Exemplo n.º 1
    def init(self):
        self.k8s_artifacts = {}

        logger.debug("Given config: %s", self.config)
        if self.config.get("namespace"):
            self.namespace = self.config.get("namespace")

        logger.info("Using namespace %s", self.namespace)


        if self.dryrun:

            If a config_file has been provided, use the configuration
            from the file and load the associated generated file.
            If a config_file exists (--provider-config) use that.

            If any provider specific parameters have been provided,
            load the configuration through the answers.conf file

            If no config file or params are provided by user then try to find and
            use a config file at the default location.

        no config at all:
            If no .kube/config file can be found then try to connect to the default
            unauthenticated http://localhost:8080/api end-point.

        default_config_loc = os.path.join(
            Utils.getRoot(), Utils.getUserHome().strip('/'), '.kube/config')

        if self.config_file:
            logger.debug("Provider configuration provided")
            self.api = Client(KubeConfig.from_file(self.config_file), "kubernetes")
        elif self._check_required_params():
            logger.debug("Generating .kube/config from given parameters")
            self.api = Client(self._from_required_params(), "kubernetes")
        elif os.path.isfile(default_config_loc):
            logger.debug(".kube/config exists, using default configuration file")
            self.api = Client(KubeConfig.from_file(default_config_loc), "kubernetes")
            self.config["provider-api"] = K8S_DEFAULT_API
            self.api = Client(self._from_required_params(), "kubernetes")

        # Check if the namespace that the app is being deployed to is available
Exemplo n.º 2
    def init(self):
        self.oc_artifacts = {}

        logger.debug("Given config: %s", self.config)
        if self.config.get("namespace"):
            self.namespace = self.config.get("namespace")

        logger.info("Using namespace %s", self.namespace)


        if self.dryrun:
            If a config_file has been provided, use the configuration
            from the file and load the associated generated file.
            If a config_file exists (--provider-config) use that.

            If any provider specific parameters have been provided,
            load the configuration through the answers.conf file

            If no config file or params are provided by user then try to find and
            use a config file at the default location.

        no config at all:
            If no .kube/config file can be found then try to connect to the default
            unauthenticated http://localhost:8080/api end-point.

        default_config_loc = os.path.join(Utils.getRoot(),

        if self.config_file:
            logger.debug("Provider configuration provided")
            self.api = Client(KubeConfig.from_file(self.config_file),
        elif self._check_required_params():
            logger.debug("Generating .kube/config from given parameters")
            self.api = Client(self._from_required_params(), "openshift")
        elif os.path.isfile(default_config_loc):
                ".kube/config exists, using default configuration file")
            self.api = Client(KubeConfig.from_file(default_config_loc),
            self.config["provider-api"] = OC_DEFAULT_API
            self.api = Client(self._from_required_params(), "openshift")

Exemplo n.º 3
def test_client_load_failure():
    with pytest.raises(KubeClientError):
        Client(config, "foobar")
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_client_openshift(FakeClient):
    Client(config, "openshift")
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_client_kubernetes(FakeClient):
    Client(config, "kubernetes")
Exemplo n.º 6
class KubernetesProvider(Provider):

    """Operations for Kubernetes provider is implemented in this class.
    This class implements deploy, stop and undeploy of an atomicapp on
    Kubernetes provider.

    # Class variables
    key = "kubernetes"
    namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
    k8s_artifacts = {}

    # From the provider configuration
    config_file = None

    # Essential provider parameters
    provider_api = None
    provider_auth = None
    provider_tls_verify = None
    provider_ca = None

    def init(self):
        self.k8s_artifacts = {}

        logger.debug("Given config: %s", self.config)
        if self.config.get("namespace"):
            self.namespace = self.config.get("namespace")

        logger.info("Using namespace %s", self.namespace)


        if self.dryrun:

            If a config_file has been provided, use the configuration
            from the file and load the associated generated file.
            If a config_file exists (--provider-config) use that.

            If any provider specific parameters have been provided,
            load the configuration through the answers.conf file

            If no config file or params are provided by user then try to find and
            use a config file at the default location.

        no config at all:
            If no .kube/config file can be found then try to connect to the default
            unauthenticated http://localhost:8080/api end-point.

        default_config_loc = os.path.join(
            Utils.getRoot(), Utils.getUserHome().strip('/'), '.kube/config')

        if self.config_file:
            logger.debug("Provider configuration provided")
            self.api = Client(KubeConfig.from_file(self.config_file), "kubernetes")
        elif self._check_required_params():
            logger.debug("Generating .kube/config from given parameters")
            self.api = Client(self._from_required_params(), "kubernetes")
        elif os.path.isfile(default_config_loc):
            logger.debug(".kube/config exists, using default configuration file")
            self.api = Client(KubeConfig.from_file(default_config_loc), "kubernetes")
            self.config["provider-api"] = K8S_DEFAULT_API
            self.api = Client(self._from_required_params(), "kubernetes")

        # Check if the namespace that the app is being deployed to is available

    def _build_param_dict(self):
        # Initialize the values
        paramdict = {PROVIDER_API_KEY: self.provider_api,
                     PROVIDER_AUTH_KEY: self.provider_auth,
                     PROVIDER_TLS_VERIFY_KEY: self.provider_tls_verify,
                     PROVIDER_CA_KEY: self.provider_ca}

        # Get values from the loaded answers.conf / passed CLI params
        for k in paramdict.keys():
            paramdict[k] = self.config.get(k)

        return paramdict

    def _check_required_params(self, exception=False):
        This checks to see if required parameters associated to the Kubernetes
        provider are passed. Only PROVIDER_API_KEY is *required*. Token may be blank.

        paramdict = self._build_param_dict()
        logger.debug("List of parameters passed: %s" % paramdict)

        # Check that the required parameters are passed. If not, error out.
        for k in [PROVIDER_API_KEY]:
            if paramdict[k] is None:
                if exception:
                    msg = "You need to set %s in %s or pass it as a CLI param" % (k, ANSWERS_FILE)
                    raise ProviderFailedException(msg)
                    return False

        return True

    def _from_required_params(self):
        Create a default configuration from passed environment parameters.

        paramdict = self._build_param_dict()

        # Generate the configuration from the paramters
        config = KubeConfig().from_params(api=paramdict[PROVIDER_API_KEY],
        return config

    def _check_namespaces(self):
        This function checks to see whether or not the namespaces created in the cluster match the
        namespace that is associated and/or provided in the deployed application

        # Get the namespaces and output the currently used ones
        namespace_list = self.api.namespaces()
        logger.debug("There are currently %s namespaces in the cluster." % str(len(namespace_list)))

        # Create a namespace list
        namespaces = []
        for ns in namespace_list:

        # Output the namespaces and check to see if the one provided exists
        logger.debug("Namespaces: %s" % namespaces)
        if self.namespace not in namespaces:
            msg = "%s namespace does not exist. Please create the namespace and try again." % self.namespace
            raise ProviderFailedException(msg)

    def _process_artifacts(self):
        Parse each Kubernetes file and convert said format into an Object for
        for artifact in self.artifacts:
            logger.debug("Processing artifact: %s", artifact)
            data = None

            # Open and parse the artifact data
            with open(os.path.join(self.path, artifact), "r") as fp:
                data = anymarkup.parse(fp, force_types=None)

            # Process said artifacts
            self._process_artifact_data(artifact, data)

    def _process_artifact_data(self, artifact, data):
        Process the data for an artifact

            artifact (str): Artifact name
            data (dict): Artifact data

        # Check if kind exists
        if "kind" not in data.keys():
            raise ProviderFailedException(
                "Error processing %s artifact. There is no kind" % artifact)

        # Change to lower case so it's easier to parse
        kind = data["kind"].lower()

        if kind not in self.k8s_artifacts.keys():
            self.k8s_artifacts[kind] = []

        # Fail if there is no metadata
        if 'metadata' not in data:
            raise ProviderFailedException(
                "Error processing %s artifact. There is no metadata object" % artifact)

        # Change to the namespace specified on init()
        data['metadata']['namespace'] = self.namespace

        if 'labels' not in data['metadata']:
            data['metadata']['labels'] = {'namespace': self.namespace}
            data['metadata']['labels']['namespace'] = self.namespace


    This is DEPRECATED and not needed anymore as we check the /resource URL of the kubernetes api against the artifact
    def _identify_api(self, artifact, data):
        Make sure that the artifact is using the correct API

            artifact (str): Artifact name
            data (dict): Artifact data
        if data["apiVersion"] == "v1":
        elif data["apiVersion"] in ["v1beta3", "v1beta2", "v1beta1"]:
            msg = ("%s is not a supported API version, update Kubernetes "
                   "artifacts to v1 API version. Error in processing "
                   "%s manifest." % (data["apiVersion"], artifact))
            raise ProviderFailedException(msg)
            raise ProviderFailedException("Malformed kubernetes artifact: %s" % artifact)

    def run(self):
        Deploys the app by given resource artifacts.
        logger.info("Deploying to Kubernetes")

        for kind, objects in self.k8s_artifacts.iteritems():
            for artifact in objects:
                if self.dryrun:
                    logger.info("DRY-RUN: Deploying k8s KIND: %s, ARTIFACT: %s"
                                % (kind, artifact))
                    self.api.create(artifact, self.namespace)

    def stop(self):
        """Undeploys the app by given resource manifests.
        Undeploy operation first scale down the replicas to 0 and then deletes
        the resource from cluster.
        logger.info("Undeploying from Kubernetes")

        for kind, objects in self.k8s_artifacts.iteritems():
            for artifact in objects:
                if self.dryrun:
                    logger.info("DRY-RUN: Deploying k8s KIND: %s, ARTIFACT: %s"
                                % (kind, artifact))
                    self.api.delete(artifact, self.namespace)

    # TODO
    def persistent_storage(self, graph, action):

    # TODO
    def _check_persistent_volumes(self, graph, action):
Exemplo n.º 7
class OpenshiftProvider(Provider):
    """Operations for OpenShift provider is implemented in this class.
    This class implements deploy, stop and undeploy of an atomicapp on
    OpenShift provider.

    # Class variables
    key = "openshift"
    namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
    oc_artifacts = {}

    # From the provider configuration
    config_file = None

    # Essential provider parameters
    provider_api = None
    provider_auth = None
    provider_tls_verify = None
    provider_ca = None

    def init(self):
        self.oc_artifacts = {}

        logger.debug("Given config: %s", self.config)
        if self.config.get("namespace"):
            self.namespace = self.config.get("namespace")

        logger.info("Using namespace %s", self.namespace)


        if self.dryrun:
            If a config_file has been provided, use the configuration
            from the file and load the associated generated file.
            If a config_file exists (--provider-config) use that.

            If any provider specific parameters have been provided,
            load the configuration through the answers.conf file

            If no config file or params are provided by user then try to find and
            use a config file at the default location.

        no config at all:
            If no .kube/config file can be found then try to connect to the default
            unauthenticated http://localhost:8080/api end-point.

        default_config_loc = os.path.join(Utils.getRoot(),

        if self.config_file:
            logger.debug("Provider configuration provided")
            self.api = Client(KubeConfig.from_file(self.config_file),
        elif self._check_required_params():
            logger.debug("Generating .kube/config from given parameters")
            self.api = Client(self._from_required_params(), "openshift")
        elif os.path.isfile(default_config_loc):
                ".kube/config exists, using default configuration file")
            self.api = Client(KubeConfig.from_file(default_config_loc),
            self.config["provider-api"] = OC_DEFAULT_API
            self.api = Client(self._from_required_params(), "openshift")


    def _build_param_dict(self):
        # Initialize the values
        paramdict = {
            PROVIDER_API_KEY: self.provider_api,
            PROVIDER_AUTH_KEY: self.provider_auth,
            PROVIDER_TLS_VERIFY_KEY: self.provider_tls_verify,
            PROVIDER_CA_KEY: self.provider_ca

        # Get values from the loaded answers.conf / passed CLI params
        for k in paramdict.keys():
            paramdict[k] = self.config.get(k)

        return paramdict

    def _check_required_params(self, exception=False):
        This checks to see if required parameters associated to the Kubernetes
        provider are passed.
        PROVIDER_API_KEY and PROVIDER_AUTH_KEY are *required*. Token may be blank.

        paramdict = self._build_param_dict()
        logger.debug("List of parameters passed: %s" % paramdict)

        # Check that the required parameters are passed. If not, error out.
            if paramdict[k] is None:
                if exception:
                    msg = "You need to set %s in %s or pass it as a CLI param" % (
                        k, ANSWERS_FILE)
                    raise ProviderFailedException(msg)
                    return False

        return True

    def _from_required_params(self):
        Create a default configuration from passed environment parameters.

        paramdict = self._build_param_dict()

        logger.debug("Building from required params")
        # Generate the configuration from the paramters
        config = KubeConfig().from_params(
        logger.debug("Passed configuration for .kube/config %s" % config)
        return config

    def _check_namespaces(self):
        This function checks to see whether or not the namespaces created in the cluster match the
        namespace that is associated and/or provided in the deployed application

        # Get the namespaces and output the currently used ones
        namespace_list = self.api.namespaces()
        logger.debug("There are currently %s namespaces in the cluster." %

        # Create a namespace list
        namespaces = []
        for ns in namespace_list:

        # Output the namespaces and check to see if the one provided exists
        logger.debug("Namespaces: %s" % namespaces)
        if self.namespace not in namespaces:
            msg = "%s namespace does not exist. Please create the namespace and try again." % self.namespace
            raise ProviderFailedException(msg)

    def _process_artifacts(self):
        Parse each Kubernetes file and convert said format into an Object for
        for artifact in self.artifacts:
            logger.debug("Processing artifact: %s", artifact)
            data = None

            # Open and parse the artifact data
            with open(os.path.join(self.path, artifact), "r") as fp:
                data = anymarkup.parse(fp, force_types=None)

            # Process said artifacts
            self._process_artifact_data(artifact, data)

    def _process_artifact_data(self, artifact, data):
        Process the data for an artifact

            artifact (str): Artifact name
            data (dict): Artifact data

        # Check if kind exists
        if "kind" not in data.keys():
            raise ProviderFailedException(
                "Error processing %s artifact. There is no kind" % artifact)

        # Change to lower case so it's easier to parse
        kind = data["kind"].lower()

        if kind not in self.oc_artifacts.keys():
            self.oc_artifacts[kind] = []

        # Fail if there is no metadata
        if 'metadata' not in data:
            raise ProviderFailedException(
                "Error processing %s artifact. There is no metadata object" %

        # Change to the namespace specified on init()
        data['metadata']['namespace'] = self.namespace

        if 'labels' not in data['metadata']:
            data['metadata']['labels'] = {'namespace': self.namespace}
            data['metadata']['labels']['namespace'] = self.namespace


    def run(self):
        Deploys the app by given resource artifacts.
        logger.info("Deploying to OpenShift")

        for kind, objects in self.oc_artifacts.iteritems():
            for artifact in objects:
                if self.dryrun:
                        "DRY-RUN: Deploying k8s KIND: %s, ARTIFACT: %s" %
                        (kind, artifact))
                    self.api.create(artifact, self.namespace)

    def stop(self):
        """Undeploys the app by given resource manifests.
        Undeploy operation first scale down the replicas to 0 and then deletes
        the resource from cluster.
        logger.info("Undeploying from OpenShift")

        for kind, objects in self.oc_artifacts.iteritems():
            for artifact in objects:
                if self.dryrun:
                        "DRY-RUN: Deploying k8s KIND: %s, ARTIFACT: %s" %
                        (kind, artifact))
                    self.api.delete(artifact, self.namespace)