def close_file(self, data): """Closes and deletes temporary file.""" # # Closes NetCDF file. try: data.close() except: pass # Removes the temporary dump file. try: remove('' % (self.params['uuid'], 'dump')) except: pass
def __init__(self, path=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, tlim=None): # Initializes the variables to default values. The indices 'n', 'k', # 'j' and 'i' refer to the temporal, height, meridional and zonal # coordinates respectively. If one of these indexes is set to 'None', # then it is assumed infinite size, which is relevant for the 'time' # coordinate. self.attributes = dict() self.dimensions = dict(n=0, k=0, j=0, i=0) self.coordinates = dict(n=None, k=None, j=None, i=None) self.variables = dict() self.params = dict() = dict() self.stencil_coeffs = dict() self.stencil_params = dict() self.alias = dict() # Sets global parameters for grid. if path == None: path = ('/home/sebastian/academia/data/ncep.reanalysis2/' 'gaussian_grid') self.params['path'] = path self.params['var_list'] = [] self.params['year_list'] = [] # Generates list of files, tries to match them to the pattern and to # extract the time. To help understanding the naming convetion and # pattern, see the following example: # file_pattern = '(.*).([0-9]{4}).nc' flist = listdir(self.params['path']) flist, match = reglist(flist, file_pattern) self.params['file_list'] = flist # Gets list of variables from file match. _vars, _years = zip(*match) self.params['var_list'] = unique(_vars) self.params['year_list'] = unique(_years) # Loads data from first variable and loads longitude and latitude data. # We assume that all data is homogeneous throughout the dataset. Then # walks through each year and loads time vector. _var = self.params['var_list'][0] for _i, _year in enumerate(self.params['year_list']): fname = '{}.{}.nc'.format(_var, _year) try: data.close() except: pass data = self._open_file(fname) # if _i == 0: lon = data.variables['lon'].data lat = data.variables['lat'].data time = data.variables['time'].data else: time = hstack([time, data.variables['time'].data]) # Time in dataset is given in `hours since 1800-1-1 00:00:0.0` and we # convert it to matplotlib's date format. if data.variables['time'].units == 'hours since 1800-1-1 00:00:0.0': self.params['t0'] = dates.date2num(dates.datetime.datetime(1800, 1, 1, 0, 0)) time = self.params['t0'] + time / 24. # If lon_0 is set, calculate how many indices have to be moved in # order for latitude array to start at lon_0. lon, lat, xlim, ylim, ii, jj = self.getLongitudeLatitudeLimits(lon, lat, xlim, ylim) self.params['xlim'], self.params['ylim'] = xlim, ylim self.params['lon_i'], self.params['lat_j'] = ii, jj # Initializes the grid attributes, dimensions, coordinates and # variables. = 'ncep_reanalysis' self.description = ('NCEP Reanalysis project is analysis/forecast ' 'system to perform data assimilation using past data from 1979 ' 'owards.') self.attributes['institution'] = data.institution self.dimensions = dict(n=time.size, k=0, j=lat.size, i=lon.size) self.coordinates = dict(n='time', k='height', j='latitude', i='longitude') self.variables = dict( time =, height ='height'), latitude ='latitude'), longitude ='longitude'), xm =, ym =, ) # self.variables['time'].data = time self.variables['time'].canonical_units = 'days since 0001-01-01 UTC' # self.variables['height'].data = 0. self.variables['latitude'].data = lat self.variables['longitude'].data = lon # self.variables['xm'].canonical_units = 'km' self.variables['xm'].description = 'Zonal distance.' self.variables['ym'].canonical_units = 'km' self.variables['ym'].description = 'Meridional distance.' self.variables['xm'].data, self.variables['ym'].data = ( metergrid(self.variables['longitude'].data, self.variables['latitude'].data, units='km') ) # data.close() # Walks through each variable file for the first year, reads their # attributes and adds to the dataset definition. self._message('\n') _year = self.params['year_list'][0] for _var in self.params['var_list']: fname = '{}.{}.nc'.format(_var, _year) data = self._open_file(fname) self._message('{}: '.format(_var)) for _key in data.variables.keys(): self._message('{} '.format(_key)) if _key in ['time', 'time_bnds', 'level', 'level_bnds', 'lat', 'lon']: continue try: self.variables[_key] = data.variables[_key].standard_name, units=data.variables[_key].units, long_name=data.variables[_key].long_name, ) except: self._message('* ') self.variables[_key] = units=data.variables[_key].units, standard_name=data.variables[_key].standard_name, long_name=data.variables[_key].long_name, description=data.variables[_key].var_desc, ) self.alias[_key] = _var # self._message('\n') data.close() # return
def __init__(self, path=None, mask_file=None, xlim=None, ylim=None): # Initializes the variables to default values. The indices 'n', 'k', # 'j' and 'i' refer to the temporal, height, meridional and zonal # coordinates respectively. If one of these indexes is set to 'None', # then it is assumed infinite size, which is relevant for the 'time' # coordinate. self.attributes = dict() self.dimensions = dict(n=0, k=0, j=0, i=0) self.coordinates = dict(n=None, k=None, j=None, i=None) self.variables = dict() self.params = dict() self.stencil_coeffs = dict() self.stencil_params = dict() # Sets global parameters for grid. if path == None: path = ('/home/sebastian/academia/data/ncdc.noaa/seawinds/stress/' 'daily') self.params['path'] = path self.params['mask_file'] = mask_file self.params['missing_value'] = -9999. # Generates list of files, tries to match them to the pattern and to # extract the time. file_pattern = 'tauxy([0-9]{8}).nc' flist = listdir(self.params['path']) flist, match = reglist(flist, file_pattern) self.params['file_list'] = flist if len(flist) == 0: return # Convert dates to matplotlib format, i.e. days since 0001-01-01 UTC. time_list = array([dates.datestr2num(item) for item in match]) # Reads first file in dataset to determine array geometry and # dimenstions (lon, lat) data = netcdf( '%s/%s' % (self.params['path'], self.params['file_list'][0]), 'r') for var in data.variables.keys(): if var in ['latitude', 'lat']: lat = data.variables[var].data elif var in ['longitude', 'lon']: lon = data.variables[var].data # If xlim and ylim are set, calculate how many indices have to be moved # in order for latitude array to start at xlim[0]. if (xlim != None) | (ylim != None): if xlim == None: xlim = (lon.min(), lon.max()) if ylim == None: ylim = (lat.min(), lat.max()) # LON = lon_n(lon, xlim[1]) i = argsort(LON) selx = i[flatnonzero((LON[i] >= xlim[0]) & (LON[i] <= xlim[1]))] sely = flatnonzero((lat >= ylim[0]) & (lat <= ylim[1])) ii, jj = meshgrid(selx, sely) lon = LON[selx] lat = lat[sely] self.params['xlim'] = xlim self.params['ylim'] = ylim self.params['lon_i'] = ii self.params['lat_j'] = jj self.params['dlon'] = lon[1] - lon[0] self.params['dlat'] = lat[1] - lat[0] # Initializes the grid attributes, dimensions, coordinates and # variables. = 'sea_surface_wind_stress' for attr, attr_value in vars(data).iteritems(): if attr in ['mode', 'filename']: continue if type(attr_value) == str: if attr in ['name']: = attr_value elif attr in ['description', 'summary']: self.description = attr_value else: self.attributes[attr.lower()] = attr_value self.dimensions = dict(n=time_list.size, k=1, j=lat.size, i=lon.size) self.coordinates = dict(n='time', k='height', j='latitude', i='longitude') # self.variables = dict( canonical_units='days since 0001-01-01 UTC', data=time_list, ),'height', data=[0.]),'latitude', data=lat),'longitude', data=lon),'km', description='Zonal distance.'),'km', description='Meridional distance.'), ) # self.variables['xm'].data, self.variables['ym'].data = (metergrid( self.variables['longitude'].data, self.variables['latitude'].data, unit='km')) # self.params['var_list'] = list() for var in data.variables.keys(): if var in ['tau', 'taux', 'tauy', 'tau_div', 'tau_curl']: attribs = dict() for attr, attr_value in vars(data.variables[var]).iteritems(): if attr == '_FillValue': attribs['missing_value'] = attr_value elif attr == 'data': continue elif attr == 'long_name': attribs['description'] = attr_value elif attr == 'units': if attr_value == 'N/m**2': a = 'N m-2' else: a = attr_value attribs['canonical_units'] = a else: attribs[attr] = attr_value self.variables[var] =**attribs) self.params['var_list'].append(var) if self.variables[var].missing_value == None: self.variables[var].missing_value = ( self.params['missing_value']) # data.close() return
def read(self, t=None, z=None, y=None, x=None, N=None, K=None, J=None, I=None, var=None, nonan=True, result='full', profile=False, dummy=False): """Reads dataset. PARAMETERS t, z, y, x (array like, optional) : Sets the time, height, latitude and longitude for which the data will be read. N, K, J, I (array like, optional) : Sets the temporal, vertical, meridional and zonal indices for which the data will be read. var (string, optional) : Indicates which variable of the grid will be read. If the parameter is a list of variables, then the data will be returned as a list of arrays. nonan (boolean, optional) : If set to true (default) changes data values containing NaN to zero, preserving the mask. result (string, optional) : Determines wheter all time, height, latitude, longitude and data will be returned ('full', default), if temporal, vertical, meridional and zonal indices are returned instead ('indices'), or if only variable data is returned ('var only'). components (list, optional) : A list containing which components will be included in the calculation. Options are the seasonal cycle ('seasonal'), westward propagating planetary waves ('planetary'), eddy fields ('eddy') and noise ('noise'). profile (boolean, optional) : Sets whether the status is send to screen. dummy (boolean, optional) : If set to true, does not load data and returns the shape of the array that would have been returned. RETURNS t, z, y, x, dat (array like) : If 'result' is set to 'full', then all coordinates and data variables are returned. N, K, J, I, var (array like) : If 'result' is set to 'indices', then all indices and data variables are returned. dat (array like) : If 'result' is set to 'var only', then the data is returned. """ global DEBUG t1 = time() # Checks input variables for consistency. if (t != None) & (N != None): raise ValueError('Both time and temporal index were provided.') if (z != None) & (K != None): raise ValueError('Both height and vertical index were provided.') if (y != None) & (J != None): raise ValueError( 'Both latitude and meridional index were provided.') if (x != None) & (I != None): raise ValueError('Both latitude and zonal index were provided.') if var == None: var = self.params['var_list'] # Checks for variables indices. Intersects desired input values with # dataset dimesion data. In this dataset, since only surface data is # available, the height values are always zero. if t != None: N = flatnonzero(in1d(self.variables['time'].data, t)) elif N == None: N = arange(self.dimensions['n']) if z != None: K = [0] elif K == None: K = [0] elif K != None: K = [0] if y != None: J = flatnonzero(in1d(self.variables['latitude'].data, y)) elif J == None: J = arange(self.dimensions['j']) if x != None: I = flatnonzero(in1d(self.variables['longitude'].data, y)) elif I == None: I = arange(self.dimensions['i']) # Sets the shape of the data array. shape = (len(N), 1, len(J), len(I)) if dummy: return shape # Selects data according to indices. t = self.variables['time'].data[N] z = self.variables['height'].data y = self.variables['latitude'].data[J] x = self.variables['longitude'].data[I] xx, yy = meshgrid(x, y) II, JJ = meshgrid(I, J) # Ressets variables Var = dict() if ('taux' in var) & ('tauy' in var): tauxy = True else: tauxy = False for item in var: if (item == 'taux') & tauxy: Var['tauxy'] = ma.zeros(shape, dtype=complex) elif (item == 'tauy') & tauxy: continue else: Var[item] = ma.zeros(shape) # Walks through every time index and loads data range from maps. for n, T in enumerate(t): t2 = time() if profile: s = '\rLoading data... %s ' % (profiler( shape[0], n + 1, 0, t1, t2), ) stdout.write(s) stdout.flush() # Reads NetCDF file data = netcdf( '%s/%s' % (self.params['path'], self.params['file_list'][N[n]]), 'r') for item in var: if (('lon_i' in self.params.keys()) & ('lat_j' in self.params.keys())): P = data.variables[item].data[0, 0, self.params['lat_j'], self.params['lon_i']][JJ, II] else: P = data.variables[item].data[0, 0, JJ, II] P[P <= self.variables[item].missing_value] = nan P = ma.masked_where(isnan(P), P) if nonan:[P.mask] = 0 # if (item == 'taux') & tauxy: Var['tauxy'][n, 0, :, :] += P[:, :] elif (item == 'tauy') & tauxy: Var['tauxy'][n, 0, :, :] += 1j * P[:, :] else: Var[item][n, 0, :, :] += P[:, :] data.close() # If result dictionary contains only one item, return only the value # of this item. if len(Var.keys()) == 1: Var = Var[Var.keys()[0]] if profile: stdout.write('\r\n') stdout.flush() if DEBUG: print 't: ', t print 'z: ', z print 'y:', y print 'x:', x print 'var: ', Var print 'N: ', N print 'K: ', K print 'J: ', J print 'I:', I print 'shape: ', shape if result == 'full': return t, z, y, x, Var elif result == 'indices': return N, K, J, I, Var elif result == 'var only': return Var else: raise Warning("Result parameter set imporperly to '%s', " "assuming 'var only'." % (result)) return Var
def __init__(self, path=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, tlim=None): # Initializes the variables to default values. The indices 'n', 'k', # 'j' and 'i' refer to the temporal, height, meridional and zonal # coordinates respectively. If one of these indexes is set to 'None', # then it is assumed infinite size, which is relevant for the 'time' # coordinate. self.attributes = dict() self.dimensions = dict(n=0, k=0, j=0, i=0) self.coordinates = dict(n=None, k=None, j=None, i=None) self.variables = dict() self.params = dict() = dict() self.stencil_coeffs = dict() self.stencil_params = dict() self.alias = dict() # Sets global parameters for grid. if path == None: path = ('/home/sebastian/academia/data/ncep.reanalysis2/' 'gaussian_grid') self.params['path'] = path self.params['var_list'] = [] self.params['year_list'] = [] # Generates list of files, tries to match them to the pattern and to # extract the time. To help understanding the naming convetion and # pattern, see the following example: # file_pattern = '(.*).([0-9]{4}).nc' flist = listdir(self.params['path']) flist, match = reglist(flist, file_pattern) self.params['file_list'] = flist # Gets list of variables from file match. _vars, _years = zip(*match) self.params['var_list'] = unique(_vars) self.params['year_list'] = unique(_years) # Loads data from first variable and loads longitude and latitude data. # We assume that all data is homogeneous throughout the dataset. Then # walks through each year and loads time vector. _var = self.params['var_list'][0] for _i, _year in enumerate(self.params['year_list']): fname = '{}.{}.nc'.format(_var, _year) try: data.close() except: pass data = self._open_file(fname) # if _i == 0: lon = data.variables['lon'].data lat = data.variables['lat'].data time = data.variables['time'].data else: time = hstack([time, data.variables['time'].data]) # Time in dataset is given in `hours since 1800-1-1 00:00:0.0` and we # convert it to matplotlib's date format. if data.variables['time'].units == 'hours since 1800-1-1 00:00:0.0': self.params['t0'] = dates.date2num( dates.datetime.datetime(1800, 1, 1, 0, 0)) time = self.params['t0'] + time / 24. # If lon_0 is set, calculate how many indices have to be moved in # order for latitude array to start at lon_0. lon, lat, xlim, ylim, ii, jj = self.getLongitudeLatitudeLimits( lon, lat, xlim, ylim) self.params['xlim'], self.params['ylim'] = xlim, ylim self.params['lon_i'], self.params['lat_j'] = ii, jj # Initializes the grid attributes, dimensions, coordinates and # variables. = 'ncep_reanalysis' self.description = ( 'NCEP Reanalysis project is analysis/forecast ' 'system to perform data assimilation using past data from 1979 ' 'owards.') self.attributes['institution'] = data.institution self.dimensions = dict(n=time.size, k=0, j=lat.size, i=lon.size) self.coordinates = dict(n='time', k='height', j='latitude', i='longitude') self.variables = dict(,'height'),'latitude'),'longitude'),,, ) # self.variables['time'].data = time self.variables['time'].canonical_units = 'days since 0001-01-01 UTC' # self.variables['height'].data = 0. self.variables['latitude'].data = lat self.variables['longitude'].data = lon # self.variables['xm'].canonical_units = 'km' self.variables['xm'].description = 'Zonal distance.' self.variables['ym'].canonical_units = 'km' self.variables['ym'].description = 'Meridional distance.' self.variables['xm'].data, self.variables['ym'].data = (metergrid( self.variables['longitude'].data, self.variables['latitude'].data, units='km')) # data.close() # Walks through each variable file for the first year, reads their # attributes and adds to the dataset definition. self._message('\n') _year = self.params['year_list'][0] for _var in self.params['var_list']: fname = '{}.{}.nc'.format(_var, _year) data = self._open_file(fname) self._message('{}: '.format(_var)) for _key in data.variables.keys(): self._message('{} '.format(_key)) if _key in [ 'time', 'time_bnds', 'level', 'level_bnds', 'lat', 'lon' ]: continue try: self.variables[_key] = data.variables[_key].standard_name, units=data.variables[_key].units, long_name=data.variables[_key].long_name, ) except: self._message('* ') self.variables[_key] = units=data.variables[_key].units, standard_name=data.variables[_key].standard_name, long_name=data.variables[_key].long_name, description=data.variables[_key].var_desc, ) self.alias[_key] = _var # self._message('\n') data.close() # return
def __init__(self, path=None, mask_file=None, xlim=None, ylim=None): # Initializes the variables to default values. The indices 'n', 'k', # 'j' and 'i' refer to the temporal, height, meridional and zonal # coordinates respectively. If one of these indexes is set to 'None', # then it is assumed infinite size, which is relevant for the 'time' # coordinate. self.attributes = dict() self.dimensions = dict(n=0, k=0, j=0, i=0) self.coordinates = dict(n=None, k=None, j=None, i=None) self.variables = dict() self.params = dict() self.stencil_coeffs = dict() self.stencil_params = dict() # Sets global parameters for grid. if path == None: path = ('/home/sebastian/academia/data/ncdc.noaa/seawinds/stress/' 'daily') self.params['path'] = path self.params['mask_file'] = mask_file self.params['missing_value'] = -9999. # Generates list of files, tries to match them to the pattern and to # extract the time. file_pattern = 'tauxy([0-9]{8}).nc' flist = listdir(self.params['path']) flist, match = reglist(flist, file_pattern) self.params['file_list'] = flist if len(flist) == 0: return # Convert dates to matplotlib format, i.e. days since 0001-01-01 UTC. time_list = array([dates.datestr2num(item) for item in match]) # Reads first file in dataset to determine array geometry and # dimenstions (lon, lat) data = netcdf('%s/%s' % (self.params['path'], self.params['file_list'][0]), 'r') for var in data.variables.keys(): if var in ['latitude', 'lat']: lat = data.variables[var].data elif var in ['longitude', 'lon']: lon = data.variables[var].data # If xlim and ylim are set, calculate how many indices have to be moved # in order for latitude array to start at xlim[0]. if (xlim != None) | (ylim != None): if xlim == None: xlim = (lon.min(), lon.max()) if ylim == None: ylim = (lat.min(), lat.max()) # LON = lon_n(lon, xlim[1]) i = argsort(LON) selx = i[flatnonzero((LON[i] >= xlim[0]) & (LON[i] <= xlim[1]))] sely = flatnonzero((lat >= ylim[0]) & (lat <= ylim[1])) ii, jj = meshgrid(selx, sely) lon = LON[selx] lat = lat[sely] self.params['xlim'] = xlim self.params['ylim'] = ylim self.params['lon_i'] = ii self.params['lat_j'] = jj self.params['dlon'] = lon[1] - lon[0] self.params['dlat'] = lat[1] - lat[0] # Initializes the grid attributes, dimensions, coordinates and # variables. = 'sea_surface_wind_stress' for attr, attr_value in vars(data).iteritems(): if attr in ['mode', 'filename']: continue if type(attr_value) == str: if attr in ['name']: = attr_value elif attr in ['description', 'summary']: self.description = attr_value else: self.attributes[attr.lower()] = attr_value self.dimensions = dict(n=time_list.size, k=1, j=lat.size, i=lon.size) self.coordinates = dict(n='time', k='height', j='latitude', i='longitude') # self.variables = dict( time = canonical_units='days since 0001-01-01 UTC', data=time_list, ), height ='height', data=[0.]), latitude ='latitude', data=lat), longitude ='longitude', data=lon), xm = canonical_units = 'km', description = 'Zonal distance.' ), ym = canonical_units = 'km', description = 'Meridional distance.' ), ) # self.variables['xm'].data, self.variables['ym'].data = ( metergrid(self.variables['longitude'].data, self.variables['latitude'].data, unit='km') ) # self.params['var_list'] = list() for var in data.variables.keys(): if var in ['tau', 'taux', 'tauy', 'tau_div', 'tau_curl']: attribs = dict() for attr, attr_value in vars(data.variables[var]).iteritems(): if attr == '_FillValue': attribs['missing_value'] = attr_value elif attr == 'data': continue elif attr == 'long_name': attribs['description'] = attr_value elif attr == 'units': if attr_value == 'N/m**2': a = 'N m-2' else: a = attr_value attribs['canonical_units'] = a else: attribs[attr] = attr_value self.variables[var] =**attribs) self.params['var_list'].append(var) if self.variables[var].missing_value == None: self.variables[var].missing_value = ( self.params['missing_value']) # data.close() return
def read(self, t=None, z=None, y=None, x=None, N=None, K=None, J=None, I=None, var=None, nonan=True, result='full', profile=False, dummy=False): """Reads dataset. PARAMETERS t, z, y, x (array like, optional) : Sets the time, height, latitude and longitude for which the data will be read. N, K, J, I (array like, optional) : Sets the temporal, vertical, meridional and zonal indices for which the data will be read. var (string, optional) : Indicates which variable of the grid will be read. If the parameter is a list of variables, then the data will be returned as a list of arrays. nonan (boolean, optional) : If set to true (default) changes data values containing NaN to zero, preserving the mask. result (string, optional) : Determines wheter all time, height, latitude, longitude and data will be returned ('full', default), if temporal, vertical, meridional and zonal indices are returned instead ('indices'), or if only variable data is returned ('var only'). components (list, optional) : A list containing which components will be included in the calculation. Options are the seasonal cycle ('seasonal'), westward propagating planetary waves ('planetary'), eddy fields ('eddy') and noise ('noise'). profile (boolean, optional) : Sets whether the status is send to screen. dummy (boolean, optional) : If set to true, does not load data and returns the shape of the array that would have been returned. RETURNS t, z, y, x, dat (array like) : If 'result' is set to 'full', then all coordinates and data variables are returned. N, K, J, I, var (array like) : If 'result' is set to 'indices', then all indices and data variables are returned. dat (array like) : If 'result' is set to 'var only', then the data is returned. """ global DEBUG t1 = time() # Checks input variables for consistency. if (t != None) & (N != None): raise ValueError('Both time and temporal index were provided.') if (z != None) & (K != None): raise ValueError('Both height and vertical index were provided.') if (y != None) & (J != None): raise ValueError( 'Both latitude and meridional index were provided.') if (x != None) & (I != None): raise ValueError('Both latitude and zonal index were provided.') if var == None: var = self.params['var_list'] # Checks for variables indices. Intersects desired input values with # dataset dimesion data. In this dataset, since only surface data is # available, the height values are always zero. if t != None: N = flatnonzero(in1d(self.variables['time'].data, t)) elif N == None: N = arange(self.dimensions['n']) if z != None: K = [0] elif K == None: K = [0] elif K != None: K = [0] if y != None: J = flatnonzero(in1d(self.variables['latitude'].data, y)) elif J == None: J = arange(self.dimensions['j']) if x != None: I = flatnonzero(in1d(self.variables['longitude'].data, y)) elif I == None: I = arange(self.dimensions['i']) # Sets the shape of the data array. shape = (len(N), 1, len(J), len(I)) if dummy: return shape # Selects data according to indices. t = self.variables['time'].data[N] z = self.variables['height'].data y = self.variables['latitude'].data[J] x = self.variables['longitude'].data[I] xx, yy = meshgrid(x, y) II, JJ = meshgrid(I, J) # Ressets variables Var = dict() if ('taux' in var) & ('tauy' in var): tauxy = True else: tauxy = False for item in var: if (item == 'taux') & tauxy: Var['tauxy'] = ma.zeros(shape, dtype=complex) elif (item == 'tauy') & tauxy: continue else: Var[item] = ma.zeros(shape) # Walks through every time index and loads data range from maps. for n, T in enumerate(t): t2 = time() if profile: s = '\rLoading data... %s ' % (profiler(shape[0], n + 1, 0, t1, t2),) stdout.write(s) stdout.flush() # Reads NetCDF file data = netcdf('%s/%s' % (self.params['path'], self.params['file_list'][N[n]]), 'r') for item in var: if (('lon_i' in self.params.keys()) & ('lat_j' in self.params.keys())): P = data.variables[item].data[0, 0, self.params['lat_j'], self.params['lon_i']][JJ, II] else: P = data.variables[item].data[0, 0, JJ, II] P[P <= self.variables[item].missing_value] = nan P = ma.masked_where(isnan(P), P) if nonan:[P.mask] = 0 # if (item == 'taux') & tauxy: Var['tauxy'][n, 0, :, :] += P[:, :] elif (item == 'tauy') & tauxy: Var['tauxy'][n, 0, :, :] += 1j * P[:, :] else: Var[item][n, 0, :, :] += P[:, :] data.close() # If result dictionary contains only one item, return only the value # of this item. if len(Var.keys()) == 1: Var = Var[Var.keys()[0]] if profile: stdout.write('\r\n') stdout.flush() if DEBUG: print 't: ', t print 'z: ', z print 'y:', y print 'x:', x print 'var: ', Var print 'N: ', N print 'K: ', K print 'J: ', J print 'I:', I print 'shape: ', shape if result == 'full': return t, z, y, x, Var elif result == 'indices': return N, K, J, I, Var elif result == 'var only': return Var else: raise Warning("Result parameter set imporperly to '%s', " "assuming 'var only'." % (result)) return Var