Exemplo n.º 1
    def process_tags(self, result):
        tags = []
        tagsDict = {}
        # Build a dictionary of the tags
        for doc in result:
            # Get Anotar data from Solr data
            doc = JsonSimple(doc.get("jsonString"))
            # Get actual tag text
            tag = doc.getString(None, ["content", "literal"])
            # Find out if they have locators
            locs = doc.getJsonSimpleList(["annotates", "locators"]).size()
            if locs == 0:
                # Basic tags, just aggregate counts
                if tag in tagsDict:
                    # We've seen it before, just increment the counter
                    existing = tagsDict[tag]
                    count = existing.getInteger(0, ["tagCount"])
                    existing.getJsonObject().put("tagCount", str(count + 1))
                    # First time, store this object
                    doc.getJsonObject().put("tagCount", str(1))
                    tagsDict[tag] = doc
                # Tags with a locator, special case for images etc.

        # Push all the 'basic' counts into the list to return
        for tag in tagsDict:
        return "[" + ",".join(tags) + "]"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __activate__(self, context):
        self.vc = context

        responseType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
        responseMsg = ""
        func = self.vc("formData").get("func")
        if func == "placeName":
                placeName = self.vc("formData").get("q")
                url = "http://ws.geonames.org/searchJSON?fuzzy=0.7&q=" + placeName
                client = BasicHttpClient(url)
                get = GetMethod(url)
                statusInt = client.executeMethod(get)
                r = str(statusInt)
                json = JsonSimple(get.getResponseBodyAsString().strip())
                for geoName in json.getJsonSimpleList("geonames"):
                    responseMsg += "%s, %s|%s \n" % (geoName.getString(None, "name"), geoName.getString(None, "countryName"), geoName.getString(None, "geonameId"))
            except Exception, e:
                print "exception: ", str(e)
                r = str(e), None
            responseType = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"