Exemplo n.º 1
    not match up correctly.

    with pytest.raises(ModelDefinitionError):
        Rotation2D(90) | Gaussian1D(1, 0, 0.1)

    with pytest.raises(ModelDefinitionError):
        Rotation2D(90) + Gaussian1D(1, 0, 0.1)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('poly', [
    Chebyshev2D(1, 2),
    Legendre2D(1, 2),
def test_compound_with_polynomials(poly):
    Tests that polynomials are scaled when used in compound models.
    Issue #3699
    poly.parameters = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2]
    shift = Shift(3)
    model = poly | shift
    x, y = np.mgrid[:20, :37]
    result_compound = model(x, y)
    result = shift(poly(x, y))
    assert_allclose(result, result_compound)
Exemplo n.º 2
    assert_allclose(val[mask], compare[mask])
    val2 = g(x+2, y+2, with_bounding_box=True)
    assert np.isnan(val2).sum() == 100
    # val3 = g(.1, .1, with_bounding_box=True)

@pytest.mark.skipif("not HAS_SCIPY")
def test_bounding_box_with_units():
    points = np.arange(5) * u.pix
    lt = np.arange(5) * u.AA
    t = Tabular1D(points, lt)

    assert t(1 * u.pix, with_bounding_box=True) == 1. * u.AA

@pytest.mark.parametrize('poly', [Chebyshev1D(5), Legendre1D(5), Polynomial1D(5)])
def test_compound_with_polynomials_1d(poly):
    Tests that polynomials are offset when used in compound models.
    Issue #3699
    poly.parameters = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2]
    shift = Shift(3)
    model = poly | shift
    x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 10)
    result_compound = model(x)
    result = shift(poly(x))
    assert_allclose(result, result_compound)
    assert model.param_names == ('c0_0', 'c1_0', 'c2_0', 'c3_0', 'c4_0', 'c5_0', 'offset_1')

    val2 = g(x + 2, y + 2, with_bounding_box=True)
    assert np.isnan(val2).sum() == 100
    # val3 = g(.1, .1, with_bounding_box=True)

@pytest.mark.skipif("not HAS_SCIPY")
def test_bounding_box_with_units():
    points = np.arange(5) * u.pix
    lt = np.arange(5) * u.AA
    t = Tabular1D(points, lt)

    assert t(1 * u.pix, with_bounding_box=True) == 1. * u.AA

    'poly', [Chebyshev1D(5), Legendre1D(5),
def test_compound_with_polynomials_1d(poly):
    Tests that polynomials are offset when used in compound models.
    Issue #3699
    poly.parameters = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2]
    shift = Shift(3)
    model = poly | shift
    x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 10)
    result_compound = model(x)
    result = shift(poly(x))
    assert_allclose(result, result_compound)
    assert model.param_names == ('c0_0', 'c1_0', 'c2_0', 'c3_0', 'c4_0',
                                 'c5_0', 'offset_1')
Exemplo n.º 4
    # trivial scale factor)
    model2 = shift | model1

    assert_allclose(model2.inverse(1), (poly | shift.inverse)(1))

    # Make sure an inverse is not allowed if the models were combined with the
    # wrong operator, or if one of the models doesn't have an inverse defined
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        (shift + model1).inverse

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        (model1 & poly).inverse

@pytest.mark.parametrize('poly', [Chebyshev2D(1, 2), Polynomial2D(2), Legendre2D(1, 2),
                                  Chebyshev1D(5), Legendre1D(5), Polynomial1D(5)])
def test_compound_with_polynomials(poly):
    Tests that polynomials are scaled when used in compound models.
    Issue #3699
    poly.parameters = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2]
    shift = Shift(3)
    model = poly | shift
    x, y = np.mgrid[:20, :37]
    result_compound = model(x, y)
    result = shift(poly(x, y))
    assert_allclose(result, result_compound)

# has to be defined at module level since pickling doesn't work right (in