Exemplo n.º 1
 def setup(self):
     """Test that initial conditions are setup correctly for default values (start, end, points) and default over-ride (s, p, q).  I chose this test so that the initial conditions can be verified and if there is an error identify which parameter the problem is associated with."""
     s = randint(1,10)
     p = randint(1,10)
     b = randint(1,10)
     attr = Attractor(s, p, b)
     attr.s_t = s
     attr.p_t = p
     attr.b_t = b
     attr = Attractor(attr.s_t, attr.p_t, attr.b_t)
     print "Assert value for s parameter over-ride"
     assert attr.params[0] == s
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
     print "Assert value for p parameter over-ride"
     assert attr.params[1] == p
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
     print "Assert value for b parameter over-ride"
     assert attr.params[2] == b
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
     print "Assert default value for start parameter"
     assert attr.start == 0
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
     print "Assert default value for end parameter"
     assert attr.end == 80
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
     print "Assert default value for points parameter"
     assert attr.points == 10000
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_evolve_shape():
    ''' Validate that the shape of evolve method return value
    a = Attractor()
    assert a.evolve().shape == (
        4), "\n the array that was obtained does not have a proper shape \n"
 def test_rk2(self):
     "To Order 2nd Order Runga-Kutta"
     obj = Attractor()
     assert attr.solution['x'].count() > 0
     assert attr.solution['y'].count() > 0
     assert attr.solution['z'].count() > 0
 def test(self):
     "To test attractor result"
         obj = Attractor()
         expected_result =  [9.6 , 5.6 , 19.97333333]
         res = obj.euler([10,5,20])
         assert (expected_result == res).all
         print "Passed"
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_rhs_shape():
    ''' Validate that the shape of the rhs method return value
    a = Attractor()
    xyz = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    assert a.rhs(xyz).shape == (
        3, ), "\n the shape of the array that was returned is not 3 \n"
def test_dt():
    """Tests step Value"""
    a = Attractor()
    dt_true = (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000

    print("Actual dt value: ", a.dt)
    print("Expected dt value: ", dt_true)
    assert a.dt == dt_true
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_euler_shape():
    ''' Validate that the shape of the euler method return value
    a = Attractor()
    xyz = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    assert a.euler(xyz).shape == (
    ), "\n the shape of the array that was obtained from euler is not 3 \n"
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_rk4_shape():
    ''' Validate that the shape of rk4 method return value
    a = Attractor()
    xyz = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    assert a.rk4(xyz).shape == (
    ), "\n the shape of the array that was obtained from rk4 is not 3 \n"
 def setup(self):
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_save_csv():
    ''' Ensure that the csv file is created
    filename = 'filename.csv'
    a = Attractor()
    assert os.path.exists(filename), "\n no output file found \n"
    print(" test_save_csv method is working as expected ")
Exemplo n.º 11
 def init_test(self):
     """Tests the initial setup for the problem to ensure the initial values are set correctly, the increment exists, and there are empty arrays for our variables to be filled later"""
     a = Attractor()
     assert a.params[0] == 10.0, "\nError in assigning initial parameter s"
     assert a.params[1] == 28.0, "\nError in assigning initial parameter p"
     assert a.params[
         2] == 8.0 / 3.0, "\nError in assigning initial parameter b"
     assert len(
     ) > 0, "\nError in assigning initial parameters to params array"
     assert a.dt > 0, "\nError in setting up dt"
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_rk4(self):
     """Test fourth-order RK method yields results.  I chose this test to verify that the 4th order RK method yields results and, if not, is the error associated with the calculation of the x-value, y-value, or z-value."""
     attr = Attractor()
     print "Test for error in solution for x using rk4 method, Order=4"
     assert attr.solution['x'].count() > 0
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
     print "Test for error in solution for y using rk4 method, Order=4"
     assert attr.solution['y'].count() > 0
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
     print "Test for error in solution for z using rk4 method, Order=4"
     assert attr.solution['z'].count() > 0
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_euler(self):
     """Test Euler method yields results.  I chose this test to verify that the Euler Method yields results.  If there is an error is it associated with the calculation of the x-value, y-value, or z-value."""
     attr = Attractor()
     print "Assert output for Euler method, x parameter."
     assert attr.solution['x'].count() > 0
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
     print "Assert output for Euler method, y parameter."
     assert attr.solution['y'].count() > 0
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
     print "Assert output for Euler method z parameter."
     assert attr.solution['z'].count() > 0
     print "    PASSED!!!!"
Exemplo n.º 14
 def rk4_test(self):
     """Tests the fourth order Runge Kutta method and ensures the arrays are being filled correctly and similarily"""
     a = Attractor()
     a.evolve([1, 2, 3], 4)
     assert len(a.solution['x']) > 0, "\nError in RK4 solution for x"
     assert len(a.solution['y']) > 0, "\nError in RK4 solution for y"
     assert len(a.solution['z']) > 0, "\nError in RK4 solution for z"
     assert len(a.solution['x']) == len(
     ), "\nError in assigning values to arrays for solution x and/or y"
     assert len(a.solution['y']) == len(
     ), "\nError in assigning values to arrays for solution y and/or z"
Exemplo n.º 15
 def euler_test(self):
     """Tests Euler's method in Attractor and ensures the arrays are being filled to the correct and same sizes"""
     a = Attractor()
     a.evolve([1, 2, 3], 1)
     assert len(a.solution['x']) > 0, "\nError in Euler's solution for x"
     assert len(a.solution['y']) > 0, "\nError in Euler's solution for y"
     assert len(a.solution['z']) > 0, "\nError in Euler's solution for z"
     assert len(a.solution['x']) == len(
     ), "\nError in assigning values to arrays for solution x and/or y"
     assert len(a.solution['y']) == len(
     ), "\nError in assigning values to arrays for solution y and/or z"
def test_euler():
    """Tests if dx from euler method is implemented properly
    Uses set x, y, and z to be 0.1, 0.0, 0.0"""
    a = Attractor()
    #say x, y, z = [0.1, 0.0, 0.0]

    dx = (10 * (0.0 - 0.1)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000
    dy = (0.1 * (28 - 0.0) - 0.0) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000
    dz = ((0.1 * 0.0) - (8 / 3 * 0.0)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000
    ex_euler = np.array([dx, dy, dz])

    print("Actual increments: ", a.euler([0.1, 0.0, 0.0]))
    print("Expected increments: ", ex_euler)
    assert a.euler([0.1, 0.0, 0.0])[0] == ex_euler[0]
def test_y_generate():
    """Tests if evolve method is implemented properly
    Uses set x, y, and z to be 0.1, 0.0, 0.0"""
    a = Attractor()
    #say x, y, z = [0.1, 0.0, 0.0]

    dx = (10.0 * (0.0 - 0.1)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000 + 0.1
    dy = (0.1 * (28 - 0.0) - 0.0) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000 + 0.0
    dz = ((0.1 * 0.0) - (8 / 3 * 0.0)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000 + 0.0
    ex_1 = np.array([dx, dy, dz])

    dx2 = (10.0 * (dy - dx)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dx
    dy2 = (dx * (28.0 - dz) - dy) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dy
    dz2 = ((dx * dy) - (8 / 3 * dz)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dz
    ex_2 = np.array([dx2, dy2, dz2])

    dx3 = (10.0 * (dy2 - dx2)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dx2
    dy3 = (dx2 * (28.0 - dz2) - dy2) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dy2
    dz3 = ((dx2 * dy2) - (8 / 3 * dz2)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dz2
    ex_3 = np.array([dx3, dy3, dz3])

    dx4 = (10.0 * (dy3 - dx3)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dx3
    dy4 = (dx3 * (28 - dz3) - dy3) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dy3
    dz4 = ((dx3 * dy3) - (8 / 3 * dz3)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dz3
    ex_4 = np.array([dx4, dy4, dz4])

    dx5 = (10.0 * (dy4 - dx4)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dx4
    dy5 = (dx4 * (28 - dz4) - dy4) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dy4
    dz5 = ((dx4 * dy4) - (8 / 3 * dz4)) * (80.0 - 0.0) / 10000.0 + dz4
    ex_5 = np.array([dx5, dy5, dz5])

    y_list = a.solution['y'].tolist()

    for i in y_list[:6]:
        yy = round(i, 2)
    for j in [0.0, dy, dy2, dy3, dy4, dy5]:
        yyy = round(j, 2)

    print("Actual increments: ", yy)  #str(a.solution()['x']).strip('[]'))
    print("Expected increments: ", yyy)
    assert yy == yyy
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, game):
        self.game = game
        self.canvas = game.canvas
        self.background = pygame.image.load(
            os.path.join('images', self.name.lower(), 'background.png'))

        self.console_image = pygame.image.load(
            os.path.join('images', self.name.lower(), 'console.png'))
        self.attractors = []
        self.flock = None
        self.flock = Flock(self)
        self.has_visited = False
        self._level_complete = False

        if self.exit_gate_position:
                Attractor(self.exit_gate_position, 500,
                          Settings.gate_radius * 2))
        # 'Attractors': AttractorsRule(self, 1, [Attractor((300, 300), 50)]),
        self.flowers = []

Exemplo n.º 19
def ball_control():
    att = Attractor(pygame.math.Vector2(mouse_X, mouse_Y))
    print(mouse_X, mouse_Y)

    if len(balls) < NUMBER_OF_BALLS:
        posInit = pygame.math.Vector2(random.randint(0, W),
                                      random.randint(0, H))
        sz = random.randint(2, MAX_SIZE)
        ball = Ball(posInit, sz**2, sz, sz)

    flag = False
    for ball in balls:
        attForce = att.attract(ball)
        if flag:
            flag = False
            flag = True

        # friction = - ball.vel
        # if friction.length() != 0:
        #     friction.normalize()
        #     friction *= 0.01
        # ball.add_force(friction)


    for i in range(len(balls)):
        if i < len(balls) - 1:
            balls[i].draw_line(balls[i + 1], win)
            balls[0].draw_line(balls[i], win)
Exemplo n.º 20
from attractor import Attractor

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Euler
    AL1 = Attractor()
    AL1.show("img/Euler", "Euler's method", False, True)
    print("Вызовов EUL1 f: ", AL1.get_counter())

    # Midpoint
    AL2 = Attractor()
    AL2.show("img/Midpoint", "Midpoint method", False, True)
    print("Вызовов MIDP2 f: ", AL2.get_counter())

    # RK4
    AL3 = Attractor()
    AL3.show("img/RK4", "RK4 method", False, True)
    print("Вызовов RK4 f: ", AL3.get_counter())

    # Adams Bashforts
    AL4 = Attractor()
    AL4.show("img/Adams_Bashforts_", "Adams Bashfort method", False, True)
    print("Вызовов AB4 f: ", AL4.get_counter())

    # Adams Moulton 5
    AL5 = Attractor()
    AL5.show("img/Adams_Bashforts_Moulton", "Adams-Bashfort-Moulton", False, True)
 def setup(self):
     """Setup fixture is run before every test method separately"""
     self.at = Attractor(self.c, self.n)
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_dt_value():
    ''' Ensure that dt is calculated as it is supposed to be
    a = Attractor()
    assert a.end == a.dt * a.points, "\n time step is not properly evaluated \n"
Exemplo n.º 23
from attractor import Attractor

if __name__ == "__main__":
    AL = Attractor()
    AL.animation("RK4", True)
Exemplo n.º 24
    methods = Attractor.methods

    res = {}

    log_scale = True

    for method in methods:
        for inv in range(1, 6):
            # calcs.append((method,inv))
            # res_h.append([])
            # continue

            AL1 = Attractor(step=0.0001,
                            num_steps=10000)  # TODO Шаг выставляется тут!
            calls = AL1.get_counter()
            print("calls_f: ", calls)
            # Get inv func
            I, err = AL1.get_invariant_err(inv)
            # Cut thirds
            l = int(I.shape[1] * (1.0 / 3.0))
            I = I[:, l:-l]
            err = err[:, l:-l]
            txt = f'{method}@{inv}#{calls}'

            # fig.savefig
            M = np.mean(I[0])
            D = np.std(I[0] - M)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def save_test(self):
     """Tests to see if a save file was created by creating another save file"""
     a = Attractor()