Exemplo n.º 1
def assert_objects_equal(obj1, obj2, attrs, compare_class=True):
    if compare_class:
        assert obj1.__class__ is obj2.__class__

    # For a column that is a native astropy Column, ignore the specified
    # `attrs`. This happens for a mixin like Quantity that is stored in a
    # `Table` (not QTable).
    if isinstance(obj1, Column):
        attrs = []

    assert obj1.shape == obj2.shape

    info_attrs = ['info.name', 'info.format', 'info.unit', 'info.description']
    for attr in attrs + info_attrs:
        a1 = obj1
        a2 = obj2
        for subattr in attr.split('.'):
                a1 = getattr(a1, subattr)
                a2 = getattr(a2, subattr)
            except AttributeError:
                a1 = a1[subattr]
                a2 = a2[subattr]

        if isinstance(a1, np.ndarray) and a1.dtype.kind == 'f':
            assert quantity_allclose(a1, a2, rtol=1e-10)
            assert np.all(a1 == a2)

    # For no attrs that means we just compare directly.
    if not attrs:
        if isinstance(obj1, np.ndarray) and obj1.dtype.kind == 'f':
            assert quantity_allclose(obj1, obj2, rtol=1e-15)
            assert np.all(obj1 == obj2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_parallax():

    d = Distance(parallax=1 * u.arcsecond)
    assert d.pc == 1.

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d = Distance(15 * u.pc, parallax=20 * u.milliarcsecond)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d = Distance(parallax=20 * u.milliarcsecond, distmod=20)

    # array
    plx = [1, 10, 100.] * u.mas
    d = Distance(parallax=plx)
    assert quantity_allclose(d.pc, [1000., 100., 10.])
    assert quantity_allclose(plx, d.parallax)

    # check behavior for negative parallax
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Distance(parallax=-1 * u.mas)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Distance(parallax=[10, 1, -1] * u.mas)

    with catch_warnings(AstropyWarning) as w:
        Distance(parallax=-1 * u.mas, allow_negative=True)
    assert len(w) > 0

    with catch_warnings(AstropyWarning) as w:
        Distance(parallax=[10, 1, -1] * u.mas, allow_negative=True)
    assert len(w) > 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_parallax():

    d = Distance(parallax=1 * u.arcsecond)
    assert d.pc == 1.

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d = Distance(15 * u.pc, parallax=20 * u.milliarcsecond)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d = Distance(parallax=20 * u.milliarcsecond, distmod=20)

    # array
    plx = [1, 10, 100.] * u.mas
    d = Distance(parallax=plx)
    assert quantity_allclose(d.pc, [1000., 100., 10.])
    assert quantity_allclose(plx, d.parallax)

    # check behavior for negative parallax
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Distance(parallax=-1 * u.mas)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Distance(parallax=[10, 1, -1] * u.mas)

    with pytest.warns(AstropyWarning):
        Distance(parallax=-1 * u.mas, allow_negative=True)

    with pytest.warns(AstropyWarning):
        Distance(parallax=[10, 1, -1] * u.mas, allow_negative=True)

    # Regression test for #12569; `unit` was ignored if `parallax` was given.
    d = Distance(parallax=1 * u.mas, unit=u.kpc)
    assert d.value == 1.
    assert d.unit is u.kpc
def test_faux_fk5_galactic():

    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.galactic_transforms import fk5_to_gal, _gal_to_fk5

    class Galactic2(Galactic):

    dt = 1000*u.s

                                     FK5, Galactic2, finite_difference_dt=dt,
    def fk5_to_gal2(fk5_coo, gal_frame):
        trans = DynamicMatrixTransform(fk5_to_gal, FK5, Galactic2)
        return trans(fk5_coo, gal_frame)

                                     Galactic2, ICRS, finite_difference_dt=dt,
    def gal2_to_fk5(gal_coo, fk5_frame):
        trans = DynamicMatrixTransform(_gal_to_fk5, Galactic2, FK5)
        return trans(gal_coo, fk5_frame)

    c1 = FK5(ra=150*u.deg, dec=-17*u.deg, radial_velocity=83*u.km/u.s,
             pm_ra_cosdec=-41*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=16*u.mas/u.yr,
    c2 = c1.transform_to(Galactic2)
    c3 = c1.transform_to(Galactic)

    # compare the matrix and finite-difference calculations
    assert quantity_allclose(c2.pm_l_cosb, c3.pm_l_cosb, rtol=1e-4)
    assert quantity_allclose(c2.pm_b, c3.pm_b, rtol=1e-4)
def test_faux_fk5_galactic():

    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.galactic_transforms import fk5_to_gal, _gal_to_fk5

    class Galactic2(Galactic):

    dt = 1000*u.s

                                     FK5, Galactic2, finite_difference_dt=dt,
    def fk5_to_gal2(fk5_coo, gal_frame):
        trans = DynamicMatrixTransform(fk5_to_gal, FK5, Galactic2)
        return trans(fk5_coo, gal_frame)

                                     Galactic2, ICRS, finite_difference_dt=dt,
    def gal2_to_fk5(gal_coo, fk5_frame):
        trans = DynamicMatrixTransform(_gal_to_fk5, Galactic2, FK5)
        return trans(gal_coo, fk5_frame)

    c1 = FK5(ra=150*u.deg, dec=-17*u.deg, radial_velocity=83*u.km/u.s,
             pm_ra_cosdec=-41*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=16*u.mas/u.yr,
    c2 = c1.transform_to(Galactic2)
    c3 = c1.transform_to(Galactic)

    # compare the matrix and finite-difference calculations
    assert quantity_allclose(c2.pm_l_cosb, c3.pm_l_cosb, rtol=1e-4)
    assert quantity_allclose(c2.pm_b, c3.pm_b, rtol=1e-4)
Exemplo n.º 6
def assert_objects_equal(obj1, obj2, attrs, compare_class=True):
    if compare_class:
        assert obj1.__class__ is obj2.__class__

    assert obj1.shape == obj2.shape

    info_attrs = [
        'info.name', 'info.format', 'info.unit', 'info.description',
    for attr in attrs + info_attrs:
        a1 = obj1
        a2 = obj2
        for subattr in attr.split('.'):
                a1 = getattr(a1, subattr)
                a2 = getattr(a2, subattr)
            except AttributeError:
                a1 = a1[subattr]
                a2 = a2[subattr]

        if isinstance(a1, np.ndarray) and a1.dtype.kind == 'f':
            assert quantity_allclose(a1, a2, rtol=1e-10)
            assert np.all(a1 == a2)

    # For no attrs that means we just compare directly.
    if not attrs:
        if isinstance(obj1, np.ndarray) and obj1.dtype.kind == 'f':
            assert quantity_allclose(obj1, obj2, rtol=1e-15)
            assert np.all(obj1 == obj2)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_ecliptic_true_mean_preserve_latitude(trueframe, meanframe):
    Check that the ecliptic true/mean transformations preserve latitude
    truecoo = trueframe(90*u.deg, 0*u.deg, distance=1*u.AU)
    meancoo = truecoo.transform_to(meanframe)

    assert not quantity_allclose(truecoo.lon, meancoo.lon)
    assert quantity_allclose(truecoo.lat, meancoo.lat, atol=1e-10*u.arcsec)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_faux_lsr(dt, symmetric):
    class LSR2(LSR):
        obstime = TimeAttribute(default=J2000)

    def icrs_to_lsr(icrs_coo, lsr_frame):
        dt = lsr_frame.obstime - J2000
        offset = lsr_frame.v_bary * dt.to(u.second)
        return lsr_frame.realize_frame(icrs_coo.data.without_differentials() +

    def lsr_to_icrs(lsr_coo, icrs_frame):
        dt = lsr_coo.obstime - J2000
        offset = lsr_coo.v_bary * dt.to(u.second)
        return icrs_frame.realize_frame(lsr_coo.data - offset)

    ic = ICRS(ra=12.3 * u.deg,
              dec=45.6 * u.deg,
              distance=7.8 * u.au,
              pm_ra_cosdec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
              pm_dec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
              radial_velocity=0 * u.km / u.s)
    lsrc = ic.transform_to(LSR2())

    assert quantity_allclose(ic.cartesian.xyz, lsrc.cartesian.xyz)

    idiff = ic.cartesian.differentials['s']
    ldiff = lsrc.cartesian.differentials['s']
    change = (ldiff.d_xyz - idiff.d_xyz).to(u.km / u.s)
    totchange = np.sum(change**2)**0.5
    assert quantity_allclose(totchange, np.sum(lsrc.v_bary.d_xyz**2)**0.5)

    ic2 = ICRS(ra=120.3 * u.deg,
               dec=45.6 * u.deg,
               distance=7.8 * u.au,
               pm_ra_cosdec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
               pm_dec=10 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
               radial_velocity=1000 * u.km / u.s)
    lsrc2 = ic2.transform_to(LSR2())
    ic2_roundtrip = lsrc2.transform_to(ICRS)

    tot = np.sum(lsrc2.cartesian.differentials['s'].d_xyz**2)**0.5
    assert np.abs(tot.to('km/s') - 1000 * u.km / u.s) < 20 * u.km / u.s

    assert quantity_allclose(ic2.cartesian.xyz, ic2_roundtrip.cartesian.xyz)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_ecliptic_roundtrips(trueframe, meanframe):
    Check that the various ecliptic transformations at least roundtrip
    icrs = ICRS(1*u.deg, 2*u.deg, distance=1.5*R_sun)

    truecoo = icrs.transform_to(trueframe)
    meancoo = truecoo.transform_to(meanframe)
    truecoo2 = meancoo.transform_to(trueframe)

    assert not quantity_allclose(truecoo.cartesian.xyz, meancoo.cartesian.xyz)
    assert quantity_allclose(truecoo.cartesian.xyz, truecoo2.cartesian.xyz)
def test_shorthand_attributes():
    # Check that attribute access works

    # for array data:
    n = 4
    icrs1 = ICRS(ra=np.random.uniform(0, 360, n) * u.deg,
                 dec=np.random.uniform(-90, 90, n) * u.deg,
                 distance=100 * u.pc,
                 pm_ra_cosdec=np.random.normal(0, 100, n) * u.mas / u.yr,
                 pm_dec=np.random.normal(0, 100, n) * u.mas / u.yr,
                 radial_velocity=np.random.normal(0, 100, n) * u.km / u.s)
    v = icrs1.velocity
    pm = icrs1.proper_motion
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[0], icrs1.pm_ra_cosdec)
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[1], icrs1.pm_dec)

    # for scalar data:
    icrs2 = ICRS(ra=37.4 * u.deg,
                 dec=-55.8 * u.deg,
                 distance=150 * u.pc,
                 pm_ra_cosdec=-21.2 * u.mas / u.yr,
                 pm_dec=17.1 * u.mas / u.yr,
                 radial_velocity=105.7 * u.km / u.s)
    v = icrs2.velocity
    pm = icrs2.proper_motion
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[0], icrs2.pm_ra_cosdec)
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[1], icrs2.pm_dec)

    # check that it fails where we expect:

    # no distance
    rv = 105.7 * u.km / u.s
    icrs3 = ICRS(ra=37.4 * u.deg,
                 dec=-55.8 * u.deg,
                 pm_ra_cosdec=-21.2 * u.mas / u.yr,
                 pm_dec=17.1 * u.mas / u.yr,
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert hasattr(icrs3, 'radial_velocity')
    assert quantity_allclose(icrs3.radial_velocity, rv)

    icrs4 = ICRS(x=30 * u.pc,
                 y=20 * u.pc,
                 z=11 * u.pc,
                 v_x=10 * u.km / u.s,
                 v_y=10 * u.km / u.s,
                 v_z=10 * u.km / u.s,
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_ecliptic_true_mean(trueframe, meanframe):
    Check that the ecliptic true/mean transformations at least roundtrip
    icrs = ICRS(1*u.deg, 2*u.deg, distance=1.5*R_sun)

    truecoo = icrs.transform_to(trueframe)
    meancoo = icrs.transform_to(meanframe)
    truecoo2 = icrs.transform_to(trueframe)

    assert not quantity_allclose(truecoo.cartesian.xyz, meancoo.cartesian.xyz)
    assert quantity_allclose(truecoo.cartesian.xyz, truecoo2.cartesian.xyz)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_geodetic_tuple():
    lat = 2*u.deg
    lon = 10*u.deg
    height = 100*u.m

    el = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lat=lat, lon=lon, height=height)

    res1 = el.to_geodetic()
    res2 = el.geodetic

    assert res1.lat == res2.lat and quantity_allclose(res1.lat, lat)
    assert res1.lon == res2.lon and quantity_allclose(res1.lon, lon)
    assert res1.height == res2.height and quantity_allclose(res1.height, height)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_geodetic_tuple():
    lat = 2*u.deg
    lon = 10*u.deg
    height = 100*u.m

    el = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lat=lat, lon=lon, height=height)

    res1 = el.to_geodetic()
    res2 = el.geodetic

    assert res1.lat == res2.lat and quantity_allclose(res1.lat, lat)
    assert res1.lon == res2.lon and quantity_allclose(res1.lon, lon)
    assert res1.height == res2.height and quantity_allclose(res1.height, height)
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_earth_barycentric_velocity_multi_d():
    # Might as well test it with a multidimensional array too.
    t = Time('2016-03-20T12:30:00') + np.arange(8.).reshape(2, 2, 2) * u.yr / 2.
    ep, ev = get_body_barycentric_posvel('earth', t)
    # note: assert_quantity_allclose doesn't like the shape mismatch.
    # this is a problem with np.testing.assert_allclose.
    assert quantity_allclose(ep.get_xyz(xyz_axis=-1),
                             [[-1., 0., 0.], [+1., 0., 0.]]*u.AU,
    expected = u.Quantity([0.*u.one,
                           np.sin(23.5*u.deg)]) * ([[-30.], [30.]] * u.km / u.s)
    assert quantity_allclose(ev.get_xyz(xyz_axis=-1), expected,
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_earth_barycentric_velocity_multi_d():
    # Might as well test it with a multidimensional array too.
    t = Time('2016-03-20T12:30:00') + np.arange(8.).reshape(2, 2, 2) * u.yr / 2.
    ep, ev = get_body_barycentric_posvel('earth', t)
    # note: assert_quantity_allclose doesn't like the shape mismatch.
    # this is a problem with np.testing.assert_allclose.
    assert quantity_allclose(ep.get_xyz(xyz_axis=-1),
                             [[-1., 0., 0.], [+1., 0., 0.]]*u.AU,
    expected = u.Quantity([0.*u.one,
                           np.sin(23.5*u.deg)]) * ([[-30.], [30.]] * u.km / u.s)
    assert quantity_allclose(ev.get_xyz(xyz_axis=-1), expected,
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_roundtrip_scalar():
    icrs = ICRS(ra=1*u.deg, dec=2*u.deg, distance=3*u.au)
    gcrs = GCRS(icrs.cartesian)

    bary = icrs.transform_to(BarycentricTrueEcliptic)
    helio = icrs.transform_to(HeliocentricTrueEcliptic)
    geo = gcrs.transform_to(GeocentricTrueEcliptic)

    bary_icrs = bary.transform_to(ICRS)
    helio_icrs = helio.transform_to(ICRS)
    geo_gcrs = geo.transform_to(GCRS)

    assert quantity_allclose(bary_icrs.cartesian.xyz, icrs.cartesian.xyz)
    assert quantity_allclose(helio_icrs.cartesian.xyz, icrs.cartesian.xyz)
    assert quantity_allclose(geo_gcrs.cartesian.xyz, gcrs.cartesian.xyz)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_roundtrip_scalar():
    icrs = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg, dec=2 * u.deg, distance=3 * u.au)
    gcrs = GCRS(icrs.cartesian)

    bary = icrs.transform_to(BarycentricTrueEcliptic)
    helio = icrs.transform_to(HeliocentricTrueEcliptic)
    geo = gcrs.transform_to(GeocentricTrueEcliptic)

    bary_icrs = bary.transform_to(ICRS)
    helio_icrs = helio.transform_to(ICRS)
    geo_gcrs = geo.transform_to(GCRS)

    assert quantity_allclose(bary_icrs.cartesian.xyz, icrs.cartesian.xyz)
    assert quantity_allclose(helio_icrs.cartesian.xyz, icrs.cartesian.xyz)
    assert quantity_allclose(geo_gcrs.cartesian.xyz, gcrs.cartesian.xyz)
def test_xhip_galactic(hip, ra, dec, pmra, pmdec, glon, glat, dist, pmglon, pmglat, rv, U, V, W):
    i = ICRS(ra*u.deg, dec*u.deg, dist*u.pc,
             pm_ra_cosdec=pmra*u.marcsec/u.yr, pm_dec=pmdec*u.marcsec/u.yr,
    g = i.transform_to(Galactic)

    # precision is limited by 2-deciimal digit string representation of pms
    assert quantity_allclose(g.pm_l_cosb, pmglon*u.marcsec/u.yr, atol=.01*u.marcsec/u.yr)
    assert quantity_allclose(g.pm_b, pmglat*u.marcsec/u.yr, atol=.01*u.marcsec/u.yr)

    # make sure UVW also makes sense
    uvwg = g.cartesian.differentials['s']
    # precision is limited by 1-decimal digit string representation of vels
    assert quantity_allclose(uvwg.d_x, U*u.km/u.s, atol=.1*u.km/u.s)
    assert quantity_allclose(uvwg.d_y, V*u.km/u.s, atol=.1*u.km/u.s)
    assert quantity_allclose(uvwg.d_z, W*u.km/u.s, atol=.1*u.km/u.s)
Exemplo n.º 19
def check_builtin_matches_remote(download_url=True):
    This function checks that the builtin sites registry is consistent with the
    remote registry (or a registry at some other location).

    Note that current this is *not* run by the testing suite (because it
    doesn't start with "test", and is instead meant to be used as a check
    before merging changes in astropy-data)
    builtin_registry = EarthLocation._get_site_registry(force_builtin=True)
    dl_registry = EarthLocation._get_site_registry(force_download=download_url)

    in_dl = {}
    matches = {}
    for name in builtin_registry.names:
        in_dl[name] = name in dl_registry
        if in_dl[name]:
            matches[name] = quantity_allclose(builtin_registry[name], dl_registry[name])
            matches[name] = False

    if not all(matches.values()):
        # this makes sure we actually see which don't match
        print("In builtin registry but not in download:")
        for name in in_dl:
            if not in_dl[name]:
                print('    ', name)
        print("In both but not the same value:")
        for name in matches:
            if not matches[name] and in_dl[name]:
                print('    ', name, 'builtin:', builtin_registry[name], 'download:', dl_registry[name])
        assert False, "Builtin and download registry aren't consistent - failures printed to stdout"
Exemplo n.º 20
def assert_objects_equal(obj1, obj2, attrs, compare_class=True):
    if compare_class:
        assert obj1.__class__ is obj2.__class__

    info_attrs = [
        'info.name', 'info.format', 'info.unit', 'info.description',
    for attr in attrs + info_attrs:
        a1 = obj1
        a2 = obj2
        for subattr in attr.split('.'):
                a1 = getattr(a1, subattr)
                a2 = getattr(a2, subattr)
            except AttributeError:
                a1 = a1[subattr]
                a2 = a2[subattr]

        # Mixin info.meta can None instead of empty OrderedDict(), #6720 would
        # fix this.
        if attr == 'info.meta':
            if a1 is None:
                a1 = {}
            if a2 is None:
                a2 = {}

        if isinstance(a1, np.ndarray) and a1.dtype.kind == 'f':
            assert quantity_allclose(a1, a2, rtol=1e-15)
            assert np.all(a1 == a2)
Exemplo n.º 21
def check_builtin_matches_remote(download_url=True):
    This function checks that the builtin sites registry is consistent with the
    remote registry (or a registry at some other location).

    Note that current this is *not* run by the testing suite (because it
    doesn't start with "test", and is instead meant to be used as a check
    before merging changes in astropy-data)
    builtin_registry = EarthLocation._get_site_registry(force_builtin=True)
    dl_registry = EarthLocation._get_site_registry(force_download=download_url)

    in_dl = {}
    matches = {}
    for name in builtin_registry.names:
        in_dl[name] = name in dl_registry
        if in_dl[name]:
            matches[name] = quantity_allclose(builtin_registry[name],
            matches[name] = False

    if not all(matches.values()):
        # this makes sure we actually see which don't match
        print("In builtin registry but not in download:")
        for name in in_dl:
            if not in_dl[name]:
                print('    ', name)
        print("In both but not the same value:")
        for name in matches:
            if not matches[name] and in_dl[name]:
                print('    ', name, 'builtin:', builtin_registry[name],
                      'download:', dl_registry[name])
        assert False, "Builtin and download registry aren't consistent - failures printed to stdout"
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_static_matrix_combine_paths():
    Check that combined staticmatrixtransform matrices provide the same
    transformation as using an intermediate transformation.

    This is somewhat of a regression test for #7706
    from astropy.coordinates.baseframe import BaseCoordinateFrame
    from astropy.coordinates.matrix_utilities import rotation_matrix

    class AFrame(BaseCoordinateFrame):
        default_representation = r.SphericalRepresentation
        default_differential = r.SphericalCosLatDifferential

    t1 = t.StaticMatrixTransform(rotation_matrix(30.*u.deg, 'z'),
                                 ICRS, AFrame)
    t2 = t.StaticMatrixTransform(rotation_matrix(30.*u.deg, 'z').T,
                                 AFrame, ICRS)

    class BFrame(BaseCoordinateFrame):
        default_representation = r.SphericalRepresentation
        default_differential = r.SphericalCosLatDifferential

    t3 = t.StaticMatrixTransform(rotation_matrix(30.*u.deg, 'x'),
                                 ICRS, BFrame)
    t4 = t.StaticMatrixTransform(rotation_matrix(30.*u.deg, 'x').T,
                                 BFrame, ICRS)

    c = Galactic(123*u.deg, 45*u.deg)
    c1 = c.transform_to(BFrame) # direct
    c2 = c.transform_to(AFrame).transform_to(BFrame) # thru A
    c3 = c.transform_to(ICRS).transform_to(BFrame) # thru ICRS

    assert quantity_allclose(c1.lon, c2.lon)
    assert quantity_allclose(c1.lat, c2.lat)

    assert quantity_allclose(c1.lon, c3.lon)
    assert quantity_allclose(c1.lat, c3.lat)

    for t_ in [t1, t2, t3, t4]:
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_static_matrix_combine_paths():
    Check that combined staticmatrixtransform matrices provide the same
    transformation as using an intermediate transformation.

    This is somewhat of a regression test for #7706
    from astropy.coordinates.baseframe import BaseCoordinateFrame
    from astropy.coordinates.matrix_utilities import rotation_matrix

    class AFrame(BaseCoordinateFrame):
        default_representation = r.SphericalRepresentation
        default_differential = r.SphericalCosLatDifferential

    t1 = t.StaticMatrixTransform(rotation_matrix(30.*u.deg, 'z'),
                                 ICRS, AFrame)
    t2 = t.StaticMatrixTransform(rotation_matrix(30.*u.deg, 'z').T,
                                 AFrame, ICRS)

    class BFrame(BaseCoordinateFrame):
        default_representation = r.SphericalRepresentation
        default_differential = r.SphericalCosLatDifferential

    t3 = t.StaticMatrixTransform(rotation_matrix(30.*u.deg, 'x'),
                                 ICRS, BFrame)
    t4 = t.StaticMatrixTransform(rotation_matrix(30.*u.deg, 'x').T,
                                 BFrame, ICRS)

    c = Galactic(123*u.deg, 45*u.deg)
    c1 = c.transform_to(BFrame())  # direct
    c2 = c.transform_to(AFrame()).transform_to(BFrame())  # thru A
    c3 = c.transform_to(ICRS()).transform_to(BFrame())  # thru ICRS

    assert quantity_allclose(c1.lon, c2.lon)
    assert quantity_allclose(c1.lat, c2.lat)

    assert quantity_allclose(c1.lon, c3.lon)
    assert quantity_allclose(c1.lat, c3.lat)

    for t_ in [t1, t2, t3, t4]:
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_negative_distance():
    """ Regression test: #7408
    Make sure that negative parallaxes turned into distances are handled right

    RA = 150 * u.deg
    DEC = -11*u.deg
    c = ICRS(ra=RA, dec=DEC,
             distance=(-10*u.mas).to(u.pc, u.parallax()),
    assert quantity_allclose(c.ra, RA)
    assert quantity_allclose(c.dec, DEC)

    c = ICRS(ra=RA, dec=DEC,
             distance=(-10*u.mas).to(u.pc, u.parallax()))
    assert quantity_allclose(c.ra, RA)
    assert quantity_allclose(c.dec, DEC)
def test_negative_distance():
    """ Regression test: #7408
    Make sure that negative parallaxes turned into distances are handled right

    RA = 150 * u.deg
    DEC = -11 * u.deg
    c = ICRS(ra=RA,
             distance=(-10 * u.mas).to(u.pc, u.parallax()),
             pm_ra_cosdec=10 * u.mas / u.yr,
             pm_dec=10 * u.mas / u.yr)
    assert quantity_allclose(c.ra, RA)
    assert quantity_allclose(c.dec, DEC)

    c = ICRS(ra=RA, dec=DEC, distance=(-10 * u.mas).to(u.pc, u.parallax()))
    assert quantity_allclose(c.ra, RA)
    assert quantity_allclose(c.dec, DEC)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_shorthand_attributes():
    # Check that attribute access works

    # for array data:
    n = 4
    icrs1 = ICRS(ra=np.random.uniform(0, 360, n)*u.deg,
                 dec=np.random.uniform(-90, 90, n)*u.deg,
                 pm_ra_cosdec=np.random.normal(0, 100, n)*u.mas/u.yr,
                 pm_dec=np.random.normal(0, 100, n)*u.mas/u.yr,
                 radial_velocity=np.random.normal(0, 100, n)*u.km/u.s)
    v = icrs1.velocity
    pm = icrs1.proper_motion
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[0], icrs1.pm_ra_cosdec)
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[1], icrs1.pm_dec)

    # for scalar data:
    icrs2 = ICRS(ra=37.4*u.deg, dec=-55.8*u.deg, distance=150*u.pc,
                 pm_ra_cosdec=-21.2*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=17.1*u.mas/u.yr,
    v = icrs2.velocity
    pm = icrs2.proper_motion
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[0], icrs2.pm_ra_cosdec)
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[1], icrs2.pm_dec)

    # check that it fails where we expect:

    # no distance
    rv = 105.7*u.km/u.s
    icrs3 = ICRS(ra=37.4*u.deg, dec=-55.8*u.deg,
                 pm_ra_cosdec=-21.2*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=17.1*u.mas/u.yr,
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert hasattr(icrs3, 'radial_velocity')
    assert quantity_allclose(icrs3.radial_velocity, rv)

    icrs4 = ICRS(x=30*u.pc, y=20*u.pc, z=11*u.pc,
                 v_x=10*u.km/u.s, v_y=10*u.km/u.s, v_z=10*u.km/u.s,
def test_faux_lsr(dt, symmetric):
    class LSR2(LSR):
        obstime = TimeAttribute(default=J2000)

                                     ICRS, LSR2, finite_difference_dt=dt,
    def icrs_to_lsr(icrs_coo, lsr_frame):
        dt = lsr_frame.obstime - J2000
        offset = lsr_frame.v_bary * dt.to(u.second)
        return lsr_frame.realize_frame(icrs_coo.data.without_differentials() + offset)

                                     LSR2, ICRS, finite_difference_dt=dt,
    def lsr_to_icrs(lsr_coo, icrs_frame):
        dt = lsr_coo.obstime - J2000
        offset = lsr_coo.v_bary * dt.to(u.second)
        return icrs_frame.realize_frame(lsr_coo.data - offset)

    ic = ICRS(ra=12.3*u.deg, dec=45.6*u.deg, distance=7.8*u.au,
              pm_ra_cosdec=0*u.marcsec/u.yr, pm_dec=0*u.marcsec/u.yr,
    lsrc = ic.transform_to(LSR2())

    assert quantity_allclose(ic.cartesian.xyz, lsrc.cartesian.xyz)

    idiff = ic.cartesian.differentials['s']
    ldiff = lsrc.cartesian.differentials['s']
    change = (ldiff.d_xyz - idiff.d_xyz).to(u.km/u.s)
    totchange = np.sum(change**2)**0.5
    assert quantity_allclose(totchange, np.sum(lsrc.v_bary.d_xyz**2)**0.5)

    ic2 = ICRS(ra=120.3*u.deg, dec=45.6*u.deg, distance=7.8*u.au,
               pm_ra_cosdec=0*u.marcsec/u.yr, pm_dec=10*u.marcsec/u.yr,
    lsrc2 = ic2.transform_to(LSR2())
    ic2_roundtrip = lsrc2.transform_to(ICRS)

    tot = np.sum(lsrc2.cartesian.differentials['s'].d_xyz**2)**0.5
    assert np.abs(tot.to('km/s') - 1000*u.km/u.s) < 20*u.km/u.s

    assert quantity_allclose(ic2.cartesian.xyz,
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_ecl_geo():
    Check that the geocentric version at least gets well away from GCRS.  For a
    true "accuracy" test we need a comparison dataset that is similar to the
    geocentric/GCRS comparison we want to do here.  Contributions welcome!
    gcrs = GCRS(10*u.deg, 20*u.deg, distance=1.5*R_earth)
    gecl = gcrs.transform_to(GeocentricTrueEcliptic)

    assert quantity_allclose(gecl.distance, gcrs.distance)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_ecl_geo():
    Check that the geocentric version at least gets well away from GCRS.  For a
    true "accuracy" test we need a comparison dataset that is similar to the
    geocentric/GCRS comparison we want to do here.  Contributions welcome!
    gcrs = GCRS(10 * u.deg, 20 * u.deg, distance=1.5 * R_earth)
    gecl = gcrs.transform_to(GeocentricTrueEcliptic)

    assert quantity_allclose(gecl.distance, gcrs.distance)
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_helioecliptic_induced_velocity(frame):
    # Create a coordinate with zero speed in ICRS
    time = Time('2021-01-01')
    icrs = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg,
                dec=2 * u.deg,
                distance=3 * u.AU,
                pm_ra_cosdec=0 * u.deg / u.s,
                pm_dec=0 * u.deg / u.s,
                radial_velocity=0 * u.m / u.s)

    # Transforming to a helioecliptic frame should give an induced speed equal to the Sun's speed
    transformed = icrs.transform_to(frame(obstime=time))
    _, vel = get_body_barycentric_posvel('sun', time)
    assert quantity_allclose(transformed.velocity.norm(), vel.norm())

    # Transforming back to ICRS should get back to zero speed
    back = transformed.transform_to(ICRS())
    assert quantity_allclose(back.velocity.norm(),
                             0 * u.m / u.s,
                             atol=1e-10 * u.m / u.s)
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_of_address(google_api_key):
    NYC_lon = -74.0 * u.deg
    NYC_lat = 40.7 * u.deg
    # ~10 km tolerance to address difference between OpenStreetMap and Google
    # for "New York, NY". This doesn't matter in practice because this test is
    # only used to verify that the query succeeded, not that the returned
    # position is precise.
    NYC_tol = 0.1 * u.deg

    # just a location
        loc = EarthLocation.of_address("New York, NY")
    except NameResolveError as e:
        # API limit might surface even here in Travis CI.
        if 'unknown failure with' not in str(e):
        assert quantity_allclose(loc.lat, NYC_lat, atol=NYC_tol)
        assert quantity_allclose(loc.lon, NYC_lon, atol=NYC_tol)
        assert np.allclose(loc.height.value, 0.)

    # Put this one here as buffer to get around Google map API limit per sec.
    # no match: This always raises NameResolveError
    with pytest.raises(NameResolveError):

    if google_api_key is not None:
        # a location and height
            loc = EarthLocation.of_address("New York, NY", get_height=True)
        except NameResolveError as e:
            # Buffer above sometimes insufficient to get around API limit but
            # we also do not want to drag things out with time.sleep(0.195),
            # where 0.195 was empirically determined on some physical machine.
            assert quantity_allclose(loc.lat, NYC_lat, atol=NYC_tol)
            assert quantity_allclose(loc.lon, NYC_lon, atol=NYC_tol)
            assert quantity_allclose(loc.height,
                                     10.438 * u.meter,
                                     atol=1. * u.cm)
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_cartesian_wgs84geodetic_roundtrip():
    # Test array-valued input in the process.
    s1 = CartesianRepresentation(x=[1, 3000.] * u.km,
                                 y=[7000., 4.] * u.km,
                                 z=[5., 6000.] * u.km)

    s2 = WGS84GeodeticRepresentation.from_representation(s1)

    s3 = CartesianRepresentation.from_representation(s2)

    s4 = WGS84GeodeticRepresentation.from_representation(s3)

    assert quantity_allclose(s1.x, s3.x)
    assert quantity_allclose(s1.y, s3.y)
    assert quantity_allclose(s1.z, s3.z)

    assert quantity_allclose(s2.lon, s4.lon)
    assert quantity_allclose(s2.lat, s4.lat)
    assert quantity_allclose(s2.height, s4.height)

    # Test initializer just for the sake of it.
    s5 = WGS84GeodeticRepresentation(s2.lon, s2.lat, s2.height)

    assert_array_equal(s2.lon, s5.lon)
    assert_array_equal(s2.lat, s5.lat)
    assert_array_equal(s2.height, s5.height)
def test_differential_type_arg():
    Test passing in an explicit differential class to the initializer or
    changing the differential class via set_representation_cls
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS

    icrs = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg,
                dec=60 * u.deg,
                pm_ra=10 * u.mas / u.yr,
                pm_dec=-11 * u.mas / u.yr,
    assert icrs.pm_ra == 10 * u.mas / u.yr

    icrs = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg,
                dec=60 * u.deg,
                pm_ra=10 * u.mas / u.yr,
                pm_dec=-11 * u.mas / u.yr,
                differential_type={'s': r.UnitSphericalDifferential})
    assert icrs.pm_ra == 10 * u.mas / u.yr

    icrs = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg,
                dec=60 * u.deg,
                pm_ra_cosdec=10 * u.mas / u.yr,
                pm_dec=-11 * u.mas / u.yr)
    assert quantity_allclose(icrs.pm_ra, 20 * u.mas / u.yr)

    # incompatible representation and differential
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg,
             dec=60 * u.deg,
             v_x=1 * u.km / u.s,
             v_y=-2 * u.km / u.s,
             v_z=-2 * u.km / u.s,

    # specify both
    icrs = ICRS(x=1 * u.pc,
                y=2 * u.pc,
                z=3 * u.pc,
                v_x=1 * u.km / u.s,
                v_y=2 * u.km / u.s,
                v_z=3 * u.km / u.s,
    assert icrs.x == 1 * u.pc
    assert icrs.y == 2 * u.pc
    assert icrs.z == 3 * u.pc
    assert icrs.v_x == 1 * u.km / u.s
    assert icrs.v_y == 2 * u.km / u.s
    assert icrs.v_z == 3 * u.km / u.s
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_of_address(google_api_key):
    NYC_lon = -74.0 * u.deg
    NYC_lat = 40.7 * u.deg
    # ~10 km tolerance to address difference between OpenStreetMap and Google
    # for "New York, NY". This doesn't matter in practice because this test is
    # only used to verify that the query succeeded, not that the returned
    # position is precise.
    NYC_tol = 0.1 * u.deg

    # just a location
        loc = EarthLocation.of_address("New York, NY")
    except NameResolveError as e:
        # API limit might surface even here in Travis CI.
        if 'unknown failure with' not in str(e):
        assert quantity_allclose(loc.lat, NYC_lat, atol=NYC_tol)
        assert quantity_allclose(loc.lon, NYC_lon, atol=NYC_tol)
        assert np.allclose(loc.height.value, 0.)

    # Put this one here as buffer to get around Google map API limit per sec.
    # no match: This always raises NameResolveError
    with pytest.raises(NameResolveError):

    if google_api_key is not None:
        # a location and height
            loc = EarthLocation.of_address("New York, NY", get_height=True)
        except NameResolveError as e:
            # Buffer above sometimes insufficient to get around API limit but
            # we also do not want to drag things out with time.sleep(0.195),
            # where 0.195 was empirically determined on some physical machine.
            assert quantity_allclose(loc.lat, NYC_lat, atol=NYC_tol)
            assert quantity_allclose(loc.lon, NYC_lon, atol=NYC_tol)
            assert quantity_allclose(loc.height, 10.438*u.meter, atol=1.*u.cm)
Exemplo n.º 35
def test_affine_transform_succeed(transfunc, rep):
    c = TCoo1(rep)

    # compute expected output
    M, offset = transfunc(c, TCoo2)

    _rep = rep.to_cartesian()
    diffs = dict([(k, diff.represent_as(r.CartesianDifferential, rep))
                  for k, diff in rep.differentials.items()])
    expected_rep = _rep.with_differentials(diffs)

    if M is not None:
        expected_rep = expected_rep.transform(M)

    expected_pos = expected_rep.without_differentials()
    if offset is not None:
        expected_pos = expected_pos + offset.without_differentials()

    expected_vel = None
    if c.data.differentials:
        expected_vel = expected_rep.differentials['s']

        if offset and offset.differentials:
            expected_vel = (expected_vel + offset.differentials['s'])

    # register and do the transformation and check against expected
    trans = t.AffineTransform(transfunc, TCoo1, TCoo2)

    c2 = c.transform_to(TCoo2)

    assert quantity_allclose(c2.data.to_cartesian().xyz,

    if expected_vel is not None:
        diff = c2.data.differentials['s'].to_cartesian(base=c2.data)
        assert quantity_allclose(diff.xyz, expected_vel.d_xyz)

Exemplo n.º 36
def test_regression_5133():
    N = 1000
    lon = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, N) * u.deg
    lat = np.random.uniform(50, 52, N) * u.deg
    alt = np.random.uniform(0, 10., N) * u.km

    time = Time('2010-1-1')

    objects = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lon, lat, height=alt)
    itrs_coo = objects.get_itrs(time)

    homes = [EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lon=-1 * u.deg, lat=52 * u.deg, height=h)
             for h in (0, 1000, 10000)*u.km]

    altaz_frames = [AltAz(obstime=time, location=h) for h in homes]
    altaz_coos = [itrs_coo.transform_to(f) for f in altaz_frames]

    # they should all be different
    for coo in altaz_coos[1:]:
        assert not quantity_allclose(coo.az, coo.az[0])
        assert not quantity_allclose(coo.alt, coo.alt[0])
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_affine_transform_succeed(transfunc, rep):
    c = TCoo1(rep)

    # compute expected output
    M, offset = transfunc(c, TCoo2)

    _rep = rep.to_cartesian()
    diffs = {k: diff.represent_as(r.CartesianDifferential, rep)
             for k, diff in rep.differentials.items()}
    expected_rep = _rep.with_differentials(diffs)

    if M is not None:
        expected_rep = expected_rep.transform(M)

    expected_pos = expected_rep.without_differentials()
    if offset is not None:
        expected_pos = expected_pos + offset.without_differentials()

    expected_vel = None
    if c.data.differentials:
        expected_vel = expected_rep.differentials['s']

        if offset and offset.differentials:
            expected_vel = (expected_vel + offset.differentials['s'])

    # register and do the transformation and check against expected
    trans = t.AffineTransform(transfunc, TCoo1, TCoo2)

    c2 = c.transform_to(TCoo2())

    assert quantity_allclose(c2.data.to_cartesian().xyz,

    if expected_vel is not None:
        diff = c2.data.differentials['s'].to_cartesian(base=c2.data)
        assert quantity_allclose(diff.xyz, expected_vel.d_xyz)

Exemplo n.º 38
def test_regression_5133():
    N = 1000
    lon = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, N) * u.deg
    lat = np.random.uniform(50, 52, N) * u.deg
    alt = np.random.uniform(0, 10., N) * u.km

    time = Time('2010-1-1')

    objects = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lon, lat, height=alt)
    itrs_coo = objects.get_itrs(time)

    homes = [EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lon=-1 * u.deg, lat=52 * u.deg, height=h)
             for h in (0, 1000, 10000)*u.km]

    altaz_frames = [AltAz(obstime=time, location=h) for h in homes]
    altaz_coos = [itrs_coo.transform_to(f) for f in altaz_frames]

    # they should all be different
    for coo in altaz_coos[1:]:
        assert not quantity_allclose(coo.az, coo.az[0])
        assert not quantity_allclose(coo.alt, coo.alt[0])
Exemplo n.º 39
def assert_objects_equal(obj1, obj2, attrs, compare_class=True):
    if compare_class:
        assert obj1.__class__ is obj2.__class__

    info_attrs = ['info.name', 'info.format', 'info.unit', 'info.description']
    for attr in attrs + info_attrs:
        a1 = obj1
        a2 = obj2
        for subattr in attr.split('.'):
                a1 = getattr(a1, subattr)
                a2 = getattr(a2, subattr)
            except AttributeError:
                a1 = a1[subattr]
                a2 = a2[subattr]

        if isinstance(a1, np.ndarray) and a1.dtype.kind == 'f':
            assert quantity_allclose(a1, a2, rtol=1e-10)
            assert np.all(a1 == a2)
Exemplo n.º 40
def assert_objects_equal(obj1, obj2, attrs, compare_class=True):
    if compare_class:
        assert obj1.__class__ is obj2.__class__

    info_attrs = [
        'info.name', 'info.format', 'info.unit', 'info.description',
        'info.meta', 'info.dtype'
    for attr in attrs + info_attrs:
        a1 = obj1
        a2 = obj2
        for subattr in attr.split('.'):
                a1 = getattr(a1, subattr)
                a2 = getattr(a2, subattr)
            except AttributeError:
                a1 = a1[subattr]
                a2 = a2[subattr]

        # Mixin info.meta can None instead of empty OrderedDict(), #6720 would
        # fix this.
        if attr == 'info.meta':
            if a1 is None:
                a1 = {}
            if a2 is None:
                a2 = {}

        if isinstance(a1, np.ndarray) and a1.dtype.kind == 'f':
            assert quantity_allclose(a1, a2, rtol=1e-15)
        elif isinstance(a1, np.dtype):
            # HDF5 does not perfectly preserve dtype: byte order can change, and
            # unicode gets stored as bytes.  So, we just check safe casting, to
            # ensure we do not, e.g., accidentally change integer to float, etc.
            if NUMPY_LT_1_22 and a1.names:
                # For old numpy, can_cast does not deal well with structured dtype.
                assert a1.names == a2.names
                assert np.can_cast(a2, a1, casting='safe')
            assert np.all(a1 == a2)
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_differential_type_arg():
    Test passing in an explicit differential class to the initializer or
    changing the differential class via set_representation_cls
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS

    icrs = ICRS(ra=1*u.deg, dec=60*u.deg,
                pm_ra=10*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=-11*u.mas/u.yr,
    assert icrs.pm_ra == 10*u.mas/u.yr

    icrs = ICRS(ra=1*u.deg, dec=60*u.deg,
                pm_ra=10*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=-11*u.mas/u.yr,
                differential_type={'s': r.UnitSphericalDifferential})
    assert icrs.pm_ra == 10*u.mas/u.yr

    icrs = ICRS(ra=1*u.deg, dec=60*u.deg,
                pm_ra_cosdec=10*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=-11*u.mas/u.yr)
    assert quantity_allclose(icrs.pm_ra, 20*u.mas/u.yr)

    # incompatible representation and differential
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        ICRS(ra=1*u.deg, dec=60*u.deg,
             v_x=1*u.km/u.s, v_y=-2*u.km/u.s, v_z=-2*u.km/u.s,

    # specify both
    icrs = ICRS(x=1*u.pc, y=2*u.pc, z=3*u.pc,
                v_x=1*u.km/u.s, v_y=2*u.km/u.s, v_z=3*u.km/u.s,
    assert icrs.x == 1*u.pc
    assert icrs.y == 2*u.pc
    assert icrs.z == 3*u.pc
    assert icrs.v_x == 1*u.km/u.s
    assert icrs.v_y == 2*u.km/u.s
    assert icrs.v_z == 3*u.km/u.s
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_loopback_obstime(frame):
    # Test that the loopback properly handles a change in obstime
    from_coo = frame(1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg, 3 * u.AU, obstime='2001-01-01')
    to_frame = frame(obstime='2001-06-30')

    explicit_coo = from_coo.transform_to(ICRS()).transform_to(to_frame)
    implicit_coo = from_coo.transform_to(to_frame)

    # Confirm that the explicit transformation changes the coordinate
    assert not quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.lon, from_coo.lon, rtol=1e-10)
    assert not quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.lat, from_coo.lat, rtol=1e-10)
    assert not quantity_allclose(
        explicit_coo.distance, from_coo.distance, rtol=1e-10)

    # Confirm that the loopback matches the explicit transformation
    assert quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.lon, implicit_coo.lon, rtol=1e-10)
    assert quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.lat, implicit_coo.lat, rtol=1e-10)
    assert quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.distance,
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_loopback_obliquity():
    # Test that the loopback properly handles a change in obliquity
    from_coo = CustomBarycentricEcliptic(1 * u.deg,
                                         2 * u.deg,
                                         3 * u.AU,
                                         obliquity=84000 * u.arcsec)
    to_frame = CustomBarycentricEcliptic(obliquity=85000 * u.arcsec)

    explicit_coo = from_coo.transform_to(ICRS()).transform_to(to_frame)
    implicit_coo = from_coo.transform_to(to_frame)

    # Confirm that the explicit transformation changes the lon/lat but not the distance
    assert not quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.lon, from_coo.lon, rtol=1e-10)
    assert not quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.lat, from_coo.lat, rtol=1e-10)
    assert quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.distance,

    # Confirm that the loopback matches the explicit transformation
    assert quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.lon, implicit_coo.lon, rtol=1e-10)
    assert quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.lat, implicit_coo.lat, rtol=1e-10)
    assert quantity_allclose(explicit_coo.distance,
Exemplo n.º 44
def allclose_m8(a, b, rtol=1.e-8, atol=None):
    if atol is None:
        atol = 1.e-8 * getattr(a, 'unit', 1)
    return quantity_allclose(a, b, rtol, atol)
Exemplo n.º 45
def vvd(val, valok, dval, func, test, status):
    """Mimic routine of erfa/src/t_erfa_c.c (to help copy & paste)"""
    assert quantity_allclose(val, valok * val.unit, atol=dval * val.unit)
Exemplo n.º 46
def allclose_m8(a, b, rtol=1.e-8, atol=None):
    if atol is None:
        atol = 1.e-8 * getattr(a, 'unit', 1)
    return quantity_allclose(a, b, rtol, atol)
Exemplo n.º 47
def test_read_only_input():
    lon = np.array([80., 440.]) * u.deg
    lat = np.array([45.]) * u.deg
    lon.flags.writeable = lat.flags.writeable = False
    loc = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lon=lon, lat=lat)
    assert quantity_allclose(loc[1].x, loc[0].x)
Exemplo n.º 48
def vvd(val, valok, dval, func, test, status):
    """Mimic routine of erfa/src/t_erfa_c.c (to help copy & paste)"""
    assert quantity_allclose(val, valok * val.unit, atol=dval * val.unit)