Exemplo n.º 1
    def project(self, cube, cutoff):
        # TODO Make all this with astropy units from the call functions

        table = Table(names=("Line Code", "Mol", "Ch Name", "Rest Freq", "Obs Freq", "Intensity"),dtype=('S80','S40','S40','f8','f8','f8'))

        dba = db.lineDB(self.dbpath)  # Maybe we can have an always open DB
        fwin = axis_range(cube.data,cube.wcs,axis=2)
        # print "fwin",fwin
        cor_fwin = np.array(fwin/(1 + self.z))*u.Hz
        cor_fwin = cor_fwin.to(u.MHz).value
        # print "cor_fwin",cor_fwin
        counter = 0
        used = False
        for mol in self.mol_list:
            # For each molecule specified in the dictionary
            # load its spectral lines
            linlist = dba.getSpeciesLines(mol, cor_fwin[0], cor_fwin[1])  # Selected spectral lines for this molecule
            # rinte = INTEN_VALUES[0]
            # for j in range(len(INTEN_GROUP)):  # TODO: baaad python, try a more pythonic way..
            #     if mol in INTEN_GROUP[j]:
            #         rinte = INTEN_VALUES[j]
            abun = random.uniform(self.mol_list[mol][0], self.mol_list[mol][1])*u.Jy/u.beam

            for lin in linlist:
                counter += 1
                trans_temp = lin[5]*u.K
                inten = lin[4]

                if inten != 0:
                    inten = 10 ** inten

                flux = np.exp(-abs(trans_temp - self.temp) / trans_temp) * inten * abun
                flux = flux.value * u.Jy/u.beam
                # print trans_temp, self.temp, flux
                freq = (1 + self.z) * lin[3]*u.MHz  # TODO: astropy
                # print flux, cutoff
                if flux < cutoff: # TODO: astropy units!
                    log.info('    - Discarding ' + str(lin[1]) + ' at freq=' + str(freq) + '('+str(lin[3]*u.MHz)+') because I='+str(flux)+' < '+str(cutoff))
                if self._draw(cube,flux,freq,cutoff)==False:
                    log.info('    - Discarding ' + str(lin[1]) + ' at freq=' + str(freq) + '('+str(lin[3]*u.MHz)+') because it is too thin for the resolution')
                log.info('   - Projecting ' + str(lin[2]) + ' (' + str(lin[1]) + ') at freq=' + str(freq) + '('+str(lin[3]*u.MHz)+') intens='+ str(flux))
                used = True

                # add line to the table.
                # TODO: modificar ultimo valor, que corresponde a la intensidad.
                table.add_row((self.comp_name + "-l" + str(counter), mol, str(lin[2]), str(lin[3]),freq, flux))

        if not used:
            return None

        return table
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _gen_sources_table(self):
        Will generate a resumed table of each component.
        :return: an Astropy Table.

        table = Table(names=("Source Name", "Comp ID", "Model", "Alpha",
                             "Delta", "Redshift", "Radial Vel"),
                      dtype=('S80', 'S80', 'S40', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8'))
        for source in self.sources:
            for component in self.sources[source].comp:
                    (self.sources[source].name, component.comp_name,
                     component.pos[0].value + component.offset[1].value,
                     component.pos[1].value + component.offset[0].value,

        return table
Exemplo n.º 3
def sdss_check(x, y):
  Check whether stars are in the SDSS catalogue.
  This function accepts either a single x and y coordinate,
  or an array of each.
  w = WCS('a100.fits')
  sfilt = []
  # Check which format x and y are given in.
  if not (isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, list, float, int)) &
          isinstance(y, (np.ndarray, list, float, int)) &
          (np.shape(x) == np.shape(y))):
    print('Error: Need a set of pixel coordinates.')
    print('       X and Y must have same non-zero size.')
    raise TypeError
  x = [x] if (np.shape(x) == ()) else x
  y = [y] if (np.shape(y) == ()) else y
  lon, lat = w.all_pix2world(x, y, 1)
  pos = coords.SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit="deg")
  if len(pos) == 1:
    pos = [pos]
  table_fields = ['RA', 'Dec', 'psfMag_r', 'psfMagErr_r',
                  'psffwhm_r', 'nDetect', 'X_pixel', 'Y_pixel']
  sfilt = AstroTable(names=table_fields)
  for index, position in enumerate(pos):
    sfull = SDSS.query_region(position, radius='1arcsec', data_release=13,
      sline = (sfull[np.where((sfull['nDetect'] > 0) &
                              (sfull['psfMag_r'] > -99))[0]][0])
      slist = [sl for sl in sline]
    except (TypeError, IndexError):
      print("Star at " + str(position)[39:-1] + " not found :-(.")
      slist = np.zeros(len(table_fields))
      slist[-2:] = x[index], y[index]
  return sfilt
Exemplo n.º 4
def usno_check(x, y):
  Check whether stars are in the USNO catalogue.
  This function accepts either a single x and y coordinate,
  or an array of each.
  w = WCS('a100.fits')
  sfilt = []
  # Check which format x and y are given in.
  if not (isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, list, float, int)) &
          isinstance(y, (np.ndarray, list, float, int)) &
          (np.shape(x) == np.shape(y))):
    print('Error: Need a set of pixel coordinates.')
    print('       X and Y must have same non-zero size.')
    raise TypeError
  x = [x] if (np.shape(x) == ()) else x
  y = [y] if (np.shape(y) == ()) else y
  lon, lat = w.all_pix2world(x, y, 1)
  pos = coords.SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit="deg")
  if len(pos) == 1:
    pos = [pos]
  table_fields = ['RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'R2mag', 'Ndet', 'X_pixel', 'Y_pixel']
  sfilt = AstroTable(names=table_fields)
  vizier = Vizier(columns=table_fields, catalog="I/284")
  for index, position in enumerate(pos):
      sfull = vizier.query_region(position, radius='2s')[0][table_fields[:-2]]
      sline = (sfull[np.where((sfull['Ndet'] > 0) &
                              (sfull['R2mag'] > -99))[0]][0])
      slist = [sl for sl in sline]
    except TypeError:
      print("Star at " + str(position)[39:-1] + " not found in USNO :-(.")
      slist = np.zeros(len(table_fields))
      slist[-2:] = x[index], y[index]
    except IndexError:
      print("Star at " + str(position)[39:-1] + " has no USNO magnitude :-(.")
      slist = np.zeros(len(table_fields))
      slist[-2:] = x[index], y[index]
  return sfilt
Exemplo n.º 5
class ImageCreator(object):

    SKY_NO = 'SKY_NO'

    def __init__(self, shape, detectorSpecifications=None):
        self._shape = shape
        self._usePoissonNoise = False
        self._seed = check_random_state(12345)
        if detectorSpecifications is None:
            detectorSpecifications = IdealDetector(self._shape)
        self._skyPhotonsPerPxPerSecond = 100.

    def shape(self):
        return self._shape

    def setDetector(self, detectorSpecifications):
        self._detectorSpecifications = detectorSpecifications

    def detector(self):
        """ Return the detector specifications

            detector (DetectorSpecification): the detector
            characteristics used to create the image
        return self._detectorSpecifications

    def setExposureTime(self, exposureTimeInSeconds):
        """Set the exposure time of the image.

            exposureTimeInSeconds (float) : set the exposure time
                in seconds.
        self._exposureTimeInSeconds = exposureTimeInSeconds

    def exposureTimeInSec(self):
        return self._exposureTimeInSeconds

    def usePoissonNoise(self, trueOrFalse):
        self._usePoissonNoise = trueOrFalse

    def createGaussianImage(self, posX, posY, fluxInPhotons, stdX, stdY=None):
        table = Table()
        table['x_mean'] = [posX]
        table['y_mean'] = [posY]
        table['x_stddev'] = [stdX]
        if stdY is None:
            table['y_stddev'] = [stdX]
            table['y_stddev'] = [stdY]
        table['flux'] = [fluxInPhotons]
        self._table = table
        ima = np.zeros(self._shape)
        ima += make_gaussian_sources_image(self._shape, self._table)
        if self._usePoissonNoise:
            ima = self._addShotNoise(ima)
        return ima
        # return self.createImage()

    def createIntegratedGaussianPRFImage(self, sigma, flux, x0, y0):
        table = Table()
        table['sigma'] = [sigma]
        table['flux'] = [flux]
        table['x_0'] = [x0]
        table['y_0'] = [y0]
        self._table = table
        ima = make_model_sources_image(self._shape, IntegratedGaussianPRF(),
        return ima

    def createMoffatImage(self, posX, posY, gamma, alpha, peak):
        table = Table()
        table['x_0'] = [posX]
        table['y_0'] = [posY]
        table['gamma'] = [gamma]
        table['alpha'] = [alpha]
        table['amplitude'] = [peak]
        self._table = table
        return self.createImage()

    def createMultipleIntegratedGaussianPRFImage(self,
                                                 stddevRange=[2., 3],
                                                 fluxInPhotons=[1000., 10000],
        xMean = np.random.uniform(1, self._shape[1] - 1, nStars)
        yMean = np.random.uniform(1, self._shape[0] - 1, nStars)
        sx = np.random.uniform(stddevRange[0], stddevRange[1], nStars)
        flux = np.random.uniform(fluxInPhotons[0], fluxInPhotons[1], nStars)

        self._table = Table()
        self._table['x_0'] = xMean
        self._table['y_0'] = yMean
        self._table['sigma'] = sx
        self._table['flux'] = flux
        ima = make_model_sources_image(self._shape, IntegratedGaussianPRF(),
        return ima

    def createMultipleGaussian(self,
                               stddevXRange=[2., 3],
                               fluxInPhotons=[1000., 10000],
        if withSeed is True:
        xMean = np.random.uniform(1, self._shape[1] - 1, nStars)
        yMean = np.random.uniform(1, self._shape[0] - 1, nStars)
        sx = np.random.uniform(stddevXRange[0], stddevXRange[1], nStars)
        if stddevYRange is None:
            sy = sx
            sy = np.random.uniform(stddevYRange[0], stddevYRange[1], nStars)

        theta = np.arctan2(yMean - 0.5 * self._shape[0],
                           xMean - 0.5 * self._shape[1]) - np.pi / 2

        flux = np.random.uniform(fluxInPhotons[0], fluxInPhotons[1], nStars)

        self._table = Table()
        self._table['x_mean'] = xMean
        self._table['y_mean'] = yMean
        self._table['x_stddev'] = sx
        self._table['y_stddev'] = sy
        self._table['theta'] = theta
        self._table['flux'] = flux
        ima = self.createImage()
        return ima

    def createMultipleGaussianInCentralRegion(self,
                                              stddevXRange=[2., 3],
                                              fluxInPhotons=[1000., 10000],
        xMean = np.random.uniform(self._shape[1] / 4,
                                  self._shape[1] - self._shape[1] / 4, nStars)
        yMean = np.random.uniform(self._shape[0] / 4,
                                  self._shape[0] - self._shape[0] / 4, nStars)
        sx = np.random.uniform(stddevXRange[0], stddevXRange[1], nStars)
        if stddevYRange is None:
            sy = sx
            sy = np.random.uniform(stddevYRange[0], stddevYRange[1], nStars)

        theta = np.arctan2(yMean - 0.5 * self._shape[0],
                           xMean - 0.5 * self._shape[1]) - np.pi / 2

        flux = np.random.uniform(fluxInPhotons[0], fluxInPhotons[1], nStars)

        self._table = Table()
        self._table['x_mean'] = xMean
        self._table['y_mean'] = yMean
        self._table['x_stddev'] = sx
        self._table['y_stddev'] = sy
        self._table['theta'] = theta
        self._table['flux'] = flux
        ima = self.createImage()
        return ima

    def createMultipleGaussianIntegerCentroids(self,
                                               stddevXRange=[2., 3],
                                               fluxInPhotons=[1000., 10000],
        xMean = np.random.randint(1, self._shape[1] - 1, nStars)
        yMean = np.random.randint(1, self._shape[0] - 1, nStars)
        sx = np.random.uniform(stddevXRange[0], stddevXRange[1], nStars)
        if stddevYRange is None:
            sy = sx
            sy = np.random.uniform(stddevYRange[0], stddevYRange[1], nStars)

        theta = np.arctan2(yMean - 0.5 * self._shape[0],
                           xMean - 0.5 * self._shape[1]) - np.pi / 2

        flux = np.random.uniform(fluxInPhotons[0], fluxInPhotons[1], nStars)

        self._table = Table()
        self._table['x_mean'] = xMean
        self._table['y_mean'] = yMean
        self._table['x_stddev'] = sx
        self._table['y_stddev'] = sy
        self._table['theta'] = theta
        self._table['flux'] = flux
        ima = self.createImage()
        return ima

    def addGaussianSource(self, posX, posY, stdX, stdY, theta, fluxInPhotons):
        self._table.add_row([posX, posY, stdX, stdY, theta, fluxInPhotons])

    def resetTable(self):
        self._table = Table(names=('x_mean', 'y_mean', 'x_stddev', 'y_stddev',
                                   'theta', 'flux'))

    def createImage(self):

        Create source images.
        Add transmission and differential sensitivity effects.
        Add shot noise, if asked.
        Convert photons to ADU using the detector model,
        accounting for quantum efficiency, dark current, bias,
        gain, clipping.

        sourceImage = self._createSourcesImage()
        image = self._addSensitivityAndVignetting(sourceImage)
        if self._usePoissonNoise:
            image = self._addShotNoise(image)
        return self.detector().photons2Adu(image)

    def _createSourcesImage(self):
        image = np.zeros(self._shape)
        if self._table is not None:
            image += make_gaussian_sources_image(self._shape, self._table)
        return image + self._skyImage * self.exposureTimeInSec()

    def _realisticTransmissionMap(self):
        ima = np.ones(self._shape)
        y, x = np.indices(ima.shape)

        vign_model = Gaussian2D(amplitude=1,
                                x_mean=self._shape[1] / 2,
                                y_mean=self._shape[0] / 2,
                                x_stddev=2 * self._shape[1],
                                y_stddev=2 * self._shape[0])
        vign_im = vign_model(x, y)
        ima *= vign_im
        return ima

    def _realisticSky(self):

        ima = self._idealSky()
        y, x = np.indices(ima.shape)

        def f(x, y, ampl):
            return y * ampl / y.max() + x * ampl * 0.1 / x.max()

        ima += f(x, y, ima.mean() * 0.1)
        return ima

    def _idealSky(self):
        sky = np.ones(self._shape) * self._skyPhotonsPerPxPerSecond
        return sky

    def setTransmissionMap(self, nameOrMap):

            nameOrMap (str or ndarray): if nameOrMap is a string
                the corresponding predefined transmission map is used.
                Available names are %s (corresponding to an uniform
                transmission of 1) and and %s (corresponding to
                a vignetting transmission following a gaussian shape).
                If nameOrMap is a numpy array, that array is used.
            KeyError if nameOrMap is a string not corresponding to
            any predefined transmission map.

        if isinstance(nameOrMap, str):
            if nameOrMap == self.TRANSMISSION_MAP_IDEAL:
                transmissionMap = np.ones(self._shape)
            elif nameOrMap == \
                transmissionMap = self._realisticTransmissionMap()
                raise KeyError('Unknown transmission map %s' % nameOrMap)
            self._transmissionMap = transmissionMap
            self._transmissionMap = nameOrMap

    def setSkyBackground(self, nameOrMap):

            nameOrMap (str or ndarray): if nameOrMap is a string
                the corresponding predefined sky background is used.
                Available names are %s (no sky background),
                %s (corresponding to a uniform
                background of 100 photons/px/sec) and and %s
                (adding some gradient and spot-like features).
                If nameOrMap is a numpy array, the passed array is used
                as background after scaling by the exposure time
            KeyError if nameOrMap is a string not corresponding to
            any predefined sky background.
        """ % (self.SKY_NO, self.SKY_IDEAL, self.SKY_REALISTIC)

        if isinstance(nameOrMap, str):
            if nameOrMap == self.SKY_NO:
                sky = np.zeros(self._shape)
            elif nameOrMap == self.SKY_IDEAL:
                sky = self._idealSky()
            elif nameOrMap == self.SKY_REALISTIC:
                sky = self._realisticSky()
                raise KeyError('Unknown sky background map %s' % nameOrMap)
            self._skyImage = sky
            self._skyImage = nameOrMap

    def _addSensitivityAndVignetting(self, image):
        return image * self._transmissionMap

    def _addShotNoise(self, photonNoNoiseImage):
        return (apply_poisson_noise(photonNoNoiseImage,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def project(self, cube, cutoff):
        # TODO Make all this with astropy units from the call functions

        table = Table(names=("Line Code", "Mol", "Ch Name", "Rest Freq",
                             "Obs Freq", "Intensity"),
                      dtype=('S80', 'S40', 'S40', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8'))

        dba = db.lineDB(self.dbpath)  # Maybe we can have an always open DB
        fwin = axis_range(cube.data, cube.wcs, axis=2)
        # print "fwin",fwin
        cor_fwin = np.array(fwin / (1 + self.z)) * u.Hz
        cor_fwin = cor_fwin.to(u.MHz).value
        # print "cor_fwin",cor_fwin
        counter = 0
        used = False
        for mol in self.mol_list:
            # For each molecule specified in the dictionary
            # load its spectral lines
            linlist = dba.getSpeciesLines(
                mol, cor_fwin[0],
                cor_fwin[1])  # Selected spectral lines for this molecule
            # rinte = INTEN_VALUES[0]
            # for j in range(len(INTEN_GROUP)):  # TODO: baaad python, try a more pythonic way..
            #     if mol in INTEN_GROUP[j]:
            #         rinte = INTEN_VALUES[j]
            abun = random.uniform(self.mol_list[mol][0],
                                  self.mol_list[mol][1]) * u.Jy / u.beam

            for lin in linlist:
                counter += 1
                trans_temp = lin[5] * u.K
                inten = lin[4]

                if inten != 0:
                    inten = 10**inten

                flux = np.exp(
                    -abs(trans_temp - self.temp) / trans_temp) * inten * abun
                flux = flux.value * u.Jy / u.beam
                # print trans_temp, self.temp, flux
                freq = (1 + self.z) * lin[3] * u.MHz  # TODO: astropy
                # print flux, cutoff
                if flux < cutoff:  # TODO: astropy units!
                    log.info('    - Discarding ' + str(lin[1]) + ' at freq=' +
                             str(freq) + '(' + str(lin[3] * u.MHz) +
                             ') because I=' + str(flux) + ' < ' + str(cutoff))

                if self._draw(cube, flux, freq, cutoff) == False:
                    log.info('    - Discarding ' + str(lin[1]) + ' at freq=' +
                             str(freq) + '(' + str(lin[3] * u.MHz) +
                             ') because it is too thin for the resolution')
                log.info('   - Projecting ' + str(lin[2]) + ' (' +
                         str(lin[1]) + ') at freq=' + str(freq) + '(' +
                         str(lin[3] * u.MHz) + ') intens=' + str(flux))
                used = True

                # add line to the table.
                # TODO: modificar ultimo valor, que corresponde a la intensidad.
                table.add_row((self.comp_name + "-l" + str(counter), mol,
                               str(lin[2]), str(lin[3]), freq, flux))

        if not used:
            return None

        return table