Exemplo n.º 1
 def __call__(self, *args):
     if os.path.exists(self.fn):
         print 'Reading configuration from checkpoint file %s...' % self.fn
         a = io.read(self.fn)
         a = self.func(*args)
         io.write(self.fn, a)
     return a
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __call__(self, *args):
     if os.path.exists(self.fn):
         print 'Reading configuration from checkpoint file %s...' % self.fn
         a = io.read(self.fn)
         a = self.func(*args)
         io.write(self.fn, a)
     return a
Exemplo n.º 3
def voropp_for_non_orthorhombic_cells(_a, q='%v', voropp_path=VOROPP_PATH,
                                      fast=False, dump=None):
    Run voro++ on current configuration and return selected quantities.
    Parameter *q* can be a list of voro++ output quantities.
    Run 'voro++ -hc' to see options. Will take care of Lees-Edwards boundary
    conditions by embedding a sheared cell in its periodic images and then
    throwing away the border (will hence be slower).
    # Make a copy because we will modify the Atoms object
    a = _a.copy()
    nat = len(a)
    # Wrap into cell

    # shear_dx should go into the cell
    if 'shear_dx' in a.info:
        lx, ly, lz = a.get_cell().diagonal()
        cx, cy, cz = a.get_cell()
        assert abs(cz[0]) < 1e-12
        assert abs(cz[1]) < 1e-12
        shear_dx = a.info['shear_dx']
        cz[0] = shear_dx[0]
        cz[1] = shear_dx[1]
        a.set_cell([cx, cy, cz], scale_atoms=False)
    cx, cy, cz = a.get_cell()
    if fast:
        # Make 2 copies of the box in each direction. Could fail!
        a *= ( 2, 2, 2 )

        # Translate such that the box with the lowest indices sits in the middle
        # Make 3 copies of the box in each direction
        a *= ( 3, 3, 3 )
        # Translate such that the box with the lowest indices sits in the middle
    # Wrap back to box

    # Get enclosing box
    lower, upper = get_enclosing_orthorhombic_box(a.get_cell())
    elx, ely, elz = upper-lower
    # Shift and set cell such that the general system is enclosed in the
    # orthorhombic box
    a.set_cell([elx,ely,elz], scale_atoms=False)
    # Dump snapshot for debugging purposes
    if dump:
        write(dump, a)
    # Do Voronoi analysis    
    x, y, z = a.get_positions().T
    f = open('tmp.voronoi', 'w')
    for jn, ( jx, jy, jz ) in enumerate(zip(x, y, z)):
        print >> f, jn, jx, jy, jz
    if isinstance(q, str) or isinstance(q, unicode):
        c = '%s' % format(q)
        c = reduce(lambda x,y: '{0} {1}'.format(x,y), map(lambda x: '%'+x, q))
    os.system('{0} -o -p -c "%i {1}" 0 {2} 0 {3} 0 {4} tmp.voronoi' \
              .format(voropp_path, c, elx, ely, elz))
    r = np.loadtxt('tmp.voronoi.vol', unpack=True)
    # Sort particles according to their ids
    r = r[:,np.array(r[0,:], dtype=int)]
    # Use only the lowest indices (i.e. the box in the middle)
    if r.shape[0] == 2:
        return r[1,:nat]
        return r[1:,:nat]
Exemplo n.º 4
    io.read_cyc(a, opt.cellfn)

if opt.center is not None:
    if opt.center:

if opt.acf is not None:
    attach_charges(a, opt.acf)

if convlen is not None:
    a.set_cell(a.get_cell() * convlen, scale_atoms=True)

if opt.wrap_to_cell:

if opt.clear_velocities:

if opt.supercell is not None:
    supercell = map(int, opt.supercell.split(','))
    a *= supercell

d = {}
if opt.specorder is not None:
    d['specorder'] = opt.specorder.split(',')

if opt.format is not None:
    d['format'] = opt.format

io.write(outfn, a, **d)
Exemplo n.º 5
def voropp_for_non_orthorhombic_cells(_a,
    Run voro++ on current configuration and return selected quantities.
    Parameter *q* can be a list of voro++ output quantities.
    Run 'voro++ -hc' to see options. Will take care of Lees-Edwards boundary
    conditions by embedding a sheared cell in its periodic images and then
    throwing away the border (will hence be slower).

    # Make a copy because we will modify the Atoms object
    a = _a.copy()
    nat = len(a)
    # Wrap into cell
    a.set_scaled_positions(a.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0)

    # shear_dx should go into the cell
    if 'shear_dx' in a.info:
        lx, ly, lz = a.get_cell().diagonal()
        cx, cy, cz = a.get_cell()
        assert abs(cz[0]) < 1e-12
        assert abs(cz[1]) < 1e-12
        shear_dx = a.info['shear_dx']
        cz[0] = shear_dx[0]
        cz[1] = shear_dx[1]
        a.set_cell([cx, cy, cz], scale_atoms=False)
        a.set_scaled_positions(a.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0)

    cx, cy, cz = a.get_cell()

    if fast:
        # Make 2 copies of the box in each direction. Could fail!
        a *= (2, 2, 2)

        # Translate such that the box with the lowest indices sits in the middle
        a.translate(cx / 2 + cy / 2 + cz / 2)
        # Make 3 copies of the box in each direction
        a *= (3, 3, 3)

        # Translate such that the box with the lowest indices sits in the middle
        a.translate(cx + cy + cz)

    # Wrap back to box
    a.set_scaled_positions(a.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0)

    # Get enclosing box
    lower, upper = get_enclosing_orthorhombic_box(a.get_cell())
    elx, ely, elz = upper - lower

    # Shift and set cell such that the general system is enclosed in the
    # orthorhombic box
    a.set_cell([elx, ely, elz], scale_atoms=False)

    # Dump snapshot for debugging purposes
    if dump:
        write(dump, a)

    # Do Voronoi analysis
    x, y, z = a.get_positions().T
    f = open('tmp.voronoi', 'w')
    for jn, (jx, jy, jz) in enumerate(zip(x, y, z)):
        print >> f, jn, jx, jy, jz
    if isinstance(q, str) or isinstance(q, unicode):
        c = '%s' % format(q)
        c = reduce(lambda x, y: '{0} {1}'.format(x, y),
                   map(lambda x: '%' + x, q))
    os.system('{0} -o -p -c "%i {1}" 0 {2} 0 {3} 0 {4} tmp.voronoi' \
              .format(voropp_path, c, elx, ely, elz))
    r = np.loadtxt('tmp.voronoi.vol', unpack=True)

    # Sort particles according to their ids
    r = r[:, np.array(r[0, :], dtype=int)]
    # Use only the lowest indices (i.e. the box in the middle)
    if r.shape[0] == 2:
        return r[1, :nat]
        return r[1:, :nat]
Exemplo n.º 6
    io.read_cyc(a, opt.cellfn)

if opt.center is not None:
    if opt.center:

if opt.acf is not None:
    attach_charges(a, opt.acf)

if convlen is not None:
    a.set_cell(a.get_cell()*convlen, scale_atoms=True)

if opt.wrap_to_cell:

if opt.clear_velocities:

if opt.supercell is not None:
    supercell  = map(int, opt.supercell.split(','))
    a *= supercell

d = { }
if opt.specorder is not None:
    d['specorder'] = opt.specorder.split(',')

if opt.format is not None:
    d['format'] = opt.format

io.write(outfn, a, **d)