Exemplo n.º 1
    def increment(self, start, dur, segidx, selectCpsseg, logtext, corpusname):

        cps_voiceid = selectCpsseg.voiceID
        powers = selectCpsseg.desc['power']
        cpsfilename = selectCpsseg.filename

        self.cnt['segidx'][segidx] += 1
        self.cnt['onset'][start] += 1
        self.cnt['selectionCount'] += 1
        self.choiceCnt += 1
        for f in range(dur):
                if powers[f] >= self.overlap_inc_amp:
                    self.cnt['overlap'][start + f] += 1
                    self.cnt['cpsvc_overlap'][cps_voiceid][start + f] += 1
                    for str in self.cnt['corpusOverlapByString']:
                        if util.matchString(cpsfilename, str):
                            self.cnt['corpusOverlapByString'][str][0][start +
                                                                      f] += 1

            except IndexError:
                break  # cps handle data not long enough
Exemplo n.º 2
def evaluate_midipitches(segmentobjlist, config, notfound=-1):	
	if config in ['filename', 'composite', 'centroid-seg', 'f0-seg']:
		output_pitch_list = [MIDIPitchByFileName(obj.printName, config, obj, notfound=-1) for obj in segmentobjlist]
	# float or int
	elif type(config) in [float, int]:
		output_pitch_list = [config for obj in segmentobjlist]
	elif type(config) != dict:
		util.error("SF SEGMENTS", 'midiPitchMethod must either be a string, a number, or a dictionary.')
	elif 'type' not in config:
		util.error("SF SEGMENTS", "a midiPitchMethod dictionary needs the key 'type'.")
	# remap
	elif config['type'] == 'remap': # {'type': 'remap', 'method': 'centroid-seg', 'high': 80, 'low': 76}
		assert 'low' in config and 'high' in config and 'method' in config
		pitchlist = np.array([MIDIPitchByFileName(obj.printName, config['method'], obj, notfound=-1) for obj in segmentobjlist])
		minpitch, maxpitch = min(pitchlist), max(pitchlist)
		output_pitch_list = (((pitchlist-minpitch)/(maxpitch-minpitch))*(config['high']-config['low']))+config['low']
	# clip
	elif config['type'] == 'clip':
		assert 'low' in config or 'high' in config and 'method' in config
		pitchlist = np.array([MIDIPitchByFileName(obj.printName, config['method'], obj, notfound=-1) for obj in segmentobjlist])
		if not 'low' in config: config['low'] = None
		if not 'high' in config: config['high'] = None
		output_pitch_list = np.clip(pitchlist, config['low'], config['high'])
	# filename string match
	elif config['type'] == 'file_match':
		output_pitch_list = [MIDIPitchByFileName(obj.printName, 'composite', obj, notfound=-1) for obj in segmentobjlist]
		for k in config:
			if k == 'type': continue
			for cidx, c in enumerate(segmentobjlist):
				if util.matchString(c.printName, k, caseSensative=True): output_pitch_list[cidx] = config[k]
		util.error("SF SEGMENTS", 'Ya done goofed son.')
	# assignment..
	for o, p in zip(segmentobjlist, output_pitch_list): o.midipitch = p
Exemplo n.º 3
def pitchoverride(cobjlist, config):
	pitchlist = [c.desc['MIDIPitch-seg'].get(None, None) for c in cobjlist]
	minpitch, maxpitch = min(pitchlist), max(pitchlist)
	output_dict = {}
	for c, standardpitch in zip(cobjlist, pitchlist):
		if config == None:
			output_dict[c] = standardpitch
		elif type(config) in [float, int]: # pitchoverride=60
			output_dict[c] = config
		elif type(config) != dict:
			util.error("INSTRUMENTS", 'pitchoverride must either be None, a number, or a dictionary.')
		# if passing this point, we're using the dict format
		elif 'type' in config and config['type'] == 'remap':
			assert 'low' in config and 'high' in config
			standard_zerotoone = (standardpitch-minpitch)/(maxpitch-minpitch)
			output_dict[c] = (standard_zerotoone*(config['high']-config['low']))+config['low']
		# clip
		elif 'type' in config and config['type'] == 'clip':
			assert 'low' in config or 'high' in config
			if 'low' in config and standardpitch < config['low']: output_dict[c] = config['low']
			elif 'high' in config and standardpitch > config['high']: output_dict[c] = config['high']
			else: output_dict[c] = standardpitch
		# filename string match
		elif 'type' in config and config['type'] == 'file_match':
			for k in config:
				if k == 'type': continue
				if util.matchString(c.printName, k, caseSensative=True):
					output_dict[c] = config[k]
			# not found
			output_dict[c] = standardpitch
			util.error("INSTRUMENTS", 'Ya done goofed son.')
	return output_dict
Exemplo n.º 4
    def evaluateValidSamples(self, timeInFrames, timeInSec, tgtSegIdx,
                             rotateVoices, voicePattern,
                             voiceToCorpusIdMapping, clusterMappingDict,
                             tgtclusterId, superimp, instruments):

        # get which voices are valid at this selection time
        if rotateVoices and self.data['lastVoice'] != None:
            validVoices = [
                (self.data['lastVoice'] + 1) % self.data['numberVoices']
        elif voicePattern not in [
                None, []
        ]:  # not case sensative!, does a search, so matches partial strings
            validVoices = []
            for nidx, name in enumerate(self.data['vcToCorpusName']):
                if util.matchString(
                        voicePattern[superimp.cnt['selectionCount'] %
        elif voiceToCorpusIdMapping not in [None, [], {}]:
            realidx = tgtSegIdx % len(voiceToCorpusIdMapping)
            if type(voiceToCorpusIdMapping[realidx]) in [list, tuple]:
                validVoices = voiceToCorpusIdMapping[realidx]
                validVoices = [voiceToCorpusIdMapping[realidx]]
            validVoices = list(range(self.data['numberVoices']))
        ## remove any voices that are outside temporal limits ##
        voicesToRemove = []
        # voice frequency restriction per frame...
        for vc in validVoices:
            if vc in self.voiceRestrictPerFrame:
                srt_look = int(
                    max(0, timeInFrames - self.voiceRestrictPerFrame[vc]))
                end_look = int(
                    min(timeInFrames + self.voiceRestrictPerFrame[vc],
                if np.sum(superimp.cnt['cpsvc_overlap'][vc]
                          [srt_look:end_look]) != 0:
                    if vc not in voicesToRemove: voicesToRemove.append(vc)
        # restrict corpus ID by number of selected overlapping samples
        # uses eval() to test against overlap number...
        for vc in validVoices:
            if self.simSelectRuleByCorpusId[vc] != None:
                if not eval(
                        str(superimp.cnt['overlap'][timeInFrames]) +
                    if vc not in voicesToRemove: voicesToRemove.append(vc)
        # look to see if maxPercentTargetSegments has been exceeded
        for vc in validVoices:
            if self.data['cspInfo'][vc]['maxPercentTargetSegments'] == None:
            percentageSegmentsChosen = (float(
                len(set(self.data['cspInfo'][vc]['selectedTargetSegments']))) /
                                        ) * 100.
            if percentageSegmentsChosen > self.data['cspInfo'][vc][
        # evaulate and set valid voices for instruments...
        instruments.evaluate_voices(timeInFrames, validVoices)

        ## NOW remove any voices that should be here ##
        for vc in voicesToRemove:

        ## loop through each sound segment ##
        validSegments = []
        for h in self.postLimitSegmentNormList:

            # no voices that didn't pass through...
            if h.voiceID not in validVoices: continue

            ## remove based on clustering if asked ##
            if clusterMappingDict != {} and h.cluster != None and h.cluster != tgtclusterId:

            # if allowRepetition is False then test
            if not h.allowRepetition and len(h.selectionTimes) > 0:
                continue  # skip this segment

            # restiction in seconds per sample
            if h.restrictRepetition != None and len(h.selectionTimes) > 0:
                passme = True
                for selectedTime in h.selectionTimes:
                    if abs(selectedTime - timeInSec) < h.restrictRepetition:
                        passme = False
                if not passme: continue
            # see if it overlaps too much (dependant on each segment's duration)
            if h.restrictOverlaps != None:
                max_look = min(timeInFrames + h.lengthInFrames,
                maxOver = np.max(superimp.cnt['cpsvc_overlap'][h.voiceID]
                if maxOver >= h.restrictOverlaps: continue  # skip this segment

            # user string overlap restriction
            for str, (counter,
                      limit) in superimp.cnt['corpusOverlapByString'].items():
                if util.matchString(h.filename, str):
                    max_look = min(
                        timeInFrames + h.lengthInFrames,
                    maxOver = np.max(superimp.cnt['corpusOverlapByString'][str]
                    if maxOver >= limit: continue

            ## remove for instruments segment-specific restrictions i.e. pitch limit      ##
            ## polyphony                                                                  ##
            if h.instrTag != None and not instruments.test_corpus_segment(
                    timeInFrames, h):

            # if we get here, add the segment
        return validSegments
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, corpusFromUserOptions,
                 restrictCorpusSelectionsByFilenameString, searchPaths,
                 AnalInterface, p):
        self.preloadlist = []
        self.preLimitSegmentList = []
        self.postLimitSegmentNormList = []
        self.selectedSegmentList = []
        self.simSelectRuleByCorpusId = []
        self.len = len(corpusFromUserOptions)

        self.data = {}
        self.data['lastVoice'] = None
        self.data['totalLengthInSeconds'] = 0.
        self.data['vcToCorpusName'] = []
        self.data['postLimitSegmentDictVoice'] = {}
        self.data['postLimitSegmentCount'] = 0
        self.data['selectionTimeByVoice'] = {}
        self.data['cspInfo'] = []
        for cidx in range(len(corpusFromUserOptions)):
            self.data['postLimitSegmentDictVoice'][cidx] = []
            self.data['selectionTimeByVoice'][cidx] = []

        # find any GLOBAL limitations the user has placed on the corpus
        self.globalLimits = []
        self.localLimits = []
        if 'limit' in corpusGlobalAttributesFromOptions:
            for stringy in corpusGlobalAttributesFromOptions['limit']:
                    cpsLimit(stringy, range(len(corpusFromUserOptions)),

        self.data['numberVoices'] = len(corpusFromUserOptions)
        for cidx, cobj in enumerate(corpusFromUserOptions):
            # add this voice
            vcCnt = 0
            cobj.name = util.verifyPath(cobj.name, AnalInterface.searchPaths)
            cobj.voiceID = cidx

            for name, val in corpusGlobalAttributesFromOptions.items():
                if name == 'limit': continue
                setattr(cobj, name, val)

            # add local limits
            totalLimitList = []
            for limitstr in cobj.limit:
                limitObj = cpsLimit(limitstr, [cidx], AnalInterface)
            # add global limits
                self.globalLimits)  # from CORPUS_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES

            # get segments/files list
            timeList = []
            if os.path.isdir(cobj.name): fileType = 'dir'
            if os.path.isfile(cobj.name): fileType = 'file'
            if os.path.islink(cobj.name): fileType = 'link'

            # list of segmentation files?
            if type(cobj.segmentationFile) in [tuple,
                                               list]:  # a list of seg files
                cobj.segmentationFile = [
                    path.test(string, ops.SEARCH_PATHS)[1]
                    for string in cobj.segmentationFile

            if fileType == 'file':  # an audio file
                ## input a FILE ## -- look for audacity-style txt label file
                times = []
                if cobj.wholeFile:
                    times.append([0, None])
                    cobj.segmentationFile = findSegmentationFile(
                        cobj.name, searchPaths[:], cobj.segmentationExtension,
                    if not os.path.isfile(cobj.segmentationFile):
                            'segmentation file',
                            "Cannot find segmentation file '%s'" %
                    sgs = util.readAudacityLabelFile(cobj.segmentationFile)
                        "Using segments from segmentation file %s (%i segments)"
                        % (cobj.segmentationFile, len(sgs)))
                for timeSeg in times:
                    timeList.append([cobj.name] + timeSeg)
                cobj.numbSfFiles = 1
            elif fileType == 'dir':  # a directory
                ## input a DIRECTORY ##
                files = util.getDirListOnlyExt(cobj.name, cobj.recursive,
                cobj.segmentationFile = None  # don't print it
                for file in files:
                    segFileTest = findSegmentationFile(
                        file, searchPaths, cobj.segmentationExtension,
                    if segFileTest != None and os.path.exists(segFileTest):
                        times = util.readAudacityLabelFile(segFileTest)
                            "Using segments from segmentation file %s (%i segments)"
                            % (segFileTest, len(times)))
                        times = [[0, None]]
                    for timeSeg in times:
                        timeList.append([file] + timeSeg)
                cobj.numbSfFiles = len(files)
            # reset counters...
            segCount = 0
            windowDist = descriptordata.hannWin(len(timeList) * 2)

            # segment list
            stringMatchingWithFullPaths = True
            for idx in range(len(timeList)):
                startSec = timeList[idx][1]
                endSec = timeList[idx][2]
                if cobj.start != None and startSec < cobj.start:
                    continue  # skip it
                if cobj.end != None and startSec > cobj.end:
                    continue  # skip it
                # matchSting: includeStr/excludeStr
                if stringMatchingWithFullPaths:
                    stringMatchPath = os.path.abspath(timeList[idx][0])
                    stringMatchPath = os.path.split(timeList[idx][0])[1]
                if cobj.includeStr != None:
                    skip = True
                    if type(cobj.includeStr) not in [list, tuple]:
                        cobj.includeStr = [cobj.includeStr]
                    for test in cobj.includeStr:
                        if util.matchString(stringMatchPath,
                            skip = False
                    if skip: continue
                if cobj.excludeStr != None:
                    skip = False
                    if type(cobj.excludeStr) not in [list, tuple]:
                        cobj.excludeStr = [cobj.excludeStr]
                    for test in cobj.excludeStr:
                        if util.matchString(stringMatchPath,
                            skip = True
                    if skip: continue
                #  minTime / maxTime
                # matchTime: includeTimes/excludeTimes
                if len(cobj.includeTimes) > 0:
                    skip = True
                    for timeTuple in cobj.includeTimes:
                        if startSec >= timeTuple[0] and endSec <= timeTuple[1]:
                            skip = False
                    if skip: continue
                if len(cobj.excludeTimes) > 0:
                    skip = False
                    if type(cobj.excludeTimes) not in [list, tuple]:
                        cobj.excludeTimes = [cobj.excludeTimes
                                             ]  # force it to be a list
                    for timeTuple in cobj.excludeTimes:
                        if startSec >= timeTuple[0] and startSec < timeTuple[1]:
                            skip = True
                    #print stringMatchPath, start, end, skip
                    if skip: continue
                # see if there is any extra data from the segmentation file
                if len(timeList[idx]) > 3:
                    segmentationfileData = ' '.join(timeList[idx][3:])
                    segmentationfileData = None
                # test if limitDur is set...
                if cobj.limitDur != None:
                    if endSec != None and endSec - startSec > cobj.limitDur:
                        endSec = startSec + cobj.limitDur
                # see which sf to map sound concatenation onto...
                if cobj.concatFileName == None:
                    concatFileName = timeList[idx][0]
                    concatFileName = cobj.concatFileName
                # get any metadata
                metadata = ''
                for mstring, mstart, mstop in cobj.metadata:
                    if startSec >= mstart and startSec <= mstop:
                        metadata += mstring + ' '

                # see if global RESTRICT_CORPUS_SELECT_PERCENTAGE_BY_STRING applies
                maxPercentTargetSegmentsByString = None
                for restrictStr, restrictVal in restrictCorpusSelectionsByFilenameString.items(
                    if util.matchString(timeList[idx][0], restrictStr):
                        maxPercentTargetSegmentsByString = restrictVal

                    timeList[idx][0], timeList[idx][1], timeList[idx][2],
                    cobj.scaleDb, cobj.onsetLen, cobj.offsetLen,
                    cobj.envelopeSlope, AnalInterface, concatFileName,
                    cobj.name, cobj.voiceID, cobj.midiPitchMethod,
                    totalLimitList, cobj.pitchfilter, cobj.scaleDistance,
                    cobj.superimposeRule, cobj.transMethod, cobj.transQuantize,
                    cobj.allowRepetition, cobj.restrictInTime,
                    cobj.restrictOverlaps, cobj.restrictRepetition,
                    cobj.postSelectAmpBool, cobj.postSelectAmpMin,
                    cobj.postSelectAmpMax, cobj.postSelectAmpMethod,
                    segmentationfileData, metadata, cobj.clipDurationToTarget,
                    cobj.instrTag, cobj.instrParams
                vcCnt += 1
                'name': cobj.name,
                'filehead': os.path.split(cobj.name)[1],
                'segs': str(vcCnt),
                'fileType': fileType,
                'numbSfFiles': cobj.numbSfFiles,
                'restrictInTime': cobj.restrictInTime,
                'segFile': cobj.segmentationFile,
                'restrictOverlaps': cobj.restrictOverlaps,
                'scaleDb': cobj.scaleDb,
                'maxPercentTargetSegments': cobj.maxPercentTargetSegments,
                'selectedTargetSegments': [],
                'instrTag': cobj.instrTag,
                'instrParams': cobj.instrParams
            ## done with CORPUS loop ##
        p.startPercentageBar(upperLabel="Evaluating CORPUS...",
        # in a seperate loop for printing...
        for cidx, corpusSegParams in enumerate(self.preloadlist):
            start = corpusSegParams[1]
            stop = corpusSegParams[2]
            if start == None: start = 0
            if stop == None: stop = 100
            p.percentageBarNext(lowerLabel="%s@%.2f-%.2f" %
                                (corpusSegParams[0], start, stop))
            # make the obj
            cpsSeg = sfsegment.corpusSegment(*corpusSegParams)
            # add it to the list!


            txt="Read %i/%i segments (%.0f%%, %.2f min.)" %
            (self.data['postLimitSegmentCount'], len(self.preLimitSegmentList),
             self.data['postLimitSegmentCount'] /
             float(len(self.preLimitSegmentList)) * 100.,
             self.data['totalLengthInSeconds'] / 60.))
