Exemplo n.º 1
def _textGetFile(prompt='select a file',
    """text based ui for user selection of files; can optionally be used
    to get applications; this is tricky as sometimes apps are folders, not files
    mode can either be file or app
    finalPath = ''
    if defaultDir != '':  # used as default dir selection
        directory = defaultDir
    elif drawer.getcwd() != None:
        directory = drawer.getcwd()
    elif drawer.getud() != None:
        directory = drawer.getud()
        directory = ''
    directory = drawer.pathScrub(directory)

    while 1:
        header = '\n%s' % directory
        msgOut('%s\n' % prompt, termObj)
        usrStr = askStr(lang.msgMenuFile, termObj)
        if usrStr == None:
            return None, -1  # cancel
            # check first for a complete path
        elif os.path.isfile(drawer.pathScrub(usrStr)):
            status = 1
            finalPath = drawer.pathScrub(usrStr)
        elif usrStr.lower() == 'cd':  # change directory
            path, ok = promptGetDir('', directory, dlgVisualMethod, termObj)
            if not ok:  # error
                status = -1
                break  # cancel entire session
                directory = path
        elif usrStr.lower() == 'c':  # cancel selected
            return None, -1  # cancel
            if usrStr.lower() != 'f':
                msgOut(lang.msgConfusedInput, termObj)
            status = 0  # reinit status flag
            while 1:  # file selection loop
                name = askStr(lang.msgDlgNameFile, termObj)
                if name == None: return None, -1  # will cancel
                # if an application, filter path before testing
                if mode == 'app':
                    name = drawer.appPathFilter(name)
                # check first if this is an absolute file path, accept if so
                if ((os.path.isabs(name) and mode == 'file'
                     and not os.path.isdir(name) and os.path.exists(name))
                        or (os.path.isabs(name) and mode == 'app'
                            and drawer.isApp(name) and os.path.exists(name))):
                    finalPath = name
                # else see if name is in dir; cant adjust name for apps here
                # must assume that they are displayed to e user in w/ extension
                elif name in os.listdir(directory):
                    fp = os.path.join(directory, name)
                    # check: if a dir or not app, fail
                    if ((mode == 'file' and os.path.isdir(fp))
                            or (mode == 'app' and not drawer.isApp(fp))):
                        if mode == 'file':
                            errorMsg = lang.msgDlgDirNotFile
                        elif mode == 'app':
                            errorMsg = lang.msgDlgNotApp
                        ok = askYesNo(errorMsg, 1, termObj)
                        if ok: continue
                        elif not ok:
                            status = -2
                    finalPath = fp
                else:  # not in this directory
                    ok = askYesNoCancel(lang.msgDlgBadFileName, termObj)
                    if ok: continue
                    elif not ok:
                        status = -2  # wil continue
        if status == -2: continue
        # final check
        if finalPath == '':
            status = -1
        else:  # final check
            query = lang.msgDlgSelectThisFile % finalPath
            ok = askYesNoCancel(query, termObj)
            if ok == -1:  # cancel selection
                status = -1
            elif ok == 0:
                continue  # no, retry
            elif ok:
                status = 1
    finalPath = drawer.pathScrub(finalPath)
    return finalPath, status
Exemplo n.º 2
def _textGetFile(prompt='select a file', defaultDir='', mode='file',
                      dlgVisualMethod='text', termObj=None):
    """text based ui for user selection of files; can optionally be used
    to get applications; this is tricky as sometimes apps are folders, not files
    mode can either be file or app
    finalPath = ''
    if defaultDir != '': # used as default dir selection
        directory = defaultDir
    elif drawer.getcwd() != None:
        directory = drawer.getcwd()
    elif drawer.getud() != None:
        directory = drawer.getud()
    else: directory = ''
    directory = drawer.pathScrub(directory)

    while 1:
        header = '\n%s' % directory
        msgOut('%s\n' % prompt, termObj)
        usrStr = askStr(lang.msgMenuFile, termObj)
        if usrStr == None: return None, -1 # cancel
        # check first for a complete path
        elif os.path.isfile(drawer.pathScrub(usrStr)):
            status = 1
            finalPath = drawer.pathScrub(usrStr)
        elif usrStr.lower() == 'cd': # change directory
            path, ok = promptGetDir('', directory, dlgVisualMethod, termObj)
            if not ok: # error
                status = -1
                break # cancel entire session
                directory = path
        elif usrStr.lower() == 'c': # cancel selected
            return None, -1 # cancel
            if usrStr.lower() != 'f':
                msgOut(lang.msgConfusedInput, termObj)
            status = 0 # reinit status flag
            while 1: # file selection loop
                name = askStr(lang.msgDlgNameFile, termObj)
                if name == None: return None, -1 # will cancel
                # if an application, filter path before testing
                if mode == 'app':
                    name = drawer.appPathFilter(name)
                # check first if this is an absolute file path, accept if so
                if ((os.path.isabs(name) and mode == 'file' and 
                    not os.path.isdir(name) and os.path.exists(name)) or 
                    (os.path.isabs(name) and mode == 'app' and 
                    drawer.isApp(name) and os.path.exists(name))):
                    finalPath = name
                # else see if name is in dir; cant adjust name for apps here
                # must assume that they are displayed to e user in w/ extension
                elif name in os.listdir(directory):
                    fp = os.path.join(directory, name)
                    # check: if a dir or not app, fail
                    if ((mode == 'file' and os.path.isdir(fp)) or
                        (mode == 'app' and not drawer.isApp(fp))): 
                        if mode == 'file':  
                            errorMsg = lang.msgDlgDirNotFile
                        elif mode == 'app':
                            errorMsg = lang.msgDlgNotApp
                        ok = askYesNo(errorMsg, 1, termObj)
                        if ok: continue
                        elif not ok:
                            status = -2
                    finalPath = fp
                else: # not in this directory
                    ok = askYesNoCancel(lang.msgDlgBadFileName, termObj)
                    if ok: continue
                    elif not ok:
                        status = -2 # wil continue
                    else: break
        if status == -2: continue
        # final check
        if finalPath == '':
            status = -1
        else: # final check
            query = lang.msgDlgSelectThisFile % finalPath
            ok = askYesNoCancel(query, termObj)
            if ok == -1: # cancel selection
                status = -1
            elif ok == 0: continue # no, retry
            elif ok:
                status = 1
    finalPath = drawer.pathScrub(finalPath)
    return finalPath, status            
Exemplo n.º 3
def openMedia(path, prefDict=None):
    """open a media or text file, file type is determined by extension
    will assume that path is to a media file, rather than an exe
    for executable scripts, use launch
    if prefDict is provided, will get app path from there
    keys in this disc must start w/ media type; image, audio, midi, text, ps

    TODO: this should be updated to use application preferences 
    stored in prefTools.py, not here
    path = drawer.pathScrub(path)
    dir, name = os.path.split(path)
    name, ext = extSplit(name)

    # this should be as method of a the pref tools
    # pref object/dict, or a function in this module or drawer
    if ext in imageEXT: fileType = 'image'
    elif ext in audioEXT: fileType = 'audio'
    elif ext in videoEXT: fileType = 'video'
    elif ext in midiEXT: fileType = 'midi'
    elif ext in textEXT or ext in codeEXT: fileType = 'text'
    elif ext in psEXT: fileType = 'ps'
    else: fileType = None

    app = None  # default nothing

    if prefDict == None and fileType != None:  # get default apps
        #         if os.name == 'mac': pass # rely on system
        if os.name == 'posix':
            if drawer.isDarwin():  # assume sys default for most
                if fileType in ['audio', 'midi', 'video']:
                    app = '/Applications/QuickTime Player.app'
            else:  # other unix
                if fileType == 'text': app = 'more'
                elif fileType == 'audio': app = 'xmms'  #'play' should work too
                elif fileType == 'midi': app = 'playmidi'  #
                elif fileType == 'image': app = 'imagemagick'
                elif fileType == 'ps': app = 'gs'
        else:  # win or other
            pass  # rely on system
    elif fileType != None:  # get from prefDict
        for key in prefDict.keys():
            # match by filetype string leading key and path string
            if key.startswith(fileType) and 'path' in key.lower():
                app = prefDict[key]  # may be a complete file path, or a name

    if app == '':
        app = None  # if given as empty, convert to none
    elif not drawer.isApp(app):
        app = None  # if not an app any more, drop

#     if os.name == 'mac':     # os9
#         cmdExe = '%s' % path # on mac, just launch txt file, rely on pref
    if os.name == 'posix':
        if drawer.isDarwin():
            if app == None:  # no app use system default
                cmdExe = 'open "%s"' % path
            elif app.lower().endswith('.app'):  # if a .app type app
                cmdExe = 'open -a "%s" "%s"' % (app, path)
            else:  # its a unix style command
                cmdExe = '%s %s' % (app, path)
        else:  # other unix
            if app == None:
                cmdExe = '%s' % (path)
                cmdExe = '%s %s' % (app, path)
    else:  # win or other, rely on system settings
        cmdExe = '%s' % path  # on win, just launch path
    return launch(cmdExe)  # returns None on success
Exemplo n.º 4
def openMedia(path, prefDict=None):
    """open a media or text file, file type is determined by extension
    will assume that path is to a media file, rather than an exe
    for executable scripts, use launch
    if prefDict is provided, will get app path from there
    keys in this disc must start w/ media type; image, audio, midi, text, ps

    TODO: this should be updated to use application preferences 
    stored in prefTools.py, not here
    path = drawer.pathScrub(path)
    dir, name = os.path.split(path)
    name, ext = extSplit(name)

    # this should be as method of a the pref tools
    # pref object/dict, or a function in this module or drawer
    if ext in imageEXT: fileType = 'image'
    elif ext in audioEXT: fileType = 'audio'
    elif ext in videoEXT: fileType = 'video'
    elif ext in midiEXT: fileType = 'midi'
    elif ext in textEXT or ext in codeEXT: fileType = 'text'
    elif ext in psEXT: fileType = 'ps'
    else: fileType = None

    app = None # default nothing
    if prefDict == None and fileType != None: # get default apps
#         if os.name == 'mac': pass # rely on system
        if os.name == 'posix':
            if drawer.isDarwin(): # assume sys default for most
                if fileType in ['audio', 'midi', 'video']: 
                    app = '/Applications/QuickTime Player.app'
            else: # other unix
                if fileType   == 'text' : app = 'more'
                elif fileType == 'audio': app = 'xmms' #'play' should work too
                elif fileType == 'midi' : app = 'playmidi' #
                elif fileType == 'image': app = 'imagemagick'
                elif fileType == 'ps': app = 'gs'   
        else: # win or other
            pass # rely on system
    elif fileType != None: # get from prefDict
        for key in prefDict.keys():
            # match by filetype string leading key and path string
            if key.startswith(fileType) and 'path' in key.lower(): 
                app = prefDict[key] # may be a complete file path, or a name

    if app == '': 
        app = None # if given as empty, convert to none
    elif not drawer.isApp(app): 
        app = None # if not an app any more, drop

#     if os.name == 'mac':     # os9
#         cmdExe = '%s' % path # on mac, just launch txt file, rely on pref
    if os.name == 'posix':
        if drawer.isDarwin():
            if app == None: # no app use system default 
                cmdExe = 'open "%s"' % path 
            elif app.lower().endswith('.app'): # if a .app type app
                cmdExe = 'open -a "%s" "%s"' % (app, path)
            else: # its a unix style command
                cmdExe = '%s %s' % (app, path)
        else: # other unix
            if app == None:
                cmdExe = '%s' % (path)
                cmdExe = '%s %s' % (app, path)
    else: # win or other, rely on system settings
        cmdExe = '%s' % path # on win, just launch path          
    return launch(cmdExe) # returns None on success