Exemplo n.º 1
def getMapunitFeaturesForBoundingBox(config, outputDir, bbox, tileBbox=False, t_srs='EPSG:4326'):
    """ Query USDA Soil Data Mart for SSURGO MapunitPolyExtended features with a given bounding box.
        Features will be written to one or more shapefiles, one file for each bboxTile tile,
        stored in the specified output directory. The filename will be returned as a string.
        Will fetch SSURGO tabular data (see ssurgolib.attributequery.ATTRIBUTE_LIST for a list
        of attributes) and join those data to the features in the final shapefiles(s).
        @note Will silently exit if features already exist.
        @param config onfigParser containing the section 'GDAL/OGR' and option 'PATH_OF_OGR2OGR'
        @param outputDir String representing the absolute/relative path of the directory into which features should be written
        @param bbox A dict containing keys: minX, minY, maxX, maxY, srs, where srs='EPSG:4326'
        @param tileBoundingBox True if bounding box should be tiled if extent exceeds featurequery.MAX_SSURGO_EXTENT
        @param t_srs String representing the spatial reference system of the output shapefiles, of the form 'EPSG:XXXX'
        @return A list of strings representing the name of the shapefile(s) to which the mapunit features were saved.
        @exception IOError if output directory is not a directory
        @exception IOError if output directory is not writable
        @exception Exception if bounding box area is greater than MAX_SSURGO_EXTENT
        @exception Exception if no MUKEYs were returned
    if not os.path.isdir(outputDir):
        raise IOError(errno.ENOTDIR, "Output directory %s is not a directory" % (outputDir,))
    if not os.access(outputDir, os.W_OK):
        raise IOError(errno.EACCES, "Not allowed to write to output directory %s" % (outputDir,))
    outputDir = os.path.abspath(outputDir)

    typeName = 'MapunitPolyExtended'

    if tileBbox:
        bboxes = tileBoundingBox(bbox, MAX_SSURGO_EXTENT)
        sys.stderr.write("Dividing bounding box %s into %d tiles\n" % (str(bbox), len(bboxes)))
        if calculateBoundingBoxArea(bbox, t_srs) > MAX_SSURGO_EXTENT:
            raise Exception("Bounding box area is greater than %f sq. meters" % (MAX_SSURGO_EXTENT,))
        bboxes = [bbox]
    outFiles = []
    for bboxTile in bboxes:
        minX = bboxTile['minX']; minY = bboxTile['minY']; maxX = bboxTile['maxX']; maxY = bboxTile['maxY']
        bboxLabel = str(minX) + "_" + str(minY) + "_" + str(maxX) + "_" + str(maxY)
        gmlFilename = "%s_bbox_%s-attr.gml" % (typeName, bboxLabel)
        gmlFilepath = os.path.join(outputDir, gmlFilename)
        if not os.path.exists(gmlFilepath):
            sys.stderr.write("Fetching SSURGO data for sub bboxTile %s\n" % bboxLabel)
            wfs = WebFeatureService(WFS_URL, version='1.0.0')
            filter = "<Filter><BBOX><PropertyName>Geometry</PropertyName> <Box srsName='EPSG:4326'><coordinates>%f,%f %f,%f</coordinates> </Box></BBOX></Filter>" % (minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
            gml = wfs.getfeature(typename=(typeName,), filter=filter, propertyname=None)
            # Write intermediate GML to a file
            intGmlFilename = "%s_bbox_%s.gml" % (typeName, bboxLabel)
            intGmlFilepath = os.path.join(outputDir, intGmlFilename)
            out = open(intGmlFilepath, 'w')
            # Parse GML to get list of MUKEYs
            gmlFile = open(intGmlFilepath, 'r')
            ssurgoFeatureHandler = SSURGOFeatureHandler()
            xml.sax.parse(gmlFile, ssurgoFeatureHandler)
            mukeys = ssurgoFeatureHandler.mukeys
            if len(mukeys) < 1:
                raise Exception("No SSURGO features returned from WFS query.  SSURGO GML format may have changed.\nPlease contact the developer.")
            # Get attributes (ksat, texture, %clay, %silt, and %sand) for all components in MUKEYS
            attributes = getParentMatKsatTexturePercentClaySiltSandForComponentsInMUKEYs(mukeys)
            # Compute weighted average of soil properties across all components in each map unit
            avgAttributes = computeWeightedAverageKsatClaySandSilt(attributes)
            # Convert GML to GeoJSON so that we can add fields easily (GDAL 1.10+ validates GML schema 
            #   and won't let us add fields)
            tmpGeoJSONFilename = convertGMLToGeoJSON(config, outputDir, intGmlFilepath, typeName)
            tmpGeoJSONFilepath = os.path.join(outputDir, tmpGeoJSONFilename)
            # Join map unit component-averaged soil properties to attribute table in GML file
#             gmlFile = open(intGmlFilepath, 'r')
#             joinedGmlStr = joinSSURGOAttributesToFeaturesByMUKEY(gmlFile, typeName, avgAttributes)
#             gmlFile.close()
            tmpGeoJSONFile = open(tmpGeoJSONFilepath, 'r')
            geojson = json.load(tmpGeoJSONFile)
            joinSSURGOAttributesToFeaturesByMUKEY_GeoJSON(geojson, typeName, avgAttributes)
            # Write Joined GeoJSON to a file
            out = open(tmpGeoJSONFilepath, 'w')
            json.dump(geojson, out)
            # Convert GeoJSON to shapefile
            filename = os.path.splitext(intGmlFilename)[0]
            shpFilename = convertGeoJSONToShapefile(config, outputDir, tmpGeoJSONFilepath, filename, t_srs=t_srs)
            # Delete intermediate files
    # TODO: join tiled data if tileBbox
    return outFiles
Exemplo n.º 2
def _getMapunitFeaturesForBoundingBoxTile(config, outputDir, bboxTile, typeName, currTile, numTiles):
    minX = bboxTile['minX']; minY = bboxTile['minY']; maxX = bboxTile['maxX']; maxY = bboxTile['maxY']
    bboxLabel = str(minX) + "_" + str(minY) + "_" + str(maxX) + "_" + str(maxY)

    gmlFilename = "%s_bbox_%s-attr.gml" % (typeName, bboxLabel)
    gmlFilepath = os.path.join(outputDir, gmlFilename)
    geoJSONLayername = "%s_bbox_%s-attr" % (typeName, bboxLabel)

    if not os.path.exists(gmlFilepath):
        sys.stderr.write("Fetching SSURGO data for tile %s of %s, bbox: %s\n" % (currTile, numTiles, bboxLabel))
        wfs = WebFeatureService(WFS_URL, version='1.1.0', timeout=SSURGO_WFS_TIMEOUT_SEC)
        filter = "<Filter><BBOX><PropertyName>Geometry</PropertyName> <Box srsName='EPSG:4326'><coordinates>%f,%f %f,%f</coordinates> </Box></BBOX></Filter>" % (minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
        intGmlFilename = "%s_bbox_%s.gml" % (typeName, bboxLabel)
        intGmlFilepath = os.path.join(outputDir, intGmlFilename)
        ssurgoFeatureHandler = SSURGOFeatureHandler()
        downloadComplete = False
        downloadAttempts = 0
        while not downloadComplete:
                gml = wfs.getfeature(typename=typeName, filter=filter, propertyname=None)
                # Write intermediate GML to a file
                out = open(intGmlFilepath, 'w')
                # Parse GML to get list of MUKEYs
                gmlFile = open(intGmlFilepath, 'r')
                xml.sax.parse(gmlFile, ssurgoFeatureHandler)
                downloadComplete = True
            except xml.sax.SAXParseException as e:
                # Try to re-download
                downloadAttempts += 1
                if downloadAttempts > SSURGO_GML_MAX_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS:
                    raise Exception("Giving up on downloading tile {0} of {1} after {2} attempts.  There may be something wrong with the web service.  Try again later.".format(currTile, numTiles, downloadAttempts))
                    sys.stderr.write("Initial download of tile {0} of {1} possibly incomplete, error: {0}.  Retrying...".format(currTile, numTiles, str(e)))
        mukeys = ssurgoFeatureHandler.mukeys
        if len(mukeys) < 1:
            raise Exception("No SSURGO features returned from WFS query.  SSURGO GML format may have changed.\nPlease contact the developer.")
        # Get attributes (ksat, texture, %clay, %silt, and %sand) for all components in MUKEYS
        attributes = getParentMatKsatTexturePercentClaySiltSandForComponentsInMUKEYs(mukeys)
        # Compute weighted average of soil properties across all components in each map unit
        avgAttributes = computeWeightedAverageKsatClaySandSilt(attributes)
        # Convert GML to GeoJSON so that we can add fields easily (GDAL 1.10+ validates GML schema 
        #   and won't let us add fields)
        tmpGeoJSONFilename = convertGMLToGeoJSON(config, outputDir, intGmlFilepath, geoJSONLayername,
        tmpGeoJSONFilepath = os.path.join(outputDir, tmpGeoJSONFilename)
        # Join map unit component-averaged soil properties to attribute table in GeoJSON file
        tmpGeoJSONFile = open(tmpGeoJSONFilepath, 'r')
        geojson = json.load(tmpGeoJSONFile)
        joinSSURGOAttributesToFeaturesByMUKEY_GeoJSON(geojson, typeName, avgAttributes)
        # Write joined GeoJSON to a file
        out = open(tmpGeoJSONFilepath, 'w')
        json.dump(geojson, out)
        # Delete intermediate files
        return tmpGeoJSONFilepath