Exemplo n.º 1
DESCRIPTION = 'The Astronomical Plotting Library in Python'
AUTHOR = 'Thomas Robitaille and Eli Bressert'
AUTHOR_EMAIL = '[email protected], [email protected]'
URL = 'http://aplpy.github.com'

# VERSION should be PEP386 compatible (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0386)
VERSION = '0.9.12.dev'

# Indicates if this version is a release version
RELEASE = 'dev' not in VERSION

if not RELEASE:
    VERSION += get_git_devstr(False)

# Populate the dict of setup command overrides; this should be done before
# invoking any other functionality from distutils since it can potentially
# modify distutils' behavior.
cmdclassd = register_commands(PACKAGENAME, VERSION, RELEASE)

# Adjust the compiler in case the default on this platform is to use a
# broken one.

# Freeze build information in version.py
generate_version_py(PACKAGENAME, VERSION, RELEASE, get_debug_option())

# Treat everything in scripts except README.rst as a script to be installed
scripts = [
Exemplo n.º 2
PACKAGENAME = 'photutils'
DESCRIPTION = 'Astropy affiliated package for image photometry tasks.'
LONG_DESCRIPTION = photutils.__doc__
AUTHOR = 'Photutils developers, Kyle Barbary'
AUTHOR_EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
URL = 'http://astropy.org'

# VERSION should be PEP386 compatible (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0386)
VERSION = '0.0.dev'

# Indicates if this version is a release version
RELEASE = 'dev' not in VERSION

if not RELEASE:
    VERSION += get_git_devstr(False)

# Populate the dict of setup command overrides; this should be done before
# invoking any other functionality from distutils since it can potentially
# modify distutils' behavior.
cmdclassd = register_commands(PACKAGENAME, VERSION, RELEASE)

# Adjust the compiler in case the default on this platform is to use a
# broken one.

# Freeze build information in version.py
generate_version_py(PACKAGENAME, VERSION, RELEASE, get_debug_option())

# Use the find_packages tool to locate all packages and modules
packagenames = filter_packages(find_packages())
Exemplo n.º 3
# Autogenerated by Astropy-affiliated package tardis's setup.py on 2013-06-12 16:25:56.989362

from astropy.version_helpers import update_git_devstr, get_git_devstr

_last_generated_version = '0.9.dev368'

version = update_git_devstr(_last_generated_version)
githash = get_git_devstr(sha=True, show_warning=False)

major = 0
minor = 9
bugfix = 0

release = False
debug = False

    from astropy.utils._compiler import compiler
except ImportError:
    compiler = "unknown"

    from astropy.cython_version import cython_version
except ImportError:
    cython_version = "unknown"