#set up shapefile for output
w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT)

w.field('DGGSrHEALPix', 'C', '20')
w.field('LongiWGS84', 'C',
        '20')  #using 'C' = character = ensures the correct number
w.field('LatiWGS84', 'C', '20')
w.field('Approx_width', 'C', '20')
w.field('DGGS_reso', 'C', '20')
w.field('LGAcode', 'C', '20')
w.field('Name', 'C', '20')
w.field('dggs_cell', 'C', '100')

# make an dggs instance
rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS()

# open a shape file to get your polygons from
myFile = r'\\xxxxxxxxxx\LGA_2018_no_multipart.shp'  #LGS's can be downloaded from ABS?

# read in the file
r = shapefile.Reader(myFile)

# get the attribute table records (combined with shapes) ie shapeRecords
shapeRecs = r.shapeRecords()

# function to write a list to a csv file
# requires the list and the filename to save it too
def write_list_to_file(myList, filename):
    """Write the list to csv file."""
Exemplo n.º 2
#import geojson
import pygeoj
import numpy
from auspixdggs.auspixengine.dggs import RHEALPixDGGS
rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS()  # make an instance

def cells_in_poly(bbox, myPoly, resolution, return_cell_obj=False):
    # returns the cells in the poly and lat long of centroid
    a function to calculate DGGS cells within a bounding box then check which ones are in the Polygon
    resolution is the DGGS resolution required  - normally 10 
    myPoly expects a sequence of coordinates

    # convert the geojson bbox to an AusPIX bounding box
    nw = (bbox[0], bbox[3])
    se = (bbox[2], bbox[1])
    #print('nw', nw, 'se', se)

    # for S region - alternate method work around - needs a list grid of points in the area of interest - then ask for the cell each is in
    # bbox_myPoints = point_set_from_bounds(resolution, nw, se)
    # cell_list = []
    # for pt in bbox_myPoints:
    #     thiscell = rdggs.cell_from_point(resolution, pt, plane=False)
    #     if thiscell not in cell_list:
    #         cell_list.append(thiscell)

    # call function to calculate all the cells within the bounding box  - this function is not working properly in the S area (southern Tas and Antartica
    # - use point_set_from_bounds function (above) instead
    cells = rdggs.cells_from_region(resolution, nw, se,
this script uses the DGGS engine to calculate the DGGS cells within a polygon
- it reads in a shapefile, but could be adapted to read in other spatial info - eg postGIS
- outputs another shapefile for visualisation and integration
- could also be adapted to export as csv or triple etc
- depends on the 'dggs_in_poly' GA module which does much of the work - see AusPIX enablement folder Git

Written by Joseph Bell at Geoscience Australia 2019

import shapefile  #to read and write shapefiles
import auspixdggs.callablemodules.dggs_in_poly  # this is script written by GA - see GitHub AusPix DGGS enablement folder
from auspixdggs.auspixengine.dggs import RHEALPixDGGS
rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS() # make an instance

# identify a shape file to get your polygons from
myFile = r'C:\xxxxxxxxxx\AusPIX_DGGS\test_data\testPoly\testPoly3.shp'

r = shapefile.Reader(myFile) # read in the file
# get the attribute table records (combined with shapes) ie shapeRecords
shapeRecs = r.shapeRecords()
resolution = 10 # set resolution to be used

#set up shapefile for output
w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT)  # in this case points == centroids of cells
w.field('DGGSrHEALPix', 'C', '20')
w.field('LongiWGS84', 'C', '20')  #using 'C' = character = ensures the correct number
w.field('LatiWGS84', 'C', '20')
w.field('DGGS_reso', 'C', '20')
w.field('SA1code', 'C', '20')
w.field('SA2Name', 'C', '20')
Exemplo n.º 4
''' this script DGGS enables a csv point file
written by Joseph Bell October 2019'''
import csv  # import csv reader
from auspixdggs.auspixengine.dggs import RHEALPixDGGS  # import the DGGS
rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS()  # make an instance of dggs

# point to the CSV file
myFile = r'C:\Users\u82871\PycharmProjects\doc_scripts\AusPIX_DGGS\test_data\PointFile_example.csv'

def write_list_to_file(myList, filename):
    ''' function to write a CSV from a python list
    requires the list and the filename to save it to the as inputs'''
    with open(filename, "w") as outfile:  # Write the list to csv file
        for entries in myList:
            #cleanup for csv output
            thisRow = str(entries)  #convert to string
            thisRow = thisRow.replace('[', '')
            thisRow = thisRow.replace(']', '')
            thisRow = thisRow.replace("'", "")
            outfile.write(thisRow)  # write
            outfile.write("\n")  # add a new line

# variables declarations
output = []  # to hold data output to CSV
resolution = 10  # # define resolution ’

# open the data file
with open(myFile) as csvDataFile:
    csvReader = csv.reader(csvDataFile)  # read the data in

f = r'\\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\PLACENAMES_2018.csv'

output = list()

import csv
from auspixdggs.auspixengine.dggs import RHEALPixDGGS

import math
from auspixdggs.auspixengine.utils import my_round

# make an instance        
rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS()

# function to write a list to a csv file
# requires the list and the filename to save it too	
def write_list_to_file(myList, filename):
    """Write the list to csv file."""

    with open(filename, "w") as outfile:
        for entries in myList:
			# add a return after each line
def cleanPosition(pos):
    pos = pos.replace('(', '')
In practice the DGGS boxes were often too big. Needs adjusting eg a level DGGS 5 box is too big for anything. 


f = r'\\xxxxxxxx\ACT_grid\ACT_Points.csv'

output = list()

import csv
from auspixdggs.auspixengine.dggs import RHEALPixDGGS

import math
from auspixdggs.auspixengine.utils import my_round

# make an instance
rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS()

# function to write a list to a csv file
# requires the list and the filename to save it too
def write_list_to_file(myList, filename):
    """Write the list to csv file."""

    with open(filename, "w") as outfile:
        for entries in myList:
            # add a return after each line

def cleanPosition(pos):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 1st March 2019

@author: Joseph Bell Geoscience Australia
small module to find the DGGS cell for a point (long, lat) WGS84
The point will be anywhere in the cell returned.

from auspixdggs.auspixengine.dggs import RHEALPixDGGS
rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS()

def latlong_to_DGGS(coords, resolution):

    # calculate the dggs cell from long and lat
    thisCell = rdggs.cell_from_point(
        resolution, coords, plane=False)  # false = on the elipsoidal curve

    # now have a dggs cell for that point
    print('DGGScell', thisCell)
    return thisCell

if __name__ == '__main__':
    coordinates = (148.9668333, -35.38275)
    print('test coords', coordinates)
    answer = latlong_to_DGGS(coordinates,
                             10)  #10 is the resolution cell area = 2.4408 ha
reads a csv of DGGS corners generated by add_DGGS.py
and converts it into a shapefile centroids useing the DGGS cell reference
NB: Not sure of the accuracy of shapefile - seems to be working in total confirmity with other datasets - worked into arcGiS

Joseph Bell Geoscience Australia


import shapefile
import csv
#import dggs
from auspixdggs.auspixengine.dggs import RHEALPixDGGS
from auspixdggs.auspixengine.dggs import Cell
import auspixdggs.auspixengine.ellipsoids as ellipsoids
E = ellipsoids.WGS84_ELLIPSOID_DEG
rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS(ellipsoid=E, north_square=1, south_square=2, N_side=3)

from geopy import distance

# read the file
# file with the source data

f = r"\\xxxxx\Geonames_withDGGS.csv"

#set up shapefile for output
w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT)
w.field('ID', 'C', '20')
w.field('Name', 'C', '70')
w.field('DGGSrHEALPix', 'C', '20')
w.field('LongiWGS84', 'C',
        '20')  #using 'C' = character = ensures the correct number
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_data_list(myFile):
    #set up shapefile for output
    w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT)

    w.field('DGGSrHEALPix', 'C', '20')
    w.field('LongiWGS84', 'C',
            '20')  #using 'C' = character = ensures the correct number
    w.field('LatiWGS84', 'C', '20')
    w.field('Approx_width', 'C', '20')
    w.field('DGGS_reso', 'C', '20')
    w.field('LGAcode', 'C', '20')
    w.field('Name', 'C', '20')
    w.field('dggs_cell', 'C', '100')

    # make an dggs instance
    rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS()

    # open a shape file to get your polygons from
    #myFile = r'\\prod.lan\active\ops\nlib\NLI Reform Project\Place Names Linked Data Project\Meshblocks\1270055001_sa1_2016_aust_shape\SA1_2016_AUST.shp'
    #myFile = r'\\prod.lan\active\ops\nlib\NLI Reform Project\Place Names Linked Data Project\LGA\SA1_ACT_2016.shp'
    #myFile = '../test_data/ACT_SA1/SA1_ACT_2016.shp'

    #SA1's can be downloaded from ABS?

    # read in the file
    r = shapefile.Reader(myFile)

    # get the attribute table records (combined with shapes) ie shapeRecords
    shapeRecs = r.shapeRecords()
    # function to write a list to a csv file
    # requires the list and the filename to save it too

    # # set the resolution between about 2 to 12 - bigger numbers mean smaller cells
    # # resolution = 9

    csvOutput = list()  # initialise
    dataList = list()
    dataList.append(('SA1code', 'SA2name16', 'Areakmsq', 'Num_cells', 'DGGS'))
    for feature in shapeRecs:  # slice of x polygons from the whole shapefile [0:20]
        newRow = list()

        # filter out the ACT SA1's
        if feature.record[8] == 'Australian Capital Territory':
            # in ACT
            print(feature.record[0], feature.record[4], feature.record[13])

            #     thisRecord = feature.record[0:] # the attribute table record
            #     print('len of record', len(thisRecord))
            #     print(thisRecord)
            #     print('found LGA called ', thisRecord[2])
            polyShape = feature.shape  # get the spatial component
            polyRecord = feature.record  # get the attributes record (row)
            area = float(
            )  # needs to point to the area of the polygon in the data sqkm
            print('Area', area)
            resolution = 10  # default resolution
            # vary resolution based on area so bigger areas have bigger cells

            # if area < 1:
            #     resolution = 12
            # elif area > 1 and area < 1000.0:
            #     resolution = 9
            # elif area > 1000.0 and area < 30000.0:
            #     resolution = 6
            # elif area > 30000:
            #     resolution = 4

            print('using resolution ', resolution)
            # calculate the approx cell width at this resolution
            thisWidthApprox = rdggs.cell_width(
                resolution, plane=True
            )  # note only approx because we are using the planar to estimate elipsoidal
            print('++++++++++ Cell width approx  +++', thisWidthApprox, 'm')
            thisSA1 = feature.record[0]
            thisName = feature.record[2]
            # call the "call_DGGS" function to return all the DGGS cells (within polygon only)
            cells_in_poly = call_DGGS.poly_to_DGGS_tool(
                polyShape, polyRecord, resolution)
            print('number in polygon = ', len(cells_in_poly))
            #         print ('Reducing . . . ')
            #         # reduce to biggest cells
            #         theseReducedCells = call_DGGS.coalesce(cells_in_poly)
            #         #print('reduced cells =', theseReducedCells)
            #         print('1st number reduced cells =', len(theseReducedCells))
            #         # reduce again
            #         theseReducedCells = call_DGGS.coalesce(theseReducedCells)
            #         #print('2nd reduced cells =', theseReducedCells)
            #         print('2nd number reduced cells =', len(theseReducedCells))
            # #
            #     # reduce again
            #     theseReducedCells = call_DGGS.coalesce(theseReducedCells)
            #     # print('3nd reduced cells =', theseReducedCells)
            #     print('3nd number reduced cells =', len(theseReducedCells))
            #     # reduce again
            #     theseReducedCells = call_DGGS.coalesce(theseReducedCells)
            #     # print('3nd reduced cells =', theseReducedCells)
            #     print('4nd number reduced cells =', len(theseReducedCells))
            #     # # reduce again
            #     # theseReducedCells = call_DGGS.coalesce(theseReducedCells)
            #     # # print('3nd reduced cells =', theseReducedCells)
            #     # print('5nd number reduced cells =', len(theseReducedCells))

            #newRow.append((feature.record[0], feature.record[4], feature.record[13], len(theseReducedCells), theseReducedCells))
                (feature.record[0], feature.record[4], feature.record[13],
                 len(cells_in_poly), cells_in_poly))
    #for item in dataList:
    #    print(item)
    return dataList
this script converts a shapefile line feature set into DGGS equivalent
- it reads the shapefile then works through line by line figuring out the DGGS cells along that line
- the script calls the points that make up the line, then calculates the DGGS cells for those points
- if the line has sparse points along it, the user may need to 'densify' first
- any duplicated DGGS cells are filtered out
- output is as shapefile for visualiation and integration - note python 2 and python 3 versions of shapefile differ
- could be adapted to also output csv table


import shapefile  #to read and write shapefiles
from auspixdggs.auspixengine.dggs import RHEALPixDGGS
rdggs = RHEALPixDGGS()  # make an instance

# identify a shape file to get your lines from
myFile = r'C:\xxxxxxx\test_data\testPoly\waterways_test.shp'

r = shapefile.Reader(myFile)  # read in the shapefile file
# get the attribute table records (combined with shapes) ie shapeRecords
shapeRecs = r.shapeRecords()
resolution = 10  # set resolution to be used
doneDGGScells = []  #to accumlate a list of completed cells

#set up shapefile for output
w = shapefile.Writer(
)  # in this case polygons == corners of cells - this is the older verion method
w.field('DGGSrHEALPix', 'C', '20')
w.field('DGGS_reso', 'C', '20')
w.field('thisName', 'C', '20')