def test_cube_coords_uncorr_slicing(self, tmpdir):

        # Regression test for a bug that occurred with coordinate formatting if
        # some dimensions were uncorrelated and sliced out.

        wcs = WCS(self.cube_header)

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
        canvas = fig.canvas

        ax = WCSAxes(fig, [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], wcs=wcs, slices=('x', 'y', 2))

        # On some systems, fig.canvas.draw is not enough to force a draw, so we
        # save to a temporary file.

        # Testing default displayed world coordinates
        string_world = ax._display_world_coords(0.523412, 0.518311)
        assert string_world == '3h26m56.6s 30\xb018\'19\" (world)'

        # Test pixel coordinates
        event1 = KeyEvent('test_pixel_coords', canvas, 'w')
        fig.canvas.key_press_event(event1.key, guiEvent=event1)
        string_pixel = ax._display_world_coords(0.523412, 0.523412)
        assert string_pixel == "0.523412 0.523412 (pixel)"
    def test_cube_coords(self, tmpdir):
        wcs = WCS(self.cube_header)

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
        canvas = fig.canvas

        ax = WCSAxes(fig, [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], wcs=wcs, slices=('y', 50, 'x'))

        # On some systems, fig.canvas.draw is not enough to force a draw, so we
        # save to a temporary file.

        # Testing default displayed world coordinates
        string_world = ax._display_world_coords(0.523412, 0.518311)
        assert string_world == '3h26m52.0s 30\xb037\'17\" 2563 (world)'

        # Test pixel coordinates
        event1 = KeyEvent('test_pixel_coords', canvas, 'w')
        fig.canvas.key_press_event(event1.key, guiEvent=event1)
        string_pixel = ax._display_world_coords(0.523412, 0.523412)
        assert string_pixel == "0.523412 0.523412 (pixel)"
    def test_overlay_coords(self, tmpdir):
        wcs = WCS(self.msx_header)

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
        canvas = fig.canvas

        ax = WCSAxes(fig, [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], wcs=wcs)

        # On some systems, fig.canvas.draw is not enough to force a draw, so we
        # save to a temporary file.

        # Testing default displayed world coordinates
        string_world = ax._display_world_coords(0.523412, 0.518311)
        assert string_world == '0\xb029\'45" -0\xb029\'20" (world)'

        # Test pixel coordinates
        event1 = KeyEvent('test_pixel_coords', canvas, 'w')
        fig.canvas.key_press_event(event1.key, guiEvent=event1)
        string_pixel = ax._display_world_coords(0.523412, 0.523412)
        assert string_pixel == "0.523412 0.523412 (pixel)"

        event3 = KeyEvent('test_pixel_coords', canvas, 'w')
        fig.canvas.key_press_event(event3.key, guiEvent=event3)
        # Test that it still displays world coords when there are no overlay coords
        string_world2 = ax._display_world_coords(0.523412, 0.518311)
        assert string_world2 == '0\xb029\'45" -0\xb029\'20" (world)'

        overlay = ax.get_coords_overlay('fk5')

        # Regression test for bug that caused format to always be taken from
        # main world coordinates.

        # On some systems, fig.canvas.draw is not enough to force a draw, so we
        # save to a temporary file.

        event4 = KeyEvent('test_pixel_coords', canvas, 'w')
        fig.canvas.key_press_event(event4.key, guiEvent=event4)
        # Test that it displays the overlay world coordinates
        string_world3 = ax._display_world_coords(0.523412, 0.518311)

        assert string_world3 == '267.176\xb0 -28\xb045\'56" (world, overlay 1)'

        overlay = ax.get_coords_overlay(FK5())

        # Regression test for bug that caused format to always be taken from
        # main world coordinates.

        # On some systems, fig.canvas.draw is not enough to force a draw, so we
        # save to a temporary file.

        event5 = KeyEvent('test_pixel_coords', canvas, 'w')
        fig.canvas.key_press_event(event4.key, guiEvent=event4)
        # Test that it displays the overlay world coordinates
        string_world4 = ax._display_world_coords(0.523412, 0.518311)

        assert string_world4 == '267.176\xb0 -28\xb045\'56" (world, overlay 2)'

        overlay = ax.get_coords_overlay(FK5(equinox=Time("J2030")))

        # Regression test for bug that caused format to always be taken from
        # main world coordinates.

        # On some systems, fig.canvas.draw is not enough to force a draw, so we
        # save to a temporary file.

        event6 = KeyEvent('test_pixel_coords', canvas, 'w')
        fig.canvas.key_press_event(event5.key, guiEvent=event6)
        # Test that it displays the overlay world coordinates
        string_world5 = ax._display_world_coords(0.523412, 0.518311)

        assert string_world5 == '267.652\xb0 -28\xb046\'23" (world, overlay 3)'