# Locate datasets base_dir = '../externals/atomneb/' data_dir = os.path.join('atomic-data', 'chianti70') data_rc_dir = os.path.join('atomic-data-rc') atom_elj_file = os.path.join(base_dir, data_dir, 'AtomElj.fits') atom_omij_file = os.path.join(base_dir, data_dir, 'AtomOmij.fits') atom_aij_file = os.path.join(base_dir, data_dir, 'AtomAij.fits') atom_rc_sh95_file = os.path.join(base_dir, data_rc_dir, 'rc_SH95.fits') atom = 'h' ion = 'ii' # H I Rec hi_rc_data = atomneb.read_aeff_sh95(atom_rc_sh95_file, atom, ion) atom = 'o' ion = 'iii' # [O III] o_iii_elj = atomneb.read_elj(atom_elj_file, atom, ion, level_num=5) # read Energy Levels (Ej) o_iii_omij = atomneb.read_omij(atom_omij_file, atom, ion) # read Collision Strengths (Omegaij) o_iii_aij = atomneb.read_aij(atom_aij_file, atom, ion) # read Transition Probabilities (Aij) levels5007 = '3,4/' temperature = np.float64(10000.0, ) density = np.float64(5000.0) iobs5007 = np.float64(1200.0) abb5007 = np.float64(0.0) emis = pyequib.calc_emissivity(temperature=temperature, density=density, atomic_levels=levels5007, elj_data=o_iii_elj,
# read Collision Strengths (Omegaij) list omij_data_list = atomneb.read_omij_list(atom_omij_file) # read Transition Probabilities (Aij) list aij_data_list = atomneb.read_aij_list(atom_aij_file) # read Energy Levels (Ej) references elj_data_reference = atomneb.read_elj_references(atom_elj_file) # read Collision Strengths (Omegaij) references omij_data_reference = atomneb.read_omij_references(atom_omij_file) # read Transition Probabilities (Aij) references aij_data_reference = atomneb.read_aij_references(atom_aij_file) atom = 'o' ion = 'iii' # read Energy Levels (Ej) of O III upto level number 6 oiii_elj_data = atomneb.read_elj(atom_elj_file, atom, ion, level_num=6) # print Levels of O III print(oiii_elj_data['j_v']) # print Energy Levels (cm-1) of O III print(oiii_elj_data['ej']) # get citations for Energy Levels (Ej) Reference L7288 citation = atomneb.get_elj_reference_citation(atom_elj_file, 'L7288') # print citations for Energy Levels (Ej) Reference L7288 print(citation) atom = 'o' ion = 'iii' reference = 'SSB14' # read Collision Strengths (Omegaij) of O III from Reference SSB14 oiii_omij_data = atomneb.read_omij(atom_omij_file,