Exemplo n.º 1
	def prepare_topbase_xs(self, top, levels, top_levels, suffix="Mac", levmax = 1e50):

		'''write array of topbase class instances to file in macro atom format, with lower and upper levels specified'''

		lu = 1 # we assume ionization to ground state of +ion

		print len(top), len(levels), len(top_levels)

		count = 0
		topnew = []

		for i in range(len(top)):

			#print top_levels[i].z, top_levels[i].nnstring

			for j in range(len(levels)):

				#print top_levels[i].nnstring, "//" ,levels[j].nnstring

				if top_levels[i].nnstring == levels[j].nnstring and top_levels[i].z == levels[j].z and top_levels[i].ion == levels[j].ion:

					if levels[j].lvl<=levmax:

						ll = levels[j].lvl 
						ion = levels[j].ion

						#print "match", ll, top_levels[i].z, levels[j].nnstring

						## write the summary records
						n_p = top[i].np

						if n_p>100: 
							n_p = 100

						if n_p>0:
							topnew_class = cls.top_photo_mac ( top[i].Z, top[i].ion, ll, lu, top[i].E0, n_p, top[i].energy, top[i].XS)
							topnew.append ( topnew_class)

							count +=1

		return np.array(topnew)
Exemplo n.º 2
	def read_top_macro(self, filename, mode="Mac"):
		read in XS info from Topbase XS data in Python format

			filename 		string
							atomic data filename e.g. topbase_h1_phot.py
			top 			topbase class instance
							topbase class instance containing information 
							for this filename

		# read in summary records
		Z,ion,ll,lu, E0, num_records = sum_records = np.loadtxt( filename, 
				dtype={'names': ('Z', 'ion', 'islp', 'l', 'E0', 'np'), 
				'formats': ('i4', 'i4', 'i4', 'i4', 'float', 'i4')}, 
	                        comments='Phot%s ' % mode , delimiter=None, converters=None, 
	                        skiprows=0, usecols=(1,2,3,4,5,6), unpack=True, ndmin=0)
		# then read the actual cross sections
		energy, XS = np.loadtxt(filename, dtype='float', 
	                        comments='Phot%sS' % mode, delimiter=None, converters=None, 
	                        skiprows=0, usecols=(1,2), unpack=True, ndmin=0)

		# create blank array to store topbase class instances
		top = np.ndarray( len(Z),dtype=np.object)

		nline = 0
		for i in range(len(top)):

			n_p = int(num_records[i])
			nmax = nline + n_p
			top[i] = cls.top_photo_mac (Z[i], int(ion[i]), int(ll[i]), int(lu[i]), E0[i], n_p, energy[nline:nmax], XS[nline:nmax])

			nline = nmax
		# top is an array of class instances like the topbase_ptr in PYTHONRT
		return top
Exemplo n.º 3
def read_xsections(level_class_array, fname="%s/PHIXS" % default_folder,outname="xs.out", z_select = None, write=True):

	read_atom_model reads Stuart's photoionization data from the PHIXS file and converts it into
	an array of cls.top_photo_mac class instances to be written out to file.

		level_class_array	array-like
							array of level class instances linked to data to 
							get thresholds


	f = open(fname, "r")

	nxs = 0
	data = []
	for line in f:
		d = line.split()
		if len(d) == 6:
			nxs += 1

		if len(d) > 0:


	print "WE HAVE READ %i XSECTIONS" % nxs

	i = 0

	# create a blank array to store classes
	xs = []
	# (l.z, l.ion, l.lvl, l.ionpot, l.E, l.g, l.rad_rate, l.nnstring))
	while i < len(data) and i < MAX:

		if len(data[i]) == 6:		# we have a summary record
			z = int(data[i][0])
			lower_ion = int(data[i][1])
			lower_level = int(data[i][2])
			upper_ion = int(data[i][3])
			upper_level = int(data[i][4])
			entries = int(data[i][5])

			if z == z_select or z_select == None:
				# find the threshold for this ion and level
				for ilev in range(len(level_class_array)):
					if level_class_array[ilev].z == z and level_class_array[ilev].ion == lower_ion:
						if level_class_array[ilev].lvl == lower_level:
							threshold = -level_class_array[ilev].ionpot

				XS = np.zeros(entries)
				energy = np.zeros(entries)
				for j in range(entries):
					energy[j] = threshold + float(data[i][0])
					XS[j] = float(data[i][1]) * MEGABARN

				#print i

				xs.append(cls.top_photo_mac(z, lower_ion, lower_level, upper_level, threshold, entries, energy, XS))


	# write out the file
	if write:
		sub.write_top_macro(xs, outname, suffix = "Mac", append = False, levmax = 100)