Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, node, command=None, commands=None,
                 # set to False if not set explicitly here
                 forever = None,
                 # set to True if not set explicitly here
                 critical = None,
                 # an optional list of local files
                 # to install remotely in the dir where the script is run
                 includes = None,
                 *args, **kwds):
        self.node = node
        if command is None and commands is None:
            print("WARNING: SshJobScript requires either command or commands")
            self.commands = [ "echo", "misformed", "SshJobScript"]
        elif command and commands:
            print("WARNING: SshJobScript created with command and commands - keeping the latter")
            self.commands = commands
        elif command:
            self.commands = [ command ]
            # allow to pass empty subcommands so one can use if-expressions there
            self.commands = [ x for x in commands if x]

        self.includes = [] if includes is None else includes
        # set defaults to pass to upper level
        forever = forever if forever is not None else False
        critical = critical if critical is not None else True
        AbstractJob.__init__(self, forever=forever, critical=critical, *args, **kwds)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, node, localpaths, remotepath,
              # set to False if not set explicitly here
              forever = None,
              # set to True if not set explicitly here
              critical = None,
              # asyncssh's SFTP client get option
              preserve = False, recurse = False, follow_symlinks = False,
              # this goes to AbstractJob
              *args, **kwds):
     self.node = node
     self.localpaths = localpaths
     self.remotepath = remotepath
     # set defaults to pass to upper level
     forever = forever if forever is not None else False
     critical = critical if critical is not None else True
     self.preserve = preserve
     self.recurse = recurse
     self.follow_symlinks = follow_symlinks
     AbstractJob.__init__(self, forever=forever, critical=critical, *args, **kwds)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, node, command=None, commands=None,
              # set to False if not set explicitly here
              forever = None,
              # set to True if not set explicitly here
              critical = None,
              *args, **kwds):
     self.node = node
     if command is None and commands is None:
         print("WARNING: SshJob requires either command or commands")
         self.commands = [ "echo", "misformed", "SshJob"]
     elif command and commands:
         print("WARNING: SshJob created with command and commands - keeping the latter")
         self.commands = commands
     elif command:
         self.commands = [ command ]
         # allow to pass empty subcommands so one can use if-expressions there
         self.commands = [ x for x in commands if x]
     # set defaults to pass to upper level
     forever = forever if forever is not None else False
     critical = critical if critical is not None else True
     AbstractJob.__init__(self, forever=forever, critical=critical, *args, **kwds)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(
            *,  # pylint: disable=r0912
            # if set, propagate to all commands
            # set to False if not set explicitly here
            # set to True if not set explicitly here
        check_arg_type(node, (SshProxy, LocalNode), "SshJob.node")
        self.node = node
        self.keep_connection = keep_connection

        # use command or commands
        if command is None and commands is None:
            print("WARNING: SshJob requires either command or commands")
            commands = [
                Run("echo misformed SshJob - no commands nor commands")
        elif command and commands:
            print("WARNING: SshJob created with command and commands"
                  " - keeping the latter only")
            commands = commands
        elif command:
            commands = command

        # find out what really is meant here
        if not commands:
            # cannot tell which case in (1) (2) (3) (4)
            print("WARNING: SshJob requires a meaningful commands")
            self.commands = [Run("echo misformed SshJob - empty commands")]
        elif isinstance(commands, (str, Deferred)):
            # print("case (4)")
            self.commands = [Run(commands)]
        elif isinstance(commands, AbstractCommand):
            # print("case (2)")
            self.commands = [commands]
        elif isinstance(commands, (list, tuple)):
            # allows to insert None as a command
            commands = [c for c in commands if c]
            if not commands:
                commands = [
                    Run("echo misformed SshJob"
                        " - need at least one non-void command")
            elif isinstance(commands[0], AbstractCommand):
                # print("case (1)")
                # check the list is homogeneous
                if not all(isinstance(c, AbstractCommand) for c in commands):
                    print("WARNING: commands must be"
                          " a list of AbstractCommand objects")
                self.commands = commands
                # print("case (3)")
                tokens = commands
                command_args = (str(t) for t in tokens)
                self.commands = [Run(*command_args)]
            print("WARNING: SshJob could not make sense of commands")
            self.commands = [
                Run("echo misformed SshJob"
                    " - could not make sense of commands")

        assert len(self.commands) >= 1
        assert all(isinstance(c, AbstractCommand) for c in self.commands)

        # xxx assign a back-reference from commands to node
        # for the capture mechanism
        for command in self.commands:
            command.node = self.node

        # used in repr_result() to show which command has failed
        self._errors = []
        # propagate the verbose flag on all commands if set
        if verbose is not None:
            for propagate in self.commands:
                propagate.verbose = verbose
        # set defaults to pass to mother class
        forever = forever if forever is not None else False
        critical = critical if critical is not None else True
        AbstractJob.__init__(self, forever=forever, critical=critical, **kwds)