Exemplo n.º 1
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
    """ Send a message to get buffered in the standup queue, 
    assuming a standup is currently active.
        token (str): Authorisation hash for user
        channel_id (int): Channels' channel ID
        message (str): Message from userz

        {} (dict): Empty dictionary

    if not isinstance(token, str):
        raise AccessError('Token is invalid')

    if auth.check_token_exists(token):
        auth_user = get_user_id(token)

        raise AccessError("User does not exist.")

    if not valid_channel_id(token, channel_id):
        raise InputError('Channel ID is not a valid channel')

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise InputError("The message is longer than 1000 characters")

    channel_data = get_channel(channel_id)
    if channel_data["is_active"] is False:
        raise InputError(
            'An active standup is not currently running in this channel')

    auth_id = get_user_id(token)
    if not verify_user_member(channel_id, auth_id):
        raise AccessError('Authorised user is not a member of the channel')

    usr = get_user_profile(auth_user)

    handle = usr["handle_str"]

    global msg
    msg += f"{handle}: {message}\n"

    return {}
Exemplo n.º 2
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
    """ For a given channel, start the standup period whereby for the 
    next "length" seconds if someone calls "standup_send" with a message, 
    it is buffered during the X second window then at the end of the X 
    second window a message will be added to the message queue in the 
    channel from the user who started the standup. X is an integer that 
    denotes the number of seconds that the standup occurs for.

        token (str): Authorisation hash for user
        channel_id (int): Channels' channel ID
        length (int): Number of seconds 

        time_finish (int): Time standup finishes - Unix timestamp

    if not isinstance(token, str):
        raise AccessError('Token is invalid')

    if not auth.check_token_exists(token):
        raise AccessError("User does not exist.")

    if not valid_channel_id(token, channel_id):
        raise InputError('Channel ID is not a valid channel')

    channel_data = get_channel(channel_id)

    if channel_data["is_active"]:
        raise InputError(
            'An active standup is currently running in this channel')
        channel_data["is_active"] = True

    current_time = int(math.floor(time.time()))
    time_finish = current_time + length

    channel_data["time_finish"] = time_finish

    t = threading.Timer(length, reset_and_delay_messages,
                        [channel_data, token])

    return {'time_finish': time_finish}
Exemplo n.º 3
def user_profile(token, u_id):
    """For a valid user, returns information about their u_id, email, first name,
    last name and handle
    if not isinstance(token, str):
        raise AccessError('Token is invalid')

    if not check_uid_exists(u_id):
        raise InputError("User does not exist")

    if not auth.check_token_exists(token):
        raise AccessError("Token is invalid.")
    # check if token matches u_id beforehand
    # if not check_matching_token_and_id(token, u_id):
    #     raise InputError("Token is not matching")

    #step 2: return email, first name, last name and handle if valid
    return {
        "user": dict(list(data["users"][u_id].items())[:6]),
Exemplo n.º 4
def message_remove(token, message_id):
    """ Given a message_id for a message, this message is removed from the channel.

        token (str): Authorisation hash for user
        message_id (int): Messages' message ID

        {} (dict): Empty dictionary

    message_list = list(
        filter(lambda msg: msg["message_id"] == message_id, data["messages"]))

    if not isinstance(token, str):
        raise AccessError('Token is invalid')

    if len(message_list) == 0:
        raise InputError("Message does not exist")

    message_list = message_list[0]
    channel_id = message_list["channel_id"]

    channel_data = get_channel(channel_id)

    if auth.check_token_exists(token):
        auth_user = get_user_id(token)
        raise AccessError("User does not exist.")

    list_of_auth_users = data["permissions"][0]["users"]
    is_owner = auth_user in channel_data["owner_members"] + list_of_auth_users
    is_auth = get_token_auth(token, message_id)

    if not is_owner and not is_auth:
        raise AccessError("You are not authorised to remove this message")


    return {}
Exemplo n.º 5
def message_edit(token, message_id, message):
    """ Given a message, update it's text with new text.
        If the new message is an empty string, the message is deleted.

        token (str): Authorisation hash for user
        message_id (int): Messages' message ID
        message (str): Message from user

        {} (dict): Empty dictionary

    message_list = list(
        filter(lambda msg: msg["message_id"] == message_id, data["messages"]))

    if not isinstance(token, str):
        raise AccessError('Token is invalid')

    if len(message_list) == 0:
        raise InputError("Message does not exist")
    message_list = message_list[0]
    channel_id = message_list["channel_id"]

    channel_data = get_channel(channel_id)

    if auth.check_token_exists(token):
        auth_user = get_user_id(token)
        raise AccessError("User does not exist.")

    list_of_auth_users = data["permissions"][0]["users"]
    is_owner = auth_user in channel_data["owner_members"] + list_of_auth_users
    is_auth = get_token_auth(token, message_id)

    if not is_owner and not is_auth:
        raise AccessError("You are not authorised to edit this message")

    message_list["message"] = message
    return {}
Exemplo n.º 6
def channels_listall(token):
    """ Provies a list of all channels and their associated details.

        token (str): Authorisation hash for user

        data['channels'] (dict): A dictionary containing a list of channels

    if not isinstance(token, (bytes, str)):
        raise AccessError('Token is invalid')
    if not auth.check_token_exists(token):
        raise AccessError('Token does not exist')

    # dict(itertools.islice(data["channels"][0].items(), 2))
    # channels_list = data['channels'].copy()
    # Need case for owner of flockr
    channels_list = list(
        map(lambda d: dict(itertools.islice(d.items(), 2)), data["channels"]))

    return {"channels": channels_list}
Exemplo n.º 7
def message_react(token, message_id, react_id):
    """ Given a message within a channel the authorised user is part of, add a 
        "react" to that particular message.

        token (str): Authorisation hash for user
        message_id (int): Messages' message ID
        react_id (int): Reacts' react ID

        {} (dict): Empty dictionary

    if not isinstance(token, str):
        raise AccessError('Token is invalid')
    # Input Errors:
    # Raise Input Error if message_id is invalid
    message_list = message_reaction_checks(message_id, react_id)
    # 2. React_id is not a valid react --> only 1
    if react_id != 1:
        raise InputError("Not a valid react")
    if auth.check_token_exists(token):
        auth_user = get_user_id(token)
        raise AccessError("User does not exist.")
    list_of_reactors = message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["u_ids"]
    for user in list_of_reactors:
        if auth_user == user:
            raise InputError("This message already contains a valid react")

    if message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["react_id"] == 0:
        message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["react_id"] = react_id
    message_list = list(
        filter(lambda msg: msg["message_id"] == message_id, data["messages"]))
    # if message_list[0]["u_id"] in message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["u_ids"]:
    #     message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["is_this_user_reacted"] = True
    return {}
Exemplo n.º 8
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    """ Given a message within a channel the authorised user is part of, remove a 
        "react" to that particular message.

        token (str): Authorisation hash for user
        message_id (int): Messages' message ID
        react_id (int): Reacts' react ID

        {} (dict): Empty dictionary
    if not isinstance(token, str):
        raise AccessError('Token is invalid')
    message_list = message_reaction_checks(message_id, react_id)
    # 2. React_id is not a valid react --> only 0
    if react_id != 1:
        raise InputError("Not a valid react")
    if auth.check_token_exists(token):
        auth_user = get_user_id(token)
        raise AccessError("User does not exist.")
    if message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["react_id"] == 0:
        raise InputError("Message does not contain an active react")
    list_of_reactors = message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["u_ids"]
    if auth_user not in list_of_reactors:
        raise InputError("User has not reacted to this message")
    message_list = list(
        filter(lambda msg: msg["message_id"] == message_id, data["messages"]))
    if message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["u_ids"] == []:
        message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["react_id"] = 0
    # if message_list[0]["u_id"] not in message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["u_ids"]:
    #    message_list[0]["reacts"][0]["is_this_user_reacted"] = False
    return {}
Exemplo n.º 9
def user_profile_setemail(token, email):
    """Update the authorised user's email address"""
    # Check token is valid.
    if not isinstance(token, str):
        raise AccessError('Token is invalid')

    if not auth.check_token_exists(token):
        raise AccessError("Invalid token")

    # Check valid email.
    if not auth.check_valid_email(email):
        raise InputError("This is not a valid email")

    # Check email exists.
    if auth.check_element_exists(search_type="email", element=email):
        raise InputError("This email already exists")
    # Retrieve user_id
    user_id = get_user_id(token)
    # Retrieve user.
    user = get_user_profile(user_id)

    # Set new email.
    user["email"] = email
    return {}
Exemplo n.º 10
def message_pin(token, message_id):
    """ Given a message within a channel, mark it as "pinned" to be given
        special display treatment by the frontend.

        token (str): Authorisation hash for user
        message_id (int): Messages' message ID

        {} (dict): Empty dictionary

    if not isinstance(token, str):
        raise AccessError('Token is invalid')
    # Input Errors:
    # 1. Message_id is not a valid message
    message_list = list(filter(lambda msg: msg["message_id"] == message_id, \
    if len(message_list) == 0:
        raise InputError("Message does not exist")
    # 2. Message ID is already pinned
    if message_list[0]["is_pinned"] is True:
        raise InputError("Message already pinned")

    if auth.check_token_exists(token):
        auth_user = get_user_id(token)
        raise AccessError("User does not exist.")
    # Access Errors:
    # 1. Unauthorised user
    channel_id = message_list[0]["channel_id"]
    channel_data = get_channel(channel_id)
    if auth_user not in channel_data["owner_members"]:
        raise AccessError("User is not authorised")
    message_list[0]["is_pinned"] = True
    return {}
Exemplo n.º 11
def user_uploadphoto_http():
    """Uploads photo for the user's profile"""
    if request.is_json:

        req_data = request.get_json()
        token = req_data["token"]
        if not check_token_exists(token):
            return "Invalid Token passed", 400

        image_response = requests.get(req_data["img_url"], stream=True)
        if image_response.status_code == 200:

            # File Type
            response = requests.get(req_data["img_url"])
            filetype = response.headers["Content-Type"].split("image/")[-1]

            # File Type must be jpg
            if filetype != 'jpeg':
                return "Image uploaded is not a JPG", 400

            img = Image.open(image_response.raw)

            x1 = int(req_data["x_start"])
            y1 = int(req_data["y_start"])
            x2 = int(req_data["x_end"])
            y2 = int(req_data["y_end"])

            if x2 - x1 >= 0 and y2 - y1 >= 0 \
                and x1 >= 0 and y1 >= 0 \
                and x2 <= img.width \
                and y2 <= img.height:
                img = img.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2))
                min_bound = 10
                letters_and_digits = ascii_letters + digits

                # Randomly generates an image filename.
                img_name = "".join(
                    for c in range(min_bound))
                file_collection = database.data["file_names"]
                if len(file_collection) > 0:
                    while any(
                                map(lambda i: i["file_name"] == img_name,
                        img_name = "".join(
                            for c in range(random.randint(min_bound, 20)))

                file_collection.append({"file_name": img_name})

                # req_data["img_url"]
                user_id = get_user_id(token)
                user_profile = get_user_profile(user_id)
                url_root = request.url_root
                # print(type(url_root))
                # print(url_root)
                    "profile_img_url"] = url_root + "imgurl/" + img_name + ".jpg"
                # user_profile["profile_img_url"] = "http://localhost:5000/" + "imgurl/" + img_name + ".jpg"
                cur_path = os.getcwd()
                return {}, 200
                return "any of x_start, y_start, x_end y_end, \
                    are not within the dimensions of the image at the URL.", 404
            return "img_url returns an HTTP status other than 200.", 400
        return {}, 200
    return "JSON not received", 400