def run(self): print(self.config.username) if not self.config.is_valid(): app = QApplication([]) app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(True) auth = AuthUI() # ADD TUTORIAL WEBSITE"", 2) while not self.config.is_valid(): app.exec_() if auth.isCanceled: sys.exit() try: print("Starting auth process") self.oauth = self.config.get_oauth() self.token_info = self.oauth.get_access_token(as_dict=True) self.spotify = Spotify(auth=self.token_info["access_token"]) self.init_tray() self.listener_thread.start() self.song_queue = SongQueue() self.image_queue = ImageQueue() self.cache_manager = CacheManager(self.spotify, self.song_queue, self.image_queue) self.spotlight = SpotlightUI(self.spotify, self.song_queue) self.show_spotlight() while True: except Exception as ex: print(ex)
def run(self): # Pre checks in event of no config.json # Validation dependencies if not self.config.is_valid(): app = QApplication([]) app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(True) auth = AuthUI() while not self.config.is_valid(): app.exec_() if auth.isCanceled: sys.exit() while True: self.ui_invoke()
def __init__(self, sp: Spotify, queue: Queue): self.sp = sp self.auth_ui = AuthUI() self.command_list = [ SongCommand(), QueueCommand(), PlaylistCommand(), AlbumCommand(), ArtistCommand(), PlayingCommand(sp), ShuffleCommand(sp), LikeCommand(sp), Command("Authentication", "Enter Spotify API details", "cog", lambda: None, "", "authentication", "exe"), OnlineCommand(sp, type="song"), OnlineCommand(sp, type="queue"), OnlineCommand(sp, type="artist"), OnlineCommand(sp, type="playlist"), OnlineCommand(sp, type="album"), ParameterCommand( "Go to", "Seeks a position in the current song, i.e. 1:40", "forward", PlaybackManager.goto, "", "go to "), ParameterCommand( "Volume", "Sets the volume of your Spotify Player in range 1-10", "volume", PlaybackManager.set_volume, "", "volume "), DeviceCommand(sp), Command("Pause", "Pauses playback", "pause", PlaybackManager.pause, "", "pause", "exe"), Command("Resume", "Resumes playback", "play", PlaybackManager.resume, "", "resume", "exe"), RepeatCommand(), Command("Skip", "Skips to the next song", "forward", PlaybackManager.skip, "", "skip", "exe"), Command("Previous", "Plays the previous song", "backward", PlaybackManager.previous, "", "previous", "exe"), Command("Saved", "Plays liked music", "heart", PlaybackManager.play_liked, "", "saved", "exe"), Command("Exit", "Exit the application", "exit", PlaybackManager.exit_app, "", "exit", "exe"), Command("Share", "Copy song URL to clipboard", "share", PlaybackManager.copy_url_to_clipboard, "", "share", "exe") ] self.manager = PlaybackManager(sp, queue) self.manager.set_device("") # Sets default device CacheHolder.reload_holder("all")
def run(self): print(self.config.username) if not self.config.is_valid(): app = QApplication([]) app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(True) auth = AuthUI() # ADD TUTORIAL WEBSITE"", 2) while not self.config.is_valid(): app.exec_() if auth.isCanceled: sys.exit() try: print("Starting auth process") # sets up a Spotify username env var which is referenced elsewhere environ["SPOTIFY_USERNAME"] = self.config.username # TODO Change this to something permanent self.oauth = self.config.get_oauth() self.token_info = self.oauth.get_access_token(as_dict=True) SpotifySingleton(self.token_info["access_token"]) # Instantiate Singleton Object self.spotify = SpotifySingleton.get_instance() self.init_tray() self.listener_thread.start() self.song_queue = SongQueue() self.image_queue = ImageQueue() self.cache_manager = CacheManager(self.spotify, self.song_queue, self.image_queue) self.spotlight = SpotlightUI(self.spotify, self.song_queue, self.spotifyclient) self.show_spotlight() while True: except Exception as ex: print(ex)
def __init__(self, sp: Spotify, queue: Queue): self.sp = sp self.auth_ui = AuthUI() # store commands in a list # sp needed for some commands for some API functions i.e. check the state of song shuffle self.command_list = [ SearchCacheCommand("song"), SearchCacheCommand("queue"), SearchCacheCommand("artist"), SearchCacheCommand("album"), SearchCacheCommand("playlist"), SearchOnlineCommand("song", sp), SearchOnlineCommand("queue", sp), SearchOnlineCommand("artist", sp), SearchOnlineCommand("album", sp), SearchOnlineCommand("playlist", sp), ResumeCommand(), LikeCommand(sp), RepeatCommand(), ShuffleCommand(sp), PlayingCommand(sp), PreviousCommand(), NextCommand(), PauseCommand(), VolumeCommand(), GoToCommand(), DeviceCommand(sp), SavedCommand(), ShareCommand(), AuthenticationCommand(), ExitCommand() ] self.manager = PlaybackManager(sp, queue) # TODO create a settings json to store things like default device self.manager.set_device("") # sets device to first available CacheHolder.reload_holder( "all") # Initially loads the cache into memory
class CommandHandler: """ Handles commands and output suggestions for the Spotlight UI """ def __init__(self, sp: Spotify, queue: Queue): self.sp = sp self.auth_ui = AuthUI() # store commands in a list # sp needed for some commands for some API functions i.e. check the state of song shuffle self.command_list = [ SearchCacheCommand("song"), SearchCacheCommand("queue"), SearchCacheCommand("artist"), SearchCacheCommand("album"), SearchCacheCommand("playlist"), SearchOnlineCommand("song", sp), SearchOnlineCommand("queue", sp), SearchOnlineCommand("artist", sp), SearchOnlineCommand("album", sp), SearchOnlineCommand("playlist", sp), ResumeCommand(), LikeCommand(sp), RepeatCommand(), ShuffleCommand(sp), PlayingCommand(sp), PreviousCommand(), NextCommand(), PauseCommand(), VolumeCommand(), GoToCommand(), DeviceCommand(sp), SavedCommand(), ShareCommand(), AuthenticationCommand(), ExitCommand() ] self.manager = PlaybackManager(sp, queue) # TODO create a settings json to store things like default device CacheHolder.reload_holder( "all") # Initially loads the cache into memory def get_command_suggestions(self, text: str) -> list: """ Used to return a list of Suggestion objects to be displayed :param text: Text from textbox widget on Spotlight UI :return: list of Suggestion objects corresponding to the text parameter """ CacheHolder.check_reload( "all" ) # Reloads cached suggestions if time since last reload has surpassed 5 minutes suggestions = [] if text == "": return suggestions for command in self.command_list: prefix = command.prefix if prefix.startswith(text) or text.startswith(prefix): if text > prefix: parameter = text[len(prefix):] else: parameter = "" suggestions.extend( command.get_suggestions(parameter=parameter)) if not suggestions: # gets song suggestions if no other matches are found suggestions = self.command_list[0].get_suggestions(parameter=text) return suggestions def execute_function(self, suggestion: Suggestion): """ Executes a command :param suggestion: Suggestion Object """ try: if suggestion.title == "Authentication": # opens Auth UI, needs changed at some point elif suggestion.parameter == "": # executes Suggestion's function suggestion.function(self.manager) else: # executes Suggestion's function with a string parameter suggestion.function(self.manager, suggestion.parameter) except: print("[Error] Command failed to execute")
class CommandHandler: def __init__(self, sp: Spotify, queue: Queue): self.sp = sp self.auth_ui = AuthUI() self.command_list = [ SongCommand(), QueueCommand(), PlaylistCommand(), AlbumCommand(), ArtistCommand(), PlayingCommand(sp), ShuffleCommand(sp), LikeCommand(sp), Command("Authentication", "Enter Spotify API details", "cog", lambda: None, "", "authentication", "exe"), OnlineCommand(sp, type="song"), OnlineCommand(sp, type="queue"), OnlineCommand(sp, type="artist"), OnlineCommand(sp, type="playlist"), OnlineCommand(sp, type="album"), ParameterCommand( "Go to", "Seeks a position in the current song, i.e. 1:40", "forward", PlaybackManager.goto, "", "go to "), ParameterCommand( "Volume", "Sets the volume of your Spotify Player in range 1-10", "volume", PlaybackManager.set_volume, "", "volume "), DeviceCommand(sp), Command("Pause", "Pauses playback", "pause", PlaybackManager.pause, "", "pause", "exe"), Command("Resume", "Resumes playback", "play", PlaybackManager.resume, "", "resume", "exe"), RepeatCommand(), Command("Skip", "Skips to the next song", "forward", PlaybackManager.skip, "", "skip", "exe"), Command("Previous", "Plays the previous song", "backward", PlaybackManager.previous, "", "previous", "exe"), Command("Saved", "Plays liked music", "heart", PlaybackManager.play_liked, "", "saved", "exe"), Command("Exit", "Exit the application", "exit", PlaybackManager.exit_app, "", "exit", "exe"), Command("Share", "Copy song URL to clipboard", "share", PlaybackManager.copy_url_to_clipboard, "", "share", "exe") ] self.manager = PlaybackManager(sp, queue) self.manager.set_device("") # Sets default device CacheHolder.reload_holder("all") def get_command_suggestions(self, text: str) -> list: """ Used to return a list of Suggestion objects to be displayed :param text: Text from textbox widget on GUI :return: list of Suggestion objects corresponding to the text parameter """ CacheHolder.check_reload( "all" ) # Reloads cached items if time since last reload has surpassed 5 minutes suggestions = [] for command in self.command_list: prefix = command.prefix if prefix.startswith(text) or text.startswith(prefix): if issubclass(command.__class__, Menu): if len(prefix) >= len(text): suggestions.extend( command.get_items(True if command.prefix == text else False)) else: if text > prefix: command.parameter = text[len(prefix):] else: command.parameter = "" suggestions.extend(command.get_items()) if not suggestions: # gets song suggestions if no other matches are found self.command_list[0].parameter = text suggestions = self.command_list[0].get_items() return suggestions def perform_command(self, command: Suggestion): """ Executes a command :param command: Suggestion object :return: """ try: if command.title == "Authentication": elif command.parameter == "": command.function(self.manager) else: command.function(self.manager, command.parameter) except: print("[Error] Command failed to execute")