Exemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        g = adsp.delay_feedback_gain_for_t60(1, _fs_, 0.5)
        self.N = int(0.6 * _fs_)

        self.test_filt = adsp.normalize(
            np.random.randn(self.N) * g**np.arange(self.N))
        self.lin_sys = lambda sig: signal.convolve(sig, self.test_filt)
        self.nonlin_sys = lambda sig: signal.convolve(
            adsp.soft_clipper(1.1 * sig, deg=9), self.test_filt)
    plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
    plt.ylabel('Magnitude [dB]')

fs = 44100
b, a = filters.calcCoefsLPF2(1000, 10, fs)
plotNonlinearFilterResponse(b, a, 'Nonlinear Resonant Lowpass')

r = 2
adsp.plot_static_curve(lambda x: np.tanh(x), gain=r)
adsp.plot_static_curve(lambda x: adsp.soft_clipper(x), gain=r)
adsp.plot_static_curve(lambda x: adsp.hard_clipper(x), gain=r)

plt.title('Comparing Saturating Nonlinearities')
plt.legend(['Tanh Clipper', 'Soft Clipper', 'Hard Clipper'])
plt.xlim(-2, 2)

from matplotlib import patches

def zplane(p, z):
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    uc = patches.Circle((0, 0),
 def test_soft_clipper_block(self):
     self.run_block(lambda x: adsp.soft_clipper(x, 5), 10000,
                    [0.8, 0.0, -0.8])
 def test_soft_clipper(self):
     self.run_samples(lambda x: adsp.soft_clipper(x, 5), 10000,
                      [0.8, 0, -0.8])
Exemplo n.º 5
# more broadband, a bit more like white noise, without losing it's amplitude
# envelope, or overall melody and harmony.
# ## Nonlinearities
# The solution to this problem can come from putting our signal through a
# nonlinear function before putting it through the adaptive filter,
# since the nonlinear function can generate more frequencies.

# %%
freq1 = 1000
freq2 = 9000

desired = np.sin(2 * np.pi * np.arange(N) * freq2 / fs)
input0 = np.sin(2 * np.pi * np.arange(N) * freq1 / fs)
input1 = adsp.soft_clipper(input0, deg=7)
output, filt, e = adsp.LMS(input1, desired, 0.01, 128)

plot_specgram(desired, 'Desired Signal')
plot_specgram(input0, 'Input Signal')
plot_specgram(input1, 'Input Signal after nonlinearity')
plot_specgram(output, 'Output Signal')

# %% [markdown]
# Above we show another example of frequency shifting with our adaptive filter,
# but with a saturating nonlinearity at the input of the filter. A couple of
# interesting things to note here: First, the extra harmonics added by the
# nonlinearity allow for a smoother frequency shift, since there is more
# high frequency content to aid in the frequency shifting. Second, notice
# that the output signal has an interesting harmonic structure to it as well,
# with a number of both overtones and undertones. Adaptive filtering with a
Exemplo n.º 6
    plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
    plt.ylabel('Magnitude [dB]')

fs = 44100
b, a = filters.calcCoefsLPF2(1000, 10, fs)
plotNonlinearFilterResponse(b, a, 'Nonlinear Resonant Lowpass')

import audio_dspy as adsp

r = 2
adsp.plot_static_curve(lambda x: np.tanh(x), range=r)
adsp.plot_static_curve(lambda x: 1.5 * adsp.soft_clipper(x), range=r)
adsp.plot_static_curve(lambda x: adsp.hard_clipper(x), range=r)

plt.title('Comparing Saturating Nonlinearities')
plt.legend(['Tanh Clipper', 'Soft Clipper', 'Hard Clipper'])

from matplotlib import patches

def zplane(p, z):
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    uc = patches.Circle((0, 0),
        self.x1 = x + self.feedback_lambda(y)
        return y

    def process_block(self, block):
        for n in range(len(block)):
            block[n] = self.process_sample(block[n])
        return block

imp = np.zeros(64)
imp[0] = 1
out = np.copy(imp)

proc = FBProc()
proc.feedback_lambda = lambda x: -0.8 * adsp.soft_clipper(x)
out = proc.process_block(out)


fs = 44100
sweep = adsp.sweep_log(20, 22000, 4, fs)
y = np.copy(sweep)
y_NL = np.copy(sweep)

procLin = FBProc()
procLin.feedback_lambda = lambda x: 0.5 * (2 * x)
y = procLin.process_block(y)