def setUp(self): xidplus.__path__[0] # Folder containing maps imfolder = xidplus.__path__[0] + '/../test_files/' pswfits = imfolder + 'cosmos_itermap_lacey_07012015_simulated_observation_w_noise_PSW_hipe.fits.gz' # SPIRE 250 map pmwfits = imfolder + 'cosmos_itermap_lacey_07012015_simulated_observation_w_noise_PMW_hipe.fits.gz' # SPIRE 350 map plwfits = imfolder + 'cosmos_itermap_lacey_07012015_simulated_observation_w_noise_PLW_hipe.fits.gz' # SPIRE 500 map # Folder containing prior input catalogue catfolder = xidplus.__path__[0] + '/../test_files/' # prior catalogue prior_cat = 'lacey_07012015_MillGas.ALLVOLS_cat_PSW_COSMOS_test.fits' # output folder output_folder = './' # -----250------------- hdulist = im250phdu = hdulist[0].header im250hdu = hdulist[1].header im250 = hdulist[1].data * 1.0E3 # convert to mJy nim250 = hdulist[2].data * 1.0E3 # convert to mJy w_250 = wcs.WCS(hdulist[1].header) pixsize250 = 3600.0 *[1, 1] # pixel size (in arcseconds) hdulist.close() # -----350------------- hdulist = im350phdu = hdulist[0].header im350hdu = hdulist[1].header im350 = hdulist[1].data * 1.0E3 # convert to mJy nim350 = hdulist[2].data * 1.0E3 # convert to mJy w_350 = wcs.WCS(hdulist[1].header) pixsize350 = 3600.0 *[1, 1] # pixel size (in arcseconds) hdulist.close() # -----500------------- hdulist = im500phdu = hdulist[0].header im500hdu = hdulist[1].header im500 = hdulist[1].data * 1.0E3 # convert to mJy nim500 = hdulist[2].data * 1.0E3 # convert to mJy w_500 = wcs.WCS(hdulist[1].header) pixsize500 = 3600.0 *[1, 1] # pixel size (in arcseconds) hdulist.close() hdulist = + prior_cat) fcat = hdulist[1].data hdulist.close() inra = fcat['RA'] indec = fcat['DEC'] # select only sources with 100micron flux greater than 50 microJy sgood = fcat['S100'] > 0.050 inra = inra[sgood] indec = indec[sgood] from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy import units as u c = SkyCoord(ra=[150.74] *, dec=[2.03] * import pymoc moc = pymoc.util.catalog.catalog_to_moc(c, 100, 15) # ---prior250-------- prior250 = xidplus.prior( im250, nim250, im250phdu, im250hdu, moc=moc ) # Initialise with map, uncertianty map, wcs info and primary header prior250.prior_cat(inra, indec, prior_cat) # Set input catalogue prior250.prior_bkg( -5.0, 5 ) # Set prior on background (assumes Gaussian pdf with mu and sigma) # ---prior350-------- prior350 = xidplus.prior(im350, nim350, im350phdu, im350hdu, moc=moc) prior350.prior_cat(inra, indec, prior_cat) prior350.prior_bkg(-5.0, 5) # ---prior500-------- prior500 = xidplus.prior(im500, nim500, im500phdu, im500hdu, moc=moc) prior500.prior_cat(inra, indec, prior_cat) prior500.prior_bkg(-5.0, 5) self.priors = [prior250, prior350, prior500]
def fourier_combine( highresfitsfile, lowresfitsfile, matching_scale=60 * u.arcsec, scale=False, return_hdu=False, ): """ Simple reimplementation of 'feather' for 2D images """ raise "Obsolete" f1 = w1 = wcs.WCS(f1[0].header) f2 = w2 = wcs.WCS(f2[0].header) nax1, nax2 = f1[0].header['NAXIS1'], f1[0].header['NAXIS2'] # We take care of zooming later... #if not(nax1 == f2[0].header['NAXIS1'] and nax2 == f2[0].header['NAXIS2']): # raise ValueError("Images are not in the same pixel space; reproject " # "them to common pixel space first.") pixscale1 = w1.wcs.get_cdelt()[1] pixscale2 = w2.wcs.get_cdelt()[1] center = w1.sub([wcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL]).wcs_pix2world([nax1 / 2.], [nax2 / 2.], 1) frame = 'icrs' if w1.celestial.wcs.ctype[0][:2] == 'RA' else 'galactic' if w2.celestial.wcs.ctype[0][:2] == 'RA': center = coordinates.SkyCoord(*(center * u.deg), frame=frame).fk5 cxy = center.ra.deg, center.dec.deg elif w2.celestial.wcs.ctype[0][:4] == 'GLON': center = coordinates.SkyCoord(*(center * u.deg), frame=frame).galactic cxy = center.l.deg, center.b.deg im1 = f1[0].data.squeeze() im1[np.isnan(im1)] = 0 shape = im1.shape im2raw = f2[0].data.squeeze() im2raw[np.isnan(im2raw)] = 0 if len(shape) != im2raw.ndim: raise ValueError("Different # of dimensions in the interferometer and " "single-dish images") if len(shape) == 3: if shape[0] != im2raw.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Spectral dimensions of cubes do not match.") center_pixel = w2.sub([wcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL ]).wcs_world2pix(cxy[0], cxy[1], 0)[::-1] zoomed = zoom_on_pixel(np.nan_to_num(im2raw), center_pixel, usfac=np.abs(pixscale2 / pixscale1), outshape=shape) im2 = zoomed xax, psd1 = fft_psd_tools.PSD2(im1, oned=True) xax, psd2 = fft_psd_tools.PSD2(im2, oned=True) xax_as = (pixscale1 / xax * u.deg).to(u.arcsec) if scale: closest_point = np.argmin(np.abs(xax_as - matching_scale)) scale_2to1 = (psd1[closest_point] / psd2[closest_point])**0.5 else: scale_2to1 = 1 fft1 = np.fft.fft2(im1) fft2 = np.fft.fft2(im2) * scale_2to1 xgrid, ygrid = (np.indices(shape) - np.array([(shape[0] - 1.) / 2, (shape[1] - 1.) / 2.])[:, None, None]) sigma = np.abs(shape[0] / ( (matching_scale / (pixscale1 * u.deg)).decompose().value)) / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) kernel = np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-(xgrid**2 + ygrid**2) / (2 * sigma**2))) kernel /= kernel.max() fftsum = kernel * fft2 + (1 - kernel) * fft1 combo = np.fft.ifft2(fftsum) if not return_hdu: return combo elif return_hdu: combo_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=np.abs(combo), header=w1.to_header()) return combo_hdu
def test_fits_transform(): hdr = fits.Header.fromfile(get_pkg_data_filename('data/simple_wcs2.hdr')) gw1 = gwutils.make_fitswcs_transform(hdr) w1 = fitswcs.WCS(hdr) assert_allclose(gw1(1, 2), w1.wcs_pix2world(1, 2, 1), atol=10**-8)
def add_results(data, imagestretch='linear'): """ add results to website """ ### create lightcurve plots for each target data['lightcurveplots'] = {} for target in data['targetnames']: if sys.version_info < (3, 0): target = str(target)'create lightcurve plot for %s' % target) plt.plot() plt.title(target) plt.xlabel('Observation Midtime (JD)') plt.ylabel('Magnitude') plt.errorbar([dat[9][0] for dat in data[target]], [dat[7] for dat in data[target]], yerr=[dat[8] for dat in data[target]], linestyle='', color='black') plt.ylim([plt.ylim()[1], plt.ylim()[0]]) plt.grid() plt.savefig('.diagnostics/' + ('%s.png' % target.translate(_pp_conf.target2filename)), format='png') plt.close() data['lightcurveplots'][target] = ('.diagnostics/' + '%s.png' % target.translate(_pp_conf.target2filename)) ##### create thumbnail images data['thumbnailplots'] = {} data['gifs'] = {} boxsize = 300 # thumbnail boxsize for target in data['targetnames']: if sys.version_info < (3, 0): target = str(target) data['thumbnailplots'][target] = [] for dat in data[target]: for fitsfilename in ['.fits', '.fit']: fitsfilename = dat[10][:dat[10].find('.ldac')]+fitsfilename if os.path.isfile(fitsfilename): break #= dat[10][:dat[10].find('.ldac')]+'.fits' hdulist =, ignore_missing_end=True)'create thumbnail image for %s/%s' % (target, fitsfilename)) # turn relevant header keywords into floats # should be fixed in astropy.wcs for key, val in list(hdulist[0].header.items()): if 'CD1' in key or 'CD2' in key or \ 'CRVAL' in key or 'CRPIX' in key or \ 'EQUINOX' in key: hdulist[0].header[key] = float(val) # if 'PV1' in key or 'PV2' in key: # del hdulist[0].header[key] w = wcs.WCS(hdulist[0].header) obj_x, obj_y = dat[11], dat[12] image_coords = w.wcs_world2pix(numpy.array([[dat[1], dat[2]]]), True) exp_x, exp_y = image_coords[0][0], image_coords[0][1] # create margin around image allowing for any cropping composite = numpy.zeros((hdulist[0].data.shape[0]+2*boxsize, hdulist[0].data.shape[1]+2*boxsize)) composite[boxsize:boxsize+hdulist[0].data.shape[0], boxsize:boxsize+hdulist[0].data.shape[1]] = \ hdulist[0].data # extract thumbnail data accordingly thumbdata = composite[int(boxsize+obj_y-old_div(boxsize,2)): int(boxsize+obj_y+old_div(boxsize,2)), int(boxsize+obj_x-old_div(boxsize,2)): int(boxsize+obj_x+old_div(boxsize,2))] ## run statistics over center of the frame around the target if thumbdata.shape[0] > 0 and thumbdata.shape[1] > 0: norm = ImageNormalize(thumbdata, interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch={'linear': LinearStretch(), 'log': LogStretch()}[imagestretch]) # extract aperture radius if _pp_conf.photmode == 'APER': aprad = float(hdulist[0].header['APRAD']) # create plot #plotsize = 7. # inches fig = plt.figure() img = plt.imshow(thumbdata, cmap='gray', origin='lower', norm=norm) # remove axes plt.axis('off') img.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) img.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.annotate('%s\n%5.3f+-%5.3f mag' % (fitsfilename, dat[7], dat[8]), (3,10), color='white') # place aperture if _pp_conf.photmode == 'APER': targetpos = plt.Circle((boxsize/2, boxsize/2), aprad, ec='red', fc='none', linewidth=1) else: targetpos = plt.Rectangle((boxsize/2-7, boxsize/2-7), 15, 15, ec='red', fc='none', linewidth=1) plt.gca().add_patch(targetpos) # place expected position (if within thumbnail) if (abs(exp_x-obj_x) <= old_div(boxsize,2.) and abs(exp_y-obj_y) <= old_div(boxsize,2.)): plt.scatter(exp_x-obj_x+old_div(boxsize,2.), exp_y-obj_y+old_div(boxsize,2.), marker='+', s=100, color='green') thumbfilename = '.diagnostics/' + \ target.translate(_pp_conf.target2filename) + '_' + \ fitsfilename[:fitsfilename.find('.fit')] + \ '_thumb.png' plt.savefig(thumbfilename, format='png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close() hdulist.close() data['thumbnailplots'][target].append((fitsfilename, thumbfilename)) else: logging.warning('cannot produce thumbnail image ' + \ 'for %s in frame %s' % (target, dat[10])) continue ## create gif animation gif_filename = ('%s.gif' % target.translate(_pp_conf.target2filename))'converting images to gif: %s' % gif_filename) root = os.getcwd() os.chdir(_pp_conf.diagroot) try: convert = subprocess.Popen(['convert', '-delay', '50', ('%s*thumb.png' % (target.translate(_pp_conf.target2filename))), '-loop', '0', ('%s' % gif_filename)]) convert.wait() except: logging.warning('could not produce gif animation for ' \ + 'target %s' % target) data['gifs'][target] = '.diagnostics/' + gif_filename os.chdir(root) ### create results website for each target data['resultswebsites'] = {} for target in data['targetnames']: if sys.version_info < (3, 0): target = str(target) html = "<H2>%s - Photometric Results</H2>\n" % target html += "<P><IMG SRC=\"%s\">\n" % \ data['lightcurveplots'][target].split('.diagnostics/')[1] html += "<IMG SRC=\"%s\">\n" % \ data['gifs'][target].split('.diagnostics/')[1] # create summary table html += "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\">\n<TR>\n" html += "<TH>Filename</TH><TH>Julian Date</TH><TH>Target (mag)</TH>" \ + "<TH>sigma (mag)</TH><TH>Target RA (deg)</TH>" \ + "<TH>Target Dec (deg)</TH><TH>RA Offset (\")</TH>" \ + "<TH>Dec Offset (\")</TH>\n</TR>\n" for dat in data[target]: html += ("<TR><TD><A HREF=\"#%s\">%s</A></TD>" \ + "<TD>%15.7f</TD><TD>%7.4f</TD>" \ + "<TD>%6.4f</TD><TD>%13.8f</TD>" \ + "<TD>%+13.8f</TD><TD>%5.2f</TD><TD>%5.2f</TD>\n" \ + "</TR>\n" )% \ (dat[10], dat[10], dat[9][0], dat[7], dat[8], dat[3], dat[4], ((dat[1]-dat[3])*3600.), ((dat[2]-dat[4])*3600.)) html += "</TABLE>\n" # plot individual thumbnails html += "<H3>Thumbnails</H3>\n" for idx, plts in enumerate(data['thumbnailplots'][target]): html += "<P>%s<IMG ID=\"%s\" SRC=\"%s\">\n" % (plts[0], data[target][idx][10], plts[1].split('.diagnostics/')[1]) filename = '.diagnostics/' + \ target.translate(_pp_conf.target2filename) + \ '_' + 'results.html' create_website(filename, html) data['resultswebsites'][target] = filename ### update index.html html = "<H2>Photometry Results</H2>\n" html += "<P>photometric data obtained for %d object(s): \n" % \ len(data['targetnames']) for target in data['targetnames']: html += "<BR><A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A>\n" % \ (data['resultswebsites'][target], target) for target in data['targetnames']: html += "<P><IMG SRC=\"%s\">\n" % data['lightcurveplots'][target] html += "<IMG SRC=\"%s\">\n" % data['gifs'][target] append_website(_pp_conf.index_filename, html, replace_below="<H2>Photometry Results</H2>\n") return None
def hcongrid(image, header1, header2, **kwargs): """ Interpolate an image from one FITS header onto another kwargs will be passed to `scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates` Parameters ---------- image : ndarray A two-dimensional image header1 : `pyfits.Header` or `pywcs.WCS` The header or WCS corresponding to the image header2 : `pyfits.Header` or `pywcs.WCS` The header or WCS to interpolate onto Returns ------- ndarray with shape defined by header2's naxis1/naxis2 Raises ------ TypeError if either is not a Header or WCS instance Exception if image1's shape doesn't match header1's naxis1/naxis2 Examples -------- (not written with >>> because test.fits/test2.fits do not exist) fits1 ='test.fits') target_header = pyfits.getheader('test2.fits') new_image = hcongrid(fits1[0].data, fits1[0].header, target_header) """ if issubclass(pywcs.WCS, header1.__class__): wcs1 = header1 else: try: wcs1 = pywcs.WCS(header1) except: raise TypeError( "Header1 must either be a pyfits.Header or pywcs.WCS instance") if not (wcs1.naxis1 == image.shape[1] and wcs1.naxis2 == image.shape[0]): raise Exception("Image shape must match header shape.") if issubclass(pywcs.WCS, header2.__class__): wcs2 = header2 else: try: wcs2 = pywcs.WCS(header2) except: raise TypeError( "Header2 must either be a pyfits.Header or pywcs.WCS instance") if not all([w1 == w2 for w1, w2 in zip(wcs1.wcs.ctype, wcs2.wcs.ctype)]): # do unit conversions raise NotImplementedError( "Unit conversions have not yet been implemented.") # sigh... why does numpy use matrix convention? Makes everything so much harder... outshape = [wcs2.naxis2, wcs2.naxis1] yy2, xx2 = np.indices(outshape) lon2, lat2 = wcs2.wcs_pix2sky(xx2, yy2, 0) xx1, yy1 = wcs1.wcs_sky2pix(lon2, lat2, 0) grid1 = np.array([yy1.reshape(outshape), xx1.reshape(outshape)]) newimage = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(np.nan_to_num(image), grid1, **kwargs) return newimage
def make_narrowband_image( detectid=None, coords=None, shotid=None, pixscale=0.25 * u.arcsec, imsize=30.0 * u.arcsec, wave_range=None, convolve_image=True, ffsky=True, subcont=False, dcont=50., ): """ Function to make narrowband image from either a detectid or from a coordinate/shotid combination. Paramaters ---------- detectid: int detectid from the continuum or lines catalog. Default is None. Provide a coords/shotid combo if this isn't given coords: SkyCoords object coordinates to define the centre of the data cube pixscale: astropy angle quantity plate scale imsize: astropy angle quantity image size wave_range: list or None start and stop value for the wavelength range in Angstrom. If not given, the detectid linewidth is used convolve_image: bool option to convolve image with shotid seeing ffsky: bool option to use full frame calibrated fibers. Default is True. subcont: bool option to subtract continuum. Default is False. This will measure the continuum 50AA below and above the input wave_range dcont width in angstrom to measure the continuum. Default is to measure 50 AA wide regions on either side of the line Returns ------- hdu: PrimaryHDU object the 2D summed data array and associated 2d header Units are '10^-17 erg cm-2 s-1' Examples -------- For a specific detectid: >>> hdu = make_narrowband_image(detectid=2101046271) For a SkyCoords object. You must provide shotid and wavelength range >>> coords = SkyCoord(188.79312, 50.855747, unit='deg') >>> wave_obj = 4235.84 #in Angstrom >>> hdu = make_narrowband_image(coords=coords, shotid=20190524021, wave_range=[wave_obj-10, wave_obj+10]) """ global config, detecth5, surveyh5 if detectid is not None: detectid_obj = detectid det_info = detecth5.root.Detections.read_where("detectid == detectid_obj")[0] shotid_obj = det_info["shotid"] wave_obj = det_info["wave"] linewidth = det_info["linewidth"] wave_range = [wave_obj - 2.0 * linewidth, wave_obj + 2.0 * linewidth] coords = SkyCoord(det_info["ra"], det_info["dec"], unit="deg") elif coords is not None: if shotid is not None: shotid_obj = shotid else: print("Provide a shotid") if wave_range is None: print( "Provide a wavelength range to collapse. \ Example wave_range=[4500,4540]" ) else: print("Provide a detectid or both a coords and shotid") fwhm = surveyh5.root.Survey.read_where("shotid == shotid_obj")["fwhm_virus"][0] E = Extract() E.load_shot(shotid_obj) # get spatial dims: ndim = int(imsize / pixscale) center = int(ndim / 2) rad = imsize info_result = E.get_fiberinfo_for_coord(coords, radius=rad, ffsky=ffsky) ifux, ifuy, xc, yc, ra, dec, data, error, mask = info_result # get ifu center: ifux_cen, ifuy_cen = E.convert_radec_to_ifux_ifuy( ifux, ifuy, ra, dec, coords.ra.deg, coords.dec.deg ) zarray = E.make_narrowband_image( ifux_cen, ifuy_cen, ifux, ifuy, data, mask, seeing_fac=fwhm,,, wrange=wave_range, convolve_image=convolve_image, ) imslice = zarray[0] if subcont: zarray_blue = E.make_narrowband_image( ifux_cen, ifuy_cen, ifux, ifuy, data, mask, seeing_fac=fwhm,,, wrange=[wave_range[0]-dcont, wave_range[0]], convolve_image=convolve_image, ) zarray_red = E.make_narrowband_image( ifux_cen, ifuy_cen, ifux, ifuy, data, mask, seeing_fac=fwhm,,, wrange=[wave_range[1], wave_range[1]+dcont], convolve_image=convolve_image, ) dwave = wave_range[1]-wave_range[0] im_cont = (zarray_blue[0] + zarray_red[0])/(2*dcont) imslice = zarray[0] - dwave*im_cont w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2) imsize = w.wcs.crval = [coords.ra.deg, coords.dec.deg] w.wcs.crpix = [center, center] w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN"] w.wcs.cdelt = [,] hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(imslice, header=w.to_header()) return hdu
def add_registration(data, extraction_data, imagestretch='linear'): """ add registration results to website """ obsparam = extraction_data[0]['parameters']['obsparam'] # create registration website html = "<H2>Registration Results</H2>\n" html += "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\">\n<TR>\n" html += "<TH>Filename</TH><TH>AS_CONTRAST</TH><TH>XY_CONTRAST</TH>" \ + "<TH>RA_sig (arcsec)</TH><TH>DEC_sig (arcsec)</TH>" \ + "<TH>Chi2_Reference</TH><TH>Chi2_Internal</TH>\n</TR>\n" for dat in data['fitresults']: html += ("<TR><TD><A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A></TD>" \ + "<TD>%4.1f</TD><TD>%4.1f</TD>" \ + "<TD>%5.3f</TD><TD>%5.3f</TD>" \ + "<TD>%e</TD><TD>%e</TD>\n</TR>\n" )% \ (dat[0] + '_astrometry.png', dat[0], dat[1], dat[2], dat[3], dat[4], dat[5], dat[6]) html += "</TABLE>\n" html += "<P>AS_CONTRAST: position angle/scale contrast " + \ "(>%.1f usually ok)\n" % _pp_conf.scamp_as_contrast_limit html += "<BR>XY_CONTRAST: xy-shift contrast (>%.1f usually ok)\n" % \ _pp_conf.scamp_xy_contrast_limit create_website(_pp_conf.reg_filename, content=html) # load reference catalog refcat = catalog(data['catalog']) for filename in os.listdir('.'): if data['catalog'] in filename and '.cat' in filename: refcat.read_ldac(filename) break ### create frame images for dat in extraction_data: framefilename = '.diagnostics/' + dat['fits_filename'] + \ '_astrometry.png' imgdat =['fits_filename'], ignore_missing_end=True)[0].data resize_factor = min(1., 1000./numpy.max(imgdat.shape)) # clip extreme values to prevent crash of imresize imgdat = numpy.clip(imgdat, numpy.percentile(imgdat, 1), numpy.percentile(imgdat, 99)) imgdat = imresize(imgdat, resize_factor, interp='nearest') header =['fits_filename'], ignore_missing_end=True)[0].header norm = ImageNormalize(imgdat, interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch={'linear': LinearStretch(), 'log': LogStretch()}[imagestretch]) # turn relevant header keys into floats # bug for key, val in list(header.items()): if 'CD1_' in key or 'CD2_' in key or \ 'CRVAL' in key or 'CRPIX' in key or \ 'EQUINOX' in key: header[key] = float(val) plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) img = plt.imshow(imgdat, cmap='gray', norm=norm, origin='lower') # remove axes plt.axis('off') img.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) img.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # plot reference sources if refcat.shape[0] > 0: try: w = wcs.WCS(header) world_coo = numpy.array(list(zip(refcat['ra.deg'], refcat['dec.deg']))) img_coo = w.wcs_world2pix(world_coo, True ) img_coo = [c for c in img_coo if (c[0] > 0 and c[1] > 0 and c[0] < header[obsparam['extent'][0]] and c[1] < header[obsparam['extent'][1]])] plt.scatter([c[0]*resize_factor for c in img_coo], [c[1]*resize_factor for c in img_coo], s=5, marker='o', edgecolors='red', linewidth=0.1, facecolor='none') except astropy.wcs._wcs.InvalidTransformError: logging.error('could not plot reference sources due to ' 'astropy.wcs._wcs.InvalidTransformError; ' 'most likely unknown distortion parameters.') plt.savefig(framefilename, format='png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=200) plt.close() # update index.html html = '<H2>Registration</H2>\n' html += '%d/%d files have been registered successfully based on %s; ' % \ (len(data['goodfits']), len(data['goodfits']+data['badfits']), data['catalog']) if len(data['badfits']) > 0: html += '<B>%d files could not be registered</B>;' % \ len(data['badfits']) html += 'see <A HREF=\"%s\">registration website</A> for details\n' % \ _pp_conf.reg_filename append_website(_pp_conf.index_filename, html, replace_below="<H2>Registration Results</H2>\n") return None
def hdr_cood(filename): hdulist = w = wcs.WCS(hdulist[0].header) hdulist.close() return w
bad_ra, bad_dec, bad_z, bad_bcgx, bad_bcgy = [], [], [], [], [] norm_ra, norm_dec, norm_z, norm_bcgx, norm_bcgy = [], [], [], [], [] for kk in range(len(set_z)): ra_g, dec_g, z_g = set_ra[kk], set_dec[kk], set_z[kk] #file = home + 'wget_data/frame-%s-ra%.3f-dec%.3f-redshift%.3f.fits.bz2' % ('r', ra_g, dec_g, z_g) file = home + 'redMap_random/rand_img-%s-ra%.3f-dec%.3f-redshift%.3f.fits.bz2' % ( 'r', ra_g, dec_g, z_g) data = img = data[0].data head = data[0].header wcs_lis = awc.WCS(head) xn, yn = wcs_lis.all_world2pix(ra_g * U.deg, dec_g * U.deg, 1) Da_g = Test_model.angular_diameter_distance(z_g).value hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() = img hdu.header = head hdu.writeto('test.fits', overwrite=True) param_A = '' out_cat = 'default_mask_A.param' #out_load_A = load + 'source_find/' % (ra_g, dec_g, z_g, 'r') #out_load_A = load + 'source_find/' % (ra_g, dec_g, z_g, 'r')
# Set the WCS information manually by setting properties of the WCS # object. from __future__ import division, print_function import numpy from astropy import wcs from import fits # Create a new WCS object. The number of axes must be set # from the start w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2) # Set up an "Airy's zenithal" projection # Vector properties may be set with Python lists, or Numpy arrays w.wcs.crpix = [-234.75, 8.3393] w.wcs.cdelt = numpy.array([-0.066667, 0.066667]) w.wcs.crval = [0, -90] w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---AIR", "DEC--AIR"] w.wcs.set_pv([(2, 1, 45.0)]) # Some pixel coordinates of interest. pixcrd = numpy.array([[0, 0], [24, 38], [45, 98]], numpy.float_) # Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates world = w.wcs_pix2world(pixcrd, 1) print(world) # Convert the same coordinates back to pixel coordinates. pixcrd2 = w.wcs_world2pix(world, 1) print(pixcrd2)
from astropy import wcs from import fits from astropy import units as u from astropy import constants as const from spectral_cube import SpectralCube import spectral_cube # _____________________________________ file = "./../Data/higal_data/column_properunits_conv36_source_only.fits" hdu =[0] dend = astrodendro.Dendrogram.load_from("./../Dendrogram_files/clouds_only_dendrogram.fits") leaves = dend.leaves[9:(len(dend.leaves)-3)] colfile = file header = fits.getheader(colfile) mywcs = wcs.WCS(header) molecules = ["C18O", "13CO", "H2CO_303_202"] for mol in molecules: if mol == "C18O": cube_file = './APEX_data/APEX_C18O_2014_merge.fits' if mol == "13CO": cube_file = './APEX_data/APEX_13CO_2014_merge.fits' if mol == "H2CO_303_202": cube_file = './APEX_data/APEX_H2CO_303_202_bl.fits' cube = cube_header = cube.header.copy() cube_header.update(mywcs.to_header()) cube_header['NAXIS1'] = header['NAXIS1']
def main(fits_model_root, skymodel, ref_freq='60e6', fits_mask=None, min_peak_flux_jy=0.001, max_residual_jy=0.00, interp='linear'): """ Make a makesourcedb sky model for input MS from WSClean fits model images Parameters ---------- fits_model_root : str Root name of WSClean fits model files (without the "-XXXX-model.fits" part) skymodel : str Filename of the output makesourcedb sky model ref_freq : float, optional Reference freq of the output catalogue in Hz fits_mask : str, optional Filename of fits mask min_peak_flux_jy : float, optional Minimum absolute value of flux in Jy of a source in lowest-frequency model image to include in output model max_residual_jy : float, optional Maximum acceptible total residual absolute flux in Jy interp : str, optional Interpolation method. Can be any supported by scipy.interpolate.interp1d: 'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic' """ min_peak_flux_jy = float(min_peak_flux_jy) max_residual_jy = float(max_residual_jy) if type(fits_mask) is str: if fits_mask.lower() == 'none': fits_mask = None # Find model images: look first for channel images and MFS image fits_models = glob.glob(fits_model_root + '-*-model.fits') if len(fits_models) > 0: # Get the MFS image mfs_model = fits_model_root + '-MFS-model.fits' else: # No channels images found, so look for non-MFS images fits_models = glob.glob(fits_model_root + '-model.fits') mfs_model = None if len(fits_models) == 0: print('ERROR: no model images found') sys.exit(1) # Read in model images freqs = [] model_images = [] for f in fits_models: # Get the frequency info hdr = fits.getheader(f, 0, ignore_missing_end=True) freqs.append(hdr['CRVAL3']) # Hz model_images.append(fits.getdata(f, 0, ignore_missing_end=True)) w = wcs.WCS(hdr) # Read in MFS image if mfs_model is None: mfs_model = fits_models[0] mfs_image = fits.getdata(mfs_model, 0, ignore_missing_end=True) # Sort by freq sorted_ind = np.argsort(freqs) freqs = np.array(freqs)[sorted_ind] fits_models = np.array(fits_models)[sorted_ind] model_images = np.array(model_images)[sorted_ind] # Find pixels that meet the flux cut (and are in the mask, if given) if fits_mask is not None: if fits_mask.lower() == 'empty': # Handle case in which no sources were found during masking nonzero_ind = [[], []] else: mask = fits.getdata(fits_mask, 0, ignore_missing_end=True) nonzero_ind = np.where((np.abs(mfs_image) > min_peak_flux_jy) & (mask > 0)) else: nonzero_ind = np.where(np.abs(mfs_image) > min_peak_flux_jy) # Interpolate the fluxes to the frequency of the MS nsources = len(nonzero_ind[0]) fluxes = [] names = [] ras = [] decs = [] for i in range(nsources): index = [nonzero_ind[j][i] for j in range(4)] index.reverse() # change to WCS coords ras.append( w.wcs_pix2world(np.array([index]), 0, ra_dec_order=True)[0][0]) decs.append( w.wcs_pix2world(np.array([index]), 0, ra_dec_order=True)[0][1]) names.append('cc{}'.format(i)) index.reverse() # change back to image coords flux_array = np.array([im[tuple(index)] for im in model_images]) # If MS frequency lies outside range, just use nearest freq if ref_freq < freqs[0]: flux = flux_array[0] elif ref_freq > freqs[-1]: flux = flux_array[-1] else: # Otherwise interpolate flux = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(freqs, flux_array, kind=interp)(ref_freq) fluxes.append(flux) # Remove sources until we reach the desired residual if len(fluxes) > 0: total_flux = np.sum(np.abs(fluxes)) keep_ind = np.where(np.abs(fluxes) > min_peak_flux_jy) while (total_flux - np.sum(np.abs(np.array(fluxes)[keep_ind]))) < max_residual_jy: min_peak_flux_jy *= 1.1 keep_ind = np.where(np.abs(fluxes) > min_peak_flux_jy) if len(keep_ind[0]) < 50: # keep up to 50 sources regardless of the residual break fluxes = np.array(fluxes)[keep_ind] ras = np.array(ras)[keep_ind] decs = np.array(decs)[keep_ind] names = np.array(names)[keep_ind] # Write sky model with open(skymodel, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write( 'FORMAT = Name, Type, Ra, Dec, I, Q, U, V, ReferenceFrequency\n') for name, ra, dec, flux in zip(names, ras, decs, fluxes): ra_str, dec_str = convert_radec_str(ra, dec) outfile.write( '{0}, POINT, {1}, {2}, {3}, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, {4}\n'.format( name, ra_str, dec_str, flux, ref_freq))
imlist = [init,sc1,sc2,sc3,sc4,sc5,sc5tt,sc6tt] residlist = [rinit,rsc1,rsc2,rsc3,rsc4,rsc5,rsc5tt,rsc6tt] for name, ((ra1,dec1),(ra2,dec2)),(vmin,vmax) in [ ('SgrB2M', ((ra1m,dec1m),(ra2m,dec2m)), [-0.001, 0.1]), ('SgrB2S', ((ra1s,dec1s),(ra2s,dec2s)), [-0.001, 0.05]),]: fig = pl.figure(1, figsize=(20,6), dpi=75) fig.clf() for ii, (fh,rfh) in enumerate(zip(imlist, residlist) ): print(ii,fh,rfh) mywcs = wcs.WCS(fh[0].header) center = coordinates.SkyCoord((ra1+ra2)/2, (dec1+dec2)/2, frame='fk5', unit=(u.deg, u.deg)) size = max([np.abs(ra2-center.ra.deg), np.abs(dec2-center.dec.deg)]) * 2.1 * u.deg cutout_im = Cutout2D(fh[0].data, position=center, size=size, wcs=mywcs) cutout_res = Cutout2D(rfh[0].data, position=center, size=size, wcs=mywcs) ax = fig.add_subplot(2,len(imlist),ii+1, projection=cutout_im.wcs) im = ax.imshow(*1e3, cmap='gray', norm=astropy.visualization.simple_norm(fh[0].data, stretch='asinh', min_cut=vmin*1e3, max_cut=vmax*1e3, asinh_a=0.001), transform=ax.get_transform(cutout_im.wcs),
def draw_rectangles(img, catalog, colnames=['x', 'y'], header=None, ax=None, rectangle_size=[30, 30], pixel_scale=0.168, color='r', **kwargs): """ Draw rectangles on an image according to a catalogue. Parameters: img (numpy 2-D array): Image itself. catalog (``astropy.table.Table`` object): A catalog which contains positions. colnames (list): List of string, indicating which columns correspond to positions. It can also be "ra" and "dec", but then "header" is needed. header: Header file of a FITS image containing WCS information, typically ```` object. ax (``matplotlib.pyplot.axes`` object): The user could provide axes on which the figure will be drawn. rectangle_size (list of floats): Size of rectangles, in pixel. pixel_scale (float): Pixel size, in arcsec/pixel. Needed for correct scale bar. color (str): Color of rectangles. **kwargs: other arguments of ``display_single``. Returns: ax: If the input ``ax`` is not ``None``. """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, right=1.0, bottom=0.0, top=1.0, wspace=0.00, hspace=0.00) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2) gs.update(wspace=0.0, hspace=0.00) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) else: ax1 = ax # ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(NullFormatter()) # ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(NullFormatter()) # ax1.axis('off') from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle if np.any([item.lower() == 'ra' for item in colnames]): if header is None: raise ValueError( '# Header containing WCS must be provided to convert sky coordinates into image coordinates.' ) return else: w = wcs.WCS(header) x, y = w.wcs_world2pix( Table(catalog)[colnames[0]], Table(catalog)[colnames[1]], 0) else: x, y = catalog[colnames[0]], catalog[colnames[1]] display_single(img, ax=ax1, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, **kwargs) for i in range(len(catalog)): e = Rectangle(xy=(x[i] - rectangle_size[0] // 2, y[i] - rectangle_size[1] // 2), height=rectangle_size[0], width=rectangle_size[1], angle=0) e.set_facecolor('none') e.set_edgecolor(color) e.set_alpha(0.7) e.set_linewidth(1.3) ax1.add_artist(e) if ax is not None: return ax
f.close() print(ra, dec, field, ccd_num) path = '/fred/oz100/pipes/DWF_PIPE/MARY_WORK/' + field + '_18060*_mrt1_*/ccd' + ccd_num + '/images_resampled/sci_*.resamp.fits' print(path) path_insidefield = [] fitsfileslist = glob.glob(path) #print(fitsfileslist) mydic = {} for path in fitsfileslist: hdulist = w = wcs.WCS(hdulist[0].header) head = hdulist[0].header print(head) xlim = head['NAXIS1'] ylim = head['NAXIS2'] date = dt.datetime.strptime(head['DATE'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') pixcrd = np.array([[ra, dec]], np.float_) print(pixcrd) worldpix = w.wcs_world2pix(pixcrd, 1) pixx, pixy = worldpix[0][0], worldpix[0][1] print(pixx, pixy) if pixy < ylim and pixy > 0 and pixx < xlim and pixx > 0: path_insidefield.append(path)
def fits_XY(image_path,RA,DEC): img, hdr = fits.getdata(image_path,header=True) img = img.astype(np.float64) w = wcs.WCS(hdr) RA_px, DEC_px = w.all_world2pix(RA,DEC,0) return RA_px, DEC_px, img, hdr
def __init__(self, image, ext, dq_bits=0, dqimage=None, dqext=None, usermask=None, usermask_ext=None): """ Parameters ---------- image: ImageRef An :py:class:`~stsci.skypac.utils.ImageRef` object that refers to an open FITS file ext: tuple, int, str Extension specification in the `image` the `SkyLineMember` object will be associated with. An int `ext` specifies extension number. A tuple in the form (str, int) specifies extension name and number. A string `ext` specifies extension name and the extension version is assumed to be 1. See documentation for `` for examples. dq_bits: int, None (Default = 0) Integer sum of all the DQ bit values from the input `image`'s DQ array that should be considered "good" when building masks for sky computations. For example, if pixels in the DQ array can be combinations of 1, 2, 4, and 8 flags and one wants to consider DQ "defects" having flags 2 and 4 as being acceptable for sky computations, then `dq_bits` should be set to 2+4=6. Then a DQ pixel having values 2,4, or 6 will be considered a good pixel, while a DQ pixel with a value, e.g., 1+2=3, 4+8=12, etc. will be flagged as a "bad" pixel. | Default value (0) will make *all* non-zero pixels in the DQ mask to be considered "bad" pixels, and the corresponding image pixels will not be used for sky computations. | Set `dq_bits` to `None` to turn off the use of image's DQ array for sky computations. .. note:: DQ masks (if used), *will be* combined with user masks specified by the `usermask` parameter. dqimage: ImageRef An :py:class:`~stsci.skypac.utils.ImageRef` object that refers to an open FITS file that has DQ data of the input `image`. .. note:: When DQ data are located in the same FITS file as the science image data (e.g., HST/ACS, HST/WFC3, etc.), `dqimage` may point to the same :py:class:`~stsci.skypac.utils.ImageRef` object. In this case the reference count of the :py:class:`~stsci.skypac.utils.ImageRef` object must be increased adequately. dqext: tuple, int, str Extension specification of the `dqimage` that contains `image`'s DQ information. See help for `ext` for more details on acceptable formats for this parameter. usermask: ImageRef An :py:class:`~stsci.skypac.utils.ImageRef` object that refers to an open FITS file that has user mask data that indicate what pixels in the input `image` should be used for sky computations (``1``) and which pixels should **not** be used for sky computations (``0``). usermask_ext: tuple, int, str Extension specification of the `usermask` mask file that contains user's mask data that should be associated with the input `image` and `ext`. See help for `ext` for more details on acceptable formats for this parameter. """ assert(hasattr(self.__class__, '_initialized') and self.__class__._initialized) self._reset() # check that input images and extensions are valid -- # either integers or tuples of strings and integers, e.g., ('sci',1): _check_valid_imgext(image, 'image', ext, 'ext', can_img_be_None=False) if dq_bits is not None: if dqimage is None: dq_bits = 0 else: _check_valid_imgext(dqimage, 'dqimage', dqext, 'dqext') _check_valid_imgext(usermask, 'usermask', usermask_ext, 'usermask_ext') # get telescope, instrument, and detector info: self.telescope, self.instrument, self.detector = get_instrument_info( image, ext) # check dq_bits: if dq_bits is not None and not isinstance(dq_bits, int): if image: dqimage.release() if usermask: usermask.release() if dqimage: dqimage.release() raise TypeError( "Argument 'dq_bits' must be either an integer or None." ) # buld mask: self._buildMask(image.original_fname, ext, dq_bits, dqimage, dqext, usermask, usermask_ext) if dqimage: dqimage.release() if usermask: usermask.release() # save file, user mask, and DQ extension info: self._fname = image.original_fname self._basefname = basename(self._fname) self._image = image self._ext = ext self._can_free_image = (image.can_reload_data and self.optimize != 'speed') # check extension and create a string representation: try: extstr = ext2str(ext) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Unexpected extension type '{}' for file {}.". format(ext, self._basefname)) self._id = "{:s}[{:s}]".format(self._basefname, extstr) # extract WCS for bounding-box computation try: if hasattr(image.hdu[ext], 'wcs'): self._wcs = image.hdu[ext].wcs else: if self.telescope in supported_telescopes: self._wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(image.hdu, ext) else: self._wcs = pywcs.WCS(image.hdu[ext].header, image.hdu) if self._wcs is None: raise Exception("Invalid WCS.") except Exception as e: msg = "Unable to obtain WCS information for the file {:s}." \ .format(self._id) self._ml.error(msg) self._ml.flush() self._release_all() raise e # determine pixel scale: self._get_pixel_scale() # see if image data are in counts or count-rate # and compute count(-rate) to flux (per arcsec^2) conversion factor: self._brightness_conv_from_hdu(image.hdu, self._idcscale) # process Sky user's keyword and its value: self._init_skyuser(image.hdu[ext].header) # Set polygon to be the bounding box of the chip: self._polygon = SphericalPolygon.from_wcs(self.wcs, steps=1)
def main(input_image_file, vertices_file, output_image_file, blank_value='zero', image_is_wsclean_model=False): """ Blank a region in an image Parameters ---------- input_image_file : str Filename of input image to blank vertices_file : str, optional Filename of file with vertices (must be a pickle file containing a dictionary with the vertices in the 'vertices' entry) output_image_file : str Filename of output image blank_value : str, optional Value for blanks (one of 'zero' or 'nan') image_is_wsclean_model : bool, optional If True, the input and output image files are treated as the root name of a WSClean model image (or images) """ if type(image_is_wsclean_model) is str: if image_is_wsclean_model.lower() == 'true': image_is_wsclean_model = True else: image_is_wsclean_model = False if image_is_wsclean_model: input_image_files = glob.glob(input_image_file + '*-model.fits') output_image_files = [ f.replace(input_image_file, output_image_file) for f in input_image_files ] else: input_image_files = [input_image_file] output_image_files = [output_image_file] if blank_value == 'zero': blank_val = 0.0 elif blank_value == 'nan': blank_val = np.nan else: print('Blank value type "{}" not understood.'.format(blank_with)) sys.exit(1) # Construct polygon of facet region header = pyfits.getheader(input_image_files[0], 0) w = wcs.WCS(header) RAind = w.axis_type_names.index('RA') Decind = w.axis_type_names.index('DEC') vertices = read_vertices(vertices_file) RAverts = vertices[0] Decverts = vertices[1] xvert = [] yvert = [] for RAvert, Decvert in zip(RAverts, Decverts): ra_dec = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) ra_dec[0][RAind] = RAvert ra_dec[0][Decind] = Decvert xvert.append(w.wcs_world2pix(ra_dec, 0)[0][Decind]) yvert.append(w.wcs_world2pix(ra_dec, 0)[0][RAind]) poly = Polygon(xvert, yvert) for input_image, output_image in zip(input_image_files, output_image_files): hdu =, memmap=False) data = hdu[0].data # Find limits of facet poly and blank pixels outside them xmin = max(int(np.min(xvert)) - 2, 0) xmax = min(int(np.max(xvert)) + 2, data.shape[2]) ymin = max(int(np.min(yvert)) - 2, 0) ymax = min(int(np.max(yvert)) + 2, data.shape[3]) data[0, 0, :, :ymin] = blank_val data[0, 0, :, ymax:] = blank_val data[0, 0, :xmin, :] = blank_val data[0, 0, xmax:, :] = blank_val # Find distance to nearest poly edge and blank those that # are outside the facet (dist < 0) pix_ind = np.indices((xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin)) pix_ind[0] += xmin pix_ind[1] += ymin dist = poly.is_inside(pix_ind[0], pix_ind[1]) outside_ind = np.where(dist < 0.0) if len(outside_ind[0]) > 0: data[0, 0, pix_ind[0][outside_ind], pix_ind[1][outside_ind]] = blank_val hdu[0].data = data hdu.writeto(output_image, clobber=True)
def make_data_cube( detectid=None, coords=None, shotid=None, pixscale=0.25 * u.arcsec, imsize=30.0 * u.arcsec, wave_range=[3470, 5540], dwave=2.0, dcont=50.0, convolve_image=True, ffsky=True, subcont=False, ): """ Function to make a datacube from either a detectid or from a coordinate/shotid combination. Paramaters ---------- detectid: int detectid from the continuum or lines catalog. Default is None. Provide a coords/shotid combo if this isn't given coords: SkyCoords object coordinates to define the centre of the data cube pixscale: astropy angle quantity plate scale imsize: astropy angle quantity spatial length of cube (equal dims is only option) wave_range: list start and stop value for the wavelength range in Angstrom dwave step in wavelength range in Angstrom convolve_image: bool option to convolve image with shotid seeing ffsky: bool option to use full frame calibrated fibers. Default is True. subcont: bool option to subtract continuum. Default is False. This will measure the continuum 50AA below and above the input wave_range dcont width in angstrom to measure the continuum. Default is to measure 50 AA wide regions on either side of the line Returns ------- hdu: PrimaryHDU object the data cube 3D array and associated 3d header Units are '10^-17 erg cm-2 s-1 per spaxel' Examples -------- Can either pass in a detectid: >>> detectid_obj=2101602788 >>> hdu = make_data_cube( detectid=detectid_obj) >>> hdu.writeto( str(detectid_obj) + '.fits', overwrite=True) or can put in an SkyCoord object: >>> star_coords = SkyCoord(9.625181, -0.043587, unit='deg') >>> hdu = make_data_cube( coords=star_coords[0], shotid=20171016108, dwave=2.0) >>> hdu.writeto( 'star.fits', overwrite=True) """ global config, detecth5, surveyh5 if detectid is not None: detectid_obj = detectid det_info = detecth5.root.Detections.read_where("detectid == detectid_obj")[0] shotid = det_info["shotid"] coords = SkyCoord(det_info["ra"], det_info["dec"], unit="deg") if coords is None or shotid is None: print("Provide a detectid or both a coords and shotid") E = Extract() E.load_shot(shotid) # get spatial dims: ndim = int(imsize / pixscale) center = int(ndim / 2) # get wave dims: nwave = int((wave_range[1] - wave_range[0]) / dwave + 1) w = wcs.WCS(naxis=3) w.wcs.crval = [coords.ra.deg, coords.dec.deg, wave_range[0]] w.wcs.crpix = [center, center, 1] w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN", "WAVE"] w.wcs.cdelt = [,, dwave] rad = imsize info_result = E.get_fiberinfo_for_coord(coords, radius=rad, ffsky=False) ifux, ifuy, xc, yc, ra, dec, data, error, mask = info_result # get ifu center: ifux_cen, ifuy_cen = E.convert_radec_to_ifux_ifuy( ifux, ifuy, ra, dec, coords.ra.deg, coords.dec.deg ) if convolve_image: surveyh5 = tb.open_file(config.surveyh5, "r") shotid_obj = shotid fwhm = surveyh5.root.Survey.read_where("shotid == shotid_obj")["fwhm_virus"][0] surveyh5.close() else: fwhm = 1.8 # just a dummy variable as convolve_image=False im_cube = np.zeros((nwave, ndim, ndim)) wave_i = wave_range[0] i = 0 while wave_i <= wave_range[1]: try: im_src = E.make_narrowband_image( ifux_cen, ifuy_cen, ifux, ifuy, data, mask,, wrange=[wave_i, wave_i + dwave], nchunks=1, seeing_fac=fwhm, convolve_image=convolve_image,, ) im_slice = im_src[0] if subcont: zarray_blue = E.make_narrowband_image( ifux_cen, ifuy_cen, ifux, ifuy, data, mask, seeing_fac=fwhm,,, nchunks=2, wrange=[wave_i-dcont, wave_i], convolve_image=convolve_image, ) zarray_red = E.make_narrowband_image( ifux_cen, ifuy_cen, ifux, ifuy, data, mask, seeing_fac=fwhm, nchunks=2,,, wrange=[wave_i + dwave, wave_i + dwave + dcont], convolve_image=convolve_image, ) im_cont = (zarray_blue[0] + zarray_red[0])/(2*dcont) im_slice = im_src[0] - dwave*im_cont im_cube[i, :, :] = im_slice except Exception: im_cube[i, :, :] = np.zeros((ndim, ndim)) wave_i += dwave i += 1 hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(im_cube, header=w.to_header()) E.close() return hdu
def statmorphWrapper(index_pairs): crash = ['NGVSJ12:29:48.87+13:25:46.0', 'NGVSJ12:30:49.42+12:23:28.0'] df = pd.read_csv('NGVSgalaxies.csv') # Iterate through rows in csv file containing measurements for each galaxy for row in df.iloc[index_pairs[0]:index_pairs[1]].itertuples(index=True, name='Pandas'): galaxy = row.Official_name base = '' galaxyPath = f'{galaxy}/{galaxy}_G' if galaxy in crash : continue startcopy = time.time() # Try to copy galaxy files os.system(f'vcp vos:ngvs/data/NGVS/galaxies/{galaxy}/{galaxy}_G.fits /mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage') os.system(f'vcp vos:ngvs/data/NGVS/galaxies/{galaxyPath}_iso_model.fits /mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage') os.system(f'vcp vos:ngvs/data/NGVS/galaxies/{galaxyPath}_galfit_model.fits /mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage') os.system(f'vcp vos:ngvs/data/NGVS/galaxies/{galaxyPath}_mask.fits /mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage') os.system(f'vcp vos:ngvs/data/NGVS/galaxies/{galaxyPath}_psf.fits /mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage') os.system(f'vcp vos:ngvs/data/NGVS/galaxies/{galaxyPath}_sig.fits /mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage') os.system(f'vcp vos:ngvs/data/NGVS/galaxies/{galaxyPath}_iso_residual.fits /mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage') os.system(f'vcp vos:ngvs/data/NGVS/galaxies/{galaxyPath}_galfit_residual.fits /mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage') endcopy = time.time() - startcopy # If one of the required files is missing, continue to next galaxy if(not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G.fits') or (not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_iso_model.fits') and not \ path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_galfit_model.fits')) or not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_mask.fits') or not \ path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_psf.fits') or not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_sig.fits') or (not \ path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_iso_residual.fits') and not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_galfit_residual.fits'))): print(f'missing {galaxy}') writeFile = open(f'/mnt/scratch/missing/{galaxy}.txt', 'w') writeFile.write(f'{galaxy}\n') if(not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G.fits')): writeFile.write('missing original\n') if(not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_iso_model.fits')): writeFile.write('missing iso model\n') if(not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_galfit_model.fits')): writeFile.write('missing galfit model\n') if(not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_mask.fits')): writeFile.write('missing mask\n') if(not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_psf.fits')): writeFile.write('missing psf\n') if(not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_sig.fits')): writeFile.write('missing sig\n') if(not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_iso_residual.fits')): writeFile.write('missing iso residual\n') if(not path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_galfit_residual.fits')): writeFile.write('missing galfit residual\n') writeFile.close() clearTempFiles(galaxy) continue # ONLY PROCESS LARGE FILE #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(os.path.getsize(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G.fits') < 300000000): clearTempFiles(galaxy) continue #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create check file for current galaxy print(f'checking {galaxy}') writeFile = open(f'/mnt/scratch/check/{galaxy}.txt', 'w') writeFile.write('checking') writeFile.close() # If any of the galaxy files are empty then create galaxy corrupt file and continue to next galaxy if(checkCorrupt(galaxy)): writeFile = open(f'/mnt/scratch/corrupt/{galaxy}.txt', 'w') writeFile.write(f'corrupt\n') writeFile.close() clearTempFiles(galaxy) continue # Beginning of segmentation map creation startseg = time.time() hdu ='/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G.fits') im_header = hdu[0].header im_data = hdu[0].data # Sky subtraction from original image sky_data = np.zeros(np.shape(im_data)) sky_data += row.SKY im_sky_subtracted = im_data - sky_data # Calculate nucleus center ra = row.NGVS_ra dec = row.NGVS_dec mywcs = wcs.WCS(im_header) xCenter, yCenter = mywcs.all_world2pix([[ra, dec]], 0)[0] mask_data = fits.getdata(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_mask.fits') # If a iso model exists then use that file for the original model data, otherwise use galfit if path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_iso_model.fits'): original_model_data = fits.getdata(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_iso_model.fits') else: original_model_data = fits.getdata(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_galfit_model.fits') # If nucleus exists then mask nucleus if(row.Nuc_Flag == 1): for i in range(len(mask_data)): for j in range(len(mask_data)): # TODO: Change radius of nucleus mask if(((i-xCenter)**2) + ((j-yCenter)**2) <= (5**2)): mask_data[i][j] = 100 ellipse_data = np.zeros(np.shape(original_model_data)) # Calculate median of original model values within 10 pixel radius from nucleus center pixelList = [] for i in range(len(original_model_data)): for j in range(len(original_model_data)): if(((i-xCenter)**2) + ((j-yCenter)**2) <= (10**2) and mask_data[i][j] != 100): pixelList.append(original_model_data[i][j]) median = statistics.median(pixelList) # Create Segmentation Map seg_data = np.zeros(np.shape(original_model_data)) ellipse_data = np.zeros(np.shape(original_model_data)) # isEmpty flag is used for checking if a segmentation map is valid for processing. If segmentation map 2D list is all 0's then script crashes. isEmpty = True # if median is greater than 2*sky value then create segmentation map from original model values greater than 1.4*sky value within ellipse area if(median > 2*row.SKY): for i in range(len(original_model_data)): for j in range(len(original_model_data)): if(inEllipse(i,j,xCenter,yCenter,row.Size,row.AxisRatio,row.PA)): ellipse_data[i][j] = 100 if(original_model_data[i][j] > (1.4*row.SKY)): seg_data[i][j] = 100 isEmpty = False # If median is less than 2*sky value then create segmentation map from original model values greater than 1.1*sky value within ellipse area else: for i in range(len(original_model_data)): for j in range(len(original_model_data)): if(inEllipse(i,j,xCenter,yCenter,row.Size,row.AxisRatio,row.PA)): ellipse_data[i][j] = 100 if(original_model_data[i][j] > (1.1*row.SKY)): seg_data[i][j] = 100 isEmpty = False psf = fits.getdata(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_psf.fits') weightmap = fits.getdata(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_sig.fits') mask_data = np.array(mask_data, dtype=bool) endseg = time.time() - startseg # End of segmentation map creation # If the galaxy's segmentation map is empty with no area of interest, then create empty galaxy file and continue to next galaxy if(isEmpty): writeFile = open(f'/mnt/scratch/emptyseg/{galaxy}.txt', 'w') writeFile.write('empty') writeFile.close() clearTempFiles(galaxy) continue start_time = time.time() # run statmorph on current galaxy source_morphs = statmorph.source_morphology(im_sky_subtracted, seg_data, mask=mask_data, weightmap=weightmap, psf=psf) end_time = time.time() - start_time morph = source_morphs[0] startmodelcreate = time.time() # create model from statmorph results ny, nx = im_sky_subtracted.shape y, x = np.mgrid[0:ny, 0:nx] fitted_model = statmorph.ConvolvedSersic2D( amplitude=morph.sersic_amplitude, r_eff=morph.sersic_rhalf, n=morph.sersic_n, x_0=morph.sersic_xc, y_0=morph.sersic_yc, ellip=morph.sersic_ellip, theta=morph.sersic_theta) fitted_model.set_psf(psf) output_model_data = fitted_model(x, y) endmodelcreate = time.time() - startmodelcreate if path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_iso_residual.fits'): original_res_data = fits.getdata(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_iso_residual.fits') else: original_res_data = fits.getdata(f'/mnt/scratch/temp_galaxy_storage/{galaxy}_G_galfit_residual.fits') startfig = time.time() # normalize images, models, segmentation map output_res_data = im_sky_subtracted - output_model_data p1 = 10. ; p2 = 90. im_p1 = np.percentile(im_sky_subtracted.ravel(), p1) im_p2 = np.percentile(im_sky_subtracted.ravel(), p2) normSky = ImageNormalize(im_sky_subtracted, vmin=im_p1, vmax=im_p2) im_p1 = np.percentile(output_model_data.ravel(), p1) im_p2 = np.percentile(output_model_data.ravel(), p2) normOutputMod = ImageNormalize(output_model_data, vmin=im_p1, vmax=im_p2) im_p1 = np.percentile(original_model_data.ravel(), p1) im_p2 = np.percentile(original_model_data.ravel(), p2) normOriginalMod = ImageNormalize(original_model_data, vmin=im_p1, vmax=im_p2) im_p1 = np.percentile(output_res_data.ravel(), p1) im_p2 = np.percentile(output_res_data.ravel(), p2) normOutputRes = ImageNormalize(output_res_data, vmin=im_p1, vmax=im_p2) im_p1 = np.percentile(original_res_data.ravel(), p1) im_p2 = np.percentile(original_res_data.ravel(), p2) normOriginalRes = ImageNormalize(original_res_data, vmin=im_p1, vmax=im_p2) # create figures for images, models, segmentation map gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 4, width_ratios=[1, 1, 1, 1], wspace=0.2, hspace=0, top=0.7, bottom=0.05, left=0.1, right=0.5) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30,10)) ax= plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) ax.imshow(im_sky_subtracted, norm=normSky, cmap='gray', origin='lower') ax.set_title('Sky Subtracted Image', fontsize=15) ax= plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) ax.imshow(original_model_data, norm=normOriginalMod, cmap='gray', origin='lower') ax.set_title('Original Model', fontsize=15) ax= plt.subplot(gs[0,2]) ax.imshow(output_model_data, norm=normOutputMod, cmap='gray', origin='lower') ax.set_title('Output Model', fontsize=15) ax= plt.subplot(gs[0,3]) ax.imshow(mask_data, cmap='gray', origin='lower') ax.set_title('Mask', fontsize=15) ax= plt.subplot(gs[1,0]) ax.imshow(seg_data, cmap='gray', origin='lower') ax.set_title('Segmap', fontsize=15) ax= plt.subplot(gs[1,1]) ax.imshow(ellipse_data, cmap='gray', origin='lower') ax.set_title('Ellipse Area', fontsize=15) ax= plt.subplot(gs[1,2]) ax.imshow(original_res_data, norm=normOriginalRes, cmap='gray', origin='lower') ax.set_title('Original Residual', fontsize=15) ax= plt.subplot(gs[1,3]) ax.imshow(output_res_data, norm=normOutputRes, cmap='gray', origin='lower') ax.set_title('Output Residual', fontsize=15) endfig = time.time() - startfig # save figures as PNG image to output directory fig.savefig(f'/mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_sourcemorph:{round(end_time, 2)}_seg={round(endseg, 2)}_RE={round(row.Size, 3)}_mag={round(row.principleg_mag_cg, 3)}.png', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', transparent=False, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) # UNCOMMENT TO SAVE AS MULTI EXTENSION FITS FILE INSTEAD OF PNG #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(im_sky_subtracted, header=im_header) # image_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(output_model_data) # image_hdu2 = fits.ImageHDU(output_res_data) # hdul = fits.HDUList([primary_hdu, image_hdu, image_hdu2]) # upload fits file to VOSpace # hdul.writeto(f'/mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_output.fits', overwrite=True) # os.system(f'vcp /mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_output.fits vos:ngvs/data/STATMORPH/FITS_output/{galaxy}_output.fits') # if path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_output.fits'): # os.system(f'rm /mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_output.fits') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # UPLOAD PNG FILE WITH FLAGS # os.system(f'vcp /mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_time:{round(end_time, 2)}_Flag={morph.flag}_SersicFlag={morph.flag_sersic}.png \ # vos:ngvs/data/STATMORPH/filesize_bug/{galaxy}_time:{round(end_time, 2)}_Flag={morph.flag}_SersicFlag={morph.flag_sersic}.png') # if path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_time:{round(end_time, 2)}_Flag={morph.flag}_SersicFlag={morph.flag_sersic}.png'): # os.system(f'rm /mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_time:{round(end_time, 2)}_Flag={morph.flag}_SersicFlag={morph.flag_sersic}.png') # UPLOAD PNG FILE WITH MEDIAN & SKY VALUES # os.system(f'vcp /mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_time:{round(end_time, 2)}_size={row.Size}_median={median}_2*sky={2*row.SKY}sky={row.SKY}.png \ # vos:ngvs/data/STATMORPH/memory_bug/{galaxy}_time:{round(end_time, 2)}_size={row.Size}_median={median}_2*sky={2*row.SKY}sky={row.SKY}.png') # if path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_time:{round(end_time, 2)}_size={row.Size}_median={median}_2*sky={2*row.SKY}sky={row.SKY}.png'): # os.system(f'rm /mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_time:{round(end_time, 2)}_size={row.Size}_median={median}_2*sky={2*row.SKY}sky={row.SKY}.png') # UPLOAD PNG FILE WITH RUNNING TIMES & RE FACTOR & MAGNITUDE os.system(f'vcp /mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_sourcemorph:{round(end_time, 2)}_seg={round(endseg, 2)}_RE={round(row.Size, 3)}_mag={round(row.principleg_mag_cg, 3)}.png \ vos:ngvs/data/STATMORPH/memory_fix/{galaxy}_sourcemorph:{round(end_time, 2)}_seg={round(endseg, 2)}_RE={round(row.Size, 3)}_mag={round(row.principleg_mag_cg, 3)}.png') if path.isfile(f'/mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_sourcemorph:{round(end_time, 2)}_seg={round(endseg, 2)}_RE={round(row.Size, 3)}_mag={round(row.principleg_mag_cg, 3)}.png'): os.system(f'rm /mnt/scratch/output/{galaxy}_sourcemorph:{round(end_time, 2)}_seg={round(endseg, 2)}_RE={round(row.Size, 3)}_mag={round(row.principleg_mag_cg, 3)}.png') hdu.close() clearTempFiles(galaxy) print(f'complete {galaxy}')
def add_calibration(data, imagestretch='linear'): """ add calibration results to website """ ### produce calibration plot for each frame for idx, cat in enumerate(data['catalogs']): if not data['zeropoints'][idx]['success']: continue ax1 = plt.subplot(211) ax1.set_title('%s: %s-band from %s' % (cat.catalogname, data['filtername'], data['ref_cat'].catalogname)) ax1.set_xlabel('Number of Reference Stars') ax1.set_ylabel('Magnitude Zeropoint', fontdict={'color':'red'}) #ax1.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(-5,5)) zp_idx = data['zeropoints'][idx]['zp_idx'] clipping_steps = data['zeropoints'][idx]['clipping_steps'] x = [len(clipping_steps[i][3]) for i in range(len(clipping_steps))] ax1.errorbar(x, [clipping_steps[i][0] for i in range(len(clipping_steps))], yerr=[clipping_steps[i][1] for i in range(len(clipping_steps))], color='red') ax1.set_ylim(ax1.get_ylim()[::-1]) # reverse y axis ax1.plot([len(clipping_steps[zp_idx][3]), len(clipping_steps[zp_idx][3])], ax1.get_ylim(), color='black') ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(x, [clipping_steps[i][2] for i in range(len(clipping_steps))], color='blue') ax2.set_ylabel(r'reduced $\chi^2$', fontdict={'color':'blue'}) ax2.set_yscale('log') # residual plot ax3 = plt.subplot(212) ax3.set_xlabel('Reference Star Magnitude') ax3.set_ylabel('Calibration-Reference (mag)') match = data['zeropoints'][idx]['match'] x = match[0][0][clipping_steps[zp_idx][3]] residuals = match[1][0][clipping_steps[zp_idx][3]] \ + clipping_steps[zp_idx][0] \ - match[0][0][clipping_steps[zp_idx][3]] residuals_sig = numpy.sqrt(match[1][1][clipping_steps[zp_idx][3]]**2\ + clipping_steps[zp_idx][1]**2) ax3.errorbar(x, residuals, yerr=residuals_sig, color='black', linestyle='') ax3.plot(ax3.get_xlim(), [0,0], color='black', linestyle='--') ax3.set_ylim(ax3.get_ylim()[::-1]) # reverse y axis plt.grid() plt.savefig(('.diagnostics/%s_photcal.png') % cat.catalogname, format='png') data['zeropoints'][idx]['plotfilename'] = \ ('.diagnostics/%s_photcal.png') % \ cat.catalogname plt.close() ### create zeropoint overview plot times = [dat['obstime'][0] for dat in data['zeropoints']] zp = [dat['zp'] for dat in data['zeropoints']] zperr = [dat['zp_sig'] for dat in data['zeropoints']] plt.subplot() plt.errorbar(times, zp, yerr=zperr, linestyle='') plt.xlabel('Observation Midtime (JD)') plt.ylabel('Magnitude Zeropoints (mag)') plt.ylim([plt.ylim()[1], plt.ylim()[0]]) plt.grid() plt.savefig('.diagnostics/zeropoints.png', format='png') plt.close() data['zpplot'] = 'zeropoints.png' ### create calibration website html = "<H2>Calibration Results</H2>\n" html += ("<P>Calibration input: minimum number/fraction of reference " \ + "stars %.2f, reference catalog: %s, filter name: %s\n") % \ (data['minstars'], data['ref_cat'].catalogname, data['filtername']) html += "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\">\n<TR>\n" html += "<TH>Filename</TH><TH>Zeropoint (mag)</TH><TH>ZP_sigma (mag)</TH>" \ + "<TH>N_stars</TH><TH>N_matched</TH>\n</TR>\n" for dat in data['zeropoints']: if 'plotfilename' in list(dat.keys()): html += ("<TR><TD><A HREF=\"#%s\">%s</A></TD>" \ + "<TD>%7.4f</TD><TD>%7.4f</TD><TD>%d</TD>" \ + "<TD>%d</TD>\n</TR>" ) % \ (dat['plotfilename'].split('.diagnostics/')[1], dat['filename'], dat['zp'], dat['zp_sig'], dat['zp_nstars'], len(dat['match'][0][0])) html += "</TABLE>\n" html += "<P><IMG SRC=\"%s\">" % data['zpplot'] for dat in data['zeropoints']: if not dat['success']: continue catframe = '.diagnostics/'+ \ dat['filename'][:dat['filename'].find('.ldac')] + \ '.fits_reference_stars.png' html += ("<H3>%s</H3>" \ + "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\">\n" \ + "<TR><TD><A HREF=\"%s\">" \ + "<IMG ID=\"%s\" SRC=\"%s\" HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=400>" \ + "</A></TD><TD><A HREF=\"%s\">" \ + "<IMG ID=\"%s\" SRC=\"%s\" HEIGHT=400 WIDTH=400>" \ + "</A></TD>\n") % \ (dat['filename'], dat['plotfilename'].split('.diagnostics/')[1], dat['plotfilename'].split('.diagnostics/')[1], dat['plotfilename'].split('.diagnostics/')[1], catframe.split('.diagnostics/')[1], catframe.split('.diagnostics/')[1], catframe.split('.diagnostics/')[1]) html += "<TD><TABLE BORDER=\"1\">\n<TR>\n" html += "<TH>Idx</TH><TH>Name</TH><TH>RA</TH><TH>Dec</TH>" \ + "<TH>Catalog (mag)</TH>" \ + "<TH>Instrumental (mag)</TH><TH>Calibrated (mag)</TH>" \ + "<TH>Residual (mag</TH>\n</TR>\n" for i, idx in enumerate(dat['zp_usedstars']): name = dat['match'][0][2][idx] if isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode('utf8') html += ("<TR><TD>%d</TD><TD>%s</TD><TD>%12.8f</TD>" \ + "<TD>%12.8f</TD><TD>%.3f+-%.3f</TD>" \ + "<TD>%.3f+-%.3f</TD>" \ + "<TD>%.3f+-%.3f</TD><TD>%.3f</TD></TR>") % \ (i+1, name, dat['match'][0][3][idx], dat['match'][0][4][idx], dat['match'][0][0][idx], dat['match'][0][1][idx], dat['match'][1][0][idx], dat['match'][1][1][idx], dat['zp']+dat['match'][1][0][idx], numpy.sqrt(dat['zp_sig']**2 + dat['match'][1][1][idx]**2), (dat['zp']+dat['match'][1][0][idx])-dat['match'][0][0][idx]) html += "</TABLE><P>derived zeropoint: %7.4f+-%6.4f mag\n" % \ (dat['zp'], dat['zp_sig']) html += "</TR></TD></TR></TABLE>\n" ### create catalog frame fits_filename = dat['filename'][:dat['filename'].find('.ldac')] + \ '.fits' imgdat =, ignore_missing_end=True)[0].data resize_factor = min(1., 1000./numpy.max(imgdat.shape)) # clip extreme values to prevent crash of imresize imgdat = numpy.clip(imgdat, numpy.percentile(imgdat, 1), numpy.percentile(imgdat, 99)) imgdat = imresize(imgdat, resize_factor, interp='nearest') header =, ignore_missing_end=True)[0].header norm = ImageNormalize(imgdat, interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch={'linear': LinearStretch(), 'log': LogStretch()}[imagestretch]) # turn relevant header keys into floats # bug for key, val in list(header.items()): if 'CD1_' in key or 'CD2_' in key or \ 'CRVAL' in key or 'CRPIX' in key or \ 'EQUINOX' in key: header[key] = float(val) plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) img = plt.imshow(imgdat, cmap='gray', norm=norm, origin='lower') # remove axes plt.axis('off') img.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) img.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # plot reference sources if len(dat['match'][0][3]) > 0 and len(dat['match'][0][4]) > 0: try: w = wcs.WCS(header) world_coo = [[dat['match'][0][3][idx], dat['match'][0][4][idx]] \ for idx in dat['zp_usedstars']] img_coo = w.wcs_world2pix(world_coo, True ) plt.scatter([c[0]*resize_factor for c in img_coo], [c[1]*resize_factor for c in img_coo], s=10, marker='o', edgecolors='red', linewidth=0.1, facecolor='none') for i in range(len(dat['zp_usedstars'])): plt.annotate(str(i+1), xy=((img_coo[i][0]*resize_factor)+15, img_coo[i][1]*resize_factor), color='red', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center') except astropy.wcs._wcs.InvalidTransformError: logging.error('could not plot reference sources due to ' 'astropy.wcs._wcs.InvalidTransformError; ' 'most likely unknown distortion parameters.') plt.savefig(catframe, format='png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=200) plt.close() create_website(_pp_conf.cal_filename, content=html) ### update index.html html = "<H2>Photometric Calibration - Zeropoints</H2>\n" html += "match image data with %s (%s);\n" % \ (data['ref_cat'].catalogname, data['ref_cat'].history) html += "see <A HREF=\"%s\">calibration</A> website for details\n" % \ _pp_conf.cal_filename html += "<P><IMG SRC=\"%s\">\n" % ('.diagnostics/' + data['zpplot']) append_website(_pp_conf.index_filename, html, replace_below=("<H2>Photometric Calibration " "- Zeropoints</H2>\n")) return None
import os from import fits from astropy import wcs from astropy import units as u import regions import numpy as np import pylab as pl if not os.path.exists('W51e2w_ALMAB3_cutout.fits'): fh = '/Users/adam/work/w51/alma/FITS/longbaseline/w51e2_sci.spw0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_13_14_15_16_17_18_19.mfs.I.manual.image.tt0.pbcor.fits' ) ww = wcs.WCS(fh[0].header).celestial pr0 = regions.read_ds9( '/Users/adam/work/w51/vla_q/regions/e2w_ellipse.reg')[0].to_pixel(ww) pr0.width *= 2.5 pr0.height *= 2.5 msk = pr0.to_mask() img_95ghz = msk.multiply(fh[0].data.squeeze()) header = fh[0].header ww_cutout = ww[msk.bbox.slices] header.update(ww_cutout.to_header()) fits.PrimaryHDU(data=img_95ghz, header=header).writeto('W51e2w_ALMAB3_cutout.fits', overwrite=True) else: img_95ghz = fits.getdata('W51e2w_ALMAB3_cutout.fits') if not os.path.exists('W51e2w_VLA_Q_cutout.fits'): fh =
def radprof2map(pos, energy, profile, nametag): # read energies and angular profiles energies = np.array(pd.read_hdf(energy))[:, 0] fluxes = np.array(pd.read_hdf(profile)) angles = np.array(pd.read_hdf(profile).keys()) # determine number of pixels to cover the entire profile # reduce resolution by factor of 2 # + 1 makes the final map centered on the pulsar npix = len(angles) + 1 # create wcs for output map # output binning will cover the whole model with npix pixels out_res = 2 * angles[-1] / (npix - 1) out_wcs = wcs.WCS(naxis=3) out_wcs.wcs.crpix = [(npix - 1.) / 2 + 1., (npix - 1) / 2 + 1., 1] out_wcs.wcs.cdelt = [-out_res, out_res, np.ediff1d(np.log10(energies))[0]] out_wcs.wcs.crval = [ pos.ra.deg[0], pos.dec.deg[0], # centered on pulsar np.log10(energies[0]) ] out_wcs.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN", "Log10(Energy/1 MeV)"] # create output map out_map = np.zeros([len(energies), npix, npix]) # create pixel arrays ii = np.linspace(1, npix, npix) xv, yv = np.meshgrid(ii, ii) xx = xv.flatten() yy = yv.flatten() # fake array for energy zz = np.zeros(np.shape(xx)) # world position array world = out_wcs.wcs_pix2world(np.array([xx, yy, zz]).T, 1) # sky coordinate array sc = SkyCoord(world[:, 0] * u.deg, world[:, 1] * u.deg, frame='icrs') # angular distance array in deg sep = sc.separation(pos).base.base for k in range(len(energies)): # get flux interpolating over angular bins flux = np.interp(sep, angles, fluxes[k]) # set flux to 0 beyond range covered by model flux[sep > angles[-1]] = 0. # reshape array and fill map out_map[k] = flux.reshape(npix, npix) # create the main hdu hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(out_map) hdu.header = out_wcs.to_header() hdu.header.set('BUNIT', 'photon/cm2/s/MeV/sr', 'Photon flux', after='CRVAL3') hdu.verify('fix') # create the energy table ecol = fits.Column(name='Energy', format='D', unit='MeV', array=energies) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([ecol], name='ENERGIES') tbhdu.verify('fix') # write file hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) hdulist.writeto(nametag + '_map.fits', overwrite=True)
def get_cubeinfo(header, returnHeader=False, origin=1): ''' A function created to parse the RA, DEC, (and velocity) information from the 2D (3D) header - This function has been tested with GALFA-HI/EBHIS cubes, and GALFA-HI 2D images. - also been tested with LAB cubes/images that are in (glon, glat) coordinates. - The input header can be 2D: NAXIS=2. NAXIS1 is RA (glon), 2 is DEC (glat) - or 3D: NAXIS=3. NAXIS1 is RA (glon), 2 is DEC (glat), 3 is Velocity - Return: if GALFA-HI or EBHIS: ra and dec in 2D, with shape of (dec.size, ra.size) or (NAXIS2, NAXIS1) - velocity in 1D. or (ra, dec, vlsr, header array) - if LAB: glon, glat in 2D, with shape of (glat.size, glon.size) or (NAXIS2, NAXIS1) - velocity in 1D. or (gl, gb, vlsr, header array) - History: updated as of 2016.10.03. Yong Zheng @ Columbia Astro. ''' #import sys #import astropy.wcs as wcs #import numpy as np hdrarrs = [] if header['NAXIS'] == 2: hdr2d = header.copy() hdrarrs.append(hdr2d) elif header['NAXIS'] == 3: # create a 2D header (RA/DEC) to speed up the RA/DEC calculation using astropy.wcs hdr2d = header.copy() # we don't need the velocity (3) information in the header delkey = [] for key in hdr2d.keys(): if len(key) != 0 and key[-1] == '3': delkey.append(key) for i in delkey: del hdr2d[i] hdr2d['NAXIS'] = 2 if 'WCSAXES' in hdr2d.keys(): hdr2d['WCSAXES']=2 # create a 1D header (vel) to parse the velocity using astropy.wcs hdr1d = header.copy() # we don't need the RA/DEC keywords info in the header now. delkey = [] for keya in hdr1d.keys(): if len(keya) != 0 and keya[-1] in ['1', '2']: delkey.append(keya) for i in delkey: del hdr1d[i] delkey = [] for keyb in hdr1d.keys(): if len(keyb) != 0 and keyb[-1] == '3': hdr1d.append('%s1'%(keyb[:-1])) hdr1d['%s1'%(keyb[:-1])] = hdr1d[keyb] delkey.append(keyb) for i in delkey: del hdr1d[i] hdr1d['NAXIS'] = 1 if 'WCSAXES' in hdr1d.keys(): hdr1d['WCSAXES']=1 # save header arrays hdrarrs.append(hdr2d) hdrarrs.append(hdr1d) else: print("This code can only handle 2D or 3D data") sys.exit(1) return_arrays = [] # calculate RA, DEC gwcsa = wcs.WCS(hdr2d) n1, n2 = hdr2d['NAXIS1'], hdr2d['NAXIS2'] ax = np.reshape(np.mgrid[0:n1:1]+1, (1, n1)) # For FITS standard, origin = 1 ay = np.reshape(np.mgrid[0:n2:1]+1, (n2, 1)) # then for numpy standard, origin = 0 coor1, coor2 = gwcsa.all_pix2world(ax, ay, origin) # coor1 = ra or glon return_arrays.append(coor1) # coor2 = dec or glat return_arrays.append(coor2) ## calculate VLSR if header['NAXIS'] == 3: gwcsb = wcs.WCS(hdr1d) n1 = hdr1d['NAXIS1'] ax = np.mgrid[0:n1:1]+1 # ax = np.linspace(0, n1, n1) # nope, wrong vel = gwcsb.all_pix2world(ax, origin)[0] if 'CUNIT1' in hdr1d.keys(): if hdr1d['CUNIT1'] in ['m/s', 'M/S', 'M/s', 'm/S']: vel = vel/1e3 else: vel = vel/1e3 # default is usually in m/s return_arrays.append(vel) if returnHeader == True: return_arrays.append(hdrarrs) return return_arrays
imagein = 'mask_han1_mask_imfit_13co_pix_2_Tmb.fits' hdulist = print hdulist[0].data.shape #sys.exit() data = hdulist[0].data[0, :, :, :] datarms = 0.64 # K from data paper table 2 header = hdulist[0].header crpix3 = header['CRPIX3'] cdelt3 = header['CDELT3'] crval3 = header['CRVAL3'] bmaj = 8. # header['BMAJ']*3600. # in arcsec bmin = 8. # header['BMIN']*3600. # in arcsec bpa = 0. # header['BPA'] cellsize = 2. # abs(header['CDELT1']*3600.) # in arcsec n1, n2, n3 = data.shape w = wcs.WCS(header) hdulist.close() def beampixel( bmaj, bmin, bpa, corecenter, cellsize, beamfraction=1. ): # bmaj, bmin, cellsize in arcsec, corecenter = [pixelx, pixely], input bpa in degree pixellist = [] rotation = float(bpa) / 180. * np.pi cosa = np.cos(rotation) sina = np.sin(rotation)
def detect_with_sep( event, detect_thresh=2., npixels=8, grow_seg=5, gauss_fwhm=2., gsize=3, im_wcs=None, ): """ Run SExtractor on a FITS file contained in the Lambda event This function will generate a catalog and a PNG for the FITS file stored in the Lambda event. The catalog and PNG will be stored in the s3 output bucket specified by the Lambda event. Parameters ---------- event : dict dict containing the data passed to the Lambda function detect_thresh: int, detection threshold to use for sextractor npixels: int, minimum number of pixels comprising an object grow_seg: int, gauss_fwhm: float, FWHM of the kernel to use for filtering prior to source finding gsize: float im_wcs: astropy.wcs.WCS WCS object defining the coordinate system of the observation Returns ------- """ drz_file = event['fits_s3_key'] drz_file_bucket = event['fits_s3_bucket'] fname = drz_file.split('/')[-1] s3 = boto3.resource('s3') bkt = s3.Bucket(drz_file_bucket) bkt.download_file(drz_file, f"/tmp/{fname}", ExtraArgs={"RequestPayer": "requester"}) im ="/tmp/{fname}") if im_wcs is None: im_wcs = wcs.WCS(im[1].header, relax=True) data = im[1].data.byteswap().newbyteorder() wht_data = im[2].data.byteswap().newbyteorder() data_mask = np.cast[data.dtype](data == 0) ## Get AB zeropoint try: photfnu = im[0].header['PHOTFNU'] except KeyError as e: LOG.warning(e) ZP = None else: ZP = -2.5 * np.log10(photfnu) + 8.90 try: photflam = im[0].header['PHOTFLAM'] except KeyError as e: LOG.warning(e) ZP = None else: ZP = -2.5*np.log10(photflam) - 21.10 - \ 5*np.log10(im[0].header['PHOTPLAM']) + 18.6921 if ZP is None: msg = ("Whoops! No zeropoint information found in primary header, " f"skipping file {fname}") LOG.warning(msg) # Scale fluxes to mico-Jy uJy_to_dn = 1 / (3631 * 1e6 * 10**(-0.4 * ZP)) # set up the error array err = 1 / np.sqrt(wht_data) err[~np.isfinite(err)] = 0 mask = (err == 0) # get the background bkg = sep.Background(data, mask=mask, bw=32, bh=32, fw=3, fh=3) bkg_data = bkg.back() ratio = bkg.rms() / err err_scale = np.median(ratio[(~mask) & np.isfinite(ratio)]) err *= err_scale # Generate a kernel to use for filtering gaussian_kernel = kernels.Gaussian2DKernel( x_stddev=gauss_fwhm / gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm, y_stddev=gauss_fwhm / gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm, x_size=7, y_size=7) # Normalize the kernel gaussian_kernel.normalize() # Package the inputs for sextractor inputs = { 'err': err, 'mask': mask, 'filter_kernel': gaussian_kernel.array, 'filter_type': 'conv', 'minarea': npixels, 'deblend_nthresh': 32, 'deblend_cont': 0.005, 'clean': True, 'clean_param': 1, 'segmentation_map': False } objects = sep.extract(data - bkg_data, detect_thresh, **inputs) catalog = Table(objects) # add things to catalog autoparams = [2.5, 3.5] catalog['number'] = np.arange(len(catalog), dtype=np.int32) + 1 catalog['theta'] = np.clip(catalog['theta'], -np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2) # filter out any NaNs for c in ['a', 'b', 'x', 'y', 'theta']: catalog = catalog[np.isfinite(catalog[c])] catalog['ra'], catalog['dec'] = im_wcs.all_pix2world( catalog['x'], catalog['y'], 1) catalog['ra'].unit = u.deg catalog['dec'].unit = u.deg catalog['x_world'], catalog['y_world'] = catalog['ra'], catalog['dec'] kronrad, krflag = sep.kron_radius(data - bkg_data, catalog['x'], catalog['y'], catalog['a'], catalog['b'], catalog['theta'], 6.0) kronrad *= autoparams[0] kronrad[~np.isfinite(kronrad)] = autoparams[1] kronrad = np.maximum(kronrad, autoparams[1]) kron_out = sep.sum_ellipse(data - bkg_data, catalog['x'], catalog['y'], catalog['a'], catalog['b'], catalog['theta'], kronrad, subpix=5, err=err) kron_flux, kron_fluxerr, kron_flag = kron_out kron_flux_flag = kron_flag catalog['mag_auto_raw'] = ZP - 2.5 * np.log10(kron_flux) catalog['magerr_auto_raw'] = 2.5 / np.log(10) * kron_fluxerr / kron_flux catalog['mag_auto'] = catalog['mag_auto_raw'] * 1. catalog['magerr_auto'] = catalog['magerr_auto_raw'] * 1. catalog['kron_radius'] = kronrad * u.pixel catalog['kron_flag'] = krflag catalog['kron_flux_flag'] = kron_flux_flag # Make a plot im_data = im[1].data im_shape = im_data.shape im_data[np.isnan(im_data)] = 0.0 # Trim the top and bottom 1 percent of pixel values top = np.percentile(im_data, 99) im_data[im_data > top] = top bottom = np.percentile(im_data, 1) im_data[im_data < bottom] = bottom # Scale the data. im_data = im_data - im_data.min() im_data = (im_data / im_data.max()) * 255. im_data = np.uint8(im_data) f, (ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex=True) f.set_figheight(12) f.set_figwidth(12) ax.imshow(im_data, cmap="Greys", clim=(0, 255), origin='lower') ax.plot(catalog['x'], catalog['y'], 'o', markeredgewidth=1, markeredgecolor='red', markerfacecolor='None') ax.set_xlim([-0.05 * im_shape[1], 1.05 * im_shape[1]]) ax.set_ylim([-0.05 * im_shape[0], 1.05 * im_shape[0]]) basename = fname.split('_')[0] f.savefig(f"/tmp/{basename}.png") # Write the catalog to local disk catalog.write(f"/tmp/{basename}.catalog.fits", format='fits') # Write out to S3 s3 = boto3.resource('s3') s3.meta.client.upload_file(f"/tmp/{basename}.catalog.fits", event['s3_output_bucket'], f"{basename}/{basename}.catalog.fits") s3.meta.client.upload_file(f"/tmp/{basename}.png", event['s3_output_bucket'], f"{basename}/{basename}.png")
def fourier_combine_cubes( cube1, cube2, highresextnum=0, highresscalefactor=1.0, lowresscalefactor=1.0, lowresfwhm=1 * u.arcmin, return_regridded_cube2=False, return_hdu=False, ): """ Fourier combine two data cubes Parameters ---------- cube1 : SpectralCube highresfitsfile : str The high-resolution FITS file cube2 : SpectralCube lowresfitsfile : str The low-resolution (single-dish) FITS file highresextnum : int The extension number to use from the high-res FITS file highresscalefactor : float lowresscalefactor : float A factor to multiply the high- or low-resolution data by to match the low- or high-resolution data lowresfwhm : `astropy.units.Quantity` The full-width-half-max of the single-dish (low-resolution) beam; or the scale at which you want to try to match the low/high resolution data return_hdu : bool Return an HDU instead of just a cube. It will contain two image planes, one for the real and one for the imaginary data. return_regridded_cube2 : bool Return the 2nd cube regridded into the pixel space of the first? """ if isinstance(cube1, str): cube1 = if isinstance(cube2, str): cube2 = #cube1 =, # hdu=highresextnum) im1 = cube1._data # want the raw data for this hd1 = cube1.header assert hd1['NAXIS'] == im1.ndim == 3 w1 = cube1.wcs pixscale = np.abs(w1.wcs.get_cdelt()[0]) # REPLACE EVENTUALLY... cube2 = assert cube1.unit == cube2.unit, 'Cubes must have same or equivalent unit' assert cube1.unit.is_equivalent(u.Jy / u.beam) or cube1.unit.is_equivalent( u.K), "Cubes must have brightness units." #f2 = regrid_fits_cube(lowresfitsfile, hd1) f2 = regrid_cube_hdu(cube2.hdu, hd1) w2 = wcs.WCS(f2.header) nax1, nax2, nax3 = (hd1['NAXIS1'], hd1['NAXIS2'], hd1['NAXIS3']) dcube1 = im1 * highresscalefactor dcube2 = * lowresscalefactor outcube = np.empty_like(dcube1) xgrid, ygrid = (np.indices([nax2, nax1]) - np.array([(nax2 - 1.) / 2, (nax1 - 1.) / 2.])[:, None, None]) fwhm = np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) # sigma in pixels sigma = ((lowresfwhm / fwhm / (pixscale * u.deg)).decompose().value) #sigma_fftspace = (1/(4*np.pi**2*sigma**2))**0.5 sigma_fftspace = (2 * np.pi * sigma)**-1 log.debug('sigma = {0}, sigma_fftspace={1}'.format(sigma, sigma_fftspace)) kernel = np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-(xgrid**2 + ygrid**2) / (2 * sigma**2))) # convert the kernel, which is just a gaussian in image space, # to its corresponding kernel in fourier space kfft = np.abs(np.fft.fft2(kernel)) # should be mostly real # normalize the kernel kfft /= kfft.max() ikfft = 1 - kfft pb = ProgressBar(dcube1.shape[0]) for ii, (im1, im2) in enumerate(zip(dcube1, dcube2)): fft1 = np.fft.fft2(np.nan_to_num(im1)) fft2 = np.fft.fft2(np.nan_to_num(im2)) fftsum = kfft * fft2 + ikfft * fft1 combo = np.fft.ifft2(fftsum) outcube[ii, :, :] = combo.real pb.update(ii + 1) if return_regridded_cube2: return outcube, f2 elif return_hdu: return fits.PrimaryHDU(data=outcube, header=w1.to_header()) else: return outcube
def buildmasks(filename, nChan=2000, width=2e9, outdir=None): """Builds masks for use in DEGAS imaging pipeline. Parameters ---------- filename : str FITS filename of spectral cube mask. The file should be a binary mask with True / 1 indicating emission and False / 0 otherwise. This assumes the cube has a spectral axis in velocity and that the cube or has the metadata required to convert to velocity. Note there is no checking of the spectral frame (LSRK, LSRD, BARY) and the conversion assumes radio Doppler convention. nChan : int Number of channels in output mask. This should be larger than the number of channels in the DEGAS bandpass (1024) width : float Spectral width in Hz of the resulting mask. This should be larger than the GBT bandwidth used (usually 1.5 GHz for DEGAS) outdir : str Directory for output masks to be stored in """ if outdir is None: outdir = os.environ['DEGASDIR'] + 'masks/' if not os.access(outdir,os.W_OK): try: os.mkdir(outdir) print('Made directory {0}'.format(outdir)) except OSError: try: os.mkdir('/'.join((outdir.split('/'))[0:-1])) # there may be a safer what to do this with os.path.split os.mkdir(outdir) print('Made directory {0}'.format(outdir)) except: warnings.warn('Unable to make output directory '+outdir) raise except: warnings.warn('Unable to make output directory '+outdir) raise # Read in original cube, ensure in velocity space s = s = s.with_spectral_unit( / u.s, velocity_convention='radio') vmid = s.spectral_axis[len(s.spectral_axis)//2].value c = 299792.458 # HCN_HCO+ # Build a mask with a spectral width of 2 GHz and the same spatial # dimensions as the original mask s_hcn = s.with_spectral_unit(u.Hz, rest_value=88.631847 * u.GHz) s_hcop = s.with_spectral_unit(u.Hz, rest_value=89.188518 * u.GHz) mask = np.zeros((nChan, s.shape[1], s.shape[2]), dtype=np.byte) hdr = s_hcn.wcs.to_header() hdr['CRPIX3'] = 1000 hdr['CDELT3'] = width / nChan hdr['CRVAL3'] = (89.188518 + 88.631847) / 2 * 1e9 * (1 - vmid / c) hdr['NAXIS'] = 3 hdr['NAXIS1'] = mask.shape[0] hdr['NAXIS2'] = mask.shape[1] hdr['NAXIS3'] = mask.shape[2] hdr['SIMPLE'] = 'T' hdr['BITPIX'] = 8 hdr['EXTEND'] = 'T' hdr = deduplicate_keywords(hdr) w = wcs.WCS(hdr) maskcube = SpectralCube(mask, w, header=hdr) for zz in range(nChan): nu = maskcube.spectral_axis[zz] _, _, zz_hcn = s_hcn.wcs.wcs_world2pix(hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'], nu, 0) zz_hcn = int(zz_hcn) _, _, zz_hcop = s_hcop.wcs.wcs_world2pix(hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'], nu, 0) zz_hcop = int(zz_hcop) if 0 <= zz_hcn < s_hcn.shape[0]: mask[zz, :, :] = np.array(s_hcn.filled_data[zz_hcn, :, :], dtype=np.bool) if 0 <= zz_hcop < s_hcop.shape[0]: mask[zz, :, :] = np.array(s_hcop.filled_data[zz_hcop, :, :], dtype=np.bool) maskcube = SpectralCube(mask, w, header=hdr) galname = os.path.split(filename)[1].split('_')[0] maskcube.write(outdir + galname+'.hcn_hcop.mask.fits', overwrite=True) # C18O/13CO # Build a mask with a spectral width of 2 GHz and the same spatial # dimensions as the original mask s_13co = s.with_spectral_unit(u.Hz, rest_value=110.20135 * u.GHz) s_c18o = s.with_spectral_unit(u.Hz, rest_value=109.78217 * u.GHz) mask = np.zeros((nChan, s.shape[1], s.shape[2]), dtype=np.byte) hdr = s_13co.wcs.to_header() hdr['CRPIX3'] = 1000 hdr['CDELT3'] = width / nChan hdr['CRVAL3'] = (110.20135 + 109.78217) / 2 * 1e9 * (1 - vmid / c) hdr['NAXIS'] = 3 hdr['NAXIS1'] = mask.shape[0] hdr['NAXIS2'] = mask.shape[1] hdr['NAXIS3'] = mask.shape[2] hdr['SIMPLE'] = 'T' hdr['BITPIX'] = 8 hdr['EXTEND'] = 'T' w = wcs.WCS(hdr) hdr = deduplicate_keywords(hdr) maskcube = SpectralCube(mask, w, header=hdr) for zz in range(nChan): nu = maskcube.spectral_axis[zz] _, _, zz_13co = s_13co.wcs.wcs_world2pix(hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'], nu, 0) zz_13co = int(zz_13co) _, _, zz_c18o = s_c18o.wcs.wcs_world2pix(hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'], nu, 0) zz_c18o = int(zz_c18o) if 0 <= zz_13co < s_13co.shape[0]: mask[zz, :, :] = np.array(s_13co.filled_data[zz_13co, :, :], dtype=np.bool) if 0 <= zz_c18o < s_c18o.shape[0]: mask[zz, :, :] = np.array(s_c18o.filled_data[zz_c18o, :, :], dtype=np.bool) maskcube = SpectralCube(mask, w, header=hdr) maskcube.write(outdir + galname + '.13co_c18o.mask.fits', overwrite=True) # 12CO # Build a mask with a spectral width of 2 GHz and the same spatial # dimensions as the original mask s_12co = s.with_spectral_unit(u.Hz, rest_value=115.271204 * u.GHz) mask = np.zeros((nChan, s.shape[1], s.shape[2]), dtype=np.byte) hdr = s_12co.wcs.to_header() hdr['CRPIX3'] = 1000 hdr['CDELT3'] = width / nChan hdr['CRVAL3'] = (115.271204) * 1e9 hdr['NAXIS'] = 3 hdr['NAXIS1'] = mask.shape[0] hdr['NAXIS2'] = mask.shape[1] hdr['NAXIS3'] = mask.shape[2] hdr['SIMPLE'] = 'T' hdr['BITPIX'] = 8 hdr['EXTEND'] = 'T' w = wcs.WCS(hdr) hdr = deduplicate_keywords(hdr) maskcube = SpectralCube(mask, w, header=hdr) for zz in range(nChan): nu = maskcube.spectral_axis[zz] _, _, zz_12co = s_12co.wcs.wcs_world2pix(hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'], nu, 0) zz_12co = int(zz_12co) if 0 <= zz_12co < s_12co.shape[0]: mask[zz, :, :] = np.array(s_12co.filled_data[zz_12co, :, :], dtype=np.bool) maskcube = SpectralCube(mask, w, header=hdr) maskcube.write(outdir + galname+'.12co.mask.fits', overwrite=True)
def main1(): m31 ='fitsfiles/m31cm6i_full_3min_large.fits') hdr = m31[0].header hdr['NAXIS'] = 2 m31_w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2) #[0,:,:]#.slice((0,slice(0,None),slice(0,None))) m31_w.wcs.crpix = [hdr['CRPIX1'], hdr['CRPIX2']] m31_w.wcs.cdelt = [hdr['CDELT1'], hdr['CDELT2']] m31_w.wcs.crval = [hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2']] m31_w.wcs.ctype = [hdr['CTYPE1'], hdr['CTYPE2']] m31_w.wcs.crota = [hdr['CROTA1'], hdr['CROTA2']] m31_w.wcs.equinox = hdr['EPOCH'] for k, v in hdr.items(): print(k, v) #stop m31_img = m31[0].data[0, :, :] #img_flat[select] = 1000 #img = np.reshape(img_flat, img.shape) #img1, w = read_image('fitsfiles/fg4_feeds15.0-17.0-18.0_offset50.0_band1.0_freq0.0.fits')#sys.argv[1]) #img2, w = read_image('fitsfiles/fg4_feeds15.0-17.0-18.0_offset50.0_band0.0_freq0.0.fits')#sys.argv[1]) #img = img1-img2 img, w = read_image(sys.argv[1]) cmap = pyplot.get_cmap('RdBu_r') pyplot.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) ax = pyplot.subplot(projection=w) sources = [SkyCoord('00h38m24.84s', '+41d37m06.00s', frame='icrs')] #SkyCoord('00h46m48.1s' ,'+41d41m07.00s',frame='icrs'), #SkyCoord('00h42m44.33s','+41d16m07.50s',frame='icrs')] mimg = img * 1 mimg[np.isnan(img)] = 0 mimg = gaussian_filter(mimg, sigma=2) img[img == 0] = np.nan mimg[mimg == 0] = np.nan zimg = ax.imshow(img, cmap=cmap, origin='lower', aspect='auto') cbar = pyplot.colorbar(zimg) cbar.set_label('K', size=20) for source in sources: ax.scatter(source.ra, source.dec, transform=ax.get_transform('icrs'), s=300, edgecolor='k', facecolor='none') #print(m31_w) #print(w) # ax.contour(m31_img, transform=ax.get_transform(m31_w), # origin='lower', # cmap=pyplot.get_cmap('Greys'), # linewidths=3, # alpha=0.85, # levels=[-0.005,0.005,0.010,0.015]) ##pyplot.contour(mimg, cmap = pyplot.get_cmap('Greys_r'), # levels=[-0.02,-0.015,-0.01,-0.005,0,0.01,0.02,0.045,0.07,0.08,0.09,0.135,0.3,0.4]) fname = sys.argv[1].split('/')[-1].split('.fit')[0] pyplot.gca().invert_xaxis() pyplot.grid() pyplot.xlabel(r'$\alpha$', size=20) pyplot.ylabel(r'$\delta$', size=20) pyplot.gca().set_xlim(0.9 * img.shape[1], 0.1 * img.shape[1]) pyplot.gca().set_ylim(0.1 * img.shape[0], 0.9 * img.shape[0]) #xpyplot.gca().add_patch(circle) pyplot.title(sys.argv[1], size=5) #pyplot.savefig('jackknife.png')#.format(fname)) pyplot.savefig('nooverlay_{}.png'.format(fname))
def create_image_from_visibility(vis, **kwargs) -> Image: """Make an empty image from params and Visibility This makes an empty, template image consistent with the visibility, allowing optional overriding of select parameters. This is a convenience function and does not transform the visibilities. :param vis: :param phasecentre: Phasecentre (Skycoord) :param channel_bandwidth: Channel width (Hz) :param cellsize: Cellsize (radians) :param npixel: Number of pixels on each axis (512) :param frame: Coordinate frame for WCS (ICRS) :param equinox: Equinox for WCS (2000.0) :param nchan: Number of image channels (Default is 1 -> MFS) :return: image """ assert isinstance(vis, Visibility) or isinstance(vis, BlockVisibility), \ "vis is not a Visibility or a BlockVisibility: %r" % (vis)"create_image_from_visibility: Parsing parameters to get definition of WCS") imagecentre = get_parameter(kwargs, "imagecentre", vis.phasecentre) phasecentre = get_parameter(kwargs, "phasecentre", vis.phasecentre) # Spectral processing options ufrequency = numpy.unique(vis.frequency) vnchan = len(ufrequency) frequency = get_parameter(kwargs, "frequency", vis.frequency) inchan = get_parameter(kwargs, "nchan", vnchan) reffrequency = frequency[0] * units.Hz channel_bandwidth = get_parameter(kwargs, "channel_bandwidth", 0.99999999999 * vis.channel_bandwidth[0]) * units.Hz if (inchan == vnchan) and vnchan > 1: "create_image_from_visibility: Defining %d channel Image at %s, starting frequency %s, and bandwidth %s" % (inchan, imagecentre, reffrequency, channel_bandwidth)) elif (inchan == 1) and vnchan > 1: assert numpy.abs(channel_bandwidth.value) > 0.0, "Channel width must be non-zero for mfs mode""create_image_from_visibility: Defining single channel MFS Image at %s, starting frequency %s, " "and bandwidth %s" % (imagecentre, reffrequency, channel_bandwidth)) elif inchan > 1 and vnchan > 1: assert numpy.abs(channel_bandwidth.value) > 0.0, "Channel width must be non-zero for mfs mode""create_image_from_visibility: Defining multi-channel MFS Image at %s, starting frequency %s, " "and bandwidth %s" % (imagecentre, reffrequency, channel_bandwidth)) elif (inchan == 1) and (vnchan == 1): assert numpy.abs(channel_bandwidth.value) > 0.0, "Channel width must be non-zero for mfs mode""create_image_from_visibility: Defining single channel Image at %s, starting frequency %s, " "and bandwidth %s" % (imagecentre, reffrequency, channel_bandwidth)) else: raise ValueError("create_image_from_visibility: unknown spectral mode ") # Image sampling options npixel = get_parameter(kwargs, "npixel", 512) uvmax = numpy.max((numpy.abs(['uvw'][:, 0:1]))) if isinstance(vis, BlockVisibility): uvmax *= numpy.max(frequency) /'m s^-1').value"create_image_from_visibility: uvmax = %f wavelengths" % uvmax) criticalcellsize = 1.0 / (uvmax * 2.0)"create_image_from_visibility: Critical cellsize = %f radians, %f degrees" % ( criticalcellsize, criticalcellsize * 180.0 / numpy.pi)) cellsize = get_parameter(kwargs, "cellsize", 0.5 * criticalcellsize)"create_image_from_visibility: Cellsize = %f radians, %f degrees" % (cellsize, cellsize * 180.0 / numpy.pi)) override_cellsize = get_parameter(kwargs, "override_cellsize", True) if override_cellsize and cellsize > criticalcellsize:"create_image_from_visibility: Resetting cellsize %f radians to criticalcellsize %f radians" % ( cellsize, criticalcellsize)) cellsize = criticalcellsize pol_frame = get_parameter(kwargs, "polarisation_frame", PolarisationFrame("stokesI")) inpol = pol_frame.npol # Now we can define the WCS, which is a convenient place to hold the info above # Beware of python indexing order! wcs and the array have opposite ordering shape = [inchan, inpol, npixel, npixel] w = wcs.WCS(naxis=4) # The negation in the longitude is needed by definition of RA, DEC w.wcs.cdelt = [-cellsize * 180.0 / numpy.pi, cellsize * 180.0 / numpy.pi, 1.0,] # The numpy definition of the phase centre of an FFT is n // 2 (0 - rel) so that's what we use for # the reference pixel. We have to use 0 rel everywhere. w.wcs.crpix = [npixel // 2 + 1, npixel // 2 + 1, 1.0, 1.0] w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---SIN", "DEC--SIN", 'STOKES', 'FREQ'] w.wcs.crval = [phasecentre.ra.deg, phasecentre.dec.deg, 1.0,] w.naxis = 4 direction_centre = pixel_to_skycoord(npixel // 2 + 1, npixel // 2 + 1, wcs=w, origin=1) assert direction_centre.separation(imagecentre).value < 1e-7, \ "Image phase centre [npixel//2, npixel//2] should be %s, actually is %s" % \ (str(imagecentre), str(direction_centre)) w.wcs.radesys = get_parameter(kwargs, 'frame', 'ICRS') w.wcs.equinox = get_parameter(kwargs, 'equinox', 2000.0) return create_image_from_array(numpy.zeros(shape), wcs=w, polarisation_frame=pol_frame)