def execute(): try: global tuples if len(tuples) > 0: db.connect() cursor = db.connection.cursor() for t in tuples: sql = "INSERT INTO readings (epoch, id, type, read_value, ip) VALUES ({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}');".format(\ t[0],\ t[1],\ t[2],\ t[3],\ t[4]\ ) if util.get_config("debug") == True: util.log(sql, "attini/", level="debug") cursor.execute(sql) db.connection.commit() cursor.close() return True else: util.log("Error: SQL ERROR", "attini/") return False except Exception as e: if e.args[0] == 1062: util.log("Warning: duplicate primary key", "attini/") return True else: util.log( "Error: {0} - {1} ".format(str(e.args[0]), str(e.args[1])), "attini/") return False
def select_all(\ id,\ last_photo_epoch = 0\ ): try: sql = """ SELECT epoch, photo_bin FROM photo WHERE 1 """ sql = sql + " AND id = '{0}' ".format(id) if int(last_photo_epoch) > 0: sql = sql + " AND epoch > {0} ".format(last_photo_epoch) sql = sql + " ORDER BY epoch ASC " db.connect() cursor = db.connection.cursor() if util.get_config("debug") == True: util.log(sql, "attini/", level="debug") cursor.execute(sql) recordsets = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return recordsets except IndexError as e: util.log("attini/ IndexError: {0}".format(str(e.args))) return False except Exception as e: util.log("attini/ error: {0} - {1} ".format( str(e.args[0]), str(e.args[1]))) return False
def execute(epoch, id, photo_bin, ip): try: db.connect() cursor = db.connection.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO photo (epoch, id, photo_bin, ip) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s);" args = (epoch, id, photo_bin, ip) if util.get_config("debug") == True: util.log(sql, "attini/", level="debug") util.log(str(args), "attini/", level="debug") cursor.execute(sql, args) db.connection.commit() cursor.close() return True except Exception as e: if e.args[0] == 1062: util.log("Warning: duplicate primary key", "attini/") return True else: util.log( "Error: {0} - {1} ".format(str(e.args[0]), str(e.args[1])), "attini/") return False
def connect(): try: util.log("Connecting to MySQL...", "attini/", level = "debug") global connection if connection == None: connection = MySQLdb.connect(\ host = util.get_config("db_ip"),\ user = util.get_config("db_user"),\ passwd = util.get_config("db_password"),\ db = util.get_config("db_name"),\ cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor,\ charset = 'utf8'\ ) else: util.log("Connected!", "attini/", level = "debug") except MySQLdb.Error as e: util.log("Error: {0} - {1} ".format(str(e.args[0]),str(e.args[1])), "attini/", level = "debug")
def select_all(): try: sql = """ SELECT id FROM readings GROUP BY id ORDER BY id ASC; """ db.connect() cursor = db.connection.cursor() if util.get_config("debug") == True: util.log(sql, "attini/", level="debug") cursor.execute(sql) recordsets = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return recordsets except IndexError as e: util.log("attini/ IndexError: {0}".format(str(e.args))) return False except Exception as e: util.log("attini/ error: {0} - {1} ".format( str(e.args[0]), str(e.args[1]))) return False
def do_POST(self): try: client_ip = self.client_address[0] util.log("POST from IP {0}".format(str(client_ip)), "") self._set_headers() util.log("- Host: {0}".format(str(self.headers['Host'])), "") util.log("- User-Agent: {0}".format(str(self.headers['User-Agent'])), "") util.log("- Connection: {0}".format(str(self.headers['Connection'])), "") util.log("- Content-Type: {0}".format(str(self.headers['Content-Type'])), "") util.log("- Content-Length: {0}".format(str(self.headers['Content-Length'])), "") self.data_string =['Content-Length'])) util.log("- Data: {0}".format(str(self.data_string)), "") self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() data = simplejson.loads(self.data_string.decode('utf8')) util.log("- JSON Data: {0}".format(str(data)), "") util.log("Processing JSON...", "") if 'id' in data: json_return = "{\"code\": \"0\", \"message\":\"Sent data was stored on server.\"}\r\n"; read_inserts = [] id = data['id'] util.log("ID: {0}".format(id), "") epoch = util.get_epoch() util.log("Epoch time: {0}".format(epoch), "") if 'photo_bin' in data: if str(data['photo_bin']) != '0': photo.execute(epoch, id, base64.b64decode(data['photo_bin'].encode('utf8')), client_ip) else: json_return = "{\"code\": \"-12\", \"message\":\"Photo datum was not found on dataset sent.\" }\r\n"; self.wfile.write(bytes(str(json_return), "utf8")) else: json_return = "{\"code\": \"-11\", \"message\":\"Photo datum was not found on dataset sent.\" }\r\n"; self.wfile.write(bytes(str(json_return), "utf8")) if 'air_humidity' in data: read_inserts.append([epoch, id, "air_humidity", str(data['air_humidity']), client_ip]) else: json_return = "{\"code\": \"-10\", \"message\":\"Air humidity datum was not found on dataset sent.\" }\r\n"; self.wfile.write(bytes(str(json_return), "utf8")) if 'air_temperature' in data: read_inserts.append([epoch, id, "air_temperature", str(data['air_temperature']), client_ip]) else: json_return = "{\"code\": \"-9\", \"message\":\"Air temperature datum was not found on dataset sent.\" }\r\n"; self.wfile.write(bytes(str(json_return), "utf8")) if 'soil_moisture' in data: read_inserts.append([epoch, id, "soil_moisture", str(data['soil_moisture']), client_ip]) else: json_return = "{\"code\": \"-8\", \"message\":\"Soil moisture datum was not found on dataset sent.\" }\r\n"; self.wfile.write(bytes(str(json_return), "utf8")) read.insert(read_inserts) read.execute() util.log("Saved.", "") util.log("Return JSON is {0}.".format(str(json_return)), "") self.wfile.write(bytes(str(json_return), "utf8")) else: util.log("ID not found. Error: -7", "") json_return = "{\"code\": \"-7\", \"message\":\"ID datum was not found on dataset sent.\" }\r\n"; self.wfile.write(bytes(str(json_return), "utf8")) except Exception as e: util.log("Error: {0}".format(str(e)), "") util.log("Error processing POST. Error: -6", "") json_return = "{\"code\": \"-6\", \"message\":\"Something gone wrong when dataset was processing.\" }\r\n"; self.wfile.write(bytes(str(json_return), "utf8"))
util.log("ID not found. Error: -7", "") json_return = "{\"code\": \"-7\", \"message\":\"ID datum was not found on dataset sent.\" }\r\n"; self.wfile.write(bytes(str(json_return), "utf8")) except Exception as e: util.log("Error: {0}".format(str(e)), "") util.log("Error processing POST. Error: -6", "") json_return = "{\"code\": \"-6\", \"message\":\"Something gone wrong when dataset was processing.\" }\r\n"; self.wfile.write(bytes(str(json_return), "utf8")) if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv action = args[1] if action == "start": while True: try: util.log("Starting Attini server at {0}:{1}".format(util.get_config("server_ip"), util.get_config("server_port")), "", "debug") httpd = http.server.HTTPServer((\ util.get_config("server_ip"),\ util.get_config("server_port")\ ), httpHandler) util.log("Serving forever at {0}:{1}".format(util.get_config("server_ip"), util.get_config("server_port")), "", "debug") httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: util.log("Closing service at {0}:{1}".format(util.get_config("server_ip"), util.get_config("server_port")), "", "debug") httpd.server_close() sys.exit() except Exception as e: util.log("Closing service at {0}:{1}".format(util.get_config("server_ip"), util.get_config("server_port")), "", "debug") httpd.server_close() util.log("Waiting ~10 seconds to restart.", "") util.sleep(5,15)
if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv action = args[1] if action == "create_image_buffer": img_path = util.get_config("timelapse_img_path") video_path = util.get_config("timelapse_video_path") exps = experience.select_all() if not os.path.exists(img_path): os.makedirs(img_path) if not os.path.exists(video_path): os.makedirs(video_path) for exp in exps: util.log("Processing the experience #{0}".format(exp["id"]), "") exp_path = img_path + "/{0}".format(str(exp["id"])) if not os.path.exists(exp_path): os.makedirs(exp_path) photos = sorted(os.listdir(exp_path)) last_photo_epoch = photos[-1][:-4] if len(photos) > 0 else 0 photos = photo.select_all(\ id = exp["id"],\ last_photo_epoch = last_photo_epoch\ ) util.log("Photos: {0}".format(str(len(photos))), "") for photo_bin in photos:
def disconnect(): connection.close() util.log("Disconnected from MySQL.", "attini/", level = "debug")