed within the Einstein radius
        c = 3e10
        G = 6.67e-8
        sigma_crit = c**2 / 4 / pi / G * d_AS / d_AL / d_ALS
        M_E_iters = pi * sigma_crit * theta_E_iters**2 / 2e33
        M_E[targ] = numpy.mean(M_E_iters)
        e_M_E[targ] = numpy.std(M_E_iters)

        vdisp2 = theta_E_iters / d_AL / 4 / pi * c**2 * d_AS / d_ALS
        vdisp[targ] = numpy.mean(numpy.sqrt(vdisp2) / 1e5)
        e_vdisp[targ] = numpy.std(numpy.sqrt(vdisp2) / 1e5)

    return M_E, e_M_E, vdisp, e_vdisp
Exemplo n.º 9
def load_model(nbins_sfh=6,sigma=0.3,datfile=None,objname=None, **extras):

    # we'll need this to access specific model parameters
    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]

    # create SFH bins
    with open(datfile,'r') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    zred = float(data[objname]['redshift'])
    model_params[n.index('zred')]['init'] = zred
    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value*1e9

    # now construct the nonparametric SFH
    # set number of components
    # set logsfr_ratio prior
    # propagate to agebins
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['N'] = nbins_sfh
    model_params[n.index('mass')]['N'] = nbins_sfh
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['N'] = nbins_sfh-1
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['init'] = np.full(nbins_sfh-1,0.0) # constant SFH
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['prior'] = SFR_Ratio(mean=np.full(nbins_sfh-1,0.0),sigma=np.full(nbins_sfh-1,sigma))

    model_params.append({'name': 'tuniv', 'N': 1,
                            'isfree': False,
                            'init': tuniv})

    # set mass-metallicity prior
    model_params[n.index('massmet')]['prior'] = MassMet(z_mini=-1.98, z_maxi=0.19, mass_mini=7, mass_maxi=12.5)

    return sedmodel.SedModel(model_params)
Exemplo n.º 10
def Counts(gal_id, gal_field, z, R = 10**np.linspace(1.2,3.6,13), delta_z = 0.1, min_mass = 9.415):
    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data[data['field'] == gal_field]

    #separating the potential satellites into star-forming(b) and quiescent(r) bins#
    mask = ((np.abs(data_tmp['z'] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp['id'] != gal_id) & (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass))
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]
    lst_galr = lst_gal[(((lst_gal['vj'] < 0.92) & (lst_gal['uv'] > 1.3)) | ((lst_gal['vj'] > 0.8) & (lst_gal['vj'] < 1.6) & (lst_gal['uv'] > (0.88*lst_gal['vj'] +0.49))))]
    lst_galb = lst_gal[(((lst_gal['vj'] < 0.92) & (lst_gal['uv'] < 1.3)) | ((lst_gal['vj'] > 0.8) & (lst_gal['vj'] < 1.6) & (lst_gal['uv'] < (0.88*lst_gal['vj'] +0.49))) | (lst_gal['vj']>1.5))]

    #finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc*(R*u.kpc)

    #retrieving RA and DEC data of given galaxy#
    p1 = data_tmp[(data_tmp['id'] == gal_id)]
    #calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(p1['ra']*u.deg, p1['dec']*u.deg)
    sc1 = SkyCoord(lst_galr['ra']*u.deg, lst_galr['dec']*u.deg)
    sc2 = SkyCoord(lst_galb['ra']*u.deg, lst_galb['dec']*u.deg)
    sep1 = sc0.separation(sc1).to(u.arcmin)
    sep2 = sc0.separation(sc2).to(u.arcmin)    
    #finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nnr = np.empty(len(R))
    nnb = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii,r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nnr[ii] = np.sum(sep1 <= r)
        nnb[ii] = np.sum(sep2 <= r)

    return [nnr, nnb]
Exemplo n.º 11
def load_model(nbins_sfh=5,sigma=0.3,df=2, **extras):

    # we'll need this to access specific model parameters
    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]

    # create SFH bins
    zred = model_params[n.index('zred')]['init']
    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value*1e9

    # now construct the nonparametric SFH
    # set number of components
    # set logsfr_ratio prior
    # propagate to agebins
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['N'] = nbins_sfh
    model_params[n.index('mass')]['N'] = nbins_sfh
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['N'] = nbins_sfh-1
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['init'] = np.full(nbins_sfh-1,0.0) # constant SFH
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['prior'] = priors.StudentT(mean=np.full(nbins_sfh-1,0.0),
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratio30')]['prior'] = priors.StudentT(mean=0.0,
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratiomax')]['prior'] = priors.StudentT(mean=0.0,
    model_params.append({'name': 'tuniv', 'N': 1,
                            'isfree': False,
                            'init': tuniv})

    return sedmodel.SedModel(model_params)
Exemplo n.º 12
def photometry():
    filters=['I','B','V','R'] #filter names
    for f in filters:
        date_search_path=os.path.join(super_lotis_path, '13*')
        for name in glob(search_str):
            with fits.open(name) as analysis:
                z = .086
                r = 1 * u.kpc / cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(z)
                cordinate = SkyCoord('01:48:08.66 +37:33:29.22', unit = (u.hourangle, u.deg))
                aperture = SkyCircularAperture(cordinate, r)
                exp_time= analysis[0].header['EXPTIME'] # error calculation
                data_error = np.sqrt(analysis[0].data*exp_time) / exp_time
        print >> file , All_data
Exemplo n.º 13
def load_model(objname=None, datdir=None, nbins_sfh=7, sigma=0.3, df=2, agelims=[], zred=None, runname=None, **extras):

    # we'll need this to access specific model parameters
    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]

    # first calculate redshift and corresponding t_universe
    # if no redshift is specified, read from file
    if zred is None:
        datname = datdir + objname.split('_')[0] + '_' + runname + '.dat'
        dat = ascii.read(datname)
        idx = dat['phot_id'] == int(objname.split('_')[-1])
        zred = float(dat['z_best'][idx])
    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value*1e9
    model_params[n.index('zred')]['init'] = zred

    # now construct the nonparametric SFH
    # current scheme: last bin is 15% age of the Universe, first two are 0-30, 30-100
    # remaining N-3 bins spaced equally in logarithmic space
    tbinmax = (tuniv*0.85)
    agelims = agelims[:2] + np.linspace(agelims[2],np.log10(tbinmax),nbins_sfh-2).tolist() + [np.log10(tuniv)]
    agebins = np.array([agelims[:-1], agelims[1:]])

    # load nvariables and agebins
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['N'] = nbins_sfh
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['init'] = agebins.T
    model_params[n.index('mass')]['N'] = nbins_sfh
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['N'] = nbins_sfh-1
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['init'] = np.full(nbins_sfh-1,0.0) # constant SFH
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['prior'] = priors.StudentT(mean=np.full(nbins_sfh-1,0.0),

    return sedmodel.SedModel(model_params)
Exemplo n.º 14
def load_model(nbins_sfh=7,sigma=0.3,df=2.,agelims=None,objname=None, **extras):

    # we'll need this to access specific model parameters
    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]

    # replace nbins_sfh
    nbins_sfh = 4 + (int(objname)-1) / 9

    # create SFH bins
    zred = model_params[n.index('zred')]['init']
    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value

    # now construct the nonparametric SFH
    # current scheme: six bins, four spaced equally in logarithmic 
    # last bin is 15% age of the Universe, first two are 0-30, 30-100
    tbinmax = (tuniv*0.85)*1e9
    agelims = agelims[:2] + np.linspace(agelims[2],np.log10(tbinmax),nbins_sfh-2).tolist() + [np.log10(tuniv*1e9)]
    agebins = np.array([agelims[:-1], agelims[1:]])

    # load nvariables and agebins
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['N'] = nbins_sfh
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['init'] = agebins.T
    model_params[n.index('mass')]['N'] = nbins_sfh
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['N'] = nbins_sfh-1
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['init'] = np.full(nbins_sfh-1,0.0) # constant SFH
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['prior'] = priors.StudentT(mean=np.full(nbins_sfh-1,0.0),

    return sedmodel.SedModel(model_params)
def load_model(datname='', objname='', **extras):

    ###### REDSHIFT ######
    hdulist = fits.open(datname)
    idx = hdulist[1].data['Name'] == objname
    zred =  hdulist[1].data['cz'][idx][0] / 3e5

    #### TUNIV #####
    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value

    #### TAGE #####
    tage_init = 1.1
    tage_mini  = 0.11      # FSPS standard
    tage_maxi = tuniv

    pnames = [m['name'] for m in model_params]
    zind = pnames.index('zred')
    model_params[zind]['init'] = zred
    tind = pnames.index('tage')
    model_params[tind]['prior_args']['maxi'] = tuniv
    model = BurstyModel(model_params)

    return model
Exemplo n.º 16
def cosmoComVol(redshift,
    Get the Comoving Volume at redshift=z.

    This is simply a wrapper of astropy.cosmology
    The input redsfhit can be an array
    if WMAP9:
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    elif Planck15:
        from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo
        from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0)

    v = cosmo.comoving_volume(redshift)

    if not Gpc:
        return v.value
        return v.to(u.Gpc).value
Exemplo n.º 17
def cosmoDA(redshift,
    Get the Angular Diameter Distance at redshift=z.

    This is simply a wrapper of astropy.cosmology
    The input redsfhit can be an array
    if WMAP9:
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    elif Planck15:
        from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo
        from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0)

    da = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(redshift)

    if not kpc:
        return da.value
        return da.to(u.kpc).value
Exemplo n.º 18
def cosmoAge(redshift,
    Get the Age of the Universe at redshift=z.

    This is simply a wrapper of astropy.cosmology
    The input redsfhit can be an array
    if WMAP9:
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    elif Planck15:
        from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo
        from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0)

    age = cosmo.age(redshift)

    if not Myr:
        return age.value
        return age.to(u.Myr).value
Exemplo n.º 19
def cosmoLookBack(redshift,
    Get the Look-back Time at redshift=z.

    This is simply a wrapper of astropy.cosmology
    The input redsfhit can be an array
    if WMAP9:
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    elif Planck15:
        from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo
        from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0)

    lbt = cosmo.lookback_time(redshift)

    if not Myr:
        return lbt.value
        return lbt.to(u.Myr).value
Exemplo n.º 20
def Counts(gal_id, gal_field, z, R = 10**np.linspace(1.2,3.6,13), delta_z = 0.1, min_mass = 9.415):
    from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u
    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data_flagged[data_flagged['field'] == gal_field]

    mask = ((np.abs(data_tmp['z_peak'] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp['id'] != gal_id) & (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass))
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]

    #finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc*(R*u.kpc)

    #retrieving RA and DEC data of given galaxy#
    p1 = data_tmp[(data_tmp['id'] == gal_id)]
    #calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(p1['ra']*u.deg, p1['dec']*u.deg)
    sc = SkyCoord(lst_gal['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal['dec']*u.deg)
    sep = sc0.separation(sc)
    sep = sep.to(u.arcmin)
    #finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nn = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii,r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nn[ii] = np.sum(sep <= r)

    return nn
def load_model(alpha_sfh=0.2,agelims=None, **extras):

    # we'll need this to access specific model parameters
    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]

    # create SFH bins
    zred = model_params[n.index('zred')]['init']
    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value

    # now construct the nonparametric SFH
    # current scheme: six bins, four spaced equally in logarithmic 
    # last bin is 15% age of the Universe, first two are 0-30, 30-100
    tbinmax = (tuniv*0.85)*1e9
    agelims = agelims[:2] + np.linspace(agelims[2],np.log10(tbinmax),len(agelims)-3).tolist() + [np.log10(tuniv*1e9)]
    agebins = np.array([agelims[:-1], agelims[1:]])
    ncomp = len(agelims) - 1

    # load nvariables and agebins
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['N'] = ncomp
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['init'] = agebins.T
    model_params[n.index('mass')]['N'] = ncomp
    model_params[n.index('mass')]['init'] = np.full(ncomp,1e6)
    model_params[n.index('mass')]['prior'] = priors.TopHat(mini=np.full(ncomp,1e5), maxi=np.full(ncomp,1e12))

    return sedmodel.SedModel(model_params)
Exemplo n.º 22
def load_model(agelims=[], nbins_sfh=7, sigma=0.3, df=2, **extras):

    # we'll need this to access specific model parameters
    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]

    # first calculate t_universe at z=1
    tuniv = WMAP9.age(1.0).value*1e9

    # now construct the nonparametric SFH
    # current scheme:  last bin is 15% age of the Universe, first two are 0-30, 30-100
    # remaining N-3 bins spaced equally in logarithmic space
    tbinmax = (tuniv*0.85)
    agelims = agelims[:2] + np.linspace(agelims[2],np.log10(tbinmax),nbins_sfh-2).tolist() + [np.log10(tuniv)]
    agebins = np.array([agelims[:-1], agelims[1:]])

    # load nvariables and agebins
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['N'] = nbins_sfh
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['init'] = agebins.T
    model_params[n.index('mass')]['N'] = nbins_sfh
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['N'] = nbins_sfh-1
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['init'] = np.full(nbins_sfh-1,0.0) # constant SFH
    model_params[n.index('logsfr_ratios')]['prior'] = priors.StudentT(mean=np.full(nbins_sfh-1,0.0),

    # insert redshift into model dictionary
    model_params[n.index('zred')]['init'] = 0.0

    return sedmodel.SedModel(model_params)
Exemplo n.º 23
def load_model(objname=None, datdir=None, runname=None, agelims=[], zred=None, alpha_sfh=0.3, **extras):

    # we'll need this to access specific model parameters
    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]

    # first calculate redshift and corresponding t_universe
    # if no redshift is specified, read from file
    hdu = fits.open(APPS+'/prospector_alpha/data/3dhst/shivaei_sample.fits')
    fields = np.array([f.replace('-','') for f in hdu[1].data['FIELD']])
    ids = hdu[1].data['V4ID'].astype(str)
    idx_obj = (fields == objname.split('_')[0]) & (ids == objname.split('_')[1])
    zred = float(hdu[1].data['Z_MOSFIRE'][idx_obj][0])

    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value

    # now construct the nonparametric SFH
    # current scheme: six bins, four spaced equally in logarithmic 
    # last bin is 15% age of the Universe, first two are 0-30, 30-100
    tbinmax = (tuniv*0.85)*1e9
    agelims = agelims[:2] + np.linspace(agelims[2],np.log10(tbinmax),len(agelims)-3).tolist() + [np.log10(tuniv*1e9)]
    agebins = np.array([agelims[:-1], agelims[1:]])
    ncomp = len(agelims) - 1

    # load into `agebins` in the model_params dictionary
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['N'] = ncomp
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['init'] = agebins.T

    # now we do the computational z-fraction setup
    # number of zfrac variables = (number of SFH bins - 1)
    # set initial with a constant SFH
    # if alpha_SFH is a vector, use this as the alpha array
    # else assume all alphas are the same
    model_params[n.index('mass')]['N'] = ncomp
    model_params[n.index('z_fraction')]['N'] = ncomp-1
    if type(alpha_sfh) != type(np.array([])):
        alpha = np.repeat(alpha_sfh,ncomp-1)
        alpha = alpha_sfh
    tilde_alpha = np.array([alpha[i-1:].sum() for i in xrange(1,ncomp)])
    model_params[n.index('z_fraction')]['prior'] = priors.Beta(alpha=tilde_alpha, beta=alpha, mini=0.0, maxi=1.0)
    model_params[n.index('z_fraction')]['init'] = np.array([(i-1)/float(i) for i in range(ncomp,1,-1)])
    model_params[n.index('z_fraction')]['init_disp'] = 0.02

    # set mass-metallicity prior
    # insert redshift into model dictionary
    model_params[n.index('massmet')]['prior'] = MassMet(z_mini=-1.98, z_maxi=0.19, mass_mini=7, mass_maxi=12.5)
    model_params[n.index('zred')]['init'] = zred

    # set gas-phase metallicity prior
    # log(Z/Zsun) = -3.07 for model
    mean = hdu[1].data['m_12LOGOH'][idx_obj][0]
    if (mean > -100):
        gas_logz_mean = np.clip((mean - 12) + 3.06, -2, 0.5)
        sigma = (hdu[1].data['U68_12LOGOH'] - hdu[1].data['L68_12LOGOH'])[idx_obj][0] / 2.
        model_params[n.index('gas_logz')]['prior'] = priors.ClippedNormal(mean=gas_logz_mean,sigma=sigma,mini=-2,maxi=0.5)

    return sedmodel.SedModel(model_params)
Exemplo n.º 24
def load_model(**extras):

    # set tage_max, fix redshift
    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]
    zred = 0.0001
    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value

    return sedmodel.SedModel(model_params)
Exemplo n.º 25
def volume_limit(sample,zmax,magcol,appmag):

    # Volume-limit the sample based on the detection limit and redshift
    appmag_lim = appmag * u.mag
    distmod = WMAP9.distmod(zmax)
    absmag_lim = appmag_lim - distmod

    absmags = sample[magcol] - WMAP9.distmod(sample['Z_BEST']).value

    #print sample['imaging'][0]
    #print 'absmag_lim',absmag_lim
    #print 'appmag_lim',appmag_lim
    #print 'distmod',distmod

    vl_ind = (absmags < absmag_lim.value) & (sample['Z_BEST'] > 0) & (sample['Z_BEST'] < zmax)
    return sample[vl_ind]
 def lum_dist_error(self, val, err):
     Use a black box error method to find the uncertanty in
         val (float): A redshift value
         err (float): Error in the redshift
         error (float): Error in the luminosity distance
     diff = (cosmo.luminosity_distance(val + err).cgs
             - cosmo.luminosity_distance(val - err).cgs)
     error = abs(.5 * diff.value)
 def conv_error(self, val, err):
     Use a black box error method to find the uncertanty in
         val (float): A redshift value
         err (float): Error in the redshift
         error (float): Error in the conversion factor
     diff = (cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(val + err)**2
             - cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(val - err)**2)
     error = abs(.5 * diff.value)
Exemplo n.º 28
def SNcosmo_template():
    # Pick cosmology
    from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    #from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
    #cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=69.6, Om0=0.286)

    from astropy import units as u
    import astropy.constants as const

    # Parameters
    obsfilter = inst.filter   # This is the name of the sample band we use

    # Other defined things
    absmag_V = -19.3           # We use this to normalize (needed?)
    magsystem = 'ab'           # The magnitude system (both ab and vega should work)
    modelphase = 0             # The phase of the SN
    template = I.Source        # The name of the SN template (e.g. salt2 or hsiao)

    # When using new bands, assuming these are in newband directory
    # e.g. from WFC3IR from http://www.stsci.edu/~WFC3/UVIS/SystemThroughput/
    bandinfo = {}
    for filterfile in os.listdir(I.Inst):
        if filterfile == '.DS_Store':  
            words = re.split('\.',filterfile)
            filterdata = np.genfromtxt(I.Inst+'/'+filterfile )
            # Remove regions with zero throughput
            #iNonzero = np.where( filterdata[:,1]>0 )[0]
            band = sncosmo.Bandpass(i_wave,np.ones(len(i_wave)),name=words[0])
            #band = sncosmo.Bandpass(filterdata[:,0],filterdata[:,1],name=words[0])

    # Scale template to chosen absolute V (Vega)
    model = sncosmo.Model(source=template)
    magdiff = model.bandmag('bessellv','vega',[0])-absmag_V
    templatescale = 10**(0.4*magdiff)
    print 'Get scale %s to match absolute mag.'%(templatescale)
    # Get distance modulus
    DM = cosmo.distmod(z)
    print 'Get Distance Modulus %s'%(DM)

    # Create a model assuming both of these scales
    model = sncosmo.Model(source=template)
    print model
    model.set(x0=templatescale*10**(-0.4*DM.value),z=z) #this only works for salt2 model. need amplitude for hsiao model
    # Derive the observed magnitude and flux in chosen filter
    obsmag = model.bandmag(obsfilter,magsystem,[modelphase])
    bandflux = model.bandflux(obsfilter, modelphase ) # Flux in photons/s/cm^2
    print 'We get mag %s (%s) and flux %s photons/s/cm^2'%(obsmag,magsystem,bandflux)

    return model.flux(modelphase,i_wave) #wave is in observer frame
Exemplo n.º 29
def vl_plot():

    # Plot the volume-limited samples split by survey

    tasca = fits.getdata('{0}/comparisons/COSMOS/cosmos_tasca_gzh.fits'.format(gzh_path),1)
    cassata = fits.getdata('{0}/comparisons/COSMOS/cosmos_cassata_gzh.fits'.format(gzh_path),1)
    zest = fits.getdata('{0}/comparisons/COSMOS/cosmos_zest_gzh.fits'.format(gzh_path),1)
    aegis = fits.getdata('{0}/comparisons/AEGIS/aegis_gzh.fits'.format(gzh_path),1)
    gems = fits.getdata('{0}/comparisons/GEMS/gems_gzh.fits'.format(gzh_path),1)
    goods = fits.getdata('{0}/comparisons/GOODS/goods_gzh.fits'.format(gzh_path),1)

    dlist = get_dlist(aegis,gems,goods,cassata,tasca,zest)

    fig,axarr = plt.subplots(3,2,sharex=True,sharey=True,figsize=(12,12))

    for s,ax in zip(dlist,axarr.ravel()):
        d = s['data']
        newdata = volume_limit(d,1.0,s['magcol'],s['maglim'])
        olddata = d[d['Z_BEST'] > 0.]
        absmag_old = olddata[s['magcol']] - WMAP9.distmod(olddata['Z_BEST']).value
        absmag_new = newdata[s['magcol']] - WMAP9.distmod(newdata['Z_BEST']).value
        appmag_old = olddata[s['magcol']]
        appmag_new = newdata[s['magcol']]

        s['data'] = newdata
        ax.set_title("{0} ".format(s['survey'])+r'$m_\mathrm{I|i|z}<$'+'{0:.1f}'.format(s['maglim']),fontsize=20)




    return None
Exemplo n.º 30
    def get_spectrum(self, outwave=None, filters=None, peraa=False, **params):
        """Given a theta vector, generate spectroscopy, photometry and any
        extras (e.g. stellar mass).

        :param theta:
            ndarray of parameter values.

        :param sps:
            A python-fsps StellarPopulation object to be used for
            generating the SED.

        :returns spec:
            The restframe spectrum in units of maggies.

        :returns phot:
            The apparent (redshifted) observed frame maggies in each of the

        :returns extras:
            A list of the ratio of existing stellar mass to total mass formed
            for each component, length ncomp.
        # Pass the model parameters through to the sps object
        ncomp = len(self.params['mass'])
        for ic in range(ncomp):
            s, p, x = self.one_sed(component_index=ic, filterlist=filters)
                spec += s
                maggies += p
                extra += [x]
                spec, maggies, extra = s, p, [x]
        # `spec` is now in Lsun/Hz

        if outwave is not None:
            w = self.csp.wavelengths
            spec = np.interp(outwave, w, spec)
        # Distance dimming and unit conversion
        if self.params['zred'] == 0:
            # Use 10pc for the luminosity distance (or a number
            # provided in the lumdist key in units of Mpc)
            dfactor = (self.params.get('lumdist', 1e-5) * 1e5)**2
            lumdist = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.params['zred']).value
            dfactor = (lumdist * 1e5)**2 / (1 + self.params['zred'])
        if peraa:
            # spectrum will be in erg/s/cm^2/AA
            spec *= to_cgs / dfactor * lightspeed / outwave**2
            # Spectrum will be in maggies
            spec *= to_cgs / dfactor / 1e3 / (3631*jansky_mks)

        return spec, maggies / dfactor, extra
Exemplo n.º 31
def generate_calculation_values(output_files_path, info_table):
    """Return the average star formation rates per SN type per age, an array
    of 23 ages, present solar mass values per SN environment, and processed
    solar masses per SN environment

    This function uses the STARLIGHT output files for 244 local SN
    environments to generate the information used to plot the star formation
    history per SN type

        output_files_path (str) : the path indicating the STARLIGHT output
                                  files location
        info_table        (str) : the data table specifying SN names, types,
                                  and redshifts

        type_(II, IIn, Ic, IIb, Ia, Ibc, Ib)_values  (lists) :
        lists containing the average star formation rates per SN type for 23 ages
        sorted_ages                                  (array) :
        an array containing the 23 ages for which star formation rate is

    all_output_files = glob.glob(output_files_path)  # full paths of .BN files

    type_II_values = []
    type_IIn_values = []
    type_Ic_values = []
    type_IIb_values = []
    type_Ia_values = []
    type_Ibc_values = []
    type_Ib_values = []

    present_masses = []
    processed_masses = []

    for path in all_output_files:
        # Changing from absolute to relative file paths will make
        # splitting by '/' no longer necessary.
        supernova_name = path.split('/')[6].split('.')[0]

        with open(path) as ofile:
            lines = ofile.readlines()

            # Check to make sure that the output file contains data
            # If it does not, skip that file
            if len(lines) < 5:

            for num, line in enumerate(lines):
                line_list = line.split()
                if 'Mini_j(%)' in line_list:
                    table_start_value = num + 1

                elif '[N_base]' in line_list:
                    n_base_value = int(line_list[0])

                elif '[Mini_tot' in line_list:
                    mini_tot = float(line_list[0])

                elif '[Mcor_tot' in line_list:
                    mcor_tot = float(line_list[0])

            # Calculate the total mass of the SN local environment
            redshift = np.asarray(info_table['z'])[np.where(
                np.asarray(info_table['SN']) == supernova_name)]
            type = np.asarray(info_table['Type'])[np.where(
                np.asarray(info_table['SN']) == supernova_name)]
            solar_luminosity = 3.826e33  # Unit: erg / sec
            luminosity_distance = cosmo.luminosity_distance(
                redshift) * 3.0857e24  # Unit: cm
            # mini_tot unit: cm^2 * sec * solar mass / erg
            mass_local_env = mcor_tot * 4 * np.pi * (
                luminosity_distance**2) / solar_luminosity  # Unit: Solar Mass
            processed_mass_local_env = mini_tot * 4 * np.pi * (
                luminosity_distance**2) / solar_luminosity  # Unit: Solar Mass


            # Define arrays for mass percentages and ages
            lines = lines[table_start_value:table_start_value + n_base_value +
            data = ascii.read(lines)
            t = Table(data)
            t.keep_columns(['col3', 'col5'])
            percent_mass_t = (np.array(t['col3']))
            ages = np.array(t['col5'])

            # Remove repeated ages so there are only 23
            sorted_ages = []
            for age in ages:
                if age not in sorted_ages:
            sorted_ages = np.array(sorted_ages)

            # Define array for sorted mass percentages (total percent per age)
            sorted_percent_mass_t = []
            for a in sorted_ages:
                    np.sum(percent_mass_t[np.where(ages == a)]))
            sorted_percent_mass_t = np.array(sorted_percent_mass_t)

            # Calculate the age bin widths
            age_widths = []
            for i, age in enumerate(sorted_ages):
                if i == 0 and (i + 1) <= 22:
                    age_widths.append(((age + sorted_ages[i + 1]) / 2))
                if (i >= 1) and ((i + 1) <= 22):
                        abs(((age + sorted_ages[i + 1]) / 2) -
                            (((sorted_ages[i - 1] + age) / 2))))
            age_widths = np.array(age_widths)
            age_widths = np.append(age_widths, 2080000)

            ## Calculate the Star Formation Rate at all 23 ages
            SFR_t = (sorted_percent_mass_t /
                     100) * processed_mass_local_env / age_widths * 10000

            # Calculate the (non)normalized cumulative distribution of SFR
            cum_sum = np.cumsum(SFR_t)
            norm_cum_sum = cum_sum / np.sum(SFR_t).value

        # Split based on SN Type
        if (type == 'II') or (type == 'IIP') or (type == 'IIL'):

        if (type == 'Ia') or (type == 'Ia-pec') or (type == 'Ia-91bg') or (
                type == 'Ia-91T') or (type == 'Ia-02cx') or (type == 'I'):

        if (type == 'Ibc') or (type == 'Ibc-pec') or (type == 'Ic-BL') or (
                type == 'IIb') or (type == 'Ib') or (type == 'Ic'):

        if type == ('Ib'):

        if type == ('Ic'):

        if type == ('IIn'):

        if type == ('IIb'):

    return type_II_values, type_IIn_values, type_Ic_values, type_IIb_values, \
           type_Ia_values, type_Ibc_values, type_Ib_values, sorted_ages
Exemplo n.º 32
def load_model(objname, field, agelims=[], **extras):
    # open file, load data

    photname, zname, filtername, filts = get_names(field)

    with open(photname, 'r') as f:
        hdr = f.readline().split()
    dtype = np.dtype([(hdr[1], 'S20')] + [(n, np.float) for n in hdr[2:]])
    dat = np.loadtxt(photname, comments='#', delimiter=' ', dtype=dtype)

    with open(zname, 'r') as fz:
        hdr_z = fz.readline().split()
    dtype_z = np.dtype([(hdr_z[1], 'S20')] + [(n, np.float)
                                              for n in hdr_z[2:]])
    zout = np.loadtxt(zname, comments='#', delimiter=' ', dtype=dtype_z)

    idx = dat[
        'id'] == objname  # creates array of True/False: True when dat[id] = objname
    zred = zout['z_spec'][idx][0]  # use z_spec
    if zred == -99:  # if z_spec doesn't exist
        zred = zout['z_peak'][idx][0]  # use z_phot

    print(zred, 'zred')

    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value
    print(tuniv, 'tuniv')

    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]
    # model_params[n.index('tage')]['prior_args']['maxi'] = tuniv

    agelims = [
        0.0, 8.0, 8.7, 9.0, (9.0 + (np.log10(tuniv * 1e9) - 9.0) / 3),
        (9.0 + 2 * (np.log10(tuniv * 1e9) - 9.0) / 3),
        np.log10(tuniv * 1e9)
    ncomp = len(agelims) - 1
    agebins = np.array([agelims[:-1], agelims[1:]
                        ])  # why agelims[1:] instead of agelims[0:]?

    zind = n.index('zred')
    model_params[zind]['init'] = zred

    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['N'] = ncomp
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['init'] = agebins.T

    # N-1 bins, last is set by x = 1 - np.sum(sfr_fraction)
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['N'] = ncomp - 1
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['prior_args'] = {
        'maxi': np.full(ncomp - 1, 1.0),
        'mini': np.full(ncomp - 1, 0.0),
        # NOTE: ncomp instead of ncomp-1 makes the prior take into
        # account the implicit Nth variable too
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['init'] = np.zeros(ncomp -
                                                             1) + 1. / ncomp
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['init_disp'] = 0.02

    model = BurstyModel(model_params)

    return model
Exemplo n.º 33
 def PS(self, z, region_size=1., radius_in=0., radius_out=1.):
     kpcp = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z).value
     Mpcpix = 1000. / kpcp / self.data.pixsize  # 1 Mpc in pixel
     regsizepix = region_size * Mpcpix
     # Set the scales
     minscale = 2  # minimum scale of 2 pixels
     maxscale = regsizepix / 2.
     scale = np.logspace(np.log10(minscale), np.log10(maxscale),
                         10)  # 10 scale logarithmically spaced
     sckpc = scale * self.data.pixsize * kpcp
     kr = 1. / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi**2) * np.divide(
         1., scale)  # Eq. A5 of Arevalo et al. 2012
     # Define the region where the power spectrum will be extracted
     fmask = fits.open('mask.fits')
     mask = fmask[0].data
     data_size = mask.shape
     y, x = np.indices(data_size)
     rads = np.hypot(y - data_size[0] / 2., x - data_size[1] / 2.)
     region = np.where(
             np.logical_and(rads > radius_in * Mpcpix,
                            rads <= radius_out * Mpcpix), mask > 0.0))
     # Extract the PS from the various images
     nsc = len(scale)
     ps, psnoise, amp, eamp = np.empty(nsc), np.empty(nsc), np.empty(
         nsc), np.empty(nsc)
     vals = []
     nreg = 20  # Number of subregions for bootstrap calculation
     for i in range(nsc):
         # Read images
         fco = fits.open('conv_scale_%d_kpc.fits' %
         convimg = fco[0].data.astype(float)
         fmod = fits.open('conv_model_%d_kpc.fits' %
         convmod = fmod[0].data.astype(float)
         print('Computing the power at scale', sckpc[i], 'kpc')
         ps[i], psnoise[i], vps = calc_ps(region, convimg, convmod, kr[i],
     # Bootstrap the data and compute covariance matrix
     print('Computing the covariance matrix...')
     nboot = int(1e4)  # number of bootstrap resamplings
     cov = do_bootstrap(vals, nboot)
     # compute eigenvalues of covariance matrix to verify that the matrix is positive definite
     la, v = np.linalg.eig(cov)
     print('Eigenvalues: ', la)
     eps = np.empty(nsc)
     for i in range(nsc):
         eps[i] = np.sqrt(cov[i, i])
     amp = np.sqrt(np.abs(ps) * 2. * np.pi * kr**2 / cf)
     eamp = 1. / 2. * np.power(np.abs(ps) * 2. * np.pi * kr**2 / cf,
                               -0.5) * 2. * np.pi * kr**2 / cf * eps
     self.kpix = kr
     self.k = 1. / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi**2) * np.divide(1., sckpc)
     self.ps = ps
     self.eps = eps
     self.psnoise = psnoise
     self.amp = amp
     self.eamp = eamp
     self.cov = cov
Exemplo n.º 34
 def MexicanHat(self, modimg_file, z, region_size=1., factshift=1.5):
     # Function to compute Mexican Hat convolution
     # Inputs:
     # z: redshift
     # region_size: size of the region of interest in Mpc
     # factshift: size of the border around the region
     imgo = self.data.img
     expo = self.data.exposure
     bkg = self.data.bkg
     pixsize = self.data.pixsize
     # Read model image
     fmod = fits.open(modimg_file)
     modimg = fmod[0].data.astype(float)
     # Define the mask
     nonz = np.where(expo > 0.0)
     masko = np.copy(expo)
     masko[nonz] = 1.0
     imgt = np.copy(imgo)
     noexp = np.where(expo == 0.0)
     imgt[noexp] = 0.0
     # Set the region of interest
     x_c = self.profile.cra  # Center coordinates
     y_c = self.profile.cdec
     kpcp = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z).value
     Mpcpix = 1000. / kpcp / pixsize  # 1 Mpc in pixel
     regsizepix = region_size * Mpcpix
     self.regsize = regsizepix
     minx = int(np.round(x_c - factshift * regsizepix))
     maxx = int(np.round(x_c + factshift * regsizepix + 1))
     miny = int(np.round(y_c - factshift * regsizepix))
     maxy = int(np.round(y_c + factshift * regsizepix + 1))
     if minx < 0: minx = 0
     if miny < 0: miny = 0
     if maxx > self.data.axes[1]: maxx = self.data.axes[1]
     if maxy > self.data.axes[0]: maxy = self.data.axes[0]
     img = np.nan_to_num(
         np.divide(imgt[miny:maxy, minx:maxx], modimg[miny:maxy,
     mask = masko[miny:maxy, minx:maxx]
     self.size = img.shape
     self.mask = mask
     fmod[0].data = mask
     fmod.writeto('mask.fits', overwrite=True)
     # Simulate perfect model with Poisson noise
     randmod = np.random.poisson(modimg[miny:maxy, minx:maxx])
     simmod = np.nan_to_num(np.divide(randmod, modimg[miny:maxy,
     # Set the scales
     minscale = 2  # minimum scale of 2 pixels
     maxscale = regsizepix / 2.  # at least 4 resolution elements on a side
     scale = np.logspace(np.log10(minscale), np.log10(maxscale),
                         10)  # 10 scale logarithmically spaced
     sckpc = scale * pixsize * kpcp
     # Convolve images
     for i in range(len(scale)):
         sc = scale[i]
         print('Convolving with scale', sc)
         convimg, convmod = calc_mexicanhat(sc, img, mask, simmod)
         # Save image
         fmod[0].data = convimg
         fmod.writeto('conv_scale_%d_kpc.fits' % (int(np.round(sckpc[i]))),
         fmod[0].data = convmod
         fmod.writeto('conv_model_%d_kpc.fits' % (int(np.round(sckpc[i]))),
Exemplo n.º 35
# coding: utf-8
# %load survey_tess/python/RaDec2cartesian.py
# %load python/RaDec2cartesian.py
import numpy as np
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo

dir1 = '/home/jarmijo/CHUVIS/'
gal_pos = np.loadtxt(dir1 + 'subsample.dat')
edges = np.loadtxt(dir1 + 'edges_z0.1.dat')
cap = np.loadtxt(dir1 + 'cap_z0.1.dat')
# cap2 = np.loadtxt(dir1+'mock_cap_b.txt')
c = 299792.458;
H0 = 68
dc_z = cosmo.comoving_distance(gal_pos[:, 2]).to_value()
ra = gal_pos[:, 0]
dec = gal_pos[:, 1]
# se puede hacer lo mismo con rutinas  healpy
############# galaxias ############
xp = dc_z * np.cos(ra) * np.sin(dec)
yp = dc_z * np.sin(ra) * np.sin(dec)
zp = dc_z * np.cos(dec)
########### edges (and holes) ############
xe = cosmo.comoving_distance(edges[:, 2]).to_value() * np.cos(edges[:, 0]) * np.sin(edges[:, 1])
ye = cosmo.comoving_distance(edges[:, 2]).to_value() * np.sin(edges[:, 0]) * np.sin(edges[:, 1])
ze = cosmo.comoving_distance(edges[:, 2]).to_value() * np.cos(edges[:, 1])
########### cap ################
xc1 = cosmo.comoving_distance(cap[:, 2]).to_value() * np.cos(cap[:, 0]) * np.sin(cap[:, 1])
yc1 = cosmo.comoving_distance(cap[:, 2]).to_value() * np.sin(cap[:, 0]) * np.sin(cap[:, 1])
zc1 = cosmo.comoving_distance(cap[:, 2]).to_value() * np.cos(cap[:, 1])
                    sizepix[m][w][0] = 0
                    modeltype[m] = 'sersic'
                    sizepix[m][w][0] = np.float(content[48][4:8])

#color vs size for sersic fits
size_color = np.zeros(12)
size_four_one = np.zeros(12)
size_eight_one = np.zeros(12)
size_four_two = np.zeros(12)
size_eight_two = np.zeros(12)

kpcrad = np.zeros([2, 12, 2])
for m in range(0, len(model)):
    for w in range(0, 12):
        arcsecperkpc = cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(redshifts[w])
        for i in range(0, 2):
            kpcrad[m][w][i] = (0.025 * sizepix[m][w][i]) / arcsecperkpc.value

for w in range(0, 12):
    size_four_one[w] = kpcrad[0][w][0]
    size_four_two[w] = kpcrad[1][w][0]
    size_color[w] = mags[1][w][0] - mags[1][w][1]
    size_eight_one[w] = kpcrad[0][w][1]
    size_eight_two[w] = kpcrad[1][w][1]

x3 = minmax([size_four_one, size_eight_one])
x3 = minmax([size_four_two, size_eight_two])
y3 = minmax([size_color])
#if modeltype[0] == 'sersic' or modeltype[1] == 'sersic':
#    name_cs = 'color_v_size_'+one+'_'+two+'.pdf'
Exemplo n.º 37
if 'RA' in prihdr.comments['CD1_1']:
    raDegColPix = prihdr['CD1_1']
    raDegRowPix = prihdr['CD1_2']
    decDegColPix = prihdr['CD2_1']
    decDegRowPix = prihdr['CD2_2']
    decDegColPix = prihdr['CD1_1']
    decDegRowPix = prihdr['CD1_2']
    raDegColPix = prihdr['CD2_1']
    raDegRowPix = prihdr['CD2_2']

tot_ra = raDegRowPix * 42
tot_dec = decDegColPix * 42

scale = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(0.37) * 60.
x_kpc = scale * tot_ra
y_kpc = scale * tot_dec


refdirs = os.listdir(
    '/data/marvels/billzhu/Reference PSF Subtract/0.37 - 0.55/')

# For each quasar, both absorption and reference, calculate the distance, kpc across the image, and scale

for f in refdirs:
    index = int(f.split('_')[0])

    if index == lindex:
Exemplo n.º 38
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const

c = const.c.cgs  # speed of light in cgs
H0 = cosmo.H(0).cgs  # Hubble constant in cgs
Sigma_T = 6.65e-25 * u.cm**2  # Thomson cross section of molecule [cm^2]
O_m = 0.308  # energy density parameter for mass
O_lambda = 0.692  # energy density parameter for lambda

def tau_e(z):
    Returns the optical depth for the ionized intergalactic medium
    as a function of redshift z.

    z: redshift at which the optical depth is to be calculated
    _z = np.linspace(
        0, z, 100)  # New redshift array to define limits in the integral
    numerator = Sigma_T * 1.9e-7 * u.cm**-3 * (1 + _z)**2
    denominator = H0 * np.sqrt(O_m * (1 + _z)**3 + O_lambda)
    integral = c * numerator / denominator
    res = np.trapz(integral, _z)
    return (res)

Exemplo n.º 39
    # stats
    total_mass_sat_rand = np.mean(
        mass_sat_rand)  # mean value of total mass in an aperture
    total_mass_sat_sf_rand = np.mean(mass_sat_sf_rand)
    return mass_neighbors_rand, counts_gals_rand / float(
        num_p), total_mass_sat_rand, total_mass_sat_sf_rand

# ################### MAIN FUNCTION ################### #
total_mass_sat_log = open(
    'w')  # record total mass of satellites for redshift evolution
for z in np.arange(3, 20, 1) / 10.:
    print('=============' + str(z) + '================')
    dis = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(
        z).value  # angular diameter distance at redshift z
    dis_l = WMAP9.comoving_distance(
        z - 0.1).value  # comoving distance at redshift z-0.1
    dis_h = WMAP9.comoving_distance(
        z + 0.1).value  # comoving distance at redshift z+0.1
    total_v = 4. / 3 * np.pi * (dis_h**3 - dis_l**3)  # Mpc^3
    survey_v = total_v * (4 / 41253.05)  # Mpc^3
    density = 0.00003  # desired constant (cumulative) volume number density (Mpc^-3)
    num = int(density * survey_v)

    # slice catalog in redshift bin
    cat_massive_z_slice = cat_massive_gal[
        abs(cat_massive_gal['ZPHOT'] - z) <
        0.1]  # massive galaxies in this z slice
Exemplo n.º 40
fit, ax = plt.subplots()

hdulist = fits.open('2175SUBComb22-g.fit')
scidata = hdulist[0].data.astype(float)
mean, median, stddev = sigma_clipped_stats(scidata, sigma=3.0, iters=5)
#scidata -= median
spline = interpolate.interp2d(np.arange(len(scidata)), np.arange(len(scidata)),
scidata = spline(np.arange(0, len(scidata), 0.1),
                 np.arange(0, len(scidata), 0.1))
#scidata *= 1.15

SBarray = []
outter = []
scale = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(
    1.44) * u.arcmin / u.kiloparsec * 0.396 / 60

#print("%s" % ('%.4E' % Decimal(photoncount(scidata, 250, 200))))
#print(-2.5 * math.log10(photoncount(scidata, 250, 200)) + 2.5 * math.log10(scale**2))

#print(-2.5 * math.log10(2/(10**8 * 2000)) + 2.5 * np.log10(scale**2))

for j in range(1, 12):
    #print(5 * j / scale)
    f = photoncount(scidata, 60 * (25 / 3)**((1.0 / 8) * j) / scale,
                    60 * (25 / 3)**((1.0 / 8) * (j - 1)) / scale)
Exemplo n.º 41
    def correct_for_distance(self, flux, fluxerr):
        dlmu = cosmo.distmod(self.redshift).value
        flux, fluxerr = helpers.calc_luminosity(flux, fluxerr, dlmu)

        return flux, fluxerr
Exemplo n.º 42
#       Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z))
# plt.plot(ar_z, Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z) / Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z))
# plt.plot(ar_z, Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13 - ar_delta_z_wmap7) /
#          Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z))
# plt.show()

# print(scipy.misc.derivative(func=Planck13.comoving_distance, x0=2, dx=0.1))
# ar_dcmv_dz_planck13 = np.array([scipy.misc.derivative(
#     func=lambda x: Planck13.comoving_distance(x).value, x0=z, dx=0.01) for z in ar_z])
# ar_dcmv_dz_wmap7 = np.array([scipy.misc.derivative(
#     func=lambda x: WMAP7.comoving_distance(x).value, x0=z, dx=0.01) for z in ar_z])
# plt.plot(ar_z, -(ar_dcmv_dz_planck13 - ar_dcmv_dz_wmap7) * ar_delta_z_planck13)
# plt.show()
del scipy.misc

ar_base_cmvd_planck13 = Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_true_planck13_cmvd = Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
ar_base_cmvd_wmap5 = WMAP5.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_wmap5_apparent_cmvd = WMAP5.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
ar_base_cmvd_wmap7 = WMAP7.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_wmap7_apparent_cmvd = WMAP7.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
ar_base_cmvd_wmap9 = WMAP9.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_wmap9_apparent_cmvd = WMAP9.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_true_planck13_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_planck13)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap5_apparent_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_wmap5)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap7_apparent_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_wmap7)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap9_apparent_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_wmap9)
# plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap7_apparent_cmvd - ar_true_planck13_cmvd)
Exemplo n.º 43
# Plot the CMD as a function of GZ1 morphology for the RGZ 75% counterparts

data = ascii.read(

fname_spec = 'rgz_75_sdss_mags_spec.vot'
fname_nospec = 'rgz_75_sdss_mags_nospec.vot'

zoospec = votable_read('%s/%s' % (rgzdir, fname_spec))
zoonospec = votable_read('%s/%s' % (rgzdir, fname_nospec))

na10 = na10_read()

gr_na10 = na10['g-r']
distmod_na10 = WMAP9.distmod(na10['z'])
Mr_na10 = na10['r'] - distmod_na10.value
Mr_na10 = na10['M_g'] - gr_na10

# Generate contours of the NA10 sample

magbins = np.linspace(-24, -20, 20)
colorbins = np.linspace(0.3, 1.0, 20)
hc, xc, yc = np.histogram2d(Mr_na10, gr_na10, bins=(magbins, colorbins))
levels = np.linspace(0, 200, 10)

# Make 2x2 figure

fig, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))

from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
Exemplo n.º 44
# Remove NANs, INFs, z <= 0 and r <= 0
print "Original data shape: ", hdu_in.data.shape
data_aux = np.asarray(hdu_in.data.tolist())
rm_crit = np.isnan (data_aux).any(axis=1) | np.isinf (data_aux).any(axis=1) | (hdu_in.data.field(field_z) <= 0) | (hdu_in.data.field(field_r) <= 0)
del data_aux
hdu_in.data = hdu_in.data[~rm_crit]
#tbdata = tbdata[~np.isnan(np.asarray(tbdata.tolist())).any(axis=1)]
tbdata = hdu_in.data 
print "Removed NANs and INFs: ", tbdata.shape

r = tbdata.field(field_r)
m = tbdata.field(field_m)
z = tbdata.field(field_z)
psf = tbdata.field(field_psf)

d = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).to(ap.units.kpc) # distance in kpc
scale = d*ap.units.arcsec.to(ap.units.radian) # scale [kpc/arcsec]

R = r * scale
M = m - 5*np.log10(4.28E8*z)
r_psf = 2.*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)) * r/psf

print hdu_in.data.field(field_z).shape
cols = [pf.Column (name = field_r, array = r, format = "D"), 
        pf.Column (name = field_m, array = m, format = "D"), 
        pf.Column (name = field_z, array = z, format = "D"), 
        pf.Column (name = field_psf, array = psf, format = "D"), 
        pf.Column (name = "absPetroMag_r", array = M, format = "D"), 
        pf.Column (name = "petroRad_r_psf", array = r_psf, format = "D"),
        pf.Column (name = "petroRad_r_kpc", array = R, format = "D")]
#t = hdu_in.columns + pf.ColDefs(cols)
Exemplo n.º 45
    def get_spectrum(self, outwave=None, filters=None, peraa=False, **params):
        """Get a spectrum and SED for the given params.

        :param outwave:
            Desired *vacuum* wavelengths.  Defaults to the values in

        :param peraa: (default: False)
            If `True`, return the spectrum in erg/s/cm^2/AA instead of AB

        :returns spec:
            Observed frame spectrum in AB maggies, unless `peraa=True` in which
            case the units are erg/s/cm^2/AA.

        :returns phot:
            Observed frame photometry in AB maggies.

        :returns mass_frac:
            The ratio of the surviving stellar mass to the total mass formed.
        # Spectrum in Lsun/Hz per solar mass formed, restframe
        wave, spectrum, mfrac = self.get_galaxy_spectrum(**params)

        # Redshifting + Wavelength solution
        # We do it ourselves.
        a = 1 + self.params.get('zred', 0)
        af = a
        b = 0.0

        if 'wavecal_coeffs' in self.params:
            x = wave - wave.min()
            x = 2.0 * (x / x.max()) - 1.0
            c = np.insert(self.params['wavecal_coeffs'], 0, 0)
            # assume coeeficients give shifts in km/s
            b = chebval(x, c) / (lightspeed * 1e-13)

        wa, sa = wave * (a + b), spectrum * af  # Observed Frame
        if outwave is None:
            outwave = wa

        # Observed frame photometry, as absolute maggies
        if filters is not None:
            mags = getSED(wa, lightspeed / wa**2 * sa * to_cgs, filters)
            phot = np.atleast_1d(10**(-0.4 * mags))
            phot = 0.0

        # Spectral smoothing.
        do_smooth = (('sigma_smooth' in self.params)
                     and ('sigma_smooth' in self.reserved_params))
        if do_smooth:
            # We do it ourselves.
            smspec = self.smoothspec(wa,
        elif outwave is not wa:
            # Just interpolate
            smspec = np.interp(outwave, wa, sa, left=0, right=0)
            # no interpolation necessary
            smspec = sa

        # Distance dimming and unit conversion
        zred = self.params.get('zred', 0.0)
        if (zred == 0) or ('lumdist' in self.params):
            # Use 10pc for the luminosity distance (or a number
            # provided in the dist key in units of Mpc)
            dfactor = (self.params.get('lumdist', 1e-5) * 1e5)**2
            lumdist = cosmo.luminosity_distance(zred).value
            dfactor = (lumdist * 1e5)**2
        if peraa:
            print "computing spectrum in erg/s/cm^2/AA"
            # spectrum will be in erg/s/cm^2/AA
            smspec *= to_cgs / dfactor * lightspeed / outwave**2
            print "computing spectrum in maggies"
            # Spectrum will be in maggies
            smspec *= to_cgs / dfactor / 1e3 / (3631 * jansky_mks)

        # Convert from absolute maggies to apparent maggies
        phot /= dfactor

        # Mass normalization
        mass = np.sum(self.params.get('mass', 1.0))
        if np.all(self.params.get('mass_units', 'mstar') == 'mstar'):
            # Convert from current stellar mass to mass formed
            mass /= mfrac

        return smspec * mass, phot * mass, mfrac
Exemplo n.º 46
def processSelection (hdu, i_ini, i_end, field_r, field_m, field_z, field_psf,
                      p_class1, biases, out_dir, class_fields = False, no_zeros = False):
    out_fn = out_dir + "sim_bias_" + str(i_ini) + "_" + str(i_end) + ".fits"
    if os.path.exists (out_fn):
        print out_fn, "exists"
    print "selecting data"
    tbdata = hdu.data[i_ini:i_end]
    print "selected"
    data_aux = tbdata.tolist()
    print "tbdata.tolist() done"
    data_aux = np.asarray(tbdata.tolist())
    print "creating rm_crit"
    print np.isnan (data_aux).shape
    rm_crit = np.isnan (data_aux).any(axis=1) | np.isinf (data_aux).any(axis=1) | (tbdata.field(field_z) <= 0) | (tbdata.field(field_r) <= 0)
    print "is_nan = ", np.isnan (data_aux).any(axis=1).sum()
    print "is_inf = ", np.isinf (data_aux).any(axis=1).sum()
    print field_z, " <= 0 = ", (tbdata.field(field_z) <= 0).sum()
    print field_r, " <= 0 = ", (tbdata.field(field_r) <= 0).sum(), tbdata.field(field_r).max()
    print "rm_crit.sum = ", rm_crit.sum()
    del data_aux
    print tbdata.shape
    tbdata = tbdata[~rm_crit]
    print tbdata.shape

    if np.isscalar (class_fields):
        y = (np.random.random(tbdata.shape[0]) < p_class1)
        y = createLabels (tbdata, class_fields, np.zeros (len (class_fields)) + p_class1)
        data_aux = tbdata.tolist()
        data_aux = np.asarray(tbdata.tolist())
        if no_zeros:
            print "NULL = ", pd.isnull(data_aux).any(axis = 1).sum()
            #crit_zeros = (y != 0) & ~np.isnan(data_aux).any(axis = 1)
            crit_zeros = (y != 0) & ~pd.isnull(data_aux).any(axis = 1)
            y = y - 1
            #crit_zeros = ~np.isnan(data_aux).any(axis = 1)
            crit_zeros = ~pd.isnull(data_aux).any(axis = 1)
        del data_aux
        y = y[crit_zeros]
        tbdata = tbdata[crit_zeros]

    r = tbdata.field(field_r)
    m = tbdata.field(field_m)

    # Uniform distributions to test
    # r = np.random.random (tbdata.shape[0])
    # m = np.random.random (tbdata.shape[0])*30

    z = tbdata.field(field_z)
    psf = tbdata.field(field_psf)

    d = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).to(ap.units.kpc) # distance in kpc
    scale = d*ap.units.arcsec.to(ap.units.radian) # scale [kpc/arcsec]
    R = r * scale
    M = m - 5*np.log10(4.28E8*z)
    r_psf = 2.*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)) * r/psf
    cols = [pf.Column (name = field_r, array = r, format = "D"), 
            pf.Column (name = field_m, array = m, format = "D"), 
            pf.Column (name = field_z, array = z, format = "D"), 
            pf.Column (name = field_psf, array = psf, format = "D"), 
            pf.Column (name = "absPetroMag_r", array = M, format = "D"), 
            pf.Column (name = "petroRad_r_psf", array = r_psf, format = "D"),
            pf.Column (name = "petroRad_r_kpc", array = R, format = "D"),
            pf.Column (name = "class", array = y, format = "B")]

    # Create biased labels
    r_m = np.median(r_psf)
    m_m = np.median(m)-17.8
    crit1 = (y == 1)
    r1 = r_psf[crit1]
    m1 = m[crit1]-17.8
    factor = np.exp(-(r1*r1/(2*r_m*r_m) + m1*m1/(2*m_m*m_m)))
    factor [m1 >= 0] = np.exp(-(r1[m1 >= 0]**2/(2*r_m*r_m)))
    uniform = np.random.random(crit1.sum())
    for bias in biases:
        print "bias = ", bias
        p_b = factor**(1./bias**2)
        y_b = y.copy()
        y_b[crit1] = y_b[crit1] * (uniform >= p_b)
        cols = cols + [pf.Column (name = "class_bias" + str(bias), 
                                  array = y_b, format = "B")]
    hdu = pf.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols)
    hdu.writeto (out_fn, clobber = True)
Exemplo n.º 47
def color_mag_ratio(mgs,s82,decal,savefig=False):

    # Plot the spiral to elliptical ratio as a function of optical color.

    redshifts = (0.12,0.08,0.05)
    linestyles = ('solid','dashed','dashdot')

    datasets = ({'data':mgs,
                 'title':'Stripe 82',

    # Work out the magnitude limit from cosmology

    fig,axarr = plt.subplots(num=2,nrows=1,ncols=3,figsize=(12,5))

    for ax,d in zip(axarr.ravel(),datasets):
        for z,ls in zip(redshifts,linestyles):
            absmag_lim = d['appmag'] - WMAP9.distmod(z).value
            maglim = (d['data'][d['absr']] < absmag_lim) & (d['data'][d['redshift']] <= z)
            spiral = d['data'][d['sp']] >= 0.8
            elliptical = d['data'][d['el']] >= 0.8
            n_sp,bins_sp = np.histogram(d['data'][maglim & spiral][d['umag']] - d['data'][maglim & spiral][d['rmag']],range=(0,4),bins=25)
            n_el,bins_el = np.histogram(d['data'][maglim & elliptical][d['umag']] - d['data'][maglim & elliptical][d['rmag']],range=(0,4),bins=25)

            plotval = np.log10(n_sp * 1./n_el)
            ax.plot(bins_sp[1:],plotval,linestyle=ls,label=r'$M_r<{0:.2f}, z<{1:.2f}$'.format(absmag_lim,z))

        if ax == axarr.ravel()[0]:
            ax.legend(loc='upper left',fontsize=8)

    if savefig:

    return None
Exemplo n.º 48
def make_phys_gif_plots():
    natural_base = '_nref11_RD0020_'
    refined_base = '_nref11n_nref10f_refine200kpc_z4to2_RD0020_'
    box_size = ds.arr(rb_width, 'code_length').in_units('kpc')
    box_size = np.ceil(box_size / 2.)
    res_list = [0.2, 0.5, 1, 5, 10]
    fontrc = {'fontname': 'Helvetica', 'fontsize': 20}
    mpl.rc('text', usetex=True)
    make_imshow = True
    properties = ['hden', 'temp']
    lims = {'hden': (-6, -1), 'temp': (4.5, 6.5)}

    for line in lines:
        field = 'Emission_' + line
        for index in 'xyz':
            for res in res_list:
                for prop in properties:
                    if res == res_list[0]:
                        fileinNAT = 'frbs/frb' + index + natural_base + prop + '_' + field + '_forcedres.cpkl'
                        fileinREF = 'frbs/frb' + index + refined_base + prop + '_' + field + '_forcedres.cpkl'
                        pixsize = round(
                            cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(redshift).value *
                            0.182959, 2)
                        fileinNAT = 'frbs/frb' + index + natural_base + prop + '_' + field + '_' + str(
                            res) + 'kpc.cpkl'
                        fileinREF = 'frbs/frb' + index + refined_base + prop + '_' + field + '_' + str(
                            res) + 'kpc.cpkl'
                        pixsize = round(
                            cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(redshift).value * res,

                    frbNAT = cPickle.load(open(fileinNAT, 'rb'))
                    frbREF = cPickle.load(open(fileinREF, 'rb'))
                    frbNAT = np.log10(frbNAT / (1. + redshift)**4)
                    frbREF = np.log10(frbREF / (1. + redshift)**4)

                    bsL, bsR = -1 * box_size.value, box_size.value

                    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
                    fig.set_size_inches(10, 6)

                    im = ax[0].imshow(frbNAT,
                                      extent=(bsL, bsR, bsR, bsL),
                    im1 = ax[1].imshow(frbREF,
                                       extent=(bsL, bsR, bsR, bsL),

                    axins = inset_axes(
                        width="5%",  # width = 10% of parent_bbox width
                        height="100%",  # height : 50%
                        bbox_to_anchor=(1.07, 0.0, 1, 1),

                    ax[0].set_title('Natural', **fontrc)
                    ax[1].set_title('Forced Refine', **fontrc)
                    cb = fig.colorbar(
                        label=r'log( photons s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ sr$^{-1}$)')
                    if line == 'CIII_977':
                        lineout = 'CIII 977'
                        lineout = line
                            'z=2, ' + lineout + ', ' + str(res) + 'kpc' +
                            ', ' + str(pixsize) + '"', **fontrc)
                        plt.savefig('z2_' + index + '_' + prop + '_' + field +
                                    '_' + str(res) + 'kpc.pdf')
Exemplo n.º 49
def add_6df(simplifiedmastercat, sixdf, tol=1 * u.arcmin):
    Adds entries in the catalog for the 6dF survey, or updates v when missing
    from astropy import table
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    from astropy.constants import c

    ckps = c.to(u.km / u.s).value

    catcoo = SkyCoord(simplifiedmastercat['RA'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg,
                      simplifiedmastercat['Dec'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg)
    sixdfcoo = SkyCoord(sixdf['obsra'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg,
                        sixdf['obsdec'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg)

    idx, dd, d3d = sixdfcoo.match_to_catalog_sky(catcoo)
    msk = dd < tol

    sixdfnomatch = sixdf[~msk]

    t = table.Table()
    t.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='RA', data=sixdfnomatch['obsra']))
    t.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='Dec', data=sixdfnomatch['obsdec']))
                           data=-np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=int),
                           mask=np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=bool)))
                           data=-np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=int),
                           mask=np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=bool)))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='othername', data=sixdfnomatch['targetname']))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='vhelio', data=sixdfnomatch['z_helio'] * ckps))
    #t.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='vhelio_err', data=sixdfnomatch['zfinalerr']*ckps))

    #fill in anything else needed with -999 and masked
    for nm in simplifiedmastercat.colnames:
        if nm not in t.colnames:
                    data=-999 * np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=int),
                    mask=np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=bool)))

    t = table.vstack([simplifiedmastercat, t], join_type='exact')

    #now update anything that *did* match but doesn't have another velocity
    tcoo = SkyCoord(t['RA'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg,
                    t['Dec'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg)

    idx, dd, d3d = sixdfcoo.match_to_catalog_sky(tcoo)
    msk = dd < tol

    catmatch = t[idx[msk]]
    sixdfmatch = sixdf[msk]

    msk2 = t['vhelio'][idx[msk]].mask
    t['vhelio'][idx[msk & msk2]] = sixdf['z_helio'][msk2] * ckps

    return t
Exemplo n.º 50
def get_catalog(params, map_struct):
    if not os.path.isdir(params["catalogDir"]):

    catalogFile = os.path.join(params["catalogDir"],
                               "%s.hdf5" % params["galaxy_catalog"])

    """AB Magnitude zero point."""
    MAB0 = -2.5 * np.log10(3631.e-23)
    pc_cm = 3.08568025e18
    const = 4. * np.pi * (10. * pc_cm)**2.

    if params["galaxy_catalog"] == "2MRS":
        if not os.path.isfile(catalogFile):
            import astropy.constants as c

            cat, = Vizier.get_catalogs('J/ApJS/199/26/table3')

            ra, dec = cat["RAJ2000"], cat["DEJ2000"]
            cz = cat["cz"]
            magk = cat["Ktmag"]

            z = (u.Quantity(cat['cz']) / c.c).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)

            completeness = 0.5
            alpha = -1.0
            MK_star = -23.55
            MK_max = MK_star + 2.5 * np.log10(gammaincinv(alpha + 2,
            MK = magk - cosmo.distmod(z)
            idx = (z > 0) & (MK < MK_max)

            ra, dec = ra[idx], dec[idx]
            z = z[idx]
            magk = magk[idx]

            distmpc = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z).to('Mpc').value

            with h5py.File(catalogFile, 'w') as f:
                f.create_dataset('ra', data=ra)
                f.create_dataset('dec', data=dec)
                f.create_dataset('z', data=z)
                f.create_dataset('magk', data=magk)
                f.create_dataset('distmpc', data=distmpc)

            with h5py.File(catalogFile, 'r') as f:
                ra, dec = f['ra'][:], f['dec'][:]
                z = f['z'][:]
                magk = f['magk'][:]
                distmpc = f['distmpc'][:]
        r = distmpc * 1.0
        mag = magk * 1.0

    elif params["galaxy_catalog"] == "GLADE":
        if not os.path.isfile(catalogFile):
            cat, = Vizier.get_catalogs('VII/281/glade2')

            ra, dec = cat["RAJ2000"], cat["DEJ2000"]
            distmpc, z = cat["Dist"], cat["z"]
            magb, magk = cat["Bmag"], cat["Kmag"]
            # Keep track of galaxy identifier
            GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = cat["GWGC"], cat["PGC"], cat["HyperLEDA"]
            _2MASS, SDSS = cat["_2MASS"], cat["SDSS-DR12"]

            idx = np.where(distmpc >= 0)[0]
            ra, dec = ra[idx], dec[idx]
            distmpc, z = distmpc[idx], z[idx]
            magb, magk = magb[idx], magk[idx]
            GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[idx], PGC[idx], HyperLEDA[idx]
            _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[idx], SDSS[idx]

            with h5py.File(catalogFile, 'w') as f:
                f.create_dataset('ra', data=ra)
                f.create_dataset('dec', data=dec)
                f.create_dataset('distmpc', data=distmpc)
                f.create_dataset('magb', data=magb)
                f.create_dataset('magk', data=magk)
                f.create_dataset('z', data=z)
                # Add galaxy identifier
                f.create_dataset('GWGC', data=GWGC)
                f.create_dataset('PGC', data=PGC)
                f.create_dataset('HyperLEDA', data=HyperLEDA)
                f.create_dataset('2MASS', data=_2MASS)
                f.create_dataset('SDSS', data=SDSS)

            with h5py.File(catalogFile, 'r') as f:
                ra, dec = f['ra'][:], f['dec'][:]
                distmpc, z = f['distmpc'][:], f['z'][:]
                magb, magk = f['magb'][:], f['magk'][:]
                GWGC, PGC, _2MASS = f['GWGC'][:], f['PGC'][:], f['2MASS'][:]
                HyperLEDA, SDSS = f['HyperLEDA'][:], f['SDSS'][:]
                # Convert bytestring to unicode
                GWGC = GWGC.astype('U')
                PGC = PGC.astype('U')
                HyperLEDA = HyperLEDA.astype('U')
                _2MASS = _2MASS.astype('U')
                SDSS = SDSS.astype('U')

        # Keep only galaxies with finite B mag when using it in the grade
        if params["galaxy_grade"] == "S":
            idx = np.where(~np.isnan(magb))[0]
            ra, dec, distmpc = ra[idx], dec[idx], distmpc[idx]
            magb, magk = magb[idx], magk[idx]
            GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[idx], PGC[idx], HyperLEDA[idx]
            _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[idx], SDSS[idx]

        r = distmpc * 1.0
        mag = magb * 1.0

    elif params["galaxy_catalog"] == "CLU":
        if not os.path.isfile(catalogFile):
            raise ValueError("Please add %s." % catalogFile)

        cat = Table.read(catalogFile)
        name = cat['name']
        ra, dec = cat['ra'], cat['dec']
        sfr_fuv, mstar = cat['sfr_fuv'], cat['mstar']
        distmpc, magb = cat['distmpc'], cat['magb']
        a, b2a, pa = cat['a'], cat['b2a'], cat['pa']
        btc = cat['btc']

        idx = np.where(distmpc >= 0)[0]
        ra, dec = ra[idx], dec[idx]
        sfr_fuv, mstar = sfr_fuv[idx], mstar[idx]
        distmpc, magb = distmpc[idx], magb[idx]
        a, b2a, pa = a[idx], b2a[idx], pa[idx]
        btc = btc[idx]

        idx = np.where(~np.isnan(magb))[0]
        ra, dec = ra[idx], dec[idx]
        sfr_fuv, mstar = sfr_fuv[idx], mstar[idx]
        distmpc, magb = distmpc[idx], magb[idx]
        a, b2a, pa = a[idx], b2a[idx], pa[idx]
        btc = btc[idx]

        z = -1*np.ones(distmpc.shape)
        r = distmpc * 1.0
        mag = magb * 1.0

    elif params["galaxy_catalog"] == "mangrove":
        catalogFile = os.path.join(params["catalogDir"],
                               "%s.hdf5" % params["galaxy_catalog"])
        if not os.path.isfile(catalogFile):
            print("mangrove catalog not found localy, start the automatic download")
            url = 'https://mangrove.lal.in2p3.fr/data/mangrove.hdf5'
            os.system("wget -O {}/mangrove.hdf5 {}".format(params["catalogDir"], url))
        cat = Table.read(catalogFile)
        ra, dec = cat["RA"], cat["dec"]
        distmpc, z = cat["dist"], cat["z"]
        magb, magk = cat["B_mag"], cat["K_mag"]
        magW1, magW2, magW3, magW4 = cat["w1mpro"], cat["w2mpro"], cat["w3mpro"], cat["w4mpro"]
        stellarmass = cat['stellarmass']
        # Keep track of galaxy identifier
        GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = cat["GWGC_name"], cat["PGC"], cat["HyperLEDA_name"]
        _2MASS, SDSS = cat["2MASS_name"], cat["SDSS-DR12_name"]

        idx = np.where(distmpc >= 0)[0]
        ra, dec = ra[idx], dec[idx]
        distmpc, z = distmpc[idx], z[idx]
        magb, magk = magb[idx], magk[idx]
        magW1, magW2, magW3, magW4 = magW1[idx], magW2[idx], magW3[idx], magW4[idx]
        stellarmass = stellarmass[idx]
        GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[idx], PGC[idx], HyperLEDA[idx]
        _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[idx], SDSS[idx]

        # Convert bytestring to unicode
        GWGC = GWGC.astype('U')
        PGC = PGC.astype('U')
        HyperLEDA = HyperLEDA.astype('U')
        _2MASS = _2MASS.astype('U')
        SDSS = SDSS.astype('U')

        r = distmpc * 1.0
        mag = magb * 1.0

    n, cl = params["powerlaw_n"], params["powerlaw_cl"]
    dist_exp = params["powerlaw_dist_exp"]

    prob_scaled = copy.deepcopy(map_struct["prob"])
    prob_sorted = np.sort(prob_scaled)[::-1]
    prob_indexes = np.argsort(prob_scaled)[::-1]
    prob_cumsum = np.cumsum(prob_sorted)
    index = np.argmin(np.abs(prob_cumsum - cl)) + 1
    prob_scaled[prob_indexes[index:]] = 0.0
    prob_scaled = prob_scaled**n

    theta = 0.5 * np.pi - dec * 2 * np.pi / 360.0
    phi = ra * 2 * np.pi / 360.0
    ipix = hp.ang2pix(map_struct["nside"], ra, dec, lonlat=True)

    if "distnorm" in map_struct:
        if map_struct["distnorm"] is not None:
            #creat an mask to cut at 3 sigma in distance
            mask = np.zeros(len(r))
            #calculate the moments from distmu, distsigma and distnorm
            mom_mean, mom_std, mom_norm = distance.parameters_to_moments(map_struct["distmu"],map_struct["distsigma"])

            condition_indexer = np.where( (r < (mom_mean[ipix] + (3*mom_std[ipix]))) & (r > (mom_mean[ipix] - (3*mom_std[ipix])) )) 
            mask[condition_indexer] = 1

            Sloc = prob_scaled[ipix] * (map_struct["distnorm"][ipix] *
                                        map_struct["distsigma"][ipix]).pdf(r))**params["powerlaw_dist_exp"] / map_struct["pixarea"]
            #multiplie the Sloc by 1 or 0 according to the 3 sigma condistion
            Sloc = Sloc*mask
            idx = np.where(condition_indexer)[0]
            Sloc = copy.copy(prob_scaled[ipix])
            idx = np.arange(len(r)).astype(int)
        Sloc = copy.copy(prob_scaled[ipix])
        idx = np.arange(len(r)).astype(int)

    # this happens when we are using a tiny catalog...
    if np.all(Sloc == 0.0):
        Sloc[:] = 1.0

    #new version of the Slum calcul (from HOGWARTs)
    Lsun = 3.828e26
    Msun = 4.83
    Mknmin = -19
    Mknmax = -12
    Lblist = []
    for i in range(0, len(r)):
        Mb = mag[i] - 5 * np.log10((r[i] * 10 ** 6)) + 5
        #L = Lsun * 2.512 ** (Msun - Mb)
        Lb = Lsun * 2.512 ** (Msun - Mb)
    #set 0 when Sloc is 0 (keep compatible galaxies for normalization)
    Lblist = np.array(Lblist)
    Lblist[Sloc == 0] = 0

    Slum = Lblist / np.nansum(np.array(Lblist))
    L_nu = const * 10.**((mag + MAB0)/(-2.5))
    L_nu = L_nu / np.nanmax(L_nu[idx])
    L_nu = L_nu**params["catalog_n"]
    L_nu[L_nu < 0.001] = 0.001
    L_nu[L_nu > 1.0] = 1.0
    Slum = L_nu / np.sum(L_nu)

    mlim, M_KNmin, M_KNmax = 22, -17, -12
    L_KNmin = const * 10.**((M_KNmin + MAB0)/(-2.5))
    L_KNmax = const * 10.**((M_KNmax + MAB0)/(-2.5))

    Llim = 4. * np.pi * (r * 1e6 * pc_cm)**2. * 10.**((mlim + MAB0)/(-2.5))
    Sdet = (L_KNmax-Llim)/(L_KNmax-L_KNmin)
    Sdet[Sdet < 0.01] = 0.01
    Sdet[Sdet > 1.0] = 1.0

    # Set nan values to zero
    Sloc[np.isnan(Sloc)] = 0
    Slum[np.isnan(Slum)] = 0

    if params["galaxy_grade"] == "Smass":
        if params["galaxy_catalog"] != "mangrove":
            raise ValueError("You are trying to use the stellar mass information (Smass), please select the mangrove catalog for such use.")

        #set Smass
        Smass = np.array(stellarmass)
        #put null values to nan
        Smass[np.where(Smass == 0)] = np.nan

        #go back to linear scaling and not log
        Smass = 10**Smass

        # Keep only galaxies with finite stellarmass when using it in the grade
        #set nan values to 0
        Smass[~np.isfinite(Smass)] = 0  
        #set Smass
        Smass = Smass / np.sum(Smass)
	#alpha is defined only with non null mass galaxies, we set a mask for that
        ind_without_mass = np.where(Smass == 0)
        Sloc_temp = copy.deepcopy(Sloc)
        Sloc_temp[ind_without_mass] = 0

        #alpha_mass parameter is defined in such way that in mean Sloc count in as much as Sloc*alpha*Smass
        alpha_mass = (np.sum(Sloc_temp) / np.sum( Sloc_temp*Smass ) )
        print("You chose to use the grade using stellar mass, the parameters values are:")
        print("alpha_mass =", alpha_mass)

	#beta_mass is a parameter allowing to change the importance of Sloc according to Sloc*alpha*Smass
        #beta_mass should be fitted in the futur on real GW event for which we have the host galaxy
        #fixed to one at the moment
        beta_mass = 1
        print("beta_mass =", beta_mass)

        Smass = Sloc*(1+ (alpha_mass*beta_mass*Smass) )
        #Smass = Sloc*Smass
    S = Sloc*Slum*Sdet

    prob = np.zeros(map_struct["prob"].shape)
    if params["galaxy_grade"] == "Sloc":     
        for j in range(len(ipix)):
            prob[ipix[j]] += Sloc[j]
        grade = Sloc
    elif params["galaxy_grade"] == "S":
        for j in range(len(ipix)):
            prob[ipix[j]] += S[j]
        grade = S
    elif params["galaxy_grade"] == "Smass":
        for j in range(len(ipix)):
            prob[ipix[j]] += Smass[j]
        grade = Smass
    prob = prob / np.sum(prob)

    map_struct['prob_catalog'] = prob
    if params["doUseCatalog"]:
        map_struct['prob'] = prob

    Lblist = np.array(Lblist)

    idx = np.where(~np.isnan(grade))[0]
    grade = grade[idx]
    ra, dec, Sloc, S = ra[idx], dec[idx], Sloc[idx], S[idx]
    distmpc, z = distmpc[idx], z[idx]

    if params["galaxy_catalog"] == "GLADE":
        GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[idx], PGC[idx], HyperLEDA[idx]
        _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[idx], SDSS[idx]
        Lblist = Lblist[idx]
        magb = magb[idx]
    if params["galaxy_catalog"] == "mangrove":
        GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[idx], PGC[idx], HyperLEDA[idx]
        _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[idx], SDSS[idx]   
        stellarmass, magb = stellarmass[idx], magb[idx]
        if params["galaxy_grade"] == "Smass":
            Smass = Smass[idx]

    Sthresh = np.max(grade)*0.01
    idx = np.where(grade >= Sthresh)[0]
    grade = grade[idx]
    ra, dec, Sloc, S = ra[idx], dec[idx], Sloc[idx], S[idx]
    distmpc, z = distmpc[idx], z[idx]
    if params["galaxy_catalog"] == "GLADE":
        GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[idx], PGC[idx], HyperLEDA[idx]
        _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[idx], SDSS[idx]
    idx = np.argsort(grade)[::-1]
    grade = grade[idx]

    ra, dec, Sloc, S = ra[idx], dec[idx], Sloc[idx], S[idx]
    distmpc, z = distmpc[idx], z[idx]
    if params["galaxy_catalog"] == "GLADE":
        GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[idx], PGC[idx], HyperLEDA[idx]
        _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[idx], SDSS[idx]
        Lblist = Lblist[idx]
        magb = magb[idx]

    if params["galaxy_catalog"] == "mangrove":
        GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[idx], PGC[idx], HyperLEDA[idx]
        _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[idx], SDSS[idx]
        stellarmass, magb = stellarmass[idx], magb[idx]
        if params["galaxy_grade"] == "Smass":
            Smass = Smass[idx]
    # Keep only galaxies within 3sigma in distance
    if params["galaxy_catalog"] != "mangrove":
        mask = Sloc > 0
        ra, dec, Sloc, S = ra[mask], dec[mask], Sloc[mask], S[mask],
        distmpc, z = distmpc[mask], z[mask]
        if params["galaxy_catalog"] == "GLADE":
            GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[mask], PGC[mask], HyperLEDA[mask]
            _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[mask], SDSS[mask]
            Lblist = Lblist[mask]

    if params["galaxy_catalog"] == "mangrove":
        # Keep only galaxies within 3sigma in distance
        mask = Sloc > 0
        ra, dec, Sloc, S = ra[mask], dec[mask], Sloc[mask], S[mask]
        distmpc, z = distmpc[mask], z[mask]
        GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[mask], PGC[mask], HyperLEDA[mask]
        _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[mask], SDSS[mask]
        stellarmass, magb = stellarmass[mask], magb[mask]

        if params["galaxy_grade"] == "Smass":
            Smass = Smass[mask]

    if len(ra) > 2000:
        print('Cutting catalog to top 2000 galaxies...')
        idx = np.arange(2000).astype(int)
        ra, dec, Sloc, S = ra[idx], dec[idx], Sloc[idx], S[idx]
        distmpc, z = distmpc[idx], z[idx]
        if params["galaxy_catalog"] == "GLADE":
            GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[idx], PGC[idx], HyperLEDA[idx]
            _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[idx], SDSS[idx]
            Lblist = Lblist[idx]
            magb = magb[idx]

        elif params["galaxy_catalog"] == "mangrove":
            GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA = GWGC[idx], PGC[idx], HyperLEDA[idx]
            _2MASS, SDSS = _2MASS[idx], SDSS[idx]
            stellarmass, magb = stellarmass[idx], magb[idx]

            if params["galaxy_grade"] == "Smass":
                Smass = Smass[idx]

    # now normalize the distributions
    S = S / np.sum(S)
    Sloc = Sloc / np.sum(Sloc)

    if params["galaxy_grade"] == "Smass":
        Smass = Smass/np.sum(Smass)
        Smass = np.ones(Sloc.shape)
        Smass = Smass/np.sum(Smass)

    catalog_struct = {}
    catalog_struct["ra"] = ra
    catalog_struct["dec"] = dec
    catalog_struct["Sloc"] = Sloc
    catalog_struct["S"] = S
    catalog_struct["Smass"] = Smass

    if params["writeCatalog"]:
        catalogfile = os.path.join(params["outputDir"], 'catalog.csv')
        fid = open(catalogfile, 'w')
        cnt = 1
        if params["galaxy_catalog"] == "GLADE":

            if params["galaxy_grade"] == "S":
                fid.write("id, RAJ2000, DEJ2000, Sloc, S, Dist, z,GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA, 2MASS, SDSS, BLum\n")
                for a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l in zip(ra, dec, Sloc, S, distmpc, z, GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA, _2MASS, SDSS, Lblist):
                    fid.write("%d, %.5f, %.5f, %.5e, %.5e, %.4f, %.4f, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %.2E\n" % (cnt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l))
                    cnt = cnt + 1

                fid.write("id, RAJ2000, DEJ2000, Sloc, S, Dist, z, GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA, 2MASS, SDSS\n")
                for a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k in zip(ra, dec, Sloc, S, distmpc, z, GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA, _2MASS, SDSS):
                    fid.write("%d, %.5f, %.5f, %.5e, %.5e, %.4f, %.4f, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n" % (cnt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k))
                    cnt = cnt + 1

        elif params["galaxy_catalog"] == "mangrove":

            if params["galaxy_grade"] == "Smass":
                fid.write("id, RAJ2000, DEJ2000, Smass, S, Sloc, Dist, z, GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA, 2MASS, SDSS, B_mag, stellarmass\n")
                for a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n in zip(ra, dec, Smass, S, Sloc, distmpc, z, GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA, _2MASS, SDSS, magb, stellarmass):
                    fid.write("%d, %.5f, %.5f, %.5e, %.5e, %.5e, %.4f, %.4f, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n" % (cnt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n))
                    cnt = cnt + 1
                fid.write("id, RAJ2000, DEJ2000, Sloc, S, Dist, z, GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA, 2MASS, SDSS\n")
                for a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k in zip(ra, dec, Sloc, S, distmpc, z, GWGC, PGC, HyperLEDA, _2MASS, SDSS):
                    fid.write("%d, %.5f, %.5f, %.5e, %.5e, %.4f, %.4f, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n" % (cnt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k))
                    cnt = cnt + 1
            fid.write("id, RAJ2000, DEJ2000, Sloc, S, Dist, z\n")
            for a, b, c, d in zip(ra, dec, Sloc, S, distmpc, z):
                fid.write("%d, %.5f, %.5f, %.5e, %.5e, %.4f, %.4f\n" % (cnt, a, b, c, d, e, f))
                cnt = cnt + 1


    return map_struct, catalog_struct
Exemplo n.º 51
def simplify_catalog(mastercat, quickld=True):
    Removes most of the unnecessary columns from the master catalog and joins
    fields where relevant

    mastercat : astropy.table.Table
        The table from initial_catalog
    quickld : bool
        If True, means do the "quick" version of the luminosity distance
        calculation (takes <1 sec as opposed to a min or so, but is only good
        to a few kpc)
    from astropy import table

    from astropy.constants import c

    ckps = c.to(u.km / u.s).value

    tab = table.Table()

    # use NSA unless it's missing, in which case use LEDA
    ras = mastercat['al2000'] * 15
    ras[~mastercat['RA'].mask] = mastercat['RA'][~mastercat['RA'].mask]
    decs = mastercat['de2000']
    decs[~mastercat['DEC'].mask] = mastercat['DEC'][~mastercat['DEC'].mask]

    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='RA', data=ras, unit=u.deg))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='Dec', data=decs, unit=u.deg))

    pgc = mastercat['pgc'].copy()
    pgc.mask = mastercat['pgc'] < 0
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='PGC#', data=pgc))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='NSAID', data=mastercat['NSAID']))
    #do these in order of how 'preferred' the object name is.
    nameorder = ('Objname', 'Name_eddkk', 'objname', 'Name_2mass'
                 )  # this is: EDD, KK, LEDA, 2MASS
    #need to figure out which has the *largest* name strings, because we have a fixed number of characters
    largestdt = np.dtype('S1')
    for nm in nameorder:
        if mastercat.dtype[nm] > largestdt:
            largestdt = mastercat.dtype[nm]
            largestdtnm = nm
    names = mastercat[largestdtnm].copy(
    )  # these will all be overwritten - just use it for shape
    for nm in nameorder:
        msk = ~mastercat[nm].mask
        names[msk] = mastercat[nm][msk]
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='othername', data=names))

    #After this, everything should have either an NSAID, a PGC#, or a name (or more than one)

    #start with LEDA
    vs = mastercat['v'].astype(float)
    v_errs = mastercat['e_v'].astype(float)

    #Now add vhelio from the the EDD
    eddvhel = mastercat['Vhel_eddkk']
    vs[~eddvhel.mask] = eddvhel[~eddvhel.mask]
    #EDD has no v-errors, so mask them
    v_errs[~eddvhel.mask] = 0
    v_errs.mask[~eddvhel.mask] = True

    #then the NSA *observed* velocity, if available (NOT the same as distance)
    vs[~mastercat['Z'].mask] = mastercat['Z'][~mastercat['Z'].mask] * ckps
    v_errs.mask[~mastercat['Z'].mask] = True
    #v_errs[~mastercat['Z_ERR'].mask] = mastercat['Z_ERR'][~mastercat['Z_ERR'].mask] * ckps

    #finally, KK when present if its not available from one of the above
    kkvh = mastercat['Vh']
    vs[~kkvh.mask] = kkvh[~kkvh.mask]
    #KK has no v-errors, so mask them
    v_errs[~kkvh.mask] = 0
    v_errs.mask[~kkvh.mask] = True

    #start with all inf, and all masked
    dist = np.ones_like(mastercat['Dist_edd']) * np.inf
    dist.mask[:] = True

    #first populate those that are in EDD with CMD-based distance
    msk = mastercat['So_eddkk'] == 1
    dist[msk] = mastercat['Dist_edd'][msk]

    #now populate from the NSA if not in the above
    msk = (dist.mask) & (~mastercat['ZDIST'].mask)
    dist[msk] = mastercat['ZDIST'][msk] * ckps / WMAP9.H(0).value

    #finally, add in anything in the KK that's not elsewhere
    msk = (dist.mask) & (~mastercat['Dist_kk'].mask)
    dist[msk] = mastercat['Dist_kk'][msk]

    # #for those *without* EDD or KK, use the redshift's luminosity distance
    # premsk = dist.mask.copy()
    # zs = vs[premsk]/ckps
    # if quickld:
    #     ldx = np.linspace(zs.min(), zs.max(), 1000)
    #     ldy = WMAP9.luminosity_distance(ldx).to(u.Mpc).value
    #     ld = np.interp(zs, ldx, ldy)
    # else:
    #     ld = WMAP9.luminosity_distance(zs).to(u.Mpc).value
    # dist[premsk] = ld
    # dist.mask[premsk] = vs.mask[premsk]

    distmod = 5 * np.log10(dist) + 25  # used in phot section

    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='vhelio', data=vs))
    #decided to remove v-errors
    #tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='vhelio_err', data=v_errs))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='distance', data=dist, unit=u.Mpc))

        table.MaskedColumn(name='r', data=mastercat['ABSMAG_r'] + distmod))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='i', data=mastercat['ABSMAG_i'] + distmod))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='z', data=mastercat['ABSMAG_z'] + distmod))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='I', data=mastercat['it']))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='K', data=mastercat['K_tc']))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='K_err', data=mastercat['e_K']))

    #Stellar mass/SFR
                           data=mastercat['MASS'] *
                           (WMAP9.H(0).value / 100)**-2))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='SFR_B300', data=mastercat['B300']))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='SFR_B1000', data=mastercat['B1000']))

    return tab
Exemplo n.º 52
def load_model(objname='', datname='', zname='', agelims=[], **extras):
    ###### REDSHIFT ######
    ### open file, load data

    with open(datname, 'r') as f:
        hdr = f.readline().split()
    dtype = np.dtype([(hdr[1], 'S20')] + [(n, np.float) for n in hdr[2:]])
    dat = np.loadtxt(datname, comments='#', delimiter=' ', dtype=dtype)

    with open(zname, 'r') as fz:
        hdr_z = fz.readline().split()
    dtype_z = np.dtype([(hdr_z[1], 'S20')] + [(n, np.float)
                                              for n in hdr_z[2:]])
    zout = np.loadtxt(zname, comments='#', delimiter=' ', dtype=dtype_z)

    idx = dat['id'] == objname
    zred = zout['z_spec'][idx][0]  # BUCKET FIX THE INDEX HERE
    if zred == -99:
        zred = zout['z_peak'][idx][0]

    print(zred, 'zred')

    #### CALCULATE TUNIV #####
    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value
    print(tuniv, 'tuniv')

    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]
    model_params[n.index('tage')]['prior_args']['maxi'] = tuniv

    #### NONPARAMETRIC SFH ######  # NEW
    #     agelims[-1] = np.log10(tuniv*1e9)
    ncomp = len(agelims) - 1
    agelims = [
        0.0, 7.0, 8.0, (8.0 + (np.log10(tuniv * 1e9) - 8.0) / 4),
        (8.0 + 2 * (np.log10(tuniv * 1e9) - 8.0) / 4),
        (8.0 + 3 * (np.log10(tuniv * 1e9) - 8.0) / 4),
        np.log10(tuniv * 1e9)
    agebins = np.array([agelims[:-1], agelims[1:]])
    # calculate the somethings: [0, a, b, b + (f-b)/4, b + 2*(f-b)/4, b + 3*(f-b)/4, b + 4*(f-b)/4 = f]

    zind = n.index('zred')
    model_params[zind]['init'] = zred

    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['N'] = ncomp
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['init'] = agebins.T

    # N-1 bins, last is set by x = 1 - np.sum(sfr_fraction)
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['N'] = ncomp - 1
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['prior_args'] = {
        'maxi': np.full(ncomp - 1, 1.0),
        'mini': np.full(ncomp - 1, 0.0),
        # NOTE: ncomp instead of ncomp-1 makes the prior take into
        # account the implicit Nth variable too
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['init'] = np.zeros(ncomp -
                                                             1) + 1. / ncomp
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['init_disp'] = 0.02

    model = BurstyModel(model_params)

    return model
Exemplo n.º 53
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
from astropy import units as u
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

small_radius = 7 * u.kpc
large_radius = 50 * u.kpc

z_range = np.linspace(0.02, 1.50, 75)

small_angles = []
large_angles = []

for z in z_range:
    scale = cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(z)
    small_angles.append((small_radius * scale).value)
    large_angles.append((large_radius * scale).value)


plt.plot(z_range, small_angles, label="Typical Small Galaxy (Radius 7 Kpc)")
plt.plot(z_range, large_angles, label="Typical Large Galaxy (Radius 50 Kpc)")
plt.axhline(y=10, color='r', linestyle='-', label="ASASSN cut")

path = "plots/galaxy_radius.pdf"

print "Saving to", path

Exemplo n.º 54
def begin(index):
	#i = int(index)
	i = int(index.split('-')[0])
	mgi = int(index.split('-')[1])
	color = index.split('-')[2]
	#filename = 'Test Data Extract/' + str(i) + '.fit'
	#filename = str(i) + '-g.fit'

	#filename = '/data/marvels/billzhu/2175 Dataset/' + color + '/' + str(index) + '.fit'
	#filename = '/data/marvels/billzhu/2175 Reference Dataset/' + color + '/' + str(index) + '.fit'
	filename = '/data/marvels/billzhu/Reference Dataset/0.37 - 0.55/' + color + '/' + str(index) + '.fit'
	#filename = '/data/marvels/billzhu/MG II Dataset/0.37 - 0.55/' + color + '/' + str(i) + '-' + color + '.fit'
	hdulist = fits.open(filename)

	#qlist = fits.open('MG II Test Cut/' + str(i) + '_MG.fit')

	#qlist = fits.open('/data/marvels/billzhu/2175 Quasar Cut/' + color + '/' + str(index) + '_DUST.fit')
	#qlist = fits.open('/data/marvels/billzhu/2175 Reference Quasar Cut/' + color + '/' + str(index) + '_REF.fit')
	qlist = fits.open('/data/marvels/billzhu/Reference Quasar Cut/0.37 - 0.55/' + color + '/' + str(index) + '_REF.fit')
	#qlist = fits.open('/data/marvels/billzhu/MG II Quasar Cut/0.37 - 0.55/' + color + '/' + str(i) + '-' + color + '_MG.fit')

	qx = qlist[0].header['XCOORD']
	qy = qlist[0].header['YCOORD']
	obj_id = qlist[0].header['ID']
	mean1 = qlist[0].header['MEAN_BKG']
	median1 = qlist[0].header['MED_BKG']
	std1 = qlist[0].header['STD_BKG']
	redshift = qlist[0].header['ZABS']
	#print("%f, %f" % (x, y))

	#    print("No coordinates")
	#    return

	# Save some frickin time

	scidata = hdulist[0].data.astype(float)

	#print(sigma_clipped_stats(scidata, sigma=3.0, maxiters=5))

	pointer = 0
	if color == 'g':
		pointer = 1
	if color == 'r':
		pointer = 2
	if color == 'i':
		pointer = 3
	if color == 'z':
		pointer = 4
	if color == 'u':
		pointer = 0

	#bkg_sigma = mad_std(scidata)

		#print('/data/marvels/billzhu/MG II Obj/0.37 - 0.55/' + str(i) + '.fit')
		#obj_table = Table.read('/data/marvels/billzhu/2175 Obj/' + str(i) + '-' + str(mgi) + '.fit', hdu=1)
		#obj_table = Table.read('/data/marvels/billzhu/2175 Reference Obj/' + str(i) + '-' + str(mgi) + '.fit', hdu=1)
		#obj_table = Table.read('/data/marvels/billzhu/MG II Obj/0.37 - 0.55/' + str(i) + '_Obj.fit', hdu=1)
		obj_table = Table.read('/data/marvels/billzhu/Reference Obj/0.37 - 0.55/' + str(i) + '_Obj.fit', hdu=1)
		print(str(i) + ' No Table')
	#line_data = linecache.getline('Full Data.txt', i).split()
	#line_data = linecache.getline('DR12 QSO.txt', i).split()
	#obj_id = int(line_data[52])
	quasar = obj_table[obj_id - 1]

		print("%d, %f" % (obj_id, obj_table['M_rr_cc'][obj_id - 1][pointer]))
		print("can't print table")

	# If no quasar is found, the field image is deemed corrupt and not used
	if quasar == 0:
		print(str(i) + ' No quasar')

	# Calculate the 18 magnitude threshold

	mag18 = 0
	header = hdulist[0].header

	pstable = Table.read('/data/marvels/billzhu/Reference psField/0.37 - 0.55/' + str(i) + '_psField.fit', hdu=7)
	mag20 = pstable['flux20']

	if color == 'g':
		mag18 = mag20[1] * 10 **(8. - 18/2.5)
	if color == 'r':
		mag18 = mag20[2] * 10 **(8. - 18/2.5)
	if color == 'i':
		mag18 = mag20[3] * 10 **(8. - 18/2.5)
	if color == 'z':
		mag18 = mag20[4] * 10 **(8. - 18/2.5)

	#qsocut = fits.open('/data/marvels/billzhu/2175 Quasar Cut/' + color + '/' + str(index) + '_DUST.fit')
	#qsocut = fits.open('/data/marvels/billzhu/2175 Reference Quasar Cut/' + color + '/' + str(index) + '_REF.fit')
	qsocut = fits.open('/data/marvels/billzhu/Reference Quasar Cut/0.37 - 0.55/' + color + '/' + str(index) + '_REF.fit')
	#qsocut = fits.open('/data/marvels/billzhu/MG II Quasar Cut/0.37 - 0.55/' + color + '/' + str(i) + '-' + color + '_MG.fit')
	qsodata = qsocut[0].data.astype(float)

	if qsodata[50, 50] < 5:


	largearr = []
	stars = []
	chunk_size = 50
	diff_fwhm = 1000000

	counter = 0

	scale = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(redshift) * u.arcmin / u.kiloparsec * 0.396 / 60

	#filedir = '/data/marvels/billzhu/background/' + color + '/'
	filedir = '/data/marvels/billzhu/Reference Background/' + color + '/'

	for j in range(len(obj_table)):
		sx = obj_table['colc'][j][pointer]
		sy = obj_table['rowc'][j][pointer]
		flags1 = detflags(obj_table['objc_flags'][j])
		flags2 = detflags(obj_table['objc_flags2'][j])

			if obj_table['objc_type'][j] == 6 and flags1[12] == False and flags1[17] == False and flags1[18] == False and flags2[27] == False and distance(sx, sy, qx, qy) > 5 and inbounds(sx + chunk_size + 6, sy + chunk_size + 6) and inbounds(sx - chunk_size - 5, sy - chunk_size - 5) and obj_table['psfCounts'][j][pointer] > mag18 and obj_table['M_rr_cc'][j][pointer] > 0 and abs(obj_table['M_rr_cc'][j][pointer] - obj_table['M_rr_cc'][obj_id - 1][pointer]) < 0.1 * obj_table['M_rr_cc'][obj_id - 1][pointer]:
				preshift = scidata[int(sy - 10) : int(sy + 11), int(sx - 10) : int(sx + 11)]
				xc, yc = centroid_2dg(preshift, mask = None)
				xc += quasar['colc'][pointer] - 10
				yc += quasar['rowc'][pointer] - 10

				xc = obj_table['colc'][j][pointer]
				yc = obj_table['rowc'][j][pointer]

				#preshift = scidata[int(yc - chunk_size - 5) : int(yc + chunk_size + 6), int(xc - chunk_size - 5) : int(xc + chunk_size + 6)]

				#print("%f, %f" % (xc, yc))
				xu = xc + 350.0
				xl = xc - 350.0
				yu = yc + 350.0
				yl = yc - 350.0
				xc1 = xc
				yc1 = yc

				if xu >= 2048:
					xu = 2047

				if xl < 0:
					xl = 0
					xc1 = xc - int(xc) + 350.0

				if yu >= 1489:
					yu = 1488

				if yl < 0:
					yl = 0
					yc1 = yc - int(yc) + 350.0

				#print("%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f" % (xc1, yc1, xl, yl, xu, yu))
				scidata2 = np.array(scidata[int(yl) : int(yu), int(xl) : int(xu)])
				visited = np.zeros((len(scidata2), len(scidata2[0])), dtype=bool)
				scidata2 = checkInner(scidata2, obj_table, xc, yc, xc1, yc1, mean1, std1, visited, pointer)
				bkg_stats = calc_background_stats(scidata2, xc1, yc1, int(400 / scale), int(500 / scale))

				if scidata2[int(yc1), int(xc1)] - bkg_stats[0] > 20:
					#print("%f, %f" % (xc1, yc1))
					coldefs = calc_arcsec_stats(scidata2, xc1, yc1, counter, color)
					bkg_col = fits.Column(name=str(round(float(400/scale * 0.396), 3)) + '-' + str(round(float(500/scale * 0.396), 3)) + ' arcsec bkg stats', format='D', unit='counts', array=bkg_stats)

					hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(coldefs)
					hdu.writeto(filedir + index + '_' + str(counter) + '.fits', overwrite=True)
					counter += 1

Exemplo n.º 55
def lce_norm(ns):
	return f*H/k_unit/(1+step2z[ns])
Exemplo n.º 56
def Flux_and_lumin_rest_frame(results, GRB_name, z, Epeak_rest):

    #epeak is log value, so we need to recalculate it back
    Ep = np.power(10, Epeak_rest)

    Fluxes = []
    Flux_errs = []

    Lumins = []
    Lumin_errs = []

    for timebin in results:

        ep_index = results.index(timebin)

        e1 = 0.5 * Ep[ep_index]
        e2 = Ep[ep_index]

        variate = Variates(timebin)
        loop_len = variate.length

        if variate.name == 'Band_grbm':
            flux = []
            for id in range(loop_len):
                param = Params(id, variate)
                params = param.K, param.alpha, param.xc, param.beta
                temp_flux = integrate.quad(my_band, e1, e2, args=params)
                temp_flux = temp_flux[
                    0] * 1.60218e-9  # from keV to ergs! (/cm2/s)

        if variate.name == 'Cutoff_powerlaw':
            flux = []
            for id in range(loop_len):
                param = Params(id, variate)
                params = param.K, param.index, param.xc
                temp_flux = integrate.quad(my_cutoffpl, e1, e2, args=params)
                temp_flux = temp_flux[
                    0] * 1.60218e-9  # from keV to ergs! (/cm2/s)

        flux = RandomVariates(flux)

        log_flux = np.log10(flux)

        hpd = log_flux.highest_posterior_density_interval()
        err_temp = hpd[1] - log_flux.median, log_flux.median - hpd[0]

        log_flux_err = (np.array(err_temp)).max()

        timebin_index = results.index(timebin) + 1

        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        fig.suptitle('log_Flux distribution - %s_timebin_%d' %
                     (GRB_name, timebin_index),
        ax.hist(log_flux, 50, alpha=0.5)
        ax.scatter(hpd, [1, 1], label='hpd', marker='v', s=100)
        ax.scatter(log_flux.median, 1, label='median', marker='v', s=100)
            % (GRB_name, timebin_index),

        # now calculate luminosities:

        dL = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z)
        dL = dL.to(u.cm)
        dL = dL.value

        lumin = flux * 4 * math.pi * dL * dL

        log_lumin = np.log10(lumin)

        hpd = log_lumin.highest_posterior_density_interval()
        err_temp = hpd[1] - log_lumin.median, log_lumin.median - hpd[0]

        log_lumin_err = (np.array(err_temp)).max()

        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        fig.suptitle('log_Luminosity distribution - %s_timebin_%d' %
                     (GRB_name, timebin_index),
        ax.hist(log_lumin, 50, alpha=0.5)
        ax.scatter(hpd, [1, 1], label='hpd', marker='v', s=100)
        ax.scatter(log_lumin.median, 1, label='median', marker='v', s=100)
            % (GRB_name, timebin_index),



    Fluxes = np.array(Fluxes)
    Flux_errs = np.array(Flux_errs)
    Lumins = np.array(Lumins)
    Lumin_errs = np.array(Lumin_errs)

    F_and_L_w_errs = Fluxes, Flux_errs, Lumins, Lumin_errs
    return F_and_L_w_errs
Exemplo n.º 57
def rand_counts(gal_field,
                R=10**np.linspace(1.2, 3.6, 13),
    #picking random location for galaxy number density#
    if gal_field == 'AEGIS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(3.746000, 3.756821)
        dec1 = random.uniform(0.920312, 0.925897)
    elif gal_field == 'COSMOS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(2.619737, 2.620718)
        dec1 = random.uniform(0.038741, 0.043811)
    elif gal_field == 'GOODS-N':
        ra1 = random.uniform(3.298072, 3.307597)
        dec1 = random.uniform(1.084787, 1.087936)
    elif gal_field == 'GOODS-S':
        ra1 = random.uniform(0.925775, 0.929397)
        dec1 = random.uniform(-0.487098, -0.483591)
    elif gal_field == 'UDS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(0.59815, 0.602889)
        dec1 = random.uniform(-0.091376, -0.090305)

    from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u

    #switching ra and dec to degrees#
    ra1 = ra1 * (180.0 / math.pi)
    dec1 = dec1 * (180.0 / math.pi)

    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data_flagged[data_flagged['field'] == gal_field]

    #binning the satellites based on mass#
    mask = ((np.abs(data_tmp['z_peak'] - z) <= delta_z) &
            (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass))
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]
    lst_gal1 = lst_gal[(lst_gal['lmass'] < 9.8)]
    lst_gal2 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 10.3) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 9.8))]
    lst_gal3 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 10.8) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 10.3))]
    lst_gal4 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 11.8) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 10.8))]

    #finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc * (R * u.kpc)

    #calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(ra1 * u.deg, dec1 * u.deg)
    sc1 = SkyCoord(lst_gal1['ra'] * u.deg, lst_gal1['dec'] * u.deg)
    sc2 = SkyCoord(lst_gal2['ra'] * u.deg, lst_gal2['dec'] * u.deg)
    sc3 = SkyCoord(lst_gal3['ra'] * u.deg, lst_gal3['dec'] * u.deg)
    sc4 = SkyCoord(lst_gal4['ra'] * u.deg, lst_gal4['dec'] * u.deg)
    sep1 = sc0.separation(sc1).to(u.arcmin)
    sep2 = sc0.separation(sc2).to(u.arcmin)
    sep3 = sc0.separation(sc3).to(u.arcmin)
    sep4 = sc0.separation(sc4).to(u.arcmin)

    #finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nn1 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn2 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn3 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn4 = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii, r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nn1[ii] = np.sum(sep1 <= r)
        nn2[ii] = np.sum(sep2 <= r)
        nn3[ii] = np.sum(sep3 <= r)
        nn4[ii] = np.sum(sep4 <= r)

    #returning four lists of counts per radius with low end number for low mass bin#
    return [nn1, nn2, nn3, nn4]
def load_model(objname, field, agelims=[], **extras):
    # open file, load data

    photname, zname, fname, filtername, filts = get_names(field)

    with open(photname, 'r') as f:
        hdr = f.readline().split()
    dtype = np.dtype([(hdr[1], 'S20')] + [(n, np.float) for n in hdr[2:]])
    dat = np.loadtxt(photname, comments='#', delimiter=' ', dtype=dtype)

    with open(zname, 'r') as fz:
        hdr_z = fz.readline().split()
    dtype_z = np.dtype([(hdr_z[1], 'S20')] + [(n, np.float)
                                              for n in hdr_z[2:]])
    zout = np.loadtxt(zname, comments='#', delimiter=' ', dtype=dtype_z)

    idx = dat['id'] == objname  # creates T/F array: True when dat[id] = objname
    zred = zout['z_spec'][idx][0]  # use z_spec
    if zred == -99:  # if z_spec doesn't exist
        zred = zout['z_peak'][idx][0]  # use z_phot
    print(zred, 'zred')

    with open(fname, 'r') as ff:
        hdr_f = ff.readline().split()
    dtype_f = np.dtype([(hdr_f[1], 'S20')] + [(n, np.float)
                                              for n in hdr_f[2:]])
    fout = np.loadtxt(fname, comments='#', delimiter=' ', dtype=dtype_f)
    idx_f = fout[
        'id'] == objname  # creates T/F array: True when fout[id] = objname
    lmass = fout['lmass'][idx_f][0]
    print(lmass, 'lmass')
    # met = [-1.5, 0.5, -0.3]
    if lmass <= 9.7:
        met = [-1.0, 0.0, -0.6]
    elif 9.7 < lmass <= 10.0:
        met = [-0.9, 0.1, -0.4]
    elif 10.0 < lmass <= 10.3:
        met = [-0.8, 0.15, -0.2]
    elif lmass > 10.3:
        met = [-0.2, 0.3, 0.0]

    tuniv = WMAP9.age(zred).value
    print(tuniv, 'tuniv')

    n = [p['name'] for p in model_params]
    # model_params[n.index('tage')]['prior_args']['maxi'] = tuniv

    model_params[n.index('logzsol')]['prior_args'] = {
        'mini': met[0],
        'maxi': met[1]
    }  # {'mini': -0.8, 'maxi': 0.15}
    model_params[n.index('logzsol')]['init'] = met[2]  # -0.25
    # 4942_cosmos_noelgmet was run with met[2] = -0.4
    # 4942_cosmos_noelg25 was run with met[2] = -0.25

    agelims = [
        0.0, 8.0, 8.7, 9.0, (9.0 + (np.log10(tuniv * 1e9) - 9.0) / 3),
        (9.0 + 2 * (np.log10(tuniv * 1e9) - 9.0) / 3),
        np.log10(tuniv * 1e9)
    ncomp = len(agelims) - 1
    agebins = np.array([agelims[:-1], agelims[1:]
                        ])  # why agelims[1:] instead of agelims[0:]?

    zind = n.index('zred')
    model_params[zind]['init'] = zred

    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['N'] = ncomp
    model_params[n.index('agebins')]['init'] = agebins.T

    # N-1 bins, last is set by x = 1 - np.sum(sfr_fraction)
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['N'] = ncomp - 1
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['prior_args'] = {
        'maxi': np.full(ncomp - 1, 1.0),
        'mini': np.full(ncomp - 1, 0.0),
        # NOTE: ncomp instead of ncomp-1 makes the prior take into
        # account the implicit Nth variable too
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['init'] = np.zeros(ncomp -
                                                             1) + 1. / ncomp
    model_params[n.index('sfr_fraction')]['init_disp'] = 0.02

    model = BurstyModel(model_params)

    return model
Exemplo n.º 59
def color_mag_plots(mgs,s82,decals,savefig=False):

    # Make paneled histograms of the color distribution for several magnitude bins of Galaxy Zoo data.

    SDSS main sample (GZ2)
    Stripe 82 coadded data (GZ2)

    redshifts = (0.12,0.08,0.05)
    appmag_lim = 17.0
    # Work out the magnitude limit from cosmology

    fig,axarr = plt.subplots(num=1,nrows=3,ncols=3,figsize=(12,10))

    for z,ax in zip(redshifts,axarr.ravel()):
        absmag_lim = appmag_lim - WMAP9.distmod(z).value
        maglim = (mgs['PETROMAG_MR'] < absmag_lim) & (mgs['REDSHIFT'] <= z)
        spiral = mgs['t01_smooth_or_features_a02_features_or_disk_weighted_fraction'] >= 0.8
        elliptical = mgs['t01_smooth_or_features_a01_smooth_weighted_fraction'] >= 0.8
        ax.hist(mgs[maglim & spiral]['PETROMAG_U'] - mgs[maglim & spiral]['PETROMAG_R'],range=(0,4),bins=25,color='blue',histtype='step',label='spiral')
        ax.hist(mgs[maglim & elliptical]['PETROMAG_U'] - mgs[maglim & elliptical]['PETROMAG_R'],range=(0,4),bins=25,color='red',histtype='step',label='elliptical')

        ax.set_title(r'$M_r<{0:.2f}, z<{1:.2f}$'.format(absmag_lim,z),fontsize=16)

        if ax == axarr.ravel()[0]:
            ax.legend(loc='upper left',fontsize=10)

    s82_lim = 17.77
    for z,ax in zip(redshifts,axarr.ravel()[3:6]):
        absmag_lim = s82_lim - WMAP9.distmod(z).value
        maglim = (s82['PETROMAG_MR'] < absmag_lim) & (s82['REDSHIFT'] <= z)
        spiral = s82['t01_smooth_or_features_a02_features_or_disk_weighted_fraction'] >= 0.8
        elliptical = s82['t01_smooth_or_features_a01_smooth_weighted_fraction'] >= 0.8
        ax.hist(s82[maglim & spiral]['PETROMAG_U'] - s82[maglim & spiral]['PETROMAG_R'],range=(0,4),bins=25,color='blue',histtype='step',label='spiral')
        ax.hist(s82[maglim & elliptical]['PETROMAG_U'] - s82[maglim & elliptical]['PETROMAG_R'],range=(0,4),bins=25,color='red',histtype='step',label='elliptical')

        ax.set_title(r'$M_r<{0:.2f}, z<{1:.2f}$'.format(absmag_lim,z),fontsize=16)
        ax.text(0.95,0.95,'Stripe 82',ha='right',va='top',transform=ax.transAxes)

    decals_lim = 17.77
    for z,ax in zip(redshifts,axarr.ravel()[6:]):
        absmag_lim = decals_lim - WMAP9.distmod(z).value
        maglim = (decals['metadata.mag.abs_r'] < absmag_lim) & (decals['metadata.redshift'] <= z)
        spiral = decals['t00_smooth_or_features_a1_features_frac'] >= 0.8
        elliptical = decals['t00_smooth_or_features_a0_smooth_frac'] >= 0.8
        ax.hist(decals[maglim & spiral]['metadata.mag.u'] - decals[maglim & spiral]['metadata.mag.r'],range=(0,4),bins=25,color='blue',histtype='step',label='spiral')
        ax.hist(decals[maglim & elliptical]['metadata.mag.u'] - decals[maglim & elliptical]['metadata.mag.r'],range=(0,4),bins=25,color='red',histtype='step',label='elliptical')

        ax.set_title(r'$M_r<{0:.2f}, z<{1:.2f}$'.format(absmag_lim,z),fontsize=16)

    if savefig:

    return None
    cat_massive_z_slice = cat_massive_gal[abs(cat_massive_gal['zKDEPeak'] -
                                              z) < eval(z_bin_size)]
    coord_massive_gal = SkyCoord(cat_massive_z_slice['RA'] * u.deg,
                                 cat_massive_z_slice['DEC'] * u.deg)
    cat_all_z_slice = cat_gal[abs(cat_gal[z_keyname] - z) < 0.5]

    massive_counts = len(cat_massive_z_slice)
    massive_count = 0
    massive_counts_cq = 0
    massive_counts_csf = 0
    for gal in cat_massive_z_slice:
        massive_count += 1
        print('Progress:' + str(massive_count) + '/' +
        dis = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(gal[z_keyname]).value
        coord_gal = SkyCoord(gal['RA'] * u.deg, gal['DEC'] * u.deg)
        cat_neighbors_z_slice = cat_all_z_slice[
            abs(cat_all_z_slice[z_keyname] - gal[z_keyname]) < 1.5 * 0.044 *
            (1 + z)]
        cat_neighbors = cat_neighbors_z_slice[abs(cat_neighbors_z_slice['RA'] -
                                                  gal['RA']) < 0.7 / dis /
                                              np.pi * 180]
        cat_neighbors = cat_neighbors[
            abs(cat_neighbors['DEC'] - gal['DEC']) < 0.7 / dis / np.pi * 180]
        if len(cat_neighbors) == 0:  # central gals which has no companion
            ind = KDTree(np.array(cat_neighbors['RA',
                                                    [(gal['RA'], gal['DEC'])],