Exemplo n.º 1
async def test_outer_join():

    todo, to_release = range(1, 15), range(10)
    done, released = [], []

    async def inner(n):
        nonlocal done
        await aio.sleep(1 / n)

    async def outer(n, pool):
        nonlocal released
        await pool.join()

    loop = aio.get_event_loop()
    pool = AioPool(size=100)

    pool.map_n(inner, todo)
    joined = [loop.create_task(outer(j, pool)) for j in to_release]
    await pool.join()

    assert len(released) <= len(to_release)
    await aio.wait(joined)
    assert len(todo) == len(done) and len(released) == len(to_release)
Exemplo n.º 2
async def details(todo=range(1, 11)):
    pool = AioPool(size=5)

    # This code:
    f1 = []
    for i in todo:
    # is equivalent to one call of `map_n`:
    f2 = pool.map_n(worker, todo)

    # Afterwards you can await for any given future:
        assert 3 == await f1[2]  # result of spawn_n(worker(3))
    except BaseException:
        # exception happened in worker (including CancelledError) will be re-raised

    # Or use `asyncio.wait` to handle results in batches (see `iterwait` also):
    important_res = 0
    more_important = [f1[1], f2[1], f2[2]]
    while more_important:
        done, more_important = await aio.wait(more_important, timeout=0.5)
        # handle result, note it will re-raise exceptions
        important_res += sum(f.result() for f in done)

    assert important_res == 2 + 2 + 3

    # But you need to join, to allow all spawned workers to finish
    # (of course you can `asyncio.wait` all of the futures if you want to)
    await pool.join()

    assert all(f.done() for f in itertools.chain(f1, f2))  # this is guaranteed
    assert 2 * sum(todo) == sum(f.result() for f in itertools.chain(f1, f2))
Exemplo n.º 3
async def test_cancel():
    async def wrk(*arg, **kw):
        await aio.sleep(0.5)
        return 1

    async def wrk_safe(*arg, **kw):
            await aio.sleep(0.5)
        except aio.CancelledError:
            await aio.sleep(0.1)  # simulate cleanup
        return 1

    pool = AioPool(size=5)

    f_quick = pool.spawn_n(aio.sleep(0.15))
    f_safe = await pool.spawn(wrk_safe())
    f3 = await pool.spawn(wrk())
    f567 = pool.map_n(wrk, range(3))

    # cancel some
    await aio.sleep(0.1)
    cancelled, results = await pool.cancel(f3, f567[2])  # running and waiting
    assert cancelled == len(results) == 2  # none of them had time to finish
    assert all(isinstance(res, aio.CancelledError) for res in results)

    # cancel all others
    await aio.sleep(0.1)

    # not interrupted and finished successfully
    assert f_quick.done() and f_quick.result() is None

    cancelled, results = await pool.cancel()  # all
    assert cancelled == len(results) == 4
    assert f_safe.done() and f_safe.result() == 1  # could recover
    # the others could not
    assert sum(isinstance(res, aio.CancelledError) for res in results) == 3

    assert await pool.join()  # joins successfully (basically no-op)
Exemplo n.º 4
async def cancel_usage():
    async def wrk(*arg, **kw):
        await aio.sleep(0.5)
        return 1

    pool = AioPool(size=2)

    f_quick = pool.spawn_n(aio.sleep(0.1))
    f12 = await pool.spawn(wrk()), pool.spawn_n(wrk())
    f35 = pool.map_n(wrk, range(3))

    # At this point, if you cancel futures, returned by pool methods,
    # you just won't be able to retrieve spawned task results, task
    # themselves will continue working. Don't do this:
    #   f_quick.cancel()
    # use `pool.cancel` instead:

    # cancel some
    await aio.sleep(0.1)
    cancelled, results = await pool.cancel(f12[0],
                                           f35[2])  # running and waiting
    assert 2 == cancelled  # none of them had time to finish
    assert 2 == len(results) and \
        all(isinstance(res, aio.CancelledError) for res in results)

    # cancel all others
    await aio.sleep(0.1)

    # not interrupted and finished successfully
    assert f_quick.done() and f_quick.result() is None

    cancelled, results = await pool.cancel()  # all
    assert 3 == cancelled
    assert len(results) == 3 and \
        all(isinstance(res, aio.CancelledError) for res in results)

    assert await pool.join()  # joins successfully