Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: api.py Projeto: dag/stutuz
def entry(client):
    """API exposes entries"""

    response = client.get("/api/1/entry/?id=donri")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.content_type == "application/json"
    assert var(json.loads(response.data.obj)) == {"id": "donri", "type": "gismu", "affixes": ["dor", "do'i"]}

    response = client.get("/api/1/entry/?id=donri&locale=en")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert var(json.loads(response.data.obj)) == {
        "id": "donri",
        "type": "gismu",
        "affixes": ["dor", "do'i"],
        "definition": "x1 is the daytime...",
        "notes": "See also {nicte}...",

    response = client.get("/api/1/entry/")
    assert response.status_code == 400
    assert response.content_type == "application/json"
    assert "error" in var(json.loads(response.data.obj))

    response = client.get("/api/1/entry/?id=undef")
    assert response.status_code == 404
    assert response.content_type == "application/json"
    assert "error" in var(json.loads(response.data.obj))

    response = client.get("/api/1/entry/?id=donri&locale=zzz")
    assert response.status_code == 400
    assert response.content_type == "application/json"
    assert "error" in var(json.loads(response.data.obj))
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: zodb.py Projeto: dag/stutuz
def local_proxy():
    """current_db proxies to the ZODB instance"""

    assert var(current_db.app).is_(current_app._get_current_object())
    assert var(current_app.extensions['zodb']) == current_db
    assert var(current_app.extensions['zodb']).is_(
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: zodb.py Projeto: dag/stutuz
def model_kwargs():
    """Model init sets attributes with kwargs"""

    instance = var(TestModel(sequence=(1, 2, 3),
                           mapping={'foo': 'bar'},
                           btree={'bar': 'foo'}))
    assert instance.sequence.__class__.is_(PersistentList)
    assert instance.mapping.__class__.is_(PersistentMapping)
    assert instance.btree.__class__.is_(OOBTree)
    assert instance.sequence == [1, 2, 3]
    assert instance.something_else.is_(None)

    instance = var(TestModel(other='foo', something_else=123))
    assert instance.other == 'foo'
    assert instance.something_else == 123
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: zodb.py Projeto: dag/stutuz
def model_attributes(client):
    """Model instantiates factories when Model instantiated"""

    instance = var(TestModel())
    assert instance.sequence.__class__.is_(PersistentList)
    assert instance.mapping.__class__.is_(PersistentMapping)
    assert instance.btree.__class__.is_(OOBTree)
    assert instance.timestamp.__class__.is_(datetime)
    assert instance.id.__class__.is_(UUID)
    assert instance.something_else.is_(None)
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: zodb.py Projeto: dag/stutuz
def write(client):
    """Views can write to the database"""

    def write_value(value):
        db['_test'] = value


    with db() as root:
        assert var(root['_test']) == 'Written!'
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: dag/stutuz
def account():
    """Accounts store passwords hashed and authenticates"""

    account = var(Account(username='******', password='******'))
    assert account.password != 'mipri'
    assert account.authenticate('mipri').is_(True)
    assert account.authenticate('toldra').is_(False)

    account.obj.password = '******'
    assert account.password != 'cnino'
    assert account.authenticate('mipri').is_(False)
    assert account.authenticate('cnino').is_(True)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: dag/stutuz
def entries():
    """Entries behave properly"""

    admin = Account(username='******')

    donri = var(Root(id='donri', affixes=['dor', "do'i"]))
            definition='x₁ is the daytime of day x₂ at location x₃.',
            notes='See also {nicte}, {djedi}, {tcika}.'),

    assert donri.affixes == ['dor', "do'i"]

    assert donri.history('en').newest.object.definition == \
           'x₁ is the daytime of day x₂ at location x₃.'

    assert donri.history('en').newest.object.notes == \
           'See also {nicte}, {djedi}, {tcika}.'

    assert var(Root().type) == 'gismu'
    assert var(Root(experimental=True).type) == 'experimental gismu'
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: dag/stutuz
def history():
    """Histories keep logs of Revisions with quick access to the newest"""

    history = var(History())
    account = Account(username='******')

    first = history.revise((1, 2, 3), account, 'First!')

    assert history.newest.is_(first)
    assert history.newest.is_(history[len(history.obj)])
    assert history.newest.object == (1, 2, 3)
    assert history.newest.author.is_(account)
    assert history.newest.comment == 'First!'

    second = history.revise((3, 2, 1), account, 'Reversed sequence')

    assert history.newest.is_(second)
    assert history.newest.object == (3, 2, 1)
    assert history.newest.comment == 'Reversed sequence'

    for revision in history.values():
        assert revision.__class__.is_(Revision)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: dag/stutuz
def users():
    """Users have unique usernames, authenticates by username with password"""

    users = var(Users())
    admin = users.new('admin', 'mipri')
    guest = users.new('guest', 'vitke')

    assert users['admin'].is_(admin)
    assert users['guest'].is_(guest)

    assert users.authenticate('admin', 'mipri').is_(True)
    assert users.authenticate('admin', 'toldra').is_(False)
    assert users.authenticate('guest', 'vitke').is_(True)
    assert users.authenticate('guest', 'srera').is_(False)

    with Assert.raises(ValueError):
        users.new('admin', 'ckiku')

    with Assert.raises(ValueError):
        users.new('guest', 'vitke')

    with Assert.raises(ValueError):
        users.authenticate('noda', 'da')
Exemplo n.º 10
def entry():
    with db() as root:
        root['entries']['donri'] = None
    assert var(schemata.Entry('donri').validate()).is_(True)
    assert var(schemata.Entry('claxu').validate()).is_(False)
Exemplo n.º 11
def locale():
    assert var(schemata.Locale('en').validate()).is_(True)
    assert var(schemata.Locale('eng').validate()).is_(False)
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: utils.py Projeto: dag/stutuz
def tex():
    text = '$x_{1}$ is not $x_2$'
    html = 'x<sub>1</sub> is not x<sub>2</sub>'
    assert var(unicode(Tex(text))) == text
    assert var(unicode(Markup(Tex(text)))) == html